Jesus Is Immanuel: God With Us

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hello and welcome to the Lakewood Church Monday night Bible study we are so glad that you tuned in and you joined us here why don't you give up a good hand clap and let him know we are happy you have tuned in weird you ready to study the Bible if you want to get your Bibles out and I will remind you so you have a little time now if you need to you can always download the Monday night Bible study outline we have all the points all the scriptures and so you don't feel like you miss anything and so I want to encourage you can do that at Lakewood Church com are at my website Lisa Osteen Comus dot-com and so we encourage you to do that we're just so happy that you're all here and I just want to say to those who are viewing online that we really appreciate you being a part of this Bible study and we always appreciate your comments and your notes and your suggestions and and just sweet thoughts out toward us and and we want you to know we love you and we get those things and we pray for you and so we just hope you're encouraged and blessed tonight we are in a series called Jesus is and our teachers have been talking about Jesus as healer Jesus is Redeemer and Jesus is our friend and so tonight I want to talk about Jesus is Emmanuel God with us and how appropriate at Christmastime right and so I'd like for you to turn in your Bible with me to Matthew 1 I'm going to give you two passages Matthew 1 and Isaiah 7 I know the scriptures are usually always on the monitor but tonight I if you want to I would like you to turn with me in the Bible because I want us to look at several scriptures together so you'll know where they are and how they relate to one another so Matthew 1 and Isaiah 7 let's just begin by praying father we love you so much and we thank you that we have this wonderful opportunity to study your word I pray that you would open the eyes of our understanding that you would give us wisdom and revelation and father you know all the needs that are represented by the people here and watching and I thank you that you're an ever-present help the time of trouble and whatever they need caused them to hear it by the Holy Spirit father in Jesus name and everybody said amen okay Matthew 1 vs. 18 let's start let's start at verse 18 this is how Jesus the Messiah was born his mother Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph but before the marriage took place while she was still a virgin she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit and Joseph to whom she was engaged was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly so he decided to break the engagement quietly and as he considered this an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream Joseph son of David the angel said do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife for the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit and she will have a son and you were to name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins and all of this occurred to a to fulfill the Lord's message through His Prophet look the Virgin will conceive a child she will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel which means let's say it together God with us and so this is a direct fulfillment of the prophecy that I ask you to turn to in Isaiah 7 verse 14 if you just want to look there and see it for yourself that years before Isaiah the prophet heard by the Holy Spirit say that this was going to happen in the future and it's Isaiah 7:14 and he says this therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign and that sign will be that the Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel and so we see that that in the scripture in both passages and I just want to sort of lay a foundation for you here for a minute because the Bible gives Jesus many many names in order to describe him we know that Jesus is the door and that no man can come to the Father but through him we know that Jesus is our great Shepherd that watches over us and leads us through life we know that he's our Prince of Peace amen he's he's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world so every name given to Jesus is very important and very meaningful and purposeful because it shows a characteristic of him or it shows who he is and so I just didn't study in this I had my assistant put together almost over a 90 names of Jesus that are found in the Bible you can also download that online but those of you that are here tonight it is attached to your outline and I just wanted you to have that to do a study to read it and just learn you know all the different names of Jesus it's very interesting and and very informative but the name Jesus is the Greek word or the Greek form of Joshua did you know that and so which means God saves Joshua means God saves and so Jesus is the Greek form Joshua in the Old Testament is a type of Jesus Christ because he was assigned by God to lead the Israelites into their promised land and the reason he's a type of Jesus is because Jesus was assigned by God as his only begotten son to lead us out of our sin and out of our and into freedom and into victory and into forgiveness and so he's a type of Jesus that means Jesus God saves and then you know he has the names of Christ and Messiah those are two other names and they both mean the same thing and how many of you know what they mean are you reading on my notes anointed one you have a cheat sheet don't you they both mean anointed one Jesus is the anointed one and he's different than any other person or human that walked on this earth he was God in a human body and so Jesus told us exactly why he was anointed that's important to know why was he anointed to walk around as how I'm the king of kings and I can do this no he was anointed for this specific person to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the broken hard to bring deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind and to set at liberty them that are bruised that's why he was anointed and he made it really clear and and I will add this you were also anointed by the Holy Spirit and that same spirit that was in Jesus isn't you and you were anointed to set the captives free amen you're anointed to do the works that Jesus did and so now we think about all those names I'm just laying a foundation so now let's get to Immanuel it's the Hebrew the Hebrew meaning is God with us let's talk about that what does that exactly mean does it mean he's never going to leave us or forsake us let's let's start in Hebrews 1:1 you want to look at Hebrews with me because I want you to look at these scriptures what does it mean when it says God is with us remember God was Jesus was God in human form Hebrews 1:1 says this I'm reading out of the New International Version it says in the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he also made the universe the son this is what I want you to get the son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful work let's say that exact representation let's say it one more time I want you to get that exact representation after he had provided purification for sins he sat down at the right hand of Majesty in heaven when the Bible says that God I mean that Jesus is God with us it means that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father when you see Jesus you see the father when you see Jesus you see God he is Emmanuel God with us God is always with us but that is not the meaning Jesus came to show us who God is that's my whole message tonight G this came to show us who God is if you have seen Jesus you have seen the father and other versions say this I love this the son perfectly mirrors God the Son shows exactly what God is like you see Jesus reveals to us what God is really like so let me ask you is he a stern mean God as many purport is he out to get us and out to punish us and always looking for ways to to put a stand or is he a good God is he a men is does he desire to bless us yes he does does he desire a relationship with us who is this God well jesus answered that question once and for all by his life his character his words and his actions Jesus represents the father to us and so you know I think about how many times I've heard this I Jesus I understand Jesus I feel close to Jesus but I don't know I have a harder time relating to God but you know Jesus is God they're one in the same and Jesus came to show us who God is what he is really like and sometimes we're taught you know erroneous things about God and who he really is some people have a hard time relating to God the Father because you know they didn't have a good earthly earthly relationship with their father and so it's hard for you to relate to a good God and if that is you I just encourage you to read the four Gospels in the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John and allow God to reveal himself to you because he's a loving and good God amen and even though you didn't have a great father figure you can become more like your Heavenly Father he can be your example and not only that you can begin to reflect who God is in your own life amen so let's look at a few other scriptures that just prove this point and show you that Jesus is God in a human body that he is God with us do you want to turn to John 1 the book of John I told you I'm gonna make you work tonight but it's good to see these scriptures for yourself do not let them depart from your eyes I want you to see them for yourself and maybe mark your Bible and remember where they are John 1:18 says this no one has ever seen God but the unique one talking about Jesus who is himself God is near to the Father's heart he has revealed God to us so it's good in it look at John 5 verse 19 can you flip over to John 5:19 Jesus was talking to his disciples and he said this he said verily verily I tell you the son can do nothing by himself he can only do what he sees the father doing because whatever the father does the son also does before the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does yes and he will show him even greater works than these so that you will be amazed so Jesus did only what the father told him to do he said only what he told him to say one more scripture John 14 if you want to flip over to John 14 verse 6 Jesus was talking to his disciples and he said this I am the way the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except through me if you had really known me you would know who my father is from now on you do know him and have seen him and Philip said Lord show us the father and we will be satisfied jesus replied have I been with you all this time Philip and yet you still don't know who I am anyone who has seen me has seen the father so why are you asking him to show asking me to show him to you don't you believe that I am in the father and the father is in me the words I speak are not my own but my father who lives in me does his work through me just believe that I am in the father and the father is in me or at least believed because of the work you have seen me do so if you have seen Jesus you have seen the father they are the same amen you know I think about how sometimes people will tell me you you remind me of your mother you remind me of your father and I was thinking about my father who's in heaven and and all of my siblings and I can look at each one of them and I can tell you how they remind me of my father you know there's just some likeness to him but when you're talking about Jesus you know we reflect a part of our Heavenly Father we are part of our earthly father but everything about Jesus reflects who God is everything he did everything he said the way he acted the way he handled people they it reflects exactly who God is he is mirror image of his father so let's talk about this what does Jesus show us about the father that we need to know and I'm going to give you five truths that reveal have how Jesus reveals God to us the first one is this Jesus shows us that God is a God of compassion aren't you glad for that he had compassion on the multitude he had compassion on the sick on the center and on the brokenhearted I thought about one story there were two blind men sitting on the side of the road and they heard that Jesus was coming down that way that road and so they began to shout to him and say Jesus son of David have mercy on us and you know they had heard no doubt that Jesus had what was going around doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the enemy because that's what the Bible said and so they were not going to miss their opportunity The Anointed One was coming their way and so they were yelling so loud and people said just be quiet you're disturbing everyone but you know what that didn't stop them the Bible says they yelled all the more and so we hear we see these two men yelling and what does Jesus do because whatever he does is what the father does what he is like and the Bible says that he stopped he gave them his attention and he had compassion on them the Bible says I'm going to read it Jesus had compassion them and he touched their eyes and immediately they received their sight and followed him you see Jesus shows us that God is a compassionate God that he's a good God and he is a mood by suffering humanity see even right now you may be going through some tough stuff in your life and I'm telling you you feel like your head will tell you God doesn't care but let me tell you something God is a compassionate God and he does care and he is moved by your suffering and that compassion causes him to reach out and touch you and to encourage you listen to some of these scriptures that although references are on your outline the Lord is gracious and compassionate he is slow to anger and rich in love when Jesus saw the crowd he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless they were like sheep without a shepherd another verse says when Jesus landed and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them and healed their sick then Jesus called his disciples to him and he said I have compassion for these people they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat I don't want to send them away hungry or they may collapse on the way you see the compassion of God led Jesus to help the helpless heal the sick and to provide for the needs of people think about that God is a compassionate God you have to know that God your heavenly Father is full of compassion towards you even right now he is full of compassion towards you and everything that's going on in your life amen a few weeks ago was a little discouraged about a situation and it's just like off and on I felt sort of this heaviness and and so it was so wonderful because God and His compassion caused two people to reach out to me within 24 hours I got a text from sin my friend in another state and she said can I call you and so we talked and she said I'm just calling you for one reason because I've had such a heart for you God has been putting you on my heart I don't know what's going on but I've been praying for you over and over and I want encourage you and that so bless me and then another friend called and she said I just want you to know I've been up this morning praying for you and your family you see that is the compassion of God working through his people reaching out to me and when they when they encourage me that heaviness just lifted off of me because of the compassion of God God is a compassionate God amen number two you have to know that Jesus shows us that God is a God of mercy same mercy mercy we need mercy don't we he is a God of second chances he is a God of third fourth and fifth chances if we need it he bowed down to the sinner and he lifted them up he forgave people and he brought them up to a new level of freedom and obedience you see in John 3 the teachers of the law brought to Jesus a woman and they said woman this Jesus this woman was caught in the act of adultery now you know it just sort of frustrates me because where was the man you know takes two to tango let's just get real they had no they had no thought of really wanting to know the truth they just wanted to try to trick Jesus and they said to him the law says that we are to stone her what did you say Jesus didn't even say anything he just bent down they said are you going to obey the law Jesus Jesus bent down and began to ride on the floor and then he said those of you who are without seeing could throw a stone at her I love Jesus and so as you know the story goes one by one they begin to leave from the oldest to the youngest because the oldest had send more than the youngest but all of a sudden her accusers were gone and the woman was standing there alone and Jesus said woman where are your accusers do you have any accusers and she said no one sir and he said neither do i condemn you go and leave your life of sin that's the kind of God we serve Jesus shows us that God is not interested in condemning us but in setting us free he is interested in lifting us up into obedience he came so you could be free from sin and guilt and he will wipe away your shame with one swoop if you will ask him he is a merciful God amen number three is this we can see through the life of Jesus that God loves us unconditionally this is the kind of heavenly father that we have as I said before maybe your father was mean and tough and rough and he didn't know how to say I love you and he didn't know how to say I'm sorry and he was harsh on you but don't get gotten mixed up with your earthly father because God is a good god he's a loving God he's a merciful God as we said and he's a compassionate God but we see God's unconditional love in the story of the prodigal son because this son asked for his inheritance early and he left his father's home and he spent it on riotous living and ended up tending pigs and eating food from the hog pen can you imagine I mean he had it all in his father's house but he foolishly chose to leave and so when he finally came to his senses he returned home and he asked his father to take him back not as a son but as a servant because he felt unworthy to be loved he felt unworthy to be accepted by his father he had blown it and he knew it and so what did the father do this this father is a picture of our Heavenly Father Luke 15 says that by but while he was still a long way off his father saw him and he was filled with compassion for him here is his son that has spent all his money you know on this reckless living and yet he was looking for his son and he has this compassion for his son and he ran to his son threw his arms around him and kissed him and he said to his servant to bring my son a robe put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet for this son of mine was dead but now he's alive he was lost but now he is found and so that's a picture of our Heavenly Father Jesus shows us that God loves us faults and all he doesn't give up on us instead he runs to help us aren't you glad we serve a god like that sometimes we foolishly turn our back on God maybe we lead the house of God we leave our father's house maybe you were hurt maybe you were confused but if you've left the father's house there's this goodness you can always return and he will run to you and he will welcome you back and he will forgive you and he will put a robe on your finger and a ring a robe on your back and a ring on your finger you knew what i meant didn't you and sandals on your feet get you some new shoes because God is a good God and He loves us unconditionally and I just want to say this because some of you watching maybe here you've been away from God it's time to leave the hog pen and come back home I just want to say that it's time to leave the hog pen and come back home maybe the hog pen to you is just trying to do everything on your own listen let it go and let Jesus help you because he will receive you back I want to read this passage to you from the message Bible because it's so good talking about the love of God it's Romans 5 and verse 31 it says this so what do you think with God on our side like this how can we lose if God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending His only Son is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for you and would you dare tangle with God by messing with one of his God with one of his chosen who would dare even point a finger the one who died for us who was raised to life for us is in the presence of God at this very moment sticky up for us do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Chrysler for us there is no way not trouble or hard times hatred hunger not homelessness not bullying threats not backstabbing not even the worst sins listed in the scripture none of this faces us because Jesus loves us and I'm absolutely convinced that nothing nothing living or dead angelic or demonic that today or tomorrow high or low thinkable or unthinkable absolutely nothing can get in between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our master has embraced us listen just like the father embraced his prodigal son God wants to embrace you and he wants to love you and help you and the takeaways from that Scripture are so powerful with God on your side how can you lose that's just powerful if people mess with you they're messing with God did you get that and Jesus is in heaven sticking up for you to the Father that's powerful first John 3 verse 1 says this see what great love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are God has lavished his love upon us somebody needs to get this in your heart tonight you feel condemned you feel shame you feel like you're unworthy you feel like you cannot do enough to deserve God's love but let me tell you something you and I will never do enough to deserve God's love he gives it to us he lavishes it on us because he wants to and He desires to and it's not because of something we do or do not do it's because we are his children and so you need to get rid of that that that thought of shame and that the the trying to always make it right with God you are right with God if you know Jesus you are and right standing with God amen the Bible says see what great love he has lavished on us I looked up that word lavish with his I love it and means to give extravagantly and abundantly that's how God loves you extravagantly and abundantly number four is this Jesus shows us that God is a God of healing and miracles thank God for that Luke 6 tells us that people came to Jesus listen to this they came to be healed of their diseases they came those with the trouble by demons and impure spirits came because Jesus set them free the Bible says that people tried to touch Jesus because there was power coming out of him and he was healing them all acts 2:22 says Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited to by God to you by miracles wonders and signs which God did among you through him as you yourselves know God has a God of miracles he's a God of healings can we talk about miracles for a minute amen I don't know about you but I've had so many miracles happen in my life because of the grace of God I was healed as a baby from a crippling disease my mother was healed of cancer in 1981 God has protected me from harm and death in danger I've seen the miracles of God in my life Jesus shows us that God performs the miracles and he is the same yesterday today and forever he wants to do the same for us amen and so I I want to tell you if you need a miracle today be encouraged because you serve a God of miracles you serve a miracle working God I think about the prophet Elijah and he told name and he said naman naman was a leper full of leprosy and yet he was a commander in the army and and he said name and if you go dip seven times in this written I think it was the Jordan River wasn't it I'm not sure he said you dip seven times in that River and you see what God will do and he dipped seven times in that last time he came up completely healed of leprosy completely restored I think about how Jesus resurrected Lazarus after he had been dead and buried for four days I mean who does that Jesus does it amen your heavenly father does it I love this God made the Sun stand still for Joshua he was fighting a battle he wasn't he was winning it but he didn't have time enough daylight and he commanded the Sun to stand still and the Bible says that the Sun stopped in the middle of the sky and it delayed going down about a full day the moon also stopped until the Israelites won the battle that's a miracle God think about it I've said it before God parted the Red Sea amen he he can do so many miracles and and you can do financial miracles physical miracles you know and I said it before miracles that defied the laws of gravity or the physical laws of nature because He is God amen and Jesus shows us that God is not limited to our circumstances he's not limited by our lack of resources he is the God who performs miracles amen and he displays his power among his people he delights to do miracles for his people so God is a God of miracles he's a God of healing amen if you if you need a miracle in your life let's stop and pray right now if you need healing in your life or you need a miracle in your life just raise your hand right now and those of you that are watching you just right raise your hand too because I'm gonna pray for you father we declare right now that you are doing miracles in our myths that you are healing sick bodies that you are healing broken hearts that you are bringing restoration into families into relationships father I ask you Father in the name of Jesus to right the wrongs to vindicate your people father and to turn their circumstances around for their good and for your good father in the name of Jesus we thank you that no weapon formed against them will ever prosper and that they will walk in victory and do your will all the days of their lives in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen thank you Father number five in the last one is this Jesus shows us that God is a just judge I mean I could I could have brought out many points but these are the ones that I just felt like I wanted to share with you this this story just never ceases to amaze me and to know that we serve a God who is just unfair you know sometimes we think we're the judge but we're not the judge God is the judge well I wonder if they're believer I wonder if their died when they died if they went to heaven we don't know but we know that God has had just just judged he is a just God and he will do what is right and fair and so this passage in Luke 18 that I'm going to tell you about tells us the story about an unjust judge and it talks about this widow woman who went to this judge and she asked him to a time and time again to grant her justice against her enemy and this judge didn't fear God he didn't care about this woman he wasn't even listening to her the Bible says but eventually she wore him down because she wouldn't quit coming back to him and she was asking for vindication and for him to grant her justice and so he finally said this unjust judge says I'm going to grant her her justice because I'm I'm tired of her coming to see me and I just want to get her out of my life and so he granted her justice well after Jesus told that story he said do you see what this corrupted judge did if he did that how much more will God your heavenly Father bring about justice for you his chosen one because you cry out to him day and night listen to this he will not put you off I tell you he will see that you get justice and that you get it quickly God is gonna hate Joel preached about that God is gonna move quickly in your life he's gonna move suddenly in your life amen and so what Jesus was saying and I'm gonna just put my spin on it because I think this is what he means God is nothing like that unjust judge he's nothing like that when you cry out to God he listens to you and he hears you and he responds by granting you justice it may not be overnight but God is working on your behalf he will respond because he is a just God he is a true and a just God and He will always do what's right and fair and He will not put you off that all judge just keep putting her off kept putting her off God's not like that he doesn't get tired of you you don't wear him out he doesn't get tired of hearing your voice he doesn't get tired of hearing his word he doesn't get tired of hearing your prayers God wants to hear you and he works through prayer and through all of this after he told well before he told the story it was for this point Jesus said never give up and keep on praying he said never give up and keep on praying he will answer you and he will vindicate you because God Jesus showed us that God is a just God and He will do what's right and he won't do it's fair and he will stick up for his children amen and he will vindicate you and he will show that you are his chosen one his child amen so in closing I'm done a little bit early tonight Eric is going to come up just a minute but in closing remember that Jesus is Immanuel God with us God in a human body he came to show us to reveal to us what our God is really like what our Heavenly Father is really like he's a good father that's full of compassion he's a merciful God that loves us unconditionally he is our healer and desires to perform miracles on our behalf and God is a just God amen did that help you tonight some amen well welcome Eric as he comes back he's a good pastor Lisa another big hand clap that was fantastic thank you so much but let's close out in prayer father we just thank you so much for the word that we've heard tonight from pastor Lisa that you're the God of compassion God of mercy you're the God of justice Lord you're the healing God and you are God Emmanuel you are with us father we just thank you so much for the truth of your word that it comforted us tonight and it just revealed more of who you are to us because that's what we really need in Jesus name Amen amen let me make a quick announcement this is our last class for the year so oh you have no you have no idea how much I appreciate that actually but we'll be back in two weeks so say January 6th so we're gonna miss the next two weeks well technically we will be back three Mondays from now so January 6 make sure you come on back but as I always say we have a lot going on here at Lakewood make sure you come out to the midweek service to the weekend service make sure you're here as often as the doors are open because your lives will never be the same for the better amen All Right see you January 6 bye-bye
Channel: LisaOsteenComes
Views: 6,874
Rating: 4.8542509 out of 5
Id: QG1Np_DasEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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