Genesis - II Chronicles Bible Study

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Thank You Jeremy so appreciate that and it's so good to see each and every one of you I always love to see you love the fact that you have a hunger for the Word of God amen welcome all of you like Jeremy said online we're just always so thrilled that you can be a part of Lakewood by watching online and I hope you did download the the outline that I gave you that I have available for you because I believe it will help you it will help you not to be under pressure to take all these notes and to write everything down that we're going to talk about today so first of all I want to say hello to my friends in Boston I just was in Boston preaching we saw so many people saved and set free and we had a good time there and I learned that a lot of people from Boston watched the Bible study why don't you give them a good hand clap suboxone five days a beautiful place okay so how many of you got your outlines here okay this is something I've never done before just a very in-depth I guess I should say in-depth overview of the Bible but first of all let me just remind you that we're in a series called encountering God through the word of encountering God through the Bible this is number three the third teaching the first teaching we talked about how important and why it's important to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ this last time we talked about why it's important to read the word because when we read the word certain spiritual transactions take place and things happened as we talked about 15 things that happen to us when we read the Word of God and so we are going to get into the practicals of you know talking about how do I read the Bible where can I start you know what translation can I use we're going to get into all that but I'm still sort of laying a foundation is that okay and and I wanted to lay the foundation of an overview of the Bible just so you can understand the unity of the Bible the magnificence of the Bible how it was put together how it relates to one another that sound good to you and so we're gonna just have I'm going to share a lot of facts tonight and I'm gonna try to leave you an encouraging word too but anyway the Bible remains the best-selling book in the entire world even though it is not on any best-selling list isn't that amazing it is the most owned and read book in any year world worldwide it is the most copied and printed and own book in all of human history and so it was the first book ever printed on the first printing press in 1440 and that was fifty years before Columbus sailed to America and so but before that it was the most hand copied document all over the world and there are still more than 5000 ancient manuscripts for the Greek New Testament isn't that amazing and so the only way that people receive the teachings of the Bible is because people were took the time to hand copy them and share them with other people and and to send them to other cities and it just scattered that way from person to person so thank God we have it all together right here we don't have to do that we can get any translation we want we can read it anytime we want and I love that the Bible is composed of 66 books there are 39 in the Old Testament 27 in the New Testament say 39 27 so that's 66 Bibles listen the Bible was written over 50 over a 1500 year span sometimes we think well it was just written all all at once - no it was written over a 1,500 year span from 1400 BC to AD 100 it was written over 40 generations it was written by over 40 authors from many walks of life from fishermen to Kings to peasants to philosophers to poets to statesmen and to scholars these are the people that wrote the Bible it was written in different places in the wilderness in the dungeon and yet it was written in palaces also it was written on three continents Asia Africa and Europe and it was written in three languages Hebrew Aramaic and Greek so you have all that information right there and you can go over it as you want to and as you have time but just facts about the Bible and even though it was written by all these different people and three different continents and and overall the span of years it there is such a perfect harmony about it there's such a such a perfect agreement throughout the Bible because each author was inspired by God and by the Holy Spirit to write whatever God spoke to them and so God's message never changes throughout the Bible it's the same message I am loved I love you I want to be involved in your life I will never leave you and I will never forsake you see that's the message of the Bible listen to this the cross and the blood of Jesus run from Genesis to Revelation and it identifies Jesus as our Redeemer and so the Bible is always telling the same story about the same God and his plan of salvation for the world from Genesis to Revelation and that's marvelous amen let me just read you a few scriptures there's many scriptures that prove that it was written by God written by men and that God spoke to men I just want to read you through in Exodus 17 14 the Bible says then the Lord said to Moses write this on a scroll as something to be remembered said I want you to write it down so it could be remembered we're reading that today at Joshua 24 26 and Joshua Joshua recorded these things and the book of the law of God that's the Bible that we have today Nehemiah 8:1 says that all the people came together as one in the square before the water gates and they told Ezra the teacher the law to bring out the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded for Israel and read to them and so we see that whatever was written at that time they read it at that time they referred to it at that time and so we see that even though it was written by me it was commanded by God it was commissioned by God and men wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit and so I want you to look at this graphic on the monitors because I don't know what you have that in your notes but you can see this clearly I believe in and it really sort of helps you understand the flow of the Bible and so if you'd like to look at we add it with me you'll see that in the Old Testament there and I don't want to walk out of the the camera I've got to remember to do that to stay here the Pentateuch those are the five books of Moses Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy they are also what is in the Torah the Jewish Bible these are the laws that they read and that they obey that is their Jewish law and then there are the history books and tranch osawa to esther and they simply tell us the history of God's people the poetry books their job Psalms proverbs you see all those in the major prophets why were they major because they had bigger books that's all and the Minor Prophets because they had smaller books and then we get into the New Testament and we see that the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and and acts they're history books and then we get into the the books that Paul and others wrote to the churches and to individuals as you can see there and then I can't read that last one what it says there in the green somebody read it for me but general epistles they're Hebrews it through revelations and what his revelations say prophesies we know it's about the end times about what's going to happen to us but do you see just the flow the flow this is how it's divided up so you can understand how the book how the Bible is divided up and so with that in mind tonight we're going to begin to talk briefly about each book of the Bible and until we run out of time and then we'll finish next time I don't I've never done this I don't know how long it's going to take and I don't want to be too laborious or I don't want to take too long but I want to just give you a snapshot of each book of the Bible so I did a lot of research but a good portion of my information came from Maryland hickeys God encounter book I don't know if you've ever read that or looked at it she used to have a seminar I love Marilyn Hickey she's been on one of my mentors and heroes because she's a fabulous teacher of the word of God she's taught here at Lakeridge before but I want you to know Bible encounter Bible encounter is what it's called and I think it's called seeing Jesus now but if you just wanted a good book that really goes through all of it she goes through much more in depth that I do than I do but this is what I want to do for each book as you can see on your outline I want to give you a brief overview and then I want to show you where we can see Jesus in that book and then I want to give you an encouraging thought from that book is that sound good to you the purpose of the Old Testament was to prepare the way for Jesus the purpose of the New Testament was to prepare a people to receive Jesus the Old Testament was written long before Jesus was born and yet that is amazing because of all the prophecies that we will see that were written about him before he ever was born on this earth so in the Old Testament let's just begin with Genesis we said the first five books are the books of Moses called the Pentateuch and so let's talk about Genesis Genesis means beginning and so it tells the story of creation it tells the story of the beginning of the world and you know some of the most famous Bible stories you learned as a little kid you know is in Genesis Cain and Abel you know Satan and and Adam and Eve sinning and think about Noah's Ark what other Bible stories have you read there Jake the coat of many colors Jacob's Ladder in whose what did you say Joseph that is so true we're going to talk about Joseph so we see a lot of these main stories in Jena and Genesis answers two big questions and they are how did God's relationship with the world begin and the second question is this where did the nation of Israel come from have you ever wondered that and so it deals with the human race on one hand and on the other hand it deals with the family of Abraham you see God called Abraham as the very first Hebrew to to begin the Jewish race Abraham was the start of the Jewish nation and Genesis is also a historical record of God's covenant with the Jewish nation and there was remember there was Abraham Isaac and Jacob and then Jacob had twelve sons and they became the twelve tribes of Israel and that's where we get we get those twelve tribes and one of the tribes was the tribe of Judah which Judah means pray I believe and so King David was born into that tribe and that is the same tribe where Jesus came through so he came through the the tribe of Judah now what the Bible says he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah so and remember that the Bible says that Jesus is the Son of David because he was in this genealogy of David they were in that same lineage in Genesis we also see the fall of man from sin but we see how God quickly has a plan of redemption so that he can bring us back into relationship with him and he does it through one nation Israel and through the man and son of God Jesus Christ and I love that as quickly as a man fall got fell God had a plan to pick us back up and get us into relationship with him but he had to do it in a spiritually legal way and he said he chose Abraham to be the head of a new race and to be the head of the Jewish nation and he decided that Jesus would come through that lineage and so in Genesis there are four divine institutions and they're right there on your notebook the institution of free will God has given each of one of us free will do you know he has chosen each one of us but it's up to us to choose him because he doesn't want robots to serve him he wants relationship that's what we talked about God wants relationship with you then there's the marriage relationship the family relationship and then the nations of the world the begin to sprint how we see let's talk about how we see Jesus in Genesis when when God asked Abraham to offer his one and only son to him I tell you it was hard for Abraham but he did it he took his son and he went up the mountain and on that trip Isaac his son now remember he had he had believed God for a son he had waited for Isaac for many many years and now God said I don't want you to withhold him from me I want you to offer him to me as a sacrifice and so on the way up his his son Isaac said dad where is the sacrifice where's the sacrificial lamb and and Abraham said son God Himself will provide a lamb for the burnt offering and so Abraham bound his son he put him on the altar but at that time an angel of the Lord stopped Abraham and he said now I see Abraham that you will withhold nothing from me and when he said that he meant it just gives me chills when I say that what and and he and when he said that they heard a ram that was stuck in the thicket and they knew that was the lamb and so Abraham took Isaac off of the altar and he took that RAM and he put the RAM on the altar and he sacrificed him instead let me tell you something that is a picture of Jesus we should be we should have paid for our own sins but Jesus is the Lamb of God that he provided for the sacrifice of our sins you see we should be laying on that altar but God said mmm no I want you off the altar and I'm gonna put my son Jesus on the altar and I'm gonna sacrifice him for the sins of the whole world because he is the Lamb that that is sacrificed for the sins of the world amen the takeaway from Genesis and by the way I'm not going to spend as much time on each book I just want to spend a little bit more time on these first few books the takeaway from this is the life of Joseph as you said it's such an encouragement to all of us even though he was mistreated he was falsely accused for all those years God watched over him and God not only rescued him and delivered him but he promoted him and he put him on the throne and so that should encourage us that no matter what you're going through right now no matter how much you've been mistreated how how much hardship is in your life right now that God will not only restore you he will vindicate you and he will promote you and he will put you on the throne of his will amen amen amen so that's Genesis did that help you a little bit now before we go to Exodus do you remember that God used Joseph to save his family during the famine you know they they didn't live in Egypt and they came for food during that time well Jacob rubia I mean Joseph revealed himself to his family they were restored and he said come live here so that you can have food there was plenty there and so Jacob brought all that his other eleven sons and there were 70 people and all in his family well did you know that they eventually grew to 3,000 people over the next 400 years and so the Bible says that Joseph died and and the new leaders the new Pharaoh's they didn't know Joseph so they didn't have the Israelites didn't have favor with Pharaoh anymore and so Pharaoh became threatened by all these millions of Jews and and you've decided to turn them into slaves and he mistreated him and so that brings us to Exodus Exodus was written by Moses of course historical the overview is this Exodus tells us the story of the family of Abraham becoming a nation and being delivered out of Egypt see Exodus means mass departure so it was the Jews mass departure exodus from Egypt and from slavery and it records how God brought them out with all of these great miracles it tells of the wanderings in the wilderness but it also records the giving of the law and the ceremonies for worship that Israel had to follow and I love it because Exodus begins with the birth of Moses just a miracle birth how God you know saved him and his mother spared him away hid him away in that basket and god only spared his life but he raised him up for such a time as this to be the delivery later he appeared to him in a burning bush and he said I want you to deliver my people and so it begins with that it tells how Moses God used Moses to bring the plagues on the Egyptians because they would not let Pharaoh would not let them leave the land and so anyway after the final plague do you remember it was the death of the firstborn Moses had every firstborn child and every family will die if you don't let us go and he wouldn't let us go even Pharaoh's own son died his firstborn son but do you remember what God said he said I want you to I want you to kill a lamb and I want you to put a every family kill a lamb and I want you to take the blood and I want you to put it on the doorpost of each home every family has to do that and when the death angel passes through Egypt it will pass over the doors with the blood on it because they will know you belong to me and and so it was it was an amazing thing and you could hear the crying in Egypt but the Israelites after that plague were able to move out of Egypt and they were able to under the Egyptians actually and take many things from them but anyway so it talks about how Moses took them through the Red Sea it's just amazing all the miracles that the book also records the giving a manna manna means what is it because when they saw this they said what is it but it was a bread a coriander bread that God provided for them in the wilderness to eat and and then it talks about how God provided a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to lead them we don't have to have that anymore because the Holy Spirit in us is our cloud by day and the Holy Spirit in us is our fire by night and he leads us and so we don't have to have that anymore how do we see Jesus well he is our Passover lamb you see remember that when the israelites killed a killed that lemon put the doorpost over them that Death Angel passed over and first Corinthians 1011 says that Jesus is our Passover lamb so when the enemy passes over us he sees the blood of Jesus and he cannot harm us amen amen amen what's the TEC takeaway well just as God delivered the Israelites from bondage he will deliver us from the bondage of sin and not only that he will deliver us from any bondage we have in our life he delivers us from the kingdom of darkness and translates us into the kingdom of his dear son the Bible says whom the son sets free is free indeed amen so let's get on to Leviticus another book of Moses Leviticus means that which pertains to the priest now remember that God chose the tribe of Levi to be the priest and so in Leviticus God gives Israel instructions on how to worship Him and in order for them to stand before a holy God they had to perform these ceremony they had to have these sacrifices for their sins and and the priest would go in once a year you know and he would offer sacrifices for the sins of the whole people and they also the Jews were also required were required to hold these feast which East feasts had a special meaning and it told a story and so in seeing Jesus in Leviticus you can see him really in all the five sacrifices in a priesthood because Jesus is our how our high priests and then you can see him in the seven feasts but I want to give you one example of the offerings there had to present a sin offering and Jesus was our ultimate sin offering we don't have to present any more offerings to God you know even God said to Saul I require obedience and not sacrifices God doesn't want you to sacrifice he wants you to obey Him and so you know Jesus was our ultimate sin offering and now we have boldness therefore to enter into the holy place by the blood of Jesus we have boldness to have a relationship with God to approach God we have as I said last time we have an all-access pass to God anytime anywhere and so the encouragement is because of Jesus we don't have to perform these ceremonies anymore because of Jesus we don't have to make sacrifices for our sins when we sin first John 1:9 says this if you confess your sins God is faithful and he will not only forgive you but he will cleanse you from all unrighteousness I don't know about you but I'm glad I don't have to go through all that stuff I'm glad Jesus came with a new law he had a plan of redemption amen okay let's look at numbers numbers takes its name from two numberings that they did of the people of Israel in chapter 1 in chapter 26 after their long stay in Egypt they wanted to know how many people there were how many people were in each tribe and then the second numbering at the end it was for war and because they wanted to divide the trial a among the tribes and so anyway the Hebrew name for Hebrews is in the wilderness and so Israel failed to obey God once they got out there and they and the wilderness they quit they could obey in God they doubted God they grumbled against God and so as a result they ended up wandering in the wilderness for forty years now how we can see Jesus is it's really in several instances but one is when the Israelites were being bitten by the snakes because of their disobedience and God said to Moses he said I want you to get a stake and I want you to put a bronze serpent on that stake and if the people will look at that cross and that stake then I will heal them and so of course that is a picture of the crucifixion and when we look to Jesus on the cross he forgives us he heals a spirit soul and body amen so powerful the takeaway is this some have called numbers the book of murmuring because they complain so much they were very impatient with God which tells us that we must trust God timing in our lives you see we've got to keep a grateful attitude we've got to keep an attitude of faith listen the Israelites wondered forty years and they could have wandered for eleven days only it was an 11 day trip but you know what they grumbled so much God said you're not ready for the Promised Land you're just gonna have to keep going around and around and around this wilderness until you learn some lessons until you allow me to prepare you in fact that generation never entered into the Promised Land it was their children that entered into the Promised Land so God's ways and timing are always better than ours the Bible says his ways are higher than ours his thoughts are higher than our thoughts and so his timing is always the best and when you're tempted to get impatient with God remember the snakes God's not gonna send snakes but let me tell you what let me tell you what's gonna happen you're going to open yourself to trouble because God's way is always the best way number five is Deuteronomy the last book in the Pentateuch Moses gives instructions for how to love and obey God when they go into the Promised Land remember he's not gonna take him but he's giving them instructions this is what you're to do this is how do you're to love and obey God and in the book of Deuteronomy he preaches three sermons and in the first one he just he talks about he reminds the people of their history and I just think that's so good for us to look back and see how God has has done miracles in our life what is he has done in our life and that's what Moses was doing with the people he was reminding them of what God had done in their life their history and then he refused the law with him and then remember that famous chapter chapter 28 when he he lifts the blessings and the cursings and he said if you willfully obey God then you will be abundantly blessed and and these blessings he lists all these blessings in the first fourteen verses all these blessings will come upon you but if you disobey God you're going to open yourself up to the curses of the law and all these curses will come upon you and so really the the how we see Jesus know nothing I've got ahead of myself hold on just just a minute so if when we obey God we open ourselves up to blessings when we don't we open ourselves up to trouble which I've sort of already said at the end of this book Moses climbed a mountain in Moab right there that really touches my heart he climbed up he looked over at the land and he gave up the ghost the Bible says and he went to be with Jesus now how can we see Jesus many ways in this book but the most obvious reference is to the coming Messiah and it is in Deuteronomy 18:15 and this Moses himself said this he was a prophet he said the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me see he was a type of Jesus he will raise up a prophet from among you like me from your fellow Israelite and I'm telling you you must listen to him and how do me know not many Jews listen not that they don't understand that he is the Messiah I should say he doesn't they don't understand that and so he was imploring listen to him that prophet was Jesus that he was talking about Peter quoted and confirmed this even in acts 18 and you can read the words he was talking about Jesus the takeaway is this Moses was the greatest leader God's people had ever known hands down chapter 34 was probably written by Joshua though and in verse 10 I want you to listen to what he says about Moses he said and there arose not a prophet since Israel like unto Moses who knew the Lord face to face you know what's amazing about that statement we can know Jesus face to face we can know him because of Jesus we can know him face to face we can know our Heavenly Father face to face you see in the Old Testament God only spoke to his people through the Prophet priester King but Jesus changed all that when he came when he died he brought us into right standing with God and now each one of us can have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father you see he speaks directly to us we are his sheep his sheep hear my well my sheep hear my voice and they listen to me so we can have that face-to-face relationship with him now I would encourage about something I I don't want you to feel burdened down to have to follow the outline unless you just don't want to I'm just simply saying I put the information in there for you to have if you want to just listen so I just want to tape you can't keep up with it I just want to tell you that it's not necessary and let me tell you an interesting fact Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy and the Psalms more than any other book in the Bible it just did fun fact so these are the first five books of the Bible the first spot they're the books of Moses but there are many more historical books so we're gonna get into Joshua Joshua was written by Joshua let me tell you the overview Joshua became Israel's new leader and he led them into the Promised Land this is an account of three campaigns in battle that Joshua led to conquer the land and then after they conquered the land Joshua divided out the territories for each of the 12 tribes of Israel and that's a large part of the book talking about that and the the purpose of Joshua's was to show that God was faithful to give his people the promised land and it shows us that God is always faithful to his promises amen and we we clearly see Jesus's in this book because the name Joshua is the Old Testament equivalent for Joshua which means Jesus so Joshua's life was a picture of Jesus himself because this is how he led Israel into the Promised Land into a period of rest and Jesus led us into a period of rest and salvation that is our promised land the takeaway is this Joshua tells the story of the Battle of Jericho and that's when they marched around the city and remember the first six times they marched around God said I don't want you to say a word and you know what that is so important in the battles of life that sometimes we just got to keep our mouth shut and if we're gonna say anything it needs to be good or it needs to be praising God but don't talk about the negative things that are going on constantly because it will just drag you down so he said I don't want you to talk six times you're not going to talk because can't you imagine them saying how many more times are we going around this thing what do you think God is doing in my life but God is crazy telling us to do this but see they kept quiet and then on the seventh time he said now I want you to praise and shout into the Lord and when they praised and shouted that's when the walls came down they didn't even have to fight they came down of their own accord and so to us that is a reminder that when that when that we have to trust and praise God in the midst of the battles not just when we're in the on the mountaintop not just when everything is going good listen in the ballet you're in right now just continue to praise God what do you say well what do I say you praise God that you're coming out praise God that he is your deliverer praise got that the walls are going to come down praise God that your praise is making a such a difference that the the walls of opposition the walls of sickness the walls are financial trouble the walls of anxiety the walls of depression they're coming down in the name of Jesus amen amen the Bible says in the New Testament that these these Old Testament stories were written to encourage us and to give us faith and hope you see and so that's why we have to glean from these scriptures and see what God has to say with us say to us now Joshua I got to tell this John I'll give one more story Joshua also recounts the story of how God caused the son to stand still so that they could fight the battle now I just I just had to bring this out and I was looking at the scripture before and listen to what it says it's Joshua 10 12 and 14 on the day the Lord gave the amorite over to Israel Joshua was said to the Lord in the presence of Israel stand still over Gideon and you moon over the valley of a Jayla so the Sun Stood Still and the moon stopped till the nation avenged itself in its enemies as it is written in the book of Jasher and the Sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down for a full day that's powerful that's powerful therefore has it never been a day like that before since God did that for Joshua and let me tell you what that says to me God is not limited by anything we're going through and you know what if he wants to cause this understand still for you he will do it if he wants to open a door that's closed in your face he can open that door with God all things are possible and I believe that God will move heaven and earth to get what you need to get to get you where you need to be amen all right judges is this helping you some tonight all right are you learning a little bit more about the Bible do you feel that okay you see the flow are you seeing the flow judges was written by the prophet Samuel it's still a historical book judges records the history of Israel from the death of Joshua to the time of the prophet Samuel and the Bible says that the people were very faithful to God under Joshua but after he died they were not loyal to him anymore and they worshipped idols they became like the world around them they were like this up and down in their faith unstable in their faith one day serving God one day not serving God and Israel was in this cycle of turning away from God and then they would get in trouble and they would become captive to oppressive enemies in then they would whine and cry to God so please save us and he would save us he would save them and he would rescue them and so God sent them judges during that time and great delivers to help them Samson is one of them another woman I love Deborah God sent Deborah how to read the story of Deborah a man wouldn't go so she went and I love that and so it's I think it was deborah and barak and so gideon was another one remember him he was insecure but God used him as a mighty deliverer Jesus you can be seen in this book because a judge is defined as a Savior as a ruler as a spiritual and political deliverer which is obviously a type of Jesus Christ because Jesus is our ruler he's our Savior he's our spiritual leader and so you see that through the judges the takeaway is this it pays to obey God you see when we disobey in turn from him we always end up in trouble that seems to be the ongoing theme doesn't it Isaiah 119 says if you were willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land hands down God knows what is best for you just a little I think Leslie has my water there if you don't mind I'm just going to take a little drink let's go to Ruth how many of you read the Book of Ruth thank you so much a good little book this book is the story of two widows and let me see let me get my place Ruth did Naomi and they lost everything but they found a hope in Israel again it's a beautiful story a small book so you got to read it sometime it's a beautiful story of how God redeemed their loss God can redeem any loss in your life and you probably know the story of how God divinely brought Ruth to bow has Boaz together in marriage did you know that Boaz was the son of Rahab the harlot from Jericho it's interesting in it and they were in the lineage of Jesus but Ruth worked in the fields of Boaz and she found favor with him and it ended up that he was one of her kinsmen and so he redeemed Ruth and they were married now the name Ruth means friend or companion the named Boaz means in him is strength so Ruth is this a story of her love and friendship to her mother-in-law at Naomi and to now and to God Naomi's God and Ruth was very young and losing her son I mean her husband in fact Naomi had two daughters-in-law her husband and two sons died just young and so she said Naomi said to Ruth and the other daughter-in-law she said I want you to go back I want you to go back to your lands and find you a husband you're young and so the other one left but Naomi rafi I mean Ruth refused to leave Naomi's side and so it's just a real wonderful picture of friendship and dedication and companionship and she said in Ruth 1:16 Ruth replied don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you because wherever you go I will go and wherever you stay I will stay and listen to this your people will be my people and your God will be my god now powerful that's the way we should speak to Jesus wherever you go Jesus I'll go wherever you're at God I'm gonna show up and so you can see Jesus because Boaz is a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ our kinsman redeemer and so this was a this was a what did we say part of their culture but a kinsman redeemer had to have four things be related by blood to those who redeems to be able to pay the redemption to be willing to redeem and to be free himself and so when Boaz found out that Ruth was her kinsman he said you know I'm free she's related by blood in the same tribe and I am able to pay the redemption and I want to pay the redemption for her to be my my wife and so we are the Bride of Christ that is a picture of us as the Bride of Christ Jesus meets every requirement there he is her Redeemer he is related to us because we are his children he was able to pay the redemption he wanted to pay the redemption and he was free and he wanted to set us free Jesus is our Redeemer he paid our debt of sin on the cross amen and we are now married to him we are his bride and we will be with him in eternity forever and ever one day that's good that's good preaching in it good preaching Lisa just kidding the takeaway and Ruth 1:20 Naomi spoke of the almighty and translated in Hebrew that is el-shaddai the god of more than enough now listen to this what's interesting is that else chata is always mentioned when death has occurred and the only way out is for God to bring resurrection let me tell you something no matter what pain you go through you have the LSAT I no matter what's dead in your life you have the el shaddai that God who is more than enough amen you have the resurrection power of Jesus now did you notice that Ruth is the first by a book of the Bible named after a woman the second one is Esther the only - just a fun fact ok are you ready for first samuel let me know oh yeah ok we need to get going don't we ok that's ok we'll just stop one when it when the time is out we'll pick it up first samuel written by the prophet samuel is historical samuel was a miracle child because his mother Hannah was barren do you remember that and she prayed for a child she went to the property line she prayed for a child and he prayed for her and God blessed her with Samuel and when the child grew she dedicated Samuel to the Lord she left him excuse me in the house Samuel in the house of Eli and he was raised under the the Prophet and God began to speak to Samuel at an early age you can read this story but this book tells the story of the birth of the Prophet Samuel and during this time Israel demanded a king and God reluctantly gave them one that's one time God just said I'm gonna give you what you want and but he said you're not going to choose the king I'm gonna choose the king and I whoever I choose I will anoint to lead you and so God would anoint the king of his choice and Samuel in this book he writes a prophetically oriented history of Israel's early monarchy the kings he records the reign of King Saul and then his eventual disobedience to God remember he turned from God and he didn't do all that he asked him to do and and he also tells how God anointed David as a young shepherd boy to become Saul's heir Samuel also this is very interested he presided over a company or a group as the Bible says of prophets and these prophets were the mouthpiece of God two kings and two nations and for five hundred years these prophets were the orators the poets the historians and the reformers are both the northern and the southern kingdoms and every major prophet we read about was produced by this group and they became the spiritual power behind every throne you notice God always had a king and he had a prophet and he had a priest and let me tell you something that Jesus is our King he's our prophet and our priest amen Jesus can be seen clearly because he is revealed in David the shepherd of the King Jesus is our Shepherd the Lord is our Shepherd and I shall not want he leaves me beside the still waters and he is the king of kings amen the takeaway Samuel went to anoint one of Jesse's sons as a king that was David and when he saw the oldest son what did he do he looked at him he said oh man he looks like a king he's tall he looks like a king and God said to him and actually this is what this is what Samuel said surely this is the Lord's anointing and God said surely it's not he said in first samuel 16:7 he said do not consider his appearance or height so he was looking at how he looked how tall he was do not consider his appearance or height for I have rejected him that the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart isn't that amazing God let me tell you something God looks at your heart he looks at your heart he knows who you are and he knows who you are becoming he sees the potential in you he doesn't see you as a failure he sees you as a learner he is not looking for talent or qualifications he is looking for a heart after him David was an ordinary man the ordinary young man but he had a heart after God but let me tell you something after that all began to flow and Samuel anointed David he became a different man because he went out to help his brothers to feed take food to his brothers and there he saw that old uncircumcised philistine goliath 10 feet tall however tall he was in an anger stirred up in him that was the anointing of the holy spirit and he said who is this uncircumcised philistine that would defy the armies of the living of God he was just a little boy he didn't have he wasn't a warrior but he had the anointing of the Holy Spirit and he he he killed Goliath with a sling and a stone who does that only somebody anointed by God amen the Holy Spirit led that stone he made it go fast he struck him down amen it's not what we can or can I do but it's what the anointing will cause to happen in your life and that's what we can take away second Samuel now they say that he is the part he is partly the author and then there's unknown authors and so we don't know exactly but that's the consensus the overview David becomes king of Israel finally after a long battle remember how you honored Saul when Saul wasn't obeying God when Saul wanted to kill him when Saul had that evil spirit come on him David would even go and play the heart for him and calm him down Saul was I mean David was faithful to SAW he knew he was anointed to be king and yet he still was faithful to Saul he said I will not touch God's anointed and so he was faithful and God raised him up to be the King and second Samuel offers a just a kindred candid portrait of the strengths and weaknesses of David's 40-year reign as he brought Israel into a powerful nation and God honored him as a man after his own heart and the fact that he had weaknesses offers hope for every one of us it offers redemption to all people because he was a man after God's heart and yet he had failures we can see Jesus David is an old is an important Old Testament type of Christ many of the promises made to David were fulfilled in Jesus and in the New Testament Jesus is called the son of David as I mentioned before the takeaway is this when David failed you fell big he not only committed adultery with Bathsheba but he just said conveniently you know let her husband get up in the battle line and and pull back and don't let anybody protect him in other words let him just conveniently die it's called murder that's what he did because he wanted something he didn't have he had everything he had other wives but he wanted Bathsheba and so he failed big time and so what that tells me you know we know that eventually David repented and God forgave him and God continued to use him there was consequences to his sin but what I'm saying he hurt over it Samuel the Nathan the prophet of it was at Nathan that had that came to him and said you know you you've done wrong for a year it took David a year to repent but God forgave him and I think we have to remember that that was only a season of David's life it wasn't his whole picture it wasn't his whole life and you know what that can encourage us because there are seasons where we don't do really good well we really mess up and we do things we shouldn't do but see God doesn't look at a season in your life and judge you and and and not approve of you because of that God God looks at all the seasons and he says you know what he needs to repent she needs to repent I'm gonna forgive him and I'm gonna use them again and so I think that's the encouragement to us we have bad seasons but most of the seasons in our lives are good and that's what we have to remember and that's what God remembers amen first Kings this it's a historic first kings is a written by Jeremiah the Prophet Jeremiah it's a historical book this book begins with the death of David and the anointing of his son Solomon to be his successor King Solomon reigns in enjoys this time of peace and and prosperity and of course it tells of all of Solomon's wisdom his glory everything remember that the even queens and kings came to see his prosperity and his palace it and they so admired him because he was known throughout the world but in the end King Solomon turns his heart to idols and displeases God many of you know he took many wives of other nations and other religions and turned toward their idols he allowed them to influence them but Jerusalem during this time was the capital of Israel but all of a sudden the kingdom is divided and Samaria becomes the capital of Israel and Jerusalem becomes the capital of Judah so the nation shifts somewhat and we see Jesus and the fact that Solomon typifies Jesus in many ways with his wisdom with his fame and his glory because he foreshadows you know Christ coming wisdom and Kingdom and I think the takeaway is that God told Solomon that he could ask him for anything ask for anything he could have asked for a wealth he could have asked for anything and he said I'll give it to you and Solomon Solomon said I want your wisdom God I need your wisdom to rule this nation and because he asked for wisdom he got wealth and fame also and he got prosperity also and it just reminds us that more than anything we need the wisdom of God in our lives we need to know how to apply his knowledge in our life and when we asked for the right things God blesses us with other things alrighty I think I got a stop on 2nd let me finish 2nd Kings is that ok can I finish 2nd Kings because it would be on 2nd Kings is by Jeremiah to the overview the 2 divided kingdoms ignore God and his prophets until they both fall captive to other world empires 2nd kings records the pivotal events in the careers of all the kings of Israel and Judah and it shows the rebellion against God and the failure to to really do what he asked him to do and there were 19 evil kings that arose during this time and they didn't obey God but I'm telling you who stood out during that time is Elijah and Elijah the prophets of God and they were faithful to God in his covenant and God was faithful to his covenant with David by protecting his lineage in spite of the evil kings and we see Jesus because Elijah is a type of Jesus emphasizing God's grace life and hope in our lives and then the takeaway now in with this and 2nd Kings 2 we read the famous story of how God took Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind remember that and he tried to shake his servant Elijah off and he said don't don't go with me I'm going and Elijah said no I'm gonna go with you wherever you go and so he'd go another place he said no I'm going I'm going don't go with me and he said no I'm gonna go with you wherever you go and so God Elijah spoke to him and he said if you watch me go up to heaven he said ask for what you want and he said I want a double portion of the anointing upon your life and when he saw Elijah go up into that whirlwind I tell you what that anointing meant and mantle fell upon Elijah and he received that double anointing amen but let me tell you something that Elijah had been faithful to serve Elijah he wanted to be used by God in the same way and God granted his request and you know what it also it shows us that we need to be faithful where we are serving the people that are over us and then at the right time ass big because we have a big God amen all righty god bless you Jeremy come on [Applause] Wow was that good tonight let's say well come back next week same place same time and pastor Lisa will continue our overview of the scriptures let's pray father we love you we thank you for your word we thank you that your word is true all day every day father help us to be obedient to your Holy Spirit this week as we as we remember the words that you've spoken to us God thank you that you have chosen us that you've blessed us father that you've shown us your favor and God that you will open doors that nobody will close this week in Jesus name Amen see you next week [Applause]
Channel: LisaOsteenComes
Views: 17,371
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Keywords: lisa, osteen, comes, bibe, hope, lakewood, study, preaching, sermon
Id: 6hapKs4_Tmg
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Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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