Jimmy Gilheaney challenging Racism against Gypsy Travellers part 1

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gypsies and travellers are the people who rarely find a welcome because those thinking pikeys stinking gypsies they will the score like that symbols like that we had anywhere else to go we wouldn't be here across Wales they need more sights but where will they go I go to a door and say what do you think we don't want to bugger yeah how has life changed for the travelers we met 21 years ago hello hello it's amazing to come in yes please thank you a new law might mean councils being prosecuted if they don't build new sites but what about the neighbors it's the masses left me I on a theory and that goes on there I spent everyone will welcome to December I got more travelers are like that this is home for the McDonough family a roadside on a business park in Swansea they have no toilets water or electricity we don't want to be here like when I get a disburse was hard we wanted to be moving something we call home they've been County ER for 18 months and three of Bernhard's five children go to local schools only kids come back from school do you need to use it higher I got a big limb to cure the Burger King or KFC showers dinner gotta bring a DLC in Swansea Arliss crack nobody can see here we keep the place tidy as we can when five kids coming in here we got it every evening gotta be swept up kept tidy we put a look a little into those bags here take it to the tip every evening but neighboring businesses have had enough and they want the council to evict them we're told they're not going to be there long but we've been told that that before we invite numerous high-profile their clients to our flagship the head office premises the first thing that they see and notice is the fact that we're flanked by some gypsy caravans the family has been using the company's water supply and donors have caught other unwanted guests on camera we've had horses tethered here both on in this particular patch and more recently around the back here there's no horses here today but tomorrow they may well be the McDonough say the horses belong to other travelers we respect their culture but at the same time they need to be living somewhere else if this family has moved on they say they'll have to park illegally somewhere else in Swansea and that's because the council doesn't have an official site for them to go to but it is spending money trying to evict them and others from around the city across Wales there's a demand now for hundreds of new pitches and the row about where to put them is getting louder my law councils are expected to try to provide gypsy and traveler sites where there's a need Gore Cynon is a town which has been earmarked by Swansea Council for one of five new possible sites yeah and you see the same a yeah Malcolm Curtis is a town councillor and until last month he was the local mayor I go to a door and say what do you think we don't want a bug as yeah that's me yet and that's it nothing more to be said we just don't want them here they've caused enough trouble in the past Malcolm doesn't speak for everyone in this town but he showed me why he says some people don't want gypsies and travellers here the site in general is well used by the local public for what we always Deadwood's yeah yeah there are sure people come here three four times a year what beautiful area Malcolm says people haven't forgotten the travellers who parked illegally here more than 20 years ago the fifth last thing they were down here in the shops in the I Street all right and the mess left after them I mean you're not seeing the new travelers come in here not going to see it's them I can't see that going going back twenty odd years no but you don't want them here the public don't want them you we are some of the locals what they think personally I think as a travelers they should be travelling and it shouldn't actually be no part of a community which is trained to make something of itself that were on the rise we've got ads just going to the sign then but also to make everything look nice and we've just really worried about something that's going to it'll be a bit of an eyesore but the council thinks some of this parkour land that was set aside for a cemetery might be just the place once people know this a gypsy site or travellers safety call it isn't it is close babe I think that it would definitely affect the price of houses wait because if I was buying I think twice daemul before give people a chance and then see what happens you know love your neighbor and who is my neighbor we've got certain rituals pin to a lot of faintin and they do have the attitude that you're not allowed near their land Malcolm has never visited the city's only official site so we asked him if he'd like the opportunity what do you think you know about them and their life well I don't know much I'd be on a stearate us all I know they come over from Ireland they mostly are you listing guys I bet you 90 percent longer it was his in Ireland right they go baklava dry land and then come back alone fast buck come back Leigh a bit of Tyre you mock gear they're like paving slabs and that's it I'm not so easily work right then people are getting fed up with it and if they want a permanent site of a purlin dose that's my argument and that's what the people ago saying and think so is it all wrong the laws on us that's not being often said so the law says they're entitled to have their own pitch their own sight it's just wrong it is yes if they want the permanent site as they send unapproved meadows full stop this is swansea councils only official gypsy and traveller site with seven pitches it's home to the Gil Heaney family they like it but they say it's not big enough well that's Alma my brothers and sisters are not living on here uh it says right it's fantastic honor but the city do need a new sight we have everything we need one could do a bit more space in in here now you got the conservator at the front at your kitchen you're sitting near here or you eat and easier then you got a shower bathroom toilet facilities Jimmy and his wife have eight children we've no one tentative leaving this site we are quite happy where we are but obviously in time to come when the big chiller grows up they might need more space they might need a different sight Jimmy earns her living as a scrap collector he's worried that the row over where to put the new site is fueling anti gypsy and traveler sentiment you can be driving like true Street and you can salute someone and he will score like that chippers like that this is how this is how it is every day in around Swansea it's unbelievable they paid everyone would same brush excuse my pant leg get balls they don't pay taxes they don't I mean to get things for nothing and I mean we pay our way I mean but like obviously a small minority probably don't pay away but a same the settler community I imagined that they would think that a gypsies home would be very filthy and dirty and smelly and as you can see it's not the case we use this as a kitchen we used the camper home as a bedroom and I've got kids living there and I've got kids next tours we're living in another Caravan who didn't can fit all the caravans on one plot families who stay here pay rent and council tax but Jimmy is worried that wherever the new site is built there could be a backlash throat were picketing boards protesting this that nutter that was a black person or black people moving into an area and he wrote protesting like that what would be said then is it because that their jib geez that the it's okay to do that the two sides have agreed to meet I'm prepared to listen to him obviously listen these points and I'll try and educate him trying to enlighten them for 20 years Welsh councils have been obliged to try to provide sites but some have none at all today 400 new pitches are needed for around 1200 caravans in Wales for dozens of gypsies in Newport there's never been an official site they all live rent-free on unauthorized pitches but that's about to change father I thank you for today lord I thank you for everyone here we know that you can do miracles and by faith we believe in you this gypsy family is praying for a better future they've been illegally camped on Welsh government land for more than a year the price family may have been welcomed by a local church but others in the city aren't so keen about two days ago come to the gate you stinking gypsies because those thinking pikeys stinking gypsies hey get back where you come from and all er we had anywhere else to go we wouldn't be this might be their next home there are plans to site up to 120 caravans here the gypsies liked the idea but it hasn't gone down well in the community anyone you talk to they definitely want to stop it if you're living in a posh apart I think their concern does make a nick Mixit area look a bit low I don't see why everyone can't get along you know I mean they got a set of somewhere I'm not saying they're all that bad bears will just get tarred with the same brush they live under pylons but there's no mains electricity they pay 25 pounds a week for a toilet and there's one tap for up to 35 adults and children we don't have a shower we have a wash in a bowl it's quite hard what we need on the stylists toilets for each on each family Elia we need proper water we need we could do a black rip we don't mind paying for it and just somewhere really settled Chantal lives here with her three children her parents and a large extended family they're being tolerated here until the council builds a new site chantels brother says rats are another problem and all along that fence they're all the mold you see along the bottom that fence that's the rat room let me see the backs of these there's all's in the back in the fence in the back please to put the gas pipes on the fruit you've got a block I'm getting it that's how bad the Rutter's on you Chantal thinks these conditions are making her children ill yes diarrhea with sickness and muscle under burning up and comes out with a rash but we don't know where I come from we take them to doctors and it says it went viral infections everything life would be easier in a house but Chantal is a gypsy and she wants the right to follow her tradition and live the caravan life I sleep over there dear McCutcheon there there's my dinette sit and all up and watch Charlie in the bedroom that's it mostly Finland as before when I get decorated again and a gypsy and I'm used to being a jet see when they get decorated I want to go the new site is planned opposite the pile of families home they moved in six months ago the main reason we moved to this house was the rural location it's absolutely beautiful it's very very peaceful very quiet safe for the children this hot this well there's virtually no traffic on the lane it's just perfect really Carly Pyle says they've invested everything in their home now they're worried they might have made a big mistake my house is just situated just by here I've literally just walked five yards across and just behind this hedgerow here is where the site will actually is proposed to be so as you can see it's very very close to my house and actually from my bedroom window I will be looking on to the site protestors want the council to sell the land for new homes and for the money to be spent on local schools but after a long search the council thinks that this is the best place to site travellers gypsy rights worker Tom Henry is visiting Chantelle he's also a gypsy who grew up on illegal sites in Newport this is the pressure roller yes but he can't hurt see Clara who was down the feelers and I think she felt all the pressure he knows only too well how much gypsies in Newport need an official site so I proposing something cuz you've got to propose something because it makes you sound better do something about it because you know these people have known it the goal the Rao over where to put sites has
Channel: 1979weed
Views: 51,876
Rating: 4.5505619 out of 5
Keywords: Universal, Irish Travellers (Ethnicity), Romani People (Ethnicity), Scottish Gypsy And Traveller Groups, Challenge, Pics, Racism (Crime Type), Against, travellers fighting, joe joyce moate, Swansea City A.F.C. (Football Team), American Football (Sport), Fighting Talk (Broadcast Content), Ireland (Country), Gypsy Blood (Film), gypsy fights, paddy ward, james joyce, barney mcginley, appleby gypsy, irish fighting, Enzo Maccarinelli (Boxer), Carl Froch (Boxer), joe joyce
Id: _mDM3wu8Wak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 10 2014
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