Jmook Reverse Sweeps Zain Twice

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he is one of the most capable players not just in everyday situations but under such intense pressure zane was putting him in the corner keeping him in the corner and somehow he didn't just find a way out he took the game how high can j mook climb in this he has been the ascending star of melee in 2022 we're in game five now against arguably the global rank one player for many many years in zayn does he have what it takes or is zane's pedigree going to take this one over i do want to point this out if we haven't already is that j mook's parents are in the crowd he's got more than just a few fans he's got some family support great to see that kind of his parents are supporting what he's doing recently quit his job as well so he's taking melee so so seriously as we speak though zayn looking like he is just in control yet again is it gonna silence the j mukers in the chat oh my god i got opportunities right off into the up there just so so good from zane this regret to what is this combo looking for the call out on zane dropping shield but j mook's gonna get hurt big time for this it's a reset towards legend zane can not find forward smash but calls out the tournament winner with the fare reset again oh my god there's that attack once again not able to grab the ledge though and that is the crucial part zane should be able to pick this up but one more chance at life yeah that should do it very very close right now ryan's ledge just so so tricky radar and he might find a stop off of it forward air instead of up air means he goes on ledge but zane just hands it to him yeah i cannot believe that he didn't pick up that stock again a bit of a situation where he wasn't able to get the kind of roll up that he wanted the needle's playing a role once again but 165 is not an easy percent to be at okay oh my god cc on the down tail at 177 as well this is huge what a mix from j move is that a no impact land [Applause] he's the one that takes the stock first and this is the advantage that james needs he is so close to taking this set ending up at winners and he doesn't even hit the ford smash this is this so much chip damage to go j jay lucas hanging on to the stop almost at 200 percent still living this is the kind of stuff that people always talk about in this matchup mars just not able to secure those kills and jamuk has taken it to the bank even going to take this stock potentially not quite though not quite here we go big grab from zayn it's going to be the up there but the slide off gets j-move out of trouble for now here comes another grab yeah once again anytime you're above marth it is so so difficult to get down especially against zane and off stage james recovery has just saved him time and time again this has been so difficult for zane to deal with despite cheek having a pretty weak recovery overall okay back to neutral they're feeling each other out big power shield from zane means there has to be another interaction to be had here playing the ground game right now big dash tech gets grabbed looks for all of it what's the point opening okay trying to be ambiguous with the ti whether or not he's going to land on the platform but he closes it out jaimuk has the lead up against the best player in the world is he going to take it that point for j move to make the upset yet again [Applause] opportunity here it starts with the uphill big call at 35 percent so much pressure on this left side radar and he is getting so much damage even if he loses this stock crash cancel is off the table and he's keeping him in it doesn't matter if you're the best player in the world the posture from chainbook is immeasurable my god j move going the distance again are we gonna see a sheik win a tournament for the first time in like a decade this is just unprecedented what an amazing set so far and we got so much more to come [Applause] oh my god what a set radar honestly can't believe what we're seeing here again this is the power of meditating this is the power of you know just just such a clean mentality but most of all just the preparation recognizing what we've seen other players like left and do to kind of push the match up and i know zayn's walking off and he kind of chic he needs to figure out an answer adjustments were made for sure but j move ever ever present just making this astronomical meteoric rise in the scene jay mook advances in winner's side to play against hungary box now oh my god the set looked like it might have been a 3-0 at one point but right you know i'm getting a little worried too for zane because i think some of these off-stage situations that james has not quite had an answer for earlier in the set yeah i think he's gonna start hitting some of those edge guards fish yes i think that he's you know you can't evade a man like this for too long no you can't what's the answer from zane got to be it doesn't get the yeah grab okay yeah okay that was really nice again that nice space border up in the corner as well right that's scary looking for an upbeat or something there it is we already know jay buck turns that into his opening oh it's not gonna ko oh my god [Applause] you can't go for that upbeat i guess apparently when you got amps attacks like j mook i mean uh j mc was some of the nuttiest ways to get off the ledge on this stage by the way like the scar jump wavelength onto the side platform that was really nice because i think the way that he was crouching it feigned as though he was about to do down tilt and then instead did the forward smash so it threw off what defensive option j-move wanted to do and the timing of it as well [Music] again man the fact that he's dash dancing around these grabs is it's easier said than done man oh he's just dead he's just dead at 50. what a call out maybe that's been the answer that j mc needed you know faint like you're going off stage but really just re-grab that ledge it's been an option that hasn't been represented too much and to pull it out here in this game five that's exactly what what you want to do keep them guessing until the very end keep them on their toes and this might be the very end for zayn what's he gonna get here up throw oh no i don't even know if that was intentional and hang on is this gonna be a kill oh oh no okay okay all right wait a minute jesus the ocean story might be the greatest stage of all time get these crazy off-stage plays in some moments yeah we have okay yeah again knowing that he's going to slide off as he hits the shield there [Music] [Applause] same using cyber dodge needles it's not going to be enough james still going to get that down the record usain potentially on his last stock of this tournament the one more stock chance come out oh my god shane look just beating the dash dance from zane with that full commitment boost grab there's the grab from zane what's the punishment oh not too big of a punish there unfortunately for zane he needs more than just one up there vish oh this is a knock down nice wait for the spot dodge nice d.i on that you really can't get anything else off of that the early up he saves him what a long grab oh oh that's a ton of damage that's a ton of damage all right wait a minute oh he just calls him out with the four tilt there and zane thrown out of down there hoping jameic would somehow jump into it same with with all the control right great tech there great tech still alive for a little bit the tech chase [Music] they added that into the game yesterday i think i didn't know that that day they patched that in they fashioned it that was insane bro oh no the light he only gets the lighthouse oh oh randall zane no it's definitely interesting this isn't happening tell me this isn't happening is this the cinderella story oh my god he plays out at the corner so well he's out of the corner oh he gets the counter zayn is playing out of his mind right now okay that's gonna be it jaymoof continues on in this bracket zane out at third the number one seed falls to the number five seed toe zayn actually double eliminated by j mook here at this tournament how crazy is that because we saw how this set was in genesis in the other way right just the strides that j mook has made as a player in the span of like three to four months is unheard of i mean we've seen so many instances where i think uh so many instances with this guy where he's just he's just showing us you know as in terms of being a world-class competitor i'm just getting started and i think the adaptations he's making in some of these player matches players like zane the best of the best of the best sir even even as the set kind of advances right i mean from from that game one i mean that that was looking decisive zane going up 2-0 and a lot of those little interactions i mean it looked like for a minute it looked like zayn uh just just could not get edge guarded by james every time zane was off stage he'd make it back turning a lot of the edge guard situations in his own edge guards where james will come off stage and kind of get kind of get beaten up for it no there
Channel: b2k
Views: 19,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b2k, stream, streamer, Jmook, Zain, Smash Bros, Melee, Super Smash Bros., Smash Bros Melee, GOML 2022, Jmook beats Zain, Zain Melee, Jmook Melee, Jmook vs Zain, Jmook reverse 3-0 zain, Jmook reverse sweep zain, GOML 2022 Winners Semis - Jmook (Sheik) Vs. Zain (Marth) SSBM Melee Tournament, GOML 2022 Losers Finals - Jmook (Sheik) Vs. Zain (Marth) SSBM Melee Tournament
Id: y0HxXW-Cr4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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