Jesus and Judgment Day - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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foreign [Music] from his PhD thesis on wisdom in the Quran you can check out this thesis via the link in the description foreign I mean inshallah today's uh I'm dedicating to a small portion of the life of Isa alaihissalam and something that is not as well known about his life and the Miracles that were given to him um inshallah the the place I'd like to start is something Allah tells us about him in there Allah mentions the Miracles that were given to ISA Islam and the first of the Miracles that he mentioned that is not even referenced in the Bible it's not even known among the Christian Community that he will speak to people even when he's a baby and even an older age and he's from uh righteous people there's an ishara in the word that I'd like to indicate Allah didn't just say that he's going to be among the prophets good people comes from someone who does good things like you know we make we we say the phrase often so Allah is actually highlighting the actions and the Deeds of Islam in the word this is also important because um as we will see many many denominations of Christians just like Muslims can have different schools of thought Christians also had many different schools of thought right but one of the common ideas they developed among their schools of thought very common ideas was that because of Jesus because the Son of God Jesus is the son of God and he died for our sins so we don't have to obey the laws given to Musa the torad we don't have to obey that because you had to obey the law of Allah in order to be pure but now that Jesus died for our sins we're already pure so we don't need the law to make us pure right so you know any Even in our religion in Islam Allah tells us Good Deeds get rid of bad Deeds so every day you and I make some mistakes we make you know we we see something we shouldn't have seen or we said something we shouldn't have said or our Salah wasn't good enough small mistakes happen but the prayers that we do and the good that we do and the charity that we do Allah is telling us that starts that keeps cleansing and detoxing our sins on a daily basis so we have this idea of our actions actually being a way of purifying ourselves uh you know purifying our Deeds for us okay even in mentioned is that giving sadaqa can be can be more pure for you it can be a way of purifying you right so we have that concept but the Christians developed A New Concept the Christians developed a concept that because Jesus died for our sins we no longer have the burden of sins on us he took all that burden so now we're free from sins and now what Allah says in the Quran here very it's very subtle he says he's from those who does Good Deeds right so if you want to follow the example of Islam you'd be concerned with being also you should be concerned about Deeds also but anyway let's move forward she you know after the you know she the Angels were telling um about what kind of child she's going to have Allah tells her or the Angels tell her uh well you're going to have a child who not only will he speak when he's a baby Allah will teach him the book Allah will teach him wisdom Allah will teach him and Allah will teach him indeed so there's four things mentioned the book The Wisdom Torah and indeed it's you can think of it like this the book and the wisdom comma meaning the Torah and the injeet so the the book is actually talking about the Torah and the wisdom is talking about the inji actually among Christians they used to refer to the Bible often as wisdom that's one of the names they used for it and even in the Quran Allah says came with all of his proofs he said I have come to you with wisdom for the injil is actually the summary of the Angel is wisdom and the summary of the Torah is laws and the word in Arabic for laws is also so Allah says in this Ayah he the angels are telling Maryam then when Jesus is born Allah Allah's plan for him is that Allah will teach him the book and the wisdom Torah and in jeans will not only know the injeel he will also know the Torah he's going to know both of them now why is that important because the injil has hikmah and in many Christian communities the religion itself just became about wisdom it has nothing to do with the laws the laws were before Jesus sacrificed himself the laws were before God gave up his son you don't need the laws anymore and Allah is saying that Jesus even before he was born the plan was already declared that he is going to be living by the law and the wisdom both of them together right now he then describes he Allah jumps right into the life of Islam so he's born he's become older he's giving dawa to the bani Islam those were the Muslims of that time okay and he's giving them uh dawah and he's telling them the proof why should they believe in him as Allah's messenger he's he says I am coming to you with a miracle from your master and a sign from your master for I have proof on why you should think of me as a messenger I am going to create for you from mud from wet soil I'm going to make the shape of a bird and then I'm going to blow into that shape and it will become a living bird by the permission of Allah so the shape of a bird will turn into a living bird that's the first thing okay then he says and I will heal the one that is diseased the the leper you know the people that have very severe you can even say terminal diseases right viral diseases that they could they were quarantined they couldn't live with the rest of society they were separated those kinds of people I will be able to cure them and even the blind one okay so I will be able to heal them okay now and I'll be able to bring the dead Back to Life by Allah's permission and he keeps saying by Allah's permission by Allah's permission by Allah's permission so it's not Jesus brought the dead back to life Jesus brought the dead bike to Life by Allah's permission he keeps adding this qualification every time right then he says and this is not enough so so far we have three we've got that he's going to take the shape of a bird from from dirt and it's going to become a living bird then the second was he's going to heal people that are in a state of disease and weakness and the disease was going to be gone by the permission of Allah then he mentions the dead will come back to life he will bring the dead Back to Life by Allah's permission then he says I'm going to tell you what you eat meaning people come and meet with him and he knows already what they're going to be eating at home this is what you're cooking at home it's different if you already ate and you come and you could smell the chicken like you had Biryani like that's different they haven't eaten yet and he can tell this is what you're going to go home and eat and um people back in the day in the old times they didn't have Banks and people didn't have cash people had gold they had silver they had valuable items like that you know and they they didn't have a place to store it so they used to have secret places either in their home or in their back or somewhere in the mountain somewhere where they can dig and they can hide the items they can bury the items in their home he says the things that you're storing in your home and you're keeping them secret I will tell you what you have stored this is one of his miracles right so I'll tell you what you're going to eat and then the items that you're storing and saving in your homes these are the Miracles listed in uh and at the end of it all he says just like he began he said in all of that there's a very powerful miracle for you if in fact you're going to believe but then he says he adds something more and we'll come we'll come back to these miracles in a second he said this is really important now he says and I've come to confirm whatever came before me from the Torah one of my jobs my first job is to make sure I teach you what the torat actually says the Torah actually says because you've changed what it says and you've changed this interpretation and I'm going to and some parts of it are true some of your tapseed is correct some of your tafsir is incorrect and I'm going to correct what you should be believing about Torah I'll fix your understanding of the Torah so at the time the Sadducees the people that used to or the Pharisees that used to teach the Torah in in Jerusalem at the time Israel they were the people that studied many years they studied the Torah and here there's someone who from being a baby he never went to their madrasa he never went to there he never graduated and he's telling them I am going to tell you what Torah says I'm gonna fix it for you you don't understand it correctly I've come to tell you what it really means so he and if you study the New Testament you have the life of Jesus in the New Testament and he's constantly questioning the the teachers of the Israelites the muftis of the why do you say why did you make up this fatwa where did you get this from that's not what Allah said that's not what he means you people play games with Allah's book and he's challenging them all the time and those the you know their sheikhs of back in the day the Emma they didn't like it like he's making us look bad you know we have the Friday they had their Saturday they had their Sabbath they had their sermons they had their teachings and publicly he's questioning them and saying what are you talking about that's not what Allah said this is not what Allah said so they started developing a real hatred towards him because he's making us look bad he's ruining our reputation and then on top of that he has all of these Miracles too now even though this is not my subject I will tell you that eventually they accused him of being a magician and you find this in the Bible and Allah even also says that in the Quran right when he brought them all the clear proofs the ones I talked to you about they said oh this is Magic then they said oh Magic is Haram magic is harami should be watchable we should kill him we should kill him you see this this is the fatwa they issued after that and this fatwa is still found in the talmud it's still found in Jewish literature that they claim that they're the ones who issued this fatwa that he shouldn't be killed because he was a he was doing magic and because of magic he's outside of the fold of Islam right so that's or which was a slab of that time right now what I wanted to share with you is a little bit of background in Jewish history in Jewish history a couple of centuries before the coming of Jesus before the coming of Isaiah they developed a lot of literature where they talked about wisdom this is a couple of hundred years before Jesus now I already told you Quran says Allah gave resale is the Declaration he told his people I have come to you with hikmah but we're not talking about Isa now we're talking 200 years more or so more before and in the Jewish Community among their scholarship and their literature they developed this idea of hikmah and they had a really interesting idea about what hikvah means what does wisdom mean and one of the ideas they developed is hikmah means some very special people among us they have knowledge of the judge of Judgment Day they know the details of Judgment Day and how it's going to happen but this is not public knowledge this is not for everyone you have to have a very special status with Allah to be able to have that knowledge and people who have that secret knowledge is not accessible to the public those people have what so they developed this idea of hikmah being secret knowledge of Judgment Day and in a sense they developed the idea that knowledge of Judgment Day is not meant for the public the public is not they can't handle it in a sense it's it's actually for the very very special people that have this hikmah okay so they developed this idea okay now what's also really interesting is there were different there were different schools of Israelites they all didn't believe in the same way they have different groups among them and one of their groups even at the time of Isaiah salaam apparently the knowledge of the akhara was so secret they actually believed there is Noah they were they believed in Torah they believed in Musa and they said we believe in Musa but we don't believe in anything that came after Musa we don't believe in we don't believe in the you know the zabur and all of that we just believe in the Torah we don't look at any other denil and we don't find any in the Torah we don't find any judgment in the Torah and therefore we don't believe in the akhara we don't even have Implement and if you study the Bible you'll find then used to debate with them from the Torah and prove to them that the is also in the Torah that's what he used to do anyway but the thing I want you to to note down is he used to be giving he used to they they used to believe that wisdom means secret knowledge of Judgment Day now what does Allah do in the Quran one thing Allah tells us is Allah gave him wisdom another interesting Allah says about him Isa he is knowledge of Judgment Day Jesus is knowledge of Judgment Day the question is how is he knowledge of Judgment Day how is he knowledge of Judgment Day let's go back and contemplate a little bit of what happened in the Miracles that were given to Islam the first miracle that was given to him he told after you know speaking as a child by the way even speaking as a child I think is interesting because you don't expect a child to speak right how can someone who has not been given the ability to speak speak and if you if you look at the Quran and you try to find is there any place in the Quran where something speaks that isn't so you don't expect it to speak but it's speaking okay in this case there's a baby speaking one of the one of the things you find in the Quran is on Judgment Day my hands are going to be speaking my feet are going to be speaking my eyes are going to be speaking right and when when there's when they start speaking on Judgment Day they start testifying against me they start proving Ya Allah I mean he you gave him control over me I didn't want to do it he did it he touched what he shouldn't have touched he hit what he shouldn't have hit he looked at what he said the eyes testified the feed testified I didn't want to go there but you gave him control so I they he made me go there and then the person who lost control over their own body is going to testify and say he's going to complain and say why are you testifying against us and then these body parts are going to respond the one who gave everything the power to speak has given us today the power to speak right so even in Jesus speaking as a baby there might be a subtle hint that when Allah wants someone something to speak it will it will testify it will speak but anyway if you go if you leave that Miracle aside what he was told what Maryam was told actually about her baby What miracles he's going to have once he grows up and then the Miracles that he spoke about himself in Imran the first miracle was he takes clay he takes mud and he blows into it and it becomes a living bird by the permission of Allah which is actually something similar to something we find in the Quran Allah created the human being from clay and then he blew into the human being his Rule and then human beings came to life this is this demonstration by Isa alaihissalam is something Allah did a long time ago to remind human beings how they were created how they were this miracle the bird Miracle is a reminder of how human beings were created you could see the connection now this is also important because the when we were created when Allah created us Allah actually told us something when we were created and then the whole story transpired right and then before even uh we came down to this earth we were already told you're going to come back here you're going to end in for example as one example of this Allah talked to all of us when we were created before we came to this earth and he asked us am I natural and we all said of course you are but he said you better not say on the day of standing on the day of Resurrection we had no idea right now we were at that time we were standing in front of Allah we were talking to Allah what's going to happen again we're going to stand in front of Allah again that's not the first time that's the second time right I have created you and I brought you back the same way I brought you the first time that's the first and then Allah says you already know the first time I raised you the the ask her is the second time he's gonna raise us but he raised us already a first time so when this creation Story the the bird turning into a living bird when that's mentioned it's not just reminding us of the beginning it's also reminding us of the end the next miracle that is given after that he said he's going to heal the people that are sick the blind the leper you know the people terminally ill Etc which is what it's going from weakness to strength isn't it and human beings throughout their life what happens with them they go from weakness to strength we go from being a child that's powerless to a stronger and stronger and stronger we go from one difficulty and Allah brings us out of a difficulty we go from one impossible situation we say how is how is there going to be a way out and Allah brings us out of that situation so Allah constantly our life is full of many difficulties and then many times it's also filled with relief that comes from Allah he makes a way out for them what difficulty comes you know and that that's the story of our life but then right after that okay so we're born we're created our life has difficulties and Allah solves our difficulties and then by the end of it we die and when we die there's going to be a judgment day and what's the next Miracle of Islam he says I will I will give life to someone who's dead by Allah's permission this is very directly a reminder of what judgmentation remember the Ayah he is knowledge of Judgment Day all of his miracles are tying together this discussion about Judgment Day itself and then on top of all of that the final Miracle he mentioned is I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do or what you have at home and what you're hiding after we are raised on Judgment Day what's Allah gonna do he's gonna show us what we've been hiding he's going to show us what we've been eating he's gonna show us what we did isn't it those Miracles each one of them is basically the story of human creation one to the other to the other to the other to the other this is knowledge of the hour the Israelites develop this notion that wisdom is knowledge of the hour that's Secret secret and Allah and he exposes the knowledge of the hour and he makes it so visible and so clear but that's on the Christian side there's something else that happened on the Jewish side what happened that was on the Jewish side something else happened on the Christian side on the Christian side I started in the beginning telling you they started believing that because of Jesus there's no more need for doing good deeds you don't have to worry about any Haram everything became Halal because for example Allah made it haram for them to engage in any business on the day of Saturday right Allah talks about that in but after you know Jesus has been sacrificed we don't have to observe the Sabbath we can have a normal day on Saturday in fact the Ritual Day of you know the Christian worship is Sunday it's not Saturday Saturday is a normal day now so we don't have to the the Sabbath is done we don't have to worry about it right the kosher kosher is like our halal food what was given to them was the Kosher diet that was their halal food which is almost exactly the same as what Allah gave to Muhammad rasulullah but the Christian Community said no no we don't need to worry about that anymore everything's Halal because the blood of Jesus made everything what did Allah say in the next Allah is now telling us I came to confirm everything that has already been officially given in the Torah I'm here to say that is legitimate that is for that's what Allah wants that's what Allah actually says and I have come to make certain things Halal for you that used to were made Haram for you in other words you complicated the religion some of you might be familiar with the Israelites asked Musa asked them to slaughter a cow and they asked too many questions and things became harder and harder and harder right and that was a story that represents something that happened in their history they made rules the rules were simple from Allah the rules were simple go for the rule would be oh don't you know for example fast what exact second should I begin fasting what exact thing should happen afterwards and then you want to have 85 questions about fasting and you want to complicate it as much as possible uh Allah Allah just made something simple and you like you love making it what complicated and then the more you the more you complicated there are some things some rules in uh the the the Bible for example there were five or six things or eight five things that you're not supposed to do on Sabbath or five things you're not supposed to do and eventually they turned them into about 55 things with their fatawa so they they made life way more difficult way way more they overly legalized their religion right and the Christian said let's get rid of the religion altogether let's get rid of all of that we don't need any of it and Allah is now through I'm bringing things back to balance and he's saying some things you created that were Haram that weren't actually Haram so I'm going to this is not making the religion liberal this is going back to the book If Allah has made something Halal you shouldn't be making it haram there's only a couple of minutes left I just want to share with you one last thing about these ayat inshallah and that is that because on the Jewish side the concept became that wisdom is about secret knowledge of the hour and that problem is being solved and the Jewish side another problem was too many things were made Haram and Islam said no no you made that up the book actually says this you don't have to add to the list of qurans what do we learn from that from the from the Jewish side of the argument what do we learn from it what we learn from it is Allah knows better how to protect you and me from evil so if Allah made certain things Haram is because he knows like filthy things he made them Haram right but when somebody comes along and says I know that's Haram but there are some there are eight nine other things Allah didn't actually make them Haram but I don't like them so we should be careful about these things also so let's add to the list of Haram and keep expanding the list let's just to be careful I just want to be careful I just want to be protective so to be careful you make more things Haram in life than Allah actually made the problem with that is no one cares about protecting you more than Allah himself you coming up with rules and making up more protections is as if Allah is not enough is Allah not enough for his servant you know and this is and people think they're doing this as an act of taqwa if you're more religious you'll make more things Haram that that will be your logic now the problem with that is Allah says who dares to make something Haram that the beauty that Allah made Halal who dares to take something beautiful that Allah made and makes it haram that he pulled made out for his slaves in other words there's two different crimes one crime is you take something Haram and you make it that's what the Christians did what did the Christians do they took something Haram and they made it halal and there's another crime you take something Halal and you make it haram that's what the Jews did these are two different crimes and both of these are crimes against Allah you do not get to add to the law of Allah and you do not get to take away from the law of Allah and both of those extremes got covered in these few ayats in just these few ayats we learned something remarkable about what happened in the life of Islam and finally in this last minute I'll share with you why is this important for us as Muslims this is what what we learn about what they how they were corrected Allah told us that is given foreign and this was the next Messenger to come the final Messenger to come right after Elizabeth is going to be Muhammad rasulullah okay yesterday I was explaining in the hikmah talks that one group became obsessed with al-kitab and the other became obsessed with and Allah finally sent his final Messengers with the Quran he will use and in this book Allah put together one of the things that hikmah does now what what does the wisdom do the wisdom keeps you from adding to the kitab and the wisdom also keeps you from taking away from the Gita you stay right balance you don't get to add and you don't get to subtract it stays right where it's supposed to be and that's the perfect book the final episode of Revelation that Allah gave to Muhammad rasulullah it is as if the story of Jesus in the Quran is preparing us for the actual purpose of Muhammad rasulullah you know this is actually what's happening it's you know like there's the preview and then there's the main event it's like Lisa Islam's mission is the preview to the main event of the coming of Muhammad rasulullah which is why you find him especially telling people I have come with a couple of missions this is one of his missions what's the other mission that Islam has he says and I have another mission I am I've come to give you good news of a messenger that's coming after me his name is Ahmed meaning he himself is telling the people that my mission is to actually prepare you for the coming of Muhammad rasulullah and this is how beautifully the Quran takes thousands of years of Jewish history and centuries of centuries of Christian history before it and merges all of them together and then it invites them to this final episode of Allah's Revelation may Allah guide all of us and guide our Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters to the the hook of this final Revelation and open their eyes to this invitation that Allah has extended to all of humanity I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip my team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep profound understanding of the Quran we are students of the Quran ourselves and we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us join us for this journey on where thousands of hours of work have already been put in and don't be intimidated it's step by step by step so you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle there's lots of stuff available on YouTube but it's all over the place if you want an organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself your kids your family and even among peers that would be the way to go sign up for
Channel: Nouman Ali Khan - Official - Bayyinah
Views: 214,668
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Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: I291SB2sJH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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