Joe Rogan Goes Off on Flat Earthers

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you're full and your own tattoo on the app oh man we're getting little kids there's a doctrine ation they're trying to get these kids to accept the numbers when they come and collect us all four camps okay what was he saying the other day about robots yeah who was that what it was you like said something like you could you tweeted him back like what was that sometimes he says [ __ ] that I just go what you need someone like me next to you all the time that's what Alex Jones needs he just needs me to go hey man what stop stop stop stop that might not be it some people need a rudder you know I'm saying yeah and by the way if I'm your rudder you got a serious [ __ ] problem got a serious [ __ ] problem I was hoping that flat earth or what's gonna like yeah I was waiting I was so excited for this he's done it before he shot himself like a hundred and sixty miles into space no he did I think he did shoot himself like 1.6 miles into the air something ridiculous in the past and he recovered took him like several days to recover from the g-forces I do believe that this is something that was in the article it might be something he said he might just be crazy yeah he's trying to be like Evel Knievel he was trying to do a bunch of different things and he jumped onto the Flat Earth thing about a year ago to gain money he said oh he's trying to like jump a limo over a [ __ ] Gorge sometimes she like that but no one believes wait a minute how do you know yes they do I read the article yeah you know what I read one of the craziest [ __ ] arguments someone said one of the Flat Earth proponents said about it if this is going around apparently so forget me forgive me if you've heard this but the idea that a ship doesn't really disappear over the horizon you could always zoom in on it if you just have enough of a powerful lens in your camera so they think that that in some way is proof that the earth is flat that's just proof of how far you can see it's all it is like she don't understand like the the curve of the earth it takes forever it's [ __ ] huge like you're I get what people are doing like go hokum if you zoom out you can see well you can't forever that's why you can't see Mount Kilimanjaro from your [ __ ] living room in Santa Monica great [ __ ] right all right it's a curve to it it just takes a long-ass time and you can't see the boat long before it goes over the curve because unless you're talking about a giant ass boat and even a giant ass boat at 30 miles away which is what you still be able to see some of it that's too far for your eyes so if you zoom in with some sort of a crazy spotting scope or something like that yeah you'll be able to see it for a little while and then in another couple hours it'll be gone it's gonna comb over the topic but they wanted to be real so bad they want it to be real so bad that they come up with these things that aren't true as examples why the earth is flat and the big one was how come every photo of the Earth from space is a composite you didn't even bother to look into it because that's not true if there's a [ __ ] satellite that takes a high-resolution photo of the earth something like every 10 minutes it's the Himawari eight it's a Japanese I'll you go online you get a look at the pictures it shows where every [ __ ] storm cloud is all over the country in real time so if there's a storm that's hitting Cuba you go to that you look at that image from that day where the storm is you'll see the [ __ ] storm like it's all real if you don't believe that's real do you believe that someone is so good at hiding [ __ ] that they've kept all the images of the Flat Earth from ever being published that no one has been able to train the history people it's been able to travel past the ice wall into the the nether region of hobbits and gnomes and pixie elves it's just mental health you know we have a huge problem it's lack of education it's lack of education and then it's also being committed to these ideas to the point where they're a part of you it's its idea identity politics this is what it is when you when you believe in an idea so much that you don't and I've been guilty of this and I think everybody has at one point in your life you've been guilty of not really looking at it for what it is but instead looking at it for what you want it to be and for what you've already committed yourself to believing in that's a big part of the problem a big part of the problem with people is you commit yourself to believing in something and then when you commit yourself to believe in something anything that's contrary to that believed gets fought viciously you shut it down you interrupt by all means necessary you mock it you deride it you don't examine it objectively you don't look at it objectively you just look for a way to shoot it down look for a way to [ __ ] on it look for a way if in any fall back on the government lies all the time I never believed them fall back on all these different positions but at the end of the day if you look at it from just like well okay what's the most likely thing the most likely thing is it's round they figured it out they know it's round you can see it from space they've taken pictures of it people have absolutely flying the space station there's videos of the the [ __ ] the thing landing on the sky people pulling people out of the water they've seen they've gone into space okay they've taken pictures this is all real there's satellites they're real if you get satellite radio it's real okay it's really from a satellite when you get DirecTV it's real it's in space it's orbiting the [ __ ] earth there's flight patterns that are carefully calculated that are going around the earth everybody would have to be lying do you understand how crazy it is I'm with you on a lot of conspiracies I'm with you on Operation Northwoods I'm with you on the gulf of tonkin [ __ ] you get me high enough I'll go area 51 on you I'll go Bob Lazar I'll go I'll go deep on someone who the [ __ ] knows wacky [ __ ] till you get to the earth being fat and that's when I go you're just chasing your tail you're chasing your [ __ ] tail these angry little pricks call me a shill they're just shingles around her shell she put a perfect perfect advertising advertising young Jamie calm yourself around earth shield t-shirt by Christmas and they're very soft cotton feels wonderful again yeah I think it's almost like a troll what do you not man I'm telling you I used to think that - it started out as a troll this is what I think happened I think it became an exercise in psychology from what I've understood one of understood and I might be wrong but from what little I've done poking around about this it seems like this might have started on 4chan and it might have started as a joke that there's always been a certain percentage of people that believe that the world was flat there's always a certain percentage just like there's a certain percentage of Muniz there's a certain percentage of people that you know or Satan worshippers ooh people just there's wacky beliefs and people get attached to these wacky beliefs and they [ __ ] cling to them yeah and they say in whatever it is whatever whatever the belief is there's a certain percentage of people that have always thought the earth was flat but then what I read was that someone on 4chan started trolling and that by trolling and trying to post this fake evidence about the world being flat a bunch of people bought it and they ran with it and not only they run with it they started to ramp it up and add things to it and Flat Earth theory became a thing and these people all decided that this was like a legitimate pursuit that there is some Illuminati some group of Jews it's always Jews that are hiding all the information that somehow or another they've talked all the mapmakers all the people that work in commercial shipping all the people that are flying airplanes all the people that are making satellites anyone in aerospace all these [ __ ] people all these people all these people are all together and they're all lying okay and I am don't I am too or maybe just listen to this maybe you're chasing your [ __ ] tail and you're confusing the [ __ ] out of some people that are dumber than you because of your inability to look at what it is versus what you want it to be you heard me I'm not right about everything don't get me wrong you're [ __ ] I'm right about this there's no [ __ ] reason why someone would lie about the shape of the planet benefit in it there's no reason why anybody would conceal that information there's no benefit if someone found out the earth was flat they would be [ __ ] singing it from the rooftops any real scientist any real person who's been in the space station any real person's flying the space shuttle they're real I know you knew him I've met him I had that Chris Conrad guy is that his name Chris Hadfield Chris Hadfield forget his [ __ ] name commander Chris Hadfield he was wonderful he was in space for a long time talking about the effects of it when he came down and how how bad it [ __ ] up his body that was a fascinating podcast I remember I think I got like 40 minutes with him then he had to go it's like one of those quick little things and he was amazing you're talking to a guy that's been circling the [ __ ] planet in a metal box no let's not rule it's real no it is real this is the reason why your phone works understand this the people this is what's ironic the people that are doubting the highest minds and the most competent technological innovators in the world like the most competent people are the people that are involved in like aerospace airplane construction jet putt construction cell phones computers those are the people that are at the top of the [ __ ] heap and these Apes that are using these devices to say that the world is flat you're doing just what a massive disservice you're doing to the very minds that have created the thing that you're using to complain with this ridiculous idea that someone's hiding the information from all the people because they don't want you to know that the world is like your phone man I get it I want to believe Bigfoots real I get it I want to believe if you show me some [ __ ] half-assed Bigfoot footage I'll watch it three four times in a row I'll go one day maybe maybe maybe hey baby you never know there's a lot of parts of the world we never go to and also I want deep in the Congo I wouldn't be surprised right I want to believe but I'm also objective you got to be both I know you want to believe the earth is flat I'm super sorry but it appears to be round as [ __ ] just like every other planet we've ever looked at all of them imagine how crazy would be if earth was flat well here's the problem with this idea you [ __ ] dummies a lot of the people behind this idea believe that it was created by God like on a pizza tray like that that this is part of a religious belief is that God made this Flat Earth in the cosmos and it's all about us this is part of it this is this is a connected to your group true you're so arrogant with your idea no I'm [ __ ] dumb okay but I'm smart enough to know the world's round crazy [ __ ]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,777,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, podcast, MMA, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, JRE, clip, favorite, best of, Joe Rogan, flat earth
Id: 45ZW93IvFJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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