Jetboil Flash vs Minimo

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so we're gonna be looking at two different jet balls today the Jetboil flash the Jetboil minimo as you can see taller and looking this shorter and squatting here look at the Jetboil flash start pulling out some of these accessories see extra heating element the base stand put this together where the fuel sits on top of this is an additional accessory if you want to sip that on top of the heating element to use either a bigger pot or a frying pan we're not going to be using that today spend this on make sure you do it outside so any gas leaks it doesn't go inside of attempt it doesn't go inside of your house this is a cup that protects bottom side this fits right on here we're gonna be doing a comparison between the minimo and the flash to see what time what timing it takes boil half a liter of water right there lid on this is the minimo you can see that the fuel and the heating element feel nicely inside this is a carrying pouch for the heating element that spins around also has a bass stand that fits right into the lid and both of these lids are the same they have a place to sip and a place to strain with a steam valve in the top middle that's right there this also has a cup of the bottom see the different sizes of the cups with measurements along the side this goes to one cup this bit was just over one cup and you'll see there's little notches the connections on the heating element are the same for both the minimo and the flash there's a little knot it slides right there and you spin it to secure it in place another difference that the minimo has is this metal handle things get hot this handle is made out of fabric now for the test so we'll turn up the valves we'll start them up see how long people Claude but you also notice that the minimo is there's a lot bigger rains in how much the burner can put out there so you can turn it way down you can turn it way up there's a lot more control with the heat we're looking for with the flash Dick's will color change you can see the color change yeah and we have bubbles just about a minute and we're bubbling in about two minutes and 30 seconds on the minimo so you can see it takes about a minute longer with the minimo but there's a lot more control and it's a wider cook space and it's easier to get into as far as utensils with the Jetboil flash it's great for boiling water in 90 seconds if you want to have a fast cup of coffee in the morning oatmeal anything you can mix out water into
Channel: Texas Hog Hunters
Views: 64,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jetboil, jetboil flash, jetboil minimo, backpacking, boil water, backpacking stove
Id: 0TOD_Lg4UwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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