JFK files, Russia, VA, Twitter | Overtime with Bill Maher (HBO)

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Rob Reiner is there anything new anything in the newly released JFK files that surprised you well not yet because the they haven't really released the new JFK files they're waiting till April and I think that the CIA is gonna do some they're getting out there SOS and brillo pads they're doing some scrubbing are you on the page that it was a conspiracy or that it was a lone gun no I I don't believe that oswald could have done this by himself everything that I've studied I've been looking at this for 50 years now and I've read everything that's conceivable and every bit of forensic and all of that in my opinion there's no way in a million years this guy could have done it by himself okay Rob what is the aim of your group the committee to investigate Russia well the main aim of it is to let people know the gravity of the situation and what the Russians were able to accomplish I don't know if you saw James clapper he's one of our advisers on the advisory board he's head of the Director of National Intelligence elegance and he is not given to you know hyperbole or anything I got but he is an if he had any hair would be on fire but he basically said that he's never seen anything quite like this kind of security breach and the fact that we don't have a leader at the our president who is acknowledging it is making us very is is making us unsafe and going forward we need to let people know how how important this is so I think I personally think that our democracy is is at stake because we're being eroded oh yeah Jack Jacob what do you make of Trump's efforts to overhaul the VA well he hasn't made any effort to over hold it you're looking at somebody who believes that it's kind of weird to have a parallel system of of medical care which is very very expensive and not particularly efficient I think if you served in the military and you've got an honorable discharge here's your Medicare card you can go anywhere you want and that's the end of it well it's okay with you you've been in the Army again so you get free medical care I said if I hadn't been in the Army I wouldn't need any damn medical care that's right exactly lucky you with your purple hearts in your Medal of veterans are like an afterthought like you talk about them right before the election and you hear people say like we really want to support the veterans let bring them out at the convention but there's not like a really set plan for addressing things that we know are know there won't be a you know the the you know there is not a constituency among veterans we have a relatively small number of people who have served most Americans don't know anybody in uniform we have one half of one percent of the American public in uniform we've effectively outsourced the defense of the Republic to a very small number of young men and women who are willing to do that so there's not a natural constituency I'm not surprised nothing is ever find it disturbing that almost half of Republicans say they want Trump to attack North Korea that do they really have 46 percent say let's go well they should suit up and go do it themselves yeah your gram what is it what is it that causes young American men to abandon their comfortable lives and go fight with Isis yeah I mean we see we see this time and time again and which is why it's so hard to detect that a person is really living a parallel life one side of their brain is living a typical American life yeah and the wife doesn't even know often they're actually really comfortable - yeah it's not just that they're right it's not they're not lacking food they're not lacking even jobs in many cases but it's almost like it's a hobby that grows out a hand you know some of the people I've spoken to some of the people I've looked into that they have hobby they should take up standard collecting yes it's as if it's like a video game copy of look where they're sitting in their basements they are working on on being the top of this video game but the video game is global jihad and they don't they they don't tell their parents they just suddenly is that a real thing the video game you know the global jihad is real but the video game is all just it like the kind of subculture that they're part of and then they get this idea in their head that maybe they've been bad maybe they've the same kind of right think you don't want a Punnett they feel guilty yeah and that's the clash of cultures right what they're doing that they're atoning for that guilt or at they the recruitment starts with saying you're a bad guy you drank alcohol you gambled guess what there's a way out and it starts with getting a suicide vest and going to Syria that Alcoholics Anonymous that's for sure oh yeah okay Kristina should Diane Feinstein take her primary challengers seriously Diane Feinstein are senator interesting question first off her primary challengers are going against her for two comments that were put in a 70 minute conversation I've been boiled down to like six words we should have patience with Donald Trump and he can be a good president she went on and on and on and gave a lot of context which we at the LA Times have been covering but you know look this is a democracy anybody has an opportunity to to run in this race and I think that that question you could have asked the same thing of shouldn't Hillary Clinton have just gone unchallenged in 2008 right I mean everybody was a better politician we're having a contested primary which ultimately led to Barack Obama's president so yeah she should take him seriously she has a ton of money she's got institutional support we have a poll coming out soon that I imagine she's going to have strong support here in California for re-election but like anything is possible and there are not just one challenger she's got three on the Left challengers and probably more a lot of small challengers so the question will be will she debate all of them you know I I mean she's been a fine senator and it's not the age issue you know I'm very anti ageist she's strong she's still really strong well she wasn't she said something was inartful but it's also I think a Democratic Party needs a new brush people know how to fight every time both parties need that neither party has good leadership they do you think the Republicans are gonna go for the jugular no they don't have any leadership they're all it didn't all fragment and I would say anything around it's working with Russia is going for the jugular that that would be you know my view of that one but but if you if that's what you've got to do in order to get into office you've got big problems in them once you're in office and you can't get anything accomplished you have no leadership problem they're getting plenty accomplished having been in government when you're when your parties in power for eight years in the White House it's like a thermometer drop the energy level drops right and meanwhile the people out Republican or Democrat are building up I think that what you've got here with senator Feinstein is she's been around for so long she is fine senator in that sense for California but she has been around for so long that she's just people are looking at her and saying I think it's time and I think that that every politician faces that if they said testing loti is her that they're saying it's her times over it's they're saying it's it's now it's our time like we're in our 40s or 50s then go then go oh and sign up and try to beat her at which you know you know if you can be very fine I saw her the other day she was pretty damn good against that the person from Facebook and saying we're not going to let you didn't get away with this yeah it's pretty tough that get she's the one of the toughest on gun control of any any senator and but could I push back a little on this idea that Trump isn't accomplishing anything he's accomplishing a lot of stuff we just don't hear about it because he distracts us with about the anthem and whatever the the war Widow and there's so where everybody's talking about that for a week and meanwhile very slowly they undo everything Obama everyday you know they pass these a past ability event where you people can't sue the banks you know trying to repeal Obamacare and sabotaging that the EPA they're accomplishing lots of it horrible things there was another day terrorizing immigrants I mean that believe me they're accomplishing and that's what we should keep our eye on final question don't applaud I know how you feel about this should Twitter kick Donald Trump off I know how you feel about it kick like it's well but then you know this is the old thing what he's not gonna be president please Jesus forever so what happens when the next president says something somebody else doesn't like so should they kick Trump off the platform like it's rogue employee did 411 I don't think they should kick anybody right here's the thing his twitter has the ability to move markets the ability to piss off dictators the ability to you know yeah it caused a lot of that's true chaos positive or negative however you feel about it so who has access to that and who could send a tweet that could make Kim jong-il do something like batshit crazy like that's that's what's scary to me about that the security level of how someone could just turn off the president what's real significant is not what's happening now with respect to that but what you think is going to happen in the future we're in the middle of the biggest revolution of distribution of information since the invention of the printing press yeah I didn't want any money and we are lesson Jen I defy anybody to roll the tape forward and predict what's going to happen five years ago from so this is a big big problem insoluble okay Thank You panel thank you audience [Applause]
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 785,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retired U.S. Army, Colonel Jack Jacobs, Military Analyst, NBC News, MSNBC, Graeme Wood, The Atlantic, The Way of the Strangers, Encounters with the Islamic State, Christina Bellantoni, LA Times, Jeffrey Lord, former White House Associate Political Director, President Ronald Reagan, Rob Reiner, Director, LBJ
Id: AxTW2G25zQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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