Jesus’ Activities from Death To Rising

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all right let's go to John 19 John chapter 19 back in the days when God was helping us build this work we spent many a night doing these Bible lessons where you go to 20 25 30 places in the scripture and our church was built on that and we liked the Bible we liked the Word of God Lord said in Isaiah that he put truth here a little there a little he didn't he didn't give you a topical Bible he gave you his word and he put things pertaining to different topics all through his word so you'd have to seek it out search for it and find it we believe as Christians that Christ died for our sins upon a cross at Calvary not a torture stake a cross and at Calvary and you say why is that important well because one religion the droves witnesses they they don't like the cross and they they say it wasn't a cross it was a stake and then the NIV and some of the other modern Bibles they don't like Calvary they've taken Calvary out of the Bible I mean anything important you pretty much count on some religion or another attacking it take it away we believe Christ died on the cross and then we believe as Christians that the third day he rose from the dead we believe in the death and the burial and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ that's the heart of our gospel what the Bible talks about that is seldom seen or mentioned is that the Lord Jesus Christ was very active during those three days and three nights between his death and his rising again unless that should should trouble you at the outset just to hear that you do understand that if I were to die tonight or you were to die tonight you would not enter a state of inactivity whether a person dies lost or dies save that's the end of their existence they will be very actively alive in hell or very actively alive in the presence of the Lord and and yet somehow we think that Jesus said it is finished and died upon the cross and then his his existence was suspended for 72 hours or if you're a Protestant or Catholic for 18 hours however however much time you can get between Friday night and early Sunday morning but anyway but the Bible has much to say about the activity of the Lord Jesus Christ after he cried it is finished and before he triumphantly ascended and that's what we want to look at tonight let's pray together father help me to tell the truth as you've written it and help us Lord to see that truth and to enjoy it to appreciate it and well thank you for it in Jesus name and amen all right John 19 and if I didn't mention it let's get with that Isaiah 53 John 19 Isaiah chapter 53 if you have questions as we go along just hang in there and most likely we will answer those questions before we finish if we finish and you still have questions too bad John 19 verse number 30 when Jesus therefore had received the Vigenere he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost you understand the resurrection was not a part of the payment for your sin whatever happens from this point forward until the resurrection is not part of the payment for your sin Christ paid for our sins upon the cross his rising from the dead was God's testimony that he had accepted that finished sacrifice sacrifice was made at the cross the resurrection confirms that it was acceptable again Isaiah Isaiah 53 and verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all skipping ahead just a couple of verses we can't go too far down this road this evening but the Bible says here in verse number ten yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin so here's what we must understand very important we're not splitting hairs we're teaching the Bible very important our sin was placed on him on him the wages of sin is death we'll read it in a moment okay our sin was not placed in him or his soul would not have been sin less and he could not have offered that soul to the Father our sins are on him his righteousness is in him so he is at the same time paying for the sins of sinners and at the same time offering an acceptable sacrifice to the Father very important that we keep that distinction look at Romans 6 and first Peter chapter 2 Romans chapter 6 and first Peter chapter number 2 he gave up the ghost with our sin on him romans 6 and first Peter chapter number 2 Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death had Jesus Christ not taken my sin upon him or your sin upon him he would still if he chose to do so he would still be walking this earth alive the wages of sin is death he committed no sin he knew no sin death has no claim upon him he dies because our sin is on him now look at look at first Peter chapter 2 verse 24 faced Peter 2:24 who his own self bare our sins no atch in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness my whose stripes ye were healed now again two places Isaiah Old Testament first Peter New Testament where is our sin it's on him where is our sin it's in his body so what is going to die on the cross his body the soul that sinneth it shall die but his soul does not sin has not sinned is not is not touched by our sin so his body dies upon the cross now watch this come to mark chapter 15 mark chapter 15 and back to John and this time chapter 20 mark 15 the Bible is so precise the Bible is so perfect and correctly accurate and it we do well to pay attention to everything that is written mark 15 verse 42 now when the even was come because it was the preparation that is the day before the Sabbath Joseph of Arimathea an honourable counselor which also waited for the kingdom of God came and went boldly unto Pilate and craved the body of Jesus verse 45 and when he knew it of the century and he gave the body to Joseph in that interesting what did they come for not his spirit not his soul but his body I know look I know you know this but what we've got to build one truth upon another because some people brand-new Christians if I die tonight you're not going to bury me you're going to bury my body you'll not bury my soul you'll not bury my spirit you'll bury my body look at John 19 here it is again John 19 verse 38 after this Joseph Arimathea being disciple of Jesus but secretly for fear the Jews besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus and Pilate gave him leave he came therefore and took the body of Jesus verse number 40 then took they the body of Jesus and wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner of the Jews is to bury now you notice that the Holy Spirit is very very carefully he wants you to get this they they the body is dead they took down the body they wrapped the body they laid the body in the tomb Pilate gave Joseph the body Joseph took possession of the body what died the body why did it die your sins were on it my sins were on it the wages of that sin is death now Luke 23 and Ecclesiastes chapter 3 Luke chapter 23 and Ecclesiastes chapter number 3 one of the Old Testament one in the new Luke 23 please yes DS chapter 3 Luke 2345 we're backing up now a little in time Christ is alive he's hanging on the cross verse number 46 and when Jesus had cried with a loud voice he said father into thy hands I commend my spirit in having said thus he gave up the ghost everybody see that now please yes T's chapter 3 verse number 21 who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward and the spirit of the Beast that goeth downward to the earth Christ didn't die for animals they have no eternal soul or spirit when they die their body goes to the ground their spirit goes in the ground he said about their soul there isn't one there isn't one but a man his spirit doesn't go bang to the ground his spirit goes upward it goes back to the God who gave it that's the spirit now notice what happens when Christ is on the cross he says he says father into thy hands I commend my spirit correct if he says that his spirit goes he's still there he says that his body dies he's still there hey you know what you are you're a living soul animated by a spirit living in a body okay what do we preach we do not preach health wealth and prosperity for the body because you know the body is going to grow old and die we preach that you need to believe to the saving of the soul right what's the warning the soul that sinneth it shall die you don't need to warn people their bodies are gonna die everybody's body's gonna die you know what's your sole to die what your soul to be some why that's you okay so Jesus Christ comes to this earth he has a spirit he dismisses that spirit goes back to the Father his body is going to he's going to give up the ghost and and and and bow his head and die and they're gonna take that body down and put it in a tomb but Jesus in his essential be his soul is still very much alive just as yours will be whether you're saved or lost where does he go oh we need a lot of verses all together all together Psalm 16 acts 2 Psalm 139 and I'm going to show you a truth that people reject some because it's unbearable some because it doesn't fit with their preconceived ideas and some because crazy charismatic have misused it and if you're here tonight you're a charismatic don't be a crazy charismatic I wasn't talking about you asked about the crazies of which you will be the rare exception so Psalm 16 Psalm 16 verse number 10 or 9 9 therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices my flesh also shall rest in hope for thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One see the capital letters capital H capital o that's a person that's the son of God neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption now everyone would agree that when a body dies and is placed in the grave within a matter of well according to John 11 within a matter of three days four days corruption begins to set in that is the decomposition of the body and and we would agree that Jesus body went to a place where bodies decompose but it wasn't left there praise the Lord he rose from the dead but it's controversial for some reason the suggestion that his soul went to hell here's why it's controversial because in their carelessness people who know that souls that died lost go to hell to be punished either falsely assume that Jesus soul did go to hell but went there to be punished or that he couldn't possibly have gone to hell because there's no way Jesus would go to hell the fact of the matter is Psalm 16:10 simply says for that would not leave my soul in hell and we could without a cross-reference argue as to whether or not the first half of the verse has to do with Jesus Christ until we come to Acts chapter two and the Holy Spirit takes away the argument please don't don't quit on me don't don't start racking your brain to try to remember what you heard Benny Hinn say one night stay with a Bible verse 25 for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved there afforded my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh to rest and hope because thou will not leave my soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption now it's made known to me the ways of life thou should make me full of joy with I countenance men and brethren let me freely speak unto her the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his Sepulchre is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the front of his loins of corn the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not in hell neither did his Flint neither his flesh did see corruption now some 16 allows for some reasonable doubt Acts chapter 2 takes that doubt away David is speaking of Christ and if his soul was not left in Hell then it is evident that his soul went to hell now what we have to determine is whether or not he went there to suffer or whether or not he went there for some other purpose all right now why would he have gone to hell to suffer because he has to pay for our sins but the Bible says he took our sin in his body correct our sin was on on him in him and his on his body in his body when he went up went to the cross correct and what did he say before he gave up the ghost it is finished he didn't say so far so good he didn't say well that's the first half but now it's gonna get really tough he said it is finished which means the payment for our sin was made by Christ upon the cross now before we go to the verses about why he was in Hell and we can't linger here but this morning we gathered around this table and here's what God told us to do to remember the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ which was the payment for our sin correct why didn't he say bread cup and fire when you take the Lord's Supper God is making sure you know the shedding of his blood and the breaking of his body was the full payment for your sin hell had nothing to do with paying for sin he didn't go to hell to suffer and he didn't go to hell to pay for sin praise the Lord which was see that again just a moment Psalm 139 Psalm 139 Psalm 139 and verse 7 whither shall I go from nice spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence if I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there so thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me you already just said if you belong to God if you went to heaven if you went to hell if you started heading east and kept going east until you fell off the edge of West oh I'm sorry that's if if you kept going until you hit ran into East again I've done that several times how about you any of you recruited you know you go around this world it doesn't say stop turn around go back you just keep going until you end up where you started that's another topic for another night for those of you living on the pepperoni side of the pizza not the crust side of the pizza anyway anyway you know there's so many things you're having to deal with now that you wouldn't even thought of when I got saved it's just amazing I'm waiting for somebody show up on the internet that's a transgender flat earther gotta be one somewhere anyway the Bible says that God in the person of his son the Lord Jesus Christ went as far as hell to find lost people ascendant as far as heaven help people affected by Adam's transgression that's what it says we leave it at that all right come to Revelation 1 revelation 1 4 verses quickly right in a row four verses in a row well why if he didn't go to hell to suffer why did he go to hell if he didn't go to hell to be burned why did he go to hell Revelation chapter 1 Revelation chapter 1 verse 17 and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death he went to hell to get the keys he went into death to get the keys I didn't know there weren't any keys well that's that's why we've come to church and read and study the Bible so we can learn something and know some we didn't know before when Jesus came up from the grave he had the keys of death and the keys of hell praise God I wish there was more about that in the Bible there is just a little not enough to satisfy your curiosity but just a little now look at Hebrews chapter number 2 Hebrews chapter number 2 I have the keys of hell keys of death Hebrews 2 verse 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood that's all of us right now we're living in a body of flesh and blood he also likewise he also himself likewise took part of the same Jesus took on him a body of flesh and blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and delivered them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage you know what the devil's got for lost people death and hell you know what Jesus has this side of the Resurrection he has the means whereby to deliver you from any fear of death or hell if death were to get you he's already opened the door it can't keep you if hell were to try and claim you it can't lay hold upon you he's already opened the door see it we'll get to it I try not to get too far ahead but you don't back at Old Testament time well right up until the resurrection of Christ if you died you died you're in Hell or you're in paradise you can't go to heaven you don't go to the lake of fire deaths got you the devil's got you but after Jesus Christ rose from the dead if you're saved you go straight to heaven straight to heaven when you die and if you're lost you're going to get out of hell long enough stamp the white throne judgment be cast in the lake of fire hell's jail the lake of fires prison short term long term ones where they hold you because you're you've committed the crime the others where they put you after you've been sentenced you ghost and the white got out of hell well you're out of the frying pan but you're about to go into fire you say what's the devil got to say about that nothing Jesus has the keys nothing Jesus is now he is now the keeper of death and he'll not that you don't deal the devil anymore you deal with the Lord praise God that shuts down voodoo in witchcraft and spiritism and black magic and all that stuff you don't have to deal with the devil to escape you go straight to Jesus Christ he's got the keys of death and he'll see all that bondage the Gentiles were under all that bondage the world was under for thousands of years now it's voluntary used to be involuntary the devil had a hold on lost people but no longer no longer you can walk right past him go straight to Jesus Christ got the keys of death and hell praise the Lord all right Matthew 16 and Jonah chapter 2 why what would he I don't understand why there's a key for death and a key for Hell what's he doing with keys well let's take a look Matthew 16 Matthew 16 you are some people have a hard time understand the Bible they've been taught it doesn't mean what it says and if it doesn't mean what it says you can't have any idea what it means but if it means what it says all you got to do is put it together and there it is sure simplifies the Bible to believe the Bible all right so Jesus says this Matthew 16 verse number 18 and I say unto thee that thou art Peter and upon you I will I'm sorry and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it well who knew hell had gates so well you think that what do you think that means I don't know when I get home tonight there'll be a gate my neighbor has a gate some of you get to work tomorrow they'll have a gate who doesn't know what a gate is never knows what a gate is so when God is communicating with man he didn't say and and the and the Mumma boomba of Hailsham he's not trying to confuse you he's revealing his truth to you hell has gates man how would anybody ever escape well if somebody came and got the keys you can go to him look at this Jonah chapter 2 Jonah chapter that Boombah Boombah that's a Hebrew for the Hebrew word it means don't go to the Strong's until you've been to the King James look it up in the Bible first Jonah chapter 2 and verse number 2 and said I cried by reason of my affliction of the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of Hell cried I you saw thought he's in the whale that's where his body was where his body was but Jonah said he was in hell you so I thought he was alive on a little raft in there and all that's that's not the Bible that's verse number six I went down to the bottoms of the mountains the earth with her bars was about me forever Yetta style brought up my life from corruption Oh Lord my God you know where he is in verse two he's in hell you know where he is in verse six he's in the lower parts of the earth you know what you know what's in front of him bars you want to be on those bars gates you know the jailer is the devil you know what Jesus did Jesus went down there and got the keys and if you want to escape the gates of Hell if you want to escape the bars of eternal damnation go to Jesus go to Jesus he's got the power I don't know what all it involves but but he's got the power Luke 16 and John chapter 6 not only is that place and we're gonna we're gonna have a lesson on where is hell and and we'll clarify some of these things going to them in some more detail but there are bars beyond the bars there are gates and beyond the gates it looks like there's a we would liken it to a moat if you broke out of your cell and and somehow got past the gates you've still got this great gulf of fire between you and the other side so where is that alright Luke 16 let's read it Luke chapter 16 oh and I know what that is that's the parable of ya you'll wish it a parable if you don't get saved Luke 16:19 there was a certain rich man was clothed purple fine linen fared sumptuously every day there was a certain beggar named Lazarus laid his gate full of sores and to be fed with the crumbs which fell to rich man's table what were the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom so Abraham's live down there Lazarus alive down there the rich man's alive down there ones resting tortue arresting two are happy to our contempt two are protected one is tormented in a flame of fire but they're there in close enough proximity to see one another and communicate with one another verse number 24 he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus he may dip dip his finger in water and cool my tongue crime torment in this flame but Abraham said son remember thou and thy life time received it's like good things likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted hallelujah and thou art tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from hence see that if a man wanted to get out of hell and get into paradise he couldn't cross that gulf see what it's called a gulf if man want to get from paradise and come over there into hell and help a fellow out with a drop of water he couldn't get across that gulf but buddy I mean that's what it says alright John chapter 6 John chapter 6 G dies they put his body in the grave correct his soul descends in lower parts of the earth the Bible says the first stop was hell not to suffer not to be tormented to get the keys he can open the bars he can open the gates praise the Lord but now on the other side on the other side is paradise get ahead of myself a little bit here Jesus has an appointment to keep that day with a man who's over there but there's a great gulf Abraham can't cross it Lazarus can't cross it the rich man can't cross it you said no rich man's name in there because jesus said if you die lost he'll blot your name out of the book of life and forget all about you and in the day of judgment I look at you and say I never knew you say Lord what was his name I don't know know what you remembered no no I chose not to how about that anyway John 6 and verse 19 Jesus opens the bars he opens the gates there's a great gulf in front of him verse 19 so when they drew it about five and twenty three furlongs they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh unto the ship and they were afraid a great gulf might be a problem to you but it's not a problem to him such a barrier might be insurmountable for you but it's not insurmountable to the Creator so one last thing before we cross that great gulf let's read the passage together that no one I've ever read or listened to understands including me for first Peter first Peter chapter 3 you know there's some of these things in the Bible and you just say well next time I read it I'll get it and then you read it and you say well next time I read it I'll get it and then you read it next time I'll get it I hadn't got this one yet but I'll tell you what it says I believe it verse 18 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins praise the Lord the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh now stop just a minute remember we said that all our sins were paid for on the cross okay do you see what you just read once suffered for sins that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh all the suffering for sin that brings us to God took place in his flesh not in Hell not in Hell that's his soul down here in Hell on the cross alright keep going but quickened by the spirit by which also by the spirit Holy Spirit he Jesus Christ by the spirit went and preached unto the spirits in prison there's the gates there's the bars now you want to say right there so he went and told all the lost people down there in hell but verse 20 which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls were saved by water now if all I had was verse 18 and 19 I could say Jesus went down there and preached to everyone in that prison and said I'm the son of God I'm gonna say I'm the Savior and other things that some of our brethren teach but verse 20 says he didn't assemble everyone in the prison he just went to one wing of the prison it says he preached in the spirits in prison which sometime in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing there's one specific group of prisoners to whom he went and preached and there's nothing said about what he preached or why he preached to them and not somebody else so I can't understand it I don't have enough information I know what it doesn't say it doesn't say that he preached to all the Babylonians that died lost and all the Assyrians that died lost and all the it says there were some people in the days of Noah that were doing something while Noah was building the ark and when those souls went to prison Jesus went especially to them and preached to him and what he said you're not told but we're studying tonight what Jesus did between the time he died in the time he rose again and that's something that he did now here's why it's tough to be God if you had 120 books in the Bible instead of 66 and it was twice as large as it is there'd still be something in there you'd want more information about right he told us what he wants us to know what he didn't tell us don't go to the black arts and try and seance your way into what God didn't tell you just leave it alone who were think you'll find out one day if it matters to you how you like these gold streets they're great how do you like these gates apart they're great how do you like these mansion houses they're great how do you like that glorified body it's great you happy up here almost what do you mean almost well I got to know who those spirits in prison word you know it might be a while before you get around to being concerned about that once you get up there to heaven anyway that he did that all right Luke 23 Luke 23 the man who is the answer to everything the dying thief he's the answer to Jehovah's Witnesses - Mormons Church of Christ Roman Catholics Protestants Muslims Buddhists he's look anybody says you've got to do something besides believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved the thief on the cross says you're wrong he didn't do any of that well I think before Christ died for sins I think they were saved by offering sacrifice to keeping the law which one did he offer on that cross which law did he keep hanging there on that cross no he's answered all of it watch what Jesus tells him verse 28 42 42 he sent Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and Jesus said unto Him let's not wait for that verily I say unto the comma today no comma the modern versions move the comma that means Jesus said something on that day but he didn't do it on that day the Holy Bible puts the comma after verily I say unto thee because what he's about to say he's gonna do that day two days shalt thou be with me in paradise got that that thief dies and he goes to paradise he doesn't go to heaven you can't go to heaven unless Christ paid for your sins and when Jesus was talking to spell II hadn't paid for he's paying for him but he hadn't paid for him he's not risen from the dead so this guy goes paradise and Jesus said I will be the with you today which means he didn't spend three days and three nights in the grave that's his body he didn't spend three days and three nights in hell he passed through he'll stop briefly to preach to somebody got the keys crossed the Gulf and said to the thief good to see you how you been and the thief said better than I deserve praise the Lord so that day that day Jesus is there which means he's got two whole days and two whole nights to fellowship with those that had died in faith that were waiting for the blood of Jesus Christ to pay for their sins so they could go to heaven no sorry we can't not tonight not tonight but that's that's how it worked what about up some big lottery president with the Lord now now sins are paid for now they're not paid for until Christ Jesus said I'm the way that he didn't say listen here's what he didn't say I am the way the truth and life and no man cometh unto the father from now on but by me he said I'm the way the truth and life and no man cometh unto the father but by me that means until he comes in the flesh and dies for sins and rises again you can't get to the Father now you can all right so what happens Matthew 27 Matthew 27 Matthew 27 this is the scene I would like to have seen seen with a C and C without the C verse 50 G is this when he'd cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost and behold the veil of the temple was rent in twain for the top of the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose comma and came out of the graves after his resurrection now what was that like you arise but you can't get out a little weird huh but after his resurrection look at this and went into the holy city and appeared unto many how many heart attacks did that induce now if I was given to speculation that would be an amazing place to speculate you could write a novel right there you can make a movie right there people but they walk right past everything in the Bible to make a movie about what's not in the Bible but can you just see this this old man Jeremiah suddenly standing in the streets of Jerusalem again and saying I told you I told you I told you and Isiah stand up on a corner by the temple saying then the government shall be a body shoulder and just about the time they get a big Street meeting going to they all take off man what whatever is in that verse it had to be really fascinating didn't last long but there it is now John 20 John 20 so Jesus rises from the dead the graves of the many Saints are opening John 20 verse 16 jesus saith unto her Mary she turned herself and saith unto Him rabboni which is the same master jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father but go to my brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my father and your father and to my god and your God see that that's the morning of his resurrection he meets Mary talks to ursus don't touch me don't touch why can't I touch you I got a I'm gonna send go tell him I'm ascending I ascend now this is wild look at Matthew 28 Matthew 28 later that same morning twenty-eight verse 9 and as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him then said Jesus on them be not afraid go tell my brethren they go into Galilee and there shall they see me you know who he is he's God he's God now for Omega beginning the end he's the everlasting father he's the eternal God right he made time you what he does here he meets this woman and talks to her and she wants to throw arms right she don't touch me I've not ascended yet and he steps out of time a sense comes back steps back into time and that same morning people meet him and hold him it's not a contradiction in the Bible it's just an underestimation of who you're dealing with you're dealing with God Almighty he wants to go from here to heaven and back before you know he's gone he can do it you know you're gonna you are going to be changed from Mortal to immortal and from corruptible to incorruptible and you're gonna be on this earth and then you're gonna be with the Lord and glory in the twinkling of an eye thank God powerful God mighty God in a body of flesh anyway up he goes back he comes look at ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 and Psalm 68 Ephesians 4 and Psalm 68 seasons for Psalm 68 Psalm 68 is the promise we'll read it first verse 17 the chariots of God I'm Eva remember von daniken guy made it headers for just one come on the guy made a fortune writing about UFOs the chariots of the gods anyway the chariots of God or 20,000 even you know people when I was when I was young people saw UFOs all the time now everybody's got a camera in their pocket nobody sees them anymore it's too bad they're so camera shy they quit coming around now do you take your picture anyway cherien cigar twenty thousand even thousands of angels the Lord is among them as in Sinai the holy place thou has to send it on high thou has led captivity captive now is to receive gifts for men yay for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them here's what he said if the Lord were to ascend on high he would receive so that be the Lord receiving from the father gifts for man that's good what about rebellious men yes he would give gifts for rebellious men so that God could dwell among them that's pretty good but it also says he led captivity captive now come to Ephesians 4 verse 7 but on every one of us is given grace according the measure of the gift of Christ wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto man see what see what you had that's the second time tonight see what you got you have something said in the Psalms and the New Testament says that is about Jesus Christ we're not guessing the Bible's teaching us survival so who is it that ascended up on us it's Jesus Christ who is it that led captivity captive it's Jesus Christ who is it gave gifts unto men it's Jesus Christ now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth where's he'll lower parts of the earth where was paradise lower parts of the earth come on Jesus said this day thou should be in paradise so if he goes to paradise paradises in the lower parts of the earth hell's their paradise is there great gulf in between ok so far so good all right verse number 10 he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things that's Psalm 139 that we read that's him now watch and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints you know what Psalm 68 said he's going to give men gifts for men and there it is right there said what about the the rebellious that he talked about well verse 13 till we all come in the unity of the faith and knowledge the Son of God a little perfect man under the measure the stature fulness of Christ that we heads forth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine there's some people in rebellion against the truth what the Lord do about it he didn't say he's not going to send Jesus back down here to deal with every rebel those of us who are saved and been given gifts by God for men we deal with them so the Lord can dwell among them all right so here's what here's what we believe based on what we read and I'll show you one more verse that that I believe puts the the period on the end of the sentence Hebrews 11 gives you a roll call of faith exemplary lives from the Old Testament people who died in faith but received not the promise they're not burning in hell but they're not absent from the body and present with the Lord because though their sins are covered they're not paid for so they don't go to burn like Lazarus or like the rich man I'm sorry they go to paradise like Abraham and Lazarus and they're comforted and they're waiting when Jesus Christ has paid for their sins he assembles with those who died in faith in that place called paradise and when he rises from the dead he leads those captives into a better place of captivity he leads the captives captive he takes those who were waiting for their sins to be paid for to God's heaven so okay I was with you up until you said that now I don't know all right did he meet the thief in paradise did he meet him that day do the Bible say was in the lower parts of the earth so paradise is in the lower parts of the earth when Jesus goes there to meet the thief alright for second Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 this property doesn't help your life as much but isn't this more enjoyable than whisperers backbiters haters of God it says nice change of pace so green is 12 1 it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions or ever license of the Lord I know a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I cannot tell without of the body I cannot tell God knoweth now that's weird as he's saying I don't know if I was in the body or not or I don't know if he was in the body or not or if I don't know what happened happened while I was in the body or not in the body I don't know man you know about three or four years after I got saved I knew everything about the Bible and longer I read it the more there more things I just said beats me but here's here right here's what I do know such an one caught up up not down up to the third heaven see that whoever this guy is whatever condition he was in he went up to the third heaven came in there's three heavens we'll get that this summer verse four are three and I know such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth how that he was caught up in to paradise you know what Jesus did he didn't just take the people he took the whole place he took paradise to heaven that's power that's power so now now when we die we go to the New Jerusalem which is above and all the saints are there they weren't but now they are praise the Lord all right so we'll give an invitation here in a minute and you come to the altar and I don't know what no no that's what we just talked about that's not gonna get anybody saved I understand that it's not gonna but I'll tell you this and my wife my wife if I brought her up here to testify tonight she tell you and it's just a fact this is the kind of stuff that convinced me this isn't a book of rules and regulations this is the Word of God these things are so precise they fit together so well that these writers did not conspire to put this together this book is the word of God and and so it's enjoyable it's enjoyed all of its not designed to smash in the face some of it's designed to just let you have a good time say that's pretty neat so all right we'll pray and then I'll tell you what happened to me on on Friday all right father thank you for your word pray you'd bless it please and in Jesus name and amen we're singing a song in just a second I can't I don't sleep much and when I do sleep I don't really ever seem like I don't ever really get to sleep and I've had at least these terrible nightmares all my life but Friday night Jake talked me into going skydiving and so we went over here at the airport and it went from the scene of pulling up in the car to a scene of you know that plane that goes up all day long there wasn't room in the plane so I'm holding on to the tail of the plane on the outside as it goes up and Jake's got his headphones on inside he keeps looking back and smiling and giving me the thumbs-up and I'm I'm clinging to that thing for dear life well that went on for a while I'm terrified and then it shifted the next scene when I looked down and realized instead of putting on a parachute I put on my diving vest and I got no parachute I got scuba gear on so that was terrifying for a while and then finally I couldn't hold on any longer and I'm just plummeting down to earth and I'm watching these swamps and woods and everything coming up at me and I just splattered right into him and got up like you do in your dream and realize they had about 14 miles to walk to get back to town so I'm covered with mud and one of my legs is busted up and I'm dragging that and I'm walking back to town and just about the time I get there here comes Jake flying down his parachute and he says how was your outdoor adventure with brother Jake and I woke up it is not easy being me all right well let's sing a song 132
Channel: James W. Knox Sermons
Views: 5,852
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: what did jesus do after he was resurrected, jesus after resurrection, john 19, jesus in hell, jesus preached in hell, where is paradise in the bible, Jesus defeated death
Id: q1Wb8QA9crk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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