Joe Rogan | Materialism Doesn't Make You Happier w/Johann Hari

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nobody had ever scientifically investigated this until an incredible guy I got to know called Professor Tim caso who's at Knox College and Illinois and professor Kassar made some really important breakthroughs in this so there's two ways everyone listening to your show has two kinds of motivation in their life right we're all a mixture of both so imagine if you play the piano in the morning because you love playing the piano it gives you joy right that would be what's called an intrinsic reason to play the piano right you're not doing it to get anything out of it that's just that's the thing you love right it sounds like jiu-jitsu was like that bu writing is like that for me everyone will have something in their life that just gives them joy as they do it right okay now imagine you played the piano not I don't know not because you love it but because your parents are massively pressuring you it's their dream for you or in a dive bar that you can't stand to pay the rent or could impress a woman right that would be what's called an extrinsic reason to play the piano right you're not doing it because that thing gives you joy you're doing it to get something further down the line right now obviously we're all an extra base but professor caster showed a couple of really interesting things firstly the more you are driven by extrinsic values the more your intrinsic values are starved the more likely you are to become depressed and anxious but quite significant amount he also showed as a culture as a society we have become much more driven by these junk values right we've become much more driven by think about how Instagram makes you feel sure right we've become much more driven by this hollow external sense of it think about something simple as I was a while ago I was at Elton John's last night in Caesars Palace right amazing thing to be at and about half the [ __ ] room is is filming it on that isn't even looking at out and John they're just watching it through their phone now that's a small example but you can see what they're doing in order to display their life to invite Envy from other people they are not living their life no one wants to watch your shitty video about them John there's a hundred thousands of interviewer videos about and John that are much better than yours right why are you doing that you're never going to watch it either you're doing it to say to other people envy me right it doesn't make you feel good in that room actually makes you feel worse you're not enjoying the perience and it makes them feel like [ __ ] because it makes your trying to invite envy and your friends that's a small example of a much wider thing of the kind of junk values that have taken our minds so the reason that relates to what you're asking about Brazil is professor Castro has shown those two sets of solutions to these junk values taken over our minds one is it's like [ __ ] air pollution you know get the messaging out of your head more eighteen month old children know what the McDonald's M means then know their own surname their own last name right from the moment it's professor Casa put it to me from the moment we're born we're immersed in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what is important about life right none of your listeners will lie on their deathbeds and think about all the [ __ ] they bought and all the likes they got an Instagram they'll think about moments of meaning in connection that's like a banal obvious thing but we're constantly pushed to not think in those terms to think about show it off buy spend right these junk values have taken over our minds so part of the solution is just [ __ ] get rid of most of this advertising get rid of most of this you know very tightly regulated but in doing so you limit Commerce you're limiting people's ability to sell things you're you're changing the current market that a lot of people don't have any problem with I know this is a heresy in the United States but well I'm limiting commercial speech is fine by me yeah I think it's fascinating I think it's a fascinating discussion but it is in the in a sense it's limiting free speech as well I mean and we have a real problem with that the problem with it is that as soon as you start to put any regulations at all and you know you say oh you shouldn't be allowed to advertising to advertise even if it's advertising honestly about a great product people will have real issues with this we already have advertising regulation you can't you can't pop an advert saying I've found the cure for cancer right that's what I'm saying yeah so this is I would argue this is a tightening so for example in London there was a big controversy and a couple years back skinny billboards exactly so was this it was a billboard of a impossibly hot women an impossibly hot man and the billboard said something like are you Beachbody ready right the clear implication being if you don't look like these people who you'll never [ __ ] look like you're not ready to go to the beach and the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan just said this you can't do this right why you can still advertise your body building but that's so silly I mean this is it's not an unobtainable ideal you're looking at two examples of it okay they're real human beings yeah but that's like I mean anyway I mean I'm saying that you have to be that way but if you do want to look like that man and have that body it is a possible goal I mean it's not possible for the vast majority of people right like if they don't have the time or the effort it's not but very many people have radically changed their body I'm not saying no I'm not saying you should do it it is a possible thing to do and if you're trying to sell Fitness wouldn't you sell an example if someone is really good at it like if you're trying to sell a business course wouldn't you show a guy with a giant house and a Ferrari like this is the guy who's done really well at business look at his penthouse apartment overlooking Manhattan you wouldn't shut you wouldn't say well that's an impossible goal I'm gonna show you a person in a middle-class suburb because as good as you ever gonna get I think that's a fair point I think it's two things going on isn't there there's the freedom of people to market where they want to do and there's it's a nanny state issue there you have a problem with by saying that yeah these are impossible to achieve body goals we already have regulation of these things so and people don't call that a nanny state thing I think so just as I have regulation these things but that that is you're not I mean this I don't think there's a good example what's a better example so professor caso said there's two sets of solutions these junk values problems there's get the contaminants out of the atmosphere sort of thing which he says is actually a weaker one than the second set of solutions is so how do we stop people being pumped full of [ __ ] junk values right you keep them on what it's happening to them and make it less appealing well this is the second part and you've gone to what I think was most important part of the research professor Casa did he was working with a guy called Nathan Dungan and Nathan is a going to be nathan is a financial adviser in Minneapolis and his job was to work with adults who found trouble budgeting and explained budgeting to them and help them do it right and it gets a call from a school I was kind of middle-class school wasn't super rich wasn't poor it was a middle class where they're having a problem that the kids at this school were becoming obsessed with getting like the latest Nike sneakers or the latest iPhone or whatever it was and if their parents couldn't afford it the kids were really freaking out right so they say - Nathan would you come in and just explain budgeting to these kids right so anything goes in he tries to explain budgeting and quickly realizes these kids they give a [ __ ] about budgeting right there's something else going on here they are so obsessed with getting these things so with professor caso he designs this program that led to a really interesting breakthrough I think people can try at home right you don't have to do in this context so they've got and you can do it just as adults but they did it with parents and their teenagers right they come in it was once every couple of weeks first think four months and at first they just say the first meeting they had they just said write a list of everything you have got to have they didn't define that right and people of course say like a home a car whatever but quite quickly people would say Nike sneakers the parents would name expensive things and they got okay tell me how you would feel if you got these Nike sneakers right and very rarely only any of them were like basketball players where it's like I need the jump or whatever if that's the right phrase and it was very almost immediately I'd be accepted by the group people would envy me right yeah these insights are just beneath the surface where they go who put that idea in your head where did you get that idea and of course everyone thinks they're smarter than the ad but giving people the ability just to see how Hollow those junk values were that was the first part second part was much more interesting it took longer then I would have in future sessions they'd say well okay given that's not actually made you feel better what are moments in your life when you have that satisfied happy in a flow State what are things that are meaningful to you people you know whole range of things playing sports playing music reading whatever it was right and they said okay how could we build more of that into your life and less of these junk values how could you do more of this every week and just meeting we don't have these conversations in our culture by often just meeting once every couple of weeks and check-in emulator and go actually I managed to play a guitar for an hour every day I managed on Saturday to take my kid to the beach and we went or whatever get a stifle materialism what it led to such as monitor by professor casa it led to a significant shifts in people's values that they they they had a significant decrease in drunk families and a significant increase in in more meaningful intrinsic values and we know that that correlates with lower depression and anxiety over time the weird thing is I sometimes feel like with all my with both my books chasing screaming lost connections I sometimes feel like I'm giving people permission to know the thing they already know
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: QWpJ5LivdA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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