Joe Flaherty On Why An SCTV Reunion Never Happened | Letterman

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uh this man is one of the alumni ofv and after  making several films he is back on television   with this program we've been talking about tonight  Maniac Mansion you can see it on Sunday nights   on the Family Channel ladies and Gentlemen  please welcome Joe Flaherty Joe are you back there haven't seen you in a long time thank you  very much for being here I just want to get of   yeah okay that's right you H the count out way you  used to be count Floyd on the SCV prr yes I did I   was count Floyd onv and you were also guy cabalero  the station manager yeah yeah two more characters   that I'm sure a Shar never heard of either no tell  you that woman she chaps my guilt you'll come out   here Joe flarity Maniac Mansion Stone just a stone  face that's all right not even know who's he yeah   but in 20 years where do you think the two of you  will oh never mind um uh who else was on that SCV   show let's run down quickly you John Candy Johnny  uh uh oh I can't RI Moran Rick Moranis of course   um Dave Thomas Dave Thomas Katherine O'Hara  Katherine oara Andrea Martin Andrea Martin   Martin Short Martin Short and myself yeah and  this show is one of those things that will run   in perpetuity and and every time I run across an  episode of one of these it's fascinating it's all   great great comedy yes you well you like the show  even from the very first everybody liked the show   yes you are a big fan yeah now is there I know  this is a stupid question uh but is there ever   anybody talking about let's get everybody back  together and we'll we'll have kind of a movie with   all of those folks oh Eugene Levy were leaving  up oh yeah Eugene yes yes um well he's not doing   anything these days screw him he hasn't worked in  a long time yeah no no he's F he's these directing   films um now you said yeah get together I we tried  that movie or something yeah we got together for a   little while and uh um you know was that whole  thing well who's going to well who's going to   write it who's going to do that who's going to do  that and you know we just kind of threw up arms   the hell is this leave leave that in your dressing  room whatever I called up your mother and got some [Applause] information that was your uh your  potty training that was you know this this   Maniac Mansion is is a very entertaining program  explain to people the the premise and kind of   highlight some of the characters in it for us  okay well it's um let's see it's based on a u   a computer game a Lucas George Lucas computer game  which uh it's has nothing to do with not remotely   a thing to do with the computer I don't know how  it started that way but anyway um I play Dr Fred   Edison this somewhat eccentric um scientist  we have a mansion over a meteorite that has   these mysterious uh properties that that kind  of you know that has an energy field that that   can mutate things basically that's so uh given  that premise of course that we can mutate things   and Hell Breaks Loose yeah uh let's let's we  have uh some video tape of the show sure you   know what we're going to look at uh this was  actually the first show of this season and I   was talking about the different directions the  show was going to go in because we weren't happy   with the direction it was going in so this  is the way the show was going to look now are   you happy in this direction or not happy in this  direction no we bombed in this one too okay here   it is whatever Maniac Mansion watch closely now  case before you put the squeeze on me what's for dinner anyway I'm not here to ask you for money I knew it I'm dead most times do  but what I really need is the car not   case how many times have I told you the  braks [Music] [Applause] need Jer [Music] Cas but now that's that's that's not the  show that's you doing like Married with   Children the show actually you know what  we do is we do a lot of parodies on the   show we're slipping more and more of those  in mutations and parodies they seem to go   hand in hand what are we doing now oh I've  been told we must do a commercial we'll be   wck here with Joe FL right after this are we  finished we must leave the airwaves ladies and   gentlemen my thanks to Joe flare Marv Albert  and of course the lovely share good night everyone
Channel: Letterman
Views: 63,268
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Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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