JFK’s Shot Wounds In Autopsy Room

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[Music] would you mind us going through the timeline of what happened from the moment they found out he's dead to the moments because that's where they that's where the challenge is with this story right I mean you try autopsies I've been challenged for me when I look at it I'm a numbers guy so first they find out he's dead won't check mark then they say let's put his body they wrap him up in a nice they put him in a really nice casket they take him to Air Force One that's number two Lyndon Johnson's waiting there rather than going back to DC to have the body being delivered to the plane which is kind of a little bit wild for that gets to Air Force One then they fly back to Bethesda DC they land they take that nice casket and they put it in the automobile that Jackie Kennedy is writing you to go to where you're at the morgue they arrive actually at 7:30 but the body doesn't come into 717 and the body doesn't come in till 8:00 and the challenge that I'm seeing there is another automobile delivers cascade that's used for Vietnam veterans back in the days just a GP type of casket that apparently they took John F Kennedy and they put him in a body bag and they put him in that was brought to you guys how to run 6:00 at 6:30 and they had an hour and a half before 8:00 o'clock so that's the part that's completely cure see and again to I really don't have any insight into that either but reports are at the boys young report and yeah all of that the numbers him and Dennis David's timing and seeing this I had to have a timeline for this as I was writing it I had no personal timeline because you know all I saw was the body really and in what I consider to be a shipping casket that was striking in the fact is that it was the president's body in that in that such a ordinary plane you saw that yes yes you saw the shipping cast yes I did and that's not typical protocol to put a president under shipping casket I wouldn't think so you witnessed at yours yes I saw check in that time well you saw that part yeah the casket came in and it was brought in by by people they were in business suits mm-hmm and they may have been a couple of military officers with it but they were brought it was brought in and it was brought into the more proper sat down on the floor Paul helped them take the body out and they put the body on the table in front of me now I've you I'm used is Dennis Davis time line and I use it because sergeant of origins action report stated 635 several years ago we talked to an individual his name and was well he was dr. Jay Scott I believe and he's told us that he was the officer of the day for the Bethesda hospital during the conversation was with William law William asked him what time the kind of the body came in and he immediately said 6:30 so I took Sargent Bojan and dr. Scott as collaboration for the time that Dennis quoted and then I used that time as a lie as a timeline for the autopsy at that point in time I had memories but I I wasn't quite sure of sequencing of them and then over the three years that I've been writing this book I basically just write sections and certain things and so forth and then each section would begin to support our ask our create questions about that particular memory the timeline that I use like I said is his Genesis that timeline gave me the ability to say the body was here at 6:30 when when the body was put on the table everybody was asked to leave the body was still it was on the table is still wrapped in the sheets ahead in the body was separate and then dr. Boswell left the morgue for I don't know 15 20 minutes maybe and I just assumed he was going back up to lavatory to you know talk to dr. Humes and while the bodies in front of you yeah the bodies in the morgue and the morgue what Paul and I this is what time I assumed that had to be somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00 o'clock if I say it took him approximately ten minutes to unload the body from the Hurst and bring it to to that because see Dennis in his his group are his his crew they did not bring him into the morgue they brought it to the morgue door you know according to Dennis and then someone back yeah and somebody took you from there the morgue was set up where there was a little any room that had coal boxes where he would put the bodies to me and then then it came into the morgue proper so let me ask you from the moment it was delivered to the morgue from the back not the one with Jackie Kennedy data right around 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock I'm talking to one that arrived early from that moment word showed up in that cheap casket to the moment where you saw it what was that timeline I would say probably no more than five minutes okay because you just was unloaded onto the to the dock and then brought into the in through the double doors and then mork's immediately to the left as soon as it came through the door from the inner rooms and I saw the casket and that's when I that's what I remember and the reason I remember that is the fact is that it was such a plain casket you know and and that was that struck me as being the president's body would be in a you know transport casket now this entire time Jackie's thinking the bodies and ornate casket that she was driving in that that's the one that's being delivered I really owe my part that would be conjecture or speculation [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 2,021,227
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, JFK, JFK Assassination, JFK killed, Assassination of president, Who killed JFK
Id: It9PfVaBIls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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