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[Music] i will see you now probably not y'all there's only four thousand i have on my hand for two thousand five thousand huh bring your four thousand make a money jump your money at five thousand now i know they like testing me that they hold four thousand because you connect somebody to interview okay so yes yes thank you all right so what um office skills do you have ah what office skills do you have office of yes the time that we do at luta continue as a student you know building that office that we run for student you know it's me that i run it i'm talking about office skills in digital literacy sorry man no idea okay so what did you come with what did i bring to the table they already tell me the thing that you are looking for so and i bring everything so this one is five and a half the sheets because they already tell me that you're looking for two that can make different things in my school used to call me kalashi there's nothing i can do the materials on telugu is very strong if you look at it like i'm not here somebody like you they have water body now can you five and a half size for a bit if you're somebody like man like me now maybe three and a half if you say why exercise i can't do it i i don't understand what do we need bed sheets for they they say you are looking for somebody else killed in bed sheets okay if they want they won't tell me that you need somebody that can make a soft inner wear this is it now you know we're very soft i didn't buy the material from china it's korean material that one he doesn't use to scratch but it's soft where did you get this information from it's the security security gave you this information did you even go through the requirements at all what does it say spreadsheet and you brought bed sheets development you brought something away don't be annoying man the man that gave me this information you know i say literally you know he didn't go to school he's not like professional graduates like us okay yeah digital illiterates too if you don't know this man he's either say hi to him please if you teach me no no no and train me i will catch up what i'd advise you is to go to digital nigerian importer digital nigerian training poster it's online go to dot ng forward slash acfe should i tell you it cannot be your brain i said digital nigeria dot golf dot mg forward slash acfe okay do you have all these courses available digital literacy web development software development entrepreneurial skills and microsoft office skills instead of you carrying their about sangha please go let me call the next how much do you have
Channel: Frank Donga
Views: 10,942
Rating: 4.9753594 out of 5
Id: 9sbzg5y8Bo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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