Jigging The Strongest Fish In The World

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] actually think it'd be this close together but welcome back to Dogtown um we have japo in the black and Gilly in the suit we're getting ready here uh you know the boys would have seen the last previous episodes we've gone out and chased dogs Gilly reckons he's going to be wrestling this one so he's brought the suit out WrestleMania for Wrestlemania it's gonna be some funny scenes some hectic scenes stage showing the next three days we're spending on the boat we got the most epic epic weather game plans like every Rod lure you can imagine we're going to be doing it all so um look first of all we're here we're literally chasing doggies I've just pulled up short we know which way we're drifting it's going to be a little bit of a southeaster um next time you see us we're going to be into it so it's gonna get it done good luck let's do it let's get it got him Gilly [Laughter] oh [Laughter] yeah one nil so there's gonna be some some funny times ahead I'm very nervous no one technique to talk fly fishing man as long as a fish comes in the boat whatever I I like where you're ready to drop an elbow on him yeah got the elbow out waiting just to sicken him oh my God Eddie Matt I want to tighten the drags but I can't oh no oh he's coming towards me sharks up him already is that a dog dude wow that's no dog but probably about to see some I'll distract them for you Jeffer I'm not bringing this thing in the way it's going yet okay he calm wow I think he's just going back eh stop it good luck buddy oh that was solid man get in Japan different species here oh waking up I'm coming this side I don't know what you've got here but he's coming up I'll give you a heads up if sharks are on him Japan First Blood ready to drop the shoulder in behind it killing my nuts uh it's coming up real quick oh what how did that happen so fast dude did you feel that I didn't even lie that sucks that's a that's a really really nice trout we're hitting these Pinnacles we're only doing one or two drifts on them and then moving on because we don't want this to happen we're actually trying to stay away from the Sharks today we're fishing a different style and different area because that like it's just so unfortunate but poor thing oh as soon as that happens we'll just get moving on to the next Rock get him at yep oh my God come on Matt good effort [Laughter] oh my God okay that looked hard that thing was huge it's not often Matt goes silent good Brave man oh I saw that I saw that Gilly why can't I hear drag Gilly come under the boat are you getting him yeah come on jelly [Laughter] she faster it's got catalog Silva it's a dog doggy head s no yeah lie oh that's a good head my legs are shaking good on the drop oh I got on the hit man my hands are all messed up comment hi babe this is there he looks half not little dog we got one yeah little dog get in the boat get yes I'd be more excited I still can't breathe little baby dog first dog in the boat only a little fella but he's intact unfortunately what happens when you're chasing these big dogs is you can stop him Gilly did everything everything right stop the big fish unfortunately when you stop him you stop him in the middle of the Sharks and that's just what happens and that's a trophy animal for out here you know like that's a big fish right That's it man would have been so so happy to get that on board but just means we're going again oh that's a good one hold him jeopard come on jeffo come on breathe son in and out suck them in come on that is a good one man he's still he's still whole no circus yet come on yeah he's still good he's still good oh you come on get him Matt if there's one time I need you to lift Matt let's go come on am I on him can't see can't see yet I'll be sniffing him Rodman here he comes there's a shark on him sharp on him pump pump here he comes here he comes here he comes in the boat later started yeah boys my God he's a good one we got it done oh that's us it was like if a shark bit him then I would have let go hey I just couldn't lock not that I wanted to let go but it was my fingers were like done that is real steak right there guys I didn't think would be that soon we'll come back out and chase them and we've been working working damn hard but that is a very good feeling obviously not the biggest dog in the world but unfortunately when you're up against sharks he land a dog out here this is local waters for us this is this is epic hey so very happy days to get one in a boat and a good and a pretty good size like he's not he's not good I'm puffing regardless we're going back up we're doing it again we're all a bit um a bit cooked here but we've come up for one last drift so I'm gonna get it done I really don't hope it's a big fish but I'll take hey look I'll take it um the idea is last drift here we're going to start working our way out to like 120 meters very tight line um now we're going to burn up to a pinnacle and that Pinnacle we're going to do a little bit of casting and from there we're gonna head back in towards the reef where we're going to spend the night but it gives us an opportunity to slow down take it easy enjoy the day for what it is and have a bit of a breathe and get some just zero zero knots out here just basically get a bit of wind between the ears so now Matt's going to work dropping into hell here come on baby I'll take you now oh yeah baby oh wow that was big that was big come on come on man come on baby oh [Laughter] Julie I'm gonna shop out oh this is Big Man oh what come back come on faded [Laughter] come on come on boys I can't live man no you gotta live come on come on this is the one I need to tap out man no you're not kidding [Laughter] come on this is the one what's going on little hang on him yeah they're running they're definitely on him no no no no no they're not he's coming up by himself I'm not feeling a good eye come on done it again oh we're getting bigger fellas I'm inspired japo to drop back down that's a really good fish I honestly couldn't have timed it more perfect last drop for me but Jeff is inspired he's going oh really oh he's at the back I I was puffing man we're actually pretty wrecked the hands that's legit like that's not me shaking I can shoot a gun I'm very stable usually but I'm just absolutely cooked the deal was shaking look at that man I'll stick to fly fishing a scale of one to ten hell yeah give us Goose some true feels I shouldn't be doing this honest opinions when people watch when like when people watch their doggy videos so Jackson hasn't been out here to experience it it's you're getting true raw emotion of someone who's given it a red hot crack and it's skates oh oh come on baby let's go it's like tiring just doing the work yeah yeah let alone the fighting the fight the work is just like imagine it was P4 and you just got to let them run yeah and if you enjoyed it there's nothing enjoyable about it no thanks just that you know it's enjoyable when it comes into the door yeah take your word for it this is where they've been Jeffy oh there he is oh I don't know what happened there that's just line popped right fail good last shot that'll be all right that's the best don't do it I actually feel sick for you dude [Laughter] I give it to you thank you thank you so much you're all the best you're an animal you are I reckon the doggies are chasing you to be honest you reckon I just want my blood yes they want you yeah can they want me pretty excited to get driving I'm telling you that much for free all right this one's coming all the way up last one you might just have to drive around in circles and just get some if you're having a beer have a beer for Matt right now he needs it let's go heavy let's go come on oh oh feel the burn not with him that's him that's him that's him that's him that's him that's him hit him hit him hit him [Laughter] oh that's him right there that was near the line fail let's find out I'm ready puffed just on the hook set it is uh one o'clock we're all officially broken um it's definitely not the end of the day though because we're going until the sunset so we're gonna um staying South from here Cruise along the actual shelf itself and look for a little bit of slow pitch stuff change over to 120 Jigs and have a bit of fun keep an eye out for Birds because out here we've got dolphin fish Wahoo Marlin everything so we're gonna get some fluids into us keep going the day continues and no doubt we're going to keep crashing fish it's just seen a little break yeah to think that we are a very very long way from home and it's as flat as it is you know you've probably heard us say this a couple of times now but since the last time we've been out it's been another 30 days of 20 knots you would have seen just uh my videos doing this like you know it's a long time between videos it's because we can't get out here but at this time of year we when we do get these gaps of weather being winter and having no storms it just becomes this giant big pond um honestly couldn't ask for a more perfect day to be out here we've got build up to a new moon we've got a big tide I've got a four-day weather window which is all like this so we've done the jigging side of things we did the dogs absolutely broke ourselves we're still towards the shelf but we come up to a bit of a pinnacle now where we're going to start chucking top water um so I'm gonna I'm gonna be running a 200 Riptide and um what do you got Japanese big mad scad because if you do get a doggy come up you know like the risk is with a top water lure doggy comes up eats it or Wahoo or anything comes up eats it he can miss it whereas you go mad scarred in this scenario perfect eight uh you should get a perfect hook up so we're all going to be doing something different this Big Tuna kind of floating around big long tails there's heaps and heaps of bait um but yeah the main target here is going to be topwater doggies Wahoo and Spanish so that's the plan we will keep an eye on the sander but I really I think I think we're all done with the jigging side of things for now we're all a bit broken so yeah look we'll um if we do get a couple of strikes we'll get the zoom camera out but for now we're just gonna go to work and see see what it's like there's bait absolutely everywhere and you couldn't ask for more perfect condition so while it's like this we're gonna spend the time out here it is two o'clock at the moment wait till about four o'clock and then start punching it back in towards the reef where we're gonna sleep yeah the currents hitting this point here the most foreign just watch the back of your lure real carefully because of that oh that's a GT that was a shark before and then that was a GT that was a big banger yeah oh Spanish Kelly oh what a sh odd Sharknado turn into a big GT put NATO's on him oh big bangers on him oh Manny many GTs on him look at these things slap it in slap it in that was wild dude that was a hook set midair settle down thank you it's a bit nerve-wracking isn't it it is too far out to be playing with fire [Music] nice work okay Ariel missile number one very nice Matt we'll take that [Music] nice jebo missile number two [Music] and we've got that all right well just getting out the bloodline but the best part about catching doggies and staying overnight as you get this part so I've taken that little fella I got first I've got the shoulder of him so gonna go high so I can get this nicely just show you a lot of people who don't have insane dog tooth before um hopefully you can kind of get that in the Sun yeah it's like a um it's like this incredible pink Flash especially on those small ones like you know it's funny where you doggies are the one fish where you'd never ever complain or I'd never complain about catching a small one because they're up there with the tastiest honestly my favorite um for sashimi and stuff like that you cannot beat that small style of fish I don't have the sharpest knife in the world so for those guys who are about to Heckle me for the uh Sashimi Style it's not that sharp but you should be able to if I hold that up there look at that little Jam then do a couple of them got some lime each their own on how you like it but lime guy tiny bit of lime for me okay that is as good as it gets very heavy [Laughter] feeling a little better now hey um look sunset in the background we um we ended up coming I made a call because we've got three days in The Reef here so um we made a call to do a huge Mission absolute massive mission round a few reefs to an area where we're gonna fish for the next two days so we didn't really fish too much after those Spanos we just kind of got here safe Anchorage is the most important thing so um made sure we got here with a bit of light and that way we can just chill out you know we had a hectic morning epic day there's no point in pushing the limits um done what we needed to do we came out with to chase doggies I learned a lot most important thing we learned this morning was to make sure you're chasing them on that that big push you know we were there for the change of the tide and they just weren't eating or as hard as they should have so um yeah we basically waited a couple hours went back there and it was on and broke ourselves doing it but was just incredible fun so we're here now for the Anchorage and we're just gonna tuck into a bit of this the fellas have um I have a little bit of a Burly Trail going we're gonna still catch fish don't worry about that so I'm gonna um put head cam on and basically get stuck into this and let the boys just get stuck in the spanglies the trout everything else that's around this Anchorage and then we're going to do steaks for dinner and tomorrow is a very special one exciting very special one if you're watching this clip make sure in three or four days time I'll pre-posting the next clip which will be tomorrow and it's going to be an absolute not giving anything away just doing one of those trips to remember so one of those videos to remember so um we're going to take this in have a couple of beers a few and uh call it sure uh deal foreign that's quite stunning isn't it all right from the fellas if you've made it this far in the video I just want to say appreciate you big time um like I said before we got two massive days ahead of us and we're gonna catch a lot of fish we're going to change it up there's going to be different stuff every day so keep an eye out for those videos once again thanks a lot for watching and we'll see in a few days
Channel: Pelagic Pursuit
Views: 318,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, jigging, crazy, adventure, tuna
Id: b-216hL1EyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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