Jerry Eze - The Secret Place

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it is a great honor to bring the breath of life the Word of God that does the way of God to us this very beautiful morning and I believe that whenever God wants to shift atmospheres the very first thing that God does is to send his word now the word of God becomes absolutely very significant or when the word of God becomes flesh becomes evidence becomes touchable becomes something that we can hold all around us and I believe that this morning that God has baked his words in the oven of the spirit and he's releasing it to our heart indelible words that will be reaching not just as ordinances in our hearts but ordinances in our destinies and I believe that these are the same words that God is going to use to scale up matters of the Spirit and in this very moment the mediator of the new covenant is standing right in front of me haven't paid the foremost sacrifice once and for all and he is here this morning to really offer himself speaking to his disciples he said what you are eating is my flesh and this morning we have come to eat of the flesh of the Lord and nobody eats his flesh and remains the same thank you for letting me into your homes and I would sincerely want to appreciate the life of the man of God that God has put over this assignment you are doing an amazing work I'm super proud of all that God has in dude and endowed you whether to raise God's people to full maturity at a place where he has always wielded dbn and I want to say to a pastor God's time Penda I really appreciate you and I love you from the depth of my heart thank you for the amazing work that you are doing and the body of Christ into your very beautiful wife pastor Joyce Pender thank you for all the amazing works you are doing in streams of joy Houston and thank you for giving me the privilege to bring the Word of God to God's people because I believe that when God is about to send forth his word it just might be for one person and that one person is looking at me or King me from wherever you're watching me from because something is about to change in your life wherever you are would you lift up your right hand if you can speak in the tongues of the Angels if you can speak in the Holy Ghost open your mouth and begin to speak and the Holy Ghost Lake Erie iya heel on door okay ready bah ha ha liberado Sukkot Allah in de yada Liber abaci cattle ABBA the situation of the world my spell uncertainty but our case is different Holly neroshi collabora Baja Hassan - lucky robbers et la Baja horrible a cash-on-delivery sierra ha men might be scared men my shorter men my befool of so much scares but we will remember the name of the Lord our God our Father we give you all the honor we give you all the praise Father thank you God for another privilege order to bring ourselves under the very powerful words that you speak for the Bible says the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword Lord we ask that the same very word will become flesh or God will become something relatable will become something that will quick in our inner man will become something that will be reaching upon the tables of our heart and our spiritual God will become the energy that we need in this season to make profound things happen in our destinies in the name of Jesus amen and amen and people of God like I said while I was praying in a season of trepidation in a season of seeming anguish and confusion in a season where world powers are extremely um a clueless about the next move to make in a season where it looks like darkness looms over the world in a season we are the faith of most people are collapsing in a season where people are having to question themselves again about God the most important question now remains a God do you have a plan around covet 19 is something you want Austin Noah Hawley barabara Cara Baja Hill and Rocco Sybil ajita but one thing I know is that the devil meant it for evil but God is turning it around he's turning it around hallelujah but yes water Ali Baba she ha God never manifested a man in the scriptures are until he precipitates a crisis can I say it one more time God never shot for the man until he created a crisis permit me just put it this way crisis becomes a platform for God to showcase a man and I believe that in the season we are men are screaming her things are collapsing jobs may be lost another man somewhere under the sound of my voice is declaring her God is creating a way for me God is making more things happen when men shall say there is a custom down I will declare the reason lifting up he bassoon daily Cara Baja but guess water it is only going to come out of my belly out of my belly will flow rivers of living waters now hear me as I say it this way the ability to make a change is not in my environment isn't what I carry in my belly can I say one more time Reba nicosia about what will make the situation work for me all can I put it this way what against me is this a reason of what I carry in my belly Aurora Cara Baja remember I'm not talking about the rice I'm not talking about the noodles and talking about the power that you carry for the Lord is able to do he kolento Reba according to the power that is at work within you and so if your power is a small power he will do according to the small power if your power is a huge power he will do according to the power that you carry but please let's read the scripture that blessed me so thoroughly and I want to share with you I permit me to say I am not really preaching but I'm going to be sharing my heart I am going to be sharing my heart and that is psalms chapter 91 the Bible says in some chapter 91 he dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust her the Bible says surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence hallelujah he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and I baccala this point somebody say hallelujah thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day not for the pestilence that walketh in darkness not for the destruction that wasteth at noonday a thousand holly karabasan de Labarre shall fall at thy side a thousand might be heats by coated nineteen a thousand might be under the symptoms of coronavirus are a thousand might be on ventilators in the hospital a thousand might be in the ICU but the Bible says are also a ten thousand a may not have made it through the pathway of life and death a libero Chikara there ten thousand may have been greeted by the powers of the grave but the Bible says it will not come nigh he al akir para el Endora Kosovar aha lift up your right hand and say it will not come near me la da ba ha how can I finish this reading the scripture without me having you to speak it into your life declare it one more time say it will not come near me hey Bonnie Cara Barabbas and oleic I declare it one more time and say it will not come near me here on Tokushima libera Baja the Bible says are only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge ax even the most high habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone ax thou shalt tread upon the lion and odda the young lion and the dragon said our trample on the feet because he has set his love upon me Khaled abou Shia hey Anna Baracus aha therefore when I deliver him I will set him on high because he had known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him hallelujah I will be with him in trouble hallelujah I will deliver him hallelujah and honor him Allah Karoshi Arab aha with long life he khatallah Borgia will i satisfy him and show him my salvation horrible Qureshi ah what a promise what profundity that we have in this prophetic utterances from the scripture and it's all coming across to you in the season of so much uncertainty hey Labor Russia are a baja but people of God I've got so much to say about what God has said will never happen to author but do you realize that the psalmist began in a very formidable way and he says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty which means AHA Liber abaci Ana Baha and that the main matter here in the scripture which is what I'm gonna spend the next few minutes on Allah Bashir a Baha arica - ha for as far as the promises are concerned as far as your safety is concerned as far as being spared from disaster is concerned it's already or right in Christ Jesus but then again it did not begin ER until it said he dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High his chandelier which means that those who qualify for the winter were to use for those those who are who I brought them south stood a secret place of the Messiah and those who are going to have the ripple effect of what we are reading about in the subsequent verses lift up your right hand you're gonna repeat after me say a secret place huh I want you to say one more time like you minute I declare it against a secret place I wanted to say for the third time a secret place someone is already asking I say pastor Jerry would you please come down a bit and tell me about that secret place I if you do know how the structure of the temple if you do know the architectural masterpiece of the temple according to the instructions of God in the Old Covenant you will know that there is the outer quarter there is the holy place and there is the Holy of Holies otherwise known as the secret place here abortion aha let me say one more time there is the outer quarter have the reason in a quarter that is otherwise known as the holy place and there is the Holy of Holies and the Sun is prophetically speaking and says that it is only he that dwells in the secret place liebe son deliver higher oh this strikes my heart really hard it's only he that dwells in the secret place that can only abide under the shadow of the Almighty and then all of these things will begin to happen in the life of that person now it becomes really very instructive that when you go to the book of Hebrews chapter 9 that the Bible begins to explain better about the secret place for the scripture says that even Jesus himself entered the secret place yes yes yes the Bible said even Jesus himself enter the holy place but this is what I love about how the book of Hebrews brings clarity to the secret place the book of Hebrews said that he entered into a secret place not made by hands are not made by not made by labor that he actually entered heaven but the Bible code where he entered into holy place the Bible coded secret places but it was not made by hands so for us in the New Covenant the secret place is not a geographical location and so the sacred place is a journey into the depths of God Aquila Toshiya he bara Sandhya remember he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High I saw here the journeys into the depths of God Allah shinta in the journeys into a deeper Koinonia with God he the journeys into a deeper fellowship with God Helen toesik ah ha ha leverage in Delhi basada ha Arita ha the Bible says he is the only one that can abide under the shadow of the Almighty I'm afraid to say this that Lee caribou she ha when me your fellowship with God begins to have a shipwreck err when you are too busy or too tired to study the word isn't it so interesting that we thought to ourselves that when there is a lockdown when I have a little more time I will study my Bible the more yes that's what we thought and we actually thought are the only reason why I'm not praying the way I should pray it's because I am very busy does it not surprise you that even in the midst of the lockdown studying the word Estella challenge' Aquila bushi ha starting the word and losing yourself to the place her indelible shahe where you are embracing divinity huh in the place of a deepened Koinonia is still a challenge but then again God is saying Hashim Delabar OC ha I need a man and women in the season who will go beyond the outer quarter and listen to this still in the same book of Hebrews Shabalala rosianna bah ha ha liebe Santelli Baha the writer of the book of Hebrews after seeing that the veil has been torn remember talking about the secret place it is important whether they are willness my dear is consequent on the secret place a well de aquila boccia namaha a thousand were fallen ten thousand were fall it is dependent on the secret place he's shunned le Borussia da ha ha libera ha I can I tell you this the Bible says that Jesus entered into the secret place and offered himself and the book of Hebrews 9 tells us that he offered himself which means that a for him to enter the secret place he had to die and let me put it in other English for him to enter the secret pleasure fresh I had to give way I certainly Kiba no man can get into the place of death with God when your flesh is still alive no man can get into a place he kurushima haba raba ha over deep Koinonia Hashim delay Borussia Baja Arriba la serie you know in a season like this huh when there is so much mystery surrounding the world in a season like this where people are confused what's going on Hanah what is happening I'm afraid to say heaven is the loading chapters of Revelation 2 men and women of the secret place are available xie na ba ha some people might be confused but I'm bet you the men and women of the secret place are receiving line upon line precept upon precept on what is happening people of God even to raise your children you need a manual from the secret place LaRhonda Chikara ha even to get a dossier of what your business of what your career should look like a postcode vide 19 when the situation has common pasture is going to reshape the world it's going to reshape your career I'm afraid to let you know some people might be later and some people who enter into better opportunities but how do you know how would you know her ally caribou shahe until you become a man and woman of the secret place remember the Bible says in order for Jesus to enter the most holy place the Bible say he offered himself remember the flesh he had to die to the things that he loved the Bible say for the works of the flesh are made manifest now whether you talk about anger what are you talking about bitterness what are you talk about Envy what are you speak about jealousy what are you talking about fornication whether you speak about adultery whether you talked about loss now what are you talking about all manner of evil they are the works of the flesh and God is saying to someone I want to take you to a delta where I will show you where ordinary mana what ordinary men cannot see but guess water kalabaw Russia huh you must be bold enough to speak like Apostle Paul I have been crucified with Christ now I need your flesh to die I need your desires to die I need the things that you loved her dire I need your convenience to die I need what you call pleasure to die ha ha ha ha baba castilleja Arriba ha instill in the biggest same book of Hebrews he says ah ha ha rubella Baja computed to the throne of grace and I don't forget that in the Old Covenant model of what the most holy place was supposed to be there was supposed to be a knock of the Covenant and nibble Amish in de la Baja and in the Ark of the Covenant and there was supposed to be a messy seat and the messy Sita was supposed to be flanked on the two sides by the cherubims ax in otherwise known as an angel and so the throne of grace as it we are throne of mercy as it were was in the most holy place but you and I know that the veil of the secret place has been torn into two and so we have assessed the Bible says come boldly ha Sheila Barabbas Ihara now listen people of God I'm still talking about the secret placer as much as their the veil has been torn into to her and the Lord looks at those are you an ayah and says I know the veil has been torn but guess water the secret bless will not meet you where you are you have to leave where you are come into the secret place whereas it looks very easy we get excited he says we should come I'm afraid to say it that there are some of us even though the veil has been torn we have not yet made movement we have not yet pressed into God he's Chantal a-ha a-ha we have not yet labored in the spirit Kalyana bashira Baja we have not yet gone inna I think there's a vacancy in heaven right now God is looking for men and women of the secret place caliber Oceana Baja Lake Erie Bastian Ibaka Teja are Rabbani cos aha the earth is under receipt it's only men and women of the secret place that he can equip with fire his son Dolan Keisha for as long as we do Church as usual for as long as we sound ordinary we will not be threat to the kingdom of darkness first longest with sharaba without fire in our eyes he came to lay sod aha for as long as we show up we have been fed from the table we are the Angels dine Hilliker hace para ha for as long as we show up here a bus in dilemma ha without having an interfacer in the secret place iran Doshi caliber abbas aha under the Old Covenant God caliber of Ecija a catches up Moses ax into the place of glory and guess water when Moses was done with God he libera babish in Delhi era when Moses was done with an interface AHA into the secret place recorder as he came out the Bible says illa caribou Sheehey they rebel Iike Saha the children of Israel could not look at Moses this razor they said no no your face is shining with brightness and guess what Moses had to tone down the glory how to tone down the glory guess what Moses did not come out and start telling the people can't you see my face is shining can't you see my face is shiner somebody could have looked at him I said I see nothing when a man has been to the secret place he doesn't his generation I went somewhere I can I say one more time when a man killer Tashia namaha interfaces with God in the secret place he doesn't explain to his generation do you know I'm a man of the secret place if you have to tell me you've been with God you've been nowhere if you have to tell me that you're a prayer man you pray nothing is Shantou legend haha his celibacy Inaba you know the amount Ilana chandelier the kind of glory that wasn't Mary inaudible she Aniki her because she had been incubated Abhinav Ecija when the Bible says angel Cena and angel said the power of the most high will overshadow you ikura Basia so Mary was an overshadow do amanhã because she was in the place of an encounter Lord our desire if we have to turn the hands of the plague backwards if we have to break the backbone of the levee aterna if we have to crush the old serpent if we have to show the dragon awake out of our world recover her race mo men and women of the secret place irritation aha Mary walks into Elizabeth's house arre kaliesha ha pay attention her that all that Mary did was the same auntie good morning us old unmarried it was just a great Elisabetta all of a sudden her just ordinary greeting rebel acacia the Bible seller Elisabetta was full of the Holy Ghost a shoddy Makaha small cousin anabolic AHA just because she had been somewhere came out and greeted a liquor Abaza ha ha auntie as it we have a rebus ha ha ha until became full of the holy spirit not just data the baby inside Elisabetta began to leap because an ordinary girl small virgin girl greeted ha but the difference is that this is a small virgin girl who has been to the secret place acaba la bouche and aha what happens if we have a calabasa hahaha our rain delay baja 50% from streams of joy Houston is undeliverable who can be huh who can interface with God in adapter Kalasha there is not kumano really bizarre who can move in a dimension with daughter in a Koinonia irin delicacy anniversary kaha Lucinda aha we are the lose the flash' lose them salsa in the place of Prayer where they are not timing themselves where they lose a sense of timing just to be with God you know the place of Prayer when you break down when nothing is the problem you know the place of worship when you are crying not because of a burden is jean-denis baraja but the picture of God so larger in front of you huh and all you want to do her is the support is ecopsychology de bah ha ha ha men and women of the secret place there's a vacancy in heaven and God is saying aha I need men and women of the secret place here this is important you get this right let me tell you what is happening right now the veil in the temple has been torn into two it's been torn into two so right now remember I said from the old covenant you have the outer coat you have the inner court and you have the most holy place guess what if the veil has been torn Institute which means men that are in the outer Court can actually see what is happening in the secret place can I say one more time man Christians bredrin brothers and sisters pastors with title can actually be in the outer Court and you can see what is happening in the secret place guess what people of God hair chandelier barabara they can see the glory of the secret place but they will never experience it hahaha sadly Barbossa they see the power of the secret place you guess what Arriba we don't judge them by their oratory we don't judge them by their exegesis we don't judge them by their description because the shoes of the matter is that they have the opportunity to see but they never experience it haha Yaba or shear layer ah ha ha da da da da Santoli ha God curse the day that all will live for is to just speak about his glory but never experience in it Ilana she Annabella Baja God for beta that all we speak about is the colander over HeLa we call him Rafa you can heal a land hae-sun deliver hacia arriba bari kuraha coronaviruses is shutting us down in daily kuriboh soon Talib ah you know water this not the Battle of one man God is using this season to drag more men into the secret pacer his dragon husband get into the secret place his dragon wife get into the secret place horribly Cassander ABBA I'm afraid to say this if we do not rise we will have no gospel to ticket to teach our children we have no gospel we have no good news that tell them make us one day you see a son in the house you see your daughter in the house' it's gonna ask you a question if you say God is the healer if you say God is a base or powerful why wasn't he able to shut down coronavirus what will you tell your child they will lose faith in God of rubbish and Oliver were you and I know her that the scripture says that all Power has been given unto us he Rebecca shahe God will not do what He has given you power to do because we are the only ones our mandate that to walk upon the earth because we we are flesh this is the reason why even God even though God would have saved man being a spirit err but here in the Studer in this room he has no right to operator that is why God himself love flesh in order to save manna and this is why God is still watching us and say you know what I gave you the power because in this room you've got ha ha the identity to make things work ela bar abortion ha ha ha letter e ba Sahara you not wearing flesh to show off you are not wearing flesh to let someone know I'm fair I'm dark and beautiful her I look old ABBA no sir that is not why you've had your flesh on you huh you'll have your flesh on you - no I'm here on assignment the day my flesh goes it's the day my assignment finishes on planet Earth Ilana Baha men of the secret place windows secretary Baha are ee-ha remember sons 91 says he that dwells in a bush Reba ha but made me to put it this way not he that visits Eli cash in dilemma ha Aradia heaven is not asking for visitors ill Nakota ha there are most of us all we do you know you have your moments you have your moments moments where you feel like I've been too far from God I need to get back I need to get back and that night in that morning that afternoon that evening you spend some time in repentance and it looks like a spirit man is renewed er two days three days down the line we keep asking what exactly happened to you you can find your consecration anymore you can find your love for God anymore you can find yourself for God anymore I'm afraid to say to your brother visitor to the holy place I recanted Baha since the visitor to the secret place you only visited he didn't say he that visits the secret place he says he to Elsa he that finds comfort in the presence of God he that finds her lemur of oceanic labour ah ha ha Belinda recycle Abba ha he that finds a place where you can say Lord is on deliverables aha I love to be here with you inaudible Shia don't you say nothing I just want to know that I'm in a place of security whether my hair is on the pillow right in my room and I'm all by myself and those tears are coming down from my eyes they're not coming because I am burning but they are coming from a place of saying I Love You Lord you are seeking for man and women of the secret placer men and women who say Laura Brett me Laura use me Lord he sanella Barassi ha could it be possible that it is your prayer that God is waiting on us to turn the tide of things could it be possible that it is your intercession that God is waiting on us to turn the tide of things in EE Koshi Inaba Yamaha Rakosi anabolic Ecija a sealable you see ha when Jesus entered the secret place according to that book of Hebrews er he went Arikara to offer himself as a sacrifice once and for all is Jean de la barra baja so every Magnus who is moving into the secret places must understand there's a generation that is tied to you remember Hebrew sisters horrible ha completely to the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy Hara Bonamassa grace ha ha arabela to help in time of need Eric le hace anima we are in time of need people of God the world is in time of need Ahriman Abbasi and Abbas aha well you know what he says you have to make a journey to the throne of grace yes sir you have to be in the secret place er when you talk I hear you in the secret place you are at the center of my wheeler some people have prayed to the pointer you don't even know what to pray about again Reba chandelier Baha but God is saying it is only in the secret place that I put you at the center of my wheel he karate calaboose Yamaha Honda navasana because in the secret place our every need you pray a kolache ha ha ha ba ba ba ha God speaks about Moses ill occasionally Bora Aravalli Messiah that God spoke with Moses as the man spoke with his friend hey chandelier ah ha ha ha ba si Inaba does it blow your mind this is only what happens in the secret place a man sits with God and the commune with God like men existing with their friends ax o shakeela ha ha and Larissa Arab ah ha Oh you know with your friend you can afford to be with yourself when you're adjusting with your friend you can afford to tell some stories that you can tell outside people the Bible says that God's is that with Moses Moses was a man of the secret place God just that with Moses as a man geez that with his friend Ali otega all men of the secret place I wanted men God can sit down I said let me just you about covet 19 ecologica Shia men who can look out into the ayah and say to God what manner of Prayer should we be making in the season and God would sit you down like he said to Abraham shall I do this thing without telling Abraham re cannabis aha God is bound by a covenant AHA of the secret place to say to you how shall I do this particular thing without revealing it unto Jerry only to wanna until Ashley I kill Abbas aha shall I do this thing without speaking to bath hello me about this shall I do this thing without telling Raymond about what I'm about to her and goddess sing huh only when you become a matter of the secret place shandricka de la brea becomes the lifestyle when man Geist with God ie Carlota chandelier Ock aha Arabic aha can I say it one more time prayer becomes a lifestyle when managed East with God but for the longest manner I still trying to pray to God you know pray to God is sandal ah bah ha you wonder why didn't I last 10 minutes in prayer why do I run out of breath in 30 minutes what happened to me after just 25 minutes of prayer huh you are trying to prayer but when you get lost and deep Koinonia here already did it shooter easá ln narakasura baja there are no words to explain Koinonia it's just deep Oh Kai India there are no words to explain lndia Baja is the flesh killer shaniyah Helen Dorsey Acadia is a place killer shot aha we have flesh does not commute all the speaks as a spirit speaking with another spirit heal on oceanic Allah what happens in the place of Koinonia is where he God pours out himself what happens in the place of Koinonia is where his there's the power there is the level of power the ones that some of us are caring is not enough to shut down the evil that we experience in around us and God is saying come up he de Navarre Oceania Baja this is the same thing he says to John the Revelator in the book of Revelation servitude and his mr. John and says come up here I've got some things to show you Eliana Bocek allaha rental cozier about Holly Cora to caja is until a robbery SIA and I feel that God is saying I want to make you a woman of the secret place that will not run out of steam when I need you it's a Libra I didn't raise you for you alone I didn't raise you for yourself alone you are still wondering why are the arrows flying by day I can find a mana the secret place that's what God is saying why I thousand fallen by my side and ten thousand at the other Snyder and Garcia I've not found a man at the secret place but you would say God but I've been there before and gotta say 'no you only visited you only showed up you showed up for two days you showed up for three days but I'm not looking for mana you just show up I'm looking for dwellers I'm looking for those that will call the secret place their home I'm looking for those that say no matter what happens and not living here I was born for such a time as this I'm looking for those who are saying Lord my generation needs me he's a Libra no see Erica I've not been called to live for myself but I am being steered in the season Kalli barabash in deliora is interesting how we run into the promises of some ninety one we are first of all sitting down and asking ourselves am i a man of the secret place am i a woman of the secret place of Lord where am I in your scheme of things karate bachata ha only desi anak aha I love the expression used to describe this blazer the Bible calls it a secret place Ilya Nicosia I love the expression used to describe this blazer it was good the Sikh replacer people he was not called the public courtyard he was called the secret place no manner keeps anything vulnerable in the open no man keeps the treasure in the open no man give something worthwhile and they open right there in the secret place the secrets of tomorrow is killed right there in the secret place who you can become and what you need to become it is in the secret place right there in the secret place the answers you've been looking for I deposited in the secret place but the devil keeps fighting your ability to stay the devil keeps trying to shut down your ability to stay the devil gives fighting he knows how much and who we can become when we become dwellers and visit us and I believe that today God is saying like a dream asunder ha ha I want to raise me up people he writes I leave that huh oh say Lord I don't wanna visit on Monday and you won't find me on Tuesday you will find me on Wednesday you will find me on Thursday one fine day is shoddily Baraka Davis aha noticed people of God he said Allah Baha the sons 91 did not come in a plural form sounds 90 wanna did not call must win a plural form ax sounds 91 say e ro bashira he came in a singular form ax and so Reba lava chandelier you see the secret place in de la bas aha we don't wait for others to join us in Malibu Shahada we don't wait for others i labor ha are you moving with me since they are you moving with me let us go to the secret place and some writer says even if no one joins me I will follow as some Reza says even if no one kills up with me I will follow there are times I may have to walk this path alone there are times when I have to be the world Arikara bashira praying the sprayers alone there are times when I have to be the one eternity later AHA are radically Basu ha it is not a competition it is not an all-comers affair Igor ontology era there are times when I don't have to explain what is happening in the depths of my being alone there are times when they don't have to understand the burnings that you feel in your spirit ER e la cara Bashir don't wait for your friends they will continue to keep you at the outer quarter don't wait Ali Kurama ha for your husband Eric Asia ha if he doesn't wake up to pray I will not pray of Arab Alocasia if he doesn't do this I will not do this if my family don't study the word I wouldn't study the word la cuchara remember son 90 wanna did not say day that dwell he says here Atticus ah it's about time for you to say Allah Karim Allah Allah Casa ha I thank you so much that you are my friend I bless not that God brought you my way but you know what the word says he the one says she re Monica say to Tony how to understand my steering you don't have to understand my own Shawna but the word says he that dwells in LaRoche Yamaha Honda Leverkusen and the book of Hebrews tells us for you have come to Mount Zion the city of the Living God Erica second aha Anna turns Matt the book of Hebrews to describe what Holly kirara she ha the secret place could be he says you've come to Messiah the city of the Living God yokka la basura de Baja the company of innumerable angels in la botella maha Arak Ecija the spirits of just men made perfect arnica Xena Lama ha the Church of the firstborn to the sprinkling of the blood in Delhi corrosive ilaha are silica rebus aha it's a mouse Sian experience Barabbas ah ha a chandelier a Baha did you hear what I said it is not a Valley experience he says you've come to Mount Zion a wreck adorable Sheehey the moment a man begins to live will be kuraha in a depth of Koinonia in a deep consecration in a place we have flesh dies in a place where the altar is on fire yerba la casa the first thing that happens is that you put on a mountain it's called the Mount Zion a rocket araba is the city of the Living God le bouche ah ha at your disposal it is called enumerable a calendar shahe it's called innumerable company of angels the bible did no say in remember angels alona but a Bible calls an innumerable company of angels in other words the man begins to interface as Franza heavenly beings he begins to dwell in a company of angels so right there Ariba like a shahe he gets into the place of prayer people is as easy and as graphic as I'm showing you right now he gets into the place of prayer and angels will recognize him he is the man of the secret place and when he begins to go Leakey lotta Cuccia the angels that are members of his company if you know what I mean by this angels that know hema Iran de shahe begin to come to the sound of his prayer they begin to sit around is shakaal AHA when it is time to eats the food of the spirits on Lake Erie Mashhad AHA the angels are well positioned to serve Him the food of the Spirit er you know that kind of food that the prophets get and the Bible said he went in the strength of that food for 40 days I'm talking about warfare angels how can that mana have an obstacle in front of him when there are angels of warfare how can the man have an issue I record in Baja and the spirit of just men made perfect to the Church of the firstborn he caliber Lucia which means AHA when you get into that secret place you will understand that you're not a second born is Saleh Baja no situation will make you know that you're a second born you will all know her that I am the firstborn raka Dada Dada to the sprinkling of the broader business where the blood says Noah he will not be a victim this is where the blood says Noah I will help your family this is where the blood says Noah I will stand for you and today I see God call men and women to the place of the secret place would you lift up your two hands wherever you are watching me from from your house from your bed from your sitting room speaking the Holy Ghost steer your spirit manner say God take me to the secret place give me their eye want to be in the court here observing what is happening in the secret place is shakila Braavosi ha steer my heart to the secret place robbery xie na ba ba ha Ecore Anto culeros aha if you could offer your place offer yourself in order to remain at the secret place Rati calabaza ha kill the flash aha into radius aha i Bourassa lord Rica's aha we bless you Lord this is the time this is the season huh we sense an urgency in the spiritual lord there is a vacancy for men of the secret place men who are growing in the place of the death of Koinonia men who are saying aracataca sha ha ha ha we are pressing on our Nutella Baha men who are saying there is a higher dimension men who are saying there is a higher place Rica Lamas AHA I pray for you right now let the Lord steer you are a guru maha to the place of an ayah allah whatsoever to start you are the coach giada whatsoever has taught you her on the outsider I command it to break let your prey afire bounce back let your consecration fire bounce back let your ability huh I'll deliver her to release Oracle's of grace' let it come again I shall deliver hah I see an army rising I see an army rising much more than the army huh I was caught down in the city of 37 you are rising with power you are rising with grace' illapis aha no more visit our normal visitor to the secret blazer is shall legatee normal visitor to the secret blazer our rocket aha you are twirling you are consistent Yamaha the comment of yesterday's over the ashes on your altar are over a shackle even of a limitation placed upon your destiny I announce they are over xena ecology Shakalaka 1 which is a thousand and you which is tens of thousands acaba Shia take back your power take back your spirit of warfare Yashiro your consecration our father we bless you Jesus we honor you we rise as man of the soup replacer as we abide us as we dwell in the secret place we will abide under the shadow of the Almighty and we shall watcher the blessings of some 90 wanna become our Porsche Father we thank you the magnified Oh God in Jesus name we have prayed amen [Music]
Channel: Streams of Joy Houston
Views: 85,876
Rating: 4.8444748 out of 5
Id: g1nNXONJnh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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