Jimmy Clewes - Sin City Woodworkers' Meeting - July 2014

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if you give that it's more of a spray if I look anywhere I look at the profile I don't look at the tool if you look at the tool all you see is the tool couldn't I'm looking at the profile I can see exactly what I'm puttin when I'm cutting it you'll notice that I'm just using my whole body what I'm not doing is this by doing that with these two elbows three I've got more chance of mentally cook like this I'm all until they're there in the top of my body my wife was just slightly for example and I can leave from there there I've got far more control use my whole body and just use me on the way I'm holding the tool back where no there see that it's not square either there's a slight shadow line there that's a standard little bunny parting tool I'm going to clean this end off they're clean this'll I've stopped that in about a quart of an inch if I was to put it all the way through it would fly out okay so move the two left two there you see the challenge nicely no need to be in a hurry at this ticket time take that two there and then using a small gouge we're going to hold all the middle out so I'm using a bowl gouge even though I'm doing spindle work it doesn't matter these tools as long as it's got a bevel in an edge and I know how we use them the names of the tools are irrelevant to me now as long as they'll do what I want them to do so move that there move the leg middle all the time once you can use those you can do anything the key to being a good would turn is used with tools a lot of people go out and a good analogy would be golfing it is a nice rate though it's variable speed and you'll see what I can what I'll be able to do on it tonight nice little late keep the bevel in contact with the woods if you can imagine that bevel being like the sole of a plane it has to float behind the cut if you get a nice smooth cut behind the couch you don't have to do it without the bevels in exactly the right position and I'm going and I say this going in there I know it's going to be too thick at the bottom okay push that in that's the cook get rid of the shavings if you can't see what you do get rid of the shame we're not going to do any I'm not bother standing and finish the inside but I'll do the outside I'll sound and finish the outside as you get close to the center if you want if you need to or you feel more confident in speed down a little bit but you're going to put your fingers right round there or in here just let them let the piece run freely part it off and it'll just drop into your fingers there's not enough is not enough foot there but to fly off but that's there okay I needed me to I need to make cut down here and make a little tenon and make a joint get that lid to fit onto there okay I've got no idea how far to make that cut didn't get it okay or you'd measure it so what we're going to do is measure slightly wider than the opening just a fraction wider so take that to about there slide the line on to this side now this is wider than that again you can take wood off but you can't put it back on there's another good thing in wood turning or woodworking measure twice cut once all those sins are there for a reason and it's yeah I'm described with the left leg match up with the right leg in time you'll get to hit it first time every time so put that leg into their scribe with that leg it matches up with that where that leg there so I've got exactly that diamond white middle now we've got getting that to fit onto here I'm not gonna it down to that scribe line so I put back to the depth that I want straight away now I can either I could continue down with the parting to remember putting the pressure this way I can put it away with the Gauss you'll take it down a little bit at a time get rid of this little pip in the middle stop back to dead bring it over I've got to open up just over a fraction so to list and again you're going to take half what you have to take to get it to fit in that is just about this live in there one more small Kirk we're May square it can be dust you take enough to get the thing to fit but that would go in there I'm not gonna force it in so I'm going to open it up slightly if put this corner a little bit try cook this way using the bevel and a push hood not sure oh and let the glue the again the compel reaction glue the the brass into the wood it might be an idea when it I forgot to bring some book might be an idea to put some blue tape around this edge to act as a reservoir so that it keeps it stops the glue from run downside let's see just a fine glass line now if you thought it was too wide and too in-your-face cut it back a little bit more it's gonna be so them that's thick enough for what we need we'll make a measurement there's no point in cutting anything more than we need to we'll make this box 50/50 so when the lid I'll put it there that's when the lid would be closed 50/50 there and put this line on all I've got to do is hollow down to about there small gouge and you're not doing anything different to what you did on the lid you doing exactly the same thing I'm starting with 180 it just depends on how good the finish on the tool is the better we're finishing get from the tool there's less sanding you have to do put more pressure on you sound like that you can't see what you're doing either still stand form underneath soften the edges slightly if they feel a little bit too sharp again we're talking economics here I served an apprenticeship with caterpillar tractors from 16 from 16 to 20 from 20 to 21 I did a foundation course and art and design for take that little bit off and little don't take it off in one go remember it's running much slower there than it is their peripheral speeds - little put tension to detail two lines on the bottom that shows somebody that you've considered it okay yeah I'm just left it flat this is seriously throw compared to what was all today all I want to do through that up make sure that's completely round I feel it I can feel stop the lathe have a look check that's true okay it's not there's no flap that's true dad oh I already set the dividers to the right diameter for the tenon to hold on to okay grab with the left leg match up with the right leg parting tool to rest a little low for that coat to lift up little faster get into that corner got a foot this is taking me oh this was on a bigger leg that will take me about four cuts okay this smaller leg you haven't got the power you've got to work fine so until that's a little closer and try and hit or two points to see this occur that's the easiest way to get a curve on a bowl which it then we find you can't define a curve till you've got something to fold birthplace there's euchre all we've got to do the way I'm using my body what I'm not doing is this I'm going until they're there and then the top of the head and I've just used my whole body to strike just turn the top of a slide it is still a high point there I've been very critical our piece lops is going to sell it if you're going to sell it it's very very important wanted to open pause in there there's no need if you save it first it fills the pause that's a really pretty piece of order blossom and win checks and when it dried providin they're not 2d and the piece isn't going to open up and explode on you be careful about yet be careful about what your mount mount good pieces of wood that's why people are having accidents in this now the schools and this will be easier it was put on a board and then screwed then clamped to the table nice little drop up there right this is a little difficult because of the length of that handle and the handle I want to be cutting that it's hitting the better the lake as short a handle for this late would be better the same cuts all the time kicks in muscle memory I'm going to use the part until it was down into the wall thickness I see there's good question how thick I move this table if I was not going to stop one of the takes double and in my couch stop it feel the thickness it's okay move out up to about there and then it started thick enough so I'm going to take a cut from there down to here and thin that down a bit get it like in sections as you go down stop it have another look that's correct now it's correct down here so now I'm going to take the guts out the sanding pad maker you once you've used these you'll see that the sand more towards the outside that bit in the middle is still good you need to fold it over and you can use it to sand into other areas so don't throw them away if you haven't sounded them in with the middle okay you you
Channel: Lupe Nielsen
Views: 42,075
Rating: 4.7477479 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning; woodworking; sin city woodworkers;
Id: rwco9o74-UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 19 2014
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