Jesus in the Old Testament - - Yeshua in the Tanakh

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shabbat shalom everyone [Music] shabbat shalom we welcome our guests we're so glad that you can be here praise the lord and last night at sunset began the two-day jewish holy day called simcatora rejoicing in the lord it's also known as shamini ad seret which means the eighth day of the assembly it was on this day you know that yeshua stood up when they were pouring out the water and praying for the lord to send a good reign for their harvest on that last day of the great feast he said he got up and he said if any man thirsts let him come unto me and drink and uh and he who believes in me shall from his innermost parts of his being hishkishkis shall flow rivers of living water and so the lord has living water force and now this holiday is kind of it's a rabbinic holiday it's not a biblical holiday nothing bad about it though right they'll bring out the scroll what it does is it it um it celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of public torah readings and all the synagogues over the world they read from the first five books of moses called the tanakh and they come to the end of that cycle in deuteronomy and uh and then they begin a new cycle next shabbat and uh but here as messianic jews and messianic gentiles i i i propose that today we make it more messianic amen and uh perhaps uh we'll call it simcha torah bay yeshua rejoicing in yeshua the torah who has made flesh amen that the one who came a fulfilled torah amen sir yeshua and then first in the gospel of john if you have your bibles the gospel of john and the first five verses in the beginning was the word that's the word logos in the greek and the word was with god and the word was god and then he was in the beginning with god all things came into being through him apart from him nothing nothing came into being that has come into being in him was life and his life was the light of men the light shines in the darkness darkness can't figure it out amen that's my version the darkness doesn't comprehend it the darkness can't figure it out verse 14 and the word became flesh the word became human and dwelt amongst us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten from the father full of grace and truth so all the rabbis will bring out the torah and they'll read from the torah and the hebrew and they'll you know they'll can't it and and then they'll they'll rejoice and they'll go around the whole congregation with the torah there'll be a torah procession and everyone will kiss the torah and thank the lord for the torah but you know what the torah in yeshua became flesh no longer written on tablets of stone alone but written on the on the tablets of our heart by the ruach desh because yeshua took the torah and became and he embodied the torah he is the word that was with god he was the word that was god the word made flesh made human amen so this morning i want to do something a little different the title of my sermon today is yeshua in the tanakh so everybody know what the tanakh is the tanakh is what we call the old testament the hebrew scriptures that would be the tanakh usually really speaks of um you know the five books of moses but it also speaks of the entire you know hebrew scriptures and there was a wonderful messianic jew back in the old days who actually is from pittsburgh he passed away many many years ago his name was dr arthur glass there's been a lot of really dynamic messianic jewish leaders that have been in pittsburgh and for your information chosen people started a branch here in pittsburgh in 19 i believe it was 1916. somebody said wow and it and that that went on until around 19 i don't know 1980 or something or you know and and it came to an end in around 1980 81 82 and then we restored it and and uh brought that branch back in 2006. we began in 2005 and um what a joy amen it is the chosen people began in new york city then the first branch was philadelphia the second br the third branch was pittsburgh we are the third oldest branch in chosen people ministry and it's been going on uh chosen people since 1894. but dr glass was around in the olden days and he wrote a little track called yeshua in the tanakh and i was just so impressed by this little track that i want to read a little bit of it from uh from it to you and then i want to show you we want to take a few moments this morning and talk about yeshua in the tanakh yeshua in the torah and in dealing with my jewish brethren dr glass says for the past many years in canada the united states argentina uruguay i had one great difficulty and it was this my jewish people would always fling at me this challenging question and this might happen to you if jesus is our messiah and the whole new testament is about him how come his name has never mentioned it even once well i could never answer it satisfactorily to their way of thinking i admit i often wonder why his name was not actually written in the old bible oh yes i could show them the divine titles like in isaiah 7 14 you know a child will be born to a a virgin and they'll call his name emmanuel i could show them isaiah 9 6 and 7 where it says that unto us a son is born it's a child is born a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god prince of peace everlasting father i can show them jeremiah 23 5 and 6 where it speaks about this one that would come whose name would be the branch and he would be our righteousness and and even the word messiah in many places but the hebrew name that would be equal to jesus i could not show and then one day i like it when that happens see there could be a one day for you one day god just kind of hits you over the head amen and it doesn't hurt you [Laughter] one day the holy spirit opened my eyes and i just shouted there was the very name jesus found in the old testament about a hundred times all the way from genesis to habakkuk the very name that the angel gabriel used in luke chapter 1 verse 31 you could turn there when he told miriam that she was to have a son let's turn to um luke chapter 1 and verse 31. luke chapter one verse 31 okay come on luke i didn't put a bookmark and here it is and behold you will conceive in your womb and hear and bear a son and you shall name him jesus but that's not the language they were speaking back then amen believe me the angel spoke to miriam in the language that miriam understood you know what that language was come on you shall name him yeshua and he will be great and he will be called the son of the most high and the lord god will give him the throne of his father david and he will reign over the throne of jacob forever and his kingdom will have no end and she's quoting isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 and 7. every time in the old testament uses the word salvation with the hebrew suffix meaning my like my salvation or thy salvation or his salvation with very few exceptions when the word is impersonal it is very the very same word yeshua salvation is the word yeshua in the hebrew let us remember that the angel who spoke to miriam and the angel who spoke to joseph in his dream did not speak english latin or greek can i hear an amen but hebrew and neither were miriam or joseph slow to grasp the meaning and significance of the name of the divine son in relation to his character and his work of salvation for in the old testament all great characters were given names with a specific and significant meaning for example in genesis chapter 5 verse 9 lamech calls his son noah noah means comfort saying his name shall shall comfort he shall comfort us concerning our work and and tell of our works in genesis chapter 25 chapter 10 and verse 25 eber calls his first son peleg which means division for in his days was the earth divided the very same true of abraham and sarah isaac and jacob whose name was changed to israel all of jacob's sons in exodus pharaoh's daughter called the baby that she rescued from the nile moses which means drawn forth or drawn out of water every name has meaning and so when the angel spoke to joseph the husband of miriam the mother of our lord this is what he really said and what joseph actually understood she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name salvation yeshua for he will save his people from their sins and so we're going to take a little journey this morning if you turn with me to genesis chapter 49 and we're going to see how yeshua is throughout the tanakh and we can ask that question answer that question if a jewish person would ever say to you where is his name in the bible where is his name in the hebrew scriptures genesis chapter 49. and verse 18 and uh this is jacob speaking and he says for your yeshua i wait o lord for you're in the hebrew for your salvation i wait o lord for your yeshua i wait that's exactly how it's written uh in psalm chapter 9 psalm chapter 9. i'll give you a moment to get there psalm chapter 9 and david is speaking and in verse 14 david says all that i might tell of all your praises o lord that in the gates of the daughter of zion i may rejoice in your salvation in the hebrew that i may rejoice in your come on yeshua that i may rejoice in your yeshua psalm 91 a very popular well-known psalm 91 one of my favorite texts in all of the bible he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall dwell in the shadow of the almighty and uh in verse 14 through 16 of psalm 91 because he has loved me and we could also put she in there every time you see that because he she has loved me therefore i will deliver him and her i will set him and her securely on high because he has known my name that's really important it won't be o buddha sitting on the throne right it won't be old muhammad calling us home right you know uh it won't be harry krishna playing that trumpet tune you're going to see the sun not reverend moon somebody say thank god amen i will call upon him and i will uh and he will call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i'll be with her in trouble i will rescue him i will rescue her and honor him and honor her with long life i will satisfy him and let him see or let her see my yeshua my salvation i will let him see my yeshua my salvation yeshua is in the tanakh isaiah chapter 12 isaiah chapter 12. i love isaiah probably my favorite book of the prophets they're so rich and i love this portion of scripture chapter 12 of isaiah then you will say on that day i will give thanks to you o lord for your strength of although you are angry with me your anger is turned away i'm so glad that god's no longer angry with me and he's no longer angry with you somebody say amen and that because of yeshua who took the wrath of god for us his anger is turned away for us forever and ever somebody say thank god amen and isaiah goes on to say behold god is my yeshua god is my salvation god is my yeshua in the hebrew i will trust and i will not be afraid the lord doesn't want us afraid of covet 19 he wants us to use wisdom he wants us to be careful he wants us to be smart use common sense sanctified common sense right he wants us to be discerning he wants us to you know to just you know be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove but we're not to live in fear amen we are not god doesn't we just be anxious for nothing and when he means nothing he means nothing amen be anxious for nothing fear not is the is the is really the expression that the lord uses more times when he greets his people than any other is fear not and verse verse 3 therefore you would joy with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of yeshua yes this is what yeshua said on the hosanna rabbah which is today the hosanna rabbah the great hosanna on the last day of the great feast the eighth day of sukkot today he stood up and he said as the scripture had said that he who believes in me or trusts me out of his innermost being will come will flow rivers of living water therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of yeshua out of the wells of salvation amen i always wondered well he says this is scripture i've said what scripture has said isaiah chapter 12 isaiah chapter 12 and in that day you will say give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known as deeds amongst the people make them remember that his name what name is that say it again make them remember okay lord i'm doing that his name is exalted his name is exalted his name is the name above every name amen his name i love his name i remember when i first met kathy i could not get her name her face out of my mind when i first met her fell in love with her many years ago in 1979 1980 you know in santa cruz california and i'd leave her and all i can think of was kathy kathy kathy kathy sue kathy curly gullickson i've said her name all the time i'm driving down the road going back home little town of scotts valley kathy kathy kathy you know kathy sue i love you you know amen when i first came to faith it was jesus and then a few years later i said well wait a minute they never spoke english back then but i love the name of jesus i even love his name in other languages you know jesus and spanish right ezeus i think it's russian jesus lubitvas jesus loves you in russian the russian church meets here right i love them you know but i love the name of yeshua jesus is the sweetest name i know amen and and yeshua is the sweetest name i know and i love his name i'm in love with the name of yeshua yeshua yeshua yeshua yeshua i'm sure about that yeshua amen i love his name it's good to love his name it's good to magnify his name amen and to speak his name one day it's that that name of yeshua every knee come on say with me every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that yeshua is adonai is lord amen to the glory of god the father yeshua's name is so powerful you come and you have a need i don't come in the name of jeff kipp i don't come in the name of you know of any other name right i don't even come in the name of rabbi or pastor i come in the name of yeshua amen you need some prayer you need you need something you know you need some counsel i come in the name whose name the name of yeshua whose name has power yeshua who has the authority yeshua amen his name i love his name and we're talking this morning about yeshua in the tanakh isaiah chapter 62. we'll stay in isaiah for a minute turn to chapter 62. and verse 11. behold the lord has proclaimed to the ends of the earth say to the daughter of zion the jewish people squirrel hill amen everywhere else say to the daughter of zion lo your yeshua comes your salvation comes your yeshua comes behold his reward is with him and his recompense is before him and he will call them the holy people the redeemed of the lord and you will be called sought out a city not forsaken behold the lord has proclaimed to the ends of the earth say to the daughters of zion lo your salvation lo your yeshua comes brothers and sisters we've got to preach the gospel i don't know how many more tuesdays we'll be able to do it but as many as we are myself and mitch tupper and sometimes sam lewis sometimes nathan puro bev vibasian we hang out on that corner on murray avenue you know and darlington and we're out there and i have my little prayer station mitch has his little um peace board there you know asking where do you find peace i ask people if they want prayer you know and we have to preach the gospel we have to share the gospel people need to know that there is a god there is a savior there is a deliverer you know there is an answer there is there is a rescue there is you know if you're on a ship that's sinking in america and the world is on a ship that's sinking amen like the titanic right okay there is there what do you call the things that they throw out there you know this there is a life preserver amen there is a life preserver there there is an anchor there is there is an answer there is salvation and we want people to know we don't want to push it on them we don't want to become obnoxious we don't want to become you know weird i'm not into weird amen we don't have to be weird okay but we do want to just share the love of yeshua with people can i hear an amen yeshua in the tanakh and say to the daughter of zion lo your yeshua comes your salvation comes habakkuk habakkuk chapter three maybe you haven't been to habakkuk for a while all the way towards the back before zephaniah and after nahum micah have a cook chapter 3 and verse 13. you went forth for the yeshua of your people you went forth for the salvation of your people the yeshua of your people for the yeshua of your anointed for the salvation of your anointed you struck the head of the house of evil he did that on the cross through his death amen and crushed the serpent's head to lay him open from thigh to neck the gospel of luke turn back to the gospel of luke yeshua in the tanakh thank you dr glass look forward to meeting you one day yeshua chapter 2. and uh we'll begin on verse 25 verse 25 and this is about yeshua's birth and there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon this man was righteous and devout he was looking for the consolation of israel are you looking for the consolation of israel i am i am and the holy spirit was upon him and it had been revealed to him by the ruach hakodesh that he would not see death before he had seen the lord's messiah and he came in the spirit into the temple and when he his parents brought the child yeshua to carry out for him the custom of the law on the eighth day it's a bris then he took him in his arms yeshua and blessed god and said now lord you are releasing your bond servant to uh to depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your yeshua he's not speaking english he's not speaking latin he's not speaking greek he's speaking either hebrew or aramaic amen now lord you could release your servant to depart in peace for my eyes you have my eyes have seen your yeshua your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all the people a light of revelation for the gentiles the nations and the glory of your people israel he's still the glory of the people israel just most of them don't know it yet but they're gonna know it amen he is the glory of his people israel and again in the gospel of john in the beginning was the word and the word was with god the word was god he was in the beginning with god there's nothing that was made you know that was not made through him verse 14 of gospel of john and the word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us and we beheld his glory the glory of his only son full of grace and truth we want to behold his glory amen you don't realize this but we are already beginning to behold his glory man what glory awaits us what glory awaits us you know i think that uh you know what is the most beautiful thing that you could think of that you have seen would it be a rainbow or would it be remember those i remember rainbows when i made my one and only trip to hawaii to maui every day there was rainbows in this beautiful because it had a mist and the sun was shining or how about you know what a sunrise an awesome sunrise or an awesome sunset or or what about i remember when i lived in alaska the aurora borealis it was it was magical it was it was magnificent with colors dancing in the sky you know in in alaska what about the face of a newborn baby of maybe your newborn baby when he was born right you know the glory we're already beginning to see some of the glory you know think of what you looked like like and the expressions on your face before you knew him you should have seen what i looked like before i knew the lord when i was just deeply lost you know in the darkness of drugs and the occult and and eastern religions and fornication and just all sorts of things that i was filled with darkness because i was looking for love was trying to fill that love void and you know i have a little picture kathy knows the picture i'm thinking about someone said you look like charles manson you know i mean i was i was out there i was held to skelter i was really you know but then god got a hold of me and i i tell you what i could feel god's smile even as i'm sharing with you i could you ever feel god's smile you know what i can feel him i can on we're not supposed to go by feelings but for a moment we will i could feel him amen i could feel his love for you i could feel his love for you i feel his love for me i feel his love for you and for me and we're already getting glimpses of his glory because we've been delivered from this world the world is going to hell all right i mean you see it it's getting worse you know regardless of what happens in the elections you know the elections are not going to save us right just the world and all around us is coming to an end it's not going to go on indefinitely but one day we are going to see him face to face amen we're going to see him face to face he can't wait one day he's going to take you in his arms personally how he does it he can do it he can do anything amen uh you know he got gazillions of networks of angels out there you can't see them but they're all hanging out with you right now in this room but they're in a different dimension amen but there's angels all around everybody say there's angels all around you know and i want to say one day he will personally wipe every tear from your eye every bad memory we're talking this morning about the name of yeshua yeshua in the tanakh amen yeshua in the tanakh you can say to a jewish person now oh yes the name of jesus but it wasn't jesus the hebrew name is yeshua that's the very word salvation you could take them to those passages if you want you know i will you know give you my sermon notes or email them to you you can tell you could say cetus yeshua is in the tanakh he's in the hebrew scriptures everywhere you read where it says my salvation you know and it's personal and um and let me just say he now lives within us so today is but i'm calling it sivka torah bay yeshua amen and we are the messianic jews the messianic gentiles who rejoice in the torah that was fulfilled by yeshua and that was made flesh through his death and his resurrection and i'll conclude with this one passage from romans chapter 8 therefore there there is now no condemnation thank you lord for those who are in messiah yeshua for the law of the spirit of life in messiah yeshua has set us free from lsd has set us free from the law of sin and death moses exposes our sin nature the law of moses tells us we are covetous we lie we cheat we covet we steal we're idol worshipers you know we're full of wrath and anger and rage the the most law of moses reveals the sin of mankind all of our sin but the law of the spirit of life in messiah yeshua has set us free from lsd from the law of sin and death from lucifer satan and the devil for what the law could not do weak as it was through the flesh or human nature god did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh in the likeness of sin as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh that at the requirement of the torah which we can never keep might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh the sinful nature but walk according to the spirit amen there shall be a highway in the desert for the redeemed of the lord and from the mouth of the lord of hosts shall go forth a fiery sword and all the world will see yeshua and all the world we'll see salvation and all the world we'll see yeshua and all the world will see he is king there shall be a fountain in the city to cleanse all the people from sin [Music] and with the tree of life in the midst of her for the healing of the nations and all the world we'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] that he is [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] there shall be a sign in the heavens and all the land will mourn for him [Music] when they look upon the one who was pierced coming back to jerusalem they will see salvation
Channel: Yeshua Ben David
Views: 2,025
Rating: 4.7260275 out of 5
Id: Y6wbHB7_yts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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