JJ and Mikey Use DRAWING MOD to BECAME FAT in Minecraft! - Maizen

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in this video I will be pranking Mikey using a drawing mod it will start raining burgers and Mikey will start eating all of them he will become fat and will be practically unable to move what will Mikey do watch this video looks like it turned out to be a good drawing now Mikey's prank will be funny he thinks it's raining Burgers but he doesn't know who is behind it and what my thoughts are about it wo where did all these burgers come from it's just some kind of miracle I was just sitting sunbathing wanting to eat and suddenly Burgers started falling from the sky did High Powers really send me this delicious rain so that I could eat my Phill he really has no idea that it could be me it's fun when the victim doesn't know he's being hunted now I'll have some fun and feed Mikey so much that he will increase in size 10 times so that he becomes round and I can play with it like a football ball how many of these burgers are there don't they end I'm so hungry that I'll eat everything I see here I hope I don't gain much weight I'm very hungry and want more maybe someone will throw me some more burgers or delicious French fries from the sky H it seems that Mikey eats so much that he will soon need to go to the gym and diet I see he's already gotten a little fat from the number of burgers he's eaten but my plan is to make fun of him H did I eat all the food from the beach I'm still hungry what should I do maybe I need to wait a little longer and then more food will come to me how long do I need to wait I'm hungry right now what just a couple of minutes ago he was much thinner it seems that my prank is working let him continue to wonder where food comes from he's not even in a hurry to find out he just wants to eat I have a plan to draw a huge burger that will fall right next to Mikey and he will be extremely surprised where the burger came from again and then he will try to eat it but at that moment the burger will disappear and I will make him angry ha so I drew a huge burger for Mikey he wanted more food so let him get a huge Burger the size of himself H there are just a few more finishing touches left a little more and I'll see Mikey's reaction it must be really fun to watch him from the sidelines he'll think that the burger just fell from the sky does he really think that food can just fall from the sky if this was Mikey trying to make fun of me I would definitely immediately realize that it could be him you can't just fool me like that the final touches in the drawing are almost ready to make a joke on Mikey what what's happening quite as soon as I thought about eating again a burger appeared out of nowhere it's very strange and fun at the same time I don't even want to think about where it came from so I can eat well why is this burger so huge how will I be able to eat it h this burger came out of nowhere so unexpectedly that it hit Mikey a little but it's not too scary because all he thinks about is how to eat woohoo today is a day of luck and I can eat as much as I want if only I could do this every day I would even build a house on this magical Beach relax eat and sunbathe the best I can think of huh I had the idea that I could draw a hole into which Mikey would accidentally fall I would also draw a trail of food so that he would walk along the layer and suddenly fall into a hidden trap but I think that he won't be scared for long because he will still have plenty of food in order to be distracted by it and not think about salvation this will be a mega cool plan I want to implement it quickly to see how I can catch him woohoo I still can't get enough of the fact that I now have a huge burger here if I tell JJ then he won't believe me but I can't leave him unattended to call him so I'll just have to eat it you won't be able to eat it because I'm going to dissolve it in the air and let's see how angry you will be but at least I will have a good attempt to laugh at you hm H right now I'll eat this delicious burger and then we'll definitely be full how can I not want to eat it I'm so hungry huh it seems this huge Burger is missing and Mikey is in a state of anger that it is missing he should have eaten it before and not looked at it and admired it perhaps he would have managed to eat at least a little of it if he had started eating then H the drawing has already worked and it's time to view the prank Mikey will follow the trail and collect Burgers but this will be a mistake he will fall straight into the hole again these delicious burgers I realize that I need to eat them right away otherwise they may disappear right now I'll collect everything and eat it while they're still there huh what kind of place is it there was no hole here before I have already passed here but okay it doesn't matter because I have my delicious favorite Burgers what it seems Mikey is not very sad that he fell into the hole he has a small supply of food I had a great idea again now I'll draw a new picture Mikey will have even more food in the near future let's see how big he gets if we try to fill his hole with hamburgers again goodies will fly to him from the sky and he may not even be able to get out of that hole because he will eat too much and get big H my Provisions May soon run out I eat too quickly maybe I should eat more slowly so that I can hold out in this hole okay I hope someone gets me out of here because I'm pretty bored here don't worry you'll get more food soon of course it's not in my interest for you to lose weight on the contrary I will feed you so that you cannot crawl out of the hole H there's just a little bit of finishing left to do and the food will start falling from the sky again right into pit hole this is what I expect to see I can probably paint anything with this brush I like to make fun of Mikey rain of food again this suits me come on give me more I want more and more food I like to eat the more food the happier I am but I would also like to get out of this pit hole H I think I can help you with this but just a little I can use this brush again to draw the ladder it will be fun to see how Mikey starts climbing the ladder if he even manages to do so while I draw the ladder I think that he will not be able to use it h here I have enough food for another hour I can eat and not worry that I will die of hunger but I think I'm almost full that soon I may become hungry again I want to get out of here but there are no options yet maybe I'll have to dig a tunnel up but I'm not sure that I will succeed I have almost no strength left because I get tired very quickly when I eat a lot H there's just a little bit left and I'll finish the drawing I have already drawn the ladder All That Remains is to draw Mikey himself I will draw him big so that he can barely walk I hope he doesn't understand that I've been pranking him all this time I think he might get very angry I should be more careful and try not to get noticed but if he suddenly understands it's okay I have this brush and I can draw anything with it so Mikey will definitely not become my enemy as soon as I finish the drawing I will have a good laugh at how round it turned out but he will become even bigger in the Pioli while he stays with us and eats continu Ole but I have already finished drawing huh what's this is there a ladder here it seems this is my chance to get out of here I've already eaten almost all the food it's time to try to get out of here it will be difficult but I should succeed uh-oh he managed to get out I need to remain unnoticed and continue to follow him it seems to me or has Mikey gained a lot of weight he can't even walk he has to jump up in order to somehow move from his place but this doesn't bother him everything is in order H Mikey where did you come from why did you get so big when did you eat so much huh what do you care huh ouch why are you hitting me because it's time for you to lose weight let's roll see how much you've eaten it's me who worries about you so that you become smaller H but I don't want to lose weight I feel good as it is I enjoy eating hamburgers fried meat and sunbathing in the sun why are you doing this to me JJ let's just lie down and eat delicious food by the way do you happen to have any food I'm so hungry h no Mikey I don't have food let's just roll around on the beach and try to do some sports see if it helps you lose weight come on I'll watch from the side and control the process you don't want to roll like that all the time do you let's keep up I'm watching you right here roll faster your result depends on it I will control you until you get back to your previous weight we won't be able to do fun things like that if you keep eating so much where did you even get so much food H I was just lying and sunbathing and suddenly food appeared from the sky I didn't believe it at first when I saw it that's why I ate so much and I've already lost a little weight haven't I H right now I'll draw Mikey even bigger so that he'll get even bigger from Sports it'll be funny when he sees that he's become even bigger than he was H and what are you doing are you drawing something do you have a Magic Brush that can do anything can you draw me skinny I'm too lazy to play sports huh this is what I do now I will draw you thin and you will quickly be become smaller wo I'm so tired of exercising this will be the best solution for today I'm almost done drawing look how it turned out what do you think I haven't lost a bit of weight I've only gained weight was it you who made me gain weight come here now I'll Crush you with my weight I will catch up with you and force you to draw me thin you have no choice uh-oh you don't need to do this Mikey I was just joking I didn't mean to hurt you you don't need to chase me I don't want you to run over me h no I'm too angry with you you shouldn't have done this you wanted to joke now I'll joke on you you won't be able to draw something or run away because I'm following you either you give me the Magic Brush or you yourself will paint whatever I want and I don't want to become skinny I like it anyway because now I'm the boss here and you'll be afraid of me okay okay you win I'll give you the Magic Brush but let's just agree that you won't touch me and play pranks on me fine yep first I need to examine this brush to see if you really gave me the real one H this looks like it might actually be what I need but considering that you pranked me and deceived me a lot then I'll just take the brush and still chase you so that you'll be even more afraid of me than before what you promised not to touch me when I gave you the brush H I didn't promise you anything get out of here and don't bother me resting here ruined my whole day get out of here oh Mikey is so angry he also took one of my brushes away but he doesn't know that I have another brush so I can escape from different situations if he tries to prank me let's try to see what Mikey is going to do I wonder what Mikey is going to do there it seems he is about to go swimming in the sea where did he get this cute Circle I need to come closer and see what he will do next H maybe I can joke about him again somehow I think I can come up with some kind of prank again but won't he again think that I did it and won't he do something in response Mikey Drew himself an inflatable ring he probably thinks that the ring will greatly save him when he floats at this weight uh-oh I would not recommend him to jump from such a tower the consequences may be different it's also dangerous for Mikey himself I hope he doesn't hurt himself too much on the water when he jumps from the tower wo now I'll take a running jump and have fun splashing into the sea I like Tower jumping so much what Mikey don't do this this could be dangerous for you you can crash or drown this ring may not save you huh what are you doing here I told you to get away from here and not disturb my rest I do what I want you are not my command huh I'm just worried about you so that you don't hurt yourself if you cared about me you wouldn't prank me that's it I went for a swim come on don't bother me Mikey jumped and made a huge crater in the water the main thing is that he is safe and has not done anything bad to himself but what he did to the sea is very surprising H I told you that nothing bad will happen hold your brush you can draw something that will help you not go underwater because it's quite dangerous for me to be here without a life preserver oh thank you very much Mikey I think I should draw shoes that can walk on water because I don't really want to go swimming you are a turtle and you like water treatments but I want to stay dry that's why magic boots will suit me huh your idea sounds original I wouldn't have thought to draw boots like that I really like this cute life boy huh I still have a little more finishing to do and I'll be able to move safely in this area you created a real strong current here the main thing is that I don't get sucked into that funnel here are my shoes just look at me oh they are really very cool now you don't have to be afraid that something will happen to you here H I want to go straight to this funnel and inspect it I can't believe that this all happened before my eyes I didn't expect that something like this could happen it looks very amazing I wonder if the funnel will disappear over time or if everything will remain the same huh I don't know JJ I'm not interested in this now I just want to jump one more time and have fun from the heart huh do you really want to jump again is another funnel immediately formed what if there is a tsunami at all now let's check what happens get ready for the show JJ now it will be fun woohooo
Channel: Maizen Family
Views: 81,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, maizen, jj and mikey, jj, mikey, maizen video, minecraft video, minecraft drawing mod, maizen drawing mod, jj and mikey drawing mod, drawing, maizen drawing, jj and mikey drawing, maizen fat, jj and mikey fat, maizen became fat, jj and mikey became fat
Id: EDY2tpFjyY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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