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outside the blues outside the pentatonic just  to give um someone that's maybe playing Blues   that's like you know beginner intermediate myself  included like when you're playing the pentatonic   you know the go-to for blues is like you know  someone's playing we were in G in the beginning   but like that go-to where someone is playing  it's like most of us are just kind of like you know and then sometimes we can kind of get in the   middle and you know maybe if we're not  Theory driven but those like you know kind of doing like those you know trying to be  Robin Ford kind of thing but like just you know   if you if you were to give someone like  a point or a tip like in that pentatonic   scale just in that first box like what's a  good way just to kind of like Get outside of   that just a tad bit all right well it's the  the best thing I could ever say is learn the   entire fingerboard and all the keys so  if you're talking about G you know yeah you know if you're doing that be able to  understand if you're in the key of G you   know you're just you [Music] know  you know you know you could play here so Nowak same phrase in three  different places and it gives you   a different launching spot yes you  know if you start here you [Applause] know yeah you could throw in a Mixolydian you can  throw in that's okay so that's a good so you just   said something too cuz like that's another mixan  I know you fact check me or the comments there will   be a comment that facts check you know uh but that's  a great point because it's like that's something   that I'll think about to it's like yeah I could  have played it in a few different spots and then   it's like well when is it that spot you just  said the Launchpad thing was a great move if   you're thinking about it in real time you're too  late ah very nice you're thinking about what you   should be playing in that very moment on that  very bar you're too late okay you're actually   way too late now the launch pads in referring to  other notes that are connected there in other runs so so so basically you know if if you  want okay so let's say you want to start you want to do like a Albert  King start okay well that that leaves you well that leaves you  right there where do you go next so but but that okay you  finish one phrase you end up   here yes okay so it's very unnatural to go like a you're not going to that's not that's not a  natural next next position yeah unless that's   your thing it's a little frantic unless frantic  is your thing you have a band called the Frantic   boys Peter frantics yeah yeah so it's all cool  I mean it that's your thing that that's right   that's right you know but I the thing is you  have to have a musical vocabulary that that   that goes through all the Styles you have to  have a you know like if you're if you're you   don't want to just cram a square peg into a  round Hall all the time yeah you know so you   need to have enough you know like you know um  a modal dexterity to to you know like I don't   know what I'm doing all the time but I know  know I know when I want it to rub a little   bit and I know when I want it to be sweet  you know yeah like sometimes you can start a blues so you want it to rub a little bit yeah  and that's not a traditional way to to to start   a blues no but I love that that's great so  but why not there's no rules no you know are   you going to win a Grammy no ask just ask me  I mean that could be that could be a Grammy   lick you never know it's not I'm I I'm used to  the loser medallions at this point it doesn't   matter it's a little cardier so pendant that  says your star shines bright but not bright enough
Channel: Gibson Gear Guide
Views: 236,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gibson, Gibson Guitar, Gibson Gear guide, guitar vlogs, joe bonamassa signature gibson, joe bonamassa gibson tone tips, joe bonamassa guitar tone, joe bonamassa rig rundown, tales from nerdville, TALES FROM NERDVILLE by Joe Bonamassa, joe bonamassa guitar lesson, Joe Bonamassa Gibson Les Paul tone tips, blues licks, blues guitar lesson, Gibson Les Paul (Guitar), how to play the blues, how to play blues guitar, bonamassa epiphone, rick beato joe bonamassa
Id: jfhlrN9cmMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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