Jockey Made In America 250 from Road America | NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay.

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a hundred thousand plus have been here this weekend to enjoy racing uh what a great situation it is for the fans to come here to wisconsin and really take in history it's an amazing location i've seen a lot of races from here but never been able to experience in person and i'mma tell you this is a racing town jeff you said it in the pre-race everywhere we go at and away from the racetrack they are excited nascar's in town tons of energy so fun to see so again hendrick motorsports making up row number one william byron won the poll earlier kyle larson second fastest they come up the hill and then they've still got about 200 yards until they get to the start finish line but the field two by two it's been 65 years since the cub series has raced at road america but they're back and they're under green and look how quickly aj almandinger is throwing his name into the hat here as he works to the inside of kyle larson in that 16 and now challenging for the lead as they go down the straight into turn five sharp left-hander they're approaching so william byron has a preferred lane most of these guys are running on this racetrack with other cars for the first time you know they had a little bit of practice qualifying everybody pretty much staying away from each other so racing this track by yourself versus having a bunch of traffic two different things got to really be aware of what corner you're coming up on to especially going in the king corners like that can't be distracted by the traffic around you arson with a big run on the outside trying to pinch his teammate not let him open the steering wheel up wasn't able to do it now before they get to the carousel so now william byron out front larson running that second spot aj almandinger is third tyler reddick in fourth and austin centric in fifth big question mark for aj as they go through the king for the first time what is that equipment that he's driving like can he withstand the work he's going to put it through he didn't get through the kick very well he's getting a challenge for position here on the outside with reddick we know he's got pace by himself i know he's got pace early on but will that car will stay in the wear and tear of the entire race i think also you have to be a little bit mindful of how hard you push right now obviously you want to get the track position and keep it but you could really hurt these tires early in this run dave what do you have on aj how about the wear and tear that may be on the driver we'll see larson trying to get a draft here but yesterday he ran 180 miles here in an xfinity series car and just recently radioed this to his team i may fret just kind of relay to our maya possibly depending on how hot it gets the helmet blower already fell off my helmet so i made this after water off pit stop but i'll let the ambient temperature right now 88 degrees at road america it is hot here that helmet hose has fallen off marty he's going to have to watch it today as he works this road america course hard and dave you have to wonder about that for all the drivers who ran the xfinity series race yesterday in the cup series race today like austin cendrick who many think has a legitimate shot to win this cup series race here this afternoon i asked him how's the car he said you tell me my saturday was a blur i totally mismanaged my schedule i had no idea i only had 10 minutes between cup practice and the xfinity series race so all i had to eat yesterday was a single apple but i feel like we have a legitimate shot in this good buddy chase briscoe has been telling him all week you're going to win this race could austin cendrick pull off the upset today ring that's what he wants he wants to be able to shock the cuff series guys i tell you already we're seeing the strategy of these drivers trying to figure out where the passing zones are i want to make a comment first on the heat and the helmet hose with aj omendinger that's a serious situation if there's no way for him to find that under caution and reattach it figure out a way to keep it on there typically a lot of times i've been in different cars with different interior guys some of them will take that helmet hose to the helmet some of them don't do anything at all and that's when it can come off so he's going to need to try to figure out a way to get that back on there if not have the pit crew help him under a pit stop because that will be a awful experience to go without any air moving around that helmet throughout the entire race ironically enough when we were on the grid we were asking him about how hot these cars are and he said that xfinity car yesterday was exceptionally hot so to marty's point that took something out of him he wears that cool vest that he says helps a lot but that is not the same as having filtered air cool air going into your helmet that you can breathe that is not the same thing so can he deal with that this entire race i know in uh some situation with some teams they allow the driver to choose you get the vest or you get the helmet now we can put a fan in that helmet but cool air you're only going to get it on the vest or you're only going to get it on the helmet because they'd only want to give the drivers only a few amps they need that you know they need that power from the outdater and everything else to do so many other things for this race car particularly uh steve at a road course yeah i mean you're using so much power for brake fans to cool the transmission to cool the gear so i know you're important but you want brakes and you want it to shift so i got to divvy that power up so like you said you got to kind of choose a little bit got to remember the 16 car you know not a full-time team so you ask yourself was there some miscommunication on whatever aj needed let's take a look back in the news all week long the 99 of track house purchasing chip ganassi racing well here's daniel scores and that good sam oh man red and white car that's climbing the hill from five to six kind of a blind corner and you definitely don't want to enter it but you see how easy it was joel logano was in the dirt behind him it looked like martin truck junior gave him oh we got an issue yeah maybe a flat tire for the 99 so a situation for daniel suarez early as he's trying to climb the hill to turn six i think the tires are up there seems to be some kind of a failure in the driveline of this car i agree dale i think it's not gonna come out if it's the same thing nope it's not going to come out if it's the same thing so it sounds like it's some sort of issue that they have seen either on their car or their team cars this weekend uh transmission maybe so he goes inside the eleven of denny hamlin carrying a tremendous amount of speed takes the left-hander and then she just doesn't accelerate this reminds me a lot of what we saw from bubba wallace in prac and qualifying entering a corner downshifting and losing the drive or either getting stuck in transmission well this 99 had transmission issues at coda so you ask yourself is this another issue he's asking him just to push him push him push him frankie just he's like go go go try to tell him truck we got to get the pushing truck here this isn't it that's frustrating for a driver you're like trying to communicate limited communication at this point at this point with amr and he's wanting to get back to his bits not lose any time lapse or anything get this thing tuned up fixed and try to get back to their race they're ready the guys are getting everything ready that f150 got a bumper on it push it he says daniel suarez three top tens already of the season daniel the first foreign-born driver to win a championship he won the xfinity series championship back in 2016. this is an unfortunate break for the 99 but this will not be the end of mechanical issues i feel junior this is just a tough place on equipment yeah this thing uh they're already determined to take it behind the behind the wall and get it fixed so frustrating day already for this team suarez is going to get pushed back it's nascar cup series from road america telecast presented by t-mobile so so [Music] gotta love that music the olympics begin july 23rd live from tokyo on nbc you can have a taste of the olympic spirit rings across america it's a life-size set of olympic rings that are traveling from coast to coast in the weeks leading up to the games it starts at universal studios in los angeles this weekend and we'll go all the way to new york for the opening ceremonies on july 23rd that would be a great place to get a picture taken looking down on this four mile race track road course as they're pushing the 99 back in toward the garage great coverage from geico giving us that vantage point and let's check back in with dave in the pits rick i wanted to give you an idea of some of the cooling that happens with the helmet as we mentioned aj almandinger having the helmet hose fall off let me first of all confirm it is sunny out here there is not a cloud in the sky and 88 degrees this is the opening where the helmet hose is connected from an air conditioning system you could call it that feeds the air into there taped on here also the front of the helmet too remember there's a drink system that the drivers all have and most of them just sucking it like you would on a straw to bring that water or fluid into their bodies all afternoon long but without this one on top that is going to be critical for aj almandinger he needs that cool air the team will have to decide if they're going to bring him down pit road and reinstall that at some point and take the time and lose a track position to do it that air is spread all through the helmet it cools your head it also brings you fresh air to breathe so and it's it's so hot once you get used to having it and you don't oh it is horrible i can promise you aj tried his hardest to find that hose under this caution oh yeah i mean he was probably reaching around in there as hard as he could to see if he could access that hose and re-fasten it and dave left it open-ended like they may pick to repair it no dice but sorry i i know it's a long day but i can't i mean if we get cycled to the back maybe but not from where we're running currently all right guys you can win 444 on july 4th from bushbeer that's right tweet hashtag bushlightapple and hashtag sweepstakes whenever harvick's number four car is driving a lap with the number four in it and you could win which by the way will be coming up in just a few moments because they will be on lap four here at road america i got my phone out big mover so far chase elliott all the way up to 20th jeff you pointed that out during commercial that's a big gain from someone who had trouble qualifying god long way up here until you get to the restart zone right there and william byron back into the gas larson strong on this restart in the number five that blue five on the outside how will he do into turn one ross chastain in the 42 and austin centric in the 33 fighting for that fifth spot right now side by side as they go through five and one thing i love about this racetrack is being on the outside of some of these corners isn't an automatic loss of a position you race these guys if you want maybe even carry the momentum on throttle coming off the corner to have the opportunity to run down and be on the inside on this corner great racetrack i don't know about three wide that kind of contact right there you just can't have you know you don't want to be banging on the fenders it's early in the race these cars don't handle that as well as what we see in the xfinity series you get tire rubs flat tires loss of downforce and performance legato moving to the inside of the 20 bell i thought he's going off track rick i thought he was going off track right there i thought he's getting shoved off because i didn't know if christopher knew he was there he might have thought the same thing as he was hard on the brakes there but now following behind christopher bell you know some of these restarts here they all get single file just like the interstate the guy three cars in front of you slows down well the guy you know you got to slow down quicker so somebody will just jump on the in the other lane and try to pick up some spots that looks like what joey is doing there marty having a 48 car hey jeff yeah we've talked about keeping the drivers cool well how about keeping the race car cool as well it's a bit of a concern in the 48 camp listen to alex bowman on the radio so you got 270 on the water um you said the brakes were getting a little soft there yeah so far we don't have any cooling we can open up so you know just making sure you have your fans on i know you do we can open up the grill a little bit more and try to work on getting it cooler so there you go steve 270 on the water we're just four laps into this race a concern for you i'm not concerned with 270 my concern though is as we continue to see lapses he does debris grass fly onto the racetrack and as that goes into the grill area it actually sticks into the radiator so regardless of how much you open on the nose the radiator itself loses efficiency so you know doesn't matter how much tape you have to open rick if the radiator gets clogged with stuff it's just gonna start running warmer and warmer so steve let's make sure we break down at least the the stages here because this first stage 14 laps and fuel window wise how far can they go yeah these teams can all go about 17 to 19 laps on fuel so they can easily make first stage even the second which is 15 laps long the real question is what strategy we see larson attack william byron wow he's really hard ain't no way he's making this corner he did a really good job though to stay out of the sand right there hey i'm gonna tell you right now that was super smart no big bad lock up he's not gonna have to come to pit road for what we can tell and he only lost a couple spots he didn't spin the car out didn't end up in the grass great job i was either thinking william buyer must have really over drove it or nope it was b it was b larson was just way too deep i just know though but both drivers would have would have ended up in a bad way there good job by larson to to save that and do what he can with it marty you know what's funny is right before that he said we're really good here and you can see him just kind of building up his confidence as he goes along but that was a little too deep right for kyle larson but that's going to be the cool factor of road america today junior we're going to see drivers like kyle larson who are so good at rogue courses parker they're going to learn all day they're going to get better throughout the race they're going to learn where the limits are though right marty in the car trying to chase him down right there oh as larson gets real sideways through the kink there is the eight of tyredic but that is a richard childress racing car the same as that 99 from track house well they saw that issue and you have to wonder sometimes when you see issues like that what that might mean for the other cars in the race from that stable take a listen to their radio 99 broken train there so just be mindful on your ship yeah they've had some weird stuff going on this year on the road courses about every race except to know about they've had issues so i'm not worried oh there's the answer they're not worried maybe think of the 99 might be doing something a little bit different for their transmissions they car right now handling great retired he said i don't need any adjustments in this thing parker running in the fourth spot right now is tyler reddick lost the center behind him in fifth and ross chastain's sick larson only fell back one spot he was running second to bayer and now it's allmendinger who has that second spot biggest movers kyle bush has moved up 20 spots already chase elliot has made up 12 and austin dillon 10 spots since the start of the race well vegas had chase elliot as the favorite when you look at the odds heading into this weekend uh you know an okay day in practice and then at qualifying earlier today it wasn't a lack of speed for the nine car it was lack of laps it was a timed session and twice during the time session he was on the racetrack and the caution came out he actually never really got a real qualifying life stephen i talked to chase before qualifying today he mentioned the word rhythm he said there is speed in rhythm there is pace in rhythm and i have not found it this weekend never found it in practice never ran long enough to really feel my rhythm even though he's been here before he said so today in qualifying also a quick session didn't find his rhythm hasn't said anything on the radio yet about balance but he's waiting for this long period of time to really understand himself and his car on this racetrack today before he starts giving specific feedback to alan gustafsson great info dave as we watch chase dally continue to climb up the ranks it's william byron the other motorsports driver leading this field [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] red and white stripes [Music] what a great place to spend the fourth of july nascar drive that's your live race day companion you can follow your favorite drivers with high definition in-car cameras and all you have to do visit driver you can download the nascar mobile app today [Applause] [Music] on board with the nine of chase elliot that front bumper cam the ladder by xfinity regret's a great shot as we look at the rear bumper of the 22. look at the run the nine gets down to turn one he's gonna peek out and overtake the 22 into turn one unfortunate weekend for the 37 of ryan freeze he had an accident in practice had to go to a backup car and then just a few laps ago had an issue with his car under braking i'm not sure exactly what happened but smoke coming out from underneath it i'm not sure if this is driveline be it transmission or engine but that's going straight in turn five which connects to the garage area so the 37 of ryan parise not having as exciting of a trip to road america as he had hoped for road courses are difficult on these cars and already we've seen daniel suarez now ryan priest both off of the track and back into the garage and you see another car there coming through with the smoke growing out from underneath it but this is a this is a tough course on these cars yeah we see rock solid mechanical vehicles at most of the ovals and to be honest even sonoma and watkins glen have they found a way to get those cars to the finish line but i think a little bit of unfamiliarity with the drivers and their shift points and we got we went out on this track jeff these curbs are anything but smooth oh it's they're very rough you know the curbs on the outside of the tractor curves on the inside track so as you're accelerating you're running through these curves that's hard on transmission turtle axles on top of that you have way more high speed braking zones at this racetrack you do any other place we go so that's more pressure and you downshift on that transmission you have to be more precise here if you're going to have the car lift [Applause] i think about tire fall-off drive when you're trying to put the traction you know the power down and spinning the rear tires uh braking into the braking zone and staying on the you know using the curbs those things beat the tire up beat the rear tire up especially so you got to use the curves because it will make a faster lap you also need to be careful sliding the left rear tire across the curb on the outside exit right here you're coming back up on the race track try not to go way out there and slide across the bed because it's just as rough as that interior curve can beat that leopard tire up and it's going to hurt the car on the long run remember chase elliott started this race 34th and already he's up into the top 15 running 14th right now impressive run chase elliott right now 12 seconds behind race leader william byron so let's take this opportunity to make a whole lap road america with chase elliot you'll see turn three right hander we talked about the heavy breaking zones all those braking zones require downshifting heavy brakes you have to sync up your rpms if not it will hop it that can damage equipment you heard him in the rev limiter a little bit right there now downhill breaking that's really easy to get the rear end hopping because the weights off the rear end of the car one of the things i noticed about chase is he down shifts late he doesn't use the engine braking of the downshift i typically used a lot of engine braking really high reds to help slow the car down and stay off the brakes but he uses a lot of brake very little engine rib that's easier on the components harder on the brakes but easier on all the other components brakes can take it as long as you keep the temperatures down with the front fans and that's just this different style and it's obviously working for him really well look at this corner look how long this corner lasts is the carousel the car's leaning the wrong way the banking actually is the wrong way it's off camber chase using every bit of racetrack this is the kink where we saw so many troubles at practice three the motor brake pressure 115 miles per hour through there i had no idea to use the brakes in the king until this weekend i think a couple drivers were the same as you it's just not as fast of the race track as it looks and you know talking to cendrick about going around the cursor he's like oh it's not fast it's slow we're creeping we're hardly touching the throttle and we're breaking the king i'm like what i thought it was a lift back to the throttle but it's a you got to break slow it down one thing i love about it man he turns in really late comes across that corner in late apex and gets a good straight runoff that's going to protect that drive off on the long run as well but that also tells you that car is turning well if you can wait and turn later than everyone else you're going to get a better shot off the corner it also shows you how good michael mcdowell's running he's right in front of him he's really not burning him down i was just going to say michael mcdowell obviously he's had success before nascar at road america in the pro mazda series which is the indycar feeder series so he has been running right in front of chase elliot in that 13th spot so we're going to talk a lot about the racetrack about the speed about the corners and the word strategy will be used all day long and kind of the first tee in the road if you will is coming up in a couple laps this track is so big dave that you have the opportunity to come to pit road a couple laps before the end of the stage provide service to your car and go back on the racetrack without losing a lab it'll be interesting to see if anybody decides to do that let's talk a little bit about sixth place ross chastain started eighth and has gained those couple of positions five starts here in the xfinity series so this huge crowd on july 4th enjoying the cup cars ross has seen it before here in wisconsin supporting nascar in the xfinity series right now they're only concerned for ross a little right front damage to the 42 but otherwise running strong marty dave we've talked a lot about chase elliot coming from the back well how about kyle busch from 40th all the way up to the 16th position plus 24 spots for kyle busch his one concern he told me before the race started i just want don't want to damage the car at all coming through the field so he's been very careful very patient making his way through the field up to 16th so far for kyle busch parker as the same for austin dylan who's up to 21st from starting 33rd in this race just couldn't quite get a lap in qualifying every time they were on the lap the red fight would come out but even more remarkable considering that austin was in the trans am race earl this weekend and on thursday during one of their practice sessions he lost the brakes completely in that car and turn a went hard into the barrier they repaired the car over two days so he got very little laps he jumped in that trans am race last night started dead last drove all over the top five and turned the second fastest lap they said i really learned some things that are gonna help me here in the cup car oh we got an issue with the 96 guys 96 goes around and that's ty dillon looks like it's exiting the king stays green fortunately for todd no damage it doesn't appear that he's hit anything with that car and we're seeing pit stops just as you had mentioned steve dave oh and tilly goes through the yep tilly off in 78 and then we'll see if that brings a caution he stays to the outside there tries to keep the momentum going martin truex is on pit road trying to take advantage of this situation before the end of the stage he'll come down for a little right front damage repair on his race car otherwise it's been pretty well balanced marty for that potential caution coming out now everybody happy with the mood that they've made to come to pit road among those austin centric this is an advantage of a team really not racing for points not to worry about those stage points at all everything is focused on getting the win cendrick saying his car kind of falls off the longer they run and kyle bush ben bashor told me this morning at some point we have to do something different than everybody else well here it is first fork in the road they decide to take it pitting before the end of stage one they hope to get some contractions for kyle busch who started shotgun on the field still no caution though no caution and if you're at home and you think oh and the yellow is out now a huge advantage for the cars that have already been to pit road for service i was getting ready to say if the pit stops look funny they are they're backwards from what you normally see the driver is not next to pit lane so the orchestration of the pit stop the footwork and the travel of all the pit crew members have to be adjusted here so we saw mistakes yesterday we'll see who has any issues here let's take a look what happened to the 78 and how he got here that's that carousel looks like the left front but that front was low on the car it looks like guys look at a tire down or suspension problem 33 year old kyle tilly from bath england brings the caution out with that car where it is if we look at this shot right here they have this little area i'm going to see if i can draw on it that right there i call it the get out of jail free hook you're it's optional and you can put a strap front and rear bumper this will allow the safety workers instead of going out and having to open the hood and taking a lot of time they can just hook to that and drag this car out of the sand but you see how deep the front yeah there's a great shot at it right here with three laps to go i'm not sure if we're gonna see a green flag in this stage or if this will finish the stage that'll take looks like it might take a little while to get tilling out of here as he's buried almost up to the lights on the front of that car we're hearing that austin dillon a little too fast exiting pit road so even though the advantage that he thought he had it's going to go away now just evaporating we'll be right back with more from road [Music] america [Music] fourth of july nothing's better than motorsports check the flag right here hell yeah it just says freedom in america the fourth of july is is obviously a great weekend to celebrate our country road america in wisconsin sure it'll be a good party and fun race [Music] definitely a great party as we welcome you back nascar cup series racing telecast presented by t-mobile and what a beautiful sight here at road america these fans out here enjoying the weather enjoying racing there's brats there's beer it's a lot of fun for everyone involved so we had a two we had two other penalties during this fit during this pit sequence 34 michael mcdowell and the 14 of chase briscoe both driving through too many boxes becomes a little more difficult here you're going backwards down pit road essentially drivers on the left side of the car so he doesn't have as good of a vision getting into his pit box as he normally would and another thing i think that helped or hurts that and makes that more possible jeff man you took a l took a lap around this track and came down pit road and the boxes are really short right so i mean the cars are cars barely kind of fit in there as it is i think it's easier to run through more boxes because you're really covering just a very little little amount of ground and right now it's a lonely place but it's about to pick up steve they won't open pit road until the end of the stage so they're going to make everybody go around until the green and white checkered comes out which means that william byron's going to win stage one we see kyle tilly he was able to get out of that gravel pit and he's making his way back into the garage jack collinsworth he is out there enjoying some of the coolest fans in all of racing we have found the most prestigious mobile home winners of the awesome campsite award it's the andrews and the niles family from janesville wisconsin what was it to put it over the top i think it's got to be our enthusiasm and the outfits enthusiasm and outfits you just couldn't stop buying anything could you stop buying anything it's simple words to live by party like a patriot boom y'all [Applause] i agree i think it was the outfits those are spectacular congratulations to them on winning that prestigious award look at all the campers and the cars and the fans just everywhere 640 acres and it's packed full of fans and they're enjoying the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time for our carvana indycar update earlier today at mid-ohio posted her joseph newgarden led 73 of 80 laps to get his and team penske's first victory of the season holding off marcus erickson and avoiding late race heartbreak he has suffered the past few races on this july 4th mr seven times jimmy johnson carvana and american legion honored veterans with patches from both organizations featured on his 48 car pretty cool next race for the ntt indycar series that's the music city grand prix from nashville that's august 8th on nbcsn i cannot wait to see these indy cars go over the korean war veterans memorial bridge right over cumberland river there are limited single day tickets that are on sale this tuesday racing fireworks concerts what an exciting weekend it will be for the ntt indycar series that's a rick this is uh right there one to go final lap of stage one this would be the easiest stage win for uh william byron ever since the yellow came out did a lot of work in the yellow came out but once the yellow came out he's pretty much had other controls these cars should come around steve as long as he stays on the track right to take that green and white checker well you know he was reminded of that when you dupe it but one more lap mark martin wasn't it wasn't bristol bristol was going to win the race yeah i think david green ended up winning that race kelly yarbrough did it uh what did kyle petty tell us when when the king won his 200th that's right kale was running second and he pitted with one to go with the firecracker 400 and whatever year that was terry again i think finished he can't finish second because of that oh yeah kyle petty knowledge get dropped i i was gonna save it because i knew that'd be like a good trivia dinner one night but now we've told the world not sure it's gonna work parker we've seen a few penalties on pit road the driver is coming backwards the pit crew having to figure out a different orchestration to the pit stop what are you seeing and hearing down there right stephen a lot of teams down here reminding the drivers you only drive through two boxes or catching people do that and here for the uh four team of kevin harvick they have actually an empty stall on the other side of them so they're telling kevin you can use that you can use the exit here but be careful coming in and you see these crews yesterday we saw the aj omninger's crew they jumped over too early other times they hesitate it's so awkward as you know when you change that choreography you change your perception of how you view the car coming in it's hard to time it and so when you're down here and you're watching these crews one of the most visible explanations that they're struggling is that you see them hesitate or they'll jump and then not jump and it's really interesting to watch them try to navigate doing this from entirely different angle i think the other thing guys you got to keep in mind is this pit road is uphill and clearly that's the pit road entrance but as you get to the box where kevin harvick is that is still uphill so kevin harvick's got to keep his foot on the break the entire time of this caution if not it'll roll off jack it'll move backwards slow the pit stop down so everything's harder at this racetrack so it's william byron who wins stage one allmendinger larson reddick and chastain the top five on this fourth of july from road america already some great racing but it's byron who gets stage one so 16 2500 five nascar on nbc is brought to you by ford built ford proud sonic this is how we sought it and by monster energy unleash the beast [Music] well you can download the official app of nascar and follow the action with free live scoring and car cameras and a radio broadcast you can upgrade the premium for full access driver audio channels and a completely ad free experience search nascar in your app store to download and start a free trial today [Music] so the 20 of christopher bell was trying to get by the 21 of matt de benedetto you see them here and listen to what christopher bell had to say what happened with the 21. well he went to go protect the bottom and then left me half a lane on the top and break earlier than i anticipated so i had to go through the grass looked like he could have decided where he wanted to be there yeah you did good you blocked the bottom a little bit of right front damage to that fender they'll be able to make some repairs to to get the arrow back on that car but i don't know if he was gonna make the corner even if i don't know if you know matt broke that earlier like the 20 just cooked the corner a little bit but all right it's time for the pit crews to go to work and we'll throw it down to dave rick the 16 of aj almandinger pretty decent for them but they're going to lower the air pressures in all four tires to make that car more compliant for the driver one thing they're not going to do according to the team is work on that helmet hose aj will be asking for bags of ice and water to keep himself cool as he can this afternoon meanwhile the leader william byron also on pit road the car operating very well for william he's led the whole wave won the stage third of the season for him no real changes to the car so it was just a free to start but that's pretty typical marty dave the one thing with 11 teams short pitting stage one the best these guys have left the entire race will start is around 9th or 10th or so kyle larson said once he overcooked turn five that one time he said i was afraid to try and outbreak anyone else i gotta work myself up to it he said my biggest problem turn seven we're quote just flat slow through there but he feels like drive off fairly good of those who pitted william byron hold serve here on pit road with the 2014 delivering a nice stop rick yeah denny hamlin also his crew gets him out four spots better than when he came onto pit road chase elliott also difficult stop though for allmendinger lost eight spots on pit road we'll be back with a restart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] an historic place right here in elkhart lake wisconsin back in 1956 nascar running for the first time tim flock got that first win it was actually a rainy day when he was able to outdo the competition look back on 1956 and what was going on how about the first commercial videotape recorder was introduced peacock for nbc made its debut president eisenhower and the interstate highway system signed into existence of course tim flock won the race elvis presley's first appearance on the ed sullivan show don larson throwing a perfect game in the world series in october and then the summer olympics in november yeah but it was down under in melbourne australia and how about a few drivers that celebrated well 1956 as the year they were born rusty wallace ricky rudd terry labonte and dj stack your talent right there yes it was so we talked about strategies and opportunities and the risk reward of pitting before the end of the stage the reward was track position the risk was you're going to have a couple laps in your tires hard well the 19 of truex cendrick matty d kyle bush they all pitted for that risk reward but then the cauchy come out so they have no green labs on their tires still have fresh tires kyle bush was 16th when this whole cycle started here he is in the second row this could you know all the way back in stage one could be what changes the whole complexion of the race opportunistic you would say for some of those drivers that were on pit road when the caution came out long climb up the hill before they will get to the geico restart zone again it's truex manda benedetto making up roll one back underway for stage two tricks will defend here but cedric syndrome breaks him into term one three wide cedric on the inside and cedric takes the lead away impressive corner by matt benedetto and austin to get through and pass one of the guy that's dominated at the road courses along with chase elliott over the past several years mark tricks jr now under fire from his teammate kyle bush william byron back there trying to make his way through look at kyle bush in the third place here truex from first to fourth and just a few corners on this lap maybe breaking there for eric almarola and at number 10 looked like he was going to go off track but able to keep it going the right direction now truex pulling away from these guys putting them bring the fight back to kyle busch in these few corners here bubba wallace able to clear that 10. he holds on to the fifth position wayne byron's making a lot of ground here on this restart doing a great job first one of the first guards came to pit road now climbing back through the ranks so austin centric with impressive breaking into turn number one has taken over the top spot marty what an outstanding move from austin centric and jeff you know this and the xfinity car you can kind of lean on folks as we watch this three wide pass to take the lead from the second row on the restart just impressive outbreaking of everybody in the entire field to get the lead after restarting a little further back in the fifth position or third position rather but austin told me you know in the xfinity car i can lean on people with a car i can't do that in this cup car that's something i have to talk to myself through all day long there he took every inch of the road jeff but he didn't make contact with anyone something he had to have in mind today in the cup series it was amazing how far he was able to outbreak martin truex junior it was like three car leaks into turn one but maddie d is bringing it to austin centric kyle bush trying to run him down it's gonna be difficult to outbreak austin cedric you're gonna have to beat him on corner exit man matt definitely is really rocketing out of turn one let's see how he does here down in turn three right up to the back bumper a little contact getting cinder can look in the mirror [Music] think about the situation with these two drivers right the rumors are brad keselowski leaving team penske if that is true the two opens up 21 of matt cavetodeto this is a one-year contract for matt demandetto you know perhaps austin centric well we know he's moving up we just don't know what car he's going to go into so there's a you know interesting background between these two drivers and as matt looks strong and that yellow menards 21. part of the reason is because of the conversations they had after sonoma matt felt like the car just wasn't where it should be and admittedly the team hadn't spent a lot of time massaging on this car it was kind of an afterthought a short track car turned into a road course car that really hadn't had a lot of time spent on it by the team matt said the team went to work and when they went to practice yesterday he said i could feel the difference immediately guys you know that gives the driver confidence and he can go to work yeah you gotta have a car you believe in for sure [Music] so kyle busch closed in and turned five a little while ago but since then they drove away from me a little bit let's check out the toyota driver update i'll push back their third but this battles will take presidents right now [Music] they continue to fight it out and we see that 21 of matt dominidetto not letting austin centric even catch a breath everywhere around this track he is attacking almost contact there right to the back bumper of cindrick mata benedetto running this road course hard see the draft help him a little bit close back in down this long straight away [Applause] appears to the inside making sure austin centric has to think about him more contact man he's all over him [Music] he's going for it right here he's going to show him the nose he's going to try to get in inside center's going to run him hard off corner exit here maybe a little contact there between them two while they're doing this side by side here comes kyle busch yeah you see the fender damage on the left front a little bit of damage to the left from that 21 car it's a left-hander they're approaching both of them in the corner so deep oh manny diego to try to cross cross him over to set him up for the left-hander up the hill what a great turn by matt de benedetto and he takes the lead at road america austin cedric's not done with this fight now he's trying to do the same thing maddie d's got the preferred lane though that's a great great thing to hear when you drive ballon for the lead all clear two mustangs fighting it out for the top two spots and then right behind them that toyota of kyle bush he was able to close the gap now we'll see if he can do anything with the 33 of austin syndrome with nascar's increased footprint at the road courses across their schedule your performance attracts like this jeff and dale i think improve your resume to owners more than perhaps anything right you now know there are five to six different road courses in the regular season plus one in the playoffs if you prove like maddie d is doing right here that you can lead laps and potentially win in a road course i think you look better to an i agree there's so many road courses now it's so important jeff you led to it earlier let's take another look at the toyota driver update with kyle busch currently in the third position remember he started all the way back in 40 at the back up car after a practice crash didn't go out in qualifying so those little fresher tires enabled him to get up front and then a good pit stop put him up into the second row on the restart and now running in the third position fighting for that second spot with austin cendrick that little fade to the inside on on the straightaways is nothing more than just kind of getting that guy's head in front of you you get a little bit more air on the brakes in that deep breaking zone [Music] you're not trying to make a move you're not attempting to make a move to pass just kind of being annoying a little bit of a shift issue right there for the 33 and that's going to allow kyle to gain quite a bit of ground here get to the inside and can he complete the pass cendrick keeps him down low and kyle not able to get by 21 33 18 19. and the 24 of william byer in the top five now matt demenedetto starts to stretch it out a little bit here in road america nascar cup series road america telecast presented by t-mobile [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the 149th open championship the best golfers in the world compete on the rugged shores of the north sea and royal st george's golf club in england the open championship july 15th to 18th on nbc and golf you heard that the 11 of denny hamlin was having some issues potentially with his brakes fading just a bit and it was evident as he was entering turn five yeah this is that hard left-hander downhill just couldn't get it slowed down like he needed to kind of hung a right to keep from running to the back of chase ellie and then right here steve i hope he didn't get damaged right there yeah that big drop into the gravel while he doesn't get stuck you just don't know the radiator ductwork once again he takes a big chunk out of the grass the splitter the radiator pan there's a lot of important components underneath the nose of that car this is what it looked like from chase ellis perspective wow look at those replays of denny hamlin and his off track excursion there hey burton if i told you you had brake fade and you were having will hop what would you say if you were behind the wheel of that 11 car help me i don't know how you're going to help me but please help me because that is the worst of the two things brake fade and wheel hot marty that's not good and i i think i think they may be coming down pit road here in a moment to just check out the car for denny hamlin obviously they've lost all this track position now and they're debating on whether or not they should just pit here yes brake ducks are full of grass he's gonna have to come to pit road to get that off right away we'll be able to be up get some cool air back to those breaks before they have any serious issues and cook the uh brake fluid but the problem is you know if you have brake fade that means that your brakes are not going to wear the brakes if they start the fade will have to come they start to fade we'll have to come it doesn't have the friction that you want it won't slow the car down so then you tend to want to put you know more brake you've got an adjuster in there right you can put more brake to the rear but you got wheel hop you already got too much rear brake in it so you just it's hard to get out of this situation well the crew chief and the team they're looking at the same exact same thing we are right there they see all that grass i think if you know steve if you're on that pit box and you see what we just saw they're going to bring the pit road right away do what you say yeah you will because the other issue is if you get the brakes too hot even if you know he could slow down and manage the lap time you can damage the system where even after you cool them off they never return to as good as they once were so this is not a day ender by any means for the 11 if they could come in and get the cooling corrected and he can manage it to the finish the question is what other mistakes could be made by the driver what permanent damage could be done to the car martin and steve right now chris gabard has made the call to leave him out on the racetrack so he said you heard the radio a moment ago that was live he said if the brakes fade worse then we'll come down pit road but with eight to go in the stage i think they're hoping right now hamlin who sits in 15th just 15 seconds behind the leader just hey hang here keep as much track position as you can limp it through the end of the stage and then we'll come but we'll only come if we have to and even if they don't get to the end of the stage give me five more laps two to go in the stage and we're gonna see another wave of pit stops like we saw in stage one oh it's brad keselowski who has really had a bit of a struggle today backwards i think that's turned 14. running 25th if you could believe that's just amazing practice leski back at 25th let's see how it happened he was inside of mcdowell a little contact i think that might be that's turn one that's oh yeah that wasn't the incident that was turn one prior to the incident that's just good hard race in there and that's the second or third time we've seen brad kozlowski spin around locked up the right front and it's fun on him i remember back at daytona on the road course he had a dismal afternoon or evening uh that particular race but it's been a rough one again this weekend brad austin centric is all over the back of matty d here i'm wondering what maddie does here they're they're leaving they are right now 21st points coming into this race if he has a chance to win the sage that's with him leading yeah matt the benedetto leading that's where it puts him so that would push kurt bush below that cut line i just think that you know do you stay out and get these points if you're matt coming into this race though he's 21st in point so he needs points he doesn't need just great finishes he needs these these stage points and sitting right here with an opportunity to grab 10 but he was on a different strategy pitted early for stage one what did he do now i understand where your head's at exactly right 60 points behind the cut line so is he points racing into the playoffs or does his crew chief say you know what let's pit before the end of stage keep this track positioned because a win automatically moves us into the playoffs so that is a tough tough decision and it's going to be even tougher because other cars are going to come to pit road you know you're going to lose the position to every one of those i think you have the same position to win the race i don't i don't know you can come oh look at this right here on the outside manny d blocked the inside cedric just said okay i'll go out here what a move by austin cendrick to take the lead back away from matt dominidetto i believe he's going to lose two spots the 18 kyle bush is going to fall 33 through that might make that decision to come to pit road early in this stage a little easier for matt to benedetto but you heard cedric downshifting really using the revs a complete opposite of how we hear chase elliott driving the car cendrick is using that engine braking for those revs to help slow the car down using less brakes here dale we talk about lockup right there big lock up way off course no damage though can kyle bush take advantage of it side by side last to first kyle bush is going to make the pass oh it gives him a little bit of room here and more of a lock up man cedric is got an issue i believe struggling now is the 33 of austin cedric yeah it looks like the right front maybe more out oh he's got a spin now something is definitely a miss on this car it almost spun around like he had an axle problem i mean it spun so quick yeah maybe get yeah he's talking about something with the gear and and i i thought it was a tire as well but he mentioned something about gear problem maybe when he either will hop the broken axle or he broke the axle out on that runoff which is very rough it's as rough as the interior curbs yeah because if you broke an axle or something in the gear it's not just stepping on the gas and it affects it it's also when you go to downshift it's going to make a big difference on diesel he has drive so that makes me think he might have broken axle looks like he got in here way too deep and the wheel hop might have broken or he got in there too deep because he was having a problem it's hard to know which it is but your point well it's fun both tires leaving the corner right there you can see tire barks lay off of both rear tires so i don't think the axle was broken at that point you're killing my strategies jeff you're killing my plan here i don't know you're right let's listen [Music] in [Music] he wouldn't have been at accelerate that like that with an axle broken at that point right agreed see right here he's got good acceleration there's broke up there bro yeah he said he said he thinks it might be the left shaft that's what he's saying right now so trying to diagnose it while he's trying to come to pit road while the team figures out if they can fix it on pit road also by the way denny hamlin will pit this lap as austin cendrick tries to make his way here to pit road so eventful day already for austin the left the left side stretch check up what do you guys say back change we're not changing tires right away check jack it up and uh check the left side stretch look underneath make sure your shocks wrapped up three five four three two so they're gonna jack it up to see if the shocks are hooked up they think perhaps it's a suspension item i thought they were going to try to turn the rear tires to see if it was a driveline issue shocks hooked up see how they're trying to figure out that it's the axle yeah so he's pushing the right rear you're going to see if you the rear go to the other side they're going to spin that tire and you should be able to hear the ratchet in the rear gear that is connected as well so now unfortunately walker sounds like the chinese spin and leave it under acceleration that's what i saw i saw it look at the garage stands in the garage and fortunate either way it's gonna be the end of the day or at least the end of the day of having any sort of chance to win this race well we're five to go in this stage i think we're gonna see strategy kind of open up here a lot of guys are gonna come to pit road the next two or three laps but austin centric he had the pace just couldn't quite get it all the way to the finish led two laps today i mean byron has led 15 laps matt benedetto was out front for five kyle busch has led march junior has led look at this battle right here oh the joy big contact don't need the wall got into that dirt mound before the wall let's see if he can keep it going let's see the splitter's gonna be dug into the grass right here might be waiting on cars to go by but i don't think he'll be able to move looks like he got off track and was trying to get back on track and he's gonna put a lot of dirt out on the track and a lot of turf as well dave meanwhile this car matt de benedetto has issues he radioed into his crew that something was not right now is diagnosed as maybe a tire that is damaged he asked how many laps to the end of the stage they told him four he goes it's not going to make it that long so we'll see if they bring matt to pit road early to take care of that they're talking about pitting this time you hear the radio get all you kind of pit roads i'm a crew chief at seeing all this i'm having a stern conversation with my driver we aren't even halfway guys we got to finish this race it's four miles lots of area around four miles of racetrack curbing grass damage let's take another look at this the seven gets wide i think jeff and then tries to rejoin yeah it's way off track it just tries to come back on track and contact i think that's austin dillon yeah he's like man i'm here that was a hard that was hard contact between those two cars i noticed damage to the right front of the seven but you have to wonder what it might have done to the three oh gosh hit him right in the wheel right behind the left front tire you know what do you do austin can't get out of the way you got to get back on the track yeah i think if you're core you got to you got to lift make sure you're happy but i mean you can't just force the guy over i'm coming in you've already missed the corner all right so here's maddie d who was complaining about his thinks he has a tire problem but needing to keep this track position look at chase elliot taking the fight to kyle kyle larson and the nine of chase elliott gets by you see the hand going out for de benedetto letting him know he's coming to pit road look at it 42 diving to the inside of kyle larson here through this corner has to give up that position but so make a note of that kyle larson falling off at the end of this long the end of this run you [Laughter] don't slow down here we come and they get to the commitment line and then to the speed line dave strategy moved by the nine team to bring chase elliott in fifth place matt de benedetto comes in the 21 lead five laps today that car very sporty they'll both get service for goodyear tires sunoco fuel to fill them up and give them strategy options moving forward but mainly the benedetto's team wants to see what's going on with the tire he says it's damaged marty yeah same for denny hamlin's team they want to see what's going on with those breaks he was able to keep it not only up in the top 15 but he actually was running 12th when he came to pit road as she's he chased elliot and matt diminidetto finishing up there top tamlin coming down pit road also alex you see him flash through the side of the screen there here comes hamlet number one the objective is to clean off that grill look at all that grass that is on the front of the grill they have that pole it has a brush on it you'll see it come right off there you go that should cool down the brakes hopefully help denny hamlin but even with that grass on he turned some terrific lap times in fact for a few laps he was the fastest car on the track alex bowman still dealing with that heating issue as well cars still running a little bit warm but still having a decent run in that 48. and with all of this wave of cars you see all the cars up and down pit road any driver that stays on the racetrack is going to have a good chance of scoring points in the stage we're going to lose a lot of track position when the caution comes out and they decide to come to pit road a lot of cars on pit road just now as they're coming off of pit road it's kyle busch who's still out front has a 1.2 second lead over teammate martin tricks jr i was going to just ask you jeff the 18 perhaps could come to pit road as the leader and get to the commitment line before they close check lane i'm not sure if he's going to or not you know where he is in the championship battle and all that i think for to keep track position i think i would oh we have a tire carcass right there looks like it's offline enough coming this time a lot of penalties for driving through too many pockets in and out right here it's going to take a hard right-hand corner get up the hill he has to get to the yellow line at the top of the hill truex is following him and reddick says no then i'll stay out and take the stage win there you go they both made the commitment line before the leader got the start finish dave it's a good recovery for martin truex jr after practice on day one he said what am i doing talk to crew chief james small said i need to go back and look at all the day to figure out what i'm doing did so and we showed up for qualifying today was a much better man according to james small the crew chief he qualified in the top ten was running ninth and marty now is coming down for four tires and fuel yeah kyle busch making his way all the way down to pit stall number one dave carter's been pretty good especially early in a run it kind of fades as they run later it gets a little too loose for kyle busch ben bayshore making the call to come down for the four fresh goodyear tires here as the stage starts to come to an end in stage two picking up track position they hope we'll see where he cycles out with all of those other cars but with that whole host of cars pitted earlier kind of made them come to pit road as well teammate truex though beats them off with cut road here all right so you mentioned points first position the one of kurt bush he's another one of those drivers that came in right around the playoff bubble only three points above the cut line he stayed on the racetrack and he's up into the fourth position that's a lot of points if he could hold off larson maybe even trying to go get his teammate in the 42 and rest into the stage impressive pace oh he's off the track oh boy just as quickly as you said it and now a lot of grass but obviously when the caution comes out here in two laps you'll be able to clean that up but unfortunate for curt bush check the break check the grill it only cost him one spot right now it's only one spot and they're going to pit and get to be able to get the clean the grill cleaned off so he he'll be okay to make this amount of laps just impressive though the pace that this one car has his teammate chastain is flying as well both of them driving by kyle larson i thought it's a favorite to win this race i thought this car was going into the wall or but he's you know at least suffer some some type of damage so heck of a save but curt a little bit of a mistake about the one but we're here in the 19 too fast entering good strategy gone bad with a penalty the penalty has hit a few different drivers today this time it was spartan shrek's junior and still that grass all over the grill dave and he was so happy with this race car rick radioed into the team our strengths are straight away speed braking is fine we just need to make it turn a little bit better on the right-handers and you know there's a lot of them here including one big right-hander the carousel that one goes on forever so they'll come in uh soon he'll be watching the temperatures until he gets that grass off the grill i'm not sure he's done trying to chase the five back down you might be thinking maybe i get one point back when we talk about you know how denny hamlin was fastest car on the track or running some great laps anytime you close up those grill openings and stuff like that you're going to be it's like qualifying you're going to add some down force it has a pace in the car closer brakes don't get hot you'll be able to get into the corner deeper run down and straight away faster talk to that point steve how about this car the eight car he's gonna he's in this battle to make the playoffs as well staying on track to get those 10 points [Music] leading his first career lap on a road course it was a little surprised the car in second place william byron didn't pit before the end of the stage because he hit you know he won that first stage which i love the call win the stage but then they haven't really cycled back to the front i thought this was the stage they would throw away but they're gonna go for some points stay on the racetrack in second hey guys look who's gonna get stage points even though they've hit it kyle bush sitting in 10th they told him hey take it easy the 19 had that penalty so you just take care of those tires for this third stage well i'm looking at some lap times for some guys that pitted and just sitting there trying to save tires like you know some of these guys are creeping around the racetrack because they just they're going to line up in front of everybody that pit so they're trying to just save the tire the best they can and jeff just to add on to steve's points we watched tyler renek here coming by the lap of this stage you know he finished third in the first stage and he was actually able to pass byron and larson when we went from that last restart at the end of stage one so this eight car is really fast they made very little adjustments as he comes the end here he's been very happy that i think this is a threat apart they all know they have to go beach they want to win this race and he'll be coming up to the green and white checkers so tyler redick grabbing his second career stage win and it comes at road america and as long as he makes it into the playoffs that'll be a playoff point that he's earned as well byron the winner of stage one finished the second in stage two ross chastain kyle larson and kurt busch round out the top five great racing both on and off track here at road america this time it's tyler reddick who gets the win stage two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nascar cup series from road america this telecast presented by t-mobile fans enjoying a beautiful 4th of july here from road america great shots from up above this park area aerial coverage brought to you by geico dave rick there's a lot of things that road america as beautiful as it is that can abuse goodyear tires and when matt benedetto said that his tire would not go another three or four laps he was right this is the chunking that occurred on the left front of the 21 car hard to tell exactly how it got started that one was not going to last they pitted early under green and we'll rejoin uh in front of a lot of the guys we're gonna pit now i'm willing to wager that that damage started with it sliding across the pavement under breaking if that was the left front maybe not but you know a little flat spot can can look like a blister after running laps see the 51 of cody ware going up there passing the pace car he'll get the free pass so he'll go all the way around the racetrack yeah pit roads closed guys they said the field is too strong i think all the teams were ready to come down pit road there steve good thing no one didn't that's an easy way to have a penalty right i mean you just assume it's going to be open you come off turn 14 you know let's you know just take a right-hand turn and don't listen or look at the light a lot of the leaders paying attention that would have been an easy penalty to see so because the field spread out so far they keep pit road closed they'll go around one more time before they'll come to the attention of their crew great outfits sweet summertime nascar on nbc is brought to you by creditone bank the official credit card of nascar visit coca-cola together tastes better with coca-cola and by t-mobile the leader in 5g america's largest fastest and now most reliable 5g network and marty that 22 year old that you're standing with uh looked very impressive to start this race oh also impressive and uh you know thought he might get a win here today one minute battling for the lead in the next moment what happened austin yeah we seem to have a mechanical issue uh pretty much gave me one wheel drive so it's obviously not conducive to stopping turning or accelerating so i think we've identified the issue and probably how to prevent in the future it's just uh it's frustrating just to not only one day but two days in a row to have a have the opportunity to come in really well prepared equipment and obviously have enough speed to win some races and uh yeah i love road america even if it doesn't love me back how was it to battle though for the lead with some of the some of the best in the business no it's it's what you dream of it's why you it's why you work really hard you know i've been overwhelmed this week trying to figure out you know you know what gear i need to be in in each car and not nonetheless you know trying to figure out how to how to contend up front you know i i left myself low expectations for today i know you know we were fast qualifying and you know had a lot of positives but uh you know just tried to keep the brakes on it throughout the day felt like we had long run speed and i think that was going to really pay off for us and give us ourselves a best chance to win the race but overall thankful for protech for performance everyone that makes this deal possible and we got one more race in the 33 car and hope to make the most of it and rick i don't think that's the last we're going to see of austin cendrick battling for the lead in the cup series of course he'll be here full time next year yeah i agree the young man uh so much poise and obviously unfortunate the way it ended for him but takes the positives you know he got to race against the best and he was showing that he could be one of the best well you think about it he had an opportunity to win the race yesterday in the xfinity race as fast got in a late race caution wreck wasn't his fault then today and you know i had a chance to win this race and had a mechanical failure so you know put yourself in position it's not always going to work out but he did that on both days so the field needs to bunch up again as nascar and said they were too strung out when they came to the pit road entrance the last time so now this time by we will see pit road open up for them and teams being able to take advantage of an open pit road now and you see them diving to the right tyler redick will lead a long line of cars up the hill and to the attention of their crews as you said tyler reddick got his first stage win of the year here in the eight car the team reminding him do not pull into the box really do not go through too many boxes they've been nabbing drivers for doing that do not speed the whisk is not worth the reward he's been very happy that car just had air pressure adjustments are going to do the same air pressure adjustments now or get your entire sunoco dave this morning he said i feel like i have a car that i can contend with anyone today and he's showing that running third when he pitted for goodyear tires he said he just want a little tape taken off the front because he knows he's gonna be in the back of the pack that for handling and brake cooling meanwhile william byron on the right-handers a bit too free doesn't feel like he can put the right rear into the track marty hey dave with so many playoff points in the bank you might wonder why kyle larson did a short pit that stage flip daniel said i just felt like our long run speed has not been good enough today to do that so they ran the stage out he said i didn't manage the tires very well that was larson saying i got two free at the end of that run just no overall grip and the pit crew delivered for them of those who pitted you see that rick they won the race off pit road [Music] important for kyle larson you'll have the freshest tires and be back out on the racetrack kyle bush coming before the caution came out for the end of stage two is going to be starting up front it's been a wild day already and steve you mentioned just moments ago we haven't even got to halfway of this one so we're closing in on that and we'll come back for the restart and the start of stage three [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will ride and what a great site a go-kart track inside of road america here playoff push continuing for the nascar cup series it continues actually next sunday at atlanta motor speedway that race coverage beginning at 3 30 p.m eastern on nbc sn kyle larson led 269 laps back in the spring and brian blaney ended up winning that race so we'll see if he can sweep atlanta we go back next week look at the crowd there on the hill getting ready for this restart kyle bush and chase elliott making up row one there's matt benedetto on the 21 and denny hamlin picking up row two as the field approaching the geico restart zone kyle larson first off pit road all the way back in 18th did he handle a little bit of a shove there for chase elliot but a rocket of a start for the 18 of kyle bush benedetto is going to slide into second chase eliot third fight for fourth is on 19 of martin drake jr who pitted before the caution like kyle bush remember he was nabbed for speeding so he started basically all the way in the back of the field at the bottom of the screen kyle larson one of the first cars with new tires pitted during that stage break trying to work his way back toward the front curler running in the fifth spot the 14 of chase briscoe running for rookie of the year this year for stewart haas racing i think chase is a pretty good road racer he had good speed and practice see if his track position can help him out remember jason told us that that he got so much help working with austin cendrick when they were teammates in the ford camp also cedric taught him at a rate road race taught him had to break another driver that jeff you thought would have a good day right behind him alex bowman 48. now with the track position see what they can do with that larson all the way up to 13. that's a lot of cars and a half a lap on a road course from 18 to 13. good job by larson so matt benedetto had great pace on this second stage you see already he's on the back of this 18 car pushing hard he's going to be in position to go to the inside he'll have the inside lane heading up to turn 12. what a great run coming off the carousel and through the kink and so now the benedetto once again trying to take the lead away and this time he gets it from kyle bush he has incredible pace early and and we know he had that tire issue late in the run if he could protect those tires and not have that issue again will the pace stay with this 21 car throughout this remainder of the event let's just listen to some radio from matt that left front tire wasn't anything you did uh it was a tire issue manufacturing issue so don't change anything inside the car there you go yeah i thought perhaps it came from a flat spot but it must have had choked to the goodyear engineers they feel it was something with the tire so that's reassuring information to the driver well done by the crew chief of the team letting him know well i was thinking the same thing you were a junior i was like well maybe don't run quite as hard early in this run but that communication right there let's go get you some he's got really good pace and comes in here outside the cutoff for the uh for the playoffs so you know obviously a win would be massive for this team and for matt well for the team especially because they're right now stuck on 99 wins for the organization so if they could get that century mark if they could get 100 wins what a huge accomplishment that would be for the wood brothers maddie has been very vocal he does not know what he's doing next year yet so clearly everybody wants a winner with 29 laps to go in the race a few window about 18 laps so regardless if you were before the caution or at the stage break you still must return to pit road for a full tank of fuel and another set of tires you just the question really comes in if we start to see yellows you know when do you put on fresh tires do you give up track position later in the race or not take a look at today's xfinity fastest laps right now it's the top five to benedetto kyle busch chase elliott denny hamlin and chase briscoe dave how about chase briscoe in that white number 14 mustang maybe catching a little bit of dirt right there coming through the king chase told me this morning this is the best car i've ever had here it's a white 12 by 31st he said well twice i was on good laps qualifying this race car when the caution came out of the red came out those laps are nullified by rule and so he didn't have a good lap in the 14. he said i've never felt better about a race car here and i should be good today he is it's really the same thing we saw catch chase elliott off guard two cars in front of fresco same situation never got that clean lap in for qualifying remember he got penalized early in this race for driving through too many pit boxes so a good pitch strategy there steve to get him back in the battle another guy that went off track had a lot of issues in turn five danny hamlin's worked his way back into position here great rebound from that team staying focused top ten's full of those good stories right you got the 20 of christopher bell back there in seventh he had damage with the 21 earlier in the race he's back there behind alex bowman and behind christopher bell you've got chris busher and mike mcdowell austin dillon i mean look at the damage yeah oh man he's got big damage to the right to the front of that car somebody must have checked up in front of him or maybe a little bit too hard of entering one of the corners yeah you have to wonder if that's upset how this car is going to cool how it's going to cool is that duckwork moved around separated from the nose when you use one of dale junior's favorite terms you used to have as a driver and i'm going to let you know that's not optimal i used to ask temps at times and what would you tell me they're optimum yeah that i think that i always translated as that is i can't see the gauges right now but nothing's flashing i didn't have time to give you the details man things are good things are still good it's still a nice top 10 run though for mike mcdowell right he's hanging in there and when i spoke with that team this morning guys they told me that one of the reasons why he'll be much better today is the braking package on that yellow 34. the last time they updated it the 2013 they have updated in a big way today and it's working for mcdowell parker in the car trying to crack him down there that patriotic number three car driven by austin doing the great run here with a dow salutes veterans scheme there that patriotic july 4 scheme with 1900 veterans names and military members on that car you can see them on the hood all those white lettering that's 1900 veterans on board what a great message from dow to sleep the veterans out there to all our military members and that continues to grow when that program started there were 400 names that they had on there now over 19 as you mentioned parker a great promotion and an organization now continuing to support our veterans kyle bush is fighting for that second spot to benedetto and chase elliott kyle bush jenny hamlet chase briscoe top five kyle's lost second spot chase elliott chase has found the way around that 18. junior i'm going to give you credit you said it all the way during the qualifying show chase seemed dejected hadn't quite found a rhythm and i think he needed to hear your pep talk you were confident that a guy like chase elliot with enough laps would figure this place out here we are in that final stage and the favorite from the odds makers coming into the race has proven why that is i mean he's won five of the last seven races on the road courses six stage wins so he he knows how to get it done it's just a place he didn't have a lot of time all right steve the top 10 are all on the same strategy as far as they all came to pit road around 26-27 what is the strategy for these guys especially the leader dominidetto what are you doing with him well you know you can run 18 probably 20 laps on fuel uh so they could you know the real question is you could run to probably mid 40s but it's all run as long as you dare if you want to have fresh tires at the end what do i say rick you tell me when the is coming out i'll tell you we should pit let's go nascar nonstop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can go inside the headset with access to nascar scanner for only 299 per month listening on pit strategy spotter communication crew chief calls hear what your favorite driver has to say during the race visit scanner to start your subscription today and mata benedetto once again under attack from chase elliot right on board the xfinity cam off the bumper this nine car chase going through the gears up the hill across the finish line a little bit of draft right here is going to close him in gonna look inside here put the pressure on he's going for it matt gave him plenty of room matt's going to allow him to take the position as they head down to turn three the last couple laps the nine car chase elliott has been about four tenths a lot quicker chase getting comfortable happy with his car best thing for the rest of the field he just fixed his seat belt you must be comfortable when you can adjust your belts while you're racing kyle bush all day long is taking this approach into this corner driven trying to make sure he drives that car perfectly straight so he doesn't lock up the light side of the tire as the car unloads all day long he's done that into that corner and it's worked for him he takes second looking to sweep the weekend he won the xfinity series race yesterday so manny d right now just it's okay right you're still in position to win this race i know you just got passed it's okay do not try to overcompensate right here dave jeff there's a couple of reasons why he's running third and not first anymore two of those reasons of course are chase elliot and kyle busch they're pretty good on the road courses but also he says i'm losing grip and the right hand turns in this 21 car as the run goes on and as we know rode america four miles of it but there's a lot of right-hand turns marty hey dave two laps ago ryan blaney was running 12th now he's 18th why well on the racetrack he had contact with someone and now the hood has buckled up on the 12 car yes buckled up quite a bit they have fashioned some barebond here well that's a big dent isn't this steve on that 12th car he had some fairly significant contact i asked todd gordon who did he hit he said i don't know all blaine he said as we hit someone so that damage they're gonna fix on the next stop they have asked him can you make it last six more laps clearly he can they said that will get them then to their window to be able to make it to the end there's that bear bond they have ready when ryan blaney does come down pit road the good news for the 12 is it's dented in a way that i think he still has pretty good vision although it's not good vision through the dirt and dust of the one car right there but you see it's popped up a little bit where the flaps are but you know as long as it stays in that condition i think it's not going to affect blaney and his ability to see about the car he was under yeah that car has some it has some bumper clearance somewhere some rear bumper clearance kurt busch trying to work himself back up through the field got those stage points there's a penalty for that line it up just worked himself back up to 16. 24 laps to go i mean you said it jeff just remain calm there's a there's pit stops probably restarts there's a lot of opportunities here for this race to come to you or go away from you don't make a mistake at this point yeah obviously we've there have been a lot of xfinity races here and a ton of late race cautions in those xfinity races i don't know why this race is going to be any different than those you don't think patience is going to grow as we get closer to the finish typically it does not crash alaska coming through right there had an early spin has recovered well back up to the 18th spot for keselowski and right behind him that damage number 12 of ryan blaney guys how about we listen into the sounds of road america as we're hearing from the now 38 cars on the track [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's amazing to be able to ride along with these drivers and watch them how they get around this track shifting gears look at working that steering wheel working the throttle really really technical stuff man and we're thankful to be able to have these cameras and get this type of access and listening in to these drivers and how they're negotiating this four mile track well it's time to once again take a look at what lap you're on flat 40. 444 dollars from busch light on july 4th from bushbeer tweet hashtag bushlightapple and hashtag sweepstakes whatever harvick's number four car is driving a lap with the number four in it and you can win you've got 10 of them right here [Music] you won't miss a thing as we have nascar nonstop right here at road america chase elliot's out front i get a little bit closer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on [Music] the jockey made in america 250 from road america elkhart lake wisconsin what a gorgeous fourth of july afternoon it is the fans have shown up over a hundred thousand in attendance this weekend for racing we see christopher bell in the 20 trying to put pressure on that 21 of matt diminidetto so rick i know this might seem silly but i was drove around the golf cart or the track in the golf cart trying to figure if i was a fan where would i park by camper jr what part of this track would be the place that i want to see this race from and it's hard to beat this combination here you know through the carousel and down this back stretch area i was wondering if you figured out a place because i did the same thing i rode around here all weekend and i kept going that's a nice little place in the shade yeah shade was high on my list so i watched the uh trans am race from that here we get to christopher bell making a run on matty d able to clear him manny d's car once again just not good on the long runs but i watched the transdom race from that right stand bright beer stand over there where jack was earlier they got shade and vindy nice it was yeah i had beverages food big time i have a feeling denny hammer and his team are not talking about the best place to watch the race from let's see what they're talking about all right you guys see something that'll turn into a caution get up here that is basically so let's go back nascar pre-stages the key to every road course was come on pit road right before yellow well now you know when the two of them are because they're the end of the stages now there's no more stage breaks so this last pit stopper what could be your last pit stop and perfect timing rick would be if denny hamlin sees somebody go off turn 12 in the gravel and can get the pit road before the caution comes out remember we saw the 78 in the gravel earlier it took what maybe 20 seconds for nascar to determine hey can he get unstuck or can he not so that was a good communication from the crew chief to all of the spotters around the racetrack i'm giving you the green light and there it is so now this right here if i'm anywhere down in turn 12 which unfortunately the whole field is really around the middle of the racetrack so i don't think anybody will hit i think i flew a tire and left that wheel off that bad felt like the left rear went down alfredo if he blew a tire he'll be stuck he won't get out of that sand and on pit road is ryan blaney yeah how about that time there rick they were coming to pit road before now they the 38th fix this damage but the caution is now out that's going to be a massive advantage for this 12th car who can make it to the end of the race from here bingo that's like hitting the lottery right there for the 12th car the 10th car channel what a bit of good fortune for the 12 and unfortunately for anthony alfredo with the old speedy cashman she oh you see the debris he said he thought he blew a tire unless he wheel hopped i think his analysis was dead on the left rear is flat anthony alfredo nothing to do but ride along oh you see some brake rotor coming off there i think he exploded a brake rotor in the braking zone term one [Music] great point is junior i didn't see that the first replay hey and so they'll hook on to the 38 and pull him out of that gravel pit but the caution coming out ideal for the 12 of ryan blaney was already on pit road they were fixing that damage to the hood when the caution came out they said take a little bit more time and get it right he's still sitting there i mean it takes that long for the field to get behind the pace car and caught up great race management by todd gordon understanding how big this track is todd gordon announced this week that he will be hanging up the crew chief headset at the end of but maybe good fortune here helps him out alfredo gets into turn one [Music] fire it's nascar cup series from road america this telecast presented by t-mobile it's been a while since we've checked in with jack collinsworth as a matter of fact i think it was when he was eating the double brat the last time we saw him how did that go down jack yeah rick i'm playing injured i burnt my face off with that one but we haven't seen a crowd like this all year long as you come out here in the middle of the woods there has been a premium on the woodlands all weekend long my guy joey been coming here since he was a baby and you act like you're happy you know what i'm saying joey a little bit it is greedy cheers every time the cars rip on by but we're having some fun over here in the woods everybody says the most important thing is you got to find yourself some shade they're not wrong rick well you found it and smiles on everybody around there enjoying this weekend this fourth of july weekend and so many families we're seeing too and we did see uh jack's commitment to the double bra that was that i mean the chef could have told him look this is right off the grill yeah give yourself a little bit of space but i mean it's amazing the place is so big so vast you almost lose touch with how many people are here because they are everywhere every nook and cranny anywhere to his point to jack's point anywhere there's shade there's a campsite or a tent or a campground and uh it's racing country for sure because you walk around there and you get every t-shirt as you know every driver is represented it's a fun crowd yeah and they're getting a great show i mean this this has been incredible obviously the equipment is trying to keep up with the abilities of these drivers and we're seeing a lot of you know either brake failure we saw a rear end problem for the 33 team so i want the race to be safe i'm not wishing bad luck on everyone but i will say i love the fact it's a little old school remember you know the early years of nascar part of your job as a driver was to get your equipment to the finish line and i believe these drivers have been kind of re-taught in the last few years just go as hard as you can because these cars will hold together not on this four mile road course there's too many opportunities for mistakes by the driver and mechanical failure so while it is exciting and a little out of the ordinary i'm enjoying the task at hand for the drivers all right burton jr you guys uh surprised by what we're seeing out of the cup series here at road america i'm glad steve's not wishing bad luck on everyone that's pretty nice of him to do um you know we saw some of the guys we expect to to win this race or try to win this race chase elliot who's dominating row courses for a while those guys are toward the front right but the guys we saw early in the race chastain um kurt busch reddick uh larson they're they're not really driving back through the field since stage three started are they going to be able to finally get back toward the front and be a part of this race at the end a lot of talk about the drivers but i won't talk about the pit crews we got a big pit stop coming up right here you know we this this can determine the race now it's an opportunity for pit crews to have that stop of the day give your driver a chance to win this thing here we come to dave on pit road two strategies merging into one here jeff toward the end of the race with 18 to go now a couple more caution laps they will have enough fuel to get to the end over time not withstanding it'll be four tires and fuel for chase elliot he's asked for no changes on this nine car so the winner of five of the last seven on the road course is in good shape marty tinney hamlin pits uh from uh running third day and a nice run for them loose in the right-handers tight in the left-handers he needs more forward bite kyle busch animated on the radio saying i'm getting my butt kicked out here meaning the nine car was doing all he could to stay out front he said the engine is also quote not crisp when i'm at park throttle he said i need better drive off that's the biggest handling issue kyle busch will win the race off of pit road from those who bid it but you saw the cars that stayed out bush gains that one spot rick yeah so his crew did the job on pep road as we see the 11 also making up a spot chase elliot lost a couple kyle larson gained five so losses off of pit road we'll see how it all shakes out they'll line back up for the restart when we come back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today at road america will definitely add to what we've been able to enjoy in wisconsin throughout the years of course the packers and the fans have been able to enjoy that organization for so long so many great things coming out of the state of wisconsin and once again road america now for the nascar cup series visiting here for the first time in 65 years and the fans have definitely come out strong listen into kyle larson radio here just moments ago those guys were trying to hustle their cars pretty hard and they just kind of made mistakes and you know chase he was very patient and calculated and just set him up we've heard that from cliff daniels before he's very aware of everybody around him and so there he wanted to know how to chase get by those guys know some low-key advice i think take it easy on these tires parker guys as we look at aircon roller who got in just before that caution like blaine he had two reasons why it was really lucky one it gave him the lead in the second his left front tire was blistering just like the 21s coming apart now the leader great fortune for him front row on a little bit older tires so almerol and blaney up front will bring the field back to the restart oh big check up in the back there you see cars maybe had some contact look at kyle busch on the inside of amarola alvaro drives it in there deep pushes up the racetrack deep allowing kyle bush to get by the 12 of delaney now it's three wide for third but a chance for the lead here comes kyle busch once again ellie with the momentum down that back stretch and let's see how he does in turn five yeah that's a great acceleration out of that corner remember this is a left-hander so you're trying to position yourself to the left side of the racetrack look at kyle busch once again that inside lane just the only one doing that today fellaini trying to hang on now at albarolla to his inside now it's denny hamlin that's inside of that 12. kyle larson over the back bumper here comes chase elliott and that car rolls the center of these corners so good it turns and changes directions really well a lot of front grip there's a good look underneath the uh 18 for you see what the track bar is doing on that 18 yard [Music] into the kink and chase elliott leading at road america you can hear chase elliott modulating the throttle on and off the throttle running through that corner at the edge of grip i know these two guys are racing but admiral is settled right in behind him wondering if he had any pace to be there but he's hanging right with these guys fuel wise steve these guys can make it to the end yeah i think they're gonna make it to the end overtime would probably be a little questionable i blame you and almorolla pitted under greens that tells me that was just inside their window the leaders the 9 to 18 were two laps later so i think you just lose so much rear grip later in the run your few miles gets better because you just can't step on the gas he talked about his qualifying junior but almorolla sitting right there now has somebody to chase somebody to kind of pace off of break when they break accelerate when they accelerate [Music] barney hey jeff tip of the cap to todd gordon and ryan blaney sitting in fifth right now kyle larson trying to get that spot but remember when they made that strategy move got the fortunate caution they were running 18th at the time and steve you can unpack this and sort of explain their day on one pit stop on one stop they took out four rounds of track bar that's a put in four rounds of track bar actually that's how loose that car was parker as kyle larson goes for fifth there that's a great pass by carl arson but just ahead of them there is jeff was alluding to eric alvaro getting to see what these leaders are doing i was talking to him before the race and he told me you know the the toughest part for him on road courses is that he only wants to break about 80 percent he said i just get scared smashing that brake pedal like you have to and maybe sometimes i'm falling i can get sucked into doing that and i find a little bit speed but when i'm by myself i regress to just doing about that 80 percent he came into this day he said i'd be happy if we get out of here with a top 15 right now obviously fighting with hamlin for this third position kill breaking is so important a lot of race tracks you go to junior you you know the teams on you get off the brakes get off the brakes you know you're slowing the car down but a road course is the longer you can stay in that throttle and get on the brake at the last minute there's real lap time and being able to do that when the race is over your your legs i mean it hurts it's crazy like you can hardly walk that takes that much pressure i think all the racing that these guys do outside of the cup series also helps them understand how to maximize braking you learn by running in emsa in the 24 hours of daytona that the best time to brake is when the car is going the fastest it has the most downforce is being pressed into the racetrack the most has the most load on the tires so there's less likely a lockup or anything like that so you break extremely hard initially for the corner and then you come off of the pedal as you roll into the corner marty you guys talked earlier and we played the radio from cliff daniels to kyle larson and i think that you're right it was a subtle hit hey take it easy on these tires early in the run because that's been their weakness the early part of the run kyle has admitted twice on the radio now i think i abused my tires early in a run but with this long of a run still 15 to go which is a long way at road america you want to save all the tire you can he is pounding benny hamlin for third you're right marty it's 60 miles still 15 lap that's a long way to go in this race every time i see the five car through the kink it seems like it's sideways sliding that left rear tire i would imagine that would be the tire that goes away and the circle back that comment marty had about the 12 and the track bar adjustment talking four rounds looks like an inch of track bar that's a major adjustment surprising you know they had practice so it wouldn't shock me as we see kyle arson methodically working by the 11 right there didn't overdrive it so big adjustment for a track that you got a little bit of practice at chase elliot now has a 1.1 second lead over kyle busch running second as we go nascar nonstop road america [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wow the dawsonville georgia native leads this race next week we go to atlanta one of my favorite tracks on the circuit the xfinity series race on saturday sunday the cup race countdown to green starts at 3 p.m should be a lot of fun jeff that was a fun race track man a lot of grooves running all over the place wore out slick slip and slide at a high rate of speed remember larson dominated that race blainey passed him with nine to go to win the race in the spring would surprise me one bit to see a late race pass next week as well dave what do you have on chase ellen jeff when i spoke with him this morning the first thing he said was we are not good and you can report that okay uh they weren't good and it was because jay said i couldn't find my rhythm at this place practice was a series of short runs there were stoppages as cars went off or had damage and he never had a chance to really get the feel for this place but once the race opened up today and chase began logging laps he began to find his pace and his rhythm and he's found it here at the end alan gustafsson has put him in good position obviously strategy and no changes on that last stop has the nine right where he wants him to be we saw it nonstop the 24 car william byron off the racetrack looks like he gets too deep into turn five not gonna drive through the sand so he's gonna try to figure out how to turn around looks like he just kind of got edged off the racetrack by austin dillon right let's not put ourselves out of the race here tab let's uh make sure we're taking care of our stuff and hopefully caution so that's after the fact hey settle down let's wait for a yellow regroup don't do anything crazy don't make any more mistakes that are going to compound the problems you could try to throw a little bit of a hail mary you said wait for a yellow you know run the light say 10 or 9 to go and then pit and put on fresh tires he's not going to run anyone down maybe one point back there but pit put on fresh tires and then hope you get a yellow and hope the guys in front of you think they need to come get fresh tires that's about the only way i can see the 24 cycling it back towards the front of this field parker oh guys if you look at the top five right now one driver that sticks out to me is chris robel what a great run for him in fourth place right now remember he won at the daytona road course but came into this race without having a top five since april talking to adam stevens he said you know our year has just been hit or miss even more in position things just seem to fall apart we need a solid run here and we think we can get is he gets right on the back of cal arson they're looking really strong that 20 car money yes teammate denny hamlin is behind him and he said what a recovery for that race team sitting in the fifth position they had the off track excursion as bell goes for the pass on kyle larson and then they also had the brake issue but when larson passed andy hamilton earlier he said man they are absolutely killing us when it comes to motor that ecr hendrick combination no doubt the horsepower even showing up here at road america definitely going to show up on those tracks like pocono road america that have the long straightaways acceleration through the gears a lot of people talk about what the advantage is that hendrick has found while the chevrolets seem to be running better so i think it's a little bit of arrow and it's definitely some power under the hood the 20 looks a little quicker than the five and just a little more neat and tidy jeff you know keep talking about how the five perhaps abuses his tires a little more well visibly the five definitely looks like it's sliding the back of the car around in certain areas where the 20s able to drive much straighter on corner exit and on corner entry sometimes you think that's driver style in many cases it's just the grip in the car you know some set up some cars make more grip than the others and if you want to try to keep up with them you have to push a car really hard and that forces it to slide around and that's what kills tires at the bottom of the screen turned six saw the 48 of bowman there you see him back there taking it easy has it really been up front all day long haven't talked about him much but he's just been methodical taking care of that car kind of closing in on these guys martin jr i checked in with uh greg ives a moment ago remember they had that overheating issue just kind of ran hot earlier in the 48 once they pulled that tape it's been fine i said how's the handling then he goes that's been okay actually that last run alex the titus he had been all day long so they made a pretty big swing here trying to free him up this would be his fifth straight top ten in a row course kind of under the radar road course racer but alex bowman getting it done when it comes to results at the road courses i agree under the radar just doesn't make a lot of mistakes carly misses corners slides tires or anything like that just real tidy and clean all day long smooth you know yeah he's a really so that's witness driver when i when he first started working with us at junior motorsports that was the first thing i noticed about him was how smooth he was he could run the same lap over and over and over matching his corners perfectly great little driver taking care of that equipment and chase elliott with a two and a half second lead over second place kyle bush he's trying to get around the lap car of kyle tilley right now third place kyle larson cresting the hill coming down to turn three christopher bell looking at the inside trying to take that spot that was a late move by bill and larson good for larson to be watching for that bell slipped the left rear getting down in there but he has more pace and now larson has to wonder if he fades back to this 11 car is larson saving anything or has he used that car up again on the long run i just think they can't make it work on the long line denny hamlin's gonna go for the spot here i mean he's done everything he can and and they've reminded him cliff daniels almost every lap don't abuse it don't abuse it but no matter what he does just seems like they don't have longevity in that five today that's frustrating when nothing you do as far as a driver helps save the car or make the car better on the end of the run there's a lot of racetracks where you can try to back up not run as hard in the first 10 laps nothing seems to be able to affect this five car for for kyle i know he's probably in there making those adjustments the best thing to save tires is a great setup yeah good point start to overcome it that's the point did he hamlet up to fourth now so it's chase elliott kyle bush christopher bell denny hamlin kyle larson the top five alex bowman mentioned him moments ago in six kurt busch into seven chance briscoe the highest running rookie of the year contender is eighth eric alvarez ninth and de benedetto in tenth larson got through the king or danny hamlin didn't get sure which but i think he didn't had a little bit of an issue there gives that spot back to larson now bowman back here trying to figure out how to get by both these guys i think he has a little more pace than both of them and then behind them kurt busch closing in on this group and that number one car there's curt running in that seventh position trying to close the gap just a bit chase elliott kyle busch one and two at road america we go nascar nonstop [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] nascar cup series back at road america this telecast presented by t-mobile and once again let's listen in on the sounds of road america from inside the cars [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a beautiful visual as well as the sounds of these drivers what they're able to do with the machines chase elliott out front by four seconds over kyle busch christopher bell kyle larson alex bowman the top five under eight laps to go for road america chastain in front of the shot just got by joey logano joey too far into the corner he's going to miss it just a little bit it's going to give reddick an opportunity up here in turn six joey's going to back off there and let reddick have it parker what you got junior as we saw in that onboard shop we rode with joey logano there and you could see his right foot down in the pedals just easing into that throttle that has been the situation all day in that 22 car not able to hook up those rears fighting a very loose condition off the corners although he's been tight to the carousel whenever he gets back to that cash they've not been able to hook up the rear tires in that 22 and you saw it really visually there when you're on board and that's what he's struggling with now falling back about the hard charge we're seeing out of the 19 of martin trex jr as he's closing the gap on legato had that speeding penalty back about mid-race had to go to the back of the pack but he's worked his way up currently in the 13th position if he can drive back up into the top ten without any sort of strategy call that's an impressive run for the 19 as we see someone off of the dirt looks like they were able to continue [Music] you see the foot cam all the eight's now off the track they're flap somebody's gonna make a mistake joey's driving up through here in the turn 14. pumps the brakes real quick got tricks to his inside ease that throttle down it's trying to spin the tires that's a lift every time the ship like this little pump of the brake right here give me a quick tap tap and hard into the brake zone of turn one right there that's a security tap yeah i just know i have brakes if you tap and nothing's there you're gonna you're gonna lift and say hey parker what you got on the a-car well we saw him go wide there we talked about joe legano struggling to put the howard down in that 22 car well for the eight it's the opposite he's been struggling to actually stop that eight car as of late in the last couple laps he's come on the radio complaining of big brake fade and we knew this would be a subject coming into this race as we get in these waning laps just one of those situations for a lot of these drivers and teams how much have you saved those brakes how much do you have left inside that car it's such a question mark often how much how have you treated that race car throughout this race we've seen a couple cars come to pit road the six of ryan newman 24 william byron i think that's just a little bit of a hope for strategy catching yellow now you can stay on the racetrack with fresh tires because with seven to go guys if the yellow comes out right now so normally we talk about road courses once you have track position don't give it up but with the tires the way they fall off and a four mile race track i believe these tires or these drivers are gonna have to get some tires if the yellow comes out dave i would think so steve we've seen that before here in the xfinity series and certainly the cup teams watch the strategies that happened there late in the race look at that blue and red 19 car of martin truex jr talking to his team earlier today one of the strengths that they said this guy always has at the road courses is how he takes care of the equipment you mentioned that earlier and how this one is good to the end but all that driving through the field he's done since the penalty on pit road that has been impressive not only does he take care of stuff he's extremely fast and truex is making something out of nothing here today at road america yeah i'm gonna tell you who else is fast lost chastain since this restarts picked up 10 spots there he is right here he's run maddie b down he is the only one right now that he's second fastest that lap still not the pace of chase elliot but he doesn't have the track position that chase haley has either ross chastain the second fast as that last lap he has come through the field and the car that was the fastest is kurt bush and we saw this earlier in the race these two cars set themselves apart from the field in long run pace whatever ganassi is doing with these road courses we saw it at coda with chastain had great speed there [Music] shows up again today both these cars really fast there's some spots in front of kurt busch as you mentioned it and some spots in front of the 42 i think both can improve kirkbush has hamlin bowman and larson in his vision there you see that is under six laps to go from road america sustain is you know oh the five the forty eight oh no he collects but a mistake there by alex bowman spins his teammate junior you saw coming before they ever made contact with 48 was just way too deep i think the 48 may have had some will hop or just just cook the corner out of breaks let's see it pushing really hard late in the race i think he's yeah he was not trying to make this pass that's too far to come from behind he just got he had a trouble you heard him say out of brakes clearly just was not expecting to have that little friction getting into the corner a little bit of contact on the quarter panel for the for the 48 there as he comes around the five here watch that boom pretty hard damage on top of that there's still six laps to go yeah look at the tire rub now oh no yeah that's pretty severe on this and he's gonna have a hard time making that work all the way to the finish rubbing against that right rear tire what do you do steve man i came to work for tv so i didn't have to make these decisions well i think i i think at this point you're gonna have to leave it up to alex bowman i don't see a lot of smoke anymore maybe only on the left-handers but at this point i think with the winds he has he can take this gamble but look at speed at that load up the hill and on the straightaways it's terrible five laps is just good not good i think you pit him at this point jeff i mean you can't go down the straight away yeah if you have a flat tire at the end of one of these straightaways you can wreck a race car you know you can lose confidence in your driver driver's confidence in you i think at this point you have to just come to pit road and fix it hope you get a yellow how aggressive do you try to defend the 11 right now not at all i mean you you're just trying to get home without giving a ton track position but i would i would think you'd not be thinking about this 11 car at all and just wonder if this thing is going to try to clearance itself or not a lot of cars on pit road in front of us i don't know if that's yeah i think that's just a strategy call i assume they can all make it off you haven't heard anything on the radio maybe just thinking that he's going to blow a tire yeah good point good point think you're maybe we're looking at the yellow and they're hoping for a yellow that's why they're on pit road wow you know as a driver you know alex bowman what do you do because my experience is the tire always blows at the worst place boban's coming next time guys they just sent us rubbing too hard on the straightaway to your point steve not worth the risk right now to hang on to that track position and now alex bowman saying i'm sorry tell the five i'm sorry i could not stop at all it did not have any breaks let's not make a bad situation worse i i i know alex moment sorry and i know we want to try to limit to the finish but i like greg ives being a leader and saying i'm gonna make the decision come to pit road i'll be on the fast race track in areas i agree but i watch these next few straightaways is it clearanced itself no smoke here let's see what it does out of the kink down this straightaway if it continues to smoke right here i may consider bringing him but look at it i think his problem may have solved himself just a little bit of tire smoke we're seeing down that straight away not nearly as much as we saw earlier but how much wear has it done to that tire it's gonna go so we got a pit yeah four tires pulling out bowman saying i know it's rubbing should we consider staying out so he was thinking like you junior and greg eyes to your point c being the leader said nope you're pitting you got to pit this time we can't have that happen on the racetrack and bring out a caution well chase elliott's leading adam would be great guys and blow a tire and have a caution come out for my teammate who's leading that's i've already spun one of my teammates so let's go ahead and put four tires on it let's let's not have an awful tuesday meeting let's try to keep the enemies just a five card yeah there i don't like the race that way i mean that was that was the one thing about plate racing i hated was having to worry about your teammates and take care of your teammates and you got to run your own race i think i'd have left him out there to see if he could have made it just a few more laps just four to go as you mentioned jinx elliott's out front he's got a six second lead right now over christopher bell who took second away from kyle busch they go to work on that right side right above the tire pull it pull it pull it first it's right on top of that tire so junior i know you would have wanted to stay out i'm not sure that would have made it four more laps he's not in my fantasy lineup i'm saying that's just what i would have tried to do i think if i was the driver um you know it would have been tough to give up that position but they you know they made the call they needed to make so he was in my fantasy lineup i appreciate you throwing some salt in that wound what a great battle right here and chase frisco this run that he's having in the top ten currently in six fighting against curt bush for that position yeah where did he come from chase has really turned it on here i thought kurt bush had the long run speed but this 14 car has found something late here confidence for sure at this racetrack last year when he knew he was going to be racing mori uh rented basically a ride in the michelin pilot challenge series to get laps here and it was extremely valuable to him so coming here he knew exactly what he was doing as a rookie in the cup series one of his best runs of the year so i saw the hand out the window of the one car and i think he's just trying to get some air you got to think these drivers are really cooking inside these cars with a few laps to go miserable hot day working harder than they've ever worked i mean when you go to a new track especially a road course you work way harder than you need to once you learn it get better at it multiple trips you calm down you know where to rest you know where to take advantage of those opportunities but this first trip is tough on these guys look at the damage on the 11th car right there big hole in the left front fender i think kurt busch would he would take this finish right now right if he could finish just give me this fifth let me move on he's made up 86 points in the last four races to get himself pretty solidly in the playoff hunt he's 22 points above the cutoff line now 23 where he's running i mean this team a month ago was talking about we have to win there's no way we're going to point ourselves into this but the last five weeks they've done really good work you mentioned that damage on the front of the 11 junior i remember seeing some damage on the right front but the hole in the left front looks new well i think when larson and all that was going on he wasn't he got that damage right there from that spin when the 48 got into the five the five car back to 14th is dropping like a rock almerolous in house going by no pace right now in larson's car after that spin frisco's taking a two kyle or excuse me curt bush spun the tires there coming off of five but definitely putting the pressure now on bush we talked about it last year steve a lot watching chase briscoe racing xfinity series how good he was on rogue courses and how important that was going to be at the next level here he is showing people he can do it marty what do you have on hamlin i think these drivers to junior's point are just hanging on physically inside the car they're not saying much at all but denny hamlin just a moment ago still trying to gain spots that i have absolutely no left rear tire left so they're hanging on inside and the car as well this road core stuff it is so physical so hot outside that's that makes such a difference the heat just transfers into that car the brakes are hot the transmission's hot the rear end's hot all that goes just straight to the driver look at this move right here oh frisco guys as we watch this battle i look at the pylon on the left side of the screen some names really jump out to me how about ricky stenhouse jr up to 13th i don't think we've mentioned his name much today truex has drove it all the way back up to top ten austin dillon as we see larson falling colt custer inside the top 20 eric jones 19th so you know this long run to the finish might be a little bit of saving grace for some of these guys today under two laps to go just over eight miles this would be a career day for shin house don't think he's finished inside the top 15 in any road course race he's ran sounds a bit like my career for most of the first half of it anyways we're at the bottom of the hour right now we'll be here on nbc until the top of the hour six o'clock burnout interview victory celebration and then nascar america post race show from 6 to 6 30 on nbc sn here comes the one kurt bush to the inside he'll try to take the spot away from hamline kyle busch running third kurt busch fourth [Music] hamlet fifth chase briscoe six we'll see if chase tries to be aggressive to take that spot away from hamlin under two laps to go hard into the turn he's able to hang on to it nobody right behind him so no loss that tells you right now that that's the toughest corner for the breaking zone i've talked to cedric and other drivers they all say no corners harder to get down into without mistake these drivers are starting to find that limit stepping over it every once in a while right behind frisco he was going to be settled in for a seventh and now he's thinking well i don't know the drivers are give out breaks are give out tires are give out kurt busch out there we talked about it 42 years old i'm not reno he's trying to do anything he can at any moment the track to get a little air inside there even with a couple to go you really put yourself to the limit you tax yourself to that last slap you use everything you have up it is amazing when you put your hand out the window how much air just comes dumping into the cockpit that leader the nine of chase elliot rick turns through turn 14 and climbs the hill back here to the start finish line in front of us up the hill he goes and now one lap to go presented by credit one bank chase eliot has almost a six second lead over christopher bell running second a fan favorite for quite a few years now chase elliot has become won a championship a year ago trying to defend that title look at the numbers that he has put up especially on road courses jeff gordon nine the most of all time tony stewart eight and chase elliott right now at six tied with bobby allison richard petty ricky rudd and rusty wallace and shame on me rick when i saw the odds come out at the beginning of the week and all the talk everybody had chase elliot the favorite i don't know you know he hadn't been here in a while doesn't have the experience of other drivers didn't show up great in the practice lap times but dale jr called it he said give these cup veterans time up during this race and they will figure away chase started way in the back and he's worked his way all the way to the front [Music] dave mentioned as we're listening to chase elliot the way he works his way around this racetrack [Music] dave mentioned rhythm that's what chase was talking about he wanted to find that rhythm as he works his way through the carousel for the final time [Music] going through his home track next weekend atlanta motor speedway how careful he's taking it touching the curbs not even really using the maximum amount on corner exit six and a half second lead now it's do not make a mistake that's right we said that before his very first win remember when he went into turn one at watkins glen he made a mistake and let the car behind him catch up to him but i think he's learned his lesson as well as figured out his rhythm here at this race track coming up to turn 14 for the final time and the crowd here at road america appreciative of what they have been able to see out of the reigning champion of the cup series it's the seventh road course win chase elliott wins the road america [Music] christopher bell coming home in second a great finish for him kyle busch is third brother kurt bush will finish fourth denny hamlin in fifth great drive great does a good job holding off chastain for sixth rebounds so does true rex top 10 finishes matt benedetto strong all day long another top 10 finisher today chase will make his way down into turn five and that's where we saw jack collins worth most of the day because such a huge crowd right there in that area where you're in between turn 5 and 13. a lot of shade but a lot of green grass area for the fans to enjoy the racing in a reminder we'll be here till six o'clock on nbc so to the top of the hour and able to enjoy chase elliott's interview which will happen here shortly america will have post race from 6 to 6 30. and chase is going to go right by where we were going to talk to him right on by hey man he wants to wave to all those fans making this four miles of fans out here it's a new new race track new thing it's not sure where to go probably hadn't even put much thought into where victor lane is at just did everything he needed to do right to get to the checkered flag you'd be afraid to think of that in advance that's right yes but it's great he's thumbs up waving to the fans all the way around the racetrack [Music] well i think that road america is a hit we've had a tradition of going to daytona for years but this place was worth it i can't wait to come back fans in this area love the fact that the cup series was here this weekend everyone came out to watch chase elliott get the job done great weekend for nascar elkhart lake really a racing town but a lot of the communities all the way around here everywhere we were going either out to dinner or you know wherever we were we saw so many race fans with you know the race shirts celebrating uh the fact that the cup series was going to be here and i think they got a great show today and obviously from the champion a great performance and a week away from going back home atlanta is next weekend think about that going back to georgia and potentially getting the win there back-to-back wins possible for shanks elliott only a big win for chase elliot but the field continues to shake its head about hendrick motorsports dominance this year it had a day where kyle larson didn't have his best day well guess what another hendrick motorsport driver stepped up 15 wins in the last 34 races take a look at that impressive winning percentage and like you said jeff you're even more dangerous because it's not just one right a week ago kyle larson had a flat alex moment was there to win the race this week chase elliott so i mean you're trying to you're trying to outrun that organization i'm not sure you know going into each race which driver you're trying to outrun they've won half the races this year yeah you know not giving you thinking about the number of teams on pit road they've taken half of them and on top of that alex bowman did not get the finish and firing to get the finish but they both ran well all the cars ran well all the cars ran well any of them could have won i think it's just across the board with chevrolet you know you look at kurt bush and chastain that organization is the fastest road forces but they're they're improving everywhere so all the chevrolets are getting tougher and tougher as we get closer closer to the playoffs this man right here chase ellie that was close he gets the win it's a narrow racetrack he's got to remember that that's a good example of just how narrow it is but he gets to do the donuts for the first time since 1956. the cup series was here drivers that matters to drivers when you come back do something you won't be the first you're going to be the first to do it chase puts his name in the record books he's having trouble getting out radio wires still hooked up and he wants to come out and celebrate with the fans that are here at the start finish line and those that are on pit road he climbs back into the car he's gonna drive back around to turn five that's where we'll be able to chat with him [Music] but definitely the fans love this champion he gets the win and road america he celebrates all the way around the racetrack with every fan that's here this team has to be excited about what they've got in defending this championship second win already of 2021 and we will hear from the reigning champion and now the winner of road america when we return rolling down uh chase ellie makes his way back to turn five with the checkered flag in hand and now celebrates with all the fans here jim will be with you until six o'clock here on nbc and then from 6 to 6 30 on nbcsn and marty is down there to chat with the road america winner i love how he soaked all of this in every moment going around every inch of this racetrack a little burn out of the start finish line then down here to the turn five fan to have stayed here to watch chase and cheer him on in this victory what an incredible drive from 32nd to the win for chase elliott i love that victory celebration you want to see everybody here and and thank him for a terrific day chase absolutely i wasn't going to miss anybody i appreciate you all coming out thank you for spending your fourth of july with us i hope you enjoyed the show it was uh man it was a hot day uh but a lot of fun man just really proud of our team for overcoming some adversity early and having to start in the back having good pit stops and um had a really fast and apush overlay so just so proud we've had a rough few weeks so it feels really good and uh yeah i guess i was supposed to do a burnout right here so i'm sorry i missed the memo i did a really cool one on the front stretch though but um just a big thanks everybody for coming out again happy fourth y'all have a safe weekend and uh thanks for coming out aren't you the same guy this morning who told me i have a lot to figure out about this racetrack how did you figure it out so quickly yeah i just never felt like i got in a real good rhythm all um all of yesterday so for whatever reason there after halfway through the race i started finding some of that rhythm and was able to put it together and piece different parts of the track and then finally i felt like i was able to piece most of it together so just uh yeah stayed with it and glad it worked out talk about the challenge of this day the heat and a new race track for everyone there was a lot to figure out even for guys like you were so good at road courses yeah it's just this track has a lot of character to it it's so long you know you have a lot of opportunity to make mistakes or be you know be good whenever you hit it so you know just uh i mean four miles is a long it's a long course and just has a lot of character to a lot of bumps a lot of sections that are really tricky to get through and then conserving your tire was actually a little bit of a thing today which to be honest we don't we don't have much of that i feel like anymore so it was a little different race but like i said proud of our group most importantly thanks everybody for coming out thanks to our partners um everybody back at hendrick motorsports been doing a phenomenal job uh bodies chassis engines fab shops it's just been incredible so looking forward to more you hear what they're chanting behind this chase well you got enough tire for one ah and they're cheering i'll give y'all everything i got i'm about out of tire though so i'll uh i'll blow the tires off of it why not let's do it there you go we're going to watch the burnout he gets to go home to atlanta next week but listen to the turn five fans they're just excited for the burnout and they kind of goaded him into it rick they wanted to burn out they got the chant going that's what happens when the crowd gets involved we'll see how chase does and if you guys want in turn five you can raid him why not probably a good reason why chase elliott is the fan favorite and has been voted that year after year because of you know the fans love him he's going to respond he said you know what i'll give you whatever i got and i loved what he had to say he goes i drove around the entire lap because i didn't want to miss a single fan they came out spent their fourth of july with us here in the nascar race and i wanted to celebrate with them as he takes the checkered flag inside the car with him we look at this checkered flag moment brought to you by advanced auto parts the win for chase elliot he did a burnout on the start finish line for those fans that were on the front stretch and he's gonna do a burnout for the turn five fans [Music] he gave it all the right rear is gone now the left rear is gone he's gonna need a push back to the garage that's awesome fans cheered chase delivered peer pressure he's riding on the rims now they gotta come they gotta go get him i think victory lane is gonna be delayed rick he's going anywhere anytime soon he's going to need some help but that's great you know the fans they were chanting they wanted to see it all right 20 races into the season as we look at the playoff standings now with two wins for chase elliott currently fourth on that list you look at the playoff points that they have accumulated kyle larson with 32 still only 11 different winners five spots open kyle larson with the pretty good points today he's battling now for that season or regular season championship then he's currently leading by three points in the regular season championship and together there's extra points that are on the line there for winning that as well there are but jeff pointed out earlier in the show and i think it's worth noting kurt bush just a few weeks ago must win must win can't do it on points comes away with another top five in the fourth position to look now he's found himself 25 points above jeff yeah also in there austin dillon didn't call his name i don't think all day today but that's what he needed to do he's been working hard on his road course skill he actually gained a few points today he didn't lose any in the last year he would have lost points in a row course this year he kind of broke even gained just a touch a driver who comes out of here with the most points tyler redd if you see him right there in 11th place or in 15th place i'm sorry in the points pretty critical day for him he came through ross chastain as well had a lot of points today trying to get himself into that playoff position low rider for jase elliott stay with us until six o'clock here on nbc as they're going to push the nine all the way back to victory lane he burned the tires off he told the fans he would do it he'll give him all he's got and he did just that much more drivers chat with stay with us me okay oh so foreign is coming up tonight local news will be next except on the west coast and then macy's fourth of july fireworks spectacular at seven o'clock right here on nbc's you see the nine car creeping its way around the track trying to get back to victory lane and a great second place finish for christopher bell parker christopher bell finished his second here trying to chase down chase elliott they're late you were actually faster than his last couple hours he just looked he had too big a lead there yeah i just kind of buried ourselves there whenever i uh with that pay road penalty but yeah it was a lot of fun you know our serious xm camry was really good and really proud of this 20 group it's been a trying last two months but uh we feel like we're getting on back back getting back on track here so there's no reason why we can't be running up front every week and i was going to mention that this is your first top five since april how much does that mean to this team to go out there have a solid run execute and get the finish yeah it's been good you know last week at pocono we had a car capable of finishing in the top five and it didn't happen so besides that nashville we were okay and aside from that we're you know not i don't know we just haven't been very fast but here recently the last couple weeks i've been really proud of the progress we made and just proud to drive for everybody on this 20 group at joe gibbs racing and um yeah i'm excited for the future i know there's more to come like i said there's no reason why we can't run on front every week all right before the race though before i let you go you told me you had to keep this car pretty clean how do we rate this one without right front damage up there uh let's look at the cars behind me here i don't know i think it's pretty good it's not a solid not 100 but pretty clean that's a clean one and a second place finish for christopher bell at any time you have a smile on your face at the end of a race you've gotta feel pretty good about it a second place finish for christopher bell as we see the nine still creeping around but take a look at chase elliott's day remember it started off in qualifying when he didn't have a good qualifying run because of the situation with the cautions coming out so he had to start in the back yeah he didn't ever get a qualifying lap in started in the back it was clear early that he had a good car we weren't sure how good but he could pass and work his way up through traffic doing a nice job of talking about keeping the car clean no dents on the nine car one of the things that i saw about chase is how well he took care of his tires took care of the car stayed pretty much off the curbs looked the smoothest out of all the drivers out there he saw all the drivers run really fast early and they're early in the runs but chase always came on at the end this has to feel good for chase elliot with all those wins alex goldman has four wins and he does now he's starting to rack him up as well defending champion you want to be the biggest winner at your company for sure so now two wins in the 2021 season for chase elegant and when you think about chase elliott and hendrick motorsports hendrick motorsport's really on a roll right now so much success but chase elliott has separated himself from the field as far as a road course racer now he's third all-time as far as wins on road courses behind jeff gordon and tony stewart yeah no doubt and we have indianapolis and we have watkins glenn still coming in the summer so there's available wins there we're going to see the rovel deep into the playoffs i think for chase elliot there's zero question of what he can do with the road courses what we're looking for the nine team now is can this be kind of a launching point or a jumping board to improve some of his oval track speed the five's been good the 48's been good the nine hasn't been bad but the playoffs only have one road course in it so he needs to try to find some of this magic and it is magic on the road courses for the ovals but right now enjoy it celebrate it know you have two more coming this summer drivers how do you get so good at one discipline right now we're seeing chase elliot dominating on the road courses i wish i knew i mean you know it didn't come natural to me and i think row course racing is something you have a feel for it or you have to learn how to do it and those guys that have a natural feel for it it feels normal and they work to get better those are the ones that the best so you know chase elliott has proven you know he's the quickest guy to get to seven wins a row course he's 25 years old a long history a long career ahead of him a lot of wins coming i think you've got to credit alan gustafsson that team too for giving him a car because you know jeff as well as i do that you don't know what you need right around a road course until you've drove a car that does all the things that you needed to do then you know then oh this is what i should expect out of a car i didn't know the car was capable of this or that and the other and so them giving him the car to compete and him learning how to take that car and do the job with it it's pretty impressive all across the board for that whole team but i mean chase is just an incredible talent and he adapts to anything any type of racing and we see him going outside of cup racing to try to learn more about how to be a better overall racer dirt no matter what it is and on top of that just always the same temperament i think his emotionally he's just prepared for the bad moments the great moments he's always the same guy i think that serves him well that temperament was tested for that qualifying issue today i mean look right there jeff gordon with nine tony with a you mentioned it third on i mean he could be first or tied for first but heck all the way to the first yeah by the end of this year and then heading to atlanta i mean heading home you talk about having just some momentum heading home he lives down in dawsonville so he'll see if he can join his dad as the only georgia born driver to win at atlanta now his dad did it five times so chase wants to win five because i have to win the first but i wouldn't bet against him with the momentum off this race that's pretty amazing that awesome bill is the only georgia-born driver to win at atlanta where he won five times there so we'll see if chase can keep that momentum up and his dad was spotting for him here by the way so there's awesome bill but we're looking forward to next week from atlanta the xfinity series on saturday and then the cup series on sunday again three o'clock and 3 30 for the start times there that'll be on nbcsn chase mentioned tire management today you better keep it in the back of his mind it'll be tire management next week in atlanta a rough rough race track at atlanta it's old weathered and you do have to manage those tires well he managed the competition here chase elliott what a day more post race coverage coming up on nbcsn coming up next on nbc it's your local news except on the west coast chase elliott after a 65 hiatus for the cup surreys at road america he is holding the checkered flag [Music] everywhere this is
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 97,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, motorsports, racing, stock car, Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, chase elliott, fantasy sports, fantasy fastlane, glass case of emotion, ryan blaney, crash, wreck, pileup, pit road, penalty, race track, super speedway, highlight
Id: fZHnslAeAQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 29sec (11969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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