Job Interview Vocabulary & Phrases - Job Interview Tips

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hi everybody in this lesson i'm going to show you lots of great vocabulary and phrases for answering interview questions this lesson will be especially helpful for graduates but i'm sure more experienced applicants will also find it useful [Music] welcome back to english for professionals i'm derek and i'm here with another short lesson for you busy people before we get started just a quick reminder to subscribe to my channel hit the red button and don't forget to click on the little bell that way you'll be notified every time i upload a new lesson and now let's get started we'll begin with some general interview tips and then we'll look at some different ways to answer six common questions do your research and know the company you are applying to don't just look for facts and figures try to find out about big successes they've had what do their employees say about them and what they post on their social media channels be very well prepared especially for key questions such as tell me about yourself why do you want to work for us and why should we hire you try to support what you say by giving specific examples if you don't have a specific example say what you would do if you were in that position never end an answer with and yes this can give the impression that you are not confident about your answer try not to memorize answers to questions word for word they won't sound natural when they come out great now let's look at some different ways to answer six common interview questions and the first one is tell me about yourself my name is and i come from next mention what you studied the university you attended and your degree classification i decided to study because i've always been interested in what i most enjoyed about my studies was as well as gaining a great deal of theoretical knowledge i also had the chance to learn practical skills such as during my studies if you have a specific example of something you achieved using these skills say it here last year i did an internship in where i had the opportunity to expand my skill set and learn more about if you have a specific example about something you achieved during the internship say it here my key strengths are mention at least two and be confident about them give examples of how these have helped you i am very interested in pursuing a career as a and when i heard about this position i was immediately attracted to it i am convinced that my theoretical knowledge and practical skills combined with my make me an excellent candidate for this position and here are some other useful phrases to answer this question pause the video now to read excellent the next question we're going to focus on is why do you want to work for us i found out about the company during my studies and i was really impressed by the prospect of working for a company which has such an excellent reputation for is very exciting to me don't make empty statements here give specific examples and mean what you say show that you've done your research in the job posting it says that you're looking for someone who then give examples of why you are that person during my studies i was part of a team that i spent last summer as an intern at and because of my i help the business too again give specific examples try to sell yourself as the person they need and here are some other useful phrases you can use to answer this question pause the video now to read great and our next common interview question is how do you handle stress and pressure when i am in a stressful situation i stop and try to figure out my priorities i make a list of the tasks i have to do and decide which ones need to be completed more urgently then i go through the list step by step and complete each task for example and then give a specific example of when you did this and here are some other ways you can answer that question pause the video now to read excellent and the next question we're going to look at is what is your greatest strength it's extremely important to support your answer to this question with a specific example let's look at three different ways to answer it i believe one of my greatest strengths is for example last semester i managed to my ability to adapt to different challenges and roles is something that i'm proud of for example during my internship last year i i would say my greatest strength is my ability to this has helped me to build my confidence and strengthen my skills for example and here are some examples of strengths excellent problem solving skills a positive attitude and the ability to motivate myself and others around me enthusiasm and determination determination means being extremely focused on achieving your goals willingness to go the extra mile and exceed expectations so to do more than is expected of you we all have strengths think carefully and identify what yours are think again and try to remember specific examples of how you use them in a positive way a lot of people find this next one very tricky what is your greatest weakness first of all don't use cliche answers like i'm a perfectionist or i work too hard think carefully about this and talk about a real weakness that you've been working on and that you've managed to improve one of my weaknesses is that i sometimes i notice that and here you can mention how you identified the weakness therefore i started here you can explain what action you've taken to improve the weakness since i started i have noticed that i've here talk about the results of the action you've taken i'm still working on it but i'm confident that i will be able to much better in the future another way to answer this question is i sometimes find it hard to i realize this during i'm very conscious of this weakness and i'm trying hard to improve for example give a specific example of what you're doing when you say that you are very conscious of something it means that you know about it you are aware of it examples of weaknesses are trying to do too many things at once not good at prioritizing tasks too proud to ask for help too critical of other people's work as i said about strengths think carefully and identify your weaknesses talk about a real weakness that you have tried to improve and the last question we're going to look at a very important one why should we hire you i think you should hire me because of my excellent skills during my time at university these skills enabled me to give examples i was able to hone these skills during my two internships when i to hone your skills means to improve here give specific examples of how you improved them and what the results were i want to develop these skills further and believe that this role and your company is the ideal place to do that and here are three more ways to answer that question pause the video now to read one more thing before we finish what you've just seen and heard are examples they are not complete answers they are very useful but you need to think carefully about your skills strengths and specific examples of what you can do and what you've achieved if you don't have a lot of experience or specific examples to refer to try to sell your personality your willingness to learn and if it's a job and company you really like try to get that passion and enthusiasm across so that brings us to the end of this lesson i hope you found it helpful and if there are any other areas of business english or professional english i can help you with let me know in the comments if you did like the lesson please hit the like button share with your friends and colleagues subscribe to my channel if you haven't done that already and join my email list every two weeks i send out my free vocabulary email with additional business english words in the news and everyday english for you to learn the link is in the description below thanks a lot for watching and see you soon
Channel: Derek Callan - English for Professionals
Views: 19,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to answer job interview questions in english, vocabulary and phrases for job interviews, tell me about yourself in english, job interview in english, job interview tips, why do you want to work for us, how do you handle pressure, what is your greatest weakness, what is your greatest strength, why should we hire you, english skills for job interviews, english vocabulary for graduate interviews, graduate job interview tips
Id: pic6A4Xwe-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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