Joe Dispenza Meditation "You Are The Placebo" | Most Effective Meditation Technique #meditation

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greetings everybody Dr Joe dispenza here I wanted to take a moment and personally welcome you to the you are the placebo meditations we do changing beliefs and perceptions because we now know that when you accept believe and surrender to any thought without analysis you begin to program your autonomic nervous system to make its own Pharmacy of chemicals that allow your brain and body to literally live in the future and so I'd like to explain the three different sections of this meditation so you understand what you're doing and why the first part of the meditation is what we call the induction the induction is a way for you to change your brainwave patterns based on our research and the research of other experts around the world it seems that people are able to control their brainwave patterns when they go from a narrow focus on objects and things to an open focus on space and on nothing and when you begin to rest your awareness in different parts of your body and you become aware of the space around your body the brain does some magical things first thing it changes from beta brainwave patterns to Alpha brainwave patterns and in Alpha the inner world is more real than your outer world and you're moving closer to your subconscious mind where you're able to program your autonomic nervous system to work for you we also know that when you're sensing and you're feeling you're not thinking so the analytical mind slows down the purpose of meditation is to get beyond your analytical mind so this is training for you to move beyond your conscious mind past your analytical mind and into your subconscious mind we also know that when you open your focus you move to more coherent organized integrated brainwave patterns now waves that are synchronized waves that are coherent waves that are rhythmic in the brain create a more whole state for human beings and what sinks together in the brain links together in the brain so when you open your focus that's the moment different compartments of your brain that were no longer communicating with each other because they have been programmed by the hormones of stress begin to work in a more unified fashion and so if you're focusing on objects and people and things and places and you're living under the gun of the fight-or-flight nervous system your brain mimics the exact same place your attention is so your brain gets very incoherent now we know because we've measured over 750 different brains that when people tend to open their focus they're able to slip into Altered States and they can do that as if it was a skill just like golf or tennis so there's a reason why we do it we're going to ask you to take your time and stay present and it will be a beginning step for you and if you continue or become more interested in this work we will use that to build greater understandings and do other practices so that's the induction it's to change your brain waves the second part based on our research again we now know that you and I are at our absolute best when we get out of the way and when we get out of the way that's the moment that intelligence that's giving us life the power within us can begin to work with us so if you think that you're a body and you think that you're an identity and you think that your gender and a face and a profession and a certain body weight and you think that you're a certain color hair and you think you're your wardrobe in the car that you drive and the place that you work and the place that you live in this particular line of time then you're subject to the laws of the body the environment and time and again when we've measured hundreds and hundreds of people that when they get beyond their bodies when they forget that they have a body when they forget that they have an identity when they forget that they're a face or they forget that they own certain things or they forget that they are in any place and they get Beyond time when they become nobody no one nothing nowhere and no time they become pure consciousness and only when you are pure Consciousness only when you are a thought alone are you able to heal or change by thought alone which means then when you get to that place in that infinite Blackness where you are no longer identifying as a person as a body living in this particular environment and living in linear time the moment you are pure Consciousness that's the moment you walk through the door to the quantum field you can't walk through the door to the quantum field as a somebody you have to walk through the door as a nobody and if you want something to manifest in your life out of nowhere then you have to get to nowhere and if you want to heal by thought alone then you have to become thought alone now in those moments where we allow you to linger in that place beyond space and time there's a reason behind that because that is the perfect place to create from and whatever you experience in the realm beyond space and time and emotionally Embrace must manifest in this space and time it's the law so when you get to that elegant moment where you've dissociated from your body your environment and time that's the moment you have dominion over your body that's the moment you can change something in your environment and that's the moment you can create some future time and so we'll allow you to linger in this place don't be afraid of it there's no light there there's no people there there's no things there there's no place to go you're in the part of the atom that's 99.999 possibility and I want you to get comfortable in that place and if you can get comfortable in this place you will begin to be in the present moment the Eternal now and when you're in the present moment all possibilities and all potentials exist in the present and when we begin to train the brain and body into the present moment now we're able to create so that's the second part the third part is about changing beliefs and perceptions and in order for you to change a belief or a perception about yourself and your life you have to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional addictions in your body and your body has to respond to a new mind in other words the choice that you make is a decision that you never forget because the experience that you're having internally carries an amplitude of energy that's greater than any past experience now experiences create emotions and emotions create long-term memories so when you make a decision and come out of your resting state in your body is lifted to a new mind that's the moment you're no longer being defined in your past present reality you're making a decision and you're being defined by a future present reality and your body then begins to get a sampling of the future so think about it how does the mother whose child is trapped under the car lift up the entire car and pull the child out that's energy that does that it's not matter when you come out of your resting state I'm going to ask you to become more energy and less matter and when you make that decision there's a level of finality to it that says that your body now is no longer in the past and when you do that properly and you come out of your resting state your body is being signaled emotionally and new genes are being activated and you are literally changing your biological state by changing your energy I hope you enjoy it [Music] now can you rest your awareness in the space between your eyes in space and can you sense the energy of space between [Music] your eyes [Music] in space and now can you become aware of the space between your temples [Laughter] in space [Music] and can you sense the volume of space between [Laughter] your temples [Laughter] in space [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and now can you become aware of the space that your nostrils occupy in space [Music] [Laughter] and can you sense [Music] the volume of space foreign [Laughter] of your nose occupies in space [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and now can you become aware of the space between your tongue and the back of your throat in space [Music] and can you sense the volume of space [Music] that the back of your throat [Music] occupies in space [Music] [Music] and now can you sense the energy of space [Music] around your ears in space [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the energy of space [Music] and your ears in space [Music] and can you become aware of the space below your chin in space foreign [Music] of space [Music] around [Music] your neck [Music] in space [Music] and now can you sense the space beyond your chest [Music] in space foreign [Music] the energy of space [Music] around [Applause] [Music] your chest [Music] in space [Music] [Applause] and now can you become aware of the volume of space Beyond your shoulders in space and can you sense the energy of space around your shoulders in space foreign [Music] and now can you become aware of the space foreign your back in space and can you feel the energy of space Beyond [Music] foreign [Music] in space [Music] [Music] and now foreign between your knees [Music] in space [Music] and now can you sense volume of space [Laughter] around your feet in space and can you feel the energy of space beyond your feet [Laughter] [Music] in space [Music] good [Music] and can you become aware of the space around [Music] your [Music] entire body [Music] in space [Music] and can you sense [Music] the energy of space beyond [Music] your body in space [Music] [Music] and now [Music] can you become aware of the space between [Music] your body and the walls of the room [Music] in space [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and can you sense the volume of space that the entire room [Music] occupies in space [Music] foreign [Music] can you become aware of the space that all of space occupies [Music] in space [Music] and can you sense the space that all of space [Music] takes up in space [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's time to become nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time to become pure consciousness to become an awareness in the infinite field of potential and to invest your energy into possibility and the longer you linger in the unknown [Music] the more you draw the unknown to you simply become a thought in the Blackness of infinity [Music] foreign your awareness into nothing into nobody [Music] into no time and the more you focus on the unknown the more you bring a new life to you [Music] oh [Music] allow your awareness to move from particle to wave from matter to consciousness from the material to the immaterial [Music] from space and time to no time into no space from the world of the senses [Music] to a world beyond the senses from the known to the unknown [Music] and if you as the quantum Observer find your mind returning to the known [Music] to familiar people things or places in your known reality to your body to your habits [Music] your identity your emotions [Music] to time to the Past or the predictable future hopefully become aware that you're observing the known and surrender your consciousness back into the void of possibilities and become no one nobody no thing nowhere in no time unfold your awareness back into the immaterial realm of all Quantum potentials into the Blackness of Eternity and the more you become awareness and the more you become an awareness impossibility foreign possibility an opportunity in your life stay present [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] s [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what was that belief or perception that you wanted to change about yourself in your life [Music] and do you want to continue to believe and perceive in this way [Music] if not it's time to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy [Applause] that's greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional addictions in your body [Music] and allow your body to respond to a new mind [Applause] [Music] and allow the choice to become an experience that you never forget how the inward experience to produce an emotion with such energy that it rewrites the programs and changes your biology come out of your resting state and change your energy so that your biology is altered by your own energy foreign [Music] [Music] become inspired and make the choice be greater than your past [Laughter] come inspired become empowered be moved by your own energy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Laughter] ER that belief to a greater intelligence to a greater mind just let go and give it up to the field of possibilities [Music] returning it back to energy thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] and allow your body to be lifted to a new mind and let the energy of this choice [Laughter] [Music] rewrite the circuits in your brain and change the genes in your body and allow your body to be liberated from the past into a new future [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] by combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion so that matter is lifted to a new mind and I'll let the choice carry an amplitude of energy that's greater than any past experience and let your body be altered by your consciousness by your energy shift [Music] state of being [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and can you teach your body emotionally feel like to believe in this way [Music] to be empowered [Music] to be moved by your own greatness to be invincible [Music] to Have Courage [Music] to be in love with life [Music] to feel Unlimited to live as if your prayers already answered give your body a taste of the future signaling new genes in new ways your energy is what effects matter and when you change your energy you change your body [Music] come on make your mind matter [Music] thank you and from this new state of being how will you live what choices will you make what behaviors will you demonstrate and what experiences [Music] Can You observe from this state of being and how will it feel [Music] to believe in possibility to believe in yourself to be healed [Music] to be free [Music] to be moved by the spirit [Music] come on love your future into life it's your creation fall in love with it from this state of being nurture it with your attention for wherever you place your attention is where you place your energy [Music] just in your future by observing it and be defined by a new future instead of the familiar past [Music] open your heart and allow your body to become moved by your own inward experience for whatever truly experience impossibility and emotionally embrace will ultimately find you in some future time [Laughter] from thought into energy into matter [Music] [Music] thank you [Laughter] and now let go and give it up thank you to a greater intelligence and allow it to be executed in a way that's right for you [Music] [Laughter] and take your left hand and place it over your heart thank you and I want you to bless your body that it be lifted to a new mind to a new energy [Music] and to bless your life that'd be an extension of your mind [Music] that your state of being be reflected in your world [Music] and to bless your future let it never be your past [Laughter] [Music] and to bless your past that it turned to wisdom [Music] and to bless the challenges in your life that they initiate you into greatness [Music] and to bless your soul that it wakes you up from this dream and that it be your guide [Music] oh foreign [Music] moving you that it stirs in you that it moves through you and that it moves all around you [Music] that it mind that its mind become your mind that it's nature become your nature that it's will become your will and it's Love For Life come your love for life [Music] and that it shows cause by signaling you in your life in some way to let you know that it's real [Music] foreign and now if the thought sends the signal out and the feeling draws the event back to you I want you to move into a state of gratitude and to give thanks for a new life [Music] before it's made manifest [Music] for the emotional signature of gratitude means the event has already happened [Music] and the longer you linger in gratitude the more you draw your new life to you [Music] for gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership [Music] and now bring your awareness back to a new body to a new life into a whole new future time [Music] and when you're ready you can open your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: SatisFun Music
Views: 34,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PaLMH1dK414
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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