Jodie Foster on "Nyad" and "True Detective: Night Country"

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that expires in one week you're not real FBI  are you I'm still in training at the Academy   Jack Crawford sent a trainee to me yes I'm  a student I'm here to learn from you maybe   you can decide for yourself whether or not I'm  qualified enough to do that it's Sunday morning   on CBS and here again is Jane Pauley she's been  in the spotlight since she was a child and she's   in the spotlight tonight on CBS Jodie Foster is  among those nominated for a Golden Globe award   Lee Cowan has our Sunday profile I had my time and  it's not my time necessarily anymore it's my time   to support other people and I have something to  contribute because I have experience and I have   wisdom but I don't have to play the same role that  I played when I was in my 20s that is the wisdom   that actor Jodie Foster found when she entered  into her 60s a kind of professional Epiphany that   she blames on Mother Nature I think it might be  a chemical thing that happens to you when you're   older where you just kind of relax that's really  saying something since she started her career at   the age of three you don't have to worry about me  just take good care of yourself don't catch any   cold or anything with nearly 100 credits to her  name and two Oscars she says she's always had a   frustrating on off again love affair with acting  sometimes I go through years where I just don't   want to act for a while I don't find anything I'll  read a perfectly good script about a perfectly   good thing that I should be interested in and  I just don't care for most of the last decade   Foster was focused on her marriage to Alexandra  Hedison and raising her two teenage boys but then   two roles came around that have her now back  in front of the camera again some people come   to Alaska to escape get away from something you  don't even think of me and she says she's prder   of them than almost anything she's done if you  die I want to be the last person you see don't   I but if you do I'll be right there with you  she's already earned Golden Globe and critic's   choice nominations for her role in the Netflix  original there's no one more NAD than you Nyad   where she plays Bonnie Stoll friend and Coach to  swimmer Diana Nyad played by Annette Bening what   were you thinking you pathetic hey hey hey no no  no no no stupid stupid none of that none of that   don't beat yourself up you're doing great I think  it was much more challenging for net I spent a   lot of time on the side of the boat sucking in  my stomach that's pretty much what I did in my   jogger bra I'm not working with you again ever  you think I want to work with you I do actually   yeah then after a 5-year wait there's the highly  anticipated fourth season of HBO's True Detective   out next Sunday my job is to keep everyone safe  night country is just as spooky and Supernatural   as the first True Detective but this time it's  set in The Frigid polar winter nights of Alaska   was it as cold as it looked up there when you were  shooting it was probably colder than it looked um   there are moments where it's really hard to speak  uh it's so cold that your mouth kind of talks like   that stop around he this is a crime scene aren't  you pretend like you know what you're doing foster   plays Detective Liz daners who was confronting  a certain darkness of her own Oh no you're not   going to blame her on me and I wasn't even here  you know who was here you I didn't think that I   would come back at this level or I didn't think  that I would come back to acting as often as I   have now many thought acting was just her Destiny  after all Hollywood has always been home every   L.A. kid loves growing up in L.A. that's their  reference I loved it she lived with her mom and   three siblings just a mile from what was then a  very gritty Walk of Fame you were talking about   Hollywood Boulevard and how it very different than  it is now yes we weren't allowed to go there she   said that if we she ever found us on Hollywood  Boulevard that we shouldn't come home Foster's   mom Brandy Foster got her into acting and as her  early manager kept her in it she says in a gentle   but firm way she's asked me about thousand  times you know do you want to be an actress   and I could have always said no but I don't it's  fun you said you were kind of forced into it I   guess isn't really the right way but you didn't  choose it no I didn't I didn't choose it but at   some point you chose to kept doing it keep yes  I knew that um that there was sort of an unsaid   thing that you know you accept these parameters or  you can always stop you can always say no that was   always an option it was always an option but it's  a little bit of like you know here you can have   this dog food or you can starve you know there  there's a little bit of that despite being the   youngest child there was always a maturity about  her an old soul in a young frame and this is me   born in Mount Hospital 13 years ago give or take  a month female blonde natural of course I'm like   such an awkward adolescent at Freaky Friday like  lots of pimples and kind of chubby and greasy hair   and all that gross I wish I could switch places  with her for just one day she proved she could   convincingly play characters wise Beyond her age  even her own mother those are kind of my home movies what's your name easy well that's not  any kind of name that's easy to remember yeah   but what's your real name I don't like my real  name she was already a veteran actor at the 10   under age of 12 when she was cast as an underage  prostitute in Taxi Driver why do you want me to   go back to my parents I mean they hate me why  do you think I split in the first place there   ain't nothing there I didn't really understand  what building a character was until I did taxi   driver her if there was an ambivalence about her  career she says it was rarely about the work it   was about the celebrity that came with it you  said that you were you've said it a bunch of   times actually I think you're an introvert in an  extroverts job is that still the case you think   definitely true yeah I'm 100% an introvert  never been okay with being a public figure   it's not something that's ever felt okay to me  or felt um healthy she was in college at Yale   when an obsessed fan John Hinckley Jr said  he attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan to   get Foster's attention last fall I received  several pieces of unsolicited correspondents   signed John W Hinkley or jwh and I threw them  all away she was dragged into history through   no fault of her own Foster then endured years  of speculation about her private life about   her sons about her sexuality all of which she  kept from the tabloids much to their dismay I   tried to be as authentic as I possibly could  and I had to protect my own psyche from the   publicness I just had to figure out how to dig a  trench around me and to survive intact and some   of that meant being more isolated is that trench  still there oh yeah definitely um yeah definitely   I mean I I'm I'm working on it I'm working on  it and the roles she's generally taken she says   seem to be characters who also have something  to work on what did you see Clarice what did   you see Lambs they were screaming there's always  been an intensity or a vulnerability that have   marked so many of her roles I thought I thought  if I could save just one but he was so heavy so heavy sheriff when she played a rape Survivor  in the accused she made us all uncomfortable   and rightly so I have not seen the accused in  I don't know 25 years I don't think I wanted   to revisit it actually and he pushed me down  on the pinball machine and he ripped my shirt   he lifted my skirt it pulled down my Underpants  really really hard I can only do one thing at   once I'm not a multitasker so I'm a focuser and  if you're a focuser you do you do get obsessed   with things I think every movie I make I get  obsessed with swim a no swim you are a forced   know that whether she's pretending to be in the  Florida Straits or straight out frozen in the   Arctic Circle those men died before they  froze what the get out of here now at 61   jodie Foster now says she's reached a point of  acknowledgement in her life yes she's a little   obsessed and yes she's an introvert and yes yes  yes I am crazy but for one of the first times in   her long professional life Jodie Foster is  finally feeling a little more free I think   I have managed to survive and survive intact  and um that was no small feet and look at me I survived
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 327,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Morning, CBS Village Women, Entertainment
Id: __pligvqRYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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