Jerry Eze - Streams of Joy Houston

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I just wanted time come on Josh why you're sad let's put together our work on my lid Buster Buster Jerry hey come on put your heads together [Music] I get I guess I'm the most [Music] you know I think always just the today's us to keep singing and just kept get it I don't know but I'm so excited god is good oh that time he pulled his song of praise in this heart of mine god is good all the time through the time yes now his life will shine God is good god [Music] Oh [Music] Inoue may not make sense for some people but I know there are people in the South's this is your testimony god is good [Music] [Music] guys [Music] put those hands together for the great garden listener well beneath a as their more I don't know how to thank you as their mo jinuk am I is there more I don't know - thank you that's their more [Music] beany Oh [Music] Nadia - thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] No for the great and minor things that you have done [Music] [Applause] the chin [Applause] you are worthy to be [Music] you you straight edge [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you you but I we thank you Oh God words that not enough sentences are not enough we don't even know how to say thank you thank you for everything lo these are great for hearts thank you for bringing us to this family thank you for making our paths meet with one another thank you for your presence thank you for seeing us through all God thank you thank you for being the only voice that mattered in our lives Lord if other voices went to lead the way we wouldn't be where we are today but just because you decided to lead the way Oh God thank you Jesus great and mighty God for every time we were confused your broad direction for the moments with her like giving up Lord you came through for the times we wondered where else do we go to you miraculously showed up nobody like you look we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you Jesus Thank You Olga thank you God thank you God edible seed Elena may not understand us [Music] [Music] this [Music] father we thank you Lord we give you all the glory thank you or God but I'm just simply overwhelmed I don't know where to begin and where to end thank you or God be magnified Oh God in the name of Jesus help me celebrate the great God that was said [Music] whoo god is good god is good you know there are just so many sons coming to my heart and then you think about the faithfulness let me tell you you see people could explain away one year they would explain away when you're well where well you know the way these things happen you know you know maybe they just survive by chance but by the time you're going to you have survived a second year and they're looking at you Wow it's so this is really true there's a song I love to sing is that Mikey if you had allowed the enemy to strike me down Anya come kokoro only come kokoro you had a love my enemies to strike me down horn yeah conga coral goodnight come coral I got me a bully oh I can't be a bully killer Father we thank you don't mind me this is how this is how you know how it is sometimes you look at the success of David in the scriptures and you wonder why did God love him this was a guy who was exuberant with praises every time up to the point that his wife watched him from a distance one day I say he doesn't even have an idea that he's a king why is he dancing like a madman and David looked at his wife and said you don't understand that's the reason why go collect at the kingdom from your father is this dance that I'm dancing that's why I collected the kingdom from your father and gave it to me so we are coming from a mighty long way he collected something for some people and when a shoddily odd aha thank you Jesus you know you know if not that if not that it will look somehow that you me came all the way from Nigeria to church this morning and he didn't preach anything honestly I just wanted this amazing worshippers let's just go let's just so let's just suck ourselves in the place of worship and just keep releasing and letting him know Lord you're look at your life look at your life some of us who were not born in America nothing would have made you believe that one day your feets would step into this land not to even think of leaving in this land not to think of how wait a minute how have you been surviving how did God bring you through all the things you've been through and you're still here smiling no the troubles are not yet all over but how you still manage a smile through it all I still a miracle thank you God oh gosh aha lets you do by walk so that we do be that I read your Bible but the truth of the matter is that I feel such a huge excitement in my spirit thank you that oh my god and you know you know I kept thinking to myself how do you have an amazing set of worshipers all gathered together in one church how do you have [Applause] this is a broad charge II understand he's a brother he's not even Maya is like oh my guys are gonna come out on me after now so what this is a broad I mean and all of them everyone and I'm just looking at sake I every is such a blessing thank you or God thank you God everything is a blessing wait the way I feel in my spirit just doesn't get so in between whenever I just remember I just forgive me for being a little bit uncoordinated today because my heart is really full of joy and I was just sitting back when I came and I was asking pastor I said and you find a new okay are you doing well are you alright he probably thought that I was being very nice I'm not usually that nice but I was just so overjoyed us this morning that all I wanted to be sure that was it was okay it was feeling the same way I was feeling this morning because the privacy it is with joy that you were draw so the first time you know there's no drawing is when the devil attacks your joy so when you just come to the place where Lord I'm feeling the solution no no no the devil doesn't want you to draw something so whenever this joy that means something is about to come up whenever the restore something is about or change dimensions and levels about a change would he help me hi ten your neighbor tell your neighbor I heard that right I guess that was a wrong name or leave that one get in the face of another and give them one a high ten and tell them I heard that right whoa for all the wonderful people for all the wonderful pressings look at past OGT now look a pastor GT let me tell you something if you think it is easy to have this number of people in America in two years God's not your own but you phone you sorry um but um so you know the way I do so please forgive me if I just go that way and I want to say that you know I asked us the past or his past oh I know that behind the scenes tears and he's not crying for his own problem he's crying for every one of us and then he says pastor please this one that one days we fasted days we pray days with and all his doing let me tell you there are times God would bless you not for anything because of the heart of your past or because he's let me tell you sometimes which like I said earlier on not on wait you sit back and you come to church and you say but but pastor's word that word I didn't feel it I didn't feel that word as if he preached for you to feel it that's not the reason why or adding I didn't did you feel the atmosphere of the Spirit do you feel that we don't used to feel it we don't feel the atmosphere of this world we just receive it do you understand what I'm saying and when you see a man whose heart is right with God and right with you he doesn't need to see too much to you sometimes sometimes they won't need to touch her shoulder and tell you as well once he says as well like I said you just receive it say Amen once she says is well and there's a man and I'm saying this because I'm not God for being that I'm stand on the other and I'm telling I'm just saying because I want to eulogize him god forbid god forbid god forbid three times and I am saying this thing because I am aware that this is the kind of hearts that he has had that loosen up for the sheep a heart that looks at you know what I said to my congregation all the time I say I want to be like your David I want to be a David onto you David says when the bear when the king I guess you say I went to the mouth of the lion I collected my ship from the mouth of the life from the mouth of the that means that this ship is not a meal and I tell my congregation see all of you all the parishioners here you can never be a meal in the amount or hand or whatever of the devil as long as I remain your past or times there are times when you can fight your battles but the covering over your life does that yes if you like remove yourself from their covering there are times when you know that times when people see things are working for them working for them I don't know the Sony is not feeling like I'm so super I'm so good I'm so grand in myself I know too much no it just could be the covering over your life is what is working for you the day you remove don't try to see if it will work or not because the day you will not be alive to tell the story how the covering to walk you know the woman the woman the syrophoenician woman when Jesus looked at her you know and I was telling the church since I wanna go just looked at her I said ah what is meant for children are not given to dogs you know I know my said no problems no problem and I mean it's amazing to know that Jesus would look at the woman who called her a dog Jesus called her a dog and I must say I'm not even offended call me anything you like I'm not going to even allow a fence stop me from assessing my next level and so sometimes when your season comes the first thing that never tries to present to you this offense I didn't like the way pastor spoke to me I didn't like the way they instructed me I didn't like the way that sister is talking to me when you start considering order you about or lose outs in the season that God has prepared for you but you know what the woman says the woman says no problems even the dogs even the or whatever the dogs yeah the eats the crumbs that fall from the table so the woman simply printed a graphic picture and since I'm aware I don't know about you and I happens here you know okay you put like dogs a lot so you know that is it sometimes when you are eating dogs will come under the table and so as far as they are on that the table something will drop from the table and Isis dropping from the table they must collect something in order what's too much they'll call me whatever you like sir no problem I'm under a covering once I don't need to be at the table I'm under the table it's okay sir as is dropping my hand is there collecting so there are things that were not originally meant for me let me just be another covering it might not be for me it might be for the other sister down there but as long as I'm on the recovering it's nothing we'll find a way to meet me where I am if you understand what I'm saying look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor I like it here say it one more time say I like it here I have and I'm saying this from the depth of my heart one of the most beautiful hearts I've ever seen beautiful hearts when I mean beautiful hearts a woman who loves the Lord and loves the Lord when we finished last night in the atmosphere of the Spirit she said to me this is what the Holy Spirit wants me to do and I did it and she did it I said how does someone love the Lord like this no pretense there's no drama no and all you know a healing and a hunger in the heart of God and I keep saying it I keep saying it any day you stop getting hungry for God that is the day you'll be moving down a slippery slope at an alarming speed but your hunger for God shows that kind of capacity you can carry the sweet of God told me many years ago and he said the day you stop getting hungry is the day you lose your relevance and so some people don't understand why you come to church and your focus your shouting the loudest amen you're acting like you're the only one that came in here no sir I'm not mad I'm just hungry you understand what I'm saying I'm just hungry and when I'm hungry you know when you are hungry you're hungry I don't know how many of you in America people don't get hungry yeah but in in Nigeria we really get hungry you know so because right now there's so many things to nibble on there's juice in the fridge that's it it's not like that's where I'm coming from sometimes you get hungry and the only thing you need to do is to get to a restaurant and eat and when you're hungry you find out some things will not be registering again there things are not sticking again your I know that if you're hungry and somebody is telling you you know that guy called you stupid I know that's this business now let me just go and find food that it is when you finish eating that you tone Arana as a nothing you were telling me that I would you even call me you know the reason why you are focusing on some things is that you are not hungry that's the way you be hungry for God that all the nonsense people are saying you are not even hearing it because the Sun is in a dry and weary land where there is no water my soul is thirsty for a Yabba super easy aha that's a place where I'm sitting and all I'm doing is just a hunger for more of God this is the church that has to be perpetually hungry we're perpetually hungry they don't understand why you're hungry why do you pray the way you pray but they don't understand that something about the seal of our father's house that has totally consumed us and I want to say thank you so much the first lady of the house Pastor John thank you so much thank you so much thank you you know I'm spending time on these ones ministry is not jollof rice do you understand what's a ministry is no beans it's not beings even if not be sorry even if it is beings he's still not see understand what I'm saying it's not it's not easy because I know what it is and I just intentionally looked back and I said Wow in this past for one year these guys have been amazing because I just record I said times when I've had to speak with passage et severally and it's trying to figure out and memorize and having an issue and members in the hospital a member needs prayers and member needs that times when and you know the truth is that members never know the pastors have problems no I can you have a problem you don't have a problem one of my members killed is a pastor you know the reason why I love these that you don't have a problem I say yes I don't have a problem thank you I don't have a problem you see that's the reason why I love you don't have a problem it's not these fossils I have problems up and down are you for real did you just say that and this is where it hurts this is where it hurts every other time you bleed you let the wound open any heals faster when your pastor bleeds he covers it and the wounds get bigger and that's the reason why you need to constantly put him in prayers excuse me sometimes oh it is the way he spoke to me in speak to you because he wanted to speak to you that way it's just a pressure of one other three other members now spoken to team over the week and is carrying their body on their shoulder and can we celebrate pastor duty and his dear wife I love you too from the death of my heart god bless you god bless you hallelujah please take your seat and to every one person please please today's anniversary allowed me I think I will not be here next Sunday I won't be here for a long time to come so as I am here just allow me I think you're happy to see me right so just allow me and I want to appreciate take my time and I appreciate everyone who's been working at that some people I've already passed on he's passed Martin's their people I know mr. Martin's yeah Sean Sean Sean I give you a resource Sean Sean Sean Sean Sean and all the people that I know many people here the people I got to meet yesterday you know how it is I've come for another year and I'm seeing new faces I've never met I know that and they are telling me oh this one is from here this one's a black American I say that's the way we're all here and I haven't seen very fantastic various ones from Jamaica as a yeoman wanna tell you something they are young man young Maria so and I'm very excited to meet all of you yes that's excited how excited I am I'm really very excited and I want to appreciate you and for all of you who just kept sending me messages on social medias they passed away I'm coming I'm coming to see you you have come to see me you are not going back you are remaining you didn't just come to see me I have come and you have come and we were jamming aids in this house I'm very excited to be here oh I was right so pastor Rima and you this you have been amazing from the start of it of this commission till now thank you so much we appreciate we can never take it for granted thank you so much and your your prophetess wife God another two of you god bless the two of you in the name of Jesus and to every other person I say God bless you in Jesus name so and we started reading something yesterday and I believe that God blessed us so massively from what we read yesterday and I if you don't mind we're going back to the book of Zechariah chapter 4 again and was not reading from verse 1 to verse 10 again Zachariah stepped over for from verse 1 I mean we could just read from verse 1 to verse 13 if you don't mind can I beg you to stand for the reading of God's Word Zacarias chapter 4 from verse 1 to 13 can we read together church once ago and the angel that talked with me came again and with me as a man that has wakened out of his sleep and said unto me what see us now and I said I have lutes and behold a candlestick all of gold with a ball upon the top of it and he seven lamps thereon and seven pipes and a seven lamps which are upon the top thereof and two olive trees by it one up on the right side of the bowl and the order upon the left side there are and so I answered and speak to the angel that talked with me saying what are these my lord and then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me knowest thou not what these be and I said no my lord then he answered and spake unto me saying this is the word of the Lord on to Saru can I ask you to please drop siree Bob L we don't know who is and put your name there this is the word of the Lord on to jerry saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts who had AO all great mountain before saruba velak tiles shall become a plain and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings crying grace grace unto it moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saith the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house his hands shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me unto you for who had despised the day of small things for days shall rejoice and see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven they are the eyes of the Lord which are on tow and fro through the whole head we can't stop there a father we thank you O God father it's been reasonable and the volumes of your book and we ask that you make it word your wheel I made known unto us at this time Lord Lord we actually you turn the chapters of our lives as your word comes forth we laid in our shield we lay down our understand and will lay down every mentality that can obstruct the free flow of your word and we'll make ourselves accessible and vulnerable to your words and we'll say have you away in our lives let a lover of the Lord say it louder amen Hannah - take your seats in the presence of God I continue from where I stopped last night and this was the center of a revelation or a vision given to prophet Zacharias as it were and them in the revelation the angel had to ask the man of God and say what do you see and the man of God say I see this particular type of light as he begins to describe it they say I see a lamb stand and it's got seven branches and it says away from that excuse me away from that I see an olive tree by the right I see an olive tree by the left if you look at the description of the light as Zechariah was trying to explain you probably will realize that Zechariah was speaking about the light that I told you of that God spoke to Moses about the design and put in the temple in Exodus to the 25 and Exodus 31 and the light was otherwise known as the menorah and then of the wind man of God or the angel acts Zakaria what do you see and the men of God said you see sir I think I see lights I said where and I'm not seeing ordinary light remember I took time and to dwell on this particular thing I'm yesterday and it says I don't see I see a light that has one stand but it's cost seven branches that is what I see an child of God yesterday God began a let us know that it can still be the you that you know but they're going to be different parts of unit is going to spring up in the season it is still the same Jerry but you're gonna find lights in different areas of your life and then we went father Agana by the way when God gave Moses the designer of this light I was going to be in the temple I love this so much and he said to Moses you know what there's somebody I've given the skier in order to bring this architectural plan of this light to become a reality and it says the person is gonna do it is the man known as bizarrely is the man that I have greased with wisdom on coming with some uncommon knowledge and common understanding as the man that is skillful in crafts in arts in all manner of learning he says this is the man that would be able to handle this light let me say one more time this is the manner that is going to be able to handle this light and bring it to reality let me say this and please never ask yourself why are some people irritated by my lights why don't they like my progress what is it about me that unsettles my colleague at work remember this kind of Pecunia light God looks at everyone that was around and says no they don't have the capacity to handle this light I'm gonna choose one man and it's going to choose this team and they are the ones that can handle how great this light is just in case there's somebody around you that feels irritated by your presence the truth is that they cannot handle your lights and so for this particular lies the Sicario was seen at the men of God said to him or the scripture tells us that the only person who could handle this light in the Bible times was bass Allah was masala because he was wise it was understanding it was skillful he was good in all manner of learning and so you're gonna go through times and seasons in your life where you wonder am I not to be light don't I have a lot of capacity to be lighter the truth is that it is not you it is them they can handle you look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor if you have a problem with me say it again like a minute al you never save you have a problem with me it's not me it's you tell your neighbor you can handle my lights say they got like a minute say you can't handle my lighting listen you need men like Bassanio to understand how do you come to a house and then you see one light with seven balls at the same time I mean orga start with one lights first from one to the other one from the other one to the other one how do you come at once and every area has lights at the same time it's going to irritate people who are going through the natural process it's gonna get some people upset and the one how come this and that and and your life at the same time are you better announce to them and say get used to it get used to people like all signed lights in different areas at the same time you better get used to a capacity because alibaba's she another hire I am NOT just meant to shine in one area but every area of my life receives light at the same time it just in case you don't understand that my life wasn't meant for you you know the truth is that high-end shops are not meant for everybody am I am I correct high-end shops are not meant for everybody there are people all know you know how it is that you look at some things I still do it till tomorrow you know you look at some things that how does someone by issue and I mean I remember some time ago someone walks into my office and then you can imagine major oh she's really nice sister I should say it's fine yeah past oh yeah and then she told me how many dollars she bought it so because I couldn't cuz I said so not your money how much is it and I said about 1.2 million I said Sheena can IA j issue like did you use 1.2 million now to wear shoe and put it on the ground why didn't they lift you up you should just be walking in the air by reason of the shoe that you got you know what I swallowed the well third I couldn't wait for her to leave and I was waiting for my passwords to come in and I think I said can you imagine that is that I just want yeah that she told me the hot shoe she use one point I was so upset one point you me not to bite you look at their look the way they are wasting money pass talk acquire you can't handle it you can delete the like this big are you understanding and so this is the way these some people cannot handle you and all they do is to run their mouths calabash and on about you have not be created to roll with the chickens and so just in case you irritated by my life it's okay you cannot handle my lies and when you win not everybody will club did you hear what I just said right now when you win not everybody will clap you know why they can't handle you and why should it be you all the time why did you win here why did you win there why did why why the money that's why the more God opens another door the mother said why should it be you the market opens another door please help me give your neighbor little show than tell your neighbor you can handle the light that is coming out on my way to hell you never can you handle it can you handle it ask you never can you handle it Oscar never can you handle it if you understand can you show yes and so no matter how bad I felt that somebody was using 1.2 million naira to put on the ground and I was complaining and I said and I had in my company people who are like me as well because all of us not none of my pastors told me a pastor does the unlevel none of them ever even knows is wrong all these people rich people that would just be using 1.2 million I to buy shoe why yes yes and we are angry and we're just angry I know that and when I finished not too long my wife entered I told my wife this race and now water fee aqua what had people doing this type of thing another the next day my wife brought up the matter again with me and say buddy that's how I was thinking about our to me Lana I say me I thought about it last night and I made up my mind up overseas war he knows that you are I have never seen it before have never seen it before 24 hours of receiver Raina Raina take your said you know the reason some people cannot handle your light and and this one I came to America I guess the day we came in and somebody sent me a message and sent to me pasta that place that you prayed for me the job that you prayed for me and gave me a prophetic word you know there are people who know how to do this kind of thing is that I would like that job you pray for me and give me a prophetic word you say I should go and receive it pastor I've gone for the interview the last stage of the interview I finish they say that I failed and first I want to let you know cuz I was coming under now sent me a proper email and sent me an email and told me that I failed another and because I failed I don't have opportunity to get anything in the organization and the person said pastor I just sent you this test to inform you that I have failed and I would that you gave me did not work yes if I had my phone I would have shown you he said now what did no work I replied in message I said go and tell the people that send email that email is wrong I said me I know the word that I gave you by two immutable things it is impossible for God to lie I said go and tell them that I said that the email is wrong he replied me say pastor I will do it oh are you saying I should do it I said go and do it and once I sent it the devil came I whispered to me he's still your member remember you will not live in America forever when you finish you're coming back people of God when you know the god you serve the battle's say they that do know their God will be strong and they will do exploits and then he said pastor I tied to him he said I use exactly the same words that you use when you are talking to me I think that this failure they've told you you feel that they at the interview wrote you now other than email in order to cement it and let me reply root HR man I say you sent me the wrong email I couldn't have filled in this interview and sent it to them do you know he said to me 10 minutes later while he was still on the we're going it I replied as they Wow was a mistake how did you find out please can you come back and take your appointment letter what God cannot do does not exist let me announce to seven persons here on that the sound of my voice wherever you had no wherever you had no wherever you had no another 21 days you will get a yes you will get you will get a yes you will get a yes you don't get a yes that's your image order [Applause] take your set and so you gotta let them know how you prepared for my lights can you handle my light because it's gonna be bigger and people have got remember and the man of God says I saw I saw in in that revelation when I saw the menorah the lights the land stand has got seven branches I saw by the side and only three on the right and an only three under left I'm sure some of you know what I'm about to say but let me repeat it for emphasis um you have heard before that the average life of an olive tree the average life of an olive tree is average life is between 500 to 700 years I didn't say 50 years or 70 years 500 to 700 years and they say that an olive tree can actually live as long as 5,000 years notice carefully that the man was seen a revelation we have the source of the oil of the particular lamp the oil that was entering this lamp and that is represented by the two only trees by the two sides and the menorah itself the lamp does not have the capacity to stay for as long as 500 years but what was supplying the oil was going to leave the lamp you didn't hear what I just said now what was going to supply him the oil was going to leave the love and so it will never be said that the oil was looking for supply but it will be said that our live was looking for the lamp and so one thing that God wants you to know those who think that the supply flowing from God to you is about to end they are gonna wait for a very long time no you didn't hear what I just said right now I said they are going to wait for a very long time I said they're gonna wait for a very long time if you understand it can you start a louder yes [Applause] it is flowing and the supply was just I mean you look at it and just ask yourself yes let's even look at an olive tree stay for 5,000 years birthday or now deal of body people but everyone they laugh with a finish and the supply will still be there waiting for do I say is there any lamp that I can supply oil to and this is why never worry about what would become of your children this is supply that will outlive you there is a supply that's we I'll live me when the Bible says he daily load that she with benefits you see if you're in America you know understand this English it is those of us who live in Nigeria that will understand load he didn't load at you with benefits which means that when he loots you there is a likelihood that you would not have finished the one for today because what he didn't give you benefits and did you hear what I just said how many of you know that he didn't give you benefits the Bible say he knows what he launched you with benefit well when he looked when you know the way we load cars in Nigeria when we look the way we look load properly Lord pawn doctor some of you God has always helped you that's why you know I I mean if you Bible is baptized me from Nigeria perspective because you know when they are losing the vehicle and then you are selling the driver organs no space yeah and then they will tell you this is the way everybody Ashland City Chiefs we're three people you shall see since people will sit there and when the fix is in then conductor will come in again and then we'll sit this way how many of you have experienced that and then we'll sit this way and I say put your leg let me another and then everybody is looking like some demon sighted that is what is called so that's me with benefits so I will not finish the one for today and then he will come again tomorrow morning because the finished one he says I'm under mandates I am not yet so finish for you to finish benefits yes and that's why the psalmist says you are not my head with oil and my cup runneth over you know the truth is that the reason why it's running over is not because you want to waste no sir no no no no you're not a wasteful god but the truth is that you have looked you know the salmon said now prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies let me tell you when the devil is prepared before you in the presence of your enemies they have a tendency to explain it away is it that that's a copper plates there's not inside it there's not inside it me I've seen that type of thing when they just wouldn't there's nothing you know there people say are streams of general but not seen in southern India nothing in southern India and goes there is that what you said you mean there's nothing that I've been there yeah and the Sami says watch you now focus on you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies and then you look at what they are saying you realize that a problem is not with a table the problem is with me so you no longer go for the table you go for me you now anoint my head with oil because you know what you want to give me the capacitor to reproduce the table so you do not just it's no longer about Lord win is the table being prepared for me no I have given you an oil and you see down anointest my head with oil and once the oil is on my head my cup begins to run over and remember he prepared this in front of some people so the reason is to see what is inside there's something in the inside right now come out and so this is the way it is and then he prepares and then he says something very strategically he says I saw the two only traces it says I saw the two olive trees one was pouring on the inside all meanwhile did I finish that testimony of that's my young man very powerful testimony I like when God does things that the things that make me happy immediately sent to me as a pastor I did written me I've gone back there the HR was saying can you come back to say that he can't come back oh that he can come back they should better than the others and by the time they give him the letter he snapped it is a pastor disease unless I say okay I guess this is our letter because what God cannot do does not it the back of your mind every rejection you say mm maybe that's the way God wants eh no sir no sir no sir that is you go back and tell God this is no part of the covenants this is not what you told me this is not what you said to me and you cancel all that needs to be canceled Gallagher the Bible said when you become Restless the truth of the matter that you are too relaxed when you become Restless can I tell you about a man called came in the Bible God looks at the man after he did what he did to his brother God began a custom upon his life good God this punishment is too much even if I kill my brother is that why you should punish me like this I'm gonna reduced it go and read your Bible I'm gonna say no problem I will reduce it for you because a man even can so you still have mouth you killed your product and God is trying to punish you if came an ungodly man can appeal to the masses of God what about you candidates of messy something wrong I am not supposed to be here this is not part of the governance I am not supposed to be suffering this receiver AHA Li Medina bisaya and Amanda was caused and coding upon the Bible see and compute cities he builds a city after he was cost if the cost man can do the city what will have less man built if amanda was cost can build a city idea Toshiya baja do we know who we and every time the damn messenger nobody since I'm here so I set it the way you are these are going to continue and then you think that God will forever feel for you because of the way you are feeling for yourself I am NOT since I just arise arise from the dust shake off the dose from yourself this nonsense culture for the joy of the Lord is my strength man I just told you I'm talking to you about what happened no drop to 48 hours ago go back and turn the report around go back and look at the eye of the devil I say you see this thing I'm not taking it give the devil some deadlines give the deaf child a man from now to the next 21 days labor ah ha ha ha licorice Ibarra ha I remember praying for young women we have a prayer meeting where we pray for young women who want to get married in our in our church so every now and then every second choose their fastest they are forgotten we gather them together will release the prophetic blessings over because there's no time to waste the party must hold now you understand what I'm saying there but there are parties that are long overdue can I pray for seven people here anybody whose party is overdue child education where did party anything that you need to do that will bring people to rejoice with you can I pray for you with a loud voice anybody most hold your neighbor understand what you're singing but can you scream louder say the possum was heard shouting like you lost your mind say the party must hold know that you have lost a bit of your mind and scream center party muscle tell your neighbor say I have Saturdays say I have Saturdays say neighbor neighbor before the end of August before the end of August I'm talking to seven people better take me seriously before the end of our Costa safety before the end of August you will hear my shouter Oh celebration somebody shout somebody take your seat people and guess what this lady we finished and I was just making it casual statement see the way I usually make a casual statement I said some of you here I was telling you I see some of you here right now God stop rising wedding gown I said when you go just so God by your wedding shoes go ahead come on look at wedding shoes you know touch them and all that the lady took it to the next level she says she went and you know there are they I don't know what I did to hear there are already prepared wedding cards that when you buy them you now print on it so she told me the first thing she did was she went on boats she said that as I'm buying this thing my husband will pay for it so she bought the wedding cards and then kept went and bought her wedding gown and kept when I bought her wedding shoe no man has come no man is even saying hi she went out bought and everything she was buying them and she was keeping she was binder she said one night she had a dream and somebody was telling her that she needs to stop buying the gifts the gifts that sorry I don't know what I you can do to it yet so Vanaras right I don't know whether you forgives over an anniversary in America so party party favors are why my people need to hear the new neighbor no more survey I got ya you see why it's good to travel his way is good to travel they will be calling it in Nigeria so Vanessa when there is God party favors heaven Carla so did not order to have my party favors yes unless she went and bought all those party favors and then by the time she finished buying the one she said it was when depression wanted to end up that the Devon I began to ask are you mean you really went to buy these things did you really go to buy distance that she said that child I swap a store to them its repository that's not began to tell God God please have mercy on me God just help me just help me anyhow you can help me help me so that day she's on my she's on my on my brackets list on on on my phone so that day I wasn't even I sent a broadcast to everybody I just said that one you have received from God is valid I said but he's continued to act in faith don't let anything stop you she replied me say pastor this is my word this is my word and she didn't tell me why she was any was her word and then people two weeks after that she was walking on the road a young man met her stop the car walked out of the car say excuse me I want to marry you is that the way they used to marry you meet somebody on the road I don't know you from anywhere and you're saying another because I told them that there are crazy things are about to happen how can your miracle be normal again you yourself you're waiting why you are with it this way is it normal you have waited in an abnormal way why should the miracle now become normal on top of it I'm awaiting guarantees abnormal miracle and then she said when she wanted to act like a lady you know no you don't you don't want up to me and cuz she remember this is what she has been praying about that she now has the man are you sure this thing you're telling me they must say you had the one I'm supposed to marry I know I've been looking I just came in from abroad ah I brought on top of it they nest in the devil told that this man is carrying disease it's looking for who to infect people of God cut the entire long story short this young woman is abroad yes this young woman is in Spain the young man came and they are living well the young man is no fraud the young man is naughty nothing is whoo nothing is wrong it's just that a lady prepared ahead of time we already have more supplies than we need it's already been made available the problem is that you are blocking of your assets with your mentality you're looking at you are trying to put God into your program and God is saying can I put you in my own program your program is too small so put me inside because you do not understand that kind of capacity you having me and you know what the man of God says what I saw flowing was an olive tree on the right and I saw an olive tree on the left and he said the oil was flowing and you know people of God for those of us who are not left-handed you know that your right hand is the place of your strength and then your left hand is the place of your weakness and then he said I saw only three flowing putting oil inside a menorah in the place of strength there was oil or he was flowing but he said I saw something very strategic even in the place of weakness Kairat Oh Shia you know this your weakness is the reason why the devil keeps reminding you you can get flow from this area you don't have the certificate they are looking for you don't have the capacity they need you don't have a so so and so on this is why in the place of your weakness nothing will flow but I came to tell you the devil is a liar you have a completing him who is the head of all principalities and powers even in the place of my weakness I will get assess even in the blade of my witness I will if you believe it can you turn to allow the a man even in the place of your weakness even in the place where you never felt even in very own strategic places I was sharing this in church just before I came I went to preach in Abuja and then I finished preaching and then I got into the plane and we're about to come back and when we got into the plane about then where I was sitting and in India in the compartment of the place where I was sitting so I just noticed the man who was very restless he would just move and move and move and that there was one of those days that I didn't I didn't I just felt like I was too tired and I was so Restless so I just looked up looked at the man and smiled I said are you okay in my characteristic manner of asking people are you okay he said you okay he said no he asked me to come I say me because the plane was already we're flying already I said want me to come over too well he said I think he said yes I walked I walked over I sat down he said I said why is it every time I fly Nigeria plane I am not comfortable I say you are not comfortable but I am here nothing all of a sudden that was it might not rob you lest he said this is that enough talking about it I said what thing you are talking about I say okay can I introduce myself I am a man on assignments I say listen I don't know about other people I said until I'm done I'm not going anywhere I say even if you have done something wrong I am the reason why we will and smoothly and I told him don't prove to you the calling upon my life from now henceforth no more turbulence I say you will know that God called me you will not experience anything is that usual I said take this word and relax people of God I know when you make such or insist you know your problem is that you have said nothing and the devil doesn't want you to say it as soon as I said that the devil came past oh did you just say how many times have you flown and there was no turbulence and you're telling this man what about the London time the devil just telling me different area I just said I have said it if God lies let him do it if he likes let him not do it I said it in his name so he's know me they'll be ashamed it is God that will be ashamed so I have spoken the word but you know what there's a capacity of oil that you carry don't let me go back to the oil matter of last night's there's an oil than you'll carry even the wind's and the waves will understand that a man of destiny has spoken that is how there was no turbulence and then we went even as we were in London we did you told me past oh because he said this is the smoothest flight I've ever been on I said I told you nothing what happened he said that he named morning this is where the testimonies is the alien demonic in the place of your witness early in the morning at that time I begged God I said God remember me I'm I'm working for you remember me it's not okay to wait since I remember me he's a pastor in the morning is it Gary these dollars have been I've been saving so this morning I just gathered them put them in my back and I didn't know why I got that them he said here quite a lot too and I got at em and put them in my bag he said now I believe you are the one that God wanted me to give it to you see I am thinking you are I said I don't think don't see if you think I will not be happy with you I am the one I am the one Oh have you not heard that they were gather their money and they will lay it all for you I said the one don't think again and then as soon as we brought down one very fine bag for you know their people there you see the about you know this person is going somewhere destiny it's not just travelling he's going somewhere nesting and they brought out the bad Road out Empire soup Allah SAS soon as I saw it I pretended like I didn't see it and it touched me see is a man of God can you just take it I say yes I say you know what I want to read these blessings can you kneel down just find a way to me not to kneel down you have to kneel down because this money needs a kneeling down so that I can present you and by the time I was done I realized even in the place where you are not expecting even in the place where you feel can anything good come out of here you could walk into a mall and a miracle will be waiting you could walk into the most unlikely place and a miracle will be waiting please don't confine your miracle to a system don't confer confine your divine delivery this is how it's gonna work I am waiting on that man until they call me I won't get it until my salary comes I won't get it until sir sir sir God I will get it wait you have entered a season or Shaka's you're gonna get shot the person will not have come on you get it they will not have given you what it is but you were still care if you understand it can you shout yes and people of God that is the way and he said I saw a flow of oil even from the right and he said even from the left that was a flow in other words that particular menorah had more lights than it needed had more all your other than it needed you had more oil or your flowing from the left or your fluid from the right and more than it needed streams of joy enters the second year I pray for you you will have more than you ever needed no you didn't hear me I say you will have more than you ever needed I say you will have more than you ever needed I say you will have more than you ever needed if you believe it can you turn allow a man and then he said as I get ready to tie deal he say say this entire thing that we are talking about this entire revelation I'm showing you a and I'm asking you a question you're answering he says now go and tell the rhubarb air he said all this while I'm one line is not for you I'm giving you a vision for another man all this thing I'm showing you what do you see what are you do what are you did and I'm getting you to get focused is not for you so the Bible was somewhere doing his own thing and God was disturbing another man granting the man vision arranging something supernatural force a rouble a sakurai us in the vision for saruba velak while you are here now sitting and looking at me angels have got an assignment they've walked into an office and they are opening a fire they are talking to someone they are speaking to someone they are arranging something in your favor I am NOT speaking to everybody but by Monday morning you're gonna see this thing that I just spoken right now somebody's been disturbed because of you right now some things are changing because of you right now some things have been rewritten because of you right now if you believe we'll let you a mentor like you understand a matanda like a believe it and it says tells the rubaba it is not by mind it is not by power he said it is by my spirit and then he begins to address the obstacle meanwhile zero was not there they've released a prophecy of a zero and then after one went to the obstacle that began to ask who are down all Mountain before zero you shall become a plane meanwhile kind look at things working for him and I wasn't even present they were addressing his obstacle in his absence they were talking about his absence zakaria major talking and God was sending an obstacle and yet saruba I know I know there things that you are calling obstacles you are not present right now you are not there right now but can I assure you you are getting back to work not to find it they are giving you a call not to you it's no longer there they are going to give you a call and you're gonna say yeah this was that in the past Oh Jerry was talking about also dead saruba there was not present and his life was been arranged the obstacles were being taken out of the way things were aligning even when he was not present he say who had our own mountain before say Rupa there thou shall become a plane and go they are not satisfied I'm not sorry you know I like Waco talks he says it's not just a you mountain would become a plane now the room Bobby would build from the place of this mountain he shall raise the headstone thereof a house will rise from the place of your obstacle something new is coming out of the he said I will not be satisfied to level your Mountain that is not where the miracle is now the bigger miracle is that from this place something cuyana Bashara a place that navasana that did not allow me move it's not the same place where I am raising something new yet day labor osha place that did not allow me making headway it's now the place something new is arising from am i talking to someone and it says go and tells a rubaba it went down like i said yesterday he say who has despised the what if you were here last night who one despised what no some people are still getting that scripture wrong he say who has despised the day the day of small beginnings my small beginnings are not in this it's in a day yes sir I'm not gonna be small in this no it's not gonna remain like this it's not going to remain like this small beginnings in is in a day he says what your next season next season higher levels I you know there's nothing when you want to before I came why we praying on the 1st of August the Spirit of God said to me that he was releasing the same grace that he has given streams of joy to the members of our congregation and then we started praying into it if you never you are wondering what a miracle looks like Lucas screams of joy I said this one is a miracle is a miracle if you are wondering this way you need to connect yourself to a place that works because anyhow and never let me tell you the anointing you ridiculous look down on is the anointing I will insult you if you notice Grace anywhere don't explain it away don't give it to to say hey I can't met you this thing I believe in this thing I so into this and I receive it child of God there are things that don't make sense streams of Joy's one of the things that don't make sense no sit back and think about it is one of the things that don't make sense how do you do you don't you yes now you're going to Canada and order everything is set everybody pay everything before everything is ready just past Jerry come where won't you come just come because that they are not ten they're not 20 they are not 30 and then you are asking yourself how do these things happen let me tell you if you think it is easy go and try this is when Greece speaks humanity remains silent and there's a level you get one and this is why God brought you here today God brought you here today and I was speaking with a pastor early this morning I went to preach in Mina and the pastor and I were talking this morning I don't know what is Nigeria money or I don't know boy I wish I were talking in the morning something that looks like morning and then he says to me said ever since you left pastor he said the miracles are unbelievable he said like me he said the miracles he specifically say the miracles from because God led me to race on sacrificial seats isn't a miracle from the swing the miracle from different he says there a lot is a pastor I think even from the things you did not see miracles happened beyond what a man of God says find out the trajectory of grace that men of God carried and key into their grace sometimes they don't say things in line with their grace but you have understanding you say yeah this is the kind of grace that this messin carries and you are line and get all that you have to get there are times when all you need is not if a possible looks at the other his people I say you are all partakers of my grace you hope you are partaking of the your party so which means I can actually partake of a grace that was not released to me am i communicating the days of his power is now I feel so excited in my spirit and I believe that as I speak over your life God is assuring you to your next season where your supply will be bigger than you would you stand on your feet and just beginners speaking the Holy Ghost would you stand on your feet and just begin speaking the Holy Ghost shibaura t caliber otaku Cecchetti Lottie ballet maracas shake a Tele Bourassa vara Randy libera Boca Chica tell mo Rosa Baja aha Oh possible Osaka Toshiba Reaper a Bisaya in the name of Jesus by tomorrow we're gonna be having serious impartation service tomorrow evening past already set us is going to be a prayer an impartation evening but please can you just raise your two hands as I make this declaration the Spirit of God has put in my spirit over the life of everyone who will be present here and please all you need to do is as the declaration comes I want you to say an amen and people of God please remember a man is not an encouragement to the preacher Amen is not your ginger the preacher Nusa Amen is to say I agree I agree I agree I agree I agree and I am going to be releasing this declaration over your life in the second half remaining days of there is a transition and this shall be your reality hear me as I hear the Lord in this season of your life you will not lack help us I say you will not like help us as you're a man where a son received the gift of man receive the gift of manner receive the gift of manner every demonic delay installation is broken over your life I say they are broken over your life diseases and sicknesses are broken of your life they have broken of your life they are broken of your life whatever represent rising and falling is broken and you will know rise and fall you will know rise and fall you will know rise and fall in the name of Jesus I said church with decree streets of joy will not rise and fall we will not rise and fall there is lack of direction receive descend mature receive this and mature receive descend matter receive this and mature you are going to say this with your mouth said today I move away from the same financial level say I walk into a higher financial level I walk into a higher financial level I walk into a higher financial level you believers say louder a matter as your Amen will resound I pray every near success syndrome is broken from your life every near success syndrome is broken from your life lack of spiritual fire is broken from your life evil patterns and cycles are broken from your life without favor is broken from your life label without favor is broken from your life fruitlessness is destroyed from your life household wickedness is destroyed household wickedness is destroyed household wickedness is destroyed [Applause] without fulfilment is broken from your life promise with a few minutes broker from your life losses and setbacks a broker spiritual laziness is brokered any form of godliness broker stubbornness to the Holy Spirit is broker sudden disasters are broken destiny mistakes are broker leaking pockets are broker leaking pockets are brokered stronghold of impossibilities a broker las tapas a broker laughs - tapas a broker celebration hijackers a broker celebration hijackers a broker disgrace and shame is broken from now to the next anniversary hear me well because I need you're a mentor ice there shall be no obituary around you let me say it again you will know hear the sound of any obituary you were not Barry and you will not be buried you were not very high you will not be buried let your a merry sound any power of last-minute failure is brokered from your life course instead bad news is destroy from your life repeated battles with no longer arise repeated battles with no longer arise repeated battles with no lugares hear me as I hear the Lord and me stop on destiny bourgeois I decree over your life may they turn around and begin to pursue themselves better turn around I begin to pursue themselves better turn around a bigger to pursue themselves let your image order while your two hands are literally in this land you will not be stranded in this land you will be blessed in this land you shall be said this one was remembered by the Lord three months from today may you love that laughs you have been waiting for the spoon of course that when you come for this anniversary release a mantle of laughter in that area where you have been waiting to laugh receive your bachelor laughter receive your bachelor's laughter receive your bachelor's Latta your world will carry your children carry your children three months after today from the house of the nest remonster let it be called your testimony you are moving into a bigger job I'd agree migration challenges will become a miracle immigration challenges will become a miracle right now receive a rider rider in the name of Jesus any odor that has vowed that you will not rise as your Amen watandar let fire fire us again in the name of Jesus any man or woman in ministry I pray for you at this point of time may the Lord move your ministry to the next level let there be an uncommon onshore let there be a no common deposits of the Spirit and let there be a platform for expression receiving right now receive a right now receiving right now receive a right now in the name of Jesus I'd agree it is dawn so shall it be in Jesus name we have prayed celebrate the Lord if you know that your word just came to you right now [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Streams of Joy Houston
Views: 298,011
Rating: 4.7906647 out of 5
Id: -1ImbAdtXfo
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Length: 80min 1sec (4801 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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