JOE DISPENZA - UNLOCKING THE HUMAN MIND: How To Rewrite Your Story - Part 1/2 | London Real

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yes there is this kind of disorderliness that's taking place globally whether it's the environment whether it's politics there has to be something new that has to replace it so as certain things begin to break down we have to make a choice to how to create order he and we can't respond to those conditions with anger we can't respond to those conditions with hatred or fear because that's the very consciousness that's driving it in the first place the first part in truly creating a new personal reality is overcoming your present personality you got to get beyond the normal thinking patterns the normal urges of action and habits to get beyond certain emotions that are residuals from the day before that's the work right there that's the part you have to overcome so I'm hopeful that everything that we're doing you know in the world so it's giving them tools to begin to apply to their lives I've interviewed of hundreds and hundreds of people that have healed themselves from all kinds of health conditions healing from leukemia or stage four cancer so grateful to dr. Joe came into my life you know at a really critical time I'm telling you that I'm more mystified I'm more surprised lately than I can't believe what we're witnessing I am I'm humbled don't even ask me how it's happening I just every every event we're just going Wow let's sit down here and just think about what we're doing it's amazing I think the challenge is is that people have to wake up and the question is how uncomfortable do you have to become before you make up your mind to change something [Music] the world is changing inspiration is everywhere it has never been so easy to connect share and bring people together we're learning from others and finding the best in ourselves [Music] challenging our beliefs sharing our vulnerability overcoming our fears transforming ourselves so we can transform the world how far can we go this is London real I am Brian Rose my guest today is my friend dr. Joe Dispenza is back on London real for the fourth time and there's so many things I love about Joe but one of my favorite is something we talked about on the episode and that's about being grateful for your future and instead of worrying about all the things you want to accomplish and all the goals that you think you can achieve it's just to be grateful for all the wonderful things that are gonna happen in your life in the future and once that's set in your head be in the present moment Joe calls it the generous present moment and the truth is is that whatever we pay attention to is what we put most of our energy in and if we're always worried about the past or the future we can't be present and be our best selves right now and Joe was also super helpful in this episode because I talked to him about trauma I had when I was 7 years old when my parents got divorced and I was leaving the next day to go to San Diego to speak to both of my parents about it and Joe had some really good advice as far as understandings forgiving and trying to have empathy for other people in your life that might have caused you some trauma that maybe didn't really have anything to do with you but had more to do with them and living their life so I know you're gonna enjoy this episode with Joe he always dropped some incredible knowledge I think Joe was on fire for this episode he's on point for the entire thing so sit back and enjoy this incredible episode [Music] this is London real I am Brian Rose my guest today is dr. Joe Dispenza the New York Times bestselling author international lecturer researcher and educator your work focuses on the intersection of neuroscience epigenetics and quantum physics driven by the conviction that each one of us has the potential for greatness you specialize in teaching people to rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes dr. Joe welcome back to London real thanks so much Brian I'm always happy to be with you always great to have you here you know you move a lot I mean we were just talking I mean you just listed off about 20 cities that you're in you're going to Russia Italy Rome America you know tell me about your schedule well you know from the very beginning my theory is I'll always go where I'm inviting and being invited so if you stopped inviting me it's time for me to do something else but you know I think this is a time in history where people are really wanting to know how to do it so we're seeing great changes in the measurements that we've done brain scans HRV measurements epigenetic changes immune regulation telomere lengths we're seeing great changes in the biology of people's brains and bodies and the evidence it shows us that it's actually possible to do it and at the same time we're seeing a lot of great testimony you know people telling their stories of healing from leukemia or stage four cancer tumors disappearing or Parkinson's disease going into remission we're seeing the evidence in testimony and I think evidence is the loudest voice right now and so I think many people are interested in understanding how to do it so my schedule has gotten super busy because people want to know how and so we're just responding to people's needs and just culturally speaking whether we're in Moscow or whether we're in Rome or whether we're in Mexico City or the United States or London we just move around a lot because we do these events that teach people how to do it you know when I turn on the news I see a bunch of people fighting with each other you know and I see brexit here in the UK knife crime up I look in the US and there's the election cycle there's shooting and yet on the other side there's more people than ever are feeling your message and thinking wait a second we can empower ourselves how do you how do you you know sort those two out in your head yeah I think that when you start seeing this kind of global chaos that's going on chaos to me is unpredictable order there's a novelty in chaos because the newness of information that's being created takes us out of the familiar and out of the known and that's a good sign because the side effect of that is the current systems begin to break down in so yes there is this kind of disorderliness that's taking place globally whether it's the environment whether it's politics whether it's economics whether it's religion education journalism the medical model it's all kind of coming apart and there has to be something new that has to replace it so as certain things begin to break down we have to make a choice to how to create order out of that disorder and we can't respond to those conditions with anger we can't respond to those conditions with hatred or fear because that's the very consciousness that's driving it in the first place so we're seeing this kind of extreme reality where there's a polarization between both worlds and I think it's healthy and so the optimism that I have is that if you teach people then how to be able to become more self dependent and teach them that they have the resources to heal their body or to create opportunities in their lives they can begin to take the energy of that disorderliness and by creating more coherence and brain coherence and heart coherence in the midst of when everything else is collapsing I think then you'll begin to see changes that people will begin to execute and create something greater so I'm hopeful that everything that we're doing you know in the world is giving people the tools it's giving them tools to begin to apply to their lives so the only way that change is going to take place is if you see the evidence of the collapse right in front of you I think the challenge is is that people have to wake up and the question is how uncomfortable do you have to become before you make up your mind to change something now I'm not just talking about individuals I'm talking about the living organism of the species of human beings and so with information comes knowledge and when you learn new information you become aware of what you are unaware of and awareness is consciousness and consciousness is commingled with a change in energy so there's this kind of energetic change going on in the planet and we have to learn how to use that energy and to harness it and reorganize it in fact I believe that that energy is endorsing who you're being so then whatever your belief is whether you're believing it's the end of the Mayan calendar on the beginning of a new house or you know there's some changes going on and the solar flares or whatever your belief is that energy that's taking place right now can be used to endorse if you're fearful we are going to experience more feel fear or more anxiety if you're using that energy and learning how to create order out of it it's going to endorse some greater outcome for you whether it's health or wealth or whatever you're after in your life so so the polarity or the extremity that's being created I think is necessary for something greater to happen and and as I've said in the past you know you don't try to fix this we just figure out a way to create something better and when you create something better everybody leaves this and naturally it goes here it's just antiquated so we just got to get we got to get really sharp and and see through the the illusion of what's taking place and I just don't want to wait till it gets so uncomfortable that though it's too late to to begin to act and that's kind of what drives me more than anything else well cuz I see a lot of anger out there and maybe I don't know how much is real you know because you see it on the news and don't see it on social media and the wars and the tweets and stuff and sometimes I don't know if that's what's real on the ground or not but it doesn't that's not what you're going for your good trying to get people to the new reality by not reacting that well it's kind of interesting because I'm not sure I believe anything that I see on television any longer I just I'm just not sure that it's that it's actually factual and you know I travel around the world and whether whatever place or country or or city that I'm in there's a general sense of goodness with people I think people are wired to care for one another to take care of one another to inform one another to support one another to heal one another to give to one another I think we're wired that way and I think that if you want to diminish that kind of virtuous t'k behavior you you create the stress hormones and you create fear you create hostility you create anger you create pain you create suffering and it's those emotions that begin to create separation now I don't trust you any longer because in in survival you have to take care of yourself and survival becomes very selfish a set of chemicals that cause to endorse our ego you know so I think that in this current time we have to be able to rise above those emotional states and and when you do you're no longer controlled I think the best way to control people is the control their emotions and when you can control their emotions of course you're gonna keep their attention moving from one thing to the next and while everybody's looking at all of this drama you know something else is going on over here and I'm more interested in looking at that and so I don't really look at journalism the same way I don't look at the media the same way because I don't necessarily believe that I'm getting the whole story so people aren't angry about that and I think the anger is good when it's seen as an energy of disturbance but that should motivate us to act or to do something about it and and and you know it's that whole whole analogy of a the frog in the boiling water you just you know just keep you get desensitize you get more desensitized get more desensitizing at what point you start burning you know what points you start realizing it's getting - hot I just think we have to get to that point now so by creating something for people to utilize that you're not relying on so many things outside of you to bring you joy or you know this kind of subconscious program of being a victim you say Brian why are you so upset today well I'm upset because of this person or this thing what that really means is is that some person or some condition in your environment is controlling the way you're feeling and the way you're thinking well if you're if something is outside of you is controlling the way you feel in the way you think your victim to your environment and so then there is this dramatic polarity that goes on when things are going well you're happy when things aren't going well you're sad but when you learn how to self-regulate and create more coherence in your brain and heart and that's what we work that's what our message is then you're no longer dependent on your outer world controlling your mood in fact you begin to realize how you think and feel begins to produce effects in your outer life now you start believing more you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life now that isn't something that you take one bite of and swallow when it's all over it's a process of Repat earning it's a process of rewiring it's a process of reconditioning it's a process of self-reflection and awareness and changing those beliefs and that's the work and yet people are doing it so when you begin to realize then well I can't respond to the same conditions in my life with the same emotions in the same thoughts because if I believe that the way I feel in the way I think creates reality if I'm reacting to the same thoughts and feelings equal to the conditions in my life in the same way then I keep reaffirming the same life so then a person has to retreat from their life retreat from their environment disconnect from their outer world and begin to lay down patterns neurologically in their brain so that their brain is no longer a record of the past they're priming their brain and beginning to lay down the circuitry for them to think in different ways to begin to close their eyes and rehearsed who they're gonna be in that day and the act of mentally rehearsing begins to install the neurological hardware in their brain so their brain looks like the experience is already happening or has already happened now the brain is no longer a record of the past now we're creating a map to the future now it's practicing gratitude before it happens well now the emotion right now so then the action of rehearsal in installing the neurological hardware by firing and wiring the same circuitry the hardware becomes a software program which means you're gonna start automatically acting like a different person you're gonna start automatically thinking in new ways and then to trade guilt or anxiety or aggression or hatred or anger to say those are emotions of the past and as long as I live by these emotions those emotions are influencing my thoughts if emotions are a record of the past then I'm thinking in the past so my past is going to be my future so if I want to be wealthy I can't bring lack if I want to be happy I can't bring pain well so then let's get beyond the emotion so by trading those limited survival emotions and teaching people how to elevate their emotional state and really measure to tell them you're doing it or you're not doing it when you teach your body emotionally what that future is going to feel like and you say I'm not going to get up until I feel this feeling and I'm locked into that feeling well the side effect of that is let's just say that you can contact the emotions of your future and you teach your body what it feels like emotionally the joy the gratitude the appreciation love for life the joy for existence the inspiration and you know most people do that in the beginning they feel kind of funny like why am I doing this because they've been hypnotized and conditioned to need a reason to feel that something outside of them has got to change how they feel inside of them so they spend their whole life and lack and emptiness waiting for it to happen but living in lack isn't going to create it so your front-loading it and that feels weird at first at first right first but if you start understanding what you're doing and why you're doing it and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you're gonna pay attention to the picture in your mind you begin to remember your future you are branding that circuitry in your brain and now you're emotionally conditioning your body into the future now here's the side effect of that if you can do that properly and become familiar with those states of mind and body and you get up feeling like your future has already happened I guarantee you you're gonna stop looking for it I guarantee you you're gonna stop analyzing why it's come why it hasn't happened you're gonna feel like it has already happened now the work is to be able to maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day you got to be able to sustain that state independent of your co-workers independent of your boss independent of your ex independent of your finances independent of your the traffic and if you're able to do that you will begin to see the feedback in your life in a sense when energy makes it to the heart it begins to broaden the field around the body an energy that's literally measurable a magnetic field and that energy is a frequency and that frequency can carry the thought of your health of your wealth of your freedom of your new relationship of your new job the frequency or the emotion of suffering can't carry the thought of health it can carry the thought of your new future so then when there's a vibrational match between the energy because we're always emitting energy and information when there's a vibrational match between your energy and some possibility that exists in the quantum field something magical happens because once energy makes it to your heart you're creating from the field instead of from matter now this weird thing starts to happen and things start coming to you now you don't have to rush anywhere to get it you're not creating a matter to matter from three-dimensional reality three-dimensional reality that takes time you're creating from the field and it's the field that creates matter so all of a sudden you start seeing things coming to you when you see that and you start to see that they're coming in unusual ways that surprise you you're going to begin to wake up to the fact that you're probably more the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life so teaching people how to do that and then be able to become studious to become the scientists in their life to measure the effects of them at cause whatever's going on in the news whatever is going on and the media whatever is going on it doesn't it's incidental to the fact that now they're beginning to make great strides so but people come you know for all kinds of reasons to our work you know they come for to get healthy they come to get wealthy they come to have a relationship they come for a mystical experience but I now know they really come for wholeness and when you feel so whole because your brain is so orderly in so coherent and you've trained your heart to be more in coherence and you feel that kind of joy for no reason at all this is where it gets interesting because now all of a sudden you're you're you're no longer seduced by the conditions in your outer world in fact you're seeing the hidden meaning behind everything because you're viewing it from a greater level of consciousness so sitting in the fire of your guilt sitting in the fire of your pain and knowing what to do when that happens and teaching people that as they begin to lower the volume to those emotions as they begin to self-regulate now that's the greatest challenge they have in their in their lives I mean people say to me what do you do in the morning with two hours in the morning there that's a lot of time well if I can overcome myself at the beginning of the day the rest of my day is easy alrights what you do you spend two hours in the morning I allow for two hours okay I'll get up before I am and this morning I was up at 3:00 okay because I'm on the wrong time zone right but I'm I'm up you like the 4:00 a.m. slot because my brain waves are just right yeah I don't have to work as hard yeah my body's a little fatigued but I'm between worlds and so I've just I you know my body's a little tired but I get up and do it in to me I allow for two hours sometimes I can nail it in 45 minutes or an hour and sure I'm done other times I'm on the wrong times I have meetings all day long got a lot going on and I'm just not gonna fall prey to that common state of thinking and that looks like meditation affirmations in your mind visualization it's the work that we do it's the work that we do and the first part in truly creating a new personal reality is overcoming your present personality you got to get beyond the normal thinking patterns the normal urges of action and habits to get beyond certain emotions that are residuals from the day before that's the work right there that's the part you have to overcome so some days you just kind of slip in and it's magic because you've been practicing like having a great golf game or a great tennis game or a great run or a great session of knitting you're just you're in your groove other days you got to work a little bit more for it and for me what I've learned is those hard days the days that are the most challenging are always the most rewarding because now you're uncompromising to an outcome and if it takes you an hour to get beyond yourself to find the present moment because that's the only place where the unknown exists the familiar emotions and hardwired patterns of the past are the known the predictable future in trying to forecast the feeling of every event in our life where people do unconsciously is also the known there's only one place where the unknown exists and that's the present moment so at the generous present moment yeah and I've just done it enough times and there are plenty of people in our work that have done it enough times to know when you're there and when you're not and when you're not it's very obvious because you've done there enough time so you're separating your old story from yourself and you're separating your focus on the future and your being present it's just like hitting a tennis ball in a sweet spot you lock into something and that wholeness starts to happen and now you're no longer creating from polarity or duality or opposites you know like you know people you know people they create when they see they don't have something whether hey nice suit I want one of those right in the moment I see that you have a nice suit and I start thinking I want one of those my brain naturally starts putting me in the equation next thing you know I'm wearing your suit well that's because we're wired to do that so then we have this natural ability to create the problem is is after you imagine that you open your eyes and you don't have it people experience more laughs well we're not that good yet so then the act of practicing enough times and beginning to create the state in which you're so connected to the energy of your future now think about this you're so connected to the energy of your future you're no longer looking for it or waiting for it you feel like it's already happened the moment you get upset in traffic the moment you start judging a co-worker you just disconnected from the energy of your future and now you're back to the energy of your past now if you tell me it was that person that did it to you I'd say to you oh you're back to the unconscious program of being a victim again so then the person then goes oh one that I fall from you know that state when did I lose it what happened at 3 o'clock today the next time that happens what can I do differently now the person's moving through their challenges in their life with coherence with rhythm they're starting to begin to make strides and that they're no longer need jerking to the people in their life that that they've used emotionally to reaffirm their identity now this is the work because you look around to see if anybody's doing it and you don't see anybody else doing it it's kind of this kind of lonely moment where you're realizing that I'm the only one doing this that's that kind of moment that you realize that nobody understands you but you all right and you can't even ask your friends for their opinion because they're gonna give you their opinion based on their own experiences and it's that kind of moment where you have to draw in all your resources and and begin to make up your mind and I've interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people that have healed themselves from all kinds of health conditions and one of the most important elements that I see over and over again is when the person said I just got to this point in my life where I may my mind and they made a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carried a level of energy that was greater than the hardwired programs in their brain and the emotional conditioning in their body to the past and their body responded to their mind in that instant and the stronger the emotion are the stronger the intensity of that energy the stronger they felt that energy they came out of the resting state the more they paid attention to the choice they were making right so like it says my I'm not gonna let my ex-wife bother me anymore I'm gonna no longer or angry yeah we had a woman on the stage in our event just recently 78 year old woman very serious car accident in a wheelchair couldn't walk couldn't speak made up her mind like this is it I am here to change it wasn't like 50% in I hope this works she was like I made up my mind and the decision became a moment in time that she never forgot she will say to you I know the moment I made up my mind I know the moment I decided to change that think about it that is the moment she moved her brain and body from the past present reality into a future present reality what do I mean by that people wake up in the morning and they they don't feel anything and all of a sudden their brain is a record of the past they start thinking about all their problems and those problems are memories of certain people and objects and things at certain times and places so the moment they start remembering their problems they're thinking in the past well every one of those problems has an emotion associated with so they start feeling unhappy they start feeling discouraged they start feeling victimized now their bodies in the past and of how you think and how you feel creates your state of being that person starting their day with their entire state of being in the past so if they're living in the familiar past and they're in the gnome they're gonna create the predictable future so they're gonna run through a series of routine behaviors in their day and they're gonna want to know the feeling of every experience in their life well if you can predict the feeling of every experience in your life that's more of the known so now the person who's now living in that future known reality how are they going to change well the moment you make a decision and you come out of your resting state and you begin to say this I don't care what's going on in my life environment I don't care what people think environment I don't care how I feel body I don't care how long it takes time I'm gonna do this and the hair on the back of your neck stands up that's a new electrochemical signal to the body this is the body saying he's serious this time it's like jumping on a horse and wrapping your legs around and giving it a kick the body's like whoo we're gonna ride now it's no longer oh geez I think I'm gonna change tomorrow this is it this is a strong signal and that becomes a long-term memory that moment defines the person so then the stronger the emotion if that if the emotion of inspiration is greater than the emotion of suffering from the past experience the stronger the emotion they feel the more they pay attention to the picture in their mind we could say they're remembering their future and they're beginning to brand that circuitry in their brain and send a new emotional signature to their body and since they're creating a coherent clear intention with an elevated coherent heart emotion and now they're broadcasting a whole new signature and that's dropping a big stone in a very placid lake and here come the waves that's moving right out into reality and the person is beginning to change their energy and nobody nobody changes until they change their energy and when they change their energy they change their life and what's the cool part the cool part is you start seeing the bread crumbs coming from the universe you start saying keep going Brian you're starting to see these synchronicities and these coincidences and these opportunities and people say I'm not doing anything well of course you're not doing anything like in the same way you've done everything you're changing your energy and now it could be that simple in the present moment you start seeing feedback coming into your world I think that's what people want and you could be in you could have a masters or a doctorate degree you could have a high school education you could be overweight you could be underweight you could be sick you could be healthy you could be young you could be old it any skin color I've seen it on all different people all different races all different size all different shapes all different diets nobody is so special to be excluded from that phenomenon and they change their vision of the future so if it was me as opposed to all these things I'm hoping that are gonna happen in my life I just know they're already true and then I just am in the present well it takes a little bit of training I mean knowledge is the forerunner to experience so I now know that if you give people the right information and as I've said in the past on your show science is that language and you can combine the quantum model and there a scientific model with neuroplasticity and there are endocrinology and psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics and electromagnetism and all those wonderful different branches of science and build a new model of understanding the person has to be able to explain that model if they can't explain it Brian it's not wired in their brain so they can't assign meaning to what they're doing they leave it up to conjecture they leave it up to hope they leave it up to wishing praying one thing that's that's the old model but when they understand what they're doing and why and they can articulate it they're installing the neurological hardware in their brain and preparation for the experience so they'll understand how to do it better and that's why a lot of your events your up are on the whiteboard with like all the science of course because you're trying to get their logic brain to understand the science it's and make it so simple right that it's not about making it complicated what it's about is eliminating everything else that's not part of the formula so stop wondering why it hasn't happened start stop analyzing and judging yourself stop saying I can it's too hard those are the very things that are standing in the way between you and your future so you come up against yourself well what most people do when they come up against themselves at home in their meditation they say I can't meditate they get up they get on their cell phone they quit they get up they turn the TV on they get up they do whatever have a cup of coffee whatever that they they haven't gone past that point because they don't understand that they should so then when you begin to create a model of understanding and the person can explain it their wiring it in their brain now as they install the neurological hardware in their brain they're priming their brain for the experience so then you give them the instruction and they can understand what they're doing and why and you set up the conditions in their environment where they feel safe enough to create now we take them to the next level and the experience then begins to change their brain it begins to change their body it begins to down regulate certain genes upregulated other genes and you may have a good meditation you may not have one that's so great but if I said to you now Brian what did you do really well in that last meditation that you loved about yourself explain that to me and you can articulate what you did really well I guarantee you when it comes time to do it again you'll do it again then if I said to you if you had another opportunity to do it again what would you do differently what would you bring what would you improve on what would you work on and if you can articulate that I guarantee you you're gonna become conscious of those unconscious things that you are once unconscious of and now you're gonna go a little further and when you stretch a person a little further past that point where they normally stop that unknown that's where the magic happens so in the beginning you step out into the unknown it feels uncomfortable but if you keep applying what you're learning we've seen this over and over again and for years now a person gets beyond themselves there's this kind of dramatic shift that takes place in a collective of a thousand people are 1,500 people now the energy in the rooms changing now people are getting it there's creating more coherence there they're starting to break through and now give them the opportunity to demonstrate how powerful they really are and you will be surprised on what you see and it comes in any shape any age any sickness I mean you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work any longer you can't tell me you're too old to do this work when is the documentary coming that's what I wanted so when can we see and pull back the curtain Wow Wow well one of the things that I that I'm so proud of is we now have a testimonial booth at our week-long events because people have so many amazing great stories I mean they're so they're so good that now we have so much testimony that a lot of people are going to our website and just watching the stories of people tell their stories of how they healed of all these health conditions and the doctors told them they weren't going to make it or they created wealth or whatever I think that's so important because when you see that person on the stage and they're telling their story and it's not a Hollywood version of triumph they lost everything they got worse you know everybody gave up on them you know they they were in and out of the hospital you know they tried this they tried that and all of a sudden they start telling their story and you see how they started to make the changes and I started feeling better and they started their blood values started improved a little bit then their blood values got worse and then they went back again and then they you know they come out the other side and it's a 64 year old woman you know with Parkinson's disease that can't swallow that can't blink our eyes I can't chew that can't stand up can't blow our nose and in one incident she's telling the story of how she's standing up in front of the audience how she can blow her nose chew swallow blink all that stuff you're looking at her going wow she doesn't look much different than me or doesn't look very special or she looks like a normal person you're going to identify and I look out in the audience when people stand on this on the stage and tell their story and there's a lot of Tears because they're speaking truth they're the example of truth they're their possibility right in front of them and that shift that takes place in that moment in the event is dramatic and it's because they see someone else do it or they feel them do it and that has a cascade effect on everyone else look I was in Cancun we had our week-long event and Cancun there's a a colleague of mine who's a PhD MD researcher out of UC San Diego brilliant men came very doubtful by that third day when people are standing on the stage he sat down with me at breakfast and he said it's time to do research uh we're gonna get funding from the NIH we're gonna work and we're gonna demystify this process I've seen it I now know it let's do protein markers let's do brain scans let's build this model let's write the protocol now why because we have a perfect petri dish we have a thousand people and Cancun all eating at the same time all waking up at the same time there's a there's a pattern there's a closed environment right so you study the environment you study what's taking place and filling in those markers filling in telling them getting a little bit more evidence to tell the story both scientifically as I said at the beginning as well as testimony you know that evidence becomes the loudest voice because we're seeing oh my god they're epigenetic changes oh my god there's immune regulation oh there's protein markers and having their changes in neurotransmitters there's electromagnetic change there's more heart coherence there's more brain coherence yeah and look there's a person with stage four cancer telling your story right in front of the audience that had serious cancer all throughout our body there's nothing there now nothing or blind people see I mean you can't you can't just throw that out any longer how long do you think you need to put the the proof together to where now everybody can look at it and say this is true I don't know I mean we have so much documentation a bond University out of the Gold Coast in Australia they've just analyzed thousands of my brain scans and they want to write a paper there because they're seeing like they've never seen a community of people be able to change their brain waves so quickly and to sustain those kind of changes so you know we are we're measuring those type of changes both scientifically and we're doing extensive questionnaires to be able to get information well our latest results from I think it was our last event in Portland a week-long event eighty percent of the people had some type of change in their health mild moderate or complete and significant and the complete and significant now is up above thirty percent which is not a bad statistics so we're always trying to retell the story the cool part about it is we're getting a lot of referrals now from physicians all over the world I mean people come my oncologist told me to come Mayon colleges told me to come that weird for you oh it's so weird when mainstream doctors are referring people to you yeah so I have one of my students in the Academy in London real academy and I had her in that chair after it's the course she took my Business Accelerator course and she was suffering from depression her daughter committed suicide she was drinking a lot and her doctor told her to watch your show on London real and that changed her life hmm was crazy she lives in Holland and her doctor said you should watch Joe dispense on London real and she did it and she changed everything well I mean that's why I do this I mean I mean I do it for that exact reason I if you know this it's it's a challenge to to do this and to interface with so many cultures and to run a company and you know do all these different things and and one of the my greatest moments my greatest moments of my day is when I get the story when the team leader sends me a testimony from somebody and a person was depressed and suicidal and you know really ready to end their life and all of a sudden they're they're a completely different person they are completely different or they're very sick and all of a sudden or healthy or they get the most amazing job opportunity and they're you know you can see the authenticity as a result of that now why is that so significant not only is it significant for the people who are watching and observing it but that person now the feeling of that aryans causes them to understand that the very feeling of their experience that they're having from a real life event the emotion the end product of that experience that is an unbelievable humility and joy and gratitude and love for life and love for people it's going to be easier for them to create that emotion for their next creation and all of a sudden the next creation is going to create even a greater emotion even more love and then here we go they're gonna be able to create even better because they're able to live in that emotional state a little bit more a little bit longer so we see then that people all of a sudden as they begin to make these very significant changes the side effect of all those changes is that is that they want less why because imagine there's so much coherence in your brain so much wholeness in your brain so much coherence in your heart so much wholeness in your heart you feel so whole that you no longer want anything because how could you want when you're whole you only you only want when you're in lack and now when you're creating from wholeness instead of separation or duality Wow the effect of that is that you only want to contribute to the world now you only want to make a difference you feel like your needs are met you feel like there's not a whole lot of things that you want that you feel so amazing the only thing you want to do is give you want to contribute want to make a difference now we're back to the consciousness of how human beings are when they're a living organism a species that are evolving as one organism that is educated that's informed that's healing one another that's shining for one another so others could shine not to outshine them but to show them how to shine now all of a sudden you have something very collaborative you know something very unique happening and that's my hope yeah during these times it's kind of the opposite of this kind of tribalism we see where it's about what can I get what do I look like what does my post look like the opposite of that is a wholeness which means we're giving back to this oneness of the species well think about this that's absolutely the right the right answer imagine understanding the science of creation now as I said it takes a lot of practice takes a lot of information where we don't we don't go for the whole enchilada we teach people methodically step-by-step on how to build on everyday they build a little bit more they build a bit more they get a little bit better imagine that you do that to such a degree that you understand how to do it all the time now you're not gonna sit down to do the work and be like oh god I gotta go create now you're gonna be pretty inspired to create you're gonna you're gonna enjoy it it's going to be something that you look forward to and that's kind of the thing that I'm proud of when it comes to our community because we're doers and people do the work every day because they want the magic to be sustained they want it to continue in so it's no longer an obligation it's no longer I need to do it to please God to do the right thing to be good whatever people do it for this is because they want to keep that kind of crazy world happening in and if and if you're if you're in the belief system unconsciously that you're a body local in space and time and three-dimensional reality and you're trying to reach your goals and create your vision and do all the stuff and you're a body matter trying to change matter then you have to drag your body through space every single day to get what you want back and forth to work whatever and it's gonna take you time to finally get your goals that may take you a couple years well that's because you have to think that I have to move my body to go get what I want so then I got to compete I got a force I got a fight for it I got a control that I got to manipulate I got to figure it out well that's what you do with the limited resources when you're a body local in space and time trying to create something else local in space and time well if you're matter trying to create matter then you got to do stuff to make it happen that's why most of us were taught that's the way it brought up that's why it you don't get the skills get the you know you know all the different things well now you got to lay down that very thing you used your whole life to get what you want and we learned another way to do it so then we're on the way reacting to emotions as part of laying that down exactly does something against me I get angry right I yell at them that's how I get ahead yeah so now you're back to matter trying to change matter and so now you're in that three-dimensional world and you can execute there and we can work it out but it's gonna take time well when you start realizing when where you place your attention is where you place your energy and the stronger the emotion you feel when you get angry the more you're gonna pay attention that person you're giving your power to that person you're giving your life force to that person because that's where your attention is well when you learn how to lower the volume to that emotion you take your attention off that person you begin to break your energetic bond with that person you call energy back to you now you have energy to heal you're building your own electromagnetic field now when you understand the science of creation and you understand it happens in the generous present moment and you're practicing every single day on how to be present you're not gonna start creating until you know that you're beyond yourself and you're creating in the present moment you know when you're there and when you're not and you're creating by changing your energy and you understand when there's a vibrational match between your energy and some potential in the quantum field you no longer have to go anywhere to get it you are the magnet you're drawing the experience you're collapsing time and space or experience or coming to you you understand the science behind that I guarantee you that you won't be rushing and competing to get anywhere everybody else be rushing in competing you'll be doing just the opposite you'll just be in the present moment changing your energy understanding if there's a better way to do it now this is where it gets them to me yeah and all of a sudden you start figuring that out so in traffic you have two options you can get frustrated or impatient or you could be like well it's a good time to tune into my future I'm doing with my eyes open I'm gonna fall in love with my future and open my heart and the side effect of that is starting to see those changes your everyday you're drawing a little closer now here's the cool part we hear stories like this but we have coherence healing groups you know we have people that understand that if you can begin to change the patterns in the field you can change matter it's not matter that omits the field it's the field that creates matter if you change the field you change matter you don't change the tumor you change the pattern in the field and the hologram of the tumor changes so we go an extensive understanding on this and now we're doing these coherence healings and we're seeing people have instantaneous changes in their health I mean instantaneous and so now this group of people say well God if I'm truly in the quantum field there's no separation I don't actually have to have the person in front of me that we're healing I just need a picture or a coordinate and my thought will connect me to them because there's no separation I'm connected to everything in the unified field the unified field the invisible field of energy that connects everything material if I get there then I don't need to be in the presence of that person so we have hundreds of people doing these coherence groups these these Co heal groups and here's a lady that they do them at breakfast and lunch they call up the hallelujah amens and if there's a child that has leukemia Hodgkin's non non-hodgkins lymphoma if there's someone who has a serious health condition they they work with three songs at breakfast they do one person per song so they the three people in the morning and then they the three people at lunch well ladies driving down the road and she realizes it's time for the co heal skill heal session she pulls over on the side of the road in a neighborhood she turns her music up she gets right into it next thing you know she gets a knock on the window and it's a police officer and the police officer says rolls they roll the window down says what are you doing you know we're getting calls from the neighbors they think are you sick or something wrong as an emergency and more importantly they're wondering there's children around here if you're safe and she said no no no no we do this coherence healing thing and I was just tuning in to the people and she's got the music blasting and he leans over to look in the into the car and when he leans over he jumps back and he looks at her and he said what just happened she said what do you mean he said the pain in my back just went away I don't have any goes I was in a lot of pain I don't have any pain at all and she said oh you were healed into wholeness with love and she gave him the wink and rolled the window up and took off and that's the side effect of what could happen in the change of energy he had direct experience of she did nothing he just entered a coherent field so you start seeing these unusual things happening and that I see it all the time they're becoming the new normal and having an effect like that's how powerful you are that's how powerful that lady is she she can't wipe the smile off her face and the police officers running around walking around going you're not gonna believe this you know that most people wouldn't believe it because it's not in their reality right but now but that's the point is that's changing what's happening footprint in consciousness somebody heals from a health condition ms lays a footprint someone heals from a rare genetic disorder footprint someone heals from brain tumor footprint someone heals from Graves disease footprint someone heels from Hashimoto's syndrome footprint now you have these footprints and consciousness that are literally patterns in the field that people that are more readily available that people can access at the same time you have that three-dimensional experience of the evidence sitting right in front of you you see it right in front of that person scans show that they're completely better now you have evidence in three-dimensional reality you have evidence in the field there's a footprint there people can step into now what happens is it becomes that collective four-minute mile thing like we're broken through the four-minute mile now everybody's starting to do it is it changing consciousness that's becoming what's making it so exciting that people want to be a part of that they want to be a part of that community I want to see this documentary Joe well they're working on it I imagine right imagine to continue watching the rest of the episode for free visit our website London real TV or click the link in the description below [Music]
Channel: London Real
Views: 562,066
Rating: 4.8917127 out of 5
Keywords: london real, londonrealtv, brian rose, joe dispenza, dr. joe dispenza, dr joe dispenza, how to unlock the full potential of your mind, self help, law of attraction, power of thought, reprogram your mind, guided meditation, heal your life, theory impact, you are the placebo, joe dispenza motivation, joe dispenza interview, joe dispenza meditation, becoming supernatural, joe dispenza ted talk
Id: Krrd3AwwLqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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