Jinder Mahal: Get Rid of Your Victim Mindset

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yeah everybody has that that one moment where that was like it was like a fork in the road yeah I could live this life where I'll be miserable and do something that I don't want to do or hey you know what I could roll the dice I've got there before I can do it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey friends welcome to the BK strength show this is the show where we talk about physical toughness emotional toughness and mental toughness to help you reach peak potential in life and today I've got a very special guest someone that I look up to you're someone that I'm a big fan of WWE world champion in 2017 and of course he won the WWE US Championship at WrestleMania 30 for making him the 50th world champion Mr Jinder Mahal hey sir Thank You Pedro thank you for having me welcome to BK strength man so dude I've been a big fan we've we've been following each other on social media it's funny to even say like we were following five years ago the term following didn't even exist now now it does and here we are but you've got such a unique story to tell because your parents were immigrants yeah to Canada yep you were born in Calgary yep and how do you even find yourself being of Indian descent in wrestling yeah it's actually interesting my uncle was actually arrested for Stampede Wrestling gumma Singh and just growing up in Calgary Calgary has such a rich history for wrestling with the Hart family and Stampede Wrestling right it's just as long as I can remember all I've wanted to do was wrestle via WBC per star and some of my idols at that time obviously being from Calgary Bret Hart sure proud Canadian proudly Calgary and Owen Hart was British bulldog the whole Hart Foundation and growing up idolizing guys like the rock at stone cold and then even some of the guys who I shared the ring with now or at recently like guys like Randy Orton who actually beat for the WB championship or like someone like John Cena who when I was still in high school like these guys were top top stars so it's very cool to you know share locker rooms or you know it's very cool like I have a good relationship with Bret Hart like we text each other back and forth and when I want the double to be you each at dub dubby championship it was like a 20-year drought 1996 Bret won sorry 1997 to 2007 there's a 20-year drought for Calgary no world champions so it was awesome I got to break the drought and bring back the champions and that's substantial because wrestling is huge throughout Calgary yeah there's a part family coming up there and yeah so 20 years yeah 20 years you drought yeah no world champion from Calgary yes it was a very special moment so your parents didn't freak out or anything when you're like hey I want to be a wrestler because in the family so having immigrant parents obviously they stress education first because they have to work very hard you know they came here with nothing for a better future for us so I went to University of Calgary I got my education and everything and but basically that was like a back-up plan in fact it wasn't even back-up plan it was just buying time because I was wrestling them so you know like hey wrestle no no I knew wrestling yeah yeah yeah I was gonna make it did you go did you go to university just so you can please your parents yeah and I'm curious yeah being from Calgary never been to the Stampede oh of course I love the stamp yeah even once in a while I still make it back for the Stampede it's awesome if you haven't been it's not just about the rodeo like the whole city's a party column and it's awesome lots of tourists come in and everything so here's a funny thing the first time I've been to Calgary a lot running seminars and workshops and stuff and we've got a lot of our franchises out there but the first time I went there about 10 years ago it happened to be when Stampede was happening ya know I'd never been to Calgary before the hotel like the Sheraton that I'm staying at has like bales of hay at the front counter what the heck is going on as I as the workshop starts the next day and I asked all the people in the cave this is like pretty hardcore cowboy town oh man it's the city yeah yeah yeah so it all made sense yeah so I was the butt of the joke on that one alright so I'm very curious you had of a bit of a breaking point in your career yeah and in fact your body has changed a lot and I I dare say that since your body has changed yeah physically yeah your career has taken off yeah what were some of the setbacks that you've had the breaking points and what made you decide to really go all-in yeah so let's backtrack a little bit I got signed to WV out of air young age I was actually 23 years old when I got signed and I was on TV when I was 24 and I had kind of like a sheltered upbringing you know I still lived at home going to college and everything so that was like the first time that I was on my own when I moved to Tampa Florida you know I'm touring all over the world I'm making good money and I had like the opportunity of a lifetime at that time you know being young and being in WV but I made many mistakes you know got off track lost focused partying and everything let's break those down when we say you made many mistakes because obviously we're talking about you know Fibble eve yeah when you were in you're physically strong you take care of your body it leads into your work yeah and any person excites to be a personal trainer any person that I've ever trained they go holy cow as I've lost weight and getting better shape my relationship with my wife got better and they're always surprised I'm never surprised yeah and all of a sudden my income got better I got a raise at my job or my business started to take off there's a price I'm never surprised and so when you were off track what were some of the things in my book man up I talk about people can either be a fighter jet or a crop duster what I'm hearing you say and tell me if I'm putting words in your mouth is you were a bit of a crop duster back then yeah exactly so like why my frame was totally off like I would I would see my careers not progressing so instead of working harder I'm just gonna kind of loose for thought they don't care about me out you know what I mean like I'll just pass the time if you have a victim mentality yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah but in fact my career was dwindling because I wasn't putting my best effort in and like I realized that years later and what it took was in 2014 I got released from WWE how does that conversation go when you get released from WWE so I actually didn't even know that I was gonna be released because I had like a full calendar 2-3 months ahead overseas tour and everything I just got a call I thought the call was because we have two sets of live events one one group leaves on a Friday one group leaves on a Saturday I was supposed to leave on the Saturday when I got the call I thought oh maybe they're gonna send me on Friday and it's like a basically at that time WB was cleaning house doing budget cuts sure there's a rough time for the company at the time they had just released a WB network at that time so they were cost-cutting measures and everything and they were just trimming the fat and they just called me and said hey right now at this moment you know creative has nothing for you right now so we're gonna give you your release but you know maybe down the line we'll work together so at that time I was 27 I believe I was still young and you're 32 now I'm 32 now yeah and you were 27 then in the year was 2014 years 2014 yeah you get this call because I mean this is your livelihood man yeah this call so how do you react to it afterwards so honestly at that time like I wasn't enjoying w/e because no I because I wasn't focused and I wasn't being used in a good way due to obviously the victim mentality you know they're not using all the creative has nothing for me or whatever but at that time I wasn't being the best version of myself and when you're not I'm not being the best version of myself I cannot expect the opportunities like its total victim mentality like looking back now like wondering like hey why are they not why am I not world champion look at the way I look look what I'm doing because when you're the champion you represent WWE every which way and everything you do WB has a huge amount of trust in you to do media interviews to do anything you do like publicly you know you can't be out at the bar and like wrestling the next day just is not good right but so at that point of 27 got released from WB so I just wasn't happy at that time so it yeah it did suck like that's all I ever dreamt of doing but it was just a weird time like in those 2 years 3 years where did you use so even a lot of that time like the two years up for a good year I have I wasn't focused I was still wrestling like I would go to Japan and a Puerto Rico wrestle everywhere wrestle for smaller independent shows sure I was living in Texas at that time of wrestle alone in Texas I would wrestle on the weekends and all week long I was just making no progress yeah just unfocused I got like way out of shape and then actually so like right when you leave WWE for a while like you can use like you were just on TV like everyone to use you but then it starts the bookies yeah it starts to fade because I'm not doing anything to keep myself relevant I'm not plugging myself on social media the way I should be I'm not using the things that I have to my advantage just I don't know why I don't know why I was doing it just looking back now like it makes no sense to me looking back so when you had that when you had the victim mentality and then looking back would you say there was any again I don't want the words around yeah if there wasn't just tell me there wasn't but were you self sabotaging yourself at all I was but not realizing it uh not not purposely right they just this whole time in my life I'd maybe you'd like a little bit depressed at the same time because obviously that's all yeah yeah and then so maybe I would say like a year and a half of that I was just not focused just you know going through the motions just wrestling small shows whatever I got it was fun and then all week long I would just kill time or do whatever and then uh I came to the realization like I might have to face real life like I might have to look something outside of wrestling now to pay the bills because wrestling is not gonna pay the bills forever at the rate that I was going at that point so I'd like a entrepreneurial spirit you know spirit you know I'm a businessman at the same time so I started like rehabbing homes at the same time I got a couple of rental properties and I was looking into like opening a franchise like a like a food franchise then I had that deep discussion with myself am I ready to just give a hug or I'm still young I think if I go all-in I can make it back I've I've made it to WV before I can do it again so just one day randomly I quit drinking I didn't plan on it I just I just stopped drinking and I felt great was there anything that happened - honestly business it was it was just a realization that hey I might have to yeah I might have to or open up a business but that's not my dream I didn't grow up wanting to be a businessman like what I'm gonna have to do something that I don't want to do for the rest of my life you do so guys listen to this anyone who's watching and listening to this right now you need to understand what what Jenner just shared the the lesson of every one of us are born with the dream you wouldn't born otherwise we're born with a dream and a purpose like you know you said dude you even went to university justice yeah just to kill time yeah just to satisfy my parents because that during that time I was resting I was gaining experience Oh straining us yeah that was the primary thing yeah and now here you are in Texas yeah and you're like holy cow I think I might have to just let go of this dream yeah and one day you wake up and you're like I'm gonna stop drinking that's the one thing yeah you're gonna take control of yeah and then like right away I got the meal prep company nutrition solutions I just signed up I'm like you know what I'm gonna start tithing and I'm gonna start training we got you know what like is weird like during that time like sometimes I would go to the gym and just halfway through I would leave and like get pizza like I wasn't even professional athlete like that's not a professional move oh no no not at all so one day just I don't even know like it wasn't even like oh I'm gonna do this for three months I'm gonna do this for a year like it was just lifestyle change that's complete lifestyle yeah yeah yeah like it's not something that you can just change for like a month to three months and expect results because as results will end that was you're good enough is enough moment enough is enough yeah yeah that was it yeah yeah yeah everybody has that that one moment where that was like it was like a fork in the road yeah I could live this life where I'll be miserable and do something that I don't want to do or hey you know what I could roll the dice I've got there before I can do it again so I started getting in shape and Bader's I don't know like if it was like a higher power or something beyond my control two months after I stopped drinking started training again I've started to get into a better shape WB called me said hey the same guy who gave me my release called me again to hire me back Wow said hey Vince wants to bring you back what do you think I said please I would love another opportunity at never to be so I believe I came back in July July of 2016 I came back I was away for two years I got released in May 2014 came back July 2016 totally different mind frame totally different mindset it even when I came back the purpose of me coming back was because they did the roster split they wanted a separate roster for a separate roster for Smackdown and they needed some guys who they could throw on TV right away that were already ready but my position at that point was to elevate other talent was to you know it's called putting off someone over I was there to put over the new guys to make them look good on it but I said I knew okay don't worry in the hierarchy of wrestling yeah that position I'm getting the impression that is kind of a lower note absolutely your position yeah yet are you grateful or are you like hey what the hell like I deserve something better no no no no I knew I didn't deserve nothing better because I knew that for that I put on obviously they're not gonna bring me back yeah because at that point I wasn't in the shape that I am now or the shape that I got to so I knew was an opportunity gotcha that's all I need that's all I need give me one shot I love give me one shot baby all I need is a shot his cool man thank you guys I'm gonna do my best job to make these other people look good but in the meantime I'm gonna also shine myself I am yeah but I didn't it's okay so in the meantime I'm training I'm dieting and like my body's insane at this point I would say I was a best conditioned athlete there is in WV and like a lot of people are like oh man you change like overnight no I changed this like B because it's a process so it started two months before I got signed the day that I quit drinking and started dieting again like if you would have seen me back then like I was totally different like horrible shape I can admit I was in horrible shape so even when I came back I wasn't in my great shape but it's a process it took six months insane I mean they throw stains like insanity like I was I was so focused I was so hungry like it kind of I took it it wasn't an insult but I kind of used it like it they were insulting me that I brought back to make these other guys look good but I said it's okay all I need is that want you so you use that it's a fuel your fire the exams to the old mentality of ginger was now I'm a victim yeah I'm a victim and oh they're not gonna use me you know what I'm gonna go screw them I'm gonna take it out of myself like I'm to party all night now I'm gonna show up the next day and not care I'm gonna not put in 100% that's crazy oh they don't give me a hundred I'm not putting in hundred per se but you have to put in a hundred percent then they will give you they they reward you yes yes that's it you put in your hundred percent first yeah get their respect and reward after if you born in 40 you can't expect 100 you put in 40 you'll get back 30 so let me have this let me ask you this you're now in this position where you're making this comeback Yeah right and during this comeback where yeah you're back in WWE yeah you don't have the most elevated position but you're grateful for it you're using it as like fuel an opportunity well that's great how did your routine your lifestyle routine change I'm guessing you don't have the same warning and Bader's know so first thing I would do empty stomach cardio during that time empty stomach cardio then I would go lift I would I would train insane and I would bring my meals with me on the road even to this day I bring a Yeti cooler bag actually today super super distantly tell our audience guys and gals when we were when I just rolled up to BK strength and I said hey ginger afterwards you want to go get some sushi and he's like well we can get sushi but I've brought and you pointed to your cooler yes said I'm got my food with me yeah so you were never that disciplined before oh god no we've been eating McDonald's in the middle of the night like okay oh but you throw away the bonds no no no but super discipline started bringing my meals with me in the yeti cooler bag I had like a whole system now where I freeze meals and I and I get hotels room with fridges and I've shared this on my stories on my Instagram like how I travel and yeah and how I stay in shape on the road so I would do empty stomach cardio bring my meals with me train wrestle and then right after I'm done wrestling if we have a drive and make the drive no social life no going out no hanging out hotel room sleep good for you even to this day yeah be good yeah yeah I've I've seen it done everything you know I started in wwhen I was 23 there's not much that I haven't seen her daughter at this point so I've seen the inside of a lot of bars I imagine yeah I'm good all I want to do is sleep train wrestle so let me tell you so we'll go back to when I came back right started getting in good shape starting in good shape obviously Vince respects hard work a lot of people are like oh you became champion because Vince likes good bodies and by those of you who talk about Vince McMahon a founder of WWWE no it's not the physique that Vince admires it's he knows the dedication it takes the work ethic the work ethic because Vince is insane shape and Vince his work ethic he trains harder than anybody that I know even to this day his trainer flies with him like it doesn't matter in the middle of the night he'll go train like he doesn't sleep he's so he respects work ethic and he recognizes work ethic and he rewards work ethic so when I'm giving a hundred percent he gave me a hundred percent back so it's never never happened before within ten months of coming back I was world champion holies never happened so I'll tell you how that story goes again it opportunity presented itself and I was prepared for it so Randy was supposed to face arrest her name rusev at a pay-per-view for the World Championship Randy its world champion at the time 13 time world champion one of the greatest ever rusev gets hurt I got drafted to SmackDown and I got some indication around WrestleMania right after WrestleMania as a draft I got indication hey gender ROG after WrestleMania we're gonna start doing some things with you so at that time I'm thinking like oh you know like yeah I'll start moving up the card I was in my mind I should have been together I'm gonna become world to me but I wasn't but it's okay so I should have big enough I wasn't thinking big enough okay well now yeah great lesson yeah I learned that lesson later so I'm I'm thinking okay okay so I remember I'm at a show Smackdown tapes on a Tuesday Monday weird a lot non televised events somewhere in Kentucky I remember I'm in the trainer's room and I asked some of the guys yeh what do you got for match tomorrow on TV so know we got a six-man match is for the number one contendership for who faces Randy at the pay-per-view ok cool I remember I was talking to this wrestler named Baron Corbin that Baron and I thought maybe he was in a good position now maybe you'll work who's who's gonna work Randy cuz you are they knew and you didn't he just found out like you kind of get like an indication from the writers I mean everything could change it WB it's it's it's it's a unbelievable form of entertainment like a lot of the stuff it's ad-lib on-the-spot sometimes nothing goes according to plan right okay so I see Randy later here we might be working soon okay yeah yeah cool and at that time the plan was just one pay-per-view with Randy rusev comes back whatever Randy goes goes over I became number one contender then I have like one month tell us a title match and just that when I became number one contender like you thought I was working hard until then when I seen Randy greatest of all time in the distance and I could catch him like like he's my prey Oh Pedro's I turned it up even more next level yeah next level and I just think like I improved so much in that one month my promos my interviews my confidence went up because now I was finally being presented the opportunity I was already prepared my preparation was has been going on for a while now since I hit that rock bottom's put that switch on I'm waiting for this opportunity and just that opportunity arose and supposed to be for one pay-per-view but something happened in that one months what happened what happened in that one month because improvement yeah I just brought the Thunder would like it just sometimes you just strike gold you just it's okay how can I say this it's sometimes an athlete just they're going to zone like they go into flow flow I hate flow yeah it's over it's a wrap at some point during that mind sorry in that in the in that one month Vince in his mind me this guy could be world champion so I didn't know I was gonna become world champion till the day of the show now is he telling you this how much access do you have - I have a very events is very hands-on always yeah yeah he's very easily accessible to all that you're hearing this now are you nervous are you no no no no no I'm telling you I'm telling Vince listen I'm gonna own this place I would tell him this Vince watch if not now he's probably heard other people say that yeah yeah yeah but again he knows I'm backing it up he knows the effort he respects yeah yeah yeah again people try to discount at all you just got jack'd or ro a lot of people say oh they wanted to expand in the Indian market Wu's been in India for years WB was in India when I got released I'm not Indian now I mean I was always yeah it's okay because you have to be worthy of the championship again I was saying earlier you represent Delhi to be in every single way you have to be professional you have to look you know you have to be able to perform every night they have to count on you to do a main event match every single night you can't do a main event every single night if you're out party and you don't get any sleep you have to be in the gym you have to or you they put the championship on you you get hurt so yeah I'm in the gym training a lot of my training is geared towards up preventative maintenance and everything I form role stretch every day I have a strength coach you know we go through mobility stuff or if I have an injury he rehabs me vince's knows that I do everything he knows that I bring my meals with me knows I taking this very very seriously so I got rewarded for my hard work world championship never been happen for ten months after coming back and like that was in 2017 2017 and it was like I can say it inspired the rest of the locker room because all of a sudden I've seen everybody getting in shape everybody's packing meals now because they see me like a lot a lot of people have the victim mentality hawthorn are using me they're not using me but they see me like I came from nothing yeah I was brought back to shine the other guy releases a fancy way of saying fired rounds fired yeah yeah I mean talk about a turnaround kid man yeah yeah so that was like a huge inspiration for the rest of the locker room now I see everybody step their game up and then I held the WB championship for six months so this WrestleMania it's my goal to bring the best physique not only that I've ever had but maybe in the entire history of the WB and that's one thing I want to touch up like earlier when I when I was talking about my mindset and how I kind of limited myself in my thinking thinking that I was gonna come back at a better position but not thinking world champion so now I'm at the point where my mindset is now like limitless and also recently I want to start expanding into other things like entrepreneurship business-wise start doing things outside of WWE and I think that's very very important and I'm at the right place in my life for all of this I'm at the right mindset and I have full belief that anything that I do I will be successful at because I have belief in myself and I have work ethic so let me ask you this you said now I've got this mindset that's limitless yeah then you finish off by saying because I believe in myself and you have work ethic yeah well arguably you had the work ethic back then yes are doing more of it now but what did this new belief in yourself come from where did this new limitless mindset come from how does someone develop that someone who's listening to this it it came from me setting goals and setting ridiculous goals and but goals that were still attainable and seeing that I could do them so now actually there was a book to do cardones 10x a next rule 10x wasn't that a great shout out the grant by the way that's out Quran yeah yeah yeah that book influenced me huge you know setri like goals that are so ridiculous that you'll never accomplish them because one of the worst things that can happen is you accomplish your goals and then you know you lose that hunger you lose that drive but now I have that hunger and that same drive in other things you know I want to expand it to business and you know social media is a big part of it too so now it even just recently like I listened to your podcast with Craig talking about monetizing your Instagram so I'm changing my Instagram strategy now is just enlightenment it's like a it's like a weird thing that's happening I am I like maybe I'm entering that time in my life you know I'm 32 where you're in the transition point yeah it's a very interesting time in my life but I'm I'm very very optimistic when I think about the future and I have like a system like I know what it takes one of the things that I did before that was like monumental that really moved the needle and changed my life was writing down my goals yeah you know I write down my goals every day and I think just putting it on paper I do it first thing in the morning and I'd read them at night again but writing them down first thing in the morning it turns on my mind and all my actions are directed towards you know these goals that I'm writing down and I write down goals that are outside of WV a lot of before all my goals were a lot of my goals were EE to be related but now my goals are so I'm curious what are some of the things if you don't mind that you're writing down that are outside like that we're gonna see gender doing fine yeah I want to start my own supplement company yeah I want to expand it to acting how does it feel when you say that that I want to start my own supplement company you know I want to start it from scratch and I want to create a product that I actually use and that I believe is effective because one of the one of the things that I also want to do especially in my community being Indian indo-canadian being Punjabi or Sikh there's not that many role models like I grew up there weren't any people in pro sports or doing things that they wanted to do I feel like a lot of people in my community do things for their family like they're pressured into being doctors are going to university and being engineers and this and that not that many people are doing things that they really want to do and I actually see kids all the time and you know they one of the things I asked him hey what do you want to be it doesn't they say they tell me anything and I say you know what you can do it I share this with you earlier but you know I want to share for the viewers too sometimes I speak to kids and and one day I Google how many people have been to space and it was like 500 something and I know that I was the 50th ever WAV champion so if you would have told me when I'm a kid that I have 10 times the probability of going to space and I do have it of a champion you know how ridiculous is the sound when a kid says I want to go to space but it's possible it makes sense all of a sudden anything is possible as long as you're willing to put in the work and and you can start time like one of the first steps is having a real assessment of yourself of your actions of your habits you know do you have goals or are you just getting by right now let me ask you something to that to that point real quick before you shift gears before the camera started rolling again you were telling me about Ct Fletcher and you're working out in his gym there in Long Beach yeah and you had already put in two hours of work yeah and then enrolls in CT and he's like jinder do you want to train arms with us now I'm guessing that the gender of the four of 2013-14 Otis is brother already train of the Train I'm done I'm good yeah but you went all-in no know how to go all-in why why did you do that what's the mindset what are you like what are you trying to accomplish with that it's an opportunity right and I knew the camera was gonna be rolling you never know who's gonna see it and just see T's this is such an inspiring guy you know someone who came back from having a heart transplant how can I say I don't want to work out because I've just worked out for two hours when this man has had open-heart surgery yeah you know had a heart transplant you know everything that he's been through he still wants to work out just cuz I worked out two hours you know I don't know there's something about him there's just again like the law of attraction just when you're in this mind frame you attract other people like it that's not me and you connected yes it's weird like when you have that positive mindset you attract people with positive mindset all right but also when you have the negative mindset all you do is you attract negative people and that's why sometimes you're stuck in that same that that rut so in order to get out of that you have to have first an artist talk with yourself so here's something I ask people all this yeah when when you were in that darker place yeah and you said earlier hey I think I might have even been in a depression and yeah I was I played the victim card yeah do you did you hang out with people did your circle of influence change when you started to become this world-class athlete versus the old gender of course of course you have to cut some people out like out of that process go it all started just I didn't seek a I would like to find people that thought like it organically happened like I just had people that were positive influences in my life and it was I don't know what it was it just happened like it's just now what are that's lightning in a bottle yeah that's true you are catching lightning in a bottle right I just got enlightened I don't know what it was it just happened I also know this about you because for those of you that are watching or listening to this you should know that we the power went out here BK strength the whole block actually and we went to lunch and so I got a lot more about you which was cool I think the second half of this show is gonna be better than the first half for that reason but dude you are one of the most humble and down-to-earth guys like you don't beat your chest enough someone who's an entrepreneur who tells people like and like I was sharing with you if you don't tell your narrative someone else is gonna tell your story for you absolutely and it's not gonna be as awesome as a story that you've lived yeah right and so you're so humble about it but in the process of having to evolve into this world class champion you obviously had to cut out some people out of your life that's probably a pretty tough thing to do how does that work you just have a conversation with them or do you just stop oh you just slowly phase them out or you know you just don't let them influence you mmm that's what it is like yeah you can still have you know people but you just don't let them influence you you know you catch sometimes you have to silence some of the noise yeah sometimes you just have to just get it inside your own focus your own mind you know you know what your goals are set your goals doesn't matter what anybody else thinks and actually I heard this recently on a podcast too on Andrew for sellers podcast and I believe I'm the same way but I didn't really quite know this like he mentioned something like operating from the dark side and I actually put up a post about this recently I get more motivated when someone tells me I can't do something rather than what someone cheers me on so unlike social media like when I was number one contender people were laughing like oh you know this guy's been in has been telling it's all like his guy can't be a world champ okay all right all right I'll show you I'll show you yeah yeah I like to prove people wrong and just my I have a different why you know what not only do I want to prove people wrong but I also want to inspire I wanted that's why I want to tell my own narrative because I believe I have a really interesting story like I really have humble beginnings I showed shared with you that major of me in my very second match which I'll post on Instagram and you know I do want to share it yeah like I don't even have I'm ready to try a t-shirt at amateur wrestling boots and maybe there's 20 people there and we're wrestling in a kickboxing ring I really honestly come from nothing like I started at that level and I see where I have gone in it I just know that where I'm going to be or where I'm going someday I'm gonna look at where I am right now and and it would it will I will look at where I am right now is like remember I started there like all right yeah that'll be humble beginnings yeah yeah so I'm very optimistic and just I know that I have a work ethic and a belief in myself that truly I will be limitless I'm limitless and that's the way you have to you can't that's another thing too sometimes when you associate with people like they put limits on you like they try to bring you down I don't know why it is and sometimes you accept that like oh yeah maybe yeah what it is I don't want them to laugh at me or like I've actually figured out why let me let me explain to you why that is because I I study humanity and the human behavior a lot the people that put the biggest limits on us are the people who are closest to us typically friends family brother sister cousin aunts mom and dad and they do it because they want to protect you they don't want to see you get hurt yeah they haven't seen you do that they've never seen you become a world champion before yeah right so they're like son you can be a wrestler but don't try and be a world champion wrestler or not that not that your parents would say that but whoever it was it's typically the people closest to us you start limiting us yeah and then because they're closest to us we tend to trust them because we've got history and time with them yeah you know maybe they're right but then when you have this limitless mindset like the shift that you've made yeah oh you know what they just don't see the future like I do yeah you've got a clear vision of gender in 2025 yeah they they don't even know yeah and so you're chasing that guy they're seeing the person from the past you're in the future they're in the past yeah that's usually why that happens is what I found so I'm curious as we go on here I mean talking about mental toughness and your journey this whole time but obviously dude you guys throw yourselves around in the ring and you're unlike baseball or basketball or football were there seasons yeah there's no seasons yeah how many how many matches on average a year uh they were on the road over 200 days a year maybe like 170 something matches but you're still on the road like we got overseas travel days and everything yeah and it's year-round it's a grind on average we wrestle four days a week Friday Saturday Sunday Monday is Raw when you're on Raw now and we go home Tuesday but his year-long year-round and I've been fortunate I never had any surgeries I've never missed any time off so I've been going straight I just don't know any different like I'm in that I'm in that flow state we're just going like but what do you do to prevent injuries and to make sure your body's in peak condition yeah this is another thing that's changed too in the last couple years with my mindset change I also put a priority on my recovery and my mobility and my overall strength training regimen and everything so every day a foam roll every day I stretch practice mobility if I have injuries I do rehab I I I'm just like on a weird quest to gain as much knowledge as possible so all the time I'm looking up like rehab methods or I follow a lot of mobility people on Instagram or social media I'm always seeing what they're doing and I kind of rehab myself and I get a massage weekly ice Basques cryotherapy do basically I do everything I do stem I have Norma tech I have a whole recovery room at my house because for my body is my number one asset like um is my business like when you know when you have a business you your asset is what makes you money yeah right now my body is what's making me money so I have to take care of my body to the best of my ability and also rest is very important so right now only strength trained four days a week I do cardio right now six days a week and then also recovery is just as important as training hard because if you're just training training hard you're not recovering and also I wrestle also I travel my body will bring a lot of wear and tear yeah and you're a big dude how tall are you I'm six five right now I'm about to thirty to sixty five to thirty even an even in first class that you still take up a lot of room yeah what I mean by that is when you're traveling so much your body starts really feeling that travel even first class right yeah yeah and actually you know what you have a process like after you've traveled you do you have some that you do like for me when I travel the moment I land I need within within two hours I need to be working out and that's what I do yeah yeah so like day one when we fly somewhere first thing I do is find a gym foam roll we would have a good like we're a warm-up mobility routine it's about thirty minutes long foam rolling stretch and and also on that first day I like to hit a sauna because I feel like after flying I holding a little bit of water and everybody hit the sauna I get a nice workout in then I'm ready for the for the rest of the four days and I've been to all these cities so many times I know where all the gyms are I know where city I have like a weird memory I have the photographic memories I know in every city even all the time people ask me hey we're going to this city what's the gym and I don't know this is the gym yeah yeah so routine how many hours a night do you sleep uh I mean I try for eight but I think I used to sleep like a baby but I think though I'm getting old and yeah I wake up at like 8 a.m. now so now I try to get 8 but realistically like 6 7 ok yeah but you're shooting for 8 I'm still trying for any sometimes I lay there awake and I have this whoops trap what does that do a little plug to the hem it measures my sleep it measures my strain my heart rate variability my recovery again like I'm not sponsored or not like I paid for this I I buy it like it's just one of those things that's an investor what's a call so it's called a whoop strap loop strap loop strap yeah it measures your heart rate variability so it measures my sleep how much strain I put on my body the day before and it tells me my recovery score so very much like anything that I can do to gain an edge I'm doing would you say you're a bit of a biohacker yeah yeah yeah you know what I I do always like it's just like a weird quest to gain so much knowledge about like spirit mindset and body and everything so yeah I am I am kinda into biohacking and obviously when I'm when I'm done my in-ring career I want to do more like yoga type train maybe train light not so much and you know I don't want to hold this much muscle right you know I want to be healthy an effort to hold that much yeah it is it is and the heart's working overtime and yeah I want to slim down and you know just focus more on health and rehab stuff and stem cells and you know it's a great time like technology it's changing so much longevity yeah longevity is key yeah I just want to let be happy healthy dude so inspirational inspiring you have so many goals I love your new this this passion that you have because especially when when again people guys if you're watching this or listening to this on a podcast you've got to go in google gender and see how his body has transformed from like twenty eleven twelve thirteen fourteen to seventeen eighteen yeah right here we are 2019 now yeah you've really transformed your body and that's bled into your business and to wrestling your mindset you know what mindset change first mindset change and then and everything everything follows suit yeah so let me ask you this is kind of shift gears and and talk about some fun stuff because again at lunch I had no idea you guys were put put baby oil on me guys right it's cool like I'm a fan of wrestling right like I'm a fan like I come from like the from the Hulk Hogan to sergeant slaughter to the Iron Sheik air all the way to now right yeah and so what is the craziest things like one of the funniest things or craziest things of experience in the ring or in the locker room that you can talk about Corey or something that's like yes and we would just be blown away that's I'll tell you one of the coolest things it's it's not something that happened backstage or anything like that it was just a point where I realized that I've arrived is when Ric Flair arguably the greatest of all time seventeen time world champion yeah he called me champ Wow he said hey champ man that gave me goosebumps like that it's it's the small thing it's like for instance I shared with you the picture of my parents you know holding the championship you know how proud they were to think you know they came here to they came to Canada with nothing and they they're still working so so hard they never like treat themselves and they do this to give me an opportunity you know it's things like that that you know that touch me the most those those are the coolest things yeah we do so much stuff like incredible I get in wrestling in front of 80,000 people that that's so so how does that feel like that I mean did you get nervous yeah I get nervous before every match you still I actually get more nervous as smaller the crowd because really it's just like a huge crowd it just becomes like a big mass but like when I can see people are like sometimes the lighting like maybe on a Sunday we might do a daytime show in the arena's late and I can see people's faces that's I'm more nervous really yeah are you nervous because man I don't want to let them down I want to put on a good show are you nervous like hair might fall over and look like a dummy so was WB anything could happen at any time because it's there's no retakes or nothing like that like Monday Night Raw is life yeah take and oftentimes like things are changing last-minute everything is it's a stress and not only that just as a performer there's a stress of entertaining the fans like all the wrestlers that I speak to that have rest I've had like long you know monumental careers they all say like they're still nervous till the very end like I'm here to be heard to say say people say if you're not nervous you need to find that's a day because I'm nervous because I'm passionate about it I care about it yeah and yeah I still I still get nervous but now I don't get nervous before I would like jeez when I get started I'm nervous all week for a match yeah yeah I'm nervous like 15 minutes before or 20 minutes before as soon as I start getting I have a routine get baby oil dog yeah put on my flex all I get my ankle stayed lace up the booze tie my turban and then it's weird sometimes you have like like you just have like we had thoughts like you have a lot of self-doubt like you're about to go out what's the weirdest or most self-doubt thought you've had if you don't mind just I'm not gonna perform good like I'm gonna let people down like I'm not worthy of this position cuz I think that's your natural setting I think people are just wired to for safety I think maybe that's my brain telling me hey don't do this just be safe just you know don't why are you extending yourself why are you trying to do this and a lot of people listen to that noise that listen to that voice that says hey you can't do this actually you nailed it they listen to that noise it's noise it's noise yeah it's noise it's noise and and and it's I'm so glad that you're being so honest man and open about this because guys and gals listening to this we're sitting here with a world champion athlete and you could easily say no man I'm I know like once I get in that ring I know what I'm gonna do but you're like I'm confident but for some reason Bader's yeah I want to tell the complete truth before I have doubted myself and so if a world champion is gonna have some doubt ahead of time and I think that's a good thing yeah and here's why I was telling you guys about my friend Jay Redman he's a Navy SEAL very much like you he says look when we're going on a mission if I don't have fear yeah in me yeah then I'm probably gonna get shot and killed because fear heightens your hearing is your sight your instincts right yeah you start hunting instead of feeling like the prey you feel like the predator yeah and so if we don't have any kind of limiting like self doubt or limiting belief yeah we will literally end up sabotaging yourself it's the people who have the self-doubt or the fear but then listen to it believe that voice yeah and then stop how about yourself as an entrepreneur when you start a new venture dude how much do you have wait still every time like right now we're starting a supplement company and it's our goal is to make it a ten million dollar a month supplement company cuz I've got the franchise Fit Body Boot Camp so we're immediately gonna inject it into all 800 locations and of course we've got millions of clients who are gonna buy it virtually overnight that's the best-case scenario yeah the worst-case scenario is they don't like the taste of it yeah they're committed to the brand that they already love yeah the manufacturer doesn't pump out the supplements that we want yeah or I'm stuck with millions of dollars of supplements just my pre-order yeah for 200 locations not all 800 there's a half a million dollars that I just paid yeah and something there's gonna be a warehouse somewhere in California with half a million dollars of supplement sitting there yes he's like that's a dark voice speaking in my head and the other voice is like dude you're just gonna keep executing like you always do yeah and I guarantee that there's gonna be problems see now I've accepted there's always gonna be a problem my job is to problem-solve create the outcome and move on yeah but before I used to go if I do XYZ it's gonna work out and if it doesn't it's a sign from the universe or God that I'm not meant to be yeah the reality is the universe or God will put the obstacles in front of me too asked me how bad you really want it yeah right and that's really what's happening to you're feeling the doubt you might feel some fear you might feel some skepticism but then you go out there and you lean into the size of your comfort zone anyway and when you get in the ring you just dominate so I'm curious I know you're you're very involved with with giving back yet knowing you in the short amount of time I also see how humble you are and there's something that you shared what we were at the tender shout-out to Aaron by the way at sushi ten for hooking us up with with our lunch but you you did something recently for some schools what did you do Oh me and my one cousin we bought a couple of stationary bikes for the kids at the school my aunt is actually a principal at the school and she said we need some some bikes for the kids and actually she didn't even ask me like my family has like a big group Chad and she they put out the message for my other uncle's like my uncles are my parents again I said I'll get all maybe my cousin will I said I'll get all of them my cousin said we're supposed to play timeshare so but that's important to me because I believe like kids knowing that I bought them they will use the horn right well think about the so like yeah I think they will use them more and again it will it will ultimately push them maybe change no that they can live life on their terms you know don't wear that school is it's in a very it's in the northeast of Calgary a very like ethnic there's mainly Indian students now and I know a lot of them will feel the pressure hey you gotta be a doctor you got to be a lower the same thing my parents don't tell me the comfort zone the comfort zone your parents might say yes safety safety but you know I'm just hoping that only you know inspire them or at least inspire them to you know get fit is good is it's important to give back because ultimately makes me feel good right yeah yeah like the things that Brett brought me the most joy you're not buying anything I collect Rolex watches I cook you know I do like nice things but those things don't bring me the same amount of joy it's helping someone right and also in my community I talked to the youth sometimes like in Vancouver there's a organization called kids play I've done you know some talks for them for kids they work in the community there's some gang problems there you know just talking to the kids about motivation and it's weird I just think I have such a great platform just to change their lives that this will pay off like in 20 years from hell winner right we know that you know how cool would it be like it's we're like guys that I grew up idolizing like for instance there's a hockey player Theron flurry when I was a kid like he was the man even to this day I follow my name so he's still the man to me even though he's you know his best days are past him and I'm sure he's he's humble and but to me like if I was to meet him I would still be like oh my god like he's still the man to me like you know he made a huge impact on me so there's all these things that I want to do like they're gonna cut they're gonna pay up off in the future is the lives that I changed you know when these kids are you know their 20s and 30s and they're making an even bigger impact like this that's the here's what's gonna happen is if someone's gonna reach out to 10 15 20 years from now and they're gonna say that thing you said whether it's and that's a crazy thing now it's the thing you said on TV or social media or YouTube I mean that used to not exist and oh yeah yeah you have such an audience in such a platform for impact they're gonna come back and go dude that thing you said 15 years ago change the course live which could always mean to change the course of history you know yeah yeah you never know lo never know yeah yeah it's it's the domino effect right yeah so let me ask you before we wrap up I'm gonna ask you this final question I ask everybody and it's nothing profound it's it's simply what did I miss out on asking what should have asked you that I didn't ask you is there anything yeah I just want to say her some of the steps that that I took to make the the the the biggest change there's I believe there's three steps first is that honest talk with myself I to realize what my shortcomings are I'm not putting the best foot forward and second is actually putting in the effort silencing that noise in your head are the noise that you know your loved ones or your friends or people that don't even know you in social media are laughing at you you have to silence that noise and third is that mindset limitless have that limitless mindset I think these are my three three steps and yeah I'm really excited for the future I have like a clear vision of what its gonna look like but I also know things don't have it according to plan right so Chloe you're speaking earlier yeah nothing every recording goes according to plan but I know whatever happens it's gonna be good and hey if it doesn't I won't have any regrets because you know I'm all in I'm all in on my dream I'm all in on my effort and whatever if there's the I can be proud of myself I've already done so much that I could be proud of myself but I want to do so much more yeah so you accomplished so much you're absolutely humble in the short amount of time that I've gotten to know you I'm just like become even a bigger fan and the impact that you're making is huge and I'm curious to know let's say three years from now four years from now five years from now if we were to sit back down at this on this turf in my gym yeah what would the conversation be what are you doing five years from now if you just look forward into the future oh inspiring other ventures outside of wrestling entrepreneurship that's still maybe 10 time world champion by now my man I love you ready to crush some weights yes yeah let's do it all right let's do it man bye man [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 19,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, business, ceo, success, manup, decide, leadership, mindset, entrepreneurship, smallbusiness, savvybusinessowner, motivation, businessstips, personaldevelopment, productivity, onlinemarketing, hustle, creativeentrepreneur
Id: A7zegd5EtzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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