Jesus vs Muhammad

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our beloved Muslim friends love to criticize us Christians for rightly believing that Jesus the son of God is equal to God the father in their arrogance they cruelly make the claim that we are polytheists who are ignorant enough to worship a man who was clearly only a prophet but what about their own Prophet Muhammad there are numerous verses throughout the Quran that teach that Muhammad was only a messenger or Warner who was sent by Allah Muhammad is no more than a messenger other Messengers have gone before him the disbelievers say if only a sign could be sent down to him from his Lord You O Prophet are only a Warner they ask you Prophet regarding the hour when will it be but it is not for you to tell its time that knowledge rests with your lord alone your duty is only to warn whoever is in awe of it did you notice something very striking about that last verse that we just read let's take another look people will ask Muhammad when the last day will be but the answer is that not even Muhammad will know the time only Allah knows of the day and the hour now take a look at this Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father it seems as though the Quran or should I say Muhammad is attempting to make himself to be just like Jesus am I grasping at straws here am I reading way too much into this one little Passage how about we let the sources speak for themselves the true scriptures of God teach us that it is Christ who is the savior Redeemer and intercessor for his people who is he who condemns it is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them my little children these things I write to you so that you may not sin and if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous how do these passages in the Bible compare to the teachings of Muhammad Muhammad talked to us saying on the day of Resurrection the people will surge with each other like waves and then they will come to Adam and say please intercede for us with your lord he will say I am not fit for that but you'd better go to Abraham as he is the Khalil of the beneficient they will go to Abraham and he will say I am not fit for that but you'd better go to Moses as he is the one to whom Allah spoke directly so they will go to Moses and he will say I am not fit for that but you'd better go to Jesus as he is a soul created by Allah and his word they will go to Jesus and he will say I am not fit for that but you'd better go to Muhammad they would come to me and I would say I am for that then I will ask for my Lord's permission and it will be given and then he will inspire me to praise him with such Praises as I do not know now so I will praise him with those praises and I will fall down before him then it will be said Muhammad raise your head and speak for you will be listened to and ask for you will be granted your request and intercede for your intercession will be accepted this utter fraud named Muhammad genuinely believed that Jesus would tell all of mankind to go to him for intercession and salvation keep in mind this is also coming from the same man who confessed the following by Allah I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to him in Repentance more than 70 times a day it's too bad Muhammad never repented from his ridiculous blasphemy but it only gets even more scandalous from the false prophet I will go and do so and return to praise him with the same praises and fall down before him it will be said o Muhammad raise your head and speak for you will be listened to and ask for you will be granted your request and intercede for your intercession will be accepted I will say oh Lord my followers then he will say go and take out all those in whose Hearts there is Faith even to the lightest lightest Mustard Seed take them out of the fire I will go and do so Muhammad claimed that he would make intercession before God for all of humanity not once not twice not three times but up to four times the prophet added I then return for a fourth time and praise Him similarly and fall down before him and he will say o Muhammad raise your head and speak for you will be listened to and ask for you will be granted your request and intercede for your intercession will be accepted I will say oh Lord allow me to intercede for whoever said none has the right to be worshiped except a law then Allah will say by my power and my majesty and by my Supremacy and by my greatness I will take out of hell whoever said none has the right to be worshiped except a law not only did Muhammad believe that he had the authority to make intercession for all of humanity multiple times but he also believed that he had the power to rescue people from hell how could someone who openly confessed to sinning an average of once every 20 minutes genuinely believe that he could rescue people from hell the answer is simple he was a deranged lunatic Imam Jaleel din suyuti reports from tabarani and bihati who narrate from with an authentic chain of transmission she said the prophet had a wooden Bowl in which he used to urinate and was placed under his bed one night he searched for it but did not find it and asked for it saying where is the bowl the members of the House replied um Salama slave girl Bara drank from it who came from habasha with her the prophet replied surely she has protected herself from the fire with a Great Wall was a 10th Century Islamic tahid which means that he was an original authority of Islamic law it also means that his narrations are considered to be authentic in this report Imam suyuti tells us about a slave girl named Bara who drank Muhammad's urine to which Muhammad happily guaranteed her protection from hell for doing so soyuti's narrations also include a report about a different slave girl who belonged to Muhammad's parents the prophet got up one night and urinated in a bowl during that night I Rose in the state of thirst so I drank whatever was in the bowl in the morning I told him what I had done to which he smiled and said surely you will never have pain in your stomach you would think that Muhammad would be shocked even horrified to learn about what these girls had done whether it was on accident or on purpose any normal person's response would be one of concern for their health and if these actions were in fact done on purpose it would be to strongly rebuke these individuals for what they had done but not Muhammad if anything it brought Muhammad a great sense of joy to learn that people were drinking his urine so much so that he either guaranteed them safety from Hell or that they would never again experience any pain what a strange person this isn't a man who belongs in prophecy books this is a man who belongs in the books of Clinical Psychology so my Muslim friends you want to criticize us Christians for believing in a man who even your Quran confirms to be sinless well that's fine by us after all would we rather believe in pray to worship and rest our entire hope for Eternal salvation in someone who is completely sinless even according to the Quran or a deranged sinful lunatic who approved of people drinking his urine and guaranteed them safety from hell for doing so it doesn't take an Albert Einstein to solve that one by the way be careful the next time you drink water from a bowl until next time
Channel: Give Light
Views: 150,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Muhammad, Bible, Quran
Id: 89TJSRU2D5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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