Jesse Romero Spoke about Spiritual Warfare at the first Ex Spiritus Fall Men's Conference

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[Music] jesse is a VA from Mount st. Mary's University in LA and he is an MA in Catholic theology so at Franciscan University in Steubenville so that's pretty awesome and he's a recipient of the art Bishop Fulton sheen award he is the onus of truth defender of faith award and he is a sports faith international award so he's done a lot and he's been on Catholic radio for 12 years for those who were here about five years ago Jesse spoke at the men's conference at Prince of Peaks I think it was so and so this is he's returning to us just as he does Catholic radio he has talk show every day so if you're if you're on Catholic radio which we all should be then you'll be here too Jesse my name is Jesse Romero I am the Latin Lover of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Latin Lover overlayed let me begin with a prayer the name of the Father Son and of the Holy Spirit amen o Lord open up my lips so that my mouth may proclaim your praises glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen I'm gonna give you guys this morning problem solution problem solution here's one of the problems today in the Catholic Church unfortunately and by the way the Catholic Church is the true church started by Jesus Christ the Son of God okay that's that's a that's a fact of history but nonetheless the devil has gone after the Catholic Church in a very real way what I mean by that there was a article that came out two weeks ago based on a survey that said in the United States of America guess what of all the religions in the u.s. Catholics believe less in the existence of the devil than all the other religions in the United I don't know about you but that's embarrassing and I don't know about you but that's scandalous that's scandalous as Catholics the prom often times in the church's cafeteria Catholicism Catholics pick and choose what they want to believe let me share with you what I believe is a prophetic statement made by somebody I don't know he's Catholic or not obviously the way he speaks he's a follower of Christ and name is Paul Harvey he said this is about 50 years ago but what he says really speaks directly to the present time that we live in Paul Harvey Brett may he rest in peace he pray has no idea how prophetic his message was pay attention it's called if I were the devil my Paul Harvey if I were the devil I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from man's effort instead of God's blessing if I were the devil I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people instead of the other way around makes me think right now about the casting couch in Hollywood huh using people Paul Harvey said the more the devil our dupe entire States into relying on gambling for their state revenue if I were the devil how it convinced people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership if I were the devil I would convince I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies if I were the devil I would make it socially acceptable to take one's own life and invent machines to make it convenient if I were the devil I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that the life of animals are valued more than human beings the devil how it take God out of the schools where even the mention of his name was grounds for lawsuit if I were the devil I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young and would get sports heroes to advertise them if I were the devil I would get control of the media so that every night I could pollute the mind of every family member for my agenda if I were the devil I would attack the family the backbone of any nation if I were the devil I would make divorce acceptable and easy even fashionable there the family crumbles so does the nation if I were the devil I would compel people to express their most Despres fantasies on canvas and movie screens and I would call it art if I were the devil I would convince the world that people are born homosexuals and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marveled at if I were the devil out of convinced the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct if I were the devil I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out-of-date and that the Bible is for the naive if I were the devil I would duel the minds of Christians and make them believe that prayer is not important and that faithfulness and obedience are optional if I wore the devil my guess I would leave I would leave things pretty much the way they are Paul Harvey wrote that about 50 years ago you can lately you can listen to it on YouTube everything he just said is happening in the world right now spoken like a prophet when he said these things there was no abortion there was no Roe vs. Wade when he said these things the Supreme Court had legalized homosexual marriage when he said these things we had we don't have the euthanasia at any state mercy killing when he said these things wouldn't have medical marijuana Paul Harvey I believe is speaking about the present-day America right now and you know the most effective thing that the devil does see us know spoke about this in the book called mere christianity in letter seven he says this the most effective thing a demon can do to bring souls to hell is to convince people that Satan does not even exist that's what we have right now more Catholics do not believe in the existence of devil as compared to any other religion in the United States that's embarrassing and I was just thinking about yesterday's gospel Jesus spoke about the devil in yesterday's gospel he mentioned him 11 times just what I picked up my magnificat which I said it's and it's a good for it's a good prayer devotional so I looked at yesterday's gospel I said well I'm gonna get some good commentary here on spiritual warfare and demonology guess what the Magnificat as good as it is it mentioned nothing about Satan and yesterday on October 9th 2017 s reflection on the gospel Satan is laughing because he's saying if the true church if I can get the members of the true church to believe I don't exist that evil is simply just you know social misfits in society then I've got them let me go a little bit into the theology of the devil maybe some of you have never heard this and yet what I'm going to say to you is come the Catholic teaching complete Catholic teaching that I'm gonna give you and yes some people have probably never heard it God created God didn't create the devil or Satan or Lucifer God created angels when look at your Bible Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 the Fathers of the Church tell us in Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 where it says in God said let there be light at that moment angels were created out of nothing ex nihilo out of nothing in god's creation there's order and there's rank he created nine types of angels to serve him to be his messengers to do his bidding that's what the word angel means a messenger the highest form of angel or what I would call the top angels in God's celestial kingdom they're called the Seraphim those are like God's secret service they they post sentry around the throne of God they're described in the Bible and Isaiah chapter six you can read about the Seraphim posting around the throne of God it says they all have six wings can you imagine how strong these angels are an angel with six wings the word Seraphim means the burning ones they're burning in love with God for love of God and they post sentry like God Secret Service there was one Seraphim that was that was head and shoulders above the rest his name was Lucifer the name Lucifer means light a bear or son of the dawn Lucifer was a Seraphim in fact the Jewish rabbis tell us that Lucifer is the only Seraphim the only angel that God ever created that has get this twelve wings which means what that of the top angels in heaven lucifer was the cream of the crop now the Angels did not yet have what's called the beautification what's that that's what we're gonna have one day in heaven God please God when we get there we're gonna see God face to face and just the ecstasy of being in God's presence is gonna rip through your soul with unspeakable undescribable joy forever God put the Angels to a test he showed them the Incarnation what's the Incarnation God showed them that he would become a man and the person of Jesus Christ the second person of the Blessed Trinity and that he would be born of a virgin called Mary Mary born in Jerusalem Mary of Nazareth removed of Nazareth the angel saw this one angel stood up his name was Lucifer and he said he stood up and he said none said of young now I don't know if he spoke Latin okay I'm not sure okay if that's what the Fathers of the Church say okay none said if that means I will not serve if God becomes incarnate if God takes upon a human body I will not serve him and I will not honor the woman who gives him a body and so at that moment the Bible describes there is what I call the first UFC fight in heaven the Octagon right there in heaven it's described in Revelation chapter 12 verses four to the end of the chapter here's what happens the Fathers of the Church tell us a relatively small angel called Michael which whose names means who is like unto God who is like mica n little Mike comes out of us this army of angels and he looks at Lucifer the Fathers of the Church described his face off like David and Goliath Lucifer being this incredibly powerful a in fact God created angels and there's nine categories or nine ranks or nine choirs of angels the top angels got Secret Service they're called the Seraphim they're described in Isaiah chapter six they're the ones that post century around the throne of God they have this the closest relationship to God and the Bible says that the Seraphim are so powerful they have six wings how many wings instead from that company guess what the Jewish rabbis and the Fathers of the Church tell us that Lucifer was the only Seraphim that God created with twelve wings lucifer was of all the seraphim's he was their champion nobody no creature was ever created with the grandeur of Lucifer and he knew it Lucifer was the narcissist the Catechism of the Catholic Church the Fathers of the Church tell us wisdom chapter 2 verse 24 in the sacred scriptures tell us that Lucifer was filled with pride and envy and he he coveted God's position you know he he knew he couldn't have because he's an angel but he desired I don't want to serve I want people to serve me so Michael steps forward and says to Lucifer me cotton which means who was like unto God he told Lucifer dude you're just an angel you're not God Bible says it was on I think Big John McCarthy said are you ready are you ready let's get it all by the way no Big John I know real well a friend of mine worked LAPD a with the Sheriff's Department and so a war ensued in heaven the Bible said that a third of the angels were chose to be on God site a 2/3 of the Angels 2/3 1/3 of the angel followed Lucifer so here's the good news the good angels are number the bad angel they men so if you're on the side of God guess what we're on the winning team all right we got in fact I'm gonna call our guardian angels right now angel of God or guardian dear to whom the love of God commits us here be ever this day that on sight to light to guard to rule in to guide amen so the battle ensues between Michael and two-thirds of the Angels and Lucifer and a third of the Angels the Catechism says that the Angels made an irrevocable decision against that moment the ones that went against God it's irrevocable they can't go back on their word it was a one-time decision they were given to be to enter into the beatific vision and the good angels that decided to follow God that decision was irrevocable as well the one-time decision choose I'm going to show you what human beings have never seen decide so the battle lines have been drawn and the Bible tells us when they fought in heaven it says that Michael and the good angels cast the devil and them and that bad angels to Planet Earth so words the devil and the bad angels planet Earth you don't believe me turn on the news just turn on the news the Bible says in first John chapter 5 verse 19 says this quote we are of God , and the whole world is under the power of the devil some are you seen says that in the button versus been there for about 2,000 years people wondered who runs the world the devil does who says that the Bible you don't think the devil runs the world look at the news the 20th century has been the bloodiest century in the history of Western civilization in modern man communism socialism fascism Nazism and now Islamism and in our colleges secular humanism atheism destruction physical intellectual destruction the Bible is very clear that may give it a real silver lining of the good news okay here's here's the good news is that although there's and let me tell you there's two teams out there and everybody's gotta decide what team you're gonna be in there either part of team Jesus your team Satan who said that safe Ignatius of Loyola the founder of the Jesuits he said there's two teams out there choose you choose everyday by how you live you got the camp of Satan and you got the camp of Christ period let me tell you something if you're living in mortal sin unrepentant unconfessed immortal soon you're part of team Satan but I'm glad you're here because we want you to switch jerseys today amen give it up for Jesus praise the Lord thank you the Bible says in Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 and the devil knows us the devil knows of the Bible better than any one of us he has a super intellect he doesn't then follow the Word of God but he knows it so the devil knows that his time is short all they see that Paul Harvey said 50 years ago this is all diabolical but it's happening right now it's completely fixed in our society right now in 2017 and the devil knows that his days are numbered the Bible says in Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 it says when Jesus comes back he's gonna throw the devil in hell lock him up along with he's gonna throw the false prophet in hell and the Beast who are they we don't know but they're historical figures okay you're gonna seal them up in hell their days are numbered and the Bible says in Luke chapter 1 verses 31 to 33 it says do not be afraid call him Jesus his name will be called Jesus and he will rule the house of Judah and of his kingdom his kingdom will last forever and ever and ever amen the kingdom of Christ is gonna last forever the kingdom of Satan has an expiration date he's done he's the loser the kingdom of Christ where's the kingdom of Christ sent right on earth it's the Catholic Church the kingdom of Christ is the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the true church started by Jesus Christ the Son of God this is it and the Catholic Church operates at three levels the church on earth is called the church militant we're fighting for the soul of our family for the soul of our marriages for the soul of our kids for our soul for the soul of our country for the soul of our church let me let me now start moving into what's the solution I gave you I outlined some of the problems let me give you some of the solutions here as Catholics often times we wonder as men especially wonder well I'll let me give you one more description I think he's the best description I've ever a non theological description of the devil this is the best description I've ever seen this comes from the 1984 The Terminator movie game and you I'm gonna set this up you remember Kyle Reese he's out there trying to protect Sarah Connor from the sideboards the k-member from from these Schwarzenegger who was a cyborg he's made of made of metal surrounded by living tissue and he's trying to kill Sarah Connor and he's trying to destroy the world Kyle Reese gets arrested by the police department and they ask him okay they ask him okay what are you running from what what you know tell us what's going on with these cyborgs he says this the police has him he says officers you still don't get it do you he'll find her the Terminator will find Sarah Connor he says that's what he does that's all he does you can't stop him he'll wade through you he'll reach down her throat and pull her blank and heart out listen and understand the Terminator is out there he can't be bargained with he can't be reasoned with he doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear and he will absolutely not stop ever until you're all dead that's the perfect description of Satan he's pure evil you cannot bargain with him you cannot reason with him he doesn't get tired he doesn't have to go to sleep he doesn't take vacations he doesn't go play golf he doesn't watch ESPN he doesn't use the internet he's a pure spiritual serial killer he's a pure spiritual predator and most Catholics are in la-la land because most Catholics have bought into pagan Darwinian secular humanism they say oh my teacher at school mr. liberal mrs. liberal says if you can't see it it doesn't exist so most Catholics act live their life as if God doesn't exist and if Satan doesn't exist that's exactly what he wants maybe you know let me now go to some of the solutions here Archbishop Fulton sheen and now I would say the greatest Catholic teacher that the church has had in at least 100 years who said that Saint John Paul the second that's what he said I'm quoting st. John Paul the second what he said about Sandra bull Archbishop Fulton sheen greatest catholic teacher in the last hundred years bar none i mashina holic men i've read all his books I hear his CDs constantly every time he's pushing ahead there you go you want you want a master teacher he's the best we have you know what he said in 1973 this is a politically incorrect statement that's why he was not liked by his brother bishops because he was a prophet arts Venable Fulton sheen said in 1973 to a delegation of all the US bishops and a delegation of all the heads from the Knights of Columbus national he said this 1973 he said who was gonna save our church not the bishops not the priests not the religious who was gonna save our church he said the ladies you lay people are gonna save the Catholic Church that's what he said and guess what we're seen in everything good and beautiful and true and pious and holy in the Catholic Church is being started by laypeople give it up for Jesus praise the Lord thank you Jesus it's our church to ninety-nine percent the church's laypeople it's time for us to stand up stand up stand up for Jesus and quit acting like pagans too many Catholics are more American than a Catholic that's got a change and you can tell that by the way people vote they vote like pagans in the Catholic Church okay you could read a Pew Center says 57% of Catholics believe in homosexual marriage what is this microphone on are you kidding me oh lordy are they confused we have to be Catholic Christians first before were American before were anything else before any political party our Catholic faith must guide our principles our behavior our vote the way we live that's what why don't you die and die you will the only thing you're gonna take the judgment day is your Catholic faith God's not going to be impressed you're gonna say well Lord I'm an Irish American and I made a lot of money in this lifetime who kills young money not gonna say to you how many times have you ever seen a hearse pony you all with all the goods you take nothing with you the only thing you will take on Judgment Day when you meet a holy God is your Catholic faith that's it okay you know there's 50 states in this country you want to get the heaven I'm going to tell you right now just very simple evading me I'll make it very quick you want to get the heaven you've got to die in a state of grace you want you don't want to go to heaven die in mortal sin okay there's one state we should all want to live in that's the state of grace there's one state none of us should want to live in that's the state of mortal sin I wrote a book called work they turn my hands for battle everything I'm saying is in this book so don't write notes though right in your hand okay what did I write this book I'll tell you why because I'm sick and tired of seeing Catholic men with a lot of estrogen I'm sick and tired of the effeminacy a ssin of Catholic men so I wrote a book for men with a lot it's high on testosterone it's a high tea book in fact my front cover Lord prepared my hands for battle Psalm 144 verse 1 David would pray that song before he went into battle he would say Lord prepare my hands for battle and my fingers for war people say just that's an interesting guy he got in the cover yeah this is called a Catholic Crusader I specifically picked him for my cover wine these brave Catholic men they strapped it on in the Middle Ages when the church was being in by Muslims the Ottoman Empire these Catholic men said No Mas no mas is not to my church they strapped it on and you know what before they were given a horse or put on a ship to defend the Catholic Church against the invading Muslims kind of interesting seems like nothing's changed right interesting we wouldn't have a church if it wasn't for these men if it wasn't for these brave men right now we'd be having an Islamic men's conference okay there'd be Quran here your wives would all be dressed with burkas we be following the misinformation and bad theology of Mohammed if it wasn't for these men I was speaking of Wisconsin there's about the Catholic men's conference they have one ball right about 3,500 men the next ballroom there's the Muslims they were having the conference but your men a couple thousand as well in between the conference's they would kind of walk over and look at the vendor tables wooden big Samoan Muslim walked up to my table and he looked at my book he goes who wrote this book hey I said I did he says I don't like your cover okay I hacked the guy that kind of dumb I said really how can he like my cover he said these men stopped us from taking over the world and I told them very nice they said that's why I put him on my cover [Applause] I'm not the most politically correct guy but I'm correct forget PC just RC Roman Catholicism forget PC 1974 venerable Archbishop Sheen he said three demons have been unleashed upon America he said it's a talk of his is called on the road to Calvary he said in 1974 the demon that was Elisha upon America his name is Bacchus the demon of drugs and marijuana and because I said that name we reject you evil spirit buckles caught off of the cross gone the feet of Jesus mother Mary crush this infernal spirit under your immaculate feet second demon that's been unleashed upon America according to the venerable Fulton sheen the greatest teacher in the Catholic faith nobody holds a candle to him nobody he says the second demon that was released upon America 1974 his name is madman Mammon the demon of greed and avaricious Ness the demon that just loves money since I said that Jesus told us about that demon also the New Testament since I mentioned that in furling begone evil spirit Mammon behold the cross of the Lord begone Lord Jesus Christ do with him as you will mother Mary crush him under your immaculate feet amen third demon that was unleashed upon America 1974 Venable Fulton sheen says his name is Venus the Greeks called Venus the goddess of love Christianity we call it Venus the demon of sexual perversion it's no goddess of love the demon of sexual perversion that demon has taken over Hollywood by the way completely San Francisco there's entire cities that are infested with this demon and since I mentioned that name behold the cross of the Lord begone evil spirit Venus carve the fun of the cross that Jesus Christ may do with you as he wills mother Mary crushed this infernal spirit under your immaculate feet amen that's why I wrote this book guys I'm gonna tell you why I love my church bellman you know things that aren't popular all I'm gonna say in the last 40 years has been an assault on Catholic men in the Catholic Church the church has become very effeminate in fact I started looking many years ago and look and all the prayer books like after 1970 there's no reference to sane anymore I started looking at because I want to know how to pray to protect myself so I started looking at all the major publishers after 1970 no reference to Satan in prayer books I'm like what what I want to talk to four exorcist they're professors of exorcism okay they teach exorcism to priests that's all they do they're professors of exorcism I went to go meet them in Chicago Mulder night seminary I took some courses from them and then I asked them father men especially men are being attacked by evil spirits and they have no idea what to do the Catholic men are lost I convinced these four priests I said can you write something for us they sat down they wrote prayers of protection for every layperson to pray to protect your kids from demons and prayers to protect your house from demon guess what I'm the only Catholic prayer book in the country that has this why because most guys what did I tell you liberalism has taken over in many parts of the church what's liberalism question authority God doesn't exist and if he does he's irrelevant the devil come on that's medieval poppycock that poisonous is infiltrated the church people look at my book they say you actually believe there's a devil I said yep Jesus talks more about the devil the New Testament he speaks more about the devil than anything else and more about Hell if there is no devil then this event was a waste there's no reason you saw the movie The Passion of the Christ you saw what Jesus went through for 18 hours you know I went he went through that to pay the price for our sins so that we don't end up in hell with Satan for those Catholics that deny the devil in hell they make a mockery of what Jesus did 2,000 years ago there is no reason for this if there's not a devil and a place called hell I've been praying these prayers that protects you be my wife every night for about the last 10 years man there's not a demon within 10 miles of my house in fact I got some real politically incorrect prayers here I got the oldest exorcism prayer in the Catholic Church approved for Catholics to pray in fact when I walked in like when I walked into the hotel I'm the third floor so you know who knows what's happened in a lot of these rooms you know what I'm saying okay so when I walk in there I go to my suitcase and I take out a st. Bend that it's crucifix and I put in front of the TV that way it'll become planted to become nasty okay st. Benedict smell right from the TV take out my rosary lay it right there next to my bed and then I pray an exorcism pray over my room here's the oldest page 106 exorcism prayer by st. Anthony of bodily I walked into my room yesterday check out holy water name of the Father Son of the Holy Spirit amen behold the cross of the Lord begone evil powers from his bedroom the life of the tribe of Judah the root of David has conquered alleluia alleluia that was written 1,600 years ago try to find that in another Catholic prayer book you won't you know why they no longer believed you know what you're gonna get another Catholic prayer books unfortunately balloons banners and butterflies kumbaya Catholicism I'm saying you guys want it straight I'm gonna give it to you straight here's another exorcism prayer that I pray when I walked into the hotel every night before I go to bed here's what I did a lot of guys asked me see one of the things I understand Christianity requires discipline a lot of people say you know what you can get heaven just say the sinner's prayer once saved always say just accept Jesus into your heart and you'll be saved wrong it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible when somebody says all you've got to do to be saved is accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior into your heart and you're saying guess what you know what I say when they say that where's that in the Bible where show me it's not there every time Jesus Christ has asked about salvation every time he says if you love me keep the commandments every time but many Protestant denominations do they say ah the commandments and that's good to keep but it's irrelevant just accept Jesus into your heart and you're saved that's not taught anywhere in the Bible no word so what I've done I understand that a disciple has to be disciplined so I've been saying the same set of prayers for 20 years people ask me just how do you pray I put my morning prayers midday prayers I think that I've been doing for 20 years my clockwork here's one on my night process an exorcism prayer on page 57 I did that when I walked up to the room day and I'll do it tonight when I go to sleep there isn't it this this is lifted from the actual Rite of exorcism there's a book that priests use is called the Roman ritual it has a chapter there called the Rite of exorcism these prayers that I have in my book these for priests from Mundelein seminary there are professors they've taken those prayers different and and they said Catholics you can pray this you can pray this if so these prayers are approved for lay Catholics to pray here's one when you for your bedroom every night the one of my night prayers and it's it's straight out of the right this is it Oh Lord this habitation and drive far from and all the snares of the enemy let thy holy angels dwell therein and when I blessing be upon us through Christ our Lord amen these are you know when I show these prayers young men they say mr. amer where'd you get these prayers from I never heard this before anywhere in the church guys are turned on by these prayers because it has a lot of military military language here's another one you want to know the oldest exorcism prayer approved by the Catholic Church for you to bring these are all approved by the way okay which is the oldest prayer to protect yourself against an evil spirits given to us by the Catholic Church actually I'll be honest the Catholic Church borrowed it from the Jews it's on page 112 the oldest exorcism prayer was written by King David it's Psalm 91 the Jews have a Ministry of exorcism as well the word exorcism it's just a fancy word which means to swear out by an oath to to swear out or to expelled by an oath that's all it means in Greek X or diesel Psalm 91 has been used by the Jews Jewish exorcists for a thousand years before the Catholic Church was started I pray this one every night - I tell people they were just my kids smoking pot every day my kid has nightmares my kid you know where's baggy pants low shows they're plumbers Claude crack you know has a memo ha blue hair green hair a lot of our kids are messed up that's what the world does to our kids that's what a gun this rule does to our kids and the way we fight back we got a storm heaven with prayer and we gotta pray like man you know when you pray don't pray like a Sharon come on man why don't we sit we do a Hail Mary Hail Mary for a little bit let me tell you something an exorcist I actually took a course in this left I know a little bit about this I took a class in Steubenville on exorcism I remember the priest said demons are watching you constantly and they can tell if you're afraid they could tell just by the way you print this guy's a your friend great with the confidence hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus pray like you've got a pair because the enemy's watching you they could sense fear Psalm 91 powerful prayer here's what happened when the hell is that speaking at a conference in Los Angeles and somebody came up to me suggested the lady that just walked in she gave me here she's a witch she's a consecrated witch but she wants to get healed she's here she's sick and tired of it and she wants to leave witchcraft and she wants to kind of return to the Catholic Church after 30 years of practicing good idea and I remember I didn't know putting prayer for the talk and I took song light he went over the Bible and I started to install 91 she went completely completely into her body just went it's like a pretzel position she went into a rum ball and her body completely curled up like a ball in a pretzel like your body can't even do the stuff that she was doing and then she started screaming in pain and I remember we got to remove the route and and she's wheezed we carried her out like this she was in a catatonic position her eyes rolled back all you could see is the whites of her eyes no pupil no iris and speaking of some awful tongues some diabolical language that you couldn't understand and I remember I stood there and I just kept praying Psalm 91 over her and over again I prayed it for about 20 minutes non-stop in Luke and after about 20 minutes she screamed as she got she stood up again and she said it's gone it's gone thank you thank you mr. Romero I pray Psalm 91 with a bunch of guys and a bunch of women that were there for 20 minutes non-stop I said I'm gonna break this thing and the demon can tell him yet if you're had if you're afraid if you have fear you got to pray with faith in confidence and then after that I said okay I want you to pray Psalm 91 so I had her sit down I took my Bible and I put my Bible in her lap and she started screaming it came back again she started saying and she started throwing my Bible but I snatched it away Psalm 91 Navy SEAL prayer yeah give it up for Jesus praise the Lord [Applause] the real powerful prayers here that I would recommend for you to do every night if you if you want to keep your family protected from evil spirits and you know where evil spirits most frequently come into your house to do television and computer that's the easiest portal to get into the average American house television I mean this is be honest when you got people like Harvey Weinstein that this big media mogul that puts out so much in other words his way of living and thinking that's not much different from any Hollywood producer I know a lot of actors in Hollywood lot Catholics they say you got to keep your mouth shut if you're a Catholic because uh you won't get a job there and that casting couch that's been going on since Hollywood started you want a good position you got to pull your pants down it's a filthy world and they're exporting all their filth all over the United States that's how demons are coming in to the average house you know who warned us about this you know warned us about this the first Catholic canonized Saint in America in the United States st. Elizabeth Ann Seton here's what she said Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton right around 1860 she said the following and by the way television wasn't invented till about the mid 20s so what she said she said this about 75 years before the invention of television so she didn't really know what she was saying in terms of the clarity she said this in the 1850s she said God has given me a vision and in the future I see a square a box in every living room and demons we'll enter into that house through that box st. Elizabeth and Seaton said that 75 years before the invention of the television give it up for st. Elizabeth II thank you lord thank you I'm gonna build you up a little because you didn't like man this guy's punch in the stomach too much I'm gonna build you up right now okay build you up before another gut punch okay I'm gonna give you some I didn't want to go over my time so yeah okay ah ten minutes okay I'm wrapping it up here okay so that I minute I'm an end with the I know green salt it would take too long I want to get these stories in you let me show you the power of prayer and by the way in my book I have a section here because especially nan and I can't get into because I don't have ten minutes okay okay I have a section right book I brought it for the non-believers not believers say well you know what I don't think prayer does anything there's no benefit to prayer that's a myth that was taught by my grandma you know my Mexican grandma my Irish grandma there's nothing a prayer guess what and the second of the last chapter in my book I have a section is called what prayer does of the brain let me make it real quick but I go in detail I got good here's what happens the brain is broken into four parts four quadrants okay I'll make it quick the front part of the brain good part prefrontal cortex sides of the brain anterior ceiling good parts of the brain right here good top of the brain right elope necessary not so good part of the brain back here call the limbic system necessary part of the brain not so good here's what happens this part of the brain until it comes this part of the brain is work feelings compassion comes from right here when you pray this has been studied I got the brain surgeons crowding them here's what happens they've studied this they've wired people up in prayer after 15 minutes of prayer not saying oh it doesn't work and oli happened with Christian prayer after 15 minutes of Christian prayer brain surgeons have discovered that the chemicals in the brain release dopamine throughout the entire body dopamine which makes you feel good people call that a runner's high after a good workout even if dopamine is even released released 3 sexual intimacy ok that's that feeling you get the brain releases that to your entire body after 15 minutes second thing the brain releases after 15 minutes of Prayer is a chemical called serotonin serotonin is the natural chemical in the body that fights depression so if you pray 15 minutes a day come on the Rosary takes the pretty huh Our Lady of Fatima told us in 1917 we don't pray the rosary every day by the way it takes about 15 minutes and brain surgeons say that 15 minutes of Prayer releases dopamine and serotonin you want to know why I'm happy all the time I pray the rosary every day people said dude man the world's falling apart and you're always happy you know what I just wake up every morning since yeah this is a day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad I'm too blessed to be stressed to anointing to be disappointed and if hope was money I'd be a millionaire cuz I got Jesus amen giving up the Jesus praising or thank you [Applause] if you want to walk you run in a bad mood all day if you want to rock around like you're sucking lemons if you want to walk around with a prune face don't play and you'll be in a bad mood all day not me I know how to fight bad moods called prayer scientifically tested let's second the last chapter the book let me give you imma build you up here has I'm right wrapping up here let me tell y'all powerful the rosary specifically since we've been called to pray the rosary by Our Lady of Fatima and the 100th year the anniversary yesterday of the last apparition you know what's happened because we have been disobedient children first of all the Rosary is a saint john paul ii says it is the meditation on the four gospels on the life of jesus there's no more powerful meditation than meditating upon jesus that's it that's the top of the food chain that's what the Rosary is we meditating on the life of Jesus holding Mary by the hand she's walking you through the mysteries of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life let me tell you how powerful the Rosary is a true story remember a couple years ago a serial killer by the name of Ted Bundy they in Florida I forgot how many people Ted Bundy killed but he admits he says in his interview the night before he was executed in Florida he said he goes my downfall started with pornography I started watching pornography at a very young age he said it completely destroyed my ability to look at women as dignified creatures I saw them as objects to be conquered and and I saw them as as things to be used and discarded he said pornography turned his entire mentality upside down about the dignity and sanctity of a woman Ted Bundy who went on a killing spree for seven years and would do things that I can't mention and I don't even want to and right now in this immense conference the things that he would do he was in the necromancy too after you would kill them having sex with dead bodies and other things he was a sick man you know he there's this one particular case that that this young gal was saved he went to this University in Florida killed a girl in one of the dorms and did all kinds of evil things to her body the next day he goes all the way across the campus and he's kind of jimang the doors there and one is open and the woman's in a girl's dorm he lets himself in there was a young girl there in a fetal position on the couch prayed her rosary the mama told her honey you're going to a State College please I don't want you to lose your faith I know what happens there there's a lot of temptation can you do me a favor can you pray this rosary every day do it for your mom I know you don't want to do it but can you do it for me and you know like a lot of kids aren't they're like okay I'll pray for you mom and so she sat on the couch every night before she went to bed in her dorm and prayed the rosary more out of okay I'm gonna make my mom happy so I could tell her yeah my my praying the rosary every night to make you happy okay Ted Bundy walks in she's in the corner praying the rosary he's like she's petrified because she knows about the serial killer in Florida he walks towards her and Ted Bundy says she's praying the rosary and he says all of a sudden I get halfway to the room something stopped me from getting to her an invisible presence an invisible wall something happened or I couldn't get to her something was preventing me and then Ted Bundy says all of a sudden I knew that she was being protected by something much greater much greater and he says all of a sudden I felt fear in my heart and he ran out of the dorm guess what she's the only girl that he didn't kill what's the key why was she killed on gessie I don't know I'm guessing she was probably the only victim that was praying the rosary when he walked into the room I bet I'm right let me give you one more before I wrap it up to show Holly the power of prayer in fact if you want to see the power pray I did a talk it's on YouTube go to youtube and type in Jesse Romero type in the Rosary saved me from a gang beatdown you're gonna love it I was surrounded by a hundred and fifty gang members with baseball bats in bricks in 1991 in a police uniform that's all I'm gonna tell you got to listen to it on YouTube I should be dead right now I should be dead I took out my rosary my nine-millimeter they saw my rose as I said let him go it was true this is drew the alley writes here's the last story then I'm done see about what is Mexico has been deemed to be one of the most violent cities in the world has been deemed to be one of the most dangerous cities to live in in 2008 she thought what is Mexico 3,700 people were killed by the cartels a Catholic priest over there says you know what we got to do something 2010 same thing three thousand seven hundred and change people were killed by the cartels this priest went to go talk to the mayor and he said and he said hey words of protection the mayor said don't be honest with you the the police they're being they've been bought bought by the hottest cartel they own the police here and the military has been bought by the Sinaloa cartel okay they both are protection both has been bought by the cartels so this priest says he calls all the priests in c-dawg why it says we've got to do something we got no protection here they call the priests and a meeting says we're going to start Perpetual Adoration chapels in every Catholic Church into the other widest we got to start storming heaven with prayer we've got to get our knees and storm Jesus Christ to protect this means that the killing is over-the-top it's a killing field over there all the priests Satan if you think that's going to help we'll do it we're on board all the priests and she thought why this says okay that's built Adoration chapels expose the Blessed Sacrament let's start getting people to pray every day seven days a week 24 hours a day non-stop guess what he started this in 2013 the priesthood 2015 after two years of Catholics praying in their parish in adoration Chapel the Rose or the Divine Mercy in front of the Blessed Sacrament doing a holy hour the priest goes back to the mayor in 2015 and asked some at the end of the year how many people were killed at the end of 2015 the mayor said 257 people when Catholics became prayer warriors in all the parishes and started perpetual adoration the killings and Cidade wadis the most dangerous city in the world went from three thousand seven hundred and change to two hundred and fifty you don't believe in prayer talk to the Catholic since you got wadis give it up for Jesus praise the Lord let me end with a prayer I'm done I'm gonna go to page 117 if you got my book go to page 117 we'll pray this together here's what I like about these deliverance prayers written by these priests these Exorcist I'll tell you what I like they're top-heavy their Marion deliverance prayers which means these prayers were written specifically because throughout the course of time priests in the field of exorcism have realized Mary has total power over demons this is not something that the church really understood very early on if you read the original book that was written in 1614 ad called the Roman ritual the Rite of exorcism you look at the prayers there's no reference to the Mary nun Saint John Paul the second said we need to revise this because we're starting to see from Exorcist all over the world that demons are leaving at the name of Mary why because Mary's been given power and authority by god in genesis 3:15 to crush the head of state and so these are marian men deliverance prayers go to page and we'll end this together go to page 124 for those who have this book these are the prayers I pray every night and once I'm done I'm like I pound my chest like Tarzan I'm like yes bring it I'm protected okay name of the Father sent her the Holy Spirit amen page 124 is called conclusion for every day if you got the book prayed together with me a gust queen of the heavens heavenly sovereign of the Angels thou who from the beginning has received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan we humbly beseech thee to send thy holy legions so that under thy command and through thy power they may pursue the demons and combat them everywhere suppress their boldness and drive them back into the abyss o good and tender mother thou will always be love and hope Oh divine mother send thy holy angels to defend us and to drive far from us the cruel enemy holy angels and archangels defend us guard us amen most Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us Mary Help of Christians pray for us virgin most powerful pray for us st. Joseph terror of demons pray for us st. Michael the Archangel pray for us all you holy angels and saints pray for us all together we cover ourselves with the precious blood of Jesus and we put on the full armor of God in the name of the Father Son the Holy Spirit amen [Music]
Channel: Ralph Zuranski
Views: 73,677
Rating: 4.9101329 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Romero, Ex Spiritus Renewal, spiritual warfare, spiritual, gladiators, prayer warriors, fall north texas catholic men's conference, catholic brothers for christ, cbfc, catholic men's conference
Id: uSprd1M7N5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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