Jim Rohn: ONE OF THE BEST SPEECHES EVER (Jim Rohn Motivation)

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[Music] did you hear what the cow said to the farmer on a cold winter morning thanks for the warm end anyway it's gonna get better so don't panic on me I start small nice to see all of you how many of you have never seen me before this your first time oh wow most of you okay I keep thinking for sure I'm more famous than that but you know that is the truth I'm delighted to be here and looking forward to it for a long time and it's nice to be back you know I was here not too long ago it's nice to be invited back it says something when you're invited back doesn't say everything but says something maybe it says let's give him one more chance right to see if he can get it right this time but I'm delighted to have all of you here we're gonna spend the day together I feel two major responsibilities and I'm sure you can guess what those are number one is to make sure you get your money's worth right when you shell out your cash especially these days you want to make sure you get full value for the money you spent and I know the tab for the seminar was not that much pretty modest fee to get in most of you your tips for the week right so it wasn't that much but I want you to be able to say when you walk out of here today it was worth my money but my biggest responsibility is to make sure you get your time's worth and the reason I say that is because time is more valuable than money in fact you might start your notes with that time is more valuable than money you can get more money but unfortunately you can't get more time if somebody asks you to spend your money that's pretty easy right we live in America we're wealthy so the money's not the problem but what if somebody asks you to spend a day right you got to think that over carefully and I know you did I wouldn't waste one of my days not for anybody not for anything once I understood how valuable they were I don't waste any but to make an investment like today of your money and your time I appreciate that today's gonna be costly for me it's gonna cost me one of my days to be here right and some money of course but you know I don't need the money I take the money but I don't I don't need the money but guess what I do need the time so I'm here not to just joke with you I'm here not to just tell some funny stories and give a performance and walk away I'm here to give you some value and I want to make it worth your time I'm gonna invest a day you're gonna invest a day let's get the most out of it and see what we can walk away with today anyway for you that have not seen me before just very briefly let me just tell you my story I grew up in Idaho farm country southwest corner of Idaho in fact my father still lives on the old homestead where I grew up he'll be 89 his next birthday he still hasn't retired I'm proud of my dad he's never been ill he's really something I'm trying to get him to retire this year 88 I'm telling my father what a good year to retire when you're 88 and he says hey talk to me in 10 years right I might be ready but anyway I went to high school I graduated I went to college one year halfway through my second year of college I decided I was smart enough so I quit one of my major mistakes I should have stayed in school but I thought yeah you know I'm smart enough to get a job that's what life's all about right get a job pay your bills work hard stay out of trouble keep your fingers crossed hope for the best and I figured I was at least prepared to do that so I quit college and went to work a little while later got married got my little family going and I'm out there doing what I thought was the best I could but about age 25 I'm starting to struggle I've purchased a little more than I can conveniently pay for on time and the creditors are starting to call saying hey you told us the check was in the mail what's the deal and I'm getting embarrassed by that I'm also embarrassed big mouth me with all the fancy promises I made to get married I'm Way behind on those promises and I'm getting discouraged wondering what to do and I thought well maybe I should go back to school right one year of college pretty short on an application but you know tough to go back to school right especially when you got your family going time to stay is when you're there so I discounted that I thought well if I you know have my own business that would be the way to go but you know I'm short on money too much months at the end of the money if you've ever been there that's where I was age 25 so I had to discount that and I'm discouraged wondering where do I go from here and then the miracle happened for me good fortune came my way and who can explain good fortune I don't know remarkable things that happen to you at a particular time sometimes it's just unexplainable how those things happen one of my friends says well hey things don't just happen things happen just another good note for your notes things don't just happen things happen just and maybe that's it I don't know I'm an amateur on life I guess like most of us are trying to figure it out how to make it valuable but I was ready and my good fortune was at age 25 I met a very wealthy man his name was mr. show mr. Earl show a friend of mine had gone to work for him and he started telling me about this man you said you got to meet this man I've gone to work for he's wealthy but he's easy to talk to and he's got a unique philosophy of life and the more he kept talking about this man I thought well I've got to meet this man so sure enough certainly after that I had a chance to meet this remarkable wealthy man and I was impressed he was wealthy sure enough he was easy to talk to I was so intrigued within a few minutes I said to myself if I could be like him farm boy from Idaho I could be like him I'd give anything and then I thought if I could just get around somebody like him and if he would teach me what to do I would be willing to learn I'm coachable and that was my good fortune a few months later this wealthy man that I met mr. show took a liking to me hired me gave me a job I went to work for him and I spent the next five years in his employ and then unfortunately he died at the end of that period at age 49 his last five years but the first five years of my new life I got to spend with this remarkable man and my dream came true he coached me he taught me he taught me the books to read he taught me the disciplines he taught me the changes to make in my language and personality and the things he shared with me during that five years literally changed my life turned my life around changed my income James my bank account James my future changed everything I've never been the same since that unique experience and I wish he was still alive today mr. show I'm sure if he was alive today especially after this seminar Idaho farm boy makes it to Dallas Fort Worth full house ending room only pretty awesome I'm sure he was alive I'd be calling him today saying you won't believe what's happening to me I've had a chance now to share with other people what you shared with me but anyway how I got here 30-plus years ago I was living in Beverly Hills California and one day a friend of mine businessman friend said Jim would you I'd like to have you come and share your story with my service club that I belong to the Rotary Club he said I know your story Idaho farm boy makes it to Beverly Hills but he said I think my club members would love to hear your story said if I arranged one of our breakfast meetings would you come tell your story just share a few thoughts I said okay so I agreed to go give this breakfast talk and guess what they liked it and my telephone rang I got another call got another call saying we heard you've given your story and shared some ideas would you come talk to our club talk to our club first thing I know I'm starting to devote a piece of my business time to giving these talks and then one day businessman who'd heard my talk I think two or three times approached me and said would you come and share that story and some thoughts with my management sales people so I got this little company going and he said if you'd come tell your story to my organization he said I'd be happy to pay and I thought why wouldn't that be something so I agreed to go do it and I got paid little did I know another fortune was waiting for me to translate my ideas into talks and speeches and seminars now I've written some books it's on cassette tape now I get to travel around the world last year I was in Japan Israel Spain Mexico Australia New Zealand France Germany Canada Idaho farm boy gets to travel around the world and share his story and Here I am today anyway it's almost too much for me to comprehend from where I started raised in obscurity in little small farm community and now to be here today is pretty awesome for me so anyway that's just a little bit about my story my story is probably more intriguing for me than it is for you but I wanted to hear it again so I thought I would just gonna bore you with it anyway I don't ask you to be impressed today I'm the one that's impressed from where I came from to have a chance but that's the American dream right come true chance to start from scratch start from obscurity start with pennies start with nothing and have a chance to transform your life change your life set your goals and see what you can accomplish so anyway that's how I got here and I'm just delighted that this day has arrived and I truly want to make it valuable for you let's go to work here's what I hope you'll find out of this seminar today for your notes here's what I hope you'll find number one sincerity above all else today I hope you'll find me sincere best place for people to start to communicate is sincerity on both sides I'm sure your sincere or you wouldn't be here today right to spend this kind of money to spend this kind of time roll up your sleeves today go to work like I am and get this message you've got to be sincere well I assume you're sincere now I want you to see me sincere but I've got a good note for you to make sincerity is not a test of truth important note to make sincerity is not a test of truth we must not make the mistake of saying he must be right he's so sincere that would be a mistake and here's why it's possible to be sincerely wrong so we don't mistake sincerity for truth right sincerity is only a test of sincerity truth has to yet be tested by truth okay but hopefully you will find me sincere and truthful next a combination of things I hope you'll find here today ideas + inspiration ideas + inspiration ideas business ideas and social ideas and personal ideas we all need ideas right how to have a good day ideas how to have a good year ideas how to have your best year ever ideas good health ideas personal relationship ideas how to deal with your family ideas sales management ideas financial freedom for the future ideas we all need good ideas so today I hope you gather up buy notes and buy what you can remember a lot of ideas I want to share as many with you as I possibly can and the time constraints we have today is gonna go very rapidly I used to think a day like this was a long day found out it's pretty short today but I'm gonna go as fast as I can share with you as many ideas as I possibly can and here's why ideas can be life-changing ideas can be life-changing and sometimes all you need is just one more in a series of good ideas it's like dialing the numbers into the lock right you got five or six numbers dialed into the lock the lock still won't come open but you don't need five or six more numbers maybe you just need one more and maybe a seminar like this could do it sermon could do it the lyrics from the song could do it the dialogue from the movie could do it conversation with a friend might do it that one last piece you need number dial it into the lock that's it the lock comes open there's the door for you to walk through and maybe this seminar today could furnish that for you one more idea I know you've come with a lot already sometimes we get the impression I used to have that but I only had this much going for me and I needed this much usually not true and I'm sure not true of this audience where I find you today as well dressed as you look today you know as fine as you are sitting here today it isn't that you know you've got this much going for you and you need this much I would assume you've got this much going for you and maybe all you need is just a few more thoughts ideas to furnish you some ways and means to turn your life into the dream you want it to be so ideas the seminars gonna be loaded with ideas I want you to take good notes but here's what else I hope you'll find here today and that is inspiration and who knows the mystery of inspiration why some people are inspired and some are not you were inspired to get here some were not who knows the mystery of that I don't know how come you made it the rest of them didn't make it we don't know what that mystery is some people turned it down some people said cost too much some people say it's gonna take too much time some people are too busy right a lot of different excuses why some are inspired to take advantage of something that comes to town others pass it up we don't know the mystery to that here's what I call it mysteries of the mind and I just leave it at that some things I don't try to figure out I take the simple approach now right some people do and some people don't I mean that's about as profound as my philosophy is some buy in some don't buy some go forward and some don't some change and some don't and if you've been around for a while you can usually work out the numbers right out of 10 you know 3 do 7 don't whatever business you're involved in pretty soon you got this ratio going the ones that do the ones that don't you say well why don't the ones that don't how come they don't we don't know I just leave it as a mystery I used to try to understand all that I just take the simple approach now the guy says this happens to me just happens to me this goes wrong for me and all the stuff goes wrong for me how come all the stuff happens to me I say I don't know beats me the best I've been able to figure out is those kind of things always happen to people like you right that's the best I got I don't know I'm an amateur on this stuff what do I know so just take the simple approach right that's how it is who knows interesting story says the day the Christian Church was started now I'm an amateur on the Bible but best account I can remember the day the Christian Church was started a magnificent sermon was preached great presentation and if you're a student of all at all of good communication it was one of the classic presentations of all times the sermon the first day Christian Church was started and it said this sermon this presentation was given to a multitude meaning a lot of people but it was interesting as the account gives us the record it says when the sermon was finished there was a variety of reaction to the same service isn't that fascinating I find it fascinating it said some that heard this presentation were perplexed and I read the presentation sounded pretty straightforward to me said why would somebody be perplexed with a good sincere straightforward presentation best answer I've got they are the perplexed I mean you know what other explanation is that it doesn't matter who's preaching it said some that heard this presentation mocked and laughed made fun of the presentation I thought hey this looks pretty sincere to me if you give a sincere honest presentation why would somebody mock and laugh easy explanation they are the mockers and the lappers what else would you expect them to do right I used to try to straighten all that out say well they shouldn't do that I don't do that anymore I've got peace of mind now I'd sleep like a baby not try to straighten all this stuff out I used to be so naive I used to say well Liars shouldn't lie see how naive can you be of course they're supposed to lie that's why we call them Liars they lie well I don't straighten this stuff out anymore anyway it said some that heard this magnificent presentation didn't know what was going on and they're usually easy to spot they're usually saying what's going on right I mean they don't know what's going on but interesting right a variety of reaction to the same sincere honest presentation now it also says and wrapping it up some that heard the presentation believed and I think that's who the speaker was looking for the believers interest now it said the number of believers was about three thousand so a pretty good first day three thousand I've had some first days I never had three thousand but anyway three thousand were believers and that's the speaker was looking for the believers out of this multitude and that's about as close as we can come to understanding the mystery some believe and some mock and some laugh and some are perplexed and some don't know what's going on and you just have to leave it that way why cuz that's the way it's gonna be the way to be brilliant is to find out how it's gonna be and then say here's how it should be I mean that's how you be come brilliant so anyway who knows the mystery I call it mysteries of the mind we don't understand but I don't try to change it any more on this particular story as far as we know they didn't have classes after the presentation to try to deeper Plex the perplexed I mean as far as we know they left them for Plex they left the mockers mocking they let the laugher laugh I mean they didn't come back and try to straighten all this out you say well how can you build a church well make another presentation you'll get some believers and some markers and some lappers and some who don't know what's going on so that's about the best we can do so but I'm glad I've got the believers here today you believed enough to shell out your cash and part with your time and some of your effort and energy and I appreciate that so hopefully you'll find some inspiration here today all right to get the most out of today couple more notes number one be thankful that's a good way to capture the most of a day like this be thankful for what you already have that shouldn't be any problem in America being thankful everything we needs available in America everybody wants to come here right the last time I was here that little presentation I gave everybody wants to come here America people haven't plotted and schemed the last 40 years saying if I could just get to Poland everything would be okay no everybody wants to come to America why everything's available here all the books you need all the sermons you need all the churches you need all the schools you need all the instruction you need all the inspiration you need all the capital you need all the markets you need all the challenge you need all the information you need all the seminars you need everything's available here this is America so number one let's be thankful for what we already have Thanksgiving does this opens up the doors opens up the windows opens up the channels Thanksgiving for what you already have I did a seminar one weekend up at the ranch up at Clear Lake got a lodge up there nice setting high Valley high serenity ranch for the weekend Friday evening Saturday Sunday people drove in from around California I got there late Friday afternoon everybody had pretty well already gotten there I couldn't believe the parking lot Continentals and el Dorados and Mercedes and Cadillacs and unbelievable Ferrari one Rolls Royce unbelievable I walked in good-looking crowd but like this sitting there ready for the weekend seminar my opening remarks were ladies and gentlemen I think the rest of the world would find it strange that we have all come here this weekend to try to figure out how to do better I think the rest of the world would say I don't understand guy in these Rolls Royce and I got to get to the seminar find out how to get another one of these Rolls Royces unbelievable anyway let's be thankful here's what locks up the doors and the channels to receive more cynicism that locks you away that prevents you from learning more being a cynic about the past and the future cynic about the marketplace cynical about the people cynical about the institution since cynical about the setup cynical about yourself cynical about your chances see that locks away all the chance forstuff to flow your way so good advice I think today start off be thankful here's number two listen well that's gonna be a challenge today I understand that seems like most of you know our life is still going on outside these four walls right most of our life seems like it's all you know continuing out there family and business associates market and economy and whatever else is happening in the midst of your life and to sort of you know pull your attention from what's going on out there and put it in here for just a few hours I know is the challenge but do the best you can listen well here's the last one take good notes be a good student today take some good notes I've not come to entertain you as you can tell by my opening joke right I would not make it in Las Vegas so we don't have a dog and pony show today no entertainment but I do have some ideas take some good notes somebody showed me the other day notes that they took about 21 years ago attending one of my seminars out in Los Angeles he said I still use these notes I took twenty-one years ago to help me in my business relationship with my family so I'd like to have these notes that you take today become that valuable for you then it would be worth me making the investment to come and spend the portion of my life my time my energy here and I want this investment I'm making here today to pay off and one of the ways it can pay off for me is for you to take good notes and then go away and use whatever makes sense because what I feast on coming back around is the stories out of this audience today sure enough six weeks from now six months from now six years from now somebody's gonna by phone by letter by personal contact walk up to me and say the things you shared that day got me thinking and I started making some changes and let me tell you what's happened to my business let me tell you what's happened to my sales career let me tell you what's happened to my relationship with my family see that'll make it worth it for me not the money the return something you can't buy with money if somebody says thank you for touching my life and taking the time to make the investment and that's what I'm all about so if you'll become a good student today and here's the last note don't be a follower be a student you'll be happy to know today we haven't come seeking disciples we've got no movement for you to join I'm just here to share some of my experiences good ideas best I can but I think that's good advice don't be a follower be a student right take advice but not orders take information but don't let somebody you know order your life make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion excellent note to make make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion not to do what someone else says take what someone else says process it and think about it ponder it if it makes you wonder if it makes you think then it's valuable then when you go take action make sure that the action is not what somebody told you to do make sure the action is the product of your own conclusion if you'll follow just a little bit of those simple guidelines telling you the learning process can be speedy Swift powerful your learning curve can go up and then applying it to your business your life your family conversations equities of all times you'll find some progress like I did that first five years when I met a teacher willing to share with me turn my life around progress I couldn't believe happened for me okay let's get started I want to review I was here last time and we talked about the five major pieces to the life puzzle and I just want to review those because it lays such a good foundation for all the rest that I want to share with you today we got a lot of subjects to cover so we're gonna go rather swiftly okay put on your mental track shoes here and run with me today because I'm going to deal mostly in concepts expect you to you know fill in a lot of the details because I got a lot to share I want to get through it all but let's lay this foundation again of the five major pieces happens to be the title of my latest book but I think it is so valuable in laying a foundation that some of the things I learned between ages 25 and 30 the teacher who taught me taught me so well he dealt in these fundamentals we call these fundamentals we call these basics basics for sports fundamentals for sports fundamentals for your business fundamentals for the way you deal with your family a few simple things a few basic things that if you practice every day can make all the difference in the world how it works out I boiled it down to five major pieces to the life puzzle let's just review those number one is philosophy philosophy philosophy as I taught the last time I was here philosophy and my personal opinion is the major determining factor in how your life works out philosophy the major determining factor in how your life works out philosophy to form our philosophy you got to think got to use your mind got a process ideas and this whole process over a lifetime starting way back here when we were children schools that we've attended our parents our experiences all this stuff that we've processed by the thinking process helps to develop our philosophy and in my opinion each person's personal philosophy is the major factor in how your life works out here's what I called it in that last presentation when I was here it's called the set of the sail each person's personal philosophy is like the set of the sail now I used to think of a circumstances that ordered my life if someone would have asked me at age 25 mr. Owen how come you're not doing well pennies in your pocket creditors call calling nothing in the bank behind on your promises to your family you live in America 25 years old got a beautiful family every reason to do well and things are not going that well for you what is wrong here it would not have occurred to me to blame my philosophy I mean it would not have occurred to me saying well I got this lousy philosophy and that's how come I got pennies in my pocket and nothing in the bank things aren't working well that would not have occurred to me I found it much easier to blame the government much easier to blame the tax problem I used to say taxes are too high top tax rate when I first started paying taxes ninety-one percent back then when your income reached a certain level all your income over that ninety-one percent so I used to say that's too high now the tax top tax rates about 33 percent but people are still saying what taxes are to see but you can't use that anymore if it's gone from 91 to 33 how could it be too high come on I threw all that old excuse stuff away some people found it though and they're using it these days my old list I used to blame the traffic the weather used to blame circumstances right people say I'm too tall I'm too short I'm too old I was raised in obscurity raised on a farm parents with mamas means all the stuff if you would ask me how come you find yourself here mr. own age 25 living in America a land of abundance and opportunity pennies zero in the bank not doing well creditors calling it would not have occurred to me to blame my philosophy I found it easier to blame the company company policy I used to say if this is all they pay how do they expect you to do well so I figured that you know my future was going to be tied to what everybody else was arranging the economy and right interest rates I used to say things cost too much that was my whole explanation not my philosophy until my teacher taught me better the dis is where the problem was my own personal philosophy here's what's exciting about each person's personal philosophy that's what makes us different than dogs and animals birds and cats and spiders and alligators that's what makes us different than all of the life-forms the ability to think the ability to use your mind the ability to process ideas and not just operate by instinct in the winter I'm telling you the goose can only fly south what if South doesn't look too good tough luck it can only fly south but see human beings are not like a goose can only fly south I mean you could turn around go north you can go east you can go west you can order the entire process of your own life and we do that by the way we think we do that by exercising our mind we do that by processing ideas and come up with a better philosophy a better strategy for our life goals for the future okay plans to achieve those goals all this comes from developing our philosophy philosophy helps us to process what's available well when we get here we got seed and we got soil and we got some rain and we've got some what sunshine and we've got some seasons and what the miracle of life now the key is what do you do with all this stuff how do you turn all this stuff that's available here into equity and promise and lifestyle and dreams and future possibilities all of this that's possible now with human beings how do you take all this stuff and turn it into this equities and values well it starts with philosophy what is the seed what is the soil it is the sunshine what is the rain is it possible to take some of each of all the stuff that's available and turned it into food and turn it into value and turn it into nourishment turn it into something spectacular and unique that no other life-form can do in the answers yes but you cannot deal with all this stuff and what to do with it unless you start refining your philosophy think use your mind come up with ideas and strengthen your philosophy so the seed in the soil and the rain and the sunshine this is called you know the economy and the banks and the money and the schools and everything that's available out there processing information what to do with all that and turn it into equity and value that is the major challenge of life my personal opinion so each person's personal philosophy now is going to determine what you're gonna do with seed and soil and sunshine and rain miracle the change of seasons that's it my personal opinion each person's personal philosophies like to say to the sale that's what this seminars for today help you to trim a better sale you don't need a better economy you don't need better seed and soil in fact when it comes to seed and soil and rain and sunshine and seasons in the miracle of life that's all you got now what if you blame this stuff then you're blaming all you got if you blame the economy and you're paying the schools and you blame the teachers and you blame the sermons and the preachers and and you blame you know the marketplace and you blame the company and company policy what else is there when some people get through with their blame list there is nothing else that's all there is and if you blame the only thing you've got to work with I'm telling you it's called mistake colossal in not understanding that that's all you've got to work with and if this is all you've got to work with then you don't change the seed and you don't change the soil and you don't change the rain and you don't change the sunshine you don't change the seasons right guy says I'll take three Springs four summers nine Falls no winters no you can't fool with this stuff you've got to take it like it comes then what do you change to make your life work well you got to start with your philosophy guess what I had to do at age 25 in order to change my own future I had to change my mind I had to change my thinking I had to change my philosophy I was messed up on what was causing my problem and once I got that straightened out that all the stuff I blamed the government and taxes and the marketplace and the economy and things cost too much negative relative cynical neighbors once I got rid of that and started going for where the real problem was which was me I'm telling you my life exploded into change my bank account changed immediately my income changed immediately my whole life took on a whole new look in color immediately and the early results I got from making these philosophical changes tasted so good I've never stopped the process from that day until this and I'm telling you with a little consideration of the refinement of your sale by setting a better sale refining your philosophy your whole life can start to change from today on you don't have to wait till tomorrow you don't have to wait till next month you don't have to wait till spring don't have to wait till 93 you can start this whole process immediately I recommend it now some people do so little thinking they don't even have their sale up I mean you can imagine where they're gonna wind up at the end of this week at the end of this month at the end of this year now is the chance to change process all this information so number one is philosophy okay and we dealt with all that where we get ideas from personal experience from other people's experiences I don't want to get into all those details because we've covered that the last time I was here but philosophy that's number one my personal opinion each person's personal philosophy here's the definition of success and failure just make this note here's failure a few errors in judgment repeated every day
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 2,498,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivation for 2018, motivational video for 2018, motivation, motivational speech, speech, 2018, motivational, success, motivational video compilation 2018, inspirational video, motivational speeches, motivational speech for success, be inspired, motivation madness, jim rohn, jim rohn 2018, jim rohn motivational speech, jim rohn motivational video, jim rohn live, jim rohn success, jim rohn money, jim rohn best, change your future, change your life
Id: APA7yHkt4Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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