What is Scrum? | Agile

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[Music] welcome back everyone my name is davina ad and in this video we'll talk about scrum now if you remember in one of the video we have talked about agile and we all know if you want to make modern software's in this world now we cannot directly go forward to fall we have to go for waterfall in iteration and we have talked about agile methodology and why to use them now one of the framework using which you can implement a child is scrum yes we have other options as well we have Kanban or we can go for XP but the widely used framework for agile is scrum but what a scrum now if you go to the website which is firm dot o-r-g they simply say it's a better way of building products now how will you define scrap so scrum is a framework of course it's a lightweight framework it is simple to understand but difficult to master you might be thinking who uses scrum scrum is used everywhere 90% estimated agile team uses scrum it is practiced everywhere and the good thing is it has only one scrum guide so there's only one definition of it now if you want to understand what is RAM how it works what goes inside sperm framework and who is responsible to manage everything let's talk about this thing now if you can see the image here this is the official image from scrum hua ji so here what we have is so let's imagine you want to build a product you can go with any software let's talk about Facebook in this case now on Facebook you can see we have so many features right now imagine you do you don't have a Facebook in this world now you want to build your own Facebook now in this case of course you have so many requirement so you can just fire twice the requirements you have so news feeds are very important the chat window is very important or maybe the poor the showing of images showing of videos are very important so you can you know you can take all those things the important requirements then you can have the size requirements or you can just prioritize them so that's one thing right first of all you have to gate requirements and then you will start working on the acquirements but if you are following sperm scrum normally goes with Sprint now it is sprint so let's say the entire project might take one year but of course you will not be waiting for the entire year to deliver the product of course client will not be waiting for you to deliver product in one year so what if you can give something to your client every two weeks or maybe one week depend upon your speed so maybe after every week or two weeks or four weeks you will deliver a product now this can be a potentially deployable product but not every deployment or every product which you give to your client after four weeks will be deployed but it is potentially so if clients want to deploy it it's their choice right so if you want to do that what you will do is from the entire product requirement you have you will take some requirements for each week right so to understand that so if we have the first one here which is which week or normally called as a product backlog so we have the entire that log here which will have all the requirements from start to end you can add the requirement ATAR as well okay it's not that it is fixed you can add your requirements and that's why you can see these we have some small boxes there which are which we know so let's say we have a big requirement you have you can break it down for the current sprint or for the current week other requirements you can just have it as it is you don't know how to work on it or what are the sub parts of it we can define them later right but let's say if you have a module with you if you have a set of requirements with you which you can complete in one or two weeks or four weeks now that will define your spring time so one sprint is one week or two weeks or four weeks so let's say if you define for two weeks that's your first friend you will take some requirements from the backlog right and you will call the current sprint backlog so for two weeks right now it will of course it will have a less number of requirement but before that you have to also plan your sprint right what you will take and then what are the requirements we have for this so basically we got a product backlog then you have to plan and then you will get a sprint backlog now once you have a sprint backlog with you and now you have two weeks later this Monday and for next two weeks you have to work on this product so what you will do now you will start building the product but who will build it of course we'll talk about roles but basically we have a scrum team now if you if you are thinking we'll be having a big team and not exactly because we have talked about that in agile right you need a small team maybe around four to eight people max right so on average we go for six to seven people right that's the average we have so let's say you have a team with you now this team will work on the product and the first sprint let's say after two weeks you will give the first increment so what is the increment you can imagine this as a potentially shippable product okay so let's say if you are building Facebook you've got a first page where you can post feed so they can see feeds that's your first increment now this is not the actual Facebook which you wanted but you got something right you can deploy the product on first two weeks right so does the increment but it may happen that in your first friend you were not able to complete all this bring backlog now what you will do you will send the remaining backlog in the next sprint yes that is possible okay there is no hard and fast rule that had to complete that of course in the next sprint you will complete the backlog from the last sprint and you will take some extra from the product backlog right of course you have to break it down you have you take an aspirin sprain you have to plant first right but before even going for the next spring you have to do a Sprint retrospective now what is that now think about this when you are working on a product let's say up to you you have compared two weeks now in those two weeks in that first spring you understood something you have learned something you have you did something well this is what you do in the retrospective so normally you talk about what worked well you talk about what could be improved in the next point and then what will we commit to do in the next plane right and then all the team members they will have their own coming so in fact when we used to work on sperm so basically we should take sticky notes and we used to write the comments you know what what went well what is something we can do in the next next plane so you can post that on the board so that is basically your scrum framework so if we talk about the events here we have talked about we have a sprint and then you have to do sprint planning there will be a daily scrum that's something you have missed so every day for 15 minutes the team member will come together and they will discuss so this is basically a stand-up meter by Weiss tandem is because you don't have to waste your time discussing every aspect because the moment you sit on a chair your mind goes slow down and then you will talk about something else and then there will be a huge discussion so to solve that there will be a stand-up meet-up for max - max 15 minutes and then we have a sprint review and spring retrospective if we talk about this what are the documents you need or the artifacts you need the first thing you need is what a backlog we have talked about that this is the entire requirement you have then we have sprint backlog for the currents plane right and then we have increment which is this shippable product but we have one more question here what are the roles of people here example we have scrum team of course the scrum team will have developers testers apart from that we have two more important role here the first one is the product owner now who is the owner of the product of course not your client so product owner is someone who will represent a client or the stakeholders right so a client will give all the requirements and you will get requirements from the drug owner so the next one is very important is scrum master so who is this possible to manage the entire from working of course i development team you are focusing more on development work so we need someone who will manage this scrum meter we know stand-up meets and then retrospective and helping people achieving tasks that can be done by scrum master so the task of scrum master so they will be clearing the obstacles establishing an environment where the team can work effectively so they will be also operating the team from outside interruptions and distractions and this happens a lot right as the other per you want to focus on your work right I normally takes around half an hour for the developer to get into that zone right so when you start working on the machine it takes at least half an hour to get into that zone and at that point if you get a call if you at that time if someone says hey we have a meeting you have to go back and then when you come back you have to again spend 30 minutes just to get into that zone so scrum master will make sure that you don't have any distraction or unwanted meetings but what about development team do we really have let's say we have six people do we really have one tester one color per one deployer not exactly this is a cross-functional team basically every person should know everything so one person will know testing the same person can be developer the same person knows how to design a software right the advantage is if you are not depending on someone else if that wasn't not there in the office on that day you should not say no we don't have a tester so we can't test software you can't do it so the development team is self-organizing and cross-functional now how would you implement this now there's one important thing in scrum which is a scrum board so basically you know what is cram board so normally when you work on your requirements we have a team of six people right so you should know what is happening in the project so there should be a clear picture what is the progress right so let's say you have six people and they are walking so of course you have a sprint backlog there so you can create a boat something like this where you have the first column where you have the entire backlog then you can specify what you're currently working on that is a to-do list and then what is your current you're currently working on and what is done now that is very important here now when you say done ends in agile it should be done done right so there's a different definition for done if the product is not working it's not done okay so you you should not say these 75% initials it is not 80% done when you say this 100% done then it is done okay so that's something you can put in the last column so basically it is done upped it is tested I guess readied for shipment so that's is that is your dumb definition and if you can't do that you're basically following agile and you are working in this chrome flavor so that's about the scrum framework I hope you enjoyed it equivalent in the comment section and do subscribe for other videos regarding the having amazing series coming out of everyone
Channel: Telusko
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Keywords: telusko, navin, reddy, scrum
Id: oTZd2vo3FQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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