Jesse Watters: Paul Pelosi got the judge he wanted

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when we started this show i promised to cover corruption so today was a big day for us here at prime time for the last two months we've been trying to get to the bottom of paul pelosi's dui and find out what really happened that night because at the end of the day this is about transparency and equal standards of justice just because pauly p is married to the wolf of washington he doesn't get a free pass if he committed a crime he deserves to do the time and the justice system shouldn't be doing him any favors would they do you any favors you know the answer to that well this morning paul pelosi was due in court to finally face the music now papa paulie p is too much of a big wig to show up himself so he sent his lawyer in his place and the entire hearing was literally over in two minutes and his case got to be heard first even though it was in alphabetical order correct me if i'm wrong but does p come before a at least we did get to hear from our good friend napa county district attorney allison haley hey allie my name is alison haley i'm napa county's district attorney this morning mr pelosi appeared what we call 977 it means that a misdemeanor dui defendant can appear through his attorney he was arraigned on the charges of dui causing injury driving with a .08 blood alcohol level or higher causing injury his defense attorney is amanda bevins on behalf of her client she acknowledged receded the criminal complaint waived formal reading and advisement confirmed that her client is charged by his true and correct name entered pleas of not guilty on his behalf waived his right to a jury trial within 45 days so they punted the whole thing to august 23rd thinking that i'm going to be on vacation that week but i'm not and we're not going to wait until the 23rd anyway we've already waited two months this is a dui case not a triple homicide we know that paul's been getting home cooking from the very beginning and we asked ali all about that can you respond to critics who say mr pelosi is getting special treatment i can assure you that but for press conferences and phone calls this matter is handled like every other matter that napa county handles we handle approximately 550 duis in any given year and this matter is being treated and being put in the order and going to court the same as any other case in napa county but this isn't how napa county handles cases we had to threaten to sue the county to get the mug shot and it took weeks and do defendants normally hire high-priced pr teams who lie to the press remember this so far as i know there is no mugshot that was the response we got from papa paul's fixer when we asked for the pick all right we got it but getting pelosi's mug shot was just the start of the cover-up the crash happened over memorial day weekend in napa county has been hiding the criminal complaint ever since but it was leaked to us yesterday and if it hadn't been leaked we still never would have seen it why'd they hide it well it's filled with stuff that makes paul look bad like the fact that both cars were totaled and that paulie p was so drunk he was slurring his words and he had drugs in his system what was this drug was pelosi on some blood pressure medication or was it a narcotic because there's a big difference maybe they were trying to cover up the fact that the crash happened a little after 10 but police didn't test paul's blood until well after midnight why not at the scene so he had a little time to sober up obviously and he still blew over the legal limit we know from the leaked complaint that pelosi handed the officers a police privilege card then asked they asked him for his driver's license and he gave him the card that says he's a donor you know what that means i think you do also was paul alone in the car because now we have some conflicting stories the police report says quote at the time of the initial contact that's an interesting phrase mr paul pelosi was the sole occupant of his porsche and seated in the driver's seat soul occupant all right so he's alone it's funny how they phrased that though isn't it because the new york times report on the crash said there was a witness at the scene quote a person who witnessed the accident said both cars were totaled and that mr pelosi simply sat in the car seemingly frozen for several minutes until the sheriff and members of the fire department arrive moments later the whole thing happened late at night in wine country no one's walking on the sidewalks to witness this there are no sidewalks so who was this witness were they the ones who called 9-1-1 or was there another passenger in the car who made the 9-1-1 call and then disappeared we don't know and by the way they're still hiding the 9-1-1 call we didn't even know until yesterday that the victims sustained serious injuries we were told the injuries were minor it turns out quote the day after the collision he had pain to his upper right arm right shoulder and neck it was difficult to lift things with his right arm and he was suffering from headaches that had not been present prior to the collision and now he sequel medical care with his physician now the extent of these injuries is very important because that's what the da's office uses to determine whether a dui is a felony or not but d.a allison haley hey ali is sticking with the misdemeanor charge can you walk us through the decision to charge mr pelosi with a misdemeanor after you learn about the seriousness of the crash we evaluated the matter interviewed the victim and compared it to other similarly situated cases and the kinds of injuries that he present historically we have filed those matters as misdemeanors not as felonies well that's music to papa paulie's ears because the misdemeanor charge is probably not going to land him in jail but if it was upgraded to a felony that caused great bodily injury paul could be looking at six years in the slammer there's a lot riding on the da's office keeping this a misdemeanor so the injuries are a big factor now we believe the driver worked in a vineyard and we've contacted him and he hangs up the phone on us so we don't have any clue about the injuries we also don't know if the pelosi's are going to be taking care of the driver if you know what i mean we do know that the judge in this case is political the night before today's hearing the original judge just vanished and was mysteriously replaced with his democrat judge monique langhorne who's never tried a criminal case in her entire career who also just happens to rub elbows with gavin newsom and took campaign donations from ali and other prosecutors watch the judge took a campaign contribution from you and the assistant district attorney how is that not a conflict of interest this matter i believe i gave judge langhorne a hundred dollars in 2018. i have full faith and belief that she can be fair and impartial and if the other side in fact if either side believes that that's not the case the california code has a procedure where we can move a court a judge out of that courtroom she says 2018 like it's like 1918. right and 100 is a lot of money for a a county judge it's not like you know a presidential primary and why would papa paulie want to move the judge he got the judge he wants this case couldn't be set up for him any better what we really need is a clear look at what actually happened that night there was just some video like you know like a dash cam or a body cam we could just see everything for ourselves we're wondering why the uh dash cam video has still not been released can you help us understand why that's happening dash cam video is evidence in this case and i'm ethically prohibited from releasing that as soon as this matter is over so our good friend ali is keeping that footage to herself so we could get it once the case is settled at the end of the month or we could have it tonight because allie gave the blessing to california highway patrol i have no direction to provide chp and they are free to do with it what they like these aren't my items california highway patrol can release the footage today like this second ali said they could but they won't are they waiting for donations from paul well we were back on the phone with them today and trying to get some transparency and they said they're working on it so here's the woman that runs california highway patrol amanda ray remember amanda the commish that's her contact info they don't want you to call or text or email but if you do be polite aly says you can release the footage amanda this is on you are you going to be part of the cover-up what's it going to be commish i surely hope this isn't about money brian clay pulls an attorney who's been following the case with us and he joins me now it's good to see you in person brian yeah good to see you jesse so you saw how they just boom boom boom they got a settlement case hearing in about two weeks i won't be on vacation is that how these things usually shake out are you kidding me this is an abomination i mean you never get a settlement conference a couple of weeks after an arraignment i've had cases go three four court hearings a year out before you ever get a settlement conference and what's irresponsible about what ally's telling us is she you just heard her she said we reviewed everything and we've come to the conclusion that this is like every other case well she's missing a lot of information she hasn't reviewed the medical records of the victim a responsible d.a would get all the medical records let us interview the victim let's find out has he been injured because that would raise this crime to a felony so she hasn't reviewed all the information and she hasn't reviewed this other drug that was in the count it's it said the exact language said intoxicated combined with a drug now get this paulie's lawyer says when she was asked about it she says oh i think they just put that in there because that's the statutory language that's comical that is ridiculous the da has a responsibility to find out what that other drug is if they did a blood test they already have the results so what is that other drug so why are they hiding the drug you're right they have the blood test they should be able to put that in the criminal complaint we got the complaint through a leak because we've been banging this drum for a long time asking for someone to stand up and do the right thing out in napa county we finally got it and even the way they wrote the criminal complaint is shady oh he happened to be the only one in the car when we initially showed up to the crime scene why was it written like that and then why they say another drug wouldn't they usually name the narcotic if they knew the narcotic or if it was sudafed wouldn't they put that in there it would be in there jesse that's an excellent point and that's what i'm talking about they're teeing this up for august 23rd i'm glad you're going to be here they're teeing this up for him to walk into that courtroom oh we'll give you a probation couple years and see you later you and i and all the viewers across this country never get to see the truth right and allie's wrong when she said do you hear her say it was another laughable moment when she said i've got five 500 cases i never give up dash cam video that's not the law ally it's not ali's law in california there's no alley's law the law is they need to give up the dash cam unless it impairs a criminal investigation and guess what according to ali and according to this judge the investigation is over because they're going to settle it on august 23rd so that that excuse doesn't fly either right why would chp california highway patrol still after getting the go-ahead from the d.a they can release it why would they still be hiding the footage this whole thing stinks that's what that's what we're talking about because you think it's a donation play because he handed them a card that says i'm a big donor and i could be a bigger donor if this thing shakes out the way i want absolutely he had him an 11.99 card which means he's donated to this charitable contribution for the chp you tell me if i get pulled over the first thing i'm not thinking about is oh where's my 11.99 card i'm thinking is my daughter okay in the car you know am i gonna get in trouble he's like here it is yeah where's your license oh here's my donor card yeah exactly you know and here's here's another thing i mean i there there is this is unprecedented in california and in any state where you have this type of damage to a vehicle too right the more we learned somebody could have been killed this is not this is not a minuscule matter somebody could have been killed and this d.a combined with this judge and by the way we still don't know why the previous judge recused himself or herself right herself all of a sudden on the eve of the hearing the original judge just leaves and then we get this politicized judge come in has never tried a criminal case in her career and she agrees to a settlement hearing in three weeks it's unbelievable but this is consistent with how they do things in napa i should go to napa and just drive drunk i'll never pay any price obviously that was an analogy i would never do that i think it's gonna be and i can never drive drunk ever after covering this story i need to uber myself everywhere i go it's gonna be paulie's pub not department three on august 23rd right then probably give him a drink and celebrate exactly right the slap on the wrist hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,211,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nancy and Paul Pelosi, Paul Pelosi, Paul Pelosi accident, Paul Pelosi dui, Paul Pelosi hearing, Paul Pelosi judge, US crime, dui Paul Pelosi, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, fox primetime, jesse watters, jesse watters monologue, jesse watters primetime, jesse watters primetime monologue, primetime, primetime fox news, watters monologue, watters primetime, watters world
Id: ysccBCuwdDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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