Ji Wife Ji(Full 4K Movie) Roshan Prince ,Karamjit Anmol, Harby Sangha, Anita Devgan | New Movie 2023

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You have ruined my life. I can't bear this discord every day. Why are you barking in the morning? I beg you to stay quiet. Now you want me to be quiet? Didn't you feel ashamed when you were wagging your tail for those bitches? Honestly, I am done with you. Now I will not return. Keep barking. If you weaned on the milk of a real bitch, don't return home. Go and die under a truck. Yes, I will die but will not return to this hole. She will understand when her puppies won't have a dog father anymore. Oh, oh, oh. At home, the bitch is burning and here, my feet are burning. Oh God, what life have you given to us dogs? The fun is in men's lives. Their wives sit lovingly with them. And ours? - 'Die under a truck.' Oh yes, I came here to die. Let me take a round of heaven to refresh my mood. Aroma? Ah-hah, delicious food is being cooked. Look here, this poor one who made 'paranthas'. Now he will eat the 'paranthas' she made and in the night, he will get drunk and fight with her. Baby, open your mouth. No, that's it, no more. No baby, you will have to eat it. They say it correctly, that after 84 lakh births you take birth as a human. That's it. I can't eat more. I am full with potatoes till my throat. Or do you want to fill me with potatoes to make a 'samosa' of me? How will you not be able to eat more? When I told you to make sandwiches for me for breakfast then why did you make 'paranthas'? Oh, a twist in the story. There were potatoes left from last night. I thought, why waste them? Even I didn't realise that in flow, I made these many! I was Ms Mohali! See how much I have maintained myself. And you want me to become fat by feeding these 'paranthas'? I apologise, I made a mistake. There is no mistake. The hands you made 'paranthas' with, use them to eat them now. If I join the same hands to apologise, then? No! I am going to apply a face pack. I want these plates empty by the time I come back. Or you know the consequences. Or we can do another thing. What if we feed the cows? It will be a holy act. My husband is himself a cow. She will realise the day this cow picks her up on its horns. Son Daljeet. Not Daljeet. Daljeet Dosanjh. The mother only barks but I think he will also bite. You talk about Daljeet Dosanjh but you are singing like Binder Khera. Son, help me. Why? When I asked for your help with my maths homework, then? Son, my own maths has been distorted by your mother. Also, you should do your work on your own. Okay, good, then do it. Son, should I pack the 'paranthas' in your tiffin? Your friends will also eat, right. Mumma! - Why are you calling your mother, son? I will drop you. You carry on with your pack. I will drop you, son. I wish I had taken my life that day. 'Marry me to Kiran, or I will die here in front of the whole family.' 'Be thankful that I am not going live' 'or you would have been shamed in front of' 'the whole village and all the relatives.' 'No, son. This house will be lonely without you.' 'The house won't be lonely.' 'Each person here has at least 15 kids.' 'Nobody even calls our entire family to a wedding.' 'because if they call us what will the groom's family eat?' 'Listen to me, son, we are okay with this marriage.' 'But we don't want you to live with your in-laws after marriage.' 'Why? What is wrong about living with in-laws?' 'Idiot, why do the elders say' 'a man is a dog in his sister's house and at in-law's...' 'I am okay with being a dog but give my leash to Kiran.' Okay, one in a hundred cases can go wrong. I think this sound of music is coming from upstairs. The angels might be dancing here. This man is having a lot of fun. He is dancing madly in happiness. "You gave me your place." "Jats gave contracts to the poor." "So, you got off, got of the salon." Aw, my baby, my darling. Are you tired? But I had to see more dance. Go. Start now. Stop it now. You have made me dance a lot. It's been so long that I have been asking for a bottle. But now I am not asking for it. Have some mercy on me. Oh, so it means I am torturing you. No Shalu baby, you are misunderstanding me. Yes, I am the one who is always wrong because you are right. You ruined my mood completely. You couldn't dance for 5 minutes to make me happy? I feel that even this will be a failure. 5 minutes? I have been dancing non-stop for the last two hours, Shalu. Oh, so now you are counting how much time you spend with me? I understand everything that now we have spent a long time together. History is a testimony for men like you. One king had a hundred queens but have you ever seen a queen with a hundred husbands? The first one ate 'paranthas' and this one will get beaten. Your body has more lies than blood. You are something else before marriage and something else after it. Do you even remember what all you said before the wedding? What did I say? 'That's it.' 'How are you? - What is it, Diler?' 'You dance really well.' 'If you keep standing in front of me, I will keep dancing my entire life.' 'I will keep dancing my entire life.' I spit on you that you insulted me. Oh, the angels of heaven are sitting here. Okay, let us start. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Sister, what is the benefit of this 'asana'? This 'asana' helps you to stop your breath so that just in one breath you give your husband 10-12 things to do. Okay, lie down, everyone. Lying down 'asana'? See, the husbands will do all the work the entire day. We will be tired of sitting free the entire day. We need to practice sleeping as well, right? That's right. From where do you bring such tricks? I never felt any vanity. Anyway, where there are two sons-in-law and one husband, you have to be at least this smart. When are you planning to marry Titli? As soon as I find a boy who agrees... I mean when we find some decent boy, we will do it. And if he happens to be crooked, then? Then our family was very well knows 'asanas' to remove wings. Even all the wings of my husband were removed by me. Okay, lie down now. - Shit, man! The life of a man is worse than the life of a dog. Hey, Sheru let me find a bone to appease my wife. Brother. - Hmm? Why do I feel that this area has not been swept? Be quiet. If these witches listen then our tongue will come out too. They will make your knees touch the ground here. Then keep mopping with a bucket in your hand. Try once more. What is it, brother-in-law? I tickled you so many times yet you didn't laugh. What should I tell you, Titli? Ever since we married your sisters our laughter software have been corrupt. Titli, the family has named you correctly. You keep roaming. I don't just roam, I also fly. But, you know, your names are not right. One is Diler, another Shamsher. You are not brave and you are not a lion. Let it be Titli. Before also you insinuated to us and I shouted in front of your sister. 'Come on, come on, you can do it.' 'Come on, come on, you can do it.' 'Come on, brother-in-law, come on.' Since that day, I hum while gargling. Um, like this or your sister might think I am shouting while I am gargling. It's really tough for you brother-in-law. It's tough like tough, Titli. 'Shalu, are you okay?' 'Yes, I am okay. - Okay.' 'Anyways, if anything happens to me, how will it affect you?' 'No Shalu, there is nothing like that.' 'It's like that only.' 'If anything happens to me, you won't even cry.' 'I will cry. Why won't I cry?' 'What did I say?' 'Oh, that means you want something to happen to me.' 'Something will happen to me' 'and you will be free.' 'You bring someone else home.' 'You get my share of the property.' 'Oh, God. My life has been ruined truly.' 'Sorry, baby. - What are you seeing now?' 'Give me Crocin.' 'My head is aching because of speaking. Yes, yes.' 'Take it.' It is difficult for us to pass each moment. We are like frogs in the well. We keep jumping but can't go out. Haw, sister, see what brother-in-law is saying. I love you a lot. Today I will make food because you have applied nail polish. We suffered somehow but what will happen to the boy, she marries? Poor man! One more poor man hanged today. Brother, he still has time. Should we tell him? He will be saved. Let it be. What if we give advice and are caught in a case of deception? Let's say good luck to him. Good luck, brother. Good luck. Get out. If anyone didn't do anything, so how can I give? Take it out of your pocket. What is happening? - Take it out of your back pocket. Take it. My life has been ruined because of marrying you. I have given everything, should I take the Taj Mahal out of my pocket? Don't raise your voice while talking with me. No cigarettes for you from tomorrow. Hey, hey. - And no 'gutka' either. Please don't do this. Even no more food. - What are you saying? No water. Don't speak that much. - Who commits such atrocities? I will even ban your going to the toilet. You are a drunkard. Thank God. We reached on time today. Or Shurpnakha would have surrounded us even today. What kind of life do we have, brother? At home, our wives torture us and here it is, Monica mam. It's okay. We will forgive Monica as well, as our wives. One minute. Come, come. Pull it, brother. Come, come. Sorry mam. Since when have you been working here? For three years. In three years, you didn't realise that this is my parking. Your boss'. I have been working here for 15 years. Even when I came on Scooty, I parked it here only. Sorry mam. What do you mean by sorry? Just say sorry, and it is done. Was it like this in your school? No, there we were punished to be a hen. Let it be! It had to be a hen. By the way, you must be aware of what you have to do now. You have to write sorry to me. Yes, mam. How many times? 501 times. Yes, 501 times. Yes, mam. Every time she makes us write sorry 501 times. I don’t know which mausoleum she has to donate these sorries. Come, let's go. She tortures us a lot, brother. 15 years ago, my scooty was parked here. Now my car will be parked here. She loves that spot so much that she should be buried here. - You are right, brother. Now sit and right sorries for her. Why are you panicking? I have already written, sorry. Really? - Yes. By the way, your speed of writing's increased because of pealing peas. You don't worry either. Even I have an emergency quota. What is there to fight in this? If you are busy, then I am busy too. I work for 10 hours here. And you tell me why I called. This is too much. I don't like all this at all. Brother, I think Priyanka's husband is at fault. Brother, it is always the husband at fault. Can anyone take out the fault in a wife? If it can be done, then point out Shalu's mistakes. Then I will tell you. She must be a mistake. She calls him 150 times a day. Then she asks him, where did you go, where did you come, who went, who came, what did you drink, what did you eat. What will that poor man drink? It is you who drinks his blood. Shamsher is right. My wife died two years ago. Even today, she fights with me in my dreams. Okay. I am even scared of sleeping in the night. That is why uncle's eyes are swollen. That means they don't leave you even after death? 'We don't know what wives want,' 'they make us cry every day, these wives.' 'They have even appeased God,' 'they have eaten the men in pieces.' 'The wives themselves remain happy.' Distribute to everyone. - 'We don't know what wives want.' 'We don't know what wives want,' 'we don't know what wives want.' Sir. - Yes? Sir, take this. What is it, brother? My marriage card. Not of the marriage brother, say it is a card of your ruin. Of ruin? I didn't understand. - We will explain. What is the colour of this card? - Red. What is the colour of danger? - Red. If there is an accident or you are hurt, then what is the colour of blood? - Red. If you are in a tussle with anyone, then the person beats you too? - Red. Understand my red boy. Puneet weds Neha. This will be the last day of your life when your name will be mentioned before your wives'. After that, for your entire life you will remain below your wife, brother. 14th February 2003, this will be the last day of your independence. Along with the palanquin, your happiness will also walk away at 5. Your wife will give a demo in a palanquin by crying that is how you will cry after this day. The DJ will play the song that the boy is dancing in his ruin. And your entire family will throw money bills on you. Do come to my uncle's wedding. How do kids know that uncle is getting married or getting ruined? What should I do now? Now you can only keep patience, brother. You make me dance the entire day. I have not danced this much on drums as I have on your fingers. When I pull your plaits then you will become like Pammi maid doing okay, 'hoye, hadippa'. And you will remember that you messed up with Sardar Diler Singh. Hey uncle, do you want to make my aunt cry? Stop it now, my lord. It's enough now. It's my turn. Hold this, Daljeet. Hold this uncle and be my mother. Start now. - Act like my wife, not like a dancer. - Okay. I want to show my anger not money in my pockets. Big time Ms Chandigarh! You make me catwalk in the kitchen the entire day. You called me a cow and made me eat so many 'paranthas'. No one throws this much stuff, even in the dustbin, as you threw in my stomach. Even Russia did not damage Ukraine this much, as you damaged my body. Wait, I will tell you. You are a big-time snake. Brother, it's me, Diler. Sorry, brother, I became emotional. I thought that it is my wife. Brother, I only took a scarf. I did not change my skin. If we could remove their skins then there would be no discussion. If your drama is over, should I take the shawl? Yes, take it. Calculating everything, it is 150 now. Are you my son or a property dealer? You don't talk anything else except money. I risk my life to bring the shawl. You bring a shawl, not a snakeskin. He brings snakeskin only. The way they keep hissing, they are snakes. - You are right. Sleep now. I will sleep. I don't have to wake up and wash utensils like you. Look at them talking. - Run away from here. Even this tiny bee does not give any peace to us. I have asked you 20 times not to speak in front of me. I will beat you up. It has been some time since I beat you. I am telling, you remain okay for 4-5 days. So many times, I have asked you not to watch this serial. Men are rooted out of their families, but this witch doesn't understand. Are you happy now that I pulled your plaits? I am telling you to stop these serials. This is a real man. It has not even been 15 days since he came here but he has beaten his wife 20 times. You keep blabbering. What is it? What are you looking at? Hello. Brother. - Brother. Come here, brother. Come, let us drink. Oh, really? You should not call from behind. Start making food, I am coming. They don't call me a strong boy for no reason. I won't give this and that. - Come, brother. You have hidden a lion in a dog's skin. Sit, brother. What had happened? What will happen? I was sitting free, so I thought I should scold my wife. Then? - Then, I scolded her. Hey, listen, don't you scold your wives? Speak softly, brother. My dishes are still kept for washing. What if I get scolded? I, too, have to scrub the clothes, brother. He had to say wash. The poor man is confused. Is this bad condition? It is difficult for you both. Brother, why are you spitting? We'll have to clean the floor. It's difficult like it should be. Listen to what happened the day before. 'Thank you.' 'Take this.' 'I asked for pink.' 'It's pink only. Does it look yellow? This is baby pink.' 'Baby, this is pink only.' 'I don't want this pink.' 'Then which another pink is there? - Come here.' 'Look here carefully.' 'This is ruby pink. This is fiery pink.' 'There is fairy pink, fuchsia pink,' 'kureshian, cotton-kureshian, cotton candy, rose pink,' 'tulip pink, barbie pink, cotton pink,' 'there is amorie pink. There is one elephant pink,' 'ania pink, purple-pink, hot pink, neon pink,' 'snap dragon pink,' 'pink lemonda, salmon pink,' 'bubble-gum pink, hot pink.' People have malaria but I caught pinkeria, brother. Oh-ho, I don't understand how you are living under such atrocities? That is the reason why we are making you eat snacks. Otherwise, we won't even spit on your face. You tell us a way. - There are many ways but you have let all of them go. Let them go? Listen to me. The one who scolds his wife on the first day of marriage then he wins and if the wife scolds you then the entire life you remain below her. Don't chant slogans like politicians. Explain us nicely what we need to do. Yes, yes. - See, listen to me. You are rooster crackers. Why would your wives be scared of you bursting? Even the kids hold you in their hand to burst you. It happened just now. - Yes. That is why there is so much smoke. But what should we do now? You should make a drink. Here it is. - See, you need one atom bomb that causes a disaster in this house. Like your sister-in-law is unwed. - Yes. Get her married to a guy who scolds her on even a little issue. Only then men's rule can be established in this house. Brother. - Yes? What should we do about the atom bomb? Which atom bomb are you looking for in today's world? Nowadays, there are only rooster crackers. Who is this James Bond? See, he will create trouble now. - Right? Oh, hello, take your bike aside. I have to park my car here. Hello? Didn't you listen? I can listen but I think you can't see. Can't you see my bike is parked there? Keep watching what she does to your bike. This is my spot. My car is parked here every day. From now on, my bike will be parked here. You look for a new spot. You don't know me. Oh, hello, I know picky girls like you, whose face is below make-up and the brain below the knees. You! - She came with a car. This is masculinity. - Yes. Let's go. - Let's go, brother. It was fun. He created a good scene. See how he dealt with her. She is really egoistic. Brother, I am not even able to stop my laughing by thinking about it. Excuse me! Move to the side. - Yes. Sorry, madam! We will move but what about him? He is in our office. Excuse me! Are you a new joiner? Have you seen me here before? - No, brother. Then it's common sense that I am a new joiner. Use your top floor. - Top floor? He is talking about the brain. - Okay. Brother, I am here to tell you one thing. You've made a mistake by getting in conflict with the boss. Brother, it's not boss. It's Boak. B for Bo and. K for K. Brother, the one with who you started a fight, is not a Boak but a boss. B for Bo and S for SS. He is on the way to the office right now. Not on the way, he is here. Ting! Ting! Ting! Samardeep Singh, let's go! You have been called. Madam has asked for you. She is really angry. Please accept her greetings. Brother, will you move? I have to go. No problem. She has asked for you to make you move. She will mess with him. Brother! Take this. What's this? This paper contains sorry written 501 times. It was for our emergency quota. But you can use it today. Take it. Good luck! Yes! - Mr. Samar! I don't like anyone else other than me talking in a loud voice in my office. You know, I can get you fired right away. I will bring you on the road. First, you people can't even get a job. When you get one, you show so much attitude. I don't know you... - Hello, madam! Keep your attitude for your husband. I also don't tolerate someone's loud voice, that too of a woman. You! - You shut up! I didn't ask for this job. He is shooting firecrackers. I have been sent from headquarters. Your targets are not completed. - But what you… doing... - Stop with these excuses. I am here to work. Let me work. And don't point your finger at me. I don't even like the curry of lady finger. He is really an atom bomb. Brother, what is this? You can have a look yourself. Brother, talk nicely. - Wait! Let us find out if he is married or bachelor. Hello, brother! - Greetings, brother! Hello, brother! Okay. Sharing is caring. They teach this in school. Sister in law cooks well. Ask him to let us taste of our sister-in-law’s cooking. Can I? I am not married. I am a bachelor. I got it from here. Shall I ask for you too? Waiter! Bachelor? Sounds good! - Good! It feels so nice to hear this word. Once upon a time, we were also bachelors. We used to have so much fun. - Beautiful memories. - Yes. Brother, we have to talk to you about something. What? Have you heard about the war of 1971? I was not born at that time. - We were also not born then. But we still know that in that war, Russia helped India. Oh! - Please be our Russia. Pakistan is really getting strong at our house. Are you drunk? - No. Please get married to our Sister-in-law. Crazy! She is really nice. - He left. Brother, how much more time? It's Already been two hours. How will I know, brother? They'll get tired because of shopping and then ask us to massage their legs. Please be my brother and hold them for two minutes. I have to go to the washroom. Hang it on my feet. There's no other place left. Support of my old age! Please hold them for 2 minutes. - I am your support of old age. But you can't use me now. He is exactly like his mother. Son, when you will get married, you will know it. Hello! You can shoot me but don't talk like that. Let me handle you! Mom! - Wait! Walt’s the matter? Nothing. I think we should go and eat something. It's really late. You must be tired. Look at this. How is my dress? - I need to go to the washroom. He can handle everything. Hey, are you even looking here? You are really beautiful. Where was your focus? - AT you. You're physically present here but not mentally. NO, beautiful. You had some misunderstanding. Brother, tell her. Yes. No. I don't know. Sister, look at this. I only asked him to look at my dress. But he always shouts at me. When did I shout? You can ask him. How will I know? I was focused on Kiran. On me? What's the colour of the dress that is in the third bag? In the third one? It's red. - Red? No. Black. - Oh! Black? Yellow. NO, purple. I didn't even buy a suit yet. If you can’t focus on us, you don't need to come with us for shopping. Let's go, son! Move! You bring us against our wish. Who even wants to come with witches like you? We only get one holiday on Sunday. But they make us work our asses off. Diler! - Yes, brother! Let us convince Samar. We have to. - Let's go! Even if we have to beg. - Okay. Or lay on the floor. - I will, brother. We'll only go back after convincing him. - Yes. Brother, are you sure that this is the address? - Let us knock on the door and find out. If it's him, we will get inside. If not, we will ask them to buy insurance. Why are you here? A thirsty person has come to a well. One minute! I will get water for you. Drink that and get lost. Get some ice and snacks too. Take this, brother. Shall I get egg curry for you now? That's awesome! Don't put too much salt. - Hey! Hello! Get lost! - Move! We have got you a gift. How can you ask us to get lost? We will sit and talk. Before I give you a gift, take your gift and get lost. Or it will be bad. I am in a relationship. I have a girlfriend. Who is that, Samar? Where? We need to have a look at sister-in-law. Where are you going? Sister-in-law! Titli! Brother-in-law, don't take me wrong. I and Samar fell in love six months before. We met in a bank for the first time. And then we started meeting daily. Don't play a web series. Tell us in short. I want to marry him. I also want to tell you this at home. But you found out before that. We found out. So what? You can't find a guy like Samar easily. You can't find a guy like this even if you search with a torch. He is like gold. Yes. But what if mom disagrees? I will die without Samar. We will also die with you then. - What did you say? He means that your brother in laws will help you in getting married. Open the bottle, then. Let's drink to it. At least get the glasses. Titli, go and get the glasses. Hurry up! And make curry of those four eggs. There are no eggs. No eggs? Why didn't you say this before? Why didn't you get eggs when you went to the beauty parlour? She can't say this before. My brothers are here. He will be the right one. - Yes. Forgive me, brother. She might be your sister-in-law, but she is a bit dumb. No worries! What do you think, with the salary of the insurance company, you'll be able to fulfil the wishes of my Titli? I have 22 acres of land on Chandigarh - Patiyala road. Not just Titli, I can fulfil wishes of the whole family. Then why does this land owner wants to marry my girl? Why not? What's so bad about Titli? There is nothing bad about Titli, but about you. You didn't bring any family member of yours to talk about your marriage. Forgive me! But… you also didn't say a single sensible thing yet. You have a lot of ego. There is a difference between ego and attitude. This is called attitude. And ego... let's not talk about that. Okay. But I have a condition. You will have to stay at your in law's home. Then I also have a condition. Marriage will be done here and no one from my family will attend the marriage. I don't agree with this condition. The gate is there. You can leave. - What are you saying, mom? Okay then! As you wish! Sorry! No! What are you doing? Mom, he doesn't want to call his parents because he is not on good terms with them right now. He will tell it after the marriage. We have already done a background check on him. He really has landed on Chandigarh-Patiyala road. Yes. He is a nice guy from a rich family. Even the caste is the same. He is also ready to stay here. Our Titli can't get a better guy than him. Yes. What are you thinking? What's the fun in making a loser lose? But it will be fun to break his attitude. I believe that you can do that. Yes, you can, mom. Okay. Start preparing for the marriage. "You are lucky that I liked you." "You are lucky that I liked you" "I look beautiful in dresses and my eyes look beautiful with eyeliner." "My eyes look beautiful with eyeliner." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." "Make a video with the front camera, I walk forward so nicely." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." "Even the moon is looking at us by moving aside the clouds." "Hey, brown boy, my colour is milky, our pairing is unique." "Hey brown boy, my color is milky, our pairing is unique" "I walk like a peacock, people wonder who that girl is." "People wonder who that girl is." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." "Make a video with the front camera, I walk forward so nicely." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." "This guy likes to dance." "This guy likes to dance. Listen to me carefully." "After wearing a golden shirt." "After wearing a golden shirt, I dance on the beat." "It will become viral." "It will become viral, put a real on insta with holding my hand." "It will become viral, put a real on insta with holding my hand." "I brought this designer sandal especially from Lahore." "Other girls are looking at me again and again." "Other girls are looking at me again and again." "My nose ring is flashing like a spotlight." "My nose ring is flashing like a spotlight." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." "Make a video with the front camera, I walk forward so nicely." "Anklets in feet and bangles in hands," "I look beautiful when I dance with you." Guys! You will get tired. Sit down! We didn't even get tired when we came back from the office and then cooked food, fed wife and washed the dishes. We didn't even get tired after cleaning the house working like a dog and then dancing. Man! That means you're dancing on your own today. Yeah! - Brother! Now, I will tell you how to dictate these dolls now. Brother, I will decide who will become dolls and on whose signs they will dance. Within two days, if I don't bring the ladies to this house on the correct path, who will respect my name. I will tell you now! Brother! Don't be so high-headed. Elders say that you should fear the nature and your wife. Look, this is your first day. And on your first day, you should dictate your wife... - Shut up, Prem. Will you teach ballets to dancers now? Our brother is a pro in scaring girls. He is not a coward like you, Prem. I have also seen him acting on these words. - Listen! At what time did she ask me to go to her? At 9:00 pm. Look at the time now. I don't know. It's 09:40 pm. I will go on my own. I will sit here. Diler, learn something from him. He is late by 40 minutes. She must have heated the milk 4 times already that he needs to drink. He is still here. He didn’t move. I told you that he was a pro. I have also seen him doing that. Look! Titli is coming. Now, he will show her the attitude. Get up! Get up! - What? Aren't you ashamed? - Greetings! I am waiting for you inside. But you are drinking here. We were just sitting here. - Let's go! Let's go inside. Let's go inside. Look, brother, your pro has been dealt with. What a moron! You used to pick up my call at the first ring before, and then you started picking at second and then third. But it's too much. You picked up my call at the 7th ring today. And slowly, you will stop picking up my calls. You changed so fast. You used to speak a lot before the marriage. Now you are not saying a word. What happened to your tongue? It's 9:40. The guy is still here. But when she came out, you gave up so easily. He can't even move his tongue now. If not in front of us, you could have said her something to her in the room. I said. - What? - Sorry! Wow! He said sorry! He is saying it so nicely. What could I do? I couldn't talk in front of Titli. All the words got stuck in my mouth. It felt like the lion inside me lost his kidneys. Son! It's not his fault. Wives are like that. During the marriage ceremony, all power of a man enters into the woman. I think the scarf they ask us to hold during the ceremony must be a data cable then. - Yes. What more? When do they return? Never! Has River Ganga's flow ever turned back? "I returned the back." Put shampoo on his head. Daddy doesn't have longer hair so he doesn't need shampoo on his head. We are numb. Our dad is also numb. You came and joined us. Man, you are worst than us. We thought you were a lion. But we didn't know that a jackal was acting as a lion. How are you, uncle? Done with your attitude? Shut up! Run along! Or I will get you married. You can shoot me but don't say that. I just came here to ask uncle if I need to bring aunt Titli's scarf in the night or not? Go away from here. I am leaving. You give birth to kids to take out your anger on your wives. Let it be, brother. Whatever happened has already been done. Let's divide the tasks now, - Yes. Listen! From tomorrow, you have to cut dad's nails, clean his ears, shave his beard and massage his back. Okay? Listen! Can you cook? No, brother. I can cut the vegetables. You can't ask him to cook then. You can clean the dishes then. Pick up the call. Is that Titli that you don't even want to pick it up? Yes, daddy. Daddy! I am in trouble. They found out about my marriage. My mom and dad are coming here. So what? Let them come. If they find out that I am working as a servant at my in-law’s house, they will get angry. Servants in your village bathe buffalo and we are washing our in-laws. What is your father like? Have you heard about Jagga dacoit? Is he your father? He is exactly like him. He has a white horse and wear black clothes, and he likes a black night. People greet him everywhere. He likes hunting and protects men who are troubled by their wives. Not just outside, daddy keeps the same attitude at home too. What's this? So much salt in the curry! Is it even a curry? There is no salt. Is your daddy that dangerous? He is, really. But I don't want him to be here. It will be insulting. I will make an excuse. - But I have another idea. Ask your father to come here. What will happen then? - What else! You were just a jackal. If your father stays here for some days, he can at least bring you back in power. Did you get my point? Yes. - He gets it or not, but I have got it. Samar, ask your father to come here. Are you sure? Yes. He is just his father. You don't need to be scared of him. Your father also used to throw bad words at everything. Now he doesn't even talk after listening to bad words. Mom, you didn't understand what I wanted to say. He is not like our father. He is of a really bad nature. Shamsher is right. Yes. He is right. - Bakhtawar Singh. Mom, think about it. His name also sounds like a dacoit's name. Then what kind of a person he would be. The strong hearts that have been shown by. Shamsher Singh and Diler Singh, same would be shown by your Bakhtawar Singh. He would be a flop show. What else? Throw it towards me. Look at that. Did you do that? - No! - Sure? Yes. Your father looks serious. Get down. - Yes. Hey! Mom! - Move aside. You grew up on my shoulders but you got married without my knowledge. We will go back. - Mom! What can I say, son? I will do what your dad says. You don't need to listen to him. Let's go back. Uncle! - Uncle! It's the first time that both the families are meeting. Kids make mistakes sometimes. You should not go like that. The one who needs to stop is silent, and you both are asking without any reason. I beg you. We won't let you go. Titli, you should also say something. Daddy! Mom! Please don't leave. Yes. She has also said it. Sirjeet Kaur, what should we do? Whatever you feel is right. How can I make a decision when you're here. When our daughter in law is asking us, we should stay. Greetings! Girls! Did no one teach you how to great? - Greetings, uncle! Greetings, aunt! The introduction is done. Shall we go inside now? Who will take the luggage? We will. Are you servants? - We are servants and sons-in-law. Oh! Who are your wives? She is mine. She is his. Girls. - Yes. Will your husband take the luggage when you are here? What are you looking at? Take the luggage. Yes. - Yes. They know nothing. Come! You can make two rounds. Come! Wow, uncle! You have made them work. You don't know me well. How can you take so much time in preparing chicken? Shall I shoot? Uncle! - Uncle! It takes time for the countryman and the urban lady to get ready. Look at her. Let's have some fun. Kiran! Kiran! - Yes. - Come here! Look how she is running barefoot. Yes. - Come and stand here. Yes. Why? - Just like that. Shall I go? Shall I send her back? - Yes. Go. Go back. Samar! Samar! Call your wife. Let's see how that butterfly flies. Titli! Titli! Go! Go! Yes. Show me how to fly. How can I fly? Why? Where are your wings? I asked you to fly. How can I fly? Daddy! Hey, he asked you to fly. ### Fly or I will shoot you. Fly! Fly! - Fly a bit higher. Fly! Fly at more height. It's not like you have to spend oil for that. Look how she is flying. Nice. Uncle! Shalu.. Ask Shalu to fly too. No! No, son. They all will fly. Fly! - Come here. Let's go! Come fast. Look how they are flying. Okay. That's enough now. Ask for forgiveness! Forgiveness? Uncle! Forgiveness for what? To break Mirza'a arrows. Yes. What? Please forgive us. Sorry! You made Ranjha take care of buffalo for 12 years. Ask for forgiveness 12 times. Yes. Ask for forgiveness for the coronavirus. Corona! Tell them! There must be a lady responsible for that too. From the stone age until now, if ladies have made or not made any mistakes, we ask for forgiveness for all of them. Please forgive us! - Sorry! Go! We forgive you. Shoot them, uncle. Let's go! That was fun. "Great! Great! This is great." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "Bring the meat." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "Bring the meat." "Bring the meat." "We have become lions again. We won't bend down again." "Stop being a jackal." "Stop being scared of wife." "Stop dying in fear." "Get a strong attitude." "Great! Great! This is great." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "We'll ask them to cook, ask them to make hot bread." "Ask to make hot bread." "Enter the house with attitude and fight without any reason." "Fight without any reason." "We will make them clean the whole house." "Great! Great! This is great." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "I hid the rod for the she would try to run away." "Turn her back, and she would be asking for water." "She would be surprised by my attitude." "Great! Great! This is great." "Bring out the bottle and meat." "Great! Great! This is great." "Bring out the bottle and meat." I insult you just to show up in front of people. So that people don't say that I am following my wife. I respect you a lot in my heart. I love you a lot. You must already know that. Look! Your legs have become so weak. I swear that until I massage both your legs, I can't even sleep. You say it yourself that a guy can only show attitude on a person whom he loves. Right? Sorry! I got swayed by others’ words. Why are you so angry? I have said sorry. Promise! I won't do this again. Do you want to kill your life now? Love! Baby! Baby, please don't be like this. Please forgive me, my village head! Oh God! I spewed nonsense because I was drunk. You want to shoot at every small topic. Let's go back home. I will show you how to shoot. - Please talk slowly. If someone hears us, our scheme will fail. People will find out that I face the same condition which is faced by the men in this house. Let them find out. I am doing this drama because of my son. If his wife finds out that her father-in-law is afraid of her mother-in-law, she will scare my boy all the time. That's why I am requesting you. Please stay silent, not for me, but for your son Samar. Massage my legs. - Yes. Hello! Hello! Stop it. Fast! What are you doing here? Why are you running? Stop! Why are you running? You run so fast. You sat in the wheelchair during the day and now you are running around. Stop! What are you doing? Stop! Daddy! Did daddy start walking? It looks like he already could. Will you say something, or will you stay silent like this through the whole night? Why do you even do something that forces you to stay silent? Daddy, we took care of you like a kid. But you! Kids can still use diapers. We cleaned his shit with our own hands. It's not like that, son. He was massaging my legs. Look at the effect of that massage. I became perfectly all right. Great! Four years back, he fell from a horse. His knees hurt till now. But he touched you once and completed your MRI! As if! Sir, did you fall from a horse? Yes. I really liked horse riding. Whenever I went to the fields, I used to go by a horse. When I used to take the horse out… We are not here to listen about your horse at midnight. Stop rambling. Talk about the kabaddi match that is going on. Who will start first? Marriage? I would really like to get married. I wanted to get married and bring a beautiful wife home. She would handle all the house chores. And I get appreciated among the neighbourhood. But… I think… I didn't bring her, instead, she brought me. When I come back home from office, she talks nicely to me and pushes me into the kitchen. No servant at any hotel would have cleaned so many dirty dishes, as many I have done. Lines from my forehead have already vanished, lines from my hands have also disappeared after washing clothes. After cleaning the dishes, I used to wash clothes. After washing clothes, I had to clean the house. She used to walk on the wet ground with her dirty slippers. And I used to feel that she wasn't walking on that wet floor, but on my heart. What else should I tell you kids? Even Britishers wouldn't have tortured their servants as much as I got from my wife. So, what a man does when he is fed up with his wife? He jumps. I didn't get any place to do that. I jumped from the stairs. From that day onwards, I have been on a wheelchair. Don't give me that look. It's not my fault. That lady’s quota for the village head did this to me. I didn't want the village head position to go to someone else. So I supported your mother in winning the elections. But she got an attitude after that. Whatever I had done to her, she had made a list of everything. So she took revenge for everything. The power that I used to show on her, she started using the same on me. What kind of curry is this? There is so much salt in it. What is this? There is no salt. I started pitying myself. Before coming here, I massaged her legs for so many days. I requested her for days and nights. Then she agreed to do this drama. That's all. That means even our landlord is also a victim of his wife. Brother, we all are facing the same situations. Daddy, I didn't expect this from you. We also didn't expect this from you. After all, you guys have the same blood. We need to come together and find a solution to this issue. We have to stop the women’s rule and bring men rule in this house. Men power! - Men power! Slow! Slow! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Stop it, daddy. If mom sees you, you will be on a wheelchair even after death. And if its charging ends, you'll be handicapped even after death. No worries! Ladies take their time in coming back from a mall. Mom, I really feel bad about you. You're not living a good life, sister. Even jail is better than this. Don't get angry, But you give too much importance to your husband. Daddy! There are no bullets in it. Son! Its bullets are in your mom's purse. What if we get into a bad situation at hand. Son, I got married to your mom. What more bad situation can be there? Brother-in-law, You're investing so much power in playing badminton. If you had used this power on your wife, we wouldn't have faced this day. She is not a wife, she is a bat. We are bats who have been hanging upside down because of them. Okay. Stop it all. What I am saying is that our wives must not know about dad's poor situation. What if they find out? - If they find out, they'll become rackets and hit us to play. One hit on the spine! Another hit on the spine! Look at your eyes. You have got dark circles under them. You look ten years older than your real age. I think uncle beats you sometimes. I feel pity while looking at your face. I am not even unable to eat this. If I would've been at your place, I would've dealt with him by now. It's not grandma's fault. Grandpa is so bad. Grandma, don't listen to them or you might get a beating. Hey, why are you so late? We are waiting for a meal. Shall I shoot? Aunt is scared. Shoot! Shoot now! Let me see how great you are! Aunt, uncle's hands are shaking. Please move aside. He will shoot. I will pull out his teeth before he shoots. I will shoot! I will shoot! You men are only good for beatings. Men like you can stay without having a meal, but can not stay without a beating. Brother-in-law, say something. What? What will he say? Uncle! Uncle has gone crazy, mom. Crazy. - You'll go crazy now. Grandma has told us the truth. Uncle is more pitiful than us. I told you dad that you should not pretend to be brave in front of mom. You too! And uncle, our wives are so beautiful and innocent, with beautiful eyes. How can someone point a gun at them? Who does that? I will never do that. - Shut up now. You forced us to be butterflies, now be ready to be a peacock. Not peacock, cocks. Yes, my son. Be ready to become cocks. And you should also be prepared for tonight to dance for 3 hours. I am so tired of walking. Be ready to massage my legs. - Okay, darling. Okay! If someone tries to make a move, be ready for consequences. Yes. Got it? We are so done. Move! Are you giving me something? - As if! You guys have enjoyed it enough. All of you, come now! I will only do the dishes. Sure. Come inside. You love dancing, right? Come, I will make you dance in the kitchen. - Greetings! Uncle, you lied so much to us. But even this gun insulted you. At least you could have shown some power for your long beard. You are not worth it. Even your other uncle was also not worth it. But he started showing off after I came. Say something now. Not a single guy among you could clear it. The whole class failed the exam. Stop insulting us. Tell us what to do now. What's there to be done? First, console your Dada. Look how he is sitting. This madness has been already started. There must be a solution for this. There is a solution. When a guy dies, ladies cry at that time. "You have gone there, where there is no water and no house". Your wives don't even offer water to you. Does it mean that we should die to show our value to our wives? What I mean is that for the next few days go somewhere without telling your wives and take me with you. And then your wives will know your value, your importance. come on Was this your plan? We've been roaming on streets for 90 minutes. In this way, we might stay on the roads for our whole lives. At least you could have got jeep's keys. Son, I don't have the jeep. I am that jeep's driver. Brother, look! A truck is coming. Are you planning to come under that now? - Stop it! Stop it! Let's go! - At least it will take us away from our wives. Let's get in. Come! It looks like there are other people like us. Yes! "There were so many discoveries." "But only one was worth it." "The discovery of whiskey, scotch and rum." "There were so many discoveries, but only one was worth it." "The discovery of whiskey, scotch and rum." "Shows heaven after a drink, a remedy to our broken hearts," "and makes us dance in sorrows." "Long live the maker of liquor." "You consoled the hearts of lovers." "Long live the maker of liquor." "I left her who wanted me to leave drinking." "Who wanted me to leave my friend or her?" "She calls and says that she is feeling alone." "The one who burns the heart of lying women." "Long live the maker of liquor." "The one who made life fun." "Long live the maker of liquor" "Long live the maker of liquor." "Got a girl after drinking," "she wants to marry, you bring trouble in my life." "Long live the maker of liquor" "Long live the maker of liquor." "The one who teaches dance to uncles." "Long live the maker of liquor" "Long live the maker of liquor." "Long live the maker of liquor." "High after drinking" "High after drinking." "No one should bother us when we are so drunk" "I have become so…" "I have become so high after drinking" I have become so high after drinking". Stop it! Stop it! That's enough! You don't need to put on a show now. I have found everything. We have gone crazy while looking for you for the last three days. We have also made the police complaint. They are kids. But you could at least think about it. So many thoughts were coming to our minds. But you're here. Don't you care about your home? Care about home? Which home? Do you care about your husband or not? You are not here to see if we are all right or not. You are not worried about us. You're here because your household chores are pending. Cleaning, laundry and dishes. Do you even know the difference between a husband and a servant? Even servants are better than us. They treat them well so that they don't take any leaves. We earn money for you and then we even get insulted by you. Run away! Great, brother! We also need to dance for them without music. I spent so much of my life on wheelchair just because of you. The biggest mistake of my life was making you the village head. You were only good at cooking. You know what. Why do more guys get heart attacks? Because ladies don't even have hearts. Elders say that ladies have their brain behind their braids. But you don't even have braids. How can you have a brain, then? And they still go to the salon for haircut. Get lost! Do you still want to hear some more? Let's go! Their minds are not working. Let's go! I will not leave you. Hail to the manpower! Hail! - Hail! Wow guys! This is how real man should talk. Music! "I am so high after drinking." "I am so high after drinking." Get lost! Get out of here. You have no money but you want to stay in a hotel. But we gave our cards to you. Your cards have been blocked. Blocked? Our wives must have done that. What kind of men are you? Your cards are also on your wives names. We didn't do it by ourselves. They forced us to do it. Give your card to him. I have a visiting card. It doesn't work. What should we do now? It looks like we will have to clean. Okay. They will leave now. Are you happy now? The legs that you've used to come here, use the same legs to return back. - How can we? We have also cooked in this house. You've become so fat after eating our meals. We also have equal rights on this house. And mom, I was just a tool used for fun. You can ask Shalu. I have never let her go without entertainment. When the TV didn't work, he danced wearing a skirt in front of her. Look how she is looking. And a spouse who stays at wife's house is like a lottery. You have three of them. Look at that big lottery. You are still feeding on him. You should stop it now, Pratap Kaur. Guys have agreed to their mistakes. - Yes. He is even ready to ask for forgiveness. Let's go! - Let's go! Don't you dare! Come! Don't you dare to step a foot in the house. Can we come by jumping the wall? Even that option is not available. When you left us alone at midnight, didn't you think about home at that time? And why did you feel bad about dancing at home? You were not even taking a break there. You were enjoying bachelor life in Shimla, right. Since today, you and us, all are bachelors. - Srajeet Kaur! Their household quarrel has gone out of control. They can sort it out themselves. I think we should go back to the village. Shut up! Now, you have no place in this house, the house in the village and in the room at the fields. And I won't even let you make a single room in the boundary of that village. Get out! - Get out! - Girls, close the door. Get out - Get out! Get out! Close it! - Get out! God’ll curse you. We can't even trust them. I think if you've forced a bit more, they would’ve agreed. Really? - Yes. If we would've forced more, someone among us might have been shot. Yes. We only have a bag in hand now. But we would've to pick a dead body then. And there would have been news in the morning, the husband tried to force and the wife shot from the rifle. Daddy would have been in jail by now. How was Shimla? - Diljeet! Don't take my name. You went alone and didn't take me with you. We'll take you next time. Come here, my son. Come here! Son, I'll definitely take you to Shimla, next time. For now, go and ask your mom to let us enter the house. Kids without fathers may get lost. No worries, daddy. I will somehow manage without you. Move aside! My legs are hurting from standing for so long. I can't stand it any longer. Pratap Kaur! At least push my wheelchair from inside. You asked for a wheelchair and she sent the chariot. Get on it. You will reach early at your destination. It looks like we can't go in there. We should find another way. If we had loved our wives, we wouldn't have to stay with this Prem. Let's go, Prem. - What are you saying? How can you go to my house? I can't take you there. Why? Is it a curfew there? If I take you to my house, my wife will get the wrong idea. She would say if their wives could control them, why wouldn't I? No! No! But where should we go now? Show us a way. A way? I have that. How are you, my son? Mm, grandma, younger aunt, elder aunt! Come here fast. - Yes. What happened? Look there. - What happened? Don't overdo it, dad. How can they live in front of us? No worries! God will take care of them. God is with us. Because he is also a man. That's why, we got the exact opposite house at rent. Have fun now. Make them jealous now. Why do we need to be jealous? We don't care. Let them laugh as much as they can. What if they find that our laughs are fake. Then? Oh! So what? They will come crawling to ask for forgiveness. If they are five, we are five and half with Diljeet. No matter what they do, we won't react. We have to keep our guard up. Their stand will break when they'll have to clean, wash clothes and iron those clothes, then do the dishes, make the dough and cook meals. We won't break our stand. We will order food online. - Perfect! What's the need to take the headache? Get ready, then! Let's establish men’s rule again. Let's see how many days they survive. Sister! You are a part of our family. But if you want to go and stay with him, we have no issue. I mean, you can do what you feel right. Look! I don't know about your wives. But my wife can't stay without me. I won't even look at his face. But if you have any problem with me staying here, I can go back to the village. Mom, what are you saying? You are not just Samar's mom, you're also my mom. I know I am a bit hard-headed. But I know how to trade with relations. I won't let you go anywhere. "My heart wants to dance." "My heart wants to dance." "Our wives got the fever." "My heart wants to dance." "My heart wants to dance." "We are free from chores." "No one even pulls us by arms." "No one even pulls us by arms." "We are so happy." "Our wives get eaten by lions." "We are so happy." "We are so happy." "We are so happy." "We are so happy." "We are so happy." Shut up and eat pizza. Ignore them. I don’t think that there is no man in this house. I am here. Nice! They are going to lose now. Hey! That's what we have to do now. Have some of this. Hey! Give me a peg. Let's rock! Let's rock! Yes! Yes! Yes! Did they hear this? - Yes. It's them. They must be here to convince us. Shall we get convinced now? - Yes. Brother, keep your anger in control. I really get scared of you. All of you should not talk at a time. Talk with patience. We will. First, open the door. Let's go! Let's go! I knew that Shalu couldn’t live without me. I am here, darling. Greetings, sir! Punjab police is here at your service. Are you partying alone? Let's go to jail and play DJ for you. Get inside! Please let us go! We request you to leave us old men behind. You need to get more beating. You were supposed to control the guys. But you are partying with them. Shalu! Please save me! One minute! You can’t take us like this. Oh! Are you making a video now? Make it. Shoot a good video. Then send it to CM. - No, you'll get suspended. You are going against the law. How will I get suspended? Kiran! Can you turn your face here for once? Diljeet! Say something. Let me! Inspector! Take them from here. Yes, son! I am taking them with me. Sit! Let's go! Get inside. Get in! This is good. Whoever called the police, did really well. Who else? I called them. Mom, did you? - So what? I am the village head. How can someone create nuisance when I am here? Hey, tell me? What was the reason? You were playing music at midnight. Don't you know that it's illegal? We knew it, sir. Then you were doing all that knowingly. Lakha Singh! - Yes, sir! It looks like these guys love singing and dancing. No worries! I will make the arrangements. I have prepared the instrument. They will dance to the beat. No, sir! Please forgive us. Sir, we can also handle this with money. This guy looks intelligent. He looks educated. Very good! Very good! What do you think about the police? Please forgive us! We're already in very bad condition. Bad condition? - Yes. What does that mean? - It means... if we will tell you everything, even this night won't suffice. You will start crying. To tell you in short, we are walking on very thin threads, so thin and weak that anyone can break them. We are somehow surviving. We don't know when we will take a breath of relief. Sir! To escape from my wife's torture, I am using a wheelchair since the last 14 years. You were on a wheelchair for 14 years! Yes. Where is your boss? Call him here? - How did she come here? Greetings! Do you have any shame? I have been waiting for you since morning. It was our marriage anniversary today. I wanted to surprise you. But, no! You don't even care. Police station! Police station! Police station! You always stay here. - He is also like us. If this police station was so important? Why didn't you get married to it? Why did you marry me? Don't you dare enter in the house today. I will tell you how an inspector should be. Sir, can you please leave the staff members now? Brother, are you also in police? No, I am saying this because of sister-in-law. You are also in the same boat as us. But I didn't get one thing. How could you forget your anniversary? Who wants to remember the accidents in life? Sir, please cut the cake. Or you might be thrown out of the house. Brother, you may leave. Uncle! Does that wheelchair trick works? 100%. Uncle, did you peel the carrots? Come and take it. Hey! I am cleaning here. So what, dad? You can do it again. I was good on a wheelchair. I ruined my life because of you. There is no change for us. We used to do this before and we are also doing this now. Son, tell me when this will be over? What do we know? Our adviser is there playing game in the mobile. Let us change the adviser. Don't you dare! I can hear everything. My focus is on you. When you can hear everything, why don't you say anything? Did you put candies in your mouth now? You can hear everything. Tell us a solution. Son, listen to me and ask for forgiveness. - Have some shame, uncle. At least care for your looks. Is it good for a person like you to ask for forgiveness? Stop it! Listen to me first. We will send a notice for divorce first. Divorce? - Hey! Are you all right? Did we do all this for divorce? We won't give a divorce. We only need to send papers for divorce. When will they receive those papers, they will be shaken. They will come running back. They will beg for forgiveness like this. Like this. Daddy! Look, my forgiveness is here. Hello, Diljeet! Did your mom also come with you? Yes. She has. Shall I call her? - Yes. Mom in the black blazer. Come here! Greetings! Greetings! He is not your mom, he looks like your uncle. Sir, don't call me your brother in law. I am the Lawyer Kala. There are the divorce papers for you. Divorce? - Yes. Divorce? You are so lucky that your wives are asking for divorce. But not everyone is lucky like you. I am facing so much myself. How can they divorce us like this? They were talking yesterday night that it was better to end this all instead of daily dramas. Congratulations! Congratulations, sir. Congratulations! I think ladies are two-step ahead of us. It's not a step. It's a long jump, that too from the house to the court. I can dance but I can't divorce. How can my wife so this to me? My wife has also done the same. This means there will be five divorces in this house. None of us will get divorced. - Yes. Let's go, guys! Sir, you can't take the law in your hands like this. We will take care of that. Talk nicely. Don't start fighting. Prem is here to take care of everything else. Let's go, guys. Sir, don't do this. Hello! Yes. Where are you going? Why did you come? People generally send edibles to their neighbors. But you have sent divorce papers. We have decided. We don't want to be with you. But we don't want want to divorce. Yes. - When we don't stay together, what's the benefit of this relationship then? You and us, will both be free. Shalu! Come! Hey, uncle! Aunt will kill you with a knife. Move there. - Okay. Come! Sirjeet Kaur, I have a request. Is it good for us to get divorced at this age? What will people say? Why didn't you think about people, when you started all this? What will people even say? Pratap Kaur! You are intelligent. Tell me, did anyone ever earn anything with all these cases? I will put two cases on you. One for divorce and another for cheating. You sat on the chair for so long without any reason. Diljeet, please talk to your mom. You can't stay without me. No worries, dad. Get the divorce. When the judge asks, I will say that I would stay with dad for six months and with mom for another six months. Samar, you should do something. No one in our household has ever divorced. What can I do? There will be only once divorce in your house. But there will be two in my house. While trying to save mine, I also lost my dad's wife too. Tell me one thing! How do you get all these crazy ideas? It's God-gifted. But you never respected me. Has your God started favouring our wives now? Every idea we think either gets flopped or our wives use it before us. Shamsher, cool down. Tell me! What do you say now? According to me, get girls on rent and bring then to home. I will hit you. Stop saying nonsense. Kill us before giving such ideas. How can you ask us to do this? My son is this old. I am 60 years old. I have never let anything ruin my image. And you want me to get this blame at this age. You react really fast. Iron cuts the iron and a lady can only cut another lady. It's not like you've to get married to them. Your wives will get jealous after seeing them. And then wait. They will come back running. HS is right. We are already getting divorced. Let's try this too. Don't you think it's a bit cheap to get girls on rent. I feel the same. But he has said yes. It must be fine. You can't blame me alone for this. Whatever we have done until now, we all were together. Our households will also be ruined together. Do you have any other way? To ruin the household? No, to save the household. It's fine for now. I am your friend and host, Mr Prem. The wait is over and I am presenting you.. The girl who dances in most beautiful way, Ms Moni! Ms. Moni. Moni! Moni! Moni! She does her work well and every guy wants to repeat her name, here is Ms Sapna! Sapna! Sapna! Sapna! Sapna! Beauty is her speciality, here is Ms Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Hey! Hello! - Yes! What is this? - Listen, brother! These are girls from a dance group. I have presented in such a way to encourage them. Then you will ask us to throw money at them to give them respect. If our wives see us doing all that, they will beat us to a pulp. I think I have seen these girls before. Uncle, you're not the only one who has recognised us. Oh! We have also recognised you. You are the same guy who pinched Preet in a marriage. It was such a mess that day. You didn't tell us about this incident. I have also found it today. Brothers, from today onwards, these girls will stay with you in the house but in different rooms. Girls, go and take your room. Great! So, my brothers, you have to sit together with them and do sweet talks. Do nothing more than this. Does anyone have any problem? I have a problem. They will make their wives jealous of them. But what will we do? Uncle! I tried for you. But people at your age can't be trusted. So, if I had bought some old lady of your age at rent, she would've died on the way itself. And then, you would've to spend on everything including their death entourage. That's why, I cancelled the scheme. - That's good. Good! Get ready to make your wives jealous. Mom, I think dad brought a new mom. Mohini! - Yes. This bottle is finished. Show me! Wait! Wait a minute! Lion! Oh, my lion! Our wives are better than them. At least they didn't call us like this. Why are you calling me like this? The bottle is finished. Will you get some more? There is no more alcohol. Sleep now. You don't know how to take care of a woman. You are right. Do you know, a buffalo walk by the force of a rope and a woman walks by the force of a man. Isn't she talking a lot? Are you getting more alcohol or not? No! No more alcohol. Wait! Wait! Yes. - Let us show you! - Catch them! What are you doing? Uncle, don't pinch someone again. Wait! We won't leave. - Don't throw them. They are kids’ toys. We will throw everything. - Stop! Stop! Stop! Catch them. Such a drama! We need alcohol! - Yes! Get us alcohol! Even a guy doesn't behave like this after this like you're behaving. What kind of Punjabi are you? You can't even get an alcohol bottle. One minute! Let's get inside and talk. No one will go inside. Everyone will sit here. Sit! One! Two! Three! Why are you making your clothes dirty? We'll have to wash them. It's the first time seeing someone protesting for liquor. Why are you creating a nuisance? Please come inside. Shut up! Tell me, will you get us alcohol or not? We have told you. You won't get any alcohol. Even the alcohol stores are closed now. From where shall I get it? There is always a small opening in the alcohol store's shutter. If you'll knock at that opening, you'll get the liquor. They know everything. But the thing is that you won't get any alcohol. Who said that? We will get the alcohol. Will you get an alcohol? Why won't you? We will get the whole store for you. How nice! You changed like a government. But your government won't change. Let's go! Let's get inside. Come! Come inside. This is life. We will sit together and drink. We will also feed you. Come! Let's go! Let's go! Look at them. How they are sleeping here. As if they have no care of the world. Why did you need to make them so drunk? We didn't. They drank it themselves. It's my first time seeing girls getting so drunk. They would have insulted us yesterday night. But we handled the situation well. Please take them, brother. Why are you losing hope, guys? You are really close to winning now. What winning? Tell him what they did. They didn't let us sleep the whole night. They drank Rs. 3500 worth alcohol. They had chicken worth 800. We spent 4300 on them. And they wanted us to throw notes on them. If we had done that, they would have asked us to pick them. Even if we would've done that, they would have asked us to lock the door. We have never closed a door before. WHO would have done that for them? You also told me that your wives were jealous after seeing them. It wouldn't have cost so much even if we have bought sandalwoods and then make them jealous. - What to do now? It's time to use the big move. Hello! Do that later and drop them somewhere first. Yes. We have been trying to wake them up since two hours but they aren't moving. Hello! - No worries! These are orchestra girls. They won't wake up like this. Let's open the new bottle for groom's uncle. - Stop it, brother. They will not stop before having a 2-litre bottle. Stop it, man! Hey, use some decent song to wake them up. Man, you guys react so fast. They will wake up. Wait! So now.. Ms Sapna is on the stage. Have you made the payment? - Yes, sister. We paid in advance. Very good! - We have done it. Let's go! Put your hand like this, sister. Either don't call me sister or don't do this. I am here to give this marriage invitation. And these are sweets for you. And before that, please have a look at the card. It's the card for the marriage of three of us. They also wanted to come. But they are busy in handling the other chores... like arranging sweets and doing shopping. I will take my leave. I have a request. Our divorce is on the 20th, right? The marriage is on the 18th. It's an auspicious day. Do you have any problem? - Why would I have a problem? If you want, you can do it today. My sisters will also not have any problem. That's great! - You don't worry! We have also arranged a function for ladies’ music. Please come. After all, he has been your property for so long. It's a different matter that I will get the registry on my name. Darling! Please come! We will be glad to host you. Bye! Pray to the God that our wives don't come for the ladies music function. Don't worry. They won't come. That will be great. But what if they come? Then we will have to take care of our wounds by massaging them with oil. Take this bowl of warm oil, then. Are they here? - They are. "Music is playing on top. All are dancing in groups." "Music is playing on top." "All are dancing in groups." "You are standing far from me and giving me a hard look." "I am in mood of dancing." "Come and dance with me." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." "When we both will dance, it will rock the stage" "I will take a selfie with you my man." "When we both will dance, it will rock the stage." "I also want to fulfil one more wish of my heart" "I will put the story on insta with you" "I will complete all my wishes today" "I will complete all my wishes today." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." "I won't look good dancing alone without you" "I won't look good dancing alone without you." "It's the time but I don't know when you will dance." "I won't look good dancing alone without you." "It's the time but I don't know when you will dance." "My leg is moving, I am in the mood to dance." "If you dance with me, I will look good." "Turn me around in your arms." "Turn me around in your arms." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." "If I dance alone, you will quarrel with me, come and dance with me." Even our sisters don't look as happy as they look for our marriage. Ladies’ music is done. Dancing is done. Now you won't get married. If I cut my hand, there will be rivers of blood here. It's a drama of marriage, not real marriage. It can be a drama for you. But we considered you our husband in our hearts. What are you saying? I have also considered you my husband. We have had enough of you. Hey, why don't you talk to them? What can I say? They have told me what they had in their hearts. Have you gone crazy? We can't get married to them. Now just with them, you can't get married to anyone. They are already married. They will be divorced by day after tomorrow. We are doing this drama to escape from that divorce. Yes. Hey, you old hag, stop shouting. If a nerve of your brain pops out, there will be death instead of marriage. Hey, find a mid-way. There is a way. Give five lakhs to each person. Five lakhs? - We can't pay you that much. Then get ready. It will either be a marriage or drama. Say something. You had so much to say before. Say something to them. Friends, there is only one solution now. Either give them the money, or get married to them. I loved Titli. I can't get married again. It's cheating. It's not like we want to do this. But we are forced to do this. Daddy! Do something. We have landed on the main road. Sell some land and throw the money on their faces. What land are you talking about? I put that on your mother's name long back. And that Prem also didn't come today. How can he? He ran away. Brother! Let's think and then decide. I have decided that we won't get married. No matter what happens. Really? That is the matter. Are you taking us lightly? Have you forgotten that we are girls? If we go live on insta and tell everything, you can't even imagine about the situation you will get into. The police will handle you well. We will frame you in such a way that you'll spend your life behind bars. Mr. groom! Hey, Mr. groom! It's time. Shall we go? We told you that we wouldn't get married. Okay. Don't get married. Give us five lakhs, then. Can you take it in instalments? Are you buying a fridge or Ac? Sapna! Ruby! Let's go to police station. NO, sister! Listen to us. I beg you. Please stop! Please listen to us. Please listen to us. - We don't want to. Please wait! Listen, sister! Don't do this. I beg you. Our household is already ruined. Please don't do this, sister. It will be ruined now. We asked you to pay five lakhs, right? You didn't. No worries! Sapna, start! When you didn't want to get married, why did you do this drama of marriage? What did we do to you? What did our innocent souls do to you? You ruined our lives. You didn't give us any choice. What nonsense are you saying? - Please have some shame. Now you are feeling ashamed. Why didn't you feel any shame when you came to our rooms at night? Did you? - I didn't. Look at them, people! What he has done to me. Don't you dare talk like that. He may have many faults, but he can't look at other girls. And do you know why we didn't get jealous because of you? Because we trust our husbands. Even if God points his finger towards them, we will stop believing in God. They are not my son in laws, they are my sons. Mummy! If you dare to ruin their image, I will pull out your tongue. Sister! We have found out about all of your actions. Take the money and go away. Don't you dare show us your faces again. Let's go! Where should we go? - There. Come! Let's throw away the shame and get inside the house. Can we come? - Hey! Where are you coming from? Your house is there. We forgot the way in the morning but we're back by the evening. What evening? It's already been so many days. I told them But their love for their husbands ruined their minds. Pratap Kaur! Let our sons and daughters make peace among them. They're ready. Someone needs to start it. Shall we do it? Mom, we didn't know that this matter will get out of hand like this. We made a mistake, son, by asking you to work. Because household chores are a hit on a man's manhood. I don't get one thing. When girls can do all the chores done by guys, why can't guys do the chores done by girls? You believe that man is like a jewel for a woman. But it depends upon the man if he wants to be a jewel of neck or foot. We ask for forgiveness for all of our mistakes. Please forgive me, Kiran. It's not all our fault. If a man who works from 9 to 5 and then again work after returning home, it's not an even thing. You could have said this thing to us, right? What was the need to create such a drama for that? We are your wives, not your enemies. We agree that we fight with you. But we also get convinced easily. We don't leave the house like this. We didn't want to go. That Prem washed our brains. We didn't know what was happening. We also need to ask for forgiveness. Instead of trying to get understand you, we took it on our ego. People like Prem and our ego are the reason behind all this. They have dealt with their ego. It's our turn now. Let's lift that Prem up with his shoulders. He doesn't have shoulders. We'll catch him with his knees. Let's go! Let's go and deal with Prem. I am also with you. Let's go now. We also have his support. This is yours. That is yours. That is yours. Okay? This is some extra amount for you. You were acting so well. It was so much fun. You paid me five thousand less. Don't worry! I will pay you. Okay? Look what your friend is doing. Oh! So you were also with them. Why all of you are here so suddenly? What's going on here? Look at your great friend. He is also their partner. It's nothing like that. They were dividing the amount among them. I didn't want them to fight. I was just helping them. You must have misunderstood it. People feed milk to snakes, but we also fed you liquor. It's our mistake. Okay then! We'll take our leave. Where are you going? I'll call the police. I will make you pay for it. We won't tell you anything. Call your wife. We will make her beat you. Sister-in-law! - Sister-in-law! - Sister-in-law! Where is she? - Is anyone here? Sister in law is not even talking. She will only talk if she will be real. What do you mean? - I am not married. Unmarried? Then who were you angry at? To the walls. - What does that mean? I used to throw some slang and you used to give me free alcohol. What else do I need? After looking at your condition, why would I want to get married? Don't waste your time in talks. Tell me, what to do with him? We will do his service. Let's take the Prem with us. Listen to me! Hello! Why are you hitting me? We will beat this Prem with love. Don't hit me! Let's run! Yes. Don't hit me! See what happens with a guy like that!
Channel: R R Records
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Keywords: karamjit anmol, ji wife ji, roshan prince, karamjit anmol comedy, best of karamjit anmol, harby sangha comedy movies, punjabi new movie 2023 full movie, karamjit anmol new punjabi movie, new punjabi comedy movie 2023, comedy movie, ji wife ji full movie punjabi, harby sangha comedy, full movie punjabi new, full punjabi movie 2023 comedy, karamjit anmol movies, comedy movie punjabi, latest movies, latest punjabi movies 2023, punjabi movie ji wife ji, latest punjabi movie 2023
Id: 4M2c75dWsK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 42sec (7242 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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