Florida Keys Fishing - Busted Out The Crappie Jigs On Little Bridges (Every Cast & Every Fish Edit)

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sunny it's nice to be out but uh we're going to hit some of the small stuff off 7 Mile right now just for fun so just got our kayak in there something different today I hate they put that little card insert there [Music] all right we're going to fish this little Bridge there's a second small Bridge down there you know without bait they're tough these little Bridges just you're going to just give plenty of action and that's what I did rigged up one rig with 10 lb tests some really small profiles if I catch something we could eat that's great but I'm expecting to just you know catch a lot of fish you know hopefully we'll just have a lot of action doing this and that's really the goal out of this one uh it's just a little too windy to get up on the main Bridge yeah I'm not pushing it I'm supposed I'm on vacation the best part is usually you get some pretty cool surprises doing this so let's see what happens here first chest down here Jack yeah f [Music] we got something way too large for the tackle I'm using okay of course I think these are Jacks so let's um let's use something a little more appropriate Mangrove on the vertx I'm going to need these I'm fishing these these floors I think that was another Jack he was moving really fast and erratic feel like the slow sink rate of these OU jigs is killer though [Music] [Music] I wonder know why this chig keeps tangling itself up so bad out go great it's a white grunt so I don't know maybe somebody can answer this I've caught a couple of these mangroves with these black spots on them last few days curious what that is sh definitely getting a decent amount of action going to go back to the heavier jig heads though I think it's a 132 it's a little too light I think I like the sink right better on an e like the sink rate better on a a oops that is Key West grunk put one out there for a shark the other day don't really have shark rigs with me today Little Grunt heavy area these guys are kind of fun on the light tackle though let's try the next Bridge let's try the next bridge over I think next one's a little bit bigger too so maybe some better bites there just going to have to paddle here in a second see a few few barracudas here yeah I am throw a couple LS really quickly who that is a monster needle fish but that's also terrifying I want that thing nowhere near me houndfish right yeah wow yikes yikes yikes man that thing looks like it'll cause some serious injury go what do we do what do we do thank you broke the hook on there actually the better dang dang that was wild current's pretty strong here that was a pretty big houndish needlefish I think those are Hound fish typically that thing was scary man I wouldn't want to handle him all right this bridge has got a lot more current than I thought so maybe the fishing is going to be decent here whoa oh I'm in trouble man no come on out come out come out come out come out please please please come out please what do I got to do to convince you to come out back towards me yes I have to put the screws to oh wow Yellow Jack here huh sweet yeah boy first micro Yellow Jack sweet my first Florida Keys micro jig Yellow Jack these guys are great to eat actually much better than Jack Ral there's no regulation on them either makes great thumbnails to fill up a trash bag full of them but I'm only going to keep one all right all right boy that was a challenge um on that micro jig to get that thing in these guys are pretty good to eat much better than the uh Jack carals um great tourist fish you know if you're not dialed in you could usually find these guys they do seem to prefer clearer water but we're going to keep this guy uh he's going to be dinner tonight get him on ice right now awesome man that was a battle on that tackle woo okay what a battle okay that's what we're going to work with I hope that's not another one yeah oh man these mangroves are a little bit nicer still not big but definely better than what we saw earlier almost bit [Music] me it's pretty seems to have some much bigger fish oh it's a chub Bermuda chub I think that's what that is reminds me of the pinfish um ringtails decent Siz fish it's definitely structur down there then come jig heads ain't holding up oh what about that I got these yeah let's try that let's try this guy here yeah pretty cool makes sense these guys eat a lot of [Music] crabs it's a small mutton snapper [Music] okay let's have this guy it's the Nomad try that too now how did I do that these LS are lots of treble hooks it's a Margate looks kind of like a grunt B of jacks what those all are oh my goodness asking for trouble there Jack Cal I think I got to take this L off for now now there's too many troubles on it and yeah I'm going to be H hooking fish fatally seems like this is a good lore but I think I've got too many toothy Critters that are going to really be problematic here so let's put that away put the diesel midle on I think that was a jack again wasn't keep me that one h got a couple bites in here I I had to switch off those I had to switch off those treble hooks man I think I'm going to injure too too many of these fish there Jacks everywhere on these pilings man another Yellow Jack I mean maybe not a lot but seems like there's a few all right all I got to go a little heavier I think I've got too many of these Jacks going to go up to 20 yeah you can't stop those jacks on 15 on 12 even those little ones they're too powerful all right going to regroup and head back down that way I'm not getting any bites here in this slower water nothing at all really should have been a little bit more prepared to bump into a lot of jacks going to go back back to the area I had those better bites more Snappers soon as I went real shallow it just turned straight uh Jacks so let you know if all I get is Jacks today that's fine it's really windy there's not too much else I could do today so I don't have my depth finder today cuz you know I can't fish without a fish finder so I'm guessing I'm fishing in 10 15 ft over there cuz you know he only fishes with a fish fer can do just fine with that one on a bridge and try that crab lure again I don't know if there was a fluke getting a mutton snapper on that but well NOS I think I had my fill of jacks right okay this is interesting so got more bites on the crab stick with the Mac off for a few more tide slowed down honestly it needed to be here for the full tide probably tempted to put the Nomad back on seems like to get these fish to do anything here you need some current though FL tide stuff's no good [Applause] here all right let's kind some more chubs guys groer small black grouper this have been really slow on this bridge now these fish really want moving ties here man they are not biting at all now some fish there wow I was catching fish yeah I know I'm catching little fish I was catching fish every single cast more or less I was getting bites for sure um last 40 minutes I haven't had a fish to the kayak um these Keys fish really don't like slack tide other places yeah slack there's strategies and I'm sure there are strategies for slack here but like a spot like this man you want to moving tide otherwise it is like I mean you would think I'd be getting bites from all sorts of stuff with that right now just got the switch S com is going to probably pretty be tricky to fish here right now actually oh there we go as soon as you got the switch what is that no no no no no no no no I think that was a jack again sh man these guys are fun but they're tearing up these jig heads these jig heads are not surviving the Jacks H honestly [Music] it's my first pork fish pretty cool I think those are related to scup Porgy family now I'm starting to get bites again just need that current man no current no bites here all right well wind's kicking up I think it's slowly pivoting straight East which is bad which isn't going to be really good right now try one other piling here and I think we got to work our way back straight east of my face is going to suck um this casual stuff to me is fun it's just you know a lot of action some decent Siz fish you don't know what what could be under this stuff too sometimes I do like this like extra light action stuff like that this is quite a bit more fun than you might translate too try this quick here I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of jacks on this side I just feel like I will well who knows all right nothing on this side zip around and hit that other Bridge quick and call it ni is awesome all right I'm going to I'll pay attention cruising over the flats if I see any blowups what was really eye opening is like for the most part everything just kind of cut out the minute the tide went slack it didn't matter the little fish Jacks nothing seemed to bite lane snapper I'm seeing some those needle fish are on the flats here see some Flats here that look like they should have Barracuda let me take off this plug here is like speckled trout on steroids to me yeah I I don't think we have those in the car North Carolina looks like some type of heron white Heron Beetle fish huh really don't like these things right is that what it is oh it's a bar it's funny it's like remember last year they were all much larger than this but water temps were nowhere nearly as cold seeing bar but they're all small right now all right too windy flats are are tough there's a few barracudas out here but it's blowing too hard for me to beach the kayak now busy day today out here but uh I think I'm done for the day you know what's funny is the bridge by me doesn't have the yellow Jacks right now so I was I was a little more surprised to catch him on this little bridge but got to throw that Savage gear crab a little bit more it's good to see the little muttons were eating it so maybe the when I can get out and to do some some bigger water stuff maybe those keeper muttons will eat it so pretty busy in front of my truck right now but going to break up a party all right well we'll do some more of that micro jigging um I used a 8 ooun jig head and this guy this worked pretty well yeah had bites you know it's like a trap magnet kind of thing literally had bites the minute it was hitting the water except that slack tide so all right got a couple things to do guys let's see let's see the next one I thought it was fun got that yellow Jack for dinner too let's see what else we can do this wind's supposed to lay down next week it really is
Channel: EliasVFishing
Views: 94,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r-NaTwsoRaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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