What is Attitude - Part 1 Gaur Gopal Das Motivational Speech #motivation #motivational #gaurgopaldas

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you think that you want to live a great life I'm sure everyone wants to have a great life but when it comes to great life today all the guys think about abs and biceps and triceps and when it comes to living a great life today all the girls think of size zero when it comes to a great life today all the guys think about girls think about money and when it comes to marwadis I'm from a marwadi family they don't need much to make money they don't need to go to college to make money a marwadi and a Chinese both were sitting in a local train and going on a local train and a mosquito sat on the Chinese guy's head he picked it up and he ate it then a mosquito sat on a marwadi fellow's head he picked it up and turned to the Chinese guy and said that guy will make business out of mosquitoes you know so loads of people think that in order to have money you need to look good that's the modern Paradigm biceps triceps size zero you need to look good people think in order to live a great life you need to have good which is basically you have a lot of money and then with all that money you can buy so much stuff upgrade your home from a smaller one to a bigger one if you're riding a bicycle you get a bike if you're riding a bike you get a car if you're riding a car you get a better car if you're riding in a bus you'll start traveling by train if you're traveling by train is not traveling by plane people are thinking that you live a great life by upgrading the quality of your lifestyle there is a big difference between a lifestyle and a life your looks is your lifestyle the money you earn will get you a great lifestyle and it's good I'm not saying we shouldn't have money money is going to get you a great lifestyle a better house a better car a better income better gadgets all of these things will come as a matter of Lifestyle but there's a great difference in living a great lifestyle and a great life what we are talking about here today is living a great life well how many of you are born how many of you are born yeah I'm sorry about that question it's a very paradoxical rhetorical kind of question but uh I think I've always Defined Life as a segment a segment called BD in which b stands for birth and to be very honest yeah sure please yeah to be very honest birth is not in our control isn't it [Laughter] what are we talking none of us have chosen our parents how many of you chose your looks we never chose our looks either they say that no one looks as good as their Facebook profile picture no one no one looks as good as their Facebook profile picture and no one looks as horrible as their aadhar card picture God is such a contrast you know Facebook make them Styles wanted I'll tell you it's completely out of our control the birth is out of our control and the D which stands for death even that's out of our control [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign and then there was a death in the family and both went for the funeral this time nephew said [Laughter] I'll tell you foreign why should we think about birth which is not in our control why should we think about our looks which is not in our country why should we think about how death which is not in our country what is in our control is between this letters b and d is a letter called C which stands for choice it is this usage of choice that makes a great life it is the usage of this C choice that makes a great man or a woman every great person no one was born great in the maternity world foreign [Applause] every single person sitting in this Auditorium has the potential to be great and to lead a great life but that potential has to be utilized that potential has to be realized and in order to realize that potential we have to make the right choices that choice is completely in our control your looks are not in your control the socio-economic class you are born into is not in your control the way we die is not in our control demonetization around is not under control so many things happen in the world which are not in our control but how we make our choices is completely Within our control ladies and gentlemen therefore I say being a male is a matter of birth being a man is a matter of age but being a gentle man is a matter of choice and as a corollary to that being a female is a matter of birth being a woman is a matter of age but being a gentle woman or a lady is a matter of choice choose you have to learn to choose and if you don't choose to choose whom him or her oh goodness [Laughter] he was in London and he was dressed up in like Robes of Swami and one British man English man came and said hey why don't you dress up like a gentleman and Swami Vivekananda gave a great answer he said in your country a tailor makes a gentleman in our country character makes a gentleman our dress doesn't make a gentleman it's the choices we make that makes a gentleman ladies and gentlemen this morning I would like to discuss with you a couple of mantras for success a couple of sutras for success where you will have to make that choice and believe me you hand on my heart I can tell you rest assured if you just do what I'm saying all the potential you have in you will be unfolded otherwise you'll remain a mediocre student you remain a mediocre student you'll remember a mediocre doing a nine to six job earning a few bucks that is all you for the rest of your life because you didn't follow what I'm trying to propose to you today give me all your years and listen to what I have to say attentively and if you try and change and apply even a little bit of what I'm saying today I can assure you greatness will not just remain a dream for you greatness will become a reality for you in your life you won't rot in a mediocre life you will live a great life okay everyone wants those secrets and you know to know how those what this mantras are how many of you went to school I'm sorry I'm sorry if you're in college obviously you went to school manner foreign people who have great ideas don't necessarily know all the spellings right and because someone knows all the spelling right doesn't mean he has a great ideas you know one teacher in school asked the guy which state of India are you from well can you spell it for me he said no I'm from Goa actually you know to get those spellings right was such a task it was successful success for you in school s right getting your math right getting your pronunciations right when teacher called a man and said last one week I'm teaching your child how to pronounce the word electricity he keeps saying electricity the father said what can the poor fellow do that's his capacity here you know I must tell you pronunciations I'm successful and then of course you come to College and in college what matters to you is a degree your BMS your MMS your be calm you'll be completely calm be calm you know I'll tell you you all want professional degrees and when you get those professional degrees you know that your future will obviously be bright okay yoga right now is the time of focus right now is the time of concentration right now is a time of dedicated commitment to your academic courses because if you don't give it now when will you give it it's just going to be too late and then your future is going to be jeopardized mediocrity mediocrity SC mediocre okay Hanuman was meant to cross the ocean to go and find Sita but he didn't know what his power was every monkey was saying will jump this much jump this much he was quiet then there was a personality called jambuan who came and reminded Hanuman you have the potential to cross the social and only when he was reminded and empowered could Hanuman cross the ocean and find Sita foreign foreign this is the age this is the era not to get distracted not to get carried away by all those Temptations this is the time to give not your hundred you're 200 percent to what you're doing and then exhale accordingly messages foreign good morning to you Dad family and friends I will tell you at this stage in your life success means achievement of a degree right how many of you looking forward to your convocation ceremony when you get the degree in your hand how many of you are looking forward to probably pursuing a post graduation course if you're a graduate and then getting a good degree in your hand of course all of you and what is that meant for that is meant for a job right a job a business there was a guy in America he went to Microsoft for a job interview what was the job interview for jadawala foreign today chairman said okay uh we'll send you your employment letter for the post of a janitor give me your email ID you said well I don't have an email ID I said idiot you come to Microsoft to apply for a job and you don't have an email ID so you're not selected get out email ID he had five dollars in his pocket he went around and purchased the crate of tomatoes and went and sold that crate of tomatoes for ten dollars five dollars he made in one day he said not bad I can make money he started his business and Guru to be the greatest retailer of tomatoes in the whole United States of America then he decided to get an insurance done so he called the insurance people so the insurance people said yeah all the papers are ready give us your email ID we'll email it to you he said I don't have an email ID said sir you don't have an email ID you're such a wealthy big businessman if you would have had an email ID what would you be he said Microsoft you know foreign what is that job meant for how many of you want money here be honest how many of you want a lot of money oh God we all want a lot of money one teacher in the class was asking all the students tell me tell me what do you want to be when you grow up so one guy whose name was Varun I want to be the richest man in the world have 20 big Bungalows five fancy most expensive cars I want a private charted plane and hundreds of servants under me so then the teacher said look I asked you what you want to be you can't say this in so many sentences answer only in one sentence okay now whoever I ask has to answer in one sentence who said Puja what do you want to be she said varun's wife [Applause] [Laughter] when you were a kid pronunciation was success to you when you're a college student degree was success to you when you came to take a job promotion meant success to you at all stages money meant success to you and then of course a Japanese [Applause] [Laughter] um foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] the fact of the matter is this but at all stages success meant different things to you childhood something with success when you're looking for a marriage you wanted a perfect guy or a girl which never exists as a success you think that is success what is real success is achievement success in school if you get your pronunciations right is that success if you get a great job is that success if you get a lot of money from their job is that success if you could upgrade the quality of your car your house is that success if you got that good dream girl or the dream guy whom you were after is that success can you imagine at all stages in our life success means achievement to us I do not think so I completely disagree with the definition that the modern world is feeding you with that success means achievement sorry achievement is a byproduct of success that is not success ful what is success are you all ready you're with me now great good thank you there was once a man he was watching a football match and he had a little boy like about four years old and the boy was like nagging the dad talking to him constantly during the match and the father was like frustrated then the father realized if I don't keep this guy busy he's going to be messing up my football match so the father saw there was a newspaper or rather there was a jigsaw puzzle in the house it was the puzzle of the entire map of the globe the world and he told the boy come on now he put all the pieces here and there so assemble the map of the world together which would take for a four-year-old to take at least an hour the boy did it in a jiffy jiffy within just a couple of minutes the boy had put it all together and the father was like completely astonished he said to the son I mean how did you do it so quick the sun said very simple that behind the jigsaw puzzle of the world on the other side was the picture of a man I put the man together and I got the world together ladies and gentlemen if you cannot put the man together you cannot put the world together [Music] academics okay foreign [Applause] therefore another little boy he went to a balloon cellar and there were like varieties of colored balloons there and he has the balloon foreign foreign [Laughter] so this little boy comes up to the balloon Cellar and says Uncle will the red balloon fly in the air the balloons and I said sure and what about the blue one uncle said definitely darling it'll fly and what about the yellow one cell and now he was getting exasperated he said yes even The Yellow Balloon and the purple then the balloon seller turned towards the little boy and said darling it's not the color of the balloon that makes it go up it is what is filled inside the balloon that it takes it up you know it's not the color of your skin it's not the color of your clothes it's not the phone that you use the watch that you wear or the polished English that you speak Gujarati looking English in foreign in the morning morning so he's translating it literally morning only I go to job uh translate this Hindi into English translate here twinkling of the stars in the sky how that's legit so all so all gadgets your looks your style is the color of the balloon that doesn't take you great in life that doesn't take you High in life what takes you high in your life is what is felt inside your attitude ladies and gentlemen greatness is not about achievement or aptitude greatness is about attitude if you have the right attitude achievements will be a buy product if you even have achievements and you don't have a great attitude I think you will be a great failure I've always said this this is called the iceberg illusion you know people will always see that one top Japanese what people see success it's a very small part but what they don't see which is underneath the surface is a lot of persistence is a lot of hard work is a lot of dedication is a lot of discipline a lot of failure lot of commitment he brought it down to six pack and eight pack abs within a month screen papers foreign people when they come and ask me sir can you teach us public speaking you seem to be so confident you seem to be so walk on start but you know it's not like I don't have to look at things just start and speak can you teach us public speaking you can see what today's talk is on the top of the iceberg underneath that surface 21 years of speaking failing trying and not giving up has gone on you know can you imagine once I did a talk in someone's house foreign [Laughter] foreign she was like all smiles but the guy was blue because it was his wife so in two minutes he was like blue but then he turned to his wife hahaha uh so I failed so many times can you introduce me to everyone please you know and therefore I felt do one thing always cultivate a great attitude if you have the right attitude achievements are only going to be an outcome I don't know if you know this guy Pablo Picasso the great artist one day a lady came up to me was on the street and the lady said hey Picasso man can you make my portrait so he took a small paper and within 30 seconds he drew a outline pencil catch of that lady 30 seconds and handed over to the lady and said thirty thousand dollars madam the lady said Picasso and the world charging thirty thousand dollars because it took 30 years for me to make the portrait in 30 seconds the 30 000 is for 30 years of hard work third I can make it in 30 seconds [Applause] how many of you have worn a socks pair of socks socks honestly then how many of you put a pair of socks with hole in it is how many of you put a pair of socks with a hole in it maybe foreign I have a pair of socks you can ask Sagar I have a pair of socks there's other pairs also there's another pair of socks which has holes in it alics exercise you know how to know an Indian Indian is foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that is just us Indians Am I Wrong tell me we don't throw it so if you have a hole in the socks and you don't throw it because you value the money you have spent it's a great attitude it's a great attitude which means you will value everything in life it begins with a small pair of socks but it leads to an attitude and then you'll start valuing your teachers your professors your parents your work the opportunities that you get every little thing you'll value and be grateful for but there are some people who wear that socks with hole in it you know why not because they value it foreign then the holder whole matters then you know what that gives us when you think you know what that gives us a poor attitude when people are watching then I'll do good when people are not watching then that attitude such people need supervisors such people need monitors such people need on top of you or mother father saying look foreign how does it matter ladies and gentlemen there was a guy who was making a sculpture and a guy entered into that sculptor's Workshop and saw the sculpture he said man you're a genius what incredible work making a marble statue then this guy who had come to visit this Workshop started walking around and he found in a corner the exact scheme sculpture lying there so he came and asked the sculptor sir you have two orders for the same sculpture is he said where are you going to put this Murthy he said [Music] he said sir scratch y [Music] the world will not save I will see and I will know and God will know that I did a half-hearted job of faulty job therefore I've kept that as a faulty piece and I'm working on the perfect peace there foreign kind of thing on the base girls if you want to dress up be meticulous it's not about a fashion parade it's about an attitude foreign people who have grown big have grown big by paying attention to small things only and I'm not saying it's bad to put a socks with a hole in it but what's your attitude behind it chaluka or value if it's a value go ahead and use it then you wouldn't mind even putting pulling it out of the shoe and let others see it how many of you have decided to wake up early in the morning decided decided how many of you snooze honest how many of you snoozed at least once how many of you snooze minimum twice every day how many of you sues three times how many of you after four snoozes you know one guy was telling the state teacher copy of us you know I'll tell you something how many of you have snoozed foreign I'll tell you something it's not about an alarm clock it's about an attitude and you know what the attitude is I don't respect what I decided last night this is how you begin your day how does your day start your day starts by I don't respect what I myself decided yesterday night I decided I'll be up at six o'clock but I got up at 6 30 by snoozing which means I don't have any determination at all and therefore I feel sorry foreign gives rise to a postponing attitude again [Music] and therefore he has my first mantra small things make a big difference in your attitude don't neglect the small things you don't grow big by big things you grow big by Small Things greatness means paying attention to the smallest things in your life foreign [Music] and I'll tell you what is the greatest challenge to change that attitude correct immediately foreign foreign
Channel: General Study Express
Views: 2,532,067
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Keywords: gaur gopal das motivational speech in Hindi, gaur gopal das, gaur gopal das motivational speech in english, gaur gopal das motivational video, gaur gopal das motivational video in Hindi, gaur gopal das motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, motivational speech in Hindi, general study express, success Mantra for, success motivation, guru, inspirational Speech, das
Id: B-QZxjtRHRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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