Jesus Gives His Life/ The Real Meaning of Easter/Matthew 27

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[Music] can you believe it there's only one week left until Easter I'm so excited so what comes to your mind when you think of Easter what's Easter really all about no I'm going to ask a baby about Easter what your favorite thing about Easter what's your favorite part about [Music] Easter do you know why we celebrate Easter do you do you know um what Easter's all about yeah what's it about blue blue yeah what's your favorite part about Easter oh okay Jesus died on the cross yeah Jesus died on the cross just for you yeah isn't that special and he alive again and he's alive again that's right that's the story of Easter yeah so what do you think I think that last person had it right Easter's really about Jesus and what he did for us on the cross [Music] so did you already know that Easter's not about bunnies candy or eggs of course you did but we just wanted to remind you those things are nice but Easter's really about Jesus and what he did for us 2,000 years ago and it's because of who he is and what he did for us that there's power in the name of Jesus the name above every other name just like we learned last week did you know that in the Bible there are many other names that describe Jesus one of those names is Lamb of God the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world just like Lambs were sacrificed for sin in the Old Testament Jesus would sacrifice himself for our sin that is the purpose for which Jesus came and that is the power behind the name Jesus had a special Mission here on Earth to save us from our sins today we'll learn how he completed that very special Mission will begin when Jesus had just finished the Last Supper the last meal he would eat with his disciples before giving up his life he had been preparing them for his leaving he had also told them that one of the disciples would betray him when the meal was over Jesus and his disciples headed to the garden to pray let's see what happens next be sure to pay careful attention to Jesus stories of the Bible Jesus's [Music] sacrifice this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead [Music] wooo the Jewish leaders and teachers did not like what Jesus was doing or how he claimed to be the Son of God and so they made a plan to arrest him to get rid of him once and for all Judas one of Jesus's disciples agreed to betray Jesus H come in come in and give him over to the religious leaders for some money Jesus was in a garden praying and Judas showed the man who Jesus was Jesus was arrested and taken to the rulers of the land so that they could decide what to do with him Jesus was presented before the high Council and they asked him if he was the Messiah the savior of the Jews they asked him if he was claiming to be the Son of God you say that I am and the council was Furious and they shouted that Jesus was guilty and he deserves to die so they took Jesus before the Roman ruler pilate and he heard the case against Jesus pilate didn't think that Jesus had done anything wrong H seemed okay to me they found him to be innocent so pilate said that he would punish Jesus and then release him what but the crowd kept screaming louder and louder crucify him we want him dead and because of the pressure of the crowd pilate turned Jesus over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified Jesus was hurt and spit on his clothes were taken from him and a crown made out of thorns was put on his head he was beaten so badly that he could barely stand on his own and then he was forced to carry his cross so far up a mountain that he needed help because he could not do it on his own once Jesus made it to the place where he would be crucified called the skull the soldiers around him nailed him to the cross and waited for him to die while Jesus was hanging on the cross many people shouted to him if you really are the Son of God save yourself from the cross but Jesus knew he had to die to forgive his people for their sins at noon Darkness fell across the whole land 3 hours later Jesus took his last breath and finally died at that very moment the curtain in the temple that separated the priests from God's holy Place tore into two a soldier watching the whole thing said this man truly was the son of God then a right man named Joseph came and placed Jesus's body in a tomb 3 days passed and it seemed that there was no [Music] hope but very early on Sunday morning the woman who cared for Jesus went to go visit his body and found that his tomb was empty and that he was no longer there don't be afraid said an angel he is is not here he is risen at this the woman remembered that Jesus had told them that he would rise again on the third day woo and ran to go tell the disciples what they had seen and heard huh heyo and then for the next 40 days Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others and showed them that he was alive and well he taught them that what he did was the only way that they could be forgiven and be with God forever for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal [Music] life Jesus was on a mission to save the world and in order to complete that mission he had to suffer and die we saw all that he endured in the movie but why why did Jesus have to do that well since the time of Adam and Eve all people sinned and that sin separates us from God and keeps us out of heaven but God didn't want us to be apart from him because he loves us so he sent Jesus to pay the price to pay the de debt that we owe debt what debt the debt for our sins you see the Bible says that the penalty for sin is death separation from God forever but when Jesus went to the Cross he did something amazing he took all of our sins on himself he took the punishment that we deserve and he died in our place Jesus is amazing he's the only one who could do this who could pay the price for our sins Jesus was the only one who could die for us because he was perfect and without sin remember Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me Jesus is the only way to heaven and to God the Bible also says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so anyone who believes in Jesus in his death and Resurrection will be forgiven of their sins and will be in heaven with God forever so if you haven't yet put your faith in Jesus I hope you will today let's pray together dear God we thank you so much for being with us today and for teaching us help everyone to know the real meaning of Easter and to go out and share that message that good news about Jesus with others in Jesus name we pray amen God promised to make a way for our sins to be forgiven and he did and that way is Jesus the Lamb of God the savior of the [Music] world [Music] oh
Channel: God's Word For Life
Views: 50,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunday school, kids Bible lesson, kids Bible video, Bible animation, hey-o video, disciples, twelve disciples, Humility, humble yourself, Easter, Serve like Jesus, Passover, Jerusalem, servant king, Gaden of Gethsemane, Gethsemane, suffering, sorrows, Mount of Olives, Crucifixion, resurrection, journey to the cross, Matthew 27
Id: sYHyeZqBfBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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