Jocko Willink and Dean Lister Talk about Benefits of BJJ, Grappling grips, GI vs Nogi

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I talk about digital a lot obviously we talked about jiu-jitsu a lot jiu-jitsu is a simple straightforward practical representation of the way if you think about what it what jiu-jitsu hasn't it right it has offense it has defense it has flanking it has conservation of energy it has deception it has attack it has concentration of effort it has position improving your position it has maneuvering it has placing baits and using feints and always keeping your base and keeping your balance while at the same time trying to upset your opponent's now everything I just said you could use that for combat for tactical situations you could also use it in business you could use it in interactions with other human beings as you maneuver through human nature and how it you interact with it and there's psychological elements inside of jiu-jitsu as well that are reflected humility you're gonna get humbled by jiu-jitsu and at the same time dichotomy you're gonna gain confidence you're gonna know the truth you're gonna know where you actually stand you know it's not you gonna get a belt but that belt it only represents it only it doesn't fully represent the reality of the situation reality of the situation is the truth and in jiu-jitsu you know the truth you can be vulnerable you're gonna psychologically you're gonna learn about tenacity you're gonna you're gonna have to have grit you're gonna have to have durability you're gonna have to have stability and as I trained jiu-jitsu and I garnered a better understanding of jiu-jitsu I started to have a better understanding of the way and as I learned the way on the mats the way revealed itself in combat it revealed itself in leadership it human nature and in life because as you I and I talked about this as well as you understand things from different angles right so when you learn the way in different disciplines you start to see it from different angles and eventually I came to understand the way broadly and now I do see it in everything and this is another thing the more I see in everything the more I see it in everything so understanding the way like I said a lot of it had to do with this threat and I talked about it when we when least talked about judo I talked about how jujitsu is the thing that started I started to see a connective thread between these between these different disciplines and a lot of it my understanding of jujitsu helped me in every other aspect and a lot of my in fact the vast majority of my understanding of jujitsu comes from one person and the person I was lucky enough to learn from there's a pioneer of the sport considered by many people to be one of the greatest grapplers ever he's a practitioner that actually revolutionized the sport of jiu-jitsu and grappling and his influence is still evident today world champion multiple times over also a mixed martial arts fighter who has faced some of the best in the world and some of the biggest arenas in that sport and someone who I've trained on the mats of justice with for over 20 years and who's been a close friend of mine that whole time through many ups and downs through victories and defeats through struggles of life on and off the mat master of jiu-jitsu and more important a friend of mine my brother Dean judo versus wrestling kickboxing and boxing there's different sports they're related they're similar there's a lot of mechanical similarities so he is better for it does help you get a tighter style but if you're wasting not waste let's say yeah yeah if you're gonna be doing no gear I know I know some I don't know when watching those knows the significance of this a wrestler knows right away this is wrong this is a this is the a gable grip this is the s grip they're fine this is the bs grip it doesn't work a lot of world champions that only train they're all the sleeve and belts they grab like this mm-hmm because they're taught to rely upon the uniform so if you rely upon the uniform and you don't have the uniform now 80% of your tools are gone so I think it's good to do both it's normal to prefer one over the other but don't discount no key is more technical and faster in the transitions absolutely and the fact that you you can slip out of something easier means that transition to the next move faster but key has more options I have many chokes I can do I can grab my own belt wrap it around your wrist you can't do that without key so that's only so some people say some people say key is more technical but I don't believe that it's more technical different there might be I guess no I was gonna say maybe there's more technique but there's not there's it's equal I just think they're equal yeah and they're equal to technical because to hold someone down with the key is a lot easier you get someone across side with a key like you're gonna hold them down you're gonna cross side with someone with nogi it's a lot harder to hold them down because there's nothing to hold on to yeah and suit so it makes it harder that's why I think nogi makes your offense better he makes your defense yeah it's harder to slip out of things if you're in a submission with key it's hard to slip out of this you know you can get lucky it's really hard you're not really gonna slip out things also if you train with wrestling shoes it's different if you ate with the fatigues it's different the authorial that Marines with the team guys or train the police whatever done in Brazil as well I mean they train like how there aren't duty you know having someone with a you know fatigues on they still call them fatigues you know yeah I used to just go to camis camis that's that's cute sorry dude that's what I call them get your camis on yeah BTUs there we go yes we are everyone I know reads call them camis fatigues maybe it's cute to you hole dug should a human being pole guard in a fight no oh unless it's a controlled like yo see I pull garden one but that's because there's one person right there and their forte is striking and mmm to the end of micros the end of my career people wouldn't fall for that they'd just get the hallway from me but I've won if he fights were even one the guy was across side on top and he could have just got away from me but he proceeded to attack me and then I reversed and triangle arm off I was things Lee's my friend now very tough guy but you know he engaged my strength so you could same thing like cro cop probably most notorious high kick in history MMA you know you broke a lot of grounds with that average guy you wouldn't say just sort of left I kick the head yeah it's not gonna work that well but it works you do it really well I would say it's a good strategy and a fight but it's good to do because you get to a situation where you're familiar you have hold you have your legs and your arms engaging the opponent and you can work from there but you have to have a good guard you can't just oh I'm gonna sit on the bottom and be good all but across my feet and I'm fine no you get beat up in a fight yeah so if you if you're good there you can do it it's not a general thing I would recommend though what do you think about some people talk about the self-defense techniques of jiu-jitsu and or the lack of self-defense techniques protection now what I will say is this I've been in some self-defense classes that you're teaching and you don't focus it on a lot but occasionally you'll do it self yeah and I act almost every time you teach one of those self-defense classes I pick something up I learned chanting okay well I it is true when we were young starting it was from born from the UFC let's see motive it was like oh host Gracie that was the main thing takes a crazy you know Valerie judo and back then at least your coach could fight or has been in fights and I'm not criticizing anyone but it's a martial art martial being what or confrontation I'm not saying you want to be in confrontational or being fights but if you can't use jiu-jitsu to defend yourself when it counts most and I don't know as it's not really martial art anymore so yeah on the other hand if you think that I've had people tell me this oh yeah I didn't I saw you could fight in your seed but you know if you tried that me I poke your eyes and then I go okay thanks for letting me know warning me because that's kind of scary I could poke their eyes to I don't tell them because yeah child it's argument see if you do one class one time you know that's why you have to roll and do it in for boxing you need someone actually throwing punches at you it and learn how to stop those and move away from the punches just hitting a bag or brick and not hit back you know so let's see if anyone in here listening is under 25 almost I understand what that means but so having this putting yourself in hard situations is key this was all about problem solving you know you get to a situation then you learn how to solve the problem you get relaxed and you learn to deal with this I think that's really important to know how to relax how to conserve your energy as you said no one went to attack there's Sai OPS's there's mental tactics there's you know you could tell a lot about a person how they fight you can see if they're dirty if they take shortcuts if they have a temper you can see if they're patient you can see if they're explosive you can see if they lack two days ago lacks two days ago you can see it a lot of things about somebody they're greedy that's why I'm laughing he's gonna D accuses me of being greed and he's right I will get greedy with a move and I'll hang on to something that I shouldn't hang on to and I'll end up in a position that I shouldn't be in and then Dean will immediately start going green greed you know you know well you know you can tell a lot about person by how they fight and also how they handle defeat and how they handle the victory that's why I don't do that as an outward display but every time I win against someone I I never run around yelling I check on them and if I was lose I shake him upon his hand I'm not there's nothing I'm not saying anything I'd know about that but but that's something I always strive to be as some of this respectfully you can see as you said humility is taught and people don't like to be humbled they're probably not gonna last very long of doing a martial art especially jujitsu because it's such a close and personal like you got owned that knows no escape are belongs to jockle there's no demand there's no debate you just got tapped out you can't lie in a fight you just got tapped out now with some other martial arts it's like well you know if this was a real fight I would have done this better if I would have punched him harder I would have done something else how would have done something different it's like did you - you just got you got put in a position where this dude could have ripped your shoulder apart yeah or put you to sleep and killed you so so there's there's truth in jujitsu and that's why it's so humbling so I said you could tell a lot by how someone is okay if we have us more like okay golf or sprinting okay these are all sports and they're good but know how someone swings a golf club I can't talk too much about the personality but if someone takes a punch and they look right back to you and they punch you back that person's a there's something about that guy that's different than the average guy he turns away and runs away okay if someone tries to armlock me and I relax and I escape I time it quickly okay there's timing this technique of course makes some kind of sense I don't know back to the salt offense aspect yeah I think I think you should be prepared for worst-case scenario and actually for some weird reason now that I can't fight I don't know one even messes with me I don't I don't know what I'm not going to try to pick pick fights where they want it for some reason like no one even tries to fight me right now I wonder why but you know I broke football looks different now than back then jujitsu is the same thing yeah all kinds of things happening right now that no one even envisioned back in 1995 and it compounds faster right like if you watch how fast technology's gotten has improved if you watch the jujitsu curve it's like the new moves you know back when we when we started there'd be like a new move it wouldn't block yes oh my god this is crazy that this could someone came up with something and now there's you know some blue belt tonight came up with like a sick variation of a move and and that's just the way it works so it's like everyone's better I I started eight months I don't know maybe one yet maybe six months before you and so you for sure had already twenty this time but the omoplata was a brand new move and if someone did that I determined I was like oh look he's doing a brand new move yeah that would look take the VHS camcorders and look at it was like that was a highlight that was like the baron ball or you know now it's leg locks of course not yeah so that guy this is an example of what it used to be like a guy could show up somewhere good luck below yeah put a black belt on and be like yeah I'm a I'm a black belt I got my black belt in Brazil I trained down there for four years and I'm a black belt and I won this and I won that he didn't win anything and he was just a liar but these days I'm telling you if you find uh if you find a place online it lists the instructors the instructors names are there you can google the instructors names you can see if they've every instructor has competed at some point right I mean if someone's I would say 95% of instructors have done some competition at some point there may be a few very small percentage of instructors that have never competed and I don't even know if that's possible if you if you google your instructor if your instructors never competed I would definitely be suspect possible but yeah it's not likely competition like I said you can see how someone is and the truth yeah I'd say one piece of advice I will give to people is okay I'm in Cleveland whatever oh there's a school whatever five go to each yeah school don't say you live there say I'm visiting from that's you're lying but it's white lie yeah it's okay god I'll forgive you you say hey listen I'm a white belt I'm from Florida I'm just passing through I have no explain so you're not getting the sales pitch you know the instructors representative his real self is trying to press you so you sign a contract sign a contract is okay but if you believe in the instructor you like what he's saying you like the environment because then as a visitor you're gonna see like this this person not trying to sell me something you can see how that actually are and if you hear what they're saying it's making sense to you and you vibe with the energy or let's say the style or the personality of the other the instructor go to all five gems in this and pay the day fee twenty thirty bucks and try it and then come back which one do you like best and then try it out and yes Jesus is awesome because also you're not getting hit in the head yeah you know I love boxing boxing people it's awesome I've done it at a high level I've fought wheelchair I sparred Boyarsky have sparked okapis bart jerome lebanner who's also in the best in history from france that's why didn't france for one month that's hard learn so french you you up you do get hit you get hurt and you only have one brain and it's not wrong it's not bad it's good to know everything a little bit of something but you can actually spar introduced without kidding you can spar every day base unless you're injured yeah so that the damage if you do get an unfortunate like any sport is distributed around your body whereas in boxing it's mostly your brain you know it's okay it's good to do all this stuff I like it all also grappling and assault defense scenario I mean even if it's more than one person the fact that someone cannot easily put me on the ground if two guys grab me actually like average guys I could actually probably just win the fight but what punches but they're not gonna take me down that easy okay there's someone grasping from the side I can I could throw them I could escape and I can leave but that's something you said what a lot since if I decide I don't want to fight and you can't restrain me I can leave yeah and nowadays of all the lawsuits and stuff like that I mean just making it fist is ammunition for a lawyer that's that's a sign okay matter of fact you've hit some of the open palm it's not in many jurisdictions it's not the same if you restrain someone if you had to and I and I I cause as soon as I say this is it a grunt alcohol technique because if you got a wedding and your uncle's had too much drink you every family has one of these uncles usually so like I understand was saying but you have to stop him he's doing something that's really let's say not not cool he's hurting someone you could hold him without hurting him you can't do the boxing the boxing is awesome but you can't hurt someone or maybe not uh and I I know people who have hit people and fights the guy falls hits his head and dies I know people and they're in trouble and imagine your conscious how do you feel about that way that's a little big it's all signal San Diego does you surf kisser for kids they knocked some kid out I heard about this and the guy just knocked no this is exactly that knocked and punched him in the head fell down hit his head on the curb died and and the dude you know went to prison s so that's that's whatever manslaughter or murder so whereas if he was just done a double leg and choked the dude out which is more kind of more humiliating I think in a way yeah it's a where am I yeah I'm on the beach somewhere yeah that's that's a good way to do it so you find a good school I always think the proximity is important to of course you know get someone close to you if you pick a school that's an hour away you're not going to go as often [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: A2Z Production
Views: 260,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jocko willink podcast, jocko willink jiu jitsu, jocko willink black belt, dean lister mma, dean lister ufc, dean lister jocko podcast, dean lister jiu jitsu, dean lister bjj, jocko willink jiu jitsu black belt, jocko willink podcast jiu jitsu, jocko willink podcast dean lister, jocko willink on jiu jitsu, jocko willink gracie jiu jitsu, jocko willink jiu jitsu gi, dean lister leg locks, grips in bjj, jocko willink bjj, jocko bjj
Id: 2x5yZZrLIw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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