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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Jinx in the mid lane running Fleet presence of Mind bloodline cut down absolute focus and Gathering storm we are doing unlimited rocket Jinx with new Essence Reaver it applies Mana refund on hit and you don't need to cast spells or anything so I can shoot unlimited Rockets because Jinx you cost 20 Mana per rocket so as long as the asence Reaver gives me more than 20 Mana per Auto I can just infinitely shoot the rockets and never run out of Mana which I think will be really cool so we're going to Max CU Essence Reaver first and then I think I'll throw in some attack speed with it maybe we go Rune in second so then I can shoot triple rocket on repeat and then maybe we'll go IE after that more damage or I could just commit to full attack speed and just shoot out Rockets as fast so the can too bad lethal tempo's gone though actually it doesn't matter because Jinx goes over the attack speed cap I just realized I think we'll just do Essence Reaver a bunch of attack speed items and infinity edge might need an ldr though if FY bear gets super tanky what does Essence Reaver build out of now oh it builds out of a BF sword of course I think that's worth my ghost instead of losing half my health get kited oh if that hit would have been really low cuz he would have been slowed we'll just shove them into turret I'm out of Mana I could base here can't really buy anything I could get boots and a dagger what's the Worst That Could Happen o Fior is going to destroy Mundo kind of counters him she doesn't have Flash at least Nila is going to be annoying too because she blocks Auto attacks and makes her team block Auto attacks and then Twisted Fate's just going to Gold Card me will be a interesting game got pushing power though what other Zeal items are there ooh that's kind of useless on us actually I think rin's PD well dude come on where's TF he denied me plating but Fiora died at least how much you guys want to bet volly bear ganks me again from this side pooking him down ask me if I'm listening I'm not nice another level up do have alt not low he might be hard to hit going to be careful by the turret I want my ghost up so I can run away from volly bear flash might actually not get me out of a gank oh my gosh I even called it three ganks now for this guy oh yeah we're killing him this is going to feel so good I'm out of Rocket ammo that feels good to get ganked three times by this guy and to kill him I'm happy gank more let's get more ganks now he's going to come back even more but it's worth oh I could get BF sword out of the way here over boots I do have ghost up I'm going to do it an enemy has SL not going to buy this MO though cuz if I have to base soon I'll be able to buy boots Essence Reaver also gives a lot of damage 70 AD yeah it already refunds more than the Rockets cost so I essentially will have unlimited Rockets trying to think of what other Champions could actually use Ence rer there's really not that manyy now we got a bort not good here they come I'll wait for him to pull a gold card yep just waste his time Vol bear is still here he might be at our blue he's going to do blue and then come mid I didn't take a turret shot there thought DF can probably get Dove an ally oh no but we're getting grubs at least oh nice actually got the auto off bu's on his way mid I might Greed for this I actually have to run straight back to my tf's going to Al okay okay cool I must have Reaver already my bot Lane's allergic to playing safe oh Nila is going to live barely well somehow she doesn't have a bounty oh Mundo's actually winning Lane I think he eventually he'll get outscaled we'll see especially if he builds only health I'll be able to poke with my w a lot too since I can refund Mana well I can get the Reaver after this wave I kind of feel like I'm going to get ganked he might have given up on TF though tf's gotten so many ganks and he couldn't even Gold Card me I'm thinking please Tom [Applause] a hef's going to teleport up if I fight them oh did he flat he doesn't have Flash how did that not hit I even flash for it to be in range I guess it still wasn't that sucks all right Reaver time I want to stay for this wave I'll push it I was thinking tf's going to teleport he's not can't believe that volley Q still hit me when I was in the Chompers let's do either rapid fire or hurricane I'm going to get both it could make my Rockets bleed also which would be cool poy saved wait she's out maybe I hit someone maybe I don't I'm not looking oh my God I got both I'm never looking at a rocket again oh my gosh huge I actually I was watching the mini map and I'm like oh my God this is totally hitting cuz it was like right on them nice he's dead how long does he get to hold that gold card for oh didn't die I think I'm dead thought she was uh who'd she kill I don't even know what happened there an enemy has been slain I'll go with the ruin oh they got an ELO wait my bot Lan's actually not even a that far behind like they were getting dop I think it's just cuz volley is like nonstop ganking 40 25 doesn't rapid fire give a little bit of AD no 3525 oh see the issue is I can't get ldr if I I'll go over 100% crit now that I have this oh unlimited Jinx rockets that did a lot I'm almost there sa him he didn't need Al oh you're dead big trying to think I do want I actually beat her you leaves her alone hey remember when you flashed on me son rocket rocket rocket rocket an enemy Rampage you think I'm crazy I suppose we go the attack speed I shoot pretty slow I could do the other crit items to do more damage but let's just go attack speed your team destroyed AET you go rapid fire oh hey oh that's not our teamate that is so Rockets Rockets Rockets get off of me bear Ally has been slain Dodge this an enemy I love shooting Jinx rockets and go rapid fire oh actually I forgot about phantom dancer destroy want phantom dancer I mean we could do rapid fire too unable wouldn't really be able to get a armor P item but this game probably over the thing that sucks about normal games if we're winning it'll always FF if we're losing then I get to come back and then the game goes long enough know sometimes they play it out I don't want to be anywhere near her oh that phantom dancer gave me a lot of attack speed actually I was going to go grab blue I don't even need blue just shooting Rockets where am I oh my God how did I get there Auto pathing it's fine Oh I thought I was standing here yeah I'll just keep building attack speed does a rage blade make me shoot out two rockets I don't remember your has destroyed I mean this is only 35% extra range is nice so for the first Auto H yellow we'll get it I got to wait for some money maybe this hits somebody kills a minion no it hit someone do rapid fire bloodthirst or maybe I don't know I could grab a Terminus that would give some armor pen you kind of take a while to stack up though D DK DK this is fun you never are able to Camp rockets on Jinx she always runs out of Mana oh field goal impressive where's Nila I'm try he's m she didn't push him I think I would have got him I'm thoning oh my God that's Splash damage I ghosted too late damn it I didn't realize that was n if I got a reset on that Fiora it would have been so good that was like a Penta almost but I couldn't she Liv with one HP at least they didn't have F yet um what do I want static Shi gives 40% I could do Cleaver I wonder if uh no it won't stack multiple times on runin it'll still stack up gives no attack speed though but I do potentially need pen I mean I could I don't know what I want they are building armor but I can't build ldr I'm capped on grit I mean I could build it I don't care I'm Ting me clear me shoot rocket I'm actually doing a lot of damage I have rapid fire I think I just want more attack speed I'd sell my items if we're damn it how did I know they warded I'm not going to flash of course that bush is warded y's about to die oh never mind bullly coming now poppy dies she's out oh she's got phas Rush she very out yeah Neil is just countering me every fight by dashing in on me and then alting I could have flashed there but it's not worth it I could do um blade of the ruin King actually because then I slow them on the first hit and it'll help me kite or actually I have to hit three times right three times still might be worth damn that is some far range though with that rapid fire 35% bonus range what was it always that I thought it was like a flat amount can push top she did already Dash she shouldn't get out of this there right click and stand still a if I had a little more ad that would have killed her why me bro just the Jinx oh finally nil didn't get to Alas yeah I mean I I can Auto three times pretty easy it's just with uh Terminus I need to Auto even more I need to Auto like six times or something but blade will slow them I'll have life steal to do Max health Heth damage I maybe we go the Terminus I don't know what I want guys this is this sucks this update cuz like there's too many items I want to build them all I can look at this I can Auto the turret without it shooting me isn't that busted they're going mid an Al has damn or I could get the no I can't get the crit bur item that sucks going for this we got back up yila is looking for the flank going for it th be thoning poy run she got stunned I'm ding [Music] that's so tilting to see like I was pissed when somebody did that to me just hitting my turret how much do I need team ooh Kraken Slayer know what I want I really need armor pen I could get a Cleaver but it gives no attack speed I get excited here oh this is badort abort abort can't lose all our soldiers from this battle hey where are you going oh we're winning oh my God look at me thonk no he ran through him again dead why is everyone faster than me bro Mundos got them they're not happy they got me um I'll be able to get a zepher too ooh that's actually really nice okay we can either get bloodthirst or Terminus wh end gives 55 doesn't give move speed anymore though you know what wits gives a lot of attack speed let's get it I'm trying to how much for effort damn that is really expensive it barely gives any better stats but it gives me move speed on hit move speed and I get Mr and tenacity so it might help me get away from Voli and TF is dead the poppy synergy NE is dead I need a blue trinket I can definitely kite Vol bear if I have a zepher we can get two inhibs I'll be happy your team destroyed in Retreat Retreat might make it out we're online we're online we're online damn it n dude TF got away cuz of senna inz I was going to get a pent to there and then Neila flashes on me as always damn she did a lot of damage damn you Needler Needler and sener ruining the pent oh I got red pop look I don't even have a lot of AD I'm just attacking fast and I got a lot of rockets whatever you do get this if you're going to die nice Retreat go Barony if they die here we're going to lose Baron an ally I could do some cool build in the future where I'll do like Infinity Edge I'll do no attack speed items but do 100% crit rockets that burn that'll do so much damage that'll be cool I could do like a runin with it so I have burning rockets that hit everything I hurt which did a lot of damage at that point I mean if I had the armor pen I'd kill them too fast and then I wouldn't be able to shoot as many Rockets so you know stuns uh they might be able to come steal this I don't see them though oh there he is he's a little late I got red buff we can run him we can run him down aha I'm too fast now with this Zer you can't do that go go go can't Penta f is bot 3 point something attack speed JS unfortunately is one one of the only Champs I have I know kenon can go over the attack speed cap I don't know who else belth I think those are the only three it's stoning time I don't care kill Jinx isn't strong at all I actually really like the essence Reaver on her that's so fun just shooting the Rockets I didn't I barely used the minigun I use a minigun for like one minute out of the whole game only early game I used it if you guys enjoyed please leave a like before you go it helps a lot also check if you're subscribed I got three different channels I upload on this channel tcag uh Zago swag so subscribe to them all leave a comment say whatever you want I do read them so you tell me about your day I really don't care what you comment I will see it though um a poppy came in clutch Mundo actually did really well though for beating Fiora she counters him he didn't even build like anti-heal right away look at that 77k damage it's not even like the most optimal way I could have done it I just did attack speed for funsies I could have went Infinity Edge and like did twice as much damage but I would have shot slower shut down did 3,400 good choice on Rune there and yeah other than that thanks for watching have a wonderful rest of your day I did not need to take presence of mine cuz this gave me unlimited Mana but yeah peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 140,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pG-Baf4h05Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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