Job Simulator Developers React to 39 Minute Speedrun

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[Music] hi uh this is andrew eike i am the ceo owl and cable slinger at alchemy labs yeah and i'm uh devin reimer i'm the ce owl um at alchemy labs and uh this is a job simulator speed run um so kind of some background a little bit here on uh on alchemy labs we make a lot of vr games job simulator vacation simulator um upcoming uh cosmo uh cosmonius high um and uh this is our first really big uh vr game so it's exciting i love watching people do speed runs yeah so the interesting thing um so that soda can that he used first uh when i joined alchemy i was actually the um the like uh just a producer and well not just you know i enjoyed it and uh that soda can was the first thing i worked on on my first day i did not i was trying yeah i was trying to get it to shake yeah at the time we were so busy and heads down and they're like this new person showed up and they're like well you know how to code too and you know we were getting ready to work at ricka morty and they're like just make this can so it shakes up and does something cool and i was like okay and then we were working out of a house and just like bumbled my way back to some room and tried to figure out how to shake the can that seems that seems like an alchemy task we don't know just just figure something cool out yeah and then also in this one i did this one the garage it's interesting that they choose this first this was the last uh the last job we worked on right so it's our most complex by far and it shows it right and how much is going on um but you know when we first when we first did it what some of the things we found out were like if the car approaches you too fast and this is the early days of vr so we didn't know anything the car would come up to people and so we actually have to put like uh it's it comes in slower which i'm sure the speed runners love us for slowing down the car um but at the end but if it came up at full speed people would literally jump out of the way because they thought they were going to get hit by a car yeah yeah yeah i it's so weird that garbage can was just kind of a throwaway thing where people were like i want to put my garbage somewhere and so we put it there and then we kind of put it further away and then people kept throwing it like okay we're making this giant effect and be exciting and we don't tell anybody ever to do it but everybody does it even on a speed run people are like this is awesome this is something i want to do while i'm waiting for stuff to happen i'm gonna i'm gonna do that we actually like an earlier version of this job had a whole uh like i forgot it was called like intermission is what we called it and the garbage can would like roam around the floor and you'd shoot stuff into it and that was fun but it made no sense no one could figure out why the garbage cans started moving and everything that would go into it these these cars are um it's interesting because we brought this game to so many different systems you know it exists right now on you know oculus quest and you know all the way to the original pc vr version and playstation and uh as we brought into each system they all had different performance requirements and so the cars were incredibly complex and so we you know at first each car was its own car and then it's kind of like each car is like a little machine that pops in and does stuff and the amount of effort that had to go into making these cars work and a lot of times what would happen is as we were working on them we would forget something because the cars used to all be independent and so you know like the green smoke in there the next car would pop in it would just start shooting green smoke everywhere we'd all be freaking out yeah so interesting thing about speedrunning this game is uh there is three different layouts of space and so i can see he's playing on the smaller space and actually we have to rotate the car like the panel for rotating the car is different based on different platforms and so i know some people are like well this is slightly faster if we have the larger play space and this one's faster if we do the smaller play space which is quite funny and something very unique to vr itself and oh and he's grabbing tires and this is something we talked about so at least the speed runners maybe we slowed down the car but they'll love us for this the amount of effort they went to putting on these tires was yeah it was amazing so we originally had it where you had this like bucket of bolts and then like an air compressor tool that would uh do it you had to do it manually and then we had the bolts auto screw in then we finally took a step back and thought about it and went oh wait a minute you don't need uh the bolts or anything like as far as like what the mental model of car is is like tire come off tire go on and it was like oh why are we doing all this work well you could just pull off the tires and put on new ones and people feel just as satisfied yeah it's also really funny in that i i spent a lot of time in the very early part of the auto mechanic i'm working on it and then we got to a point um where i used to work um repairing cars uh when i was younger and uh in a shop and people like okay you know too much about this this needs to be sillier so i moved off it onto something else so people could do the things that they would expect to do instead of what was actually reality so made the game quite a bit better yeah it was a it was kind of our rule that if if you uh worked in the specific environment you weren't allowed to work on uh on that part of the game just to make sure that you didn't know too much it had to be this kind of approximation of what we used to say with somebody reading the wikipedia entry real quick would do yep and then um let's see oh yeah the cheese the cheese comes back a lot this cheese joke and and this this bandit bop bannerbot makes its appearance in vacation simulator uh and even in our dlc so they you know we we loved banditbot um so yeah the chain that comes down every time interestingly enough that's probably the most mathematically complex thing in this scene uh our like lead engineer on this game um there's like i think there might be even be some old ancient twitter posts from around 2015 where he was trying to calculate how to get the chain to loop around like that because it was like kind of a fixture in the floor for a while and then it came down a bunch of stuff came up and never felt as good as just hanging the chain and he spent many many hours just getting that thing to loop like that dynamically yeah and i have to say like i've done a lot of speed runs for testing of this game and that chain is always satisfying it's just like i get to frantically scramble and the faster you do it the faster it goes which is really good also the we found out the the audio on the chain was really difficult too um because uh we uh you know a chain makes an individual clanking noise but on some platforms we were only allowed to do um like 32 sounds at the same time and you might have like dozens of the chain sounds clanking and so then all of a sudden the you know daniel our audio guy and i were working on that back in the day and suddenly you'd be like hey how come the game just stops it just it just i got sent to the home screen it was like oh yeah somebody did went too fast on the chain uh yeah yeah he ran up into the play space to get access to put those dangly bits on really fast it's quite funny that is good yeah so the tech that everything hangs off of is called dangly bits um unlike unlike unlike bossbot or not possible banditbot you'll notice that danglybits don't make a return in any of our games uh because they are cursed they occur they're very cursed always cursed they're incredible they're an incredibly cursed system that you know it's just something about the way that physics works in video games like getting dangly bits and sprint cause they're like internally i think they're springs or something and it's just a mess and there's a lot of bad places you can go yeah yeah for sure we we had a as that car went up i think it was that car there was a bug where if you spun it around it would hit the submit um receipt button because the tail fin would hit it and then it would like keep re-hitting it until the game froze is quite uh man dealing with physics oh man engines and just came in like way late like we had an approximation you couldn't think of engine like potato battery this is like we're talking like two weeks before launch we were putting engines in the car yeah they were they were very very tricky to nail what you wanted to do in there um and in the end just what the joke i want to pulse i want to pull stuff out right it was i want to pull stuff out and then like what's the joke how do people fix engines it was like i guess replace the pistons or the battery yeah yeah i think i worked on it you know what's bad anytime anytime you know andrew's co is saying i worked on it that's bad news they don't let me code anymore at alchemy i think this might be banditbot might be back and this is like our joke so you know when we write these that's actually an interesting thing to point out so when we write these uh job simulator and vacation simulator drugs what we do is we go into a room glove compartment you got the achievement um we go into a room and we just write down everything that we think of in like uh like this like stream of conscious and then we use that to become the actual like task so it's like what's the thing you think of when you do cards you're like hot cards like someone stole it and then like okay that's a task or like the the lemon law and it's like okay that that's another task yeah lemon car is very very funny lemon car was one of the last things we did because we had all the systems set up and we were like oh i think we can do that and then uh graham who who made the chain also did a really good rob low impression i think he is the voice in that yeah it's one of those things it's like constraints in games are just sometimes yield the best stuff we were like we just need something about pulling off things off a car right that was the constraint and it ended up yielding a great task this great joke about a lemon car you just needed to get rid of everything that was lemon right right i think i think it came from like we need to get rid of everything i was like oh it's somebody's like oh it's a lemon and then yeah this one was like uh what's a car thing we're like you know like ferris bueller's day off when he trashes his dad's car wouldn't that be funny you were helping ferris and then i was like yeah and there's another finn car then yeah you could touch the button and uh the license plates and all this are funny too because i think they're all the locations at which owls lived or had lived at the time because the company was pretty small so we're still we're still not huge right but um by any stretch of the imagination but yeah there's like a saskatchewan license plate in there and i think there's a [Music] yeah people to this day tweet license plates to me all the time from this game like whoa i got my license plate in here it's very funny broken hover effect probably going fast going yep going fast and we tried okay the speed runs out there we tried our best to speed run it we had a few people in the office who could go real fast to try to see how we would break it there was an entire week or two where you know myself and some of the other people kind of sitting around uh were just fixing bugs that were like you know you could do this out of order you could do all the tasks up front because you know what's coming it was it was multiple weeks of fixing these like sequence bugs to allow this kind of speed run to happen without the game shredding itself yeah it's like really challenging because everything's in the same scene so like a task like task two could break task nine if something bad happened it makes testing really really challenging right you think about a level right and like if something really bad happens when you're playing you know like a mario level right well when the next level loads it probably all the bad things they can just clear it all and start over again but in this game if something really bad happens at the beginning and somebody doesn't leave the scene it gets it gets real bad real quick and to that end we even worried originally because this was early vr like what happens if somebody um you know put so much stuff in the scene so we had this this thing called the reset cola oh there's our lemon law card the reset cola and you could uh you could drink it it would delete all the objects in the scene it was so cursed it would just blow up it was worse than just having the game slow down fast that's very fast very fast yes lemons in the trunk were uh just like a last minute joke but i think the one thing that we forget about the lemon car is that while yes we didn't change any code it does it is the only thing in the game where every single part of it is completely like handcrafted art yeah before so watch the car's like drives away yeah if he gets his head down oh he's the speaker oh yeah they'd like the tires like spark as you like drive out because we realized oh yeah some people are just not gonna have tires on cars gotta allow it allow everything and in the infinite overtime mode which i i don't think the speed runs part of uh the cars like drift in and the the whole environment so with infinite overtime we were like how do we make the same environments like new and cool and give them a spin and then the conceit was kind of like okay what would like the nighttime version of this place be and so it was like uh what if it was like you know like a shop for people who are just kidding out their cars so like drifty lube right and this is like drifters custom car paradise and the cars all drift and skid in yeah yeah receipt printer go fast oh yeah finish i see what happens we finish and grab that the exit burrito fast all right what are we doing next gourmet chef chef so this this was the first um area that we ended up building so we built the uh prototype from this one there was uh four of us in total in the basement of my house um and uh it definitely did not look like this um but it was the first version that we made and showed kind of off with uh with valve to the world of like what could vr be when you could move your head around and interact with your hands which of the time was just radically different than anything that had existed yeah video of it still exists that predates my time but video of this this like old you know version of the game exists and all the bots look different and every once in a while we bring it back up to torment our lead artist is like look this was a thing that's a really interesting thing he did right so all he had to do to get it because the the system you know pulling back the curl a little bit it's not that smart right because really we're just trying to get you to get the feel of it we're not being particular so he had to make tea and to make tea we're like you need boiling water and a tea bag and and there has to be a certain amount of water in the cub so he filled it mostly up with cold water chucked the tea bag in there and then chucked the hot water in like a drop right and the way our system works is a drop counts as like affecting the liquid and so it was just enough to like meet all our little constraints and say okay yeah you must have done that test you must have made tea because no one would just pour one drop of hot water in a cup with a tea bag near it over a tea bag yeah i see these completing a lot of tasks directly on the plate which is like by far the fastest way to do it um because we just check um when the next thing goes in and then additionally when he grabbed the tea bag out of the cup he instantly threw in the pot to make soup um so it was only one yeah yeah because because again it has to so the in this this game's not as complex as vacation simulator which has much more dynamic like temperature but here right the liquids have a temperature associated with them so by pre-boiling the water you accomplish one task and then by pouring it in the pot you're already getting the water you know most the way there it doesn't have to wait to heat up just like you know real life i guess it's pretty i think he's prepping for the next task here yeah there's a lot of that um while they play the uh you know kind of while they play the last audio and voice over bits for the last they they prep for the next yeah this is one of my favorite tasks because like this parent bot doesn't want you making a certain type of pizza because one of the children bought are allergic and uh we just throw that in and then people go and do it and they're like haha they do it and then there's like a line of dialogue and so people feel really bad and it's very very funny yeah the little kid can uh blue screen out if you do decide to heat it up like timmy was like allergic to tomatoes or something i think he's doing it and heat i think it's also heat to batter yeah he's allergic to tomatoes and heat there's another there's another break in here like we don't have a lot of branching logic in this game like we do in others but there is the kitchen has two of the branches probably because it's the oldest and um yeah the other branches if like there's a dish cleaning test coming up and if you just smash dishes constantly the bot just goes i can't watch this and leaves it's the only time that happens in any of our games bot's like i gotta leave i gotta be out of here yeah yeah yeah that just came from like a million play tests or some people were like i don't want to ever do dishes uh and then you were just throwing the plates and then giving them something was very satisfying so so the this is like this is kind of good because this is the so we've kind of seen this backwards so there were a few plot lines we left in across the game right and so this is one of those plot lines right so it's not like really explicitly said but it's like this couple you know he this bot appears in the office he has a job uh then he appears here where we make the love playlist and we're like you know burn the cd get it haha and then um you know give the ring and then you in the other test you do the just married car right and so that's for this couple again in the in the garage right and then later on i think we even crack a joke where they come back in in a vacation simulator back to job where they're like on their honeymoon yep yeah just little through lines through a lot of this stuff yeah there's a few of those like um you know that the back to band about banded bot gets chased out by the like bot cops uh in the office but then later on we reference that where band is like bannerbot's like yo i'm on the run and that's supposed to be like ha ha right from the from the office task yeah this is interesting this is also like there's a whole sequence here where they're waiting for uh the kind of proposal to happen uh but kind of one of the great things about vr is up to now it's like that would just be a cut screen let's see if it's like really really um tight in here it's just like you can listen to it if you want or you can just do whatever else you want it's it's really good and from a player's standpoint it feels really cool because you can just like decide to listen in and um this is a good time to talk about a little bit about like affordances and what players expect so the soap dispenser right so so you think about like the way people interact with stuff the soap dispenser there is just a button right and and then has like fluid come out of a little spigot thing on the end that's how it works internally and here's that plate smashing thing but the the thing is the expectation of humans is that they should be able to put a heavy object on the button and it activates and so we had to like make sure all our buttons integrate with physics to uh to actually work where it's like oh yeah if i put something heavy on a button it will depress the button if i throw something at it it will push it i just love how careful and not careful things are at times it's great right right for speed oh this one has so many different solutions it's so great yes yes this one yeah yeah the is this the health inspector yeah all the inspectors like getting rid of this food we just know you can eat it it's faster to eat it i don't yeah yeah you can eat you just get on your hands and knees and like chew on it might actually be faster to put that many things in a blender because you don't have the double chomp problem oh that's true that's true but i don't understand what he's doing with like people he only had to get so many okay okay so he's just leaving his uh his bugs for later well then he could have eaten one and tossed two and you know yeah nope making a little oh that one was super hard to make dispense fluid because it's so rapid people expect fluid to go really far out there we go man this that fluid pouring thing was just the bane of my existence for a good like nine months of making that work and every time we got a little bit further along in it it added more affordances um to the point that we like had somebody like we do in here right add another ingredient in and it was like oh the color doesn't change it was like oh no things you just get away with so easily in traditional video games just you have to do everything here in vr oh yeah and then you know we've touched it in pretty much every single uh game we've made right we always are doing that so you know in vacation simulator the fluids are a little more complex and then in our upcoming game cosmonauts high because you could shoot fluids out of your hands and you know there's kind of all sorts of interactions that happen there we went back and we're like all right back into the fluid land yes and that one is like ultra wild um here it's like fluids can only move straight down and that game it says any direction fluid arcs oh man and you can't system has come a long ways right we was like we solved the splash problem right so that so the thing is in this game if you take a cup and you like want to throw it in someone's face it just won't work right because the fluids have to drop down they actually drop from a single point but you know in the kind of the in the cosmonauts high stuff you can actually start splashing fluids you can start seeing them move in different ways yeah but the the thing is like we had to learn how to do all that one at a time yeah yeah and we're like looking like at the time like looking on lines like for for examples and there just wasn't any because it was like why would you need to have something this complicated um and it's like we'll just hit a to like drag fluid or whatever right yeah so yeah we have to have to solve everything so and so so maybe this is i wasn't here when it was put in but if i recall barfing was a a joke right it was like a ha ha would it be funny if you could eat something and barf yeah and then it was like well what's the rule set for what what can what requires you to barf and that was actually quite a hilarious conversation right and then eventually i where i came in was i had to like work on the barf item database because it was suddenly like oh we want a number of different items you know to have different ways of of doing that yeah and but the only the funny part about it right was there's this great joke and then we go to get it raided in like other countries other than and even in the us and they're like hey you got any of that barfing in your game and you're like uh oh yeah uh oh the game's rating um is like 10 right 10 plus or you're gonna eat e10 in the us this is uh primarily because of barfing but barfing has remained through all our games yeah i mean this is a funny speedrun strat oh yeah okay he's getting it mixed with liquid yeah and pre-pre-getting all the uh the meatballs yeah the meatballs are also a pretty unique item then if they if they allow liquid but then they don't you know they don't show a huge state change yeah yeah this is also this task caused a lot of funny bugs because the character will eject meatballs at you and then if you're not careful um in earlier versions they would bounce off the girl and roll on the floor but then it'd be like well that fell on the floor i should eject more and so this like the ball would continuously inject meatballs at you infinite i think yeah i think like there's nothing funnier than and and this goes even to this day in game dev at all then like oops i accidentally spat too much of something out like we have that bug all the time in every game i see that all the time on twitter it doesn't always laugh always laugh all right what's up next door clerk so yeah this one this one was about mid development i guess when this one went in we it actually started as a grocery store um at the start and then we were bringing people through and we're like well there's limited things you can do um there and then i was like wait a second a store clerk um having to do a whole convenience store um has a lot more interesting things to do so that's how we converted into that and and i'd say i'd say this one started mid-development but then we actually came back to this at the very end to make some pretty significant like last minute changes yeah i mean i think that the cameras yeah the camera and the floor bot were like very last-minute changes the bot rocketing up yeah um oh this dispenser is so good and it is radically different depending on your play space size um yeah sometimes it's behind you if you have that and and also at the time the capabilities of each system was very different right so so we're kind of converging now everything's kind of 360 but at the time there was a lot of like was it like some system's head you know 120 degrees that's all you could do and things to your side were weird and we had to talk a lot about occlusion nope i didn't win it's too bad there's a win i didn't think it was possible to win for like a year even after developing this and so he's like no of course you can win yeah i always could win i didn't i did not realize that also all those um scratch-offs are all our alchemy games old alchemy games that pre-date this one yeah we like to do that little reference as is as is the car the truck in uh in the garage this is business spot this was one of the best this this is this sequence gets people all the time and it gets them so mad no i'm talking to you talking to you they're like they're like ah i hate that guy yeah yeah i i i worked in retail with somebody who came up to me with a thing in their ear and i didn't know who they were talking to it's terrible and just like this recreates that very well i love you just stacking everything so that it instantly increases free stacking is smart pre-stacking is definitely you see how he's putting the cash in and out yeah he's putting the kit that's that's smart too yeah there's a yeah it's like a split second bug where we want to animate the drawer closing so we've like taken control of it but he's grabbing it before the drawer completely closed yeah and then so like in video games like vr presents a very unique and interesting problem so when you when you make physics in video games uh the way that like the underlying system works is like it has to resolve what happens when two objects occupy the same space because by its very nature right video games operate in discrete chunks called frames and so if two things occupy the same space physics systems have all these great ways of like figuring out how to do it and that's where you get those bugs where like in skyrim you shoot way up into the sky because that's the physics system trying to figure that out but uh the problem with vr is that um it can't push your hands because those don't exist in the video game so your hand is like this movable yet immovable object so you get a lot of these problems like like he's doing there where where the physics system just has to surrender to your hand where it just has to go like ah you know what obviously i can't move the human hand outside the game so we're just gonna we're just gonna let whatever you're trying to do happen and we had to actually account for that a lot too in the game because i know that we had to like it breaks through we have all sorts of things where we go like oh you're moving your hand in a spot that shouldn't it shouldn't be so let's just like drop everything out of your hand right yeah and it pushes against yeah there's just just so so much code um to deal with that physics almost every game ever made has physics in it and it is so fun and so frustrating at the same time because it's like imagine imagine if you put your hand where that bot was extending something and didn't move it right the game can't move your hand so it has to figure out something to do and all sorts of different vr folks have figured out you know kind of different ways of solving that and ours because it's bots is just chaos yeah yeah one thing that i told like the team early on is like to surrender control right um a lot of video games is about trying to exert control of what's going on and just like to embrace the chaos of what was going on and just kind of let things be the best that you can um it allows for awesome speed runs are better for it playthrough is a better forks you never know what people are gonna do but yeah it's uh oh yeah and there's there's all sorts of bugs we just leave bugs in there if they're not if they're if they're discreet enough and harmless enough so if it's like too far out it's like oh i had to do six steps to get to it i need to know there's like an item resize glitch in this uh in this part of the game where you can just make an infinitely large item but to do it it's like four or five steps and most of the time when people find it they're so overjoyed that it's actually just better for us to leave yep and then glasses are fine i think we've redone glasses a different way every game right so this is our first shot and this one was like oh it doesn't make you sick that's cool and then we did a different one in vacation salmon because money's high is still different that was fast that was all set well this is the this is the bot that is not paying attention for unknown reasons unknown oh yeah a lot a lot of the humor that we try to do is like when we write this stuff we're like trying to make sure that it's hey if the adults see what's going on they totally know what's happening but if a kid sees it they just think it's something funny and fun [Music] so this cleaning bot appears differently in different games too that that interface appears different and arguably better in the versions where we struggled to have three different screens running and actually there's a like the game knows which screens are visible to you so it tries not to be drawing the second screen when you're not looking at it the task is so great um [Music] these kids are trying to buy stuff they shouldn't and they're pretending and it's very very funny three three three kids that's really like totally an adult totally a real adult three kids stacked up in a jacket and their crappy fake id no the twitch-o-matic screen there you go um yeah there's like a funny thing that happens at the at the end of the game when when you could pick like it's kind of like one of those funny lines where you pick the wrong thing um like i talked to a mass effect dev once they're like oh one of my favorite things is to like romance somebody and get them right to the end of the romance script and then pick reject and he's like no one ever hears those lines because once you've committed and so there's another funny one here where like the three the three they present you with the three different things and they're like hey you could pick anyone you pick the old lady and it's like and she's like what like what did i do yeah yeah you're trying to say who who robbed the store who robbed the store so it's time to go time to go the office office time oh it's time the office is like the second job right this is well not the second canonically is the second one that we did that made it into the game yeah the funny thing about job simulator is like this seems like the first job that you would ever do um but it ended up being the eighth one we prototyped we were showing somebody the game and they were going through it and they were like well we have like space station repair just some weird prototype stuff they're like where's the office and we're like oh no we've made a horse thing obviously we need an office well and al also like what you think is fun is not fun what is what is fun in in our simulator games is doing the mundane but being silly with it right and so like space station repair isn't going to be as fun as this is because space is really hard ah there it is yeah that's a good bug yeah if you grab something coming out of the photocopy you're just at the right time you can get it to lose gravity so back back to physics right so we couldn't think about how to animate something and also the physics so we turned off gravity on it to like animate it coming out of that printer if you grab it right at the right time it stops the animation but for doesn't ever turn on the gravity we saw that after launch finally we saw this bug and at that point we're like nah people like it too much we're gonna leave it it stays it's good it's too good um yeah it's like such a good such a good joke and that the amount of effort to make everything work correctly uh in that photocopier and then do weird things like he photocopied a disk and it makes it you made an illusion don't copy and stuff don't copy go copy that floppy disk yeah okay this task is so funny this is my joke and uh so many people didn't get it this is you're you're cooking the books and the books are on fire and i think it is hilarious but most people it's real it's a real high concept here now it is i mean i enjoy it too we did a lot of those so like you know the infinite the infinite overtime version of this is really interesting right because it is just like the serious business overtime and it's you know because unlike the other jobs which had like these deep systems that we could mess with this one just has a bunch of like unique things so we had to go and almost you know look at it and redo it and uh yeah and and so we we had a lot of fun with that so you see a lot of cooking the book style jokes popping back up yeah just what what's haha business that vending machine that came out we had somebody one of our developed devs found a bug where you could just eat everything so to complete the task you jam your face in it but all did that create awful bugs on the other end and we had to come up with solutions to deal with it because like your hands we can't control the position of your head yeah and and with those bugs we you know there's certain ones where we're like okay we're we're fine with this and others were like this actually breaks what people think about vr right once we start allowing people to pop their heads through stuff and go to weird places you know then then they start they stop respecting the rules of the world that's what we always tell other developers like don't hide a cool thing through a wall once once people don't believe in your walls they believe in nothing like digital nihilism so this task is super funny because it's the only time we change like the lighting model in here it's just for this joke because we have this projector and it created so many problems oh yeah yeah well and it and like so many times the projector would you go too fast the projector would be off right the lights would just stay off forever or the lights would turn on randomly and oh that button is terrible because that is the if i recall that and the fire extinguisher are the two moving buttons in the game buttons that can be picked up and moved around and remember it's physics so you can shake it hard enough that the button might not move when the object moves and then it'll click like a thousand times within in a second i think a funny thing about this mouse was like we didn't know if this was gonna work like that you could click things and i think a very uh funny and satisfying thing is the amount of people i've heard from they're like my uh my son or daughter um learned how to use a mouse using your game yeah you know we see the the youth of the world just starts smacking the screen and getting real real upset at it and then not even understand there's like a tower part below it like computers in two parts yeah oh man it's yeah this the this game's been out for is it over five years now um and so yeah kind of thinking like through vacation simulator now like getting close to releasing cosmonauts high like how far we've come um in the development practices and uh um technological stack for sure oh yeah oh yeah and oh the pipe that was another one that got us in trouble with the rainbow oh you could see the water bug there where it kind of like only went down and so it moved in a funny way but yeah the pipe got us in trouble because we had to answer i think it was for korea they're like does they're like does this involve smoking and we didn't know how to answer that because it is a pipe but bubbles come out of it so i think we just wrote there is a pipe in the game and when you put it to your face bubbles come out and we're like they'll figure out what that means it's on them yeah oh we're getting close you're getting close to the end here yeah and uh was it 40 40 is what it says or at least that's the record he had this the shredder the shredder is great and we had to record a special line if you put the doll uh the the pole toy in and then in infinite overtime we recorded another special line if you put like the temp bot doll in yeah very very funny oh here we go the cops go under arrest boss ba and then ceo bots coming in oh and the cake stays there but we decided that was okay yeah we got too late we just kind of got a trip again yeah oh and i get they put the cop the cop on ceo yeah take their cake take the cake i think the players not supposed to really be able to get a piece of cake so i worked on the original like thing to make the candles blow out so like originally you'd actually breathe go like but uh you know that sucks now you just hold it near your mouth well because people microphone settings are bad yes microphone settings are bad and everyone who now understands how bad they are here we go i wonder when it ends i wonder if it ends when he says see when is time yeah confetti yeah paper airplanes yeah the paper airplanes have special physics on them too they're another they're another object that just behaves by itself yes they are not you have to do a lot of code to get paper airplanes correctly oh it's zero g zero g he's zero g in paper so he gets the little little gyro force to lift it up yeah i see all right it should be about i wonder if they're waiting for a specific line at this point yeah i feel like given that you don't have to do anything interactive you know it should just end me pull a lever yeah so but yeah the um also the original demo for job simulator was in the office and it was five minutes long and uh one of our favorite things is there's this um person who organizes uh you know some of the conferences and stuff we had them play the game and normally it's just like a big party in chaos and this person just stood in the middle didn't do anything and just let paper airplanes hit them and just was like okay yeah but yeah yeah and if anybody's interested in kind of working on now definitely come to uh we had a lot of times about cool stuff we're working on a lot a lot of blog posts our twitter feed has um has a lot of good stuff on it that's alchemy labs on twitter uh cosmonaut as high as a twitter feed and yeah the games are still available uh you know doing great people love them um and so those are out on you you can get them on quests you get a playstation vr you can get it on steamvr and any of the headsets that steamvr supports and that's both um job simulator and vacation simulator and then later this year we will be releasing cosmonius high and if you go to you can check out the trailer there all right thanks so much and that was an awesome speed run yeah thanks er thanks everyone and thanks ign for hosting us [Music] [Music] you
Channel: IGN
Views: 59,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Feature, IGN, Job Simulator, Owlchemy Labs, PC, PS4, Simulation, devs react job simulator, devs react to speedrun job simulator, job sim speedrun, job simulator gourmet chef, job simulator mechanic, job simulator office worker, job simulator speed run, job simulator speedrun, job simulator vr, jobsim speedrun
Id: ybpM4Vl8d4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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