Joby Aviation Stock Analysis In 4 Min | Joby Stock

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does Joby Aviation deserve a spot in your  portfolio? Let's run through the bull and   the bear case in about five minutes. My name  is Brian Feroldi and my name is Brian Stoffel Brian, Joby is far from a household name so what on  earth does this company do so this is a vertically   integrated transportation company that is still  in the research and development stage and their   key product is the aerial taxi that you see  here this taxi sounds very cool it takes off   vertically and lands vertically it can carry  up to four passengers it's going to be piloted   it can travel up to 150 miles at launch and  reach speeds of almost 200 miles per hour   and importantly it's all electric so there's no  emissions to worry about when we look at how this   company plans to operate it's very similar to  Uber you simply pull up the app on your phone   tell them where you want to go get picked up and  brought to the aerial taxi and when you're dropped   off you have another taxi waiting to take you  to your final destination and when you look at   the cost could be to the end consumer it will  be more expensive on a passenger basis to get   you to your destination but this company promises  huge time savings that will be a major factor if   this company gets off the ground especially in  high traffic areas which this company plans on   focusing on so what's the bookcase for investors  well first off the opportunity here is just   massive if the company can make this business  model work the sky is the limit on the opportunity   second we're big fans of the company's business  model by deciding to become vertically integrated   joby isn't just selling these aerial taxis they're  operating it which gives them the opportunity to   collect recurring revenue third we were impressed  when we look at the company's management team   not only is it founder-led and the founder owns a  ton of stock but heavy hitters like paul zakaria   the founder of pinterest and reid hoffman the  founder of linkedin are on this company's board   of directors that gives this company a huge  credibility boost but it's important to point   out that the company comes with a lot of risk  the first is that this is this is a company   that has not launched any product there's no  guarantee that they will ever launch a product   right now it's a really good idea that has  a prototype but no customers a second risk   is even getting the product to market requires  regulatory approval from the faa there are no   guarantees that they will ever sign off on this  technology finally while we are big fans of the   fact that this company has decided to become  vertically integrated we also have to accept   that doing that costs a lot of money building  the planes and operating in the network isn't   going to be cheap and management has to do a good  job of handling the debt load and investors need   this company was way far away from an investable  idea it only got a 34. that doesn't mean investors   can't win by owning this stock that just means  that this company is incredibly high risk right   now and brian on my framework it also ended up in  the uninvestable fragile territory however at the   same time a six isn't that bad and part of that  is because the potential is so huge here i'll   also say that while we did this i did a parallel  evaluation of if the company can accomplish its   moats once it goes public and if it does that  would make it a pretty good robust stock to own   so what do investors need to keep an eye on moving  forward first and foremost the next big hurdle for   this company is getting faa clearance if they can  do so that would be a major plus for this business   once they hit that milestone we also want to watch  the company actually have its public launch and   whether or not the public is accepting of this  idea of aerial taxis while we wait for those two   things to happen investors need to keep an eye on  the bottom line this company is burning through   huge amounts of capital and will continue to do  so for a long period of time to come investors   need to brace themselves for more capital raises  on the horizon overall we think that joby is a   fascinating company and if this technology works  wow could this be a winning investment but it's   also an extremely high risk stock right now  we hope you enjoyed this video brian's out
Channel: Brian Feroldi
Views: 8,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joby aviation, joby stock, joby aviation spac, joby aviation stock, joby spac, flying car
Id: Ulv0-Ro628o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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