๐Š๐š๐ฅ๐š ๐’๐ก๐š๐ก ๐Š๐š๐ฅ๐š - ๐‘ท๐’–๐’๐’‹๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’Š ๐‘ญ๐’–๐’๐’ ๐‘ด๐’๐’—๐’Š๐’† - Binnu Dhillon, Sargun Mehta, Gurmeet Saajan, Shehnaaz Gill

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A wedding car? I am sure the bride must have consumed poison. They must have forced her to get married. Get down quickly. You, come here. - What? Take this, and get a token. Go on, hurry up. Brother, we are talking about a hospital token here and not a donation slip. They charge 100 rupees. Is that enough? - Fine. Go. What are you waiting for? Grab her. She belongs to all of us. I'll be forced to use my sword. The time you are have been working for me Bebe should have smoothly been out by now. Let's go. Yes, please. - Doctor. Hello. - There is nothing to worry about. I have saved her. Who said we were worried? We couldn't have been able to drink a glass of water if we had been worried. Here we are on our third cold drink. By the way, what was wrong with aunt? Nothing. Gas entered her brain because she had something unhealthy. We will have to keep her overnight. Overnight? You can keep her but we won't be able to stay. - Why? I'll have to pay the rent of this dress. Oh. - You misunderstood. He misunderstood, dear. Let's go, huh? Take good care of her. My kids will have no one otherwise. Don't worry. Go and plan your kids. I won't let your kids without a caretaker. She is my aunt as well. Wonderful. Seek his blessings, dear. And you got his blessings. Thank you. Let's go, brother. She is very special to me. - Okay. No one sleeps tonight. - Okay. If needed wake me up as well. - Okay, doctor. Oh no, I had plans to go watch a movie. But now I'll have to sleep next to that old hag. It's okay. I think she is close to the doctor. Is that enough or should I lift it up a little more? Fine. I hope she doesn't want to use the restroom. Yes, Bebe? What is wrong? I am no one's Bebe. Everyone addresses me as aunt. You are Bhero's daughter, right? How do you know? From your face. The same forehead, eyes and nose. You know my mother? Come on, I even know your father. - Really? Your father's wedding was about to get called up. They said that your father is cockeyed. I intertwined and settled the matter. And hence, you ended up in this world. What do you do, Bebe? - I'm a matchmaker. I'm the one who got your doctor married. He wasn't ready to marry. He said the girl is fat. Look how his fortune changed. He had a small clinic in the village. Now he is working in such a big hospital. Don't get this wrong, aunt. But matchmakers usually end up either being gifted or cursed. Have you faced any such incidence? Don't make me thrash you. I study their character and then get them married. I have got 200 couples married. No one got divorced as yet. Everyone is happily married. - Okay. I don't believe it, aunt. No wedding in Punjab can take place without an incident. I think you have been one too. Yes, aunt. He had gone to elope with a girl but they turned him black and blue. Aunt, you have a smile on your face. Looks like you remembered an incidence. You reminded me of Lovely's wedding. What had happened at Lovely's wedding? Ask me what didn't happen at Lovely's wedding. What do you mean? - It happened a long time ago. Rajwant, a woman I considered as my sister was married in village Kalewal. Lovely was her son. - Okay. His family decided to name him Lovpreet. But some damned people used to also address him as Naag (snake) because of his dark complexion. When will you get him out of there? Even potatoes would've boiled twice in the time he's been in there. Shut up. - Shut up? I am not giving him this steam to clear his nose I am giving it to clear his color. If you act hasty, you won't get desired results. I know everything. I know when, how and at what do I need to get him out of there. When? What the second's hand reaches 12. There you go. Hey, one can even change a car's color in the time you've taken. And you still couldn't manage to change my complexion? Naag, they don't know anything. They even don't bath for a week at a stretch. Look at the steamer's water. It has turned black. Do you think I won't do my job well? Heed my advice and grow a beard. With age at least something on your face will turn white. Tell him that I already have beard. But I can't see it. - Shut up. Naag, this is the first time I have seen such a great result. You are not longer black. You have become light brown. Listen... I fear I might end up casting an evil eye on you. Wait, let me apply a black dot just to play safe. Come on. There. Let me check. - Go ahead. Much better, right? - Right. There is a shine. If you wanted shine, you should have applied shoe polish. Why did you have to come here? - Shut up. Hey... where had you apply that black dot? Here somewhere. I think it got lost. Uncle, Nindro Bebe is here. Go. Sister... - Yes? Will the girl's family agree to get her married to Lovely? Why won't they? He's your only child. He owns 18 acres of land. There will be no division or separation. Considered his marriage fixed this time. Sister, you had said that before as well. As far as I remember, you had said this before that as well. Yes, I had. So what? Will you tax me for that? I have told you that I'll get your son married. I beg to you, I'd be happy even if you manage to get to the dais and go through even just one vow... I don't want the villagers to say that his parents didn't even try. Who would agree to give their daughter to you? Look over here. Look at her. I've given you a delicate flower and you turned her into a bouquet. I don't know which idiot planted this banyan tree in my house. Banyan and sacred fig trees provide shade. Black babool trees have such big thorns. Shut up. - You shut up. He keeps yelling at her. Hello, aunt. I seek your blessings. You are back? - You should bite her feet instead. Shut up. Right. - God bless you, son. May God bless you with a beautiful wife. Aunt, why don't you try changing your blessing? Perhaps it's not working because of the "beautiful wife" clause in it? Yes, he should just give her one. No matter how she is. How does it not matter? She should look good standing next to my son too. Even a buffalo will look good next to him. But he too look good next to someone. Come on, uncle. You are criticizing your own product? People are already making fun of him. They say you will call snake charmers instead of a band for his wedding. Shut up. - Enough. Stop making fun of him. Son, get ready and come to Sharma's restaurant tomorrow. We will meet the prospective bride's family there. Okay, aunt. Don't worry. Your nephew will look so good tomorrow that her family will be awestruck. Not they, we will be awestruck when they will leave like a empty bag flies away. There they go, there they go, there they go. Enough, they have gone too far away. It's okay, father. This delusion of yours too shall be broken tomorrow. When I will enter the restaurant wearing my white suit... They will say no immediately. You in a white suit will look like a crow covered with cotton. There is something called as color combination as well. Color isn't everything. Features too mean something. Come out, father. We are already running late. I can come out only after something comes out. The girl must have not even left her bet yet and he is already set to make the family leave the house. He is so eager. It is not his fault. At his age he feels this is his last opportunity. Come out, father. I don't want them to return without meeting us. He is on fire. His dark skin in this red sweater looks like a coal on fire. Hey guys, how do I look? My fingers have gone coarse massaging your face. Do you think there is anything lacking yet? There is a lot of shine on your face, brother. You should apply a white dot. Hey! Don't be upset, brother. People turn red with anger, you turn purple. You should always smile. We are late. My family isn't interested in getting me married. Hari, you tell him. Come out, uncle. If you get the pressure, we will stop on the way. You will stop on the way, but I won't be able to stop it. You should have the strength to control it. I controlled it for two days once. That's why no customers entered your shop for those two days. Sister, doesn't the prospective groom's mother look good? You always look good. The one we want to get married should look good. Oh yes, have you booked a car? It is waiting outside. - Okay. If this doesn't work out we will sell a buffalo and buy a Tata Sumo. It's quite expensive. Let's go, Bebe. Look how eager he is, sister. He will forget his mother after he gets married. Aunt carry some extra cash. If we like the girl, we might just bring her home. - Right. How can we just bring her home? We will get my son married. I will take 200 guests at the wedding. - Right. Just joking. Let's go. - Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's get this over with. - Let's go. Everyone get in. Get in, everybody. Where is everyone going all dressed up, brother? It will work... Lovely's father got another fit. We are taking him to get blessed. A fit? - Hurry up, get him in. But aren't we going to meet a prospective bride? We meeting a prospective bride is nothing less than having a fit. What? - Let's go already. Drive. Hurry up. - Step on it. Best of luck, Cobra. - Not Cobra, Naag. Cobra is one of the deadliest snake, brother. Hey listen, you idiot. Prepare something sweet. We might need it. I always have sweets ready, brother. But we don't get a chance to eat it. But this time I feel that it will work out, Cobra. Sister-in-law is beautiful. I'll go and make all the preparations. Okay? Please sit down. What is his name? What's in a name? We have no objection. You can call him whatever you want. It's up to you to give him any name that you want. Anything works for us. Yes. - Sir... shall I get milk soda for everyone? The last prospective bride's family loved it. Right, Cobra? Around 25 prospective bride's families come to meet him every month. He orders milk soda, cold drinks and different kinds of sweets. But all the prospective bride's families say no to him in the end. But he has never refused to pay the bill. He is very generous. - That is true. Hey you, the prospective bride's families don't say no to us. Sister, we say no to them. Look at my son, what is wrong with him? He is our only child. We have 18 acres of fertile land. There will be no division. It will all go to him, sister. We should see the family... - Yes. What should I get for you, sir? Black tea, please. - Okay. Get something to eat as well. I like her, sister. Great, if she likes her then what objection could you have? She will live a luxurious life. Now let's allow the girl and the boy talk for a while. After all they are the ones who'll be living together. Let's go outside. - Of course. Let's go, brother. - You said the right thing. Let's go. Get up. He is just like his father. And she is just like me. Naag, one thing is for sure. She is very brave. She didn't get scared of you. Yes. - She won't just be scared, she will die out of fear. She doesn't even know which one of us is the prospective groom yet. Okay, then. Sister. Why did she look scared when you came out? She wasn't scared, she was shy. Girls these days are unpredictable. You don't even realize whether they are scared or shy. You don't realize at all, Bebe. I too just realized that the girl was shy. Tell me what did her family say. They said they will let us know in a day or two. That's what you said last time as well. And if I remember correctly you said so before that as well. And before that as well. - Yes. Lovely, next time wear light clothes. All colors suit me. But if you want me to wear light clothes then I'll do so. One more thing. On Sunday, tie a thread at the sacred tree in Tibbi. Sometimes your need to align the stars. It's all about aligning the stars, aunt. There is nothing lacking in my friend otherwise. Yes. I don't want bananas. Give me a pomegranate from the basket. You always give me bananas. Aunt, what happened then? We will let you know mostly means no. Okay. Aunt, at least they didn't outrightly insult Naag. Many say directly to the face. This means Lovely didn't get married. Who says he didn't? He was meant to marry someone else. With whom, aunt? - To Jora Singh's daughter. Don't you have any strength in your hands? Why don't you try wringing them a little? You shouldn't wring the clothes you should suck the water out from them and then put them to dry. Here we are making Bebe catch some sun. Even if a little water falls on her, she'll stink for a month. Shut up. - Take me out. Bebe, your body has shrunk a lot. You can even manage on a stool. Why do you need to lie on such a big cot? Keep me on the side where the sun rises. Where the sun rises. You don't know where the sun rises from, you idiot? They keep moving me. Why face there, do you wish to take off? Once I get you out, I'll get the cattle out too. Get lost. Grandma, is Pammi at home? Do you expect her to keep wandering like you? Pammi, hurry up. They have started dancing at Komal's place. Talk to me. Have you got a contract to dance? Forget the contract, people don't even breathe without my permission. Everyone knows we are the ones who bring the dance floor to life. You go and bring the dance floor to life. Don't you dare make our girl follow your footsteps! Let's go. Pammi, come on your own. We are leaving. Wait, you... How can she just leave? I am sitting right here. Taro, wait, I am coming. We were waiting but the grandma you have guarding the gate won't let us. Oh God, don't make them fight again. Forget the cattle, son. Watch them lock horns. Move aside. - Get lost. Go back the way you came. The only way I am going is across you, Bebe. Let me go. Fine, you will have to jump across me. Oh, Bebe. There you go. Do you want me to do it again, Bebe? You keep laughing. Today she jumped across me. Tomorrow she will jump across the wall. Bebe, she is already gone. Why are you getting so hyper? You enjoy the song. I've kept a bucket here. You can spit in it. Bebe? Bebe? I am alive. I couldn't say anything because I needed to spit. Then shall I take it away? At least that will keep you quiet for some time. They don't even let you warm up. We were in talks with someone in Majra. Okay. - But they asked for a Maruti car. Oh come on. - Red in color. After that, there were two more proposals. But they were druggies. What do I tell you, sister? Pammi's stars aren't aligned right. Even lukewarm would have sufficed. Even two boils wouldn't have helped, I tell you. Here we are discussing something else... And she is giving us her input. - Oh come on. She too managed to get married, didn't she? That's what I regret. It's not like she has taken after her mother. She doesn't take her veil off and she doesn't wear one. And there come her inputs. And you don't take a breather. She is grumbling about me even from in there. Is it Sunday tomorrow? Why, do you take an off on Sunday? Shut up. Come here, girl. You do one thing. Tomorrow, go and tie a thread to the sacred tree in Tibbi. Sometimes your need to align the stars. Before you tie the sacred thread think about the man you wish to marry. I don't know how he should be. But I just don't want him to be like this one. Naag, you can tie the thread later. First tell us, how do you want your wife to be. Oh God, look over there. If God plays such a joke with me then I shall forgive Him for whenever mistakes He has made so far. What mistakes? You are asking God to make another mistake. It's not so. If God wishes, He can scrape away all difficulties. If God wanted, He could've scraped harder while making you. With a sandpaper. You are making fun of me? Even angels are singles these days. How to tie a knot? I brought a short thread by mistake. Can you help? You shouldn't tie a knot. People will stop believing in this place otherwise. It is not so, if things work out for him people will gain such faith in this place there will be more people than threads here. There will be a lot of crowd. Even the threads will have press-studs on them. - Yes. Snap, next. Snap, next. - Yes. Snap, next. She just snapped at us. Take Lord's name. - There you go, Lord. Tie a knot. Tie it with hope. Heed my prayers, Lord. Father, what do you think? Will Trilochan manage to pair up with this white pigeon? You never know what God wants, son. He might end up serving porridge in a black bowl. Don't catch a cold sitting out here. Go inside. Father, I have just started warming up. Isn't that Dheera's wife? - Yes, Bebe. This rich girl ruined her family. She still doesn't stop singing. She thinks she's someone great. Bebe, now it will show our dance. Please don't point of mistakes. It is here. What is wrong with the VCR? It has broken down again, Bebe. Why did you stop? Who will make you dance now? Bebe, now Jaggi will make Pammi dance. Jaggi? Tell me aunt, which VCR do I need to repair? The one right in front of you, son. When he cannot see the VCR then how will find the fault in it? There is a beautiful fault in the VCR. Even a man's eyes would stop at such beauty. And this is just an ordinary VCR. Do what you are here to do. Jaggi, did you manage to work it out? Bebe, it is about to work out. Nose ring suits you. Looks like the thread has started showing its effect. Aunt, where is Pammi? She is sunbathing. What is wrong? Why are you sunbathing? I am not feeling well. Do you want to show yourself to a doctor or the VCR guy? Stop your nonsense. I think he has cast an evil eye on me. Are eyes involved here or hearts? Don't get yourself sunstroke sitting under the sun for long. He might end up leaving with someone else. The way he was staring at me last night he won't be leaving this village anytime soon. Oh really? I can't say about that, but I know for a fact that he's just passing by. He just passed by, he didn't even look here. As if I was dying to look at him. I had come to tell you not to stand here for long not everyone is decent like me. Many times people just wink while passing by. I think he just winked at you. You just think? He just winked and left. By the way, what is his name? His name is Lovely. He owns 18 acres of land. He is their only child. But he has a dark complexion. A little dark is fine with us. Well he is a little more darker than a little darker. But he is a gem of a person. If he is that dark then he is a coal and not a gem. If we keep discussing his color then one day our girl will show us her true colors. You should just marry her off. Consider it done. When he owns 18 acres of land, forget his dark complexion we won't mind even he has marks on him. We just don't want him to drink or consume anything. Do you want him to survive on batteries? How many battery does he need at a time, sister? How many do you need at one time, you dumbo? Go inside and get some sweets. You want to eat them? No, I want to sniff them. I want to offer sweets to sister. Why are you fighting with her? I'll eat something sweet on my own. Get up. Sister, we accept this match. Once Fauji (soldier) comes home on a leave... He is our eldest son-in-law. You might lose this match if you want for his leave. Let's do one thing. Let's go there tomorrow and meet his family. That is right. We can get Pal on a marriage horse only after we get your daughter married. Pal, go and feed the buffalos. I asked you to feed the buffalos and not asked you to get married. Follow me. I don't know father thinks about buffalos when they mention horses. Pal has taken after his mother. Hello, aunt. Girl, have some sweets before you leave. We were talking about you. No aunt, she can't eat anything. She is fasting. So that she marries a handsome boy. Shut up. We'll be back soon, Bebe. Your granddaughter will get into trouble if she keeps Taro's company. It is working? - No. Now? - No. Now? - Yes, it's working. What is wrong with you, dear? I don't know, aunt. I feel feverish. I think I have caught someone's evil eye. Aunt, people of your village easy catch an evil eye. That's because people have a habit to stare. If one has an evil eye then even evil reflector isn't spared. Come here, dear. Let me cast it off. Coming, uncle. Aunt, who is he? He is my nephew. Whenever he misses his mother, he comes here. Aunt, do I need to come again? Why don't you come every alternate day? You are bound to keep catching an evil eye. Let's go. What work does he do? He is always doing something or the other. He causes storms. - Yes. His hands and legs keep moving even when he's asleep. He owns so much land. There is a lot of work to do. Have some tea and refreshment, then I'll show you my business. Here, first have some sweets. How far is it? Look over there. Isn't he your son? - Yes. He is just like an engine. In terms of color as well as strength. I am his engineer. I can see that. He does it all by yourself. Have a look. Great. This is nothing. Let's move on. Does your village consider 2000 sq. yards as an acre? No, 8.5 sq. yards. Then why does 18 acres of land look so small? Brother, this is just 8 acres. 10 acres is close to the village boundary. I'll take you there as well. Let's go. Come on, let's go. Stop, stop, stop. - Lovely. Your mother is making tea. In the meanwhile get the motor near well. Okay. He will be able to get the motor from the well till the time tea is ready? He can even put it back before the tea is ready. Son... keep the ropes lose or you will strangle the tractor. Okay, okay. Let's go. Very good. Go, go, go. - He is on fire. That's why he's a little burnt. Brother, I liked your business. Thank you. Sister, let's discuss whatever they want. He wants to discuss wedding gifts right away. Tell us, what do you want? We are ready to give it. No, didn't I tell you that they have no demands? They are instead ready to give to get the girl. You are a great man. Brother, I have a request to make. Order away. My eldest son-in-law is in the army. He will soon be home on leave. Let him meet your family once then... He is my son-in-law. I'll have to show him some request. He has a right. Allow me to leave then. Okay. You could stay the night. We were having a good time. That's enough, please. - Bye. I seek your blessings. - God bless you. Son, you should stay in the shade. Even Kashmiri apples can turn into water chestnut under the sun. Yes. Stay in the shade. Okay. Bye. It worked! - Let's go. You should have at least asked aunt how the girl looks like. Her photo's inside. She looks like an angel. For real? - Take this off this first. From where did you find this photo? I didn't find it. My marriage has been fixed with her. Stop, brother. Don't feel disheartened. We cannot change her fate, can we? What had to happened has happened. Now we hope God gives her courage to accept her fate. Yes. - Yes. I think the thread worked. - Yes. We should go and protect it. We don't anyone to untie it before time. Listen to me, it's not because of the thread. It's because of the steam I used to give you. My fingers have gone coarse scrubbing Naag's face. I don't know whether it's thanks to your steam or the thread... I just cannot believe it. Good evening, grandmother. Hello, brother-in-law. Hello, sister-in-law. - How are you? Come here, my baby. I am so pleased. Is grandma fine? - How are you, mother? What do I say Fauji? Her knees have given up. She is bedridden. Has brother-in-law managed to hold a rifle yet? Or is he still serving meals to other soldiers? I have even made cooks fight wars, so she is nothing. Son, just make me able enough to walk, I'll wage a war at home. Grandma will put her step on the ground now. Yes, get up. Move the blanket aside. She will put the feet on the ground. Put your feet on the ground. Put pressure on the cot. Come on, harder. Very good. Stand up. Stand in attention. Son-in-law, at this age this is only as far as she can go. Put her back on the bed or she will get all of us into trouble. What is wrong with her? She is absolutely fine. Like LG gun. Grandma will not stand straight. Stand straight... You broke her bones! Saw? Brother-in-law, LG gun has fallen on the bed. Not on the bed, Pammi. On deathbed. There is no guarantee now. You should get Pammi married before Bebe passes away. Now I will have to. I have met a boy. Won't someone offer him tea and refreshments? You don't need to offer me tea and refreshments. You met a boy without me? Don't be upset, Fauji Sahib. You are the one who will finalize the match after meeting with him. We have found a nice family for Pammi. The boy's name is Lovely. He owns 18 acres of land. He is their only child. You will like him. Slow down, Pammi. He won't freeze to death. Keep it down. You are talking about freezing, here I am petrified. I don't even know whether or not he will show up. A boy won't show up when a girl asks him to? He must have compressed the floor with too much pacing. Don't have anything else to do that I'd compress the floor? I want to discuss something important with you. If you wanted to talk then you should have come alone. Why did you bring her with you? Forget alone, you might not even get a chance to meet me ever again. Fine, you can bring her along. Tell him. Jaggi, her family has found a match for her. She is very scared. You got scared over such a small thing? They just a proposal right? I'll send my father over to your place tomorrow itself. You promise? - I promise. But what will you do about the one your family has chosen for you? You don't worry about him. I'll say no to him. Let them know that the girl is very beautiful. This is the first time this has happened to you, fool. Oh God, let one be there for him. Let the moon be eclipsed this time... Let the moon be eclipsed this time... Let the moon be eclipsed this time... Best of luck, Cobra. Don't worry. If it doesn't work out this time then we will get you a wife from Bihar. Sister. - Yes. She shines brightly. Then everybody will be able to see your son under her light. So son-in-law how is the groom? He is physically fit. But I want to check his mental ability. Son-in-law, will you be able to check him here or will you have to take him to Ambala Cantonment? Mental ability means his memory power. Okay. - I will ask a riddle. If he solves it then I'll approve him. Ask the riddle, son-in-law... So that we can get them betrothed. Yes. Then here it goes. I came first, then my brother. Then churned out were my father and leaving out my mother. What is it? Is this riddle about a fruit or an animal? I will only give you right answer. Now decide whether you want the answer or the girl. No... - Yes, yes. Let us think. We'll solve it. You came first, then your brother. Then came your father and your mother. I came first, then my brother. Then churned out were my father and leaving out my mother. This is the riddle. - That's what he said. First came your brother, then you then your father and then mother. This isn't about my birth. It's about birth. I came first. Got it then. First the milk turned into curd. It can be churned into butter. Then leaves us with buttermilk. - Wonderful. Right. A question which couldn't be answered by 900 soldiers of the 5th Battalion... You answered it so quickly. I approve of him. Congratulations, Naag. Congratulations. Let's perform the ritual then. Wait a minute. I too have a question to ask. The one brought up with love... The one married like a dream... The one who is come to your house... I hope you won't let her face any harm. Corn? Sugarcane? Mango. Bricks? It isn't a riddle. I am just asking you won't trouble my daughter after marriage, will you? Oh, I see. No. I won't let her stop smiling till I am alive. We like this boy. Congratulations then. Congratulations. Here, have some sweets. Everyone have some sweets. Congratulations. Now you too get your doubts cleared. Let the girl talk to him as well. - Yes. Times have changed. Let's go. - It worked out well. God bless you, son. - Don't worry, dear. Well done, young man. - Yes, let's go. Yes, let's go. Let's go and sit outside. Let's go, dear. Naag, what did sister-in-law say this time? I don't want to get married. You should say that with a little more shyness, dear. Girls say such things. Fauji Sahib. I am not feeling shy. I don't like that boy at all. Only fortunate ones find such a match. Son-in-law has approved of this boy. He is smart, Pammi. They are rich. They just want you in a two-piece wedding dress. Not two, three. We will also give her a veil. I'll use that veil to hang myself. No, only cowards commit suicide. If you want to die, go to the border. Should she go to the border and consume poison? Oh God. - Dear, tell me the main reason. You don't like the boy? I am sure even his family doesn't like that coal. You can place a bet with me on that. Then let's place a bet. I'll bet 50 too. - You... Do you think we are gambling out here? Apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. I am trying to convince my daughter here. You didn't like him either. You used to call him a pot. That too twofaced one. Pot? And that to me. Jeeti, go to bag. What happened? - You don't know? I've had enough. Take the bags, let's leave. Stop making a scene. Let them solve this issue first. Sit down quietly. - Alright. Please agree, dear. Don't be stubborn. Don't be stubborn, dear. She doesn't think much of you. I'll handle her. Hey you, talk to me. What? I don't want to marry him. I'll see how you don't marry him. - Yes. I said I won't marry him. And I mean it. How can you say no? I'll make sure you get married. First you try walking before sending me away. There you go. - You can do it. Stand up. Hey you Englishman, don't get my mother killed. I'll tell you how to say no today. Oh no. - Down to earth. Mother? This is how one should say no? Bebe? - What had happened? She was teaching her how to say no. And she ended up saying yes. Then she will take her worries to grave. But she can't take anything along. Even Alexander the great couldn't. Shut up. - Did you follow Alexander? Worries lie in her mind and not her pockets. Don't cry, mother. It's okay. Why are you crying, you buffoon? Mother is breathing just fine. Doctor, please do a thorough checkup. She is breathing her last. She won't last more than a few days. Look after her and make her as comfortable as you can. We have been looking after her since the last 15 years. She had 5 corn breads and a bowl full of greens. What happened to her all of a sudden? - Yes. I know what is wrong with Bebe. - What is wrong with her? She is worried about Pammi's marriage. Is it true, Bebe? Yes? Pammi, why did you say yes? What else could I say do? Do you know what drama took place in my house? That's what you were supposed to do. Yes, I was supposed to. But Bebe beat me to it. Jaggi has gone to talk to his family because of you. Bebe too is talking to the messengers of death. What? According to doctor, Bebe won't live more than a day or two. I am very clever. I gave it a lot of thought before saying yes. After Bebe passes away, there will be no celebrations performed at our residence for a year. She is anyway old enough. She was just 15 when she got married. Everyone has to die one day. Is your grandmother alright? Aunt Pammi, they have asked you to come home immediately. What! Bebe was in such a hurry to leave. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! There is a lot of commotion in there. Bebe got along with everyone. Okay. Wait a minute. What are you doing? Do I look good? Bebe... You are wandering around with Taro? We just fixed your wedding date. Oh really? - Look at her. She has shameless. Is everyone here? - Yes. What was the hurry to fix my wedding? You should have waited for Bebe to get well. I won't get married till Bebe doesn't get well. Hey Bebe said that she won't die till you don't get married. We fixed the wedding because of Bebe. Dear... We don't even know whether Bebe will survive another night. We are taking a risk by keeping it day after tomorrow. Dear, you should pray that your wedding takes place without any obstructions. You shouldn't act like guests at a girl's wedding. Sisters and daughters are the same for everyone. You too should give them a helping hand. What should I make, peacock feathers or marigold? How about a flowerpot? What? Yes. I want to throw it on your head. If you want to do something, then arrange for Bebe's funeral flowers. That too soon. I am feeling suffocated, Taro. What should I do? Shall I tell you? Run away. Have you lost your mind? Don't get your hopes high with her. She has had ancient goodies. Sister, what name should I write on your hand? Jaggi. Sister-in-law... Put a P for Pammi. Do it, it's just a P and not some complicated design. And hold his hand and do it, he is your brother-in-law. I am shy to hold his hand. Hari, your wife is too shy. I think she must have held your hand only while crossing the road. She isn't like yours, who can hold anyone's hand to cross the road. Lovely, we needed the car in the morning. Why did you ask him to come today? Who knows what will happen tomorrow, aunt. What if someone else would have booked it? Hey, don't say inauspicious things. We have managed to see this day with great difficulty. That day is yet to come, aunt. There is still one whole night left. It would have worked, but Mikka's old man interfered. Then? - I went there and she went there. Oh come on, you'll always be a coward. You say as if you never felt scared. He was washing utensils yesterday... And bathing the kids the day before yesterday. There is one more, confectioner... What can be grown without sun or soil and can either provide nourishment or deliver poison? A dog. - No, dad. What can be grown without sun or soil and can either provide nourishment or deliver poison? Don't make me break your bones. I am asking you to be careful or the dog might lick the utensils. He just loves to blabber. Chatting away. By the way, when is the wedding procession expected? We will think about that in the morning. One more. Just one more. Fine. - Engine drags carriages. The king asks the queen, it runs on rails. Ant? - Train. Let's go, come on. In the morning, tell my family that I love them a lot. Except for Bebe. Fine, tell her as well. You will tell them, right? I don't have a death wish. They will blame me for everything. I'll tell them after the matter settles down. Let's go already. Come on. Hurry up. Where is he? It's my aunt's village and yet I feel scared. If anyone asks, I'll say I am out of fuel. I am not here to steal anything. Look up here. What are you two doing here? Brother-in-law was at the gate. I had no other option. Now what? What now what? Help me get down. Should I borrow a ladder from the neighbors? I want to elope with a girl? - Oh really? I have left my house and you can't even do that much? You are the one who caused this mess by agreeing to marry that boy. I caused this mess? Why are you two fighting. Pammi, just slide down this pole. Oh, I see. How? Oh God, oh God, oh God! You seem to have a lot of experience about these things. I have already tried to help two couples elope. Did they manage to run away? No, the villagers just don't let you. Then what happened to them? Nothing, the girls got married the next day. And the boys? They broke their legs. Pammi, come down quickly. Don't get my legs broken. - Hurry up, Pammi. First, catch my bag. Oh God, oh God, oh God! Come on. - Yes, come on. Hold it! Hold on... Be careful. Hurry up now. Be careful. Catch me, catch me, catch me. Oh God, oh God, oh God! Come on. - Do it. Hurry up now. Why are you holding that wire? - Let it go, it is a power cable. You will get electrocuted. I am so scared. Oh God! Who is it? - Isn't that Taro? Is there a girl over there? Why aren't you saying anything? Why aren't you saying anything? - That's Taro. What are you doing here in the middle of the night? What are you doing here? Jaggi, stop. Take me with you. - Stop, stop, stop. Taro is running away. Who is this boy? - Catch them! Taro is running away. Who is this boy? Who is this boy? Taro is running away. I love to twist and dance though wingless I fly high up into the sky what am I? What is it? - Taro is running away. Catch them! Catch them! Catch them! Not Taro, a kite. Stop worrying about the kite, confectioner. Taro is running away. Follow me! Let's go! - Come on, run! Let's catch them! Follow me, boys. Catch them! Catch them! - Village's honor is at stake. What's this commotion about? Bebe Taro ran away. Taro is running away. Catch them! Let me get down. Let me get down. Now I know how brave you two are. Go away now. Taro... Help me cross the tracks. You can't even do that much? You too should leave now. Thank you God for saving me. Otherwise, I would have had it. Look... Isn't that Taro? Where is the boy? Ask her. - Yes, ask her. What are you doing here? Mother, I... I came to feed flour to the ants. It's a good deed. - No! You didn't come here to feed the ants, don't feed us your lies. They are lying to you, mother. Not even a bird ventures out in the night and she went romancing. What was cooking? Kidney beans and a dry vegetable. For more I'll have to ask the cook. Son, she isn't talking about dinner. - Yes. She is asking what happened to Taro. Taro? Taro's mother has turned her black and blue. Very good. And what about the boy, brother-in-law? We don't know who it was. He managed to escape. Pump harder. No, my dear. - I don't want to go. Girls have to leave one day. Go on, come on. Don't do this, my dear. Let's go, come on. - Let's go, dear. Keep moving. - Done? You will have to go, dear. Go. I don't want to go, mummy. - Don't cry. Go, my dear. Stop crying, Pammi. I don't want to go... No, no, no... - Don't cry, my dear... I don't want to go. Calm down, don't cry. Come on, get in. Go on. Calm down, dear. Get in. Are you happy, son? - Bye. I am good. - Bye. Naag, I think you like this suit more than you like sister-in-law. You set fidget with the tie later, first go be with sister-in-law. Should I? - Yes. Naag, he is joking. You should come home with me. We will share a bed. Shut up. Stop joking. I have got to see this fortunate day with great difficulty. Day has already gone by, brother. - Yes. Don't waste the night because of it. - Yes. Go and see sister-in-law's face. I am going, I am going. Wait. What are you looking for? Anklets. - No. A gift for her. - Amazing. Well done. Go my black tiger, go. Love you a truck full. Look at this, there he closed the door and here aunt closed her eyes. She should have at least told us what happened at their wedding night. Aunt? - Wait... Aunt? I have an idea. Oh my God! Girl, you should have told me before injecting me. Calm down, aunt. It was time to give you your medicine. Massage the spot. Aunt... - Yes? We were talking about his wedding. - Yes. What happened on their wedding night. What could have happened on their wedding night? This boy was an idiot. He ran away with the girl in the train. And Banso was left with her brother-in-law. Banso? - Right. Who is Banso? Then who was I talking about, girl? Pammi. - Pammi. Ah boys. I was talking about another wedding. - There you go. So here's what happened with Pammi. Yes... When Lovely went upstairs... I... I wanted to say something before lifting your veil. Before marriage, I didn't go around with any girl. I... Here, I had brought anklets for you. Let me know if you need anything else. There is nothing to worry about. I want a black goat's sacrifice. You said black to please me, didn't you? Any goat would have sufficed. Tell me the truth, are you also feeling nervous like me? Go away. Be unhesitant and say come here. Come here! You are so nervous that I heard go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Come here? Go away! Why are you sitting down here? I am not sitting here willingly. I fell. It is not right. This is our first night together. Come on, sit on the bed. Let's go. Come on. Listen to me. Come on. Sit down. Sit. Oh my God! It's such a beautiful pair anklets. Are those for me? Put them on. I won't... Go away! What happened? I think our bull has been let us. No he isn't. Go to sleep. I don't want him to drop anything. What are you talking about? Go to sleep. Listen... Have some milk. - No! No. I don't want to drink milk. You can have it. I want to drink blood. Why do you want to drink blood? You should turn vegetarian. I'll get you something else. No blood. Don't drink blood. Drink it! Damn it! You still didn't go to sleep Lovely? She's after me. - You must have scared her. She has scared me. Come with me. Come on, let's go. - What happened? Hurry up. Come on. Save me. Come with me... Here, look at her. Look at her. Sister, you got my son married to a witch? I had suspected so. Who would get their beautiful daughter to such a dark-skinned boy? Shut up. I know her since she was in diapers. She was absolutely fine until yesterday. There is something wrong in your house. Cruel people couldn't see us happy. What do I tell you, sister? Yesterday we found lots of meat at the other rooftop. My son's happiness... Listen, we will have to take her to a sage. It won't work out otherwise. You cannot escape me. I think he was watering the fields last night that's why he's so sleepy. He isn't sleepy. Stop joking. Let her go! Let her go! Let her go, whoever you are! She is very dangerous. The one who has possessed your daughter-in-law. She is very dangerous. Someone had cursed your daughter-in-law. I suspect many. Just tell me her name. Tell me! Tell me her name, girl! He talks to ghosts like they are his tenants. Stop it. Tell me that devil's name, give me a sign. Just tell me the name... I'll mark that person right. They eat together. They come over daily. Best friend. He gained his trust and ruined your son's life. It he known or a stranger? He is a stranger with a big face. I didn't expect this from you. I consider you as my brother. I don't consider you as my sister-in-law either. I too consider you as my brother. He has cat eyes and a black tongue. Look at this... You too have a look, everyone. Close your mouth. Now she too will speak. She will say it slowly. Tell me who are you! Who are you? Play harder! Play harder! Now she will tell us... Looks like I will have to try harder. She will cause a lot of damage. How big will the damage be, sage? Yes! 125 kilos... Don't worry, Rajwant. Everything will be fine. Sister, I don't want this girl. You should take her away from here. Send her back. If I send her back then you will regret it. We got Lovely married with great difficulty. Lovely can get another wife, sister. He won't get another mother. As if girls are dying to get married to your son. Thank God sister got him married. We don't want to ruin his life, sister. Such girls are unpredictable. She might strangle me while I'm asleep. Why are you believing that imposter? Why do ghosts always possess women? Why don't they possess men? Take Lord's name. You should go to Gurudwara. You should seek His blessings. My dearest sister, you come with me and cook lunch. We should see off the guests. Let her lie here. Don't worry. - Get up, my sister. Let's go. Don't believe in such imposters. Just have half a bottle and you will be able to scare the ghost away. For real? Will it work? Of course. It has done a lot of work. Do one thing, have two shots back to back. Then you will see how it works. You know my take on alcohol. I am not asking you to visit Goddess's shrine. You are about to face a ghost here. You look like a demon, scare it away. It takes a monster to defeat a monster. Yes, right. Very good. Looks like it will rain today. I think there might be some thundering too. This is a ghost repelling medicine. It says it has come from the east. It wants something that weights 125 kilos. Should we hand over my mother? Hey, don't ghosts have twisted feet? A ghost with straight legs. Times have changed, I guess. Perhaps they keep them straight these days. It has starting talking. Ghost has started talking. Every the best ones start talking in front of it. I want blood. I'll dance with the ghost tonight. Wait. Oh yes, you forgot to that... With scattered hair and the neck movement. Like this. Come on, untie your hair first. Ghost... hey ghost... - What is it? Fine, there is nothing wrong with me. You want to know the truth, right? Then here's the truth. Don't know why this sky is thundering? Pammi, if this was the case then you should have told me sooner. I would have gotten you married to Jaggi. Why did you have to do all this? Aunt, everything happened so quickly that we couldn't make any sense out of it. Aunt, we won't be able to survive without each other. Lovely, you tell me what we should do. Aunt... Do whatever Pammi wants. You two have decided that you will do as you please. But you should at least heed my advice. Your younger brother Pal is getting married in the next 15 days. This won't stay hidden for long. You will get a bad name for sure. I hope his wedding isn't called off. No aunt, his wedding shouldn't be called off. Then dear, you should continue with your drama for another 15 days. Have faith in the one who has brought you so far. We will send you with Jaggi a day after Pal's wedding. Aunt, so Lovely and Pammi called it off? Then what's the use of having me as the matchmaker? Like I would let their marriage break? What? Then what happened, aunt? I changed my tactics. Why are you sulking? Boys can charm girls who are just passing by. I have sent one to your house. Won't you do something about it on your own? But aunt, you just said... - Shut up. People don't let go of their betrothed and you agreed to leave your wife? You are an idiot. Aunt is right. How can you let your wife go with anyone? What if tomorrow Jeet's wife says that she is having an affair with someone? Will you send her away with that man? Right, how can I just send her away? This means we'll have to return all the married women back to their lovers. But he is very handsome. - You are handsome too. You are not any less handsome. Tell me. Don't do that, he is a good soul. He will take offence. Why are you laughing? If you weren't handsome then you wouldn't have been our friend. We are fortunate to have you as our friend. I don't know who taught us to distinguish between fair and dark complexion. There was a king, he was very handsome. He fell in love with an angel. She was very pretty too. She had golden hair. There was a demon, he was black in color. Why do demons have to be black? Can't a black skinned boy be a prince? Can't a dusky girl be a princess? Tell me? Where did you read that? Doesn't matter where I read it. But Naag, you liked what I said, right? Yes, I liked it but what do we do now? You tell us what should we do now? Okay, I'll tell you. According to me, only a woman can tell how to win a woman's heart. Not just a woman, a smart woman, a player. A woman who has made lovers dance to her tunes. Yes. No... Your sister-in-law has gone to her maternal house. Hello. - Hello. Shall I make tea for you? No, she is a god-fearing naive girl. This naive one doesn't know about such things. If you still wish to ask her then go ahead. Tell them if you know anything. There are 13 kinds of lovers. But there are 3 kinds of lovers found in plenty in Punjab. Plenty? What are they some famous singer's cassettes? Go and make tea. Shut up and sit tight. Let me ask. Sit down. - Sister-in-law, what are those 3 kinds of a lovers? Stupid lovers, indolent lovers and true lovers. Stupid lovers are those who keep staring from a distance but they never approach you. Indolent lovers will stop every passing girl. And true lovers, sister-in-law? True lovers... True lovers are hard to find these days. Why? Did you consume all of them? Go and make tea, I'm warning you. I'll hit you. You want us to have tea and leave? Shut up and sit tight. Sister-in-law... one more thing. How can one win over a girl? If you want to win over a girl then you'll have to stay close to her. Close to her? How close? Always next to her or do I visit her after every two hours? Why, is she being administered glucose? That you will go after two hours to change the bag? You will have to hover around her. Hari, I'd advance you too to stay close to sister-in-law. I'll go and make some tea now. No need. You have already caused the damage. No matter what you say, she is naive. Really? - Sister-in-law... -Yes? - You sit here. One more question. How to get close to a girl who stays away from you? By winning her trust. Love only runs on trust. You are right. People keep faith and start worshiping stones. I am just a human being. I wanted to talk to you about something. Say whatever you want to. We got married by mistake. I know, whenever my marriage would take place it would take place only by mistake. Don't take it to your heart. You too must have had some desires about your marriage, your wife... Not all, but we can fulfill a few till the time we are here. You have done so much for me. It's the least I can do for you. See you, Trilochan. I'm going to my in-laws. My brother-in-law is getting married. I'll get your sister-in-law back with me. Make sure you too pair up by the time I return. Then we will have a party together. Okay? - Lovely, you will miss your train. Take care of yourself. Don't sacrifice yourself in love. Let's go. Naag, no matter what others say your in-laws village is very beautiful. You saw it that from the station itself? It is 18 kilometers away from here. I made a guess from the station itself. Sir... Shoe polish? Come here. Your wife? Where had you prayed for her? I didn't. It's a love marriage. Love marriage? How much do I owe you? - You don't need to pay. You have given me hope. You want hope then polish my shoes as well. You will get some more hope. Just like that... Forget him I am the one who needs courage. It's not like we have here for your brother-in-law. We have come here to give you courage. We are there with you. Don't worry. - Yes. Good people never face obstructions. Hello, brother. - Hello. Brother, are they your friends? Why, don't we look the part? No brother, you look like his friend. Give me your bag. No, why would you carry it? We will carry it. Yes. Your brother-in-law is very nice. - Yes. He isn't my brother-in-law. How are you, Pammi? - He's that scoundrel. You have come to pick me up? Who can take you other than me? Hey, hello carry this bag as well. Keep it in quickly. Sit in the front, brother. It will be more comfortable. Listen to me, don't listen to him. You sit with your wife. Close together. - Yes. I will be comfortable back here. Then one of you sit in the front. The fumes get to me. Then Pammi you sit in the front. Four people won't be able to sit comfortably at the back. Okay, I'll sit in the front. Get in from there now. Go. Yes, the fumes really get to me. Yeah, I know the fumes really to you. Brother, don't put your head out when the car is in motion? Why, will I be crossing the border by doing that? You just drive. Right. He's acting smart. Here, have some Ladoos (sweets) as well. Look, after Pammi got married we found a match for our son as well. It's fate. Who is that boy? He is your brother-in-law, Pal. Naag isn't talking about him. Snake? Who is Naag? - No he asking his name. The one in yellow turban. Oh that boy. He is Jaggi. His aunt stays in our village. He is a good boy. Look at him doing all the work. Such men should be in the army. Why don't you ask him if he is interested now? Yes. I will try. Son, who are these boys with you? Bebe, they are from my village. My friends. What do you do? What? - What work do you do? I? I am JE at the electricity department. Isn't that great? There is someone who looks just like you has a barber shop in our village. I thought it was you. Bebe, here's your tea with less sugar, with cloves and licorice. How is it? This tea is amazing, son. If you were a girl, I'd make you my daughter-in-law. Why not make me your son-in-law instead, Bebe? I mean should I make tea for your son-in-law as well? It's tea that we have in our cups and not lemonade. Jaggi, get the box of spices. Coming. Where is Nikki? - The box? This won't work. This is difficult. It's not difficult. There are two beds. We two can sleep in one bed and you can sleep alone in the other. I am not talking about the beds. I... Hari, explain it to him. You should first understand things. Naag means there are only two thick blankets. Won't we feel cold in the light blankets. I am not talk about beds and blankets. He is trying to ruin me. Everyone is talking about Jaggi instead of me. Jaggi, get a bed sheet. Heard that. Brother, you must be wondering what I am doing here. Pammi's parents should know how the boy with whom their daughter is about to spend the rest of her life with. That's why I am doing all the work. You shouldn't work a lot in someone's else's house. You know knows when it comes back to you to bite. Don't try to be over smart here. Tomorrow if some utensils go missing then helpers get accused. They can keep looking for the utensils. They won't be able to find me after the wedding. See you, brother. He is delusional. He doesn't know that the tables have turned. I saw a lot of love for you in sister-in-law's eyes. Yes. Are you sure? If you wanted to only wear a nose ring for Jaggi then why did you get me beaten up that day? You have come back with your husband. I have come with him, but I won't be leaving with him. After Pal's wedding, I'll run away with Jaggi. What's happening? You are acting like a hero around here. I have to take the heroine with me in the end. You only gave flatbread to uncle. Who will serve him lentils and vegetables? Lovely has good friends. Lovely is good too. What are they talking about? What can they talk about? She must be saying that this is the last time you'll get to see me. Henceforth, from head to toe, I'll belong to Lovely. Fill the bucket, I have to wash the utensils. It's such a small bucket, why isn't it filling up? The pump must be broken. It doesn't pump out a lot of water. What will you do after the wedding? What else can I do? I'll be at your service for the rest of my life. You just come along with me. I've lifted the bucket. What are they laughing about? She must be telling him to be happy. - Yes. Forget me, and don't be in a bad state after I leave. Let's go. Come on, let's go. I thought I am the only one who likes you. But even my family doesn't stop praising you. This is nothing. I am yet to show them something. "I will treasure you like one treasures a delicate flower." No matter what you say, if Naag had sung this song then he would have rocked it. Come on, he is asleep I think. He couldn't do anything even if he was awake. Jaggi rocked it tonight. There is no one like him. He is amazing. He forced me to drink two more pegs. Naag is our friend. - Yes. I swear to God... Right. I feel like requesting Naag and sending sister-in-law with Jaggi. You don't need to send her, he will take her on his own. Hey, then let's go. What are we doing here? You are awake? Damn you. - Yes. Don't you feel ashamed to eavesdrop on your friends conversation with your eyes closed? Why should I feel ashamed? You are praising him. If he has everything then what do I have? 18 acres of land. - You are the only child. There will be no division. Give 18 acres to Jaggi and give me his face which Pammi likes. Oh really? If it is so then we will talk to him about it in the morning. Don't be upset. Go to sleep. Okay? You too sleep. Go to sleep now, do you want us to sing lullabies for you? - Right. Pal's in-laws have sent this for the eldest son-in-law. Okay. Dear, they have sent this for the younger son-in-law. Aunt, can I take this bright color? Anyway, light color will suit better on Pammi's husband. Here Pammi, you can keep it. All colors look good on my husband. Aunt, give me the clothes they have sent for him. You can keep it. - Come on Bebe, what did I say wrong? Look at that, aunt. Why are you interfering? So what if she is younger than you? Give me a glass of water. I want to take my medicines. Get up. Sisters don't stop working at their brother's wedding. And you aren't ready to do anything. Lovely... Yes, Bebe? Does she work at home or does she keep sitting like this? Work anyway is managed at home. But a lot has changed since Pammi's arrival. My buffalos give more milk. My parents have more blood running in their veins. I even showed her our fields. - Okay. You will see, this time we will get double harvest. There is just one complaint. She get angry very easily. Whose granddaughter is she? She has taken after you, Bebe. I feel restless from the time you left. You cannot digest your food without fighting with me. Are you doing good, Bebe? Your grandma isn't going to die so soon. You doubt our friendship? You think we only want alcohol? We are keeping quiet because of you. Otherwise, we would have thrashed this Jaggi. We can thrash him right now if you want. - Yes. Naag, you just wait here to hear Jaggi scream. - Yes. We will tell you what true friendship means. Let's go, Hari. - Let's go. Hit him where it doesn't show. No one should find out. Otherwise, people will say that Lovely brought goons with him. Let's go. - Go for it. Listen Jaggi... Let me tell you, you are making a very big mistake. What's my mistake? - Tell him. The nail should have gone down in two hits you've already hit it six times. Yes. I'll get the clarified butter. Cook has enough butter. You tell him what you are here to say. I already did. - What? About the nail. You carry on with your work. Don't hurt yourself. You work well, brother. You came here holding a belt and now you are running scared? What do I do, I couldn't gather courage after I saw the hammer in his hand. Shut up. What happened? What could have happened? Hari slapped him. He kept begging for mercy. - Then? Then what? He was at our feet. Otherwise, I would have torn him apart. He won't get close to sister-in-law anymore. See, it is making difference already. They might be walking together but there is still a bucket between them. Lovely... Yes, aunt? Pammi is so taken with you. Stop joking, aunt. My color doesn't bleed. Pammi can't take on my color. She must have gone dark working under the sun. I didn't mean that. She is falling for you. If you show a little more courage then it might work out for you. Are you sure, aunt? - Yes. Why? Didn't I say the same thing? There is a lot of love for you in sister-in-law's eyes. Brother, this isn't the time to let your guards down. Look over there. He is working hard because of sister-in-law. - Yes. You should maintain your stand. It is also a done deal for you. - Bring out inner serpent. But there is no work left to be done. What should I do? Wash the utensils, I can't. Don't you want a gift? I don't want to get myself killed for your gifts. Clean them yourself. You have been pampered a lot. Utensils? Utensils are just an excuse... we want to clean Jaggi out of here. I won't lose, let me warn you. Here you go. Boss, he is faster than you. Shall we hire him? Yes? I'll hire you... you may go now. Ask the cook that it's sugar and not sand that he keeps wasting. Jagg... How did you like my village? I like it here now. Earlier it seemed a little odd. She is Taro? Yes. Come. She is shy, I guess. Bye, we are going to distribute food. Yes, go ahead. Taro, wait. Sister-in-law, serve me some lentils. It is very tasty. - Yes. That's enough. She won't have much. Hey hello, this won't be enough. Do you want him to add cooking soda to it? Add some clarified butter. It's okay. Add two spoons. Do you want clarified butter in it? I don't like clarified butter in it. It's okay, don't lose hope. God will give you more opportunities. He shall do justice. Here's the wood and here's the axe. Get it chopped from someone if you want food in the morning because we are done here. It is not easy to chop wood. Only strong ones can do it. Careful. Be patient. You two to have broken my back. Small injuries are common in first love. I am sure Ranjha's mother massaged his calves when he used to return from herding the cattle for Heer. Hey, did Ranjha stay at your pumping station? Ranjha used to do this, he used to do that. He keeps talking about Ranjha. Why are you holding this axe? Keep it aside. They might ask me to chop some more wood in the morning. Brother, please hide it. Hide it, man. - Got scared, already? So many times I saw love for you in sister-in-law's eyes. Yes. - You are always with me. When did you see her love in her eyes? When she looks at you. - Yes. When she stealthily looks at you. When keeps stealing glances at you. Tell me. What should I do? Here Bebe, here your less sugar, with cloves and licorice. Tell me how it is. Here Bebe, there is a wedding taking place and they are offering you sugarless tea. Here, have a Ladoo, Bebe. Open your mouth. Eat it. Bebe wants you to fill that bowl with Ladoos. As many as you want. We have a wedding taking place here. Take as many as you want. Come on, hit her. It didn't come out. Spit it out! - It isn't out. Spit it out, Bebe. Spit it out! It isn't out. Do you want to die? Spit it out. I think she will die. Be careful... Slowly... It came out. It came out. No... No. You should respect food. Slowly, slowly... It's okay, it's okay. You will get better, Bebe. Calm down. It's okay. Be brave. Can I say something? I have never seen God but I am sure He too is fair-skinned. That's why He doesn't understand the problems dark-skinned people face. Hey? I am talking to you. What? I wanted a blanket. Why do you need a blanket? Sacrifice a black goat. You should have told me sooner. You told me about it eventually, didn't you? Why did you have to pretend to be possessed? Ghosts have twisted feet and they cannot walk. And you... You want to walk back with straight legs. Well done, Lovely Singh. I don't know why I agreed to send you away with Jaggi. Keep it down, someone might hear you. I don't know why I agreed to send you away with Jaggi. I hope no one heard it now. But everyone will hear what people will tell me after you leave. He came following you. He will defeat Ranjha and his kind in a few years. Ranjha was just herding the cattle. He has done so much. He gives tea to Bebe, gives clarified butter to the cook... Stop it, Lovely. You are overstepping. I am not. No, I am not. This is the first opportunity I have got. He picks up guests from the station. Arranges for the tents. Counts the utensils. Always right behind you. Hey, she came here from there. So now, she won't be going anywhere. Trust her. You don't need to tell me. I trust her. If you trust her then are you here to get the blanket? Is the blanket so heavy? - Stop it. You don't want Pammi to go with me. Stop it, Jaggi. - I am not a kid. No, you are not. Kids fill buckets in no time. You were hammering the nail and it was hitting my heart. I endured the hurt for Pammi's sake. Endured it? I am the one enduring you and your friends. Stop it. He is drunk. You should stop talking. He is the one talking and you are asking me to keep quiet. You have started thinking about him a lot, huh. If I had then I wouldn't have come to you. I am not here for the sweets either. I am doing all these things for you. I too have left everything behind for you. You think you are great just because you helped around? He too helped. He chopped wood, chopped vegetables, cleaned utensils. He too has done a lot of work. Pammi, you saw everything? Oh I see, you see everything he does. Then what am I doing here? Go back with him. Bebe, my leg. - What happened, dear? Whose rooftop did she jump across this time? I don't know. But she surely has. This is what she does. My leg... Shall I help, Taro? Today Taro will seek the new son-in-law's help. Look at them bark. You would say no to me even if you were my younger sister? He addressed me as sister. Now you tell me... Should I address you as a friend or a sister-in-law? Where is Jaggi? What do you want from Jaggi now? Your smile. You are sad because of him, right? It isn't burning your fingers? God has already burnt me enough. They way he was talking the other day I thought I've ruined it. You had ruined it. You left me. It's he who has brought me to you for the second time. If you had been at Lovely's place what would you do? I'd never leave you so that you could be with someone else. Even if you wanted. I love you a lot, Pammi. Shall we? Have you two patched up? We will leave for Chandigarh tomorrow after the wedding. Why are you so happy? Because you are happy. Don't apply a lot of creams after I leave. You aren't going to get fair. It was all because of my color right? It was not because of color. Black suits many people. Even my clothes have been based on my color. Whenever I had anything beautiful I either misplaced it or broke it because of over excitement. What will you do now? What can I do? I will think that I had something beautiful but I misplaced it. First a good match for him. Dear, who will marry a divorcee? We fixed the first one with great difficulty. He is dark and so is fate. Aunt, God made him dark so that he stands out. Because no one can be like him. He is a great man, aunt. All of us only think about ourselves. He thinks about other's happiness. You should get him married again. I guarantee you... he's a gem of a person. If he's that good then why are you leaving him, dear? Sister, I wrote brother-in-law's name on your hand. Go to sleep. We have to get up early in the morning for Pal's vows. Bebe, what does wedding vows mean? According to Gurbani it means you break a relationship and form another. Because a husband and wife's relationship is greater than all others, because it gives birth to other relationships. What will tell everyone after you go home? I won't have to say anything. They will reason it out. Our train is here. Ours is also here. That one. See you. Pammi... Did you forget anything in my bag? My veil! Check... Give it here. - Here, take it. Can I keep it? Why? You want to give it to someone else? No. Now I won't fall for anyone else. Who knows what if she too wants to sacrifice a black goat? Will you ever come to meet me? Will you make rice pudding for me? I don't make it well. No, it was very tasty. It was just a little too salty. Let's go, Pammi. I'll buy you another veil. God, if Ranjha manages to get the Heer then what will happen to the likes of us? Let's go, Pammi. Give me your hand, Pammi. Our train is leaving. Pammi? Give me your hand. Lovely managed to come between us. Didn't I tell you... I won't let go of your hand. What will you do if I let go of your hand? I'll first go and slap him. Go then. Slap him on my behalf as well. Go on already. Lovely! Naag, I think sister-in-law won't survive without that veil. Lovely! Lovely! Oh wonderful! Thank you God! Amazing! There is no veil in the bag. I checked it. Give me your hand! You are still worried about the veil? You left everything behind for me? Evil stays away when you are with me. Oh really?
Channel: Zee Movies Punjabi
Views: 9,630,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kala Shah Kala, เจ•เจฒเจพ เจธเจผเจพเจน เจ•เจฒเจพ, Binnu Dhillon, Sargun Mehta, Gurmeet Saajan, Shehnaaz Gill, Nirmal Rishi, B N Sharma, Punjabi Cinema, Best Scene, Entertainment, Star, Family Drama, Comedy Scene, Romantic Scene, Emotional Scene, Popular, Famous, Upcoming Punjabi Movie, Latest Punjabi Movie, Action Movie, Romantic Movie, New Punjabi Movie, Superhit, Punjabi Picture, Full Movie, New Released, Punjabi Comedy Movie, Blockbuster Punjabi Movies, Punjabi Movie, Punjabi Film, เจชเฉฐเจœเจพเจฌเฉ€
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 51sec (7971 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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