Joe Nichols - Sunny and 75 (Official Music Video)
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Channel: JoeNicholsVEVO
Views: 15,070,379
Rating: 4.8333154 out of 5
Keywords: joe nichols, vevo, vevo music, vevo playlist, joe nichols vevo, joenicholsvevo, country, Sunny and 75
Id: hZwVvwp8i-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2013
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Really makes you feel there, doesn't it? After hearing this song i checked out the whole album and it's quite pleasant to listen to.
Very addictive song. I've listend to it way too much on The Highway this summer, so I'm kind of tire of it though. I'll check a look at the album to see what Joe Nichols is up to though.