Jerma Streams - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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wait you put a wink in that I hadn't come on I don't mean I don't remember how to stream hold on a sec alright I just did the thing and then when you do that thing that's how you know it's time to clean your room what I've done is I stacked a glass on top of another glass because there's no room for two glasses so it's time it's time to clean this room so we have a link of course we do in five seconds disgusting pigs died no no I know this it's not that bad there's just documents all over the floor of all my personal information PlayStation 2 games and glassware everywhere it's not like it's dirty there's just stuff that's one thing I want to make sure I want to talk to you guys about this before others a wink will get it dirty versus clutter your room my rooms not dirty it's just cluttered there's nothing in here that's disgusting it's just stuff on the ground so why is that actually not hold on nevermind that's a lie there's a okay I have my loose there's a glass of coffee in it that's definitely been sitting there for like at least five days all right I lose I can clean that's fucking horrible I just look behind me inside but anyways I had a good break a lot of friends came up we had a good time and mouldy no no no it's not it's not as fine go clean it right now it's fine it's fine yeah it's gonna be fun all right all right good I've put water in I went we've dumped it the mall the godom there's no mold I'm okay there's no mold in that Cup hold on I got a link this is a spoiler you're not supposed to see this shit yet Hey [Music] we're doing hey that was the art that was the entire right side of a magazine if you have like the Cosmopolitan magazine that was the entire right page for a lot of fuckin cent at just you news put texted that says like stunning daring smells and then like ducked off dot [Music] whatever the hell things [Music] the whole page n-hyung coffees all pages one do I nobody reads magazines anymore because the thing is 35 pages thick and there's 18 pages of that that's why nobody reads them anymore it winks I wait like three times you know I can't imagine having a magazine company right now and they end the only people that greeted of people that have phones that are about to die at the doctor's office and they don't want to sit there and read their phones but like fuck I have to read something else here [Music] really water one I forgot I forgot the Lord of the Rings is in the background sorry they live redo that one you heard it the only people that read magazines people that a board of the doctor's office that don't want a fucking view you heard it I'm gonna play Lord of the Rings return to the King on PlayStation 2 today and I felt it was appropriate I'm returning to streaming after about eight or nine days so we're gonna return to the king now it's too quiet I'll fix it don't worry Irma explain why you are late no that's a pretty street thing that's a pretty Street thing and that we'll find it'll be a now stream thanks umm I hate starting an activity where I know I'm gonna be long-term locked in but it doesn't matter what it is I could be going to fishing for all it matters and if I if I have if I have a dump building but that's a bad way to put it let's be medical about this if I have to use the bathroom imminently I do not want to do anything until that is taken care of it doesn't matter what it is so I had to take care of that before I started my live stream because if you do not take care of that if you do not let the process get started and finish then you are stuck you are stuck needing to go use the restroom you have to use the bathroom at some point in an opportunity that might not be the greatest time hate that no no it doesn't happen to me the reason why it happened today is because I ate food after 11 o'clock last night which is like come on what am I thinking that's how you make that happen all right I can be fun to play but I didn't have a tweet hold on no I it's cuz I had to blink go back to the intro we're not ready Oh his huge bits comes into I laughter II gave but you let me get the good one hold on let me get the good one out what am I like what are these pictures in my phone when we doing all right hold on all right I'll be right back I'm up okay this is funny to me because if if you just browsing by your Twitter and you knew that I would oh yeah that's right Durham has been gone bears been gone for like ten days the first tweet is Return of the King and then my link to my twitch thank you how many people might just scroll by that and be like really dude like return of the fucking King oh wow you were gone for like a week and a half you're the best yeah returning the king all right what does already ask know there was someone keeping money I dunno here's the worst part about when you don't okay I haven't turned my computer on for 10 days so every time I don't know how many updates does your computer fucking have to do you just don't even realize just how much shit your computer does in the background 10 days of no updates and no downloads and shit it's so obnoxious anyways bye laughter II gave $50 wait we lose the frame well not what you say clock they say glad you're back German I was watching your old stardew valley streams and holy shit you were bad at the game you've grown a lot as a streamer and we're all very proud of my boy I'm not it's all right it's okay and 15 community subs from America thanks em perk yeah welcome back everybody you didn't forget about me that's good the a weakened on the internet is like three years real time you know I mean I'm surprised everyone even knows who I am thank you for our librarian Thank You Ann fair it's time Lord of the Rings for The Return of the King on PlayStation 2 I'm ready a little blurry but what am I gonna do we're not playing on hard this is not gonna be a 16-hour stream Lord of the Rings Return of the King I'm not playing on Hart we're doing normal here we go bet your MF Dan five community stuff think again lay it on heart did you see how fucking horrible this game was a lot the last one you don't want me to do this on Hart I don't want to do this son Hart No why would I do that I'm not gonna do that there we go Lord of the Rings The Return of the King we last left our heroes one day we're having it's a fucking thx thx certified game good did it break the speakers you did the thx sound too loud you broke the speaker's give it a guy and in the projection room during the thx sound is going like oh fuck oh fuck it's gonna happen now what why is it so soft combat man thanks to the 10 subs I think it actually did break the speakers why this sounds like tinny does it sound tinny to anybody else it's not some teeny why is this like it's coming out of hallway my son and then it's actually broken am i selling now hi I can't even hear this I had not done it the enemy is growing sorrow will use his puppet solo to destroy the people my my headphones were plugged in all the way it's been a but seven oh it's been a week guys [Music] here comes wisdom and no don't DMCA this is a cutscene in the game yeah this is when we last left our heroes as a battle of home depot you know what's funny about this dream and I'm gonna be really honest with you the only reason why I'm playing this is because I bought it victim are coming I didn't want to play this mystery but I can't not play at least I bought offer even together the wizard is never late notice he Andy he arrives precisely when you need somebody do that come buddy do it do it do late that's the line right there that's actually the line [Music] [Applause] streamer is never late nor is the early year precisely when he accidentally forgets to eat and might have a shit building up in him for three hours and can't start on seamless transition let's go get to play as Gandalf Cooper I already leveled up I'm already in perfect mode all right why's Gandalf look like the Star Wars kid this is kind of flailing around that was kind of fun what does it be made it whatever is the what's Gandalf staff made out wood wood well I have to play as Gandalf the whole game I don't care what any other character does probably would range hookers died what the hell was I doing if I blow it up from back here Gandalf gameplay residentsleeper you mean Gandalf gameplay guaranteed victory I guess that is residentsleeper shit you're right well I was wrong there all right what am i doing our one action alright I get the careful I get it did I not get it I just didn't hit anybody what the fuck am i doing but it's Gandalf throwing spears at you I have magical powers why would I need to do this howl everybody I gotta get rid of that I'm gonna I'm gonna die in kendo die give us Frodo Frodo's not even in this game [Music] what I mean now we don't give spoilers no we can talk spoilers we can talk to you've seen you've seen the last two movies we played them on stream yes I did I played Fellowship of the Ring and I play two towers on stream we watched on you you now one watched it though I mean no one watched you the skilled leader determines the kill rating earning higher rating if I started to get the successful hits best song in the best song this song right here could potentially be the best song that has been written since like the 1700 fair ratings are the easiest to get but generate the fewest experience points good and excellent ratings are worth more yeah I know how to do that we've seen the last movie we already know how to this work never won't read this comment oh now you owe me $1,000 that was it was that on the line I don't know pushing the skill meter into perfect will enhance your attack damage and generate maximum experience points hey hey welcome back guys it's been a while how you doing like a - perfect help so we Gandalf as Gandalf residentsleeper I'm not playing as gimbley again he's the worst character in again look at this oh you can do it for all you can do it for all I know this that I know this is what we usually don't stop the stream for typical when I say typical I mean like a typical like one sub or a one donation you usually don't do that but I have to stop here it's Marburg Ali says it's good seeing you play one of my childhood games I completed this when I was 12 you better finish this though thanks for the $2.50 though it's uh I had to read that because I've just been called out so 15 hours dream this is not gonna be a 15 hours dream you know why that is this is important I have talking about this I've I start physical therapy this week if I lock myself in here for fifteen hours today and I go to physical therapy I'm gonna have to explain to the doctor that I how long have you been sitting in that chair uh I usually six six to seven hours but so you but you do stretches yeah I try to what about last night 15 hours no I'm not going to the doctor that info just lie don't you know what's that old saying this this three people you don't lie to your doctor your financial adviser and your lawyer and your wife and your husband it's a five and your mother hey don't let your parents don't lie no just don't let anybody okay all right I gotta pay attention 6900 points or cure I mean this is just everybody needs this X X yeah this is a standard combo it's cheaper for Gandalf though yeah I'm just playing I want to play with Gandalf wait hold on you can play as the hobbits I don't remember that that's interesting to me for some reason I don't know why okay that's good replay no how do I get the hell out of here how do I continue I see continue down there do I have to go all the way down shit play is Sam I'm gonna get my ass kicked I play with Sam I don't think I'm into that I'll be honest the Emotiv even our final level turns to Gondor the last three kingdoms me his war on this country will come swiftly this is getting a little draw close and the strength of the Ring bear over uh how do we get this on screen it's very end this war must be decided by the smallness to see that was already laughing at the Lord of the Rings movie like the ring wanted to be found here's a boy task began but I'd be held it upon before sad story somebody's entire imagine watching Lord of the Rings in the theaters when people were screaming and cheering and yelling at every fucking of the lines somebody had their movie ruined one of the best franchises ever by being in the movie theater watching it like on large brush still questions needed answering secrets only Minas Tirith ancient city of man revealed the earth 34:34 of the second age who follows the account of Isildur High King of Gondor and the finding of the Ring of Power she I have to press a few beeps here again this on script I just come to me the One Ring it shall be an album of mice Kingdom all those who follow in my bloodline should be bound to its fate for I will risk to the ring I just turned off his precious it was in this moment this is the feature of movies guys came terribly clear to me I would weave a plan for a great war yet count upon others any movie advertising it is not gonna care anymore it was the destiny of a tag on heir to the throne to lead this war we see then against war warriors of every race fighting his companions alongside him this is good like other we would spring a great trap all right if I made this a good ok that's to do if I made a streamer along no one's done that shit war is about to die fish people sell fucking mice destroys like Goering keyboards I don't know what if I saw the Cologne Dumont do people need to branch out man it's not all about like your gamer chair it's about like blind the hands of nice fucking audit wallah before they like us we'll be in great better cologne that smells like me no that's strange I'm neither no absolutely not it would be a cologne that I would think would ice that smells good and that scent would be would be a combination of a couple things it would be right when you pull open a green Jolly Rancher that immediate scent that hits you nostrils that people put B in there somewhere like that gorilla that green apples smell will be there surrounded by a nice food and then would like a would smell like a burning would smell you know that that would never like a campfires going you get that that that would burn smell I think would be pretty good all right half of the King I think the second backwards level of skill tree here escape from Oz galuf doesn't you guys don't know what it is Oh Edie I'm dead serious people think don't don't tell him don't tell me I'm crazy - you smell food is an incredible smell it's like one of the best sense ever made it's incredible oh you D smell it a path of the Dead oh is this the assistant one the the story line that Peter Jackson Wis wished he deleted from the whole entire movie let's do this one locked who the other characters there are three secret fucking characters why is Gandalf locked I just unlocked him you he wasn't in that fight oh it's cuz you have the trial version this is the demo disc Sodom must believe we will use the ring against that guy sorry I only got like destroy first two levels in two characters borders oh by the way I'm gonna play through this two level demo a hundred times had a path for the return welcome to 1996 how did my soul too fucking goddamn cent I gotta look into this I'm gonna look into this and that's funny to me that's funny enough for me to set my eyes on it and lose a shitload of money and do it a dream Oh ball deep inside this haunted mountain they will face terrible trials they must overcome the Ross of an inch cursor drown and summon forth its King out of darkness Aragorn must call an army even Sauron sword cannot with stack all adjure fume now that's weird the living cannot defend the ministers without the I'm gonna call it liquid mold shut you think anyone would spray them near their face just practicing oh yeah you have no camera control in this I forgot alright gonna be careful the way is shocked it is made for those who are dead yeah Peter Jackson wished he deleted this entire sequence right he hated this part he was like I've that's the biggest mistake of my whole career you know he he really said that he'd actually like talked about that I swear to God he actually stood me oh I said what I couldn't come it's kind of hard to see Thurman knows Peter Jackson no I just know of the YouTube video I clicked on that talked about in the article about how he didn't like this scene and he didn't like of this whole sequence come on land land do something Oh God he never said that yes he did Jesus this is very ugly why is this uglier than the last one four am i miss remembering things or is this actually uglier than the second game the same console I feel like I'm watching a YouTube playthrough of this game that was uploaded in 2007 is it not at that why does it look so bad break the break that's right nice emulator this is not on an emulator this is on PlayStation 2 slim Edition I might actually turn it up I think I'm actually gonna go through and do some adjustments all right hold on it's cuz it's dark all right you get you got that image right let's do some adjustments okay all right looking better little more contrast as that saturation a little bit deeper a lot better yeah cuz this is yeah this is where it was before yeah that's why I look so fucking wrong it's like dark had bad contrast hook it up with an HDMI lol this I think there's an HDMI on the back of my playstation 2 slim edition I throw yeah again I don't we throw you guys could like not watch me do this and help it's an upscale ER it's on an OP skillet right now I play all the old consoles ruin upscaler so I think I think it's kind of an ugly portion of the game the first sequence didn't look like this like the battle the Home Depot didn't look like this hill the Battle of lo is now oh come on build up get some perfect this is this is perfect cheesy this is how you do it just stand in the middle and just BAM square break a shield you know the cows it is this 100 with his ugly goo yard sale no this is not a yard sale brawl why would a yard sale be in a cave yeah that's the problem exactly this is no video game on the screen it was just weird pixelated green water they might unlock a move was it it's X X a a now xx triangle deny and lock if everybody does grab the ring all right ah can I put one of you guys on this no don't mind just good to go go on guys I'll just do fucking everything they just do the dis up there vibing das ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly let's go build it up don't get got it I can get over there I get finally I can go over here nice ps2 slim addition don't make the ps2 slim additions was an amazing possibly should literally fit anyway you know the weird places I had to put this fucking thing and I was in my bedroom this thing could fit anywhere the ps2 slim addition is biggest like eight credit card it can go anywhere can we move did you put it in a ziploc bag of something no but you could you can stuff this somewhere behind like a bureau it fit everywhere you go under your desk it go on top of your desk this is camera angle all right I don't know what's happening I think I'm winning remember please Jim stop you making chat what time is it clear on my end no not at all oh there we go finally is it clear on your head no no it's not it looks like you are end Bureau is French for desk yeah that's what I called it am i weird for saying the word bureau now how much should I charge for the Cologne did it be something stupid so nobody buys it I do have a combo I could do without and pop it up on the screen every time probably $20 if you don't think should be like it 80 I'm only gonna make like Kennedy's you know are you sure you don't want me to have articles written about me like streamers such an egomaniac he has a 120 dollar cologne that he's selling I mean that's publicity for the community egomaniac I wonder how many bottles I could reliably actually get to manufactured look if you buy one of these clones you'll if they last a long time hi guys I bought cologne that I still have since high school I swear to go fifteen year old Cologne more than that try like 20 what the fuck is going on right now what am i dead I just got like trapped in the corner Aragon good job good work air gun or Legolas whatever one of you good job you're doing great give me a break this is why we need you to be Sam am I gonna be the first person that beats this game as Samwise does even have any combos the Sam have a combo I feel like it's so triangle is a fierce attack X's light attack square is parry right why do I feel like he's gonna have a stab with X and then oh oh oh oh oh instead of any other moves like it'll be I can make him say ooh get in here and help there's a funny noise back here sure you buy a cologne on your way out there only $100 all fair what's this what is this is it a rock oh [Applause] that's why it was what we needed to do cool I'm ever playing this level when I was younger and having perfect almost the entire time I played fuck did I do that that almost seems I'm not even achievable that was pretty good it almost there come on oh you idiots normal is easy yeah that's true hey German sucks thanks for saying I suck thanks Bob community suck subs thank you let me get out of here you're not down here I'll come down thanks for the subs now here's the thing okay let's say I make this point I know I'm on the kalam thing but you gotta give me just give me a sec you say I make this Cologne and it turns out like holy shit that's actually what a combination sensing this is fucking fantastic this is actually really good and I don't know some celebrity gets ahold of it try to sell the rights to them like a million dollars I think this like changed the name whatever and then and then I'm gonna hire Danny DeVito to be in a skit that's the long con here that's the long game here guys hi come on perfect perfect like there's not enough of them couldn't get through it is on normal though that's right where's another great point come on or fewer bitchy face come on give me perfect god it's right there come on oh you motherfucker level up is it her doctor can we go lotsa fucking exp lock it good nice alright well good don't die okay please when I was a kid I used to think you could only use or cure on orcs well I mean how old we were you were over or under the age of 10 that's not unreasonable we can use either one of you to handle even one person you guys have worse than the last is like it was dead this game is awesome yeah they vote really good [Music] the Lord of the Rings and The Return of the King I keep looking over on the other monitor and see that no anagon will be forced to rise above fear oh did you see that I didn't reply his stand against sarang's malice and unite all who fear Mordor Aragorn and his companions must first break the will of the king of the death pursued or cursed his heir must master his malice without this victory our cause shall be forever lost oh it's just a cutscene guys don't DMCA this stream I didn't do anything already purpose it I get like five five yeah we should rating good all right level three I let's go going over to all final judgment I don't want to play as Gimli rising and revenge you or are you are Gimli main no I'm not strength of stone permanently increases your health Lonely Mountain lore increased damaging get to perfect mode walk quickly we're doing help okay doing all I don't want to play his game like him he's not my main we get a poster I think we did for a second no no is this every I never looked for that shit this is a ever since I started streaming on Twitch I see them now I never even thought for a second but that was something to look for alright let's go we should probably point sin to did you just say Gimli is your main uh no I said Gimli is not my main aim concept art yeah let's take a look we have to watch all these hold on so this is the concept art for the game not concept art for the movie oh that's bright oh my god this is horrible that was wrong with the capture here it's really not right at all it's the gamma no it's a home honestly I think it's oh whoa whoa hold on something's not right here what's going on with the shit what's doing this I hold on I only turn this on birthday that's just fucked up I don't know what's going on wait is that that looks better i holla me let me go back in here now oh no what's going on with this thing did I make it worse the cables are bad how the fuck did that happen I've been gone for eight days what did they rot while I was gone a bun is that better maybe a little bit king of the Dead the southern gate now I got to all of them right now road to Isengard I get to begin to that's think it looks a little better though so I took the cable and I bent it and twisted it and hold on it I'm not gonna touch it in anymore I'm being gentle cable and ball torture it was not area chance that brought Marion demons of hangul forest the tree is talking [Music] I'm not troubled about the walls of minutes I love the word wizard I've my favor this is pirate quality it's really I really should just title this like Lord of the Rings Lord underscore of underscore the underscore rings underscore sitting at home X 2 1 1 4 rip heart one document zip and in the shade of fandoms trees does look like use of a haunted me find no actually does look better rises from eyes and that's been the first guy that runs alone - Gandalf it'd be like up boy you're done first I believe yeah whatever I love Chris ability that guy was running smart with that guy up there no I just blew that guy's head off Gandalf that was fucked up I'm trying to shoot the guy up here at this point blank that guy's head hold on can i yes I can why would I even ask we go I thought [Laughter] areas well he's like easy pickings back there get him I was currently going going and getting some kind of like Gandalf and don't tell me I'm crazy because all video game voice acting is either we got the money oh hold on a second come on somebody I'm in perfect mode how dare you come on No how dare you do this to me fuck you Emily what I was gonna say is trees of fan go away could you either have the real actor there and you have the money for it Ron she's or the guy from accounting dusk and out it yes don't I need permits here yeah the way fuck out of here you guys have blocking the screen and Ava's got a really good at work here come on bring it string it spring it nothing Wow pick up Oh get the fuck away from me give I got this I got this I got this leave me alone come on whoo holy they're just gonna thanks for steppin on me over and over again hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry he's on madness they require burning before they destroy all who live what fuck you Amy starwars wizzy really game that you can play use come on I just get that nice and clean should I play Jedi fall in order somebody please tell me the truth like I love lightsabers and I love Dark Souls games like well how would I not like that game it's it really is it really bad enough where you like no no no no it it's like stuff but that's got like that ticks every box for me following order is good one person just said it did I believe them do I believe that person believe that person okay fuck that guy don't they hey come on that's you guys sitting on the same train here you're not sitting on the subway and somebody gets off that is one at a stop and you go fuck that stop fuck that guy we're on the same train shit it's like popped in sitting on the scam train hell is that help come on come on no just excellent might as well not even fucking try then not even worth waiting about really like what the fuck I supposed to go now it's gonna do the camera change bullshit alright got it I'm actually playing pretty well remember last time I played this game I think the multivitamins working starts taking like a little Fulton motive ulti might have been recently and it would I think it's working Baltimore gummies they're getting [Music] that's like a perfect not like a perfect will you will you do that Gandalf can Delphi is that what you're doing you know is that what we're doing here I don't know I don't think that's what we're doing here I thought that just said overachiever on it now is that why you call me an overachiever I don't know wait I put the end out how do I save him I don't know to do I can't hit it oh is it the protective I don't even see the archers on my cellphone cameras sorry in delft best characters seriously why would I ever play another character we else take it come on go Sam Sam Sam but why would I want to play Sam but I can play it as Gandalf Sam gang Sam gang Sam gang Sam game alright I will play as Sam I will get it okay I don't know what's going on I just started laughing about the cows Rhone rock and black and white it's happening a lot I'll be out to dinner with Kim and now this think of her and in the rocket front and it's the eyes I don't know why it started crazy do not wait a minute what's the sport would like look an important message here you see what even witnesses hey everyone fucking listen for the love of God do not buy the five-dollar biggie bag from Wendy's he purchased the standard pork core on that bacon it comes to 450 his scamming you instead upgrade your fries to a large in your total will be five dollars I don't know what that means I had nothing to Wendy's in probably like six months I'm a McDonald's guy you guys know that I'm a McDonald's guy if I had fast food me and Kim Kim is the same way Kim's McDonald's girl I'm McDonald's guy number one I'm sorry that's just wait is McDonald's is dog food no it's not it's great it's good McChicken is fucking perfect number one is really good McDonald's is I like McDonald's I think when it's more comfortable for me to eat at McDonald's Wendy's might be higher quality food but I like McDonald's better I don't care it's like it how much did they pay you if you really think that McDonald's needs to pay somebody to talk about how they like the Big Mac I mean that this like 16,000 McDonald's stores they're doing just fine they don't need my help AB McDonald's hamburger is sold every tenth of a second in this country they don't need my help it don't need to pay me for that like that people are gonna eat there I wish we'd have final judgment that's its garbage food don't you're killing yourself did you have you ever listened to Benjamin Franklin's podcast all things in moderation he would he would had a great bought podcast anything I think Ben Franklin would have been the Joe Rogan any think so you would have liked the microphone setup he'd be bringing in people let me buy something I need to get this fellow I feel like I'm wasting money upgrade Gandalf this is stood for everybody X the dude came up with electricity even kidding I know what Tesla said yeah yeah yeah but but a Benjamin Franklin got struck by lightning first and he lived at least that's what the cartoon told them I'm gonna get this because this is very important for everyone to have this it's incredibly important and do I have enough I have enough to give it to everyone just give it everybody I'm spreading it all around this looks good it's a knockdown mmm I'll do the kill X circle R - that's good you sound like you're reading a menu at a restaurant by picking skills now I know exactly what I want see I pre-order at every restaurant I go to what that means is every restaurant has their menus online now go find out what I want I know what I want when I get in I don't have to ask any questions so then it's not a question of sitting there 20 minutes while I try to figure out what the hell you want to eat you kind of have to watch this no who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard what about during today's I've been providing the voice of Solomon empty cave stone Saruman the white was the head of the order and he thinks but he can be the lord of the ring he must join with some power of Saruman lies in his voice absolutely legendary and with the will he's not just a wizard who do extraordinary things he can convince most unlikely people this is the impression you see as he gives all not a professional or an absolute professional chess but you know if you do the right things this is big-oh Mortensen in this game I hope so I can go to the king of the Dead now we don't give to do we didn't we yeah we're gonna go up escape from Oscar loss you know what we do at all whatever we do it at all that was violent Sam isn't Sam chef well I guess he could you know how to cut stuff my heart is filled with worth great hope and savage for the success of our plan I must place the smallest others who the greatest always the mighty tried to possess the ring and always they faith faith has lent really resilient to the Rings corruption and brave by his very nature I want to watch these movies well I sure woods awesome to like this is just a all awesome cast like everybody is so good or don't start hard to bear with me he will need a companion and a guide who knows the waves of the enemy and the paths into Mordor for all three of them our bond to the fate of the ring and to the fate of each other all right I'm gonna how many people ER in this community like a few hundred thousand I'll Brent out a football stadium and we'll just put it on the big screen and everyone's invited we'll do that oh no that was like 40 million dollars to get the licensing to do that into the very fires watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy in a stadium Wow I hire a like a LARPing crew to do every scene on the football field while the movie is playing so you get to at the same time make it happen anybody have a hundred million dollars but they don't need any more they'd like to just have disappear let's go I'm the slashing at random people I always been supposed to following you and I block by the way all you guys that said like - - he's doing it that is the Oh button for him yeah or humor and even have or cure what is it it's uh it's what X he has it right doesn't he it's it's X circle X circle r 2x circle R - oh he's level one he can't do it oh all right my name is you okay can we not sprayed swords like this is just the you don't want to take it from your friend but if your friend has the legendary don't you think you should put it in the hands the person that knows like how to attack it's kinda it's useless in your hands right now it's sold on yeah well you shouldn't oppressed need on it but I'm not gonna give you shit for it we've now every time we can't talk about the world of warcraft every single time we play a game with swords in it alright I'm not gonna talk about it anymore any of the do anything out oh that was we just both hit each other at the same time damn is the best character will shapes will 6 I'm not sure if I agree with that statement but I mean he did win the Academy Award so view out years ago you kind of write their actual Academy Award yeah who's him got it then you notice the dragon well I did before but you know I don't know McGregor is still here this happen in the movie perfect perfect perfect Mon let's good Sam some perfect I need the XP this was cut from the movie that was cool move fired he does have to or cure I don't like Sam I don't like Sam's or cure it's too fancy I don't like that it takes him too long to do it I'm not blaming him okay plug and I'll fucking I'm leaving really I can't even see who's shooting Gandalf hits twice with his it work here he spins around in swings once it's not very good why the hobbits as tall as the orcs it looks like we're going up to the ladder to the cleric beast I'll take that one because that's an actual good reference I don't care what anybody says that was a great fucking referencing one of the best I've made in probably the last few months I don't care you've ruined it I know as to kind of button that kind of the point what just happened what's the timer oh the dragon comes back I see it was a plus two then you acknowledged it and turns into a minus four well I'll see what the other judges have to say at the end of the boxing match so there's always that one judge that's a real asshole Aragon is getting his ass kicked Irma we all did - - yeah but yo this is two other judges my mother watches these streams I'll text her later what you think about that thing I said about the clerk please honey it was so good it's always a bus - from mom by the way so sorry need some perfect bring the Bell again any bells can I throw down there I have to help AeroGarden is that even air going oh why do I have this wrong no wait is that error going hold on by the - error going your fake fan no this is the same person that's the same character model now look this error going again is that just like the default like human model blue fire going oh that's a broken back shit oh if you got the ambulance yeah off finally uh-huh I'll be good Dragons coming back I gotta go where is he oh god he's coming back what we're gonna kill the dragon you gave you up to a guy right you can't be up top when the timer reaches zero [Laughter] [Music] that's not that far back right it's actually pretty far back all right well now I just get out of the way thanks you too long I text along I was gonna default appointment takes too long looks like it the perfect which I might alright let's go I he's back he's back I gotta get out of here we go down does this count as hiding I feel like he came over here before all right so if I'm over here he's gone okay there's a lot of God Gollum can you fucking bite somebody's leg stab them I'm trying just help back here though all right let's go not this insanity again no this is not gonna be insane no it's not gonna be insane I have confidence that I'll get I will get this will be a normal spring normal my mother's watching is their favorite movie ever you saw the notification she texted me she's like wait hold on the movie like yeah she's like my favorite movie yes mom I have to be on my best behavior [Applause] yeah you guys had you to you know she can read the chat to help over here yes there is when's the next crack stream Oh your honor you tell me when to win do you guys think you're gonna smoke your next crack I don't know I can't tell you that the game definitely looks better - I don't know I grab the cables and shook them so it work I've gotta go let's go forget about it just move I can't walk that way whoo whoa whoa go go in go in go in go in all right we're outside dermis Devas in chatting that's clever that's pretty clever let's go three hits does it kill kind of all right we are safer here no one off just go just go to the next building you actually hit me I was ripping back and foot when you scare me you have a lot of moms it's only one mom and it's my mom that's it you're a letter where's the water anybody see a ladder can you say go down there it is you can play as Gollum they'll be awesome if you could golem gang any help ooh not a good place I want to be I don't have a checkpoint so I can't park this up I'm gonna really focus here okay that master I could do it I'm pretty good at that one this real voice derma are you available of course I'm available Billy walk walk blocks weight meats back on the menu ooh yes I've got a big guy coming what the fuck is this come on bring it on how many do we have ooh that hurt a lot um all right kill these guys first don't knock me into the fucking goddamn it it happened that took of all I got him in the back I think holy shit all right no I can't hurt fuck am I supposed to do heavy attacks why did I have to I'm so fuckin mad why did I have to get knocked into the - Health's this is too full and I'm about all the way back in the beginning was there was our check one at the bottom of the sewer police tell me there was oh fuck me I'm just running its course these two hills that I'm just trying to this three guys to I'm just running I don't care I care if I get a zero I have to kill like a few people fuck why this mission sucks let's go someplace it's Sam like me playing is the most powerful wizard in the universe but I'm gonna be the guy a dollars everyone can to help went through aza Killa I gotta get experience points for saying you're being a Sam hater well that's okay one of my thoughts on The Hobbit movies um I had people hate those movies I thought they were fine I mean they stretched they stretched a book as big as a Goosebumps book into three four-hour long movies so that was probably a mistake but whatever I this I think this is still enjoyable I like smog I think he's good you're a little long looks rag doubt I think I could still enjoy them do I love them no what I choose to watch The Hobbit movies probably not if I'm scrolling through cable and I land on The Hobbit and there's 45 minutes left in the movie yeah sure I'll catch ya why not please get out of my way please get out of my fucking life don't even fucking think about it seriously come on don't even think about I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I'm in a minute hahahaha let it cool down but no I wouldn't really choose to watch The Hobbit movies but I a them it's not don't leave me he does hate me no he doesn't hello let me get through this you just knock them back up his I know his okay think about movies I don't really hate movies I don't really I hate video games like you know what it is because I'm in control of the video game and I feel like I'm being personally slighted when I as my avatar can't do something I'd like to do right but a movie I'm watching somebody else I don't care I think if the movie sucks whatever I had nothing to do with it if something bad happens to me in a game I had something to do with it I don't hate movies really I can no I can think movies aren't really good to bud no there's no surge to for me or surge no I didn't played the surge - there's no surge that's not even the worst game I think I've ever played either like my mind saying that it spills it on fear alright can you stop forgetting on the ladder alright I got to pay attention because I'm not doing this again it gets then one time I don't swing swing you're just waiting for me to do it okay just I got this two health packs up they're not gonna try hard as Sam yes I am come on don't okay all right all right all right easy oh my god I just tried to do a heavy attack and he fucking like destroyed me help okay okay okay okay this is this is a little ridiculous let's go level up he's beginning to believe yes this is the end of the level that sucks have you made a reward to end the stream and now the ring moves closer quarry was it not due to the parent of all who travel that road 150,000 channel points to end stream no [Music] million no I don't want that what if I have something big planned hey guys here we are on a big stream that took a look few weeks to make au turn the stream off okay bye let's turn it back on a second later do you know how much that fucks up with notifications and it would just be bad if people would just leave and then I would delete a bunch of people because they probably wouldn't come back so they already got the notification that would screw it no I'm never doing that and thousand six alright what is what does Sam get I don't even wanna play nice okay poison blade increases the time that a hobbit is hidden by using his elven cloak warriors Bane Harry then instantly kill a man-sized enemy so everyone as opposed to a child size of hobbit-sized enemy understand I have 12,000 boys and daggers strength of iron permanently creases your health I'm not alive um like a fall or I could get this for everybody or pain or I probably orc pain right get orphan for everyone it's so important it's just bang it's instant yeah it's good for everyone and you know what I got some points let's do people are gonna be pissed off if I don't buy at least one thing Sam I will do we did the cloak was it all the l1 r1 elbow okay it wouldn't work bane impression I don't oh I see you saying no no I don't think so I don't think it's not I don't think that's gonna escape from Oscar LOF all right now we're in the main story here like we do have Santa well we have a Sean Astin interview let's check it out wardog the one place middle-earth we don't want to see any closer the one place we're trying to get to it's just where we can't get let's face it mr. Frodo we're lost there's a lot in the movie where Sam is the character himself is very American he gets sad a lot he's there's a kind of comic relief elevator [Music] his goodness and his decency is what makes him heroic and his his bravery in the face of great danger spoilers but because the game is sort of an action war game the aspect of Sam's character that really comes through in the game is the kind of heroic fighting Sam I get to really go and fight the orcs instead of having to you know pull up from stabbing him because it's a stunt guy you don't want to hurt you really feel like you're inside the movie driving the movie when I actually for the first time had a controller in my hands I was looking at a very realistic likeness of myself every so crazy then it reminded me of filming the scenes that looked exactly like where we were filming on the sets and it was totally interactive I think the game is merely feel like Sam yeah that's good all right let's do the King of the Dead I can't fucking believe I'm doing what I did last time we're gonna get to a level of where I'm stuck for like two hours and it was because I didn't pick it like Aragon in the first level aragorn's path leads him through this terrible place but a king of those long death commands the fate of those not more he must be forced to you boss boss fight I wasn't just talking to Aragorn why was that perfect there Emily sucks he doesn't it's just a little small come on all right let's go bring it on I need to get some purpose here what come on here comes Herbert come on do it do it their health anywhere my mountain no I say we doing over there what are you throwing it Gimli yeah I don't even see what that was just he does that every time I have to fight him again waste of my perfect meter dude oh he's gonna do it again I see oh it's like space invaders spray-z good hey he's gonna do it he's gonna do no help I'm in trouble god so annoyed alfe got it nice let's go bring it on bring it on bring it on new commentary for them for the day I fucking forgot again it's not a wave oh shit and his archers hey he's off screen that's not fair how do you do fellow warriors that doesn't work here why they breathe fellow warriors oh all right I win this is it don't go right in here we go I wouldn't [Music] [Music] but tell you I need you to come off the boat and be in the movie for 10 seconds in a battle let's say you oh Jesus no I'm slow all right if this is me I have at least 10 or 15 axes that I have made for me I am face ball swinging and throwing the axe off and running with both hands yeah I got extra axes you know I mean make sure you have at least ten of these that are made all right I can't see shit let me know where I am Jesus this is fucking idiot over here that's messing the whole thing up who's winning up okay that's a good question I think I am currently will see it about 10 seconds that's gonna be the case dude Jeremy gets you a mother please stop saying the f-word so often my learned it from you okay this is fun I guess get the fuck out of my way go wink now no no no no no no this level sucks I don't want to do is level again I'm trying to get fruit no no links not now no no no no no for Winx you'll get it just no no I can't fucking see to be perfect how the fuck you out of perfect right at the fuckin end give me a break wait is even more this shit a surprise I did that six links what Oh Jesus right that's a triple perk the purple what purple hi Kirk said why can't I say this purple perfect what happened what I thought what wouldn't mean I've ran the wrong way what the hell what the fuck was that hi Jesus what the fuck was that I'm gonna bring the wrong way oh come on after this whole thing again do I help give me a break I was playing pretty well too what so how do I run the wrong way mr. wink you rip to the wall instead of the door now fuck ass come on give me a break winks worthless now all right that was hard too not a bad start except this is stupid mother fucker in the back with the dumb bow and arrow I hate arrows it's so hard to see anything in this fucking game let alone the guy shooting the arrows missed another link neither then I did two extras I did two extra links so I'm covered for those two that I missed yeah damn and I don't let's do this again this mission is so dumb it's not even happen in the movie there's a cut it cuts to them being outside get out of it come on I'll give Li I'm not even fucking it why wouldn't you put the camera like Ethan 30 degrees higher than this all I see his green smoke does anyone else case iron as blood you tasting blood I don't know why you're tasting blood but I would maybe figure it out maybe but you be tongue or something just be careful alright this time we're going to fuck it up let's go I beat this game again and again when I was eight I didn't uh what the fuck is going on too slow I was hot I'm walking down that's not the wrong way I'm literally walking down what it was wrong I didn't I just was walking it was stupid you please the legs are too short that's probably like whatever if I did I fuck it up again Mini's perfect okay can we please keep going it's happening again oh no oh god is happening again but the Jeremy runs into terrible game design choices the scream now are you're describing blame the player done no no don't blame game only blame game it's never my fault only blame videogame yep call Peter Jackson right now I don't have to I don't know Peter Jackson's fucking telephone numbers and he had nothing to do with this game we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good nice brain eventually not even even as bad as you're saying it's gonna just BAM swear because of what I'm just gonna get perfect by doing this this is 70 people [Music] okay I guess I hit somebody with an axe that I guess and three come out and then I okay then where's the bright wouldn't I go where's it right way look at that doesn't this breakaway this looks like it breaks away but it's not this way this it's down here I got to get this right from when I need to leave down here all left like the way that I came in lat like over here your other left that is left so this way what are we doing all right let's go I don't want to be more what's going on what's happening what is going on what what the fuck the art of intent that took too long I was the last art of why they even spiked me a break oh I'm actually mad about this what the fuck vid they're spawning Archer are the right with a camera don't even fucking look there's that what I can't what am I gonna complain about a 20 year old game that who cares I'm sorry seventeen year old I have to pee too let's skip this mission he was a perfect now way that better when Christopher Lee was talking that was interesting I can't even get that help you've gotta be fucking kidding me hey I gotta do something bullshit alright I'm gonna beat this one I'm gonna try as hard as I can is it too early to be maulding I hate time missions no matter what it is I hate scrolling Mario levels for the same damn reason guys I don't put pressure on me fuck off I want to play game like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like I'm gonna die die in here if I die again I have to go pee pee-yew pants no no no I don't have it to do that that's not a good idea what the fuck am i walking into right now there's nothing I got man there's nothing in that water all right this is it let's go I'm trying as hard as I can I can say work let's go is this still somebody over here come on man let's go out Legolas get the fuck out of the way kill him kill him kill him please God every time it's right at the end Oh slow down I'm okay I don't like it mad about anything I've I saw have we failed us of the word failed and I got very upset for I thought I got annoyed for a sec and verse 14 I gotta pee you've hated every mission so far that's not true I like the second one that's come before all German please stop streaming my friend won't play a game with me because he's watching you stream I'll play with your friend what's his name what's the name look just go play whatever you gonna play go play with them don't worry you're not gonna miss much all you're gonna miss is me over the next 3-4 hours progressively get more annoyed at this PlayStation 2 game to a point where I hit a wall and I say I'm sorry guys I'm not gonna be able to do this tonight because this guy I don't did I don't like this game and it's much making me very angry and then we're gonna sit there for an hour on the same mission I'll finally beat it and I'll be like wow what a good experience you're not gonna miss very much I'm gonna get it all you spoiled the whole stream no it's not gonna happen Perry then instantly kill a man sighs enemies just do it for everybody is there it can I do healing yet no I'm gonna say the points my name is bending all right it's not a P let's go peach both see if you have to repair a bareback it wasn't what's going on why they're doing this southern game no uh concept out or interviewed come on you Hey I'll call material I wanted to comment on it says I wonder what the average day for a germ of yu-er is I think I could have a pretty accurate statement of what that is you get up in the morning at 7:30 a.m. sharp answer your 20 emails on the incredible time you're doing on the stock market you're up at least two at $300,000 I think total you doing really good trades you do technical analysis pretty good you get in your BMW on the way to work you're a neurosurgeon the first neurosurgery of the day see what we're doing even playing Lord of the Rings you like that's kind of cool lunch I'm only 23 dude that's real young to be doing the things you're doing damn good work that's me that's me real wink I have somehow tangled my headset I don't know how I did this like how did I do this I'm gonna hold this up because this is just that this is an oddity how does this happen what did I do to have this happen look it's Eva it has its own gravity it has its own gravitational pull how does this make any fucking sense what is going on right here it's standing up this wasn't like this when I left the room mega milk shirt no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I gotta have to fucking make you stop that so this is a resin red sock shirt Jesus Vegas sucks alright alright alright alright I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready you guys right here we go a storm GC ten ten community subs thank you for the ten sub storm great canadian FK club thanks for the five community subs thanks a lot guys storm actually gave twenty community subs let's get that right thanks for the huge amount of fucking subscriptions and you've given to the channel and yes i'm aware that there was a there was a wink on the chimp don't look at that don't look at that come on what the fuck everyone's looking at it I could feel it I don't see through the southern gate why is he locked puberty at 34 no it's called shaving and having irritation come on armed with an oath of allegiance from an army long-dead ten more subs from Skull prett thanks comfort appreciate its color thank you gate here to join the great battle of our time I actually remember this mission I'm gonna like this one guaranteed well never mind you can't walk that alright just run that hurts back up Wow I can't do a big swing I should kill it now use pyromancies yeah what the hell was I thinking I'm dead Dave a kick-ass lightning bolts at the motherfucker armed with an oath of allegiance from an army long see I remember this yeah I'm ever hearing this is a grim scene more than a dozen times the river sea every time yeah I actually think this might be a hard one 20 hour stream no it won't be that long so do I have the the instant kill all right let's try to get this happening here all right you bait them over there and then I'll know huh does that every time it's an instant counter environment kill them or something no it's shit this is fucking harp dad so would one tap run away but when I get close enough it's almost like you kind of can't avoid it one tap run one tap run one tap run oh no this is like this this environmental shit over here online door Thank You Gorham Aggie for the five communities up so a lot of community subsidy thanks for the this is vital shit over here homie oh my god I could like yeah gonna launch something at them can i yeah yeah alright alright yeah yeah okay go go go trigger the cutscene okay let's roll that's what I wanted to throw my spirit is guy across the game yeah that's how I wanted to throw the fucking spear at like the sound guy alright gimme you knows what I'm trying to do here we go I got ribeye when he come over here come over here god damn it you know what I could probably just do down here I could get a shitload of perfect why didn't fight the guy just Ryan okay here we go Adam I've even fought the troll yet oh god oh god oh god too many I can swing I can't even swim yeah I can't swing that I can't handle Wow it's the trough still at the door he is isn't he he's still gonna be there when I do this right [Applause] too many people over here all right launch the other one let's go it had me to get up there okay and that I did - damage to him no I didn't want an ad this is gonna take a while this is a grim scene and then through Gondor southern gate here to join the great I remember this level I played it over and over we'll be all right now I'll get it right now run run run run run run run ah yes I know this catapult I'm also surrounded by people Auto attacking me at all times launch it let's go how many how many therefore all right I'll get it one two three four all right did it please get out of my way they with me they've running with me no do it do it r1 what okay I know I need to go forward to the gate fucking walk just please this is one more catapult somewhere I think I just have to patrol to have to kill the troll I haven't don't throw Donna I gotta kill this troll Donna oh yeah yeah oh boy alright okay alright I got help relax okay anybody yeah how the fuck am I gonna throw a spear at this guy in the middle of all this bullshit I how the hell is that gonna happen like what I'm the only guy on field right now I got hung up his spirit Patrol just kill them all I think they've today eventually go go opportunity okay all right all right all right all right all right all right down to what else now what else I do have to do I have to go kill that motherfucker right now just on my own I can't kill this troll by myself very much catapults is it one more over here it might be so it's not time for anything over here sorry that was like the script supervisor sorry I just have to get in there I think and fight Patrol get out of fleas to get out of the way so I can throw a spear the right side didn't I've just I've just over here wait actually like we're gonna run through this Oh look how small we didn't have to restart it oh my god there's a big one up here how do I get rid of this guy what didn't I shoot up catapulted this guy over the edge wait wait wait um boss dude okay I need help somebody drop help please this is never gonna stop Kahn okay I just burnt them or it's a full health right there I'm in perfect mojo perfect I'll just hit him Wow that hurts oh my god I just got double tap fuck watch out watch out watch out please I can't if I go in there and hit him he swings and fucking hit see those two idiots the same thing even the AI cannot avoid that hit I have two throwing axes this video game does this thing where it auto walks onto somebody and I can't change it I would love to throw an axe at him but it's gonna pick one of the random actors in front of me run run run run run run run this guy's dead all right that one's dead nope not yet it's not gonna happen get out of the way this killer all right go down go down I'm coming back down this is just to get in the front door what the hell happens when you get through the house okay where I'm just go back no don't I'm gonna go back down can I use reliably can get by him holy shit he's gonna hit once okay fuck you if I win all right yeah there we go we're good we're good we're good okay okay he explodes I didn't know he was gonna explode that was bullshit you didn't give me a second man I was in a cutscene that's not fair all right you guys handle this well I do this it's so unfair man am I still fighting up here I'm getting hit up here I get I'm getting hit do you see how my good thing I was spamming square because I would be dead back down wait no dump the dump the acid on them okay Barton let's go good dude what the fuck that's gravy out of here alright let's go back down through the front door that's the best song ever there's no health down here is it the end of the level yeah that was tricky that was tricky that's a good grind level yeah yeah absolutely we had big bits we had 10,000 bits from freaked-out wait didn't I ban you like I banned you from giving bids ever again or something didn't I this guy this is a ban-ban I banned myself of reading this person's bits ever again ban him again yeah yeah what the fuck what now this is the porn guy this is the porn codes porno porno guy yeah no hi dad day struck out this is good use on powerful photos to smash a shield knocking to the ground and strike yup give him a chance give him a chance give him a chance give him a chance give em a chance give him a chance oh you had three chances that's how baseball works you swinging this three times you're out yeah you already had your at-bat but you want me to give this guy a whole inning worth abouts a whole season I hope all right I'll get my chance I'll give him one more chance this is it okay ready this is freak out thanks for the hundred bucks is a lot of money that's you've given a shitload of money but you've also been banned from me reading them but I'm doing it anyways so we'll get a truck so stop me I'm gonna say this very slowly stopped me if there's something wrong with this message uh uh welcome to hell Jeremy we've been expecting you here are the wise words of one of the great philosophers of our time Gucci without the sauce stop you going okay a man is lost but the same man can be lost in sauce at first I didn't get it but once I saw Abby drown and honey is that another route this guy my fine encrypted porn I'm encouraged feel like I should buy something no I'm gonna save it for Samwise I'm not gonna play them all right okay let's go ooh here it is I want this I want everybody to have this strength the buyer and I want everyone to have this too dark deliverance all right then I got a new combo though what is it what is it triangle no what is it I just did it and I just get it now I didn't final triangle circle triangle yeah [Music] but thank you freak up for the ten thousand ten thousand bits hundred fucking dollars shitload of money it's a ton of money it's too much money but but yes unfortunately I will be screening your calls for the remainder of time that you give any money if you ever do again that's just where it works I've got to screen your calls now all right we're at fields we're almost at the end of the game this shit hadn't been 11 12 13 hours um I would've beat this game soon this game's shorter than the last one that's interesting all right let's do um ministeria the wall oh yeah I'm so happy I get to begin Delphine who are the secret characters you missed an interview oh I'll get it we'll watch it the last game included parts of Fellowship of the Ring no that's and sat on lens that the ring is in the hands of he will be drawn faith has given us for he knows not who bears the with your favorite level this confusion is the baked on his place in mind he's coming for you ride to Gondor aid striking from the north unchecked fire now feminized dmca catacombs through death shadow the elephant's wave level is really really grim I mean really grim x'd like you can smell the bad design travel terminus to this damned philipovich we must beat sauron's armies in our bid to buy Frodo and Sam enough time I mr. wink okay thanks for reminding me what has reached my ears of this Aragorn I will not bow to this Ranger from the north is there any hope kind of no absolutely not everyone's going to die mr. fools it will be before these wars of our time one outfit don't you go I don't wear that out there I won't wear this like the big road and like the cool like the pants why can't I feel like a cool magical wizard or something oh no it's know what hold on it's a ladder level no it can't be it can't be they wouldn't bring this back how do i how do I not get ladders down no it can't be how do you kick a lot how do you kick them down circle oh my god okay this is okay there's a ladder level and this so much this like verticality launch the catapult and elf lumps catapult [Applause] no anything but a ladder level well I'm looks like I'm doing okay it's not a total loss cause yet maybe this one's more forgiving it's not that's great it's really good to hear this design the level is kind of odd this is all the way to the right okay this is all the way to the right is there any health or anything over here that I can see her need well what is the or clock in the top-right mean that when it gets bold it means it's over what is this guy going why can I go down here it seems like a place I don't want to be or is it I don't okay whoa somebody drop help somebody drop help thank you okay this is not as bad as the last one was the last one was unbelievably awful [Music] I see siege towers stopping capitals yep up here Joe you guys know to do I got it good right direct hit got it I'd do it again good to do this again still here fire and now okay cuz I gotta go down here there's a dragon - all right hurry up perfect you need help oh shit here comes another one is there another catapult or is it just the one catapult catapult up here I hope to god there is very hurry catapult oh fuck they've made it they made it they made it it's over what happens in breaches I mean do it are they're just gonna pour in oh I'll be fine now kill it okay that's good thank I was concerned pretty much been ovary that's what I'm a big deal yeah come on where are they all why is it they're all they're totally focused already today okay I'm gonna lose how many there's not any ladders up like dude I'm fucking going there's nobody even up here all right I have to shoot the uh catapult no don't fuck it let's go all right kid all right seriously when is this gonna be over all right let me get this first try don't do this again there's nobody over here okay there are people over here quite a few actually there's quite a few people over all right let's let's go no fuck you these guys just spawned out of nowhere they weren't even here where no Oh where's no writer here [Music] get this shit out of here all right now I'm gonna go shoot this with chemical shoot the tower that's I'm gonna go go go go go go go go go go hurry up whoo get out of my way what is this fucking tower I'm in what is this this is not the catapult what the fuck is this Weiss is even here what's this here for what a waste of time to be I'll even go up in this tower why is here what I got I can't do what I gotta fucking clear this out God let's just make a call for a fucking shower that means nothing and by the way the cameras gonna change angles 15 times fuck forgive latter levels not another ladder level and we let's go alright I'm ready destroy the siege tower I try I try to just to it but we have cinematic towers to China and another time - mission in this time - game god damn it I can't fucking believe I have to do this again we already did this in the last game this doesn't even happen in Return of the King they just wanted to redo it because it was easy to put it as a its own level the Lord of the ladders damn it man we're fuckin green is everybody pick your shit out of here alright I'm gonna call that something wrong with your fucking gauge there's nobody here why would that be at like 50% Phil there's only one letter go all the way over here alright then I got a number with it's out of poultice nothing over here right no no this this this these camera changes make me want to throw up into my hands and use it to wash my face it's seriously the most disorienting fucking thing ever I'd see what this is on the same plane we've changed directions like four times you have a to wink debt that's all right I'll settle it up later two links in the sink nobody wants to do a ladder of choice to level here we go and there's already a bunch of people up here and I have to shoot it twice oh man oh man here we go here we go again we're gonna go up here and get this over with you can't why can't you just fire with uhm I need to tell you when to fire just fire you're in the right spot why do you need someone to tell you to do it just do it I gotta clean up some this shit but then flashback and out I'm already overwhelmed I have to fire them hey idiots what do you what are you aiming at why is this not turn the other direction what why is this not firing into the direction why would it not be firing into the right side now I'm dirty is they only want to shoot it the one coming in on the left side what the fuck is that they won't rotate it what to shoot the tower yourself well what that what in the name of God is the reason to use the catapult the first place oh my god there's no nothing there's no reason okay here we go I'm gonna I'm just gonna ignore it somebody said that 80% won't you know you could say that that's it that that's accurate it's not 80 a significant portion of my 2020 streams have been running around pushing bladders done that's true how many hours have i streamed in 2020 anybody know doing it do we have that data there's at least six of those hours or so have been pushing ladders down in the Lord of the Rings game and then it's gotta be like probably 5% 6% what the fuck all right let's get that to 12% all right I gotta stop reading chat and play the game you know what go down here it's probably easier for you to hit these just go all the way around right that's the Scrat anytime doesn't need more than one in the middle where's this where's this thing tiny ass ladder I don't want to do it again I'm not even having flashbacks I'm redoing I'm reimagining the same thing I did this is not a flashback look at my fucking help - it's so bad move please there's another catapult with the other side why isn't the show up on the mini-map why is this the only one that shows up on the mini-map I'm gonna I'm gonna have to restart this one because this thing's gonna get that I need to get over here get out of my way pain in the ass it's a dragon on our team he's gonna make it in oh boy what a grim seed this one in now please give me help can I train somebody let me just take a life drain one of these fucking guys oh my god is too many so it is there is a catapult on the lower right corner here is that what you saying what should I just go shoot it with my own with my shooting I shoot it let's go shoot it with my own arms I'm gonna shoot my own arm I get actually working I thought okay I can do that but I'm gonna lose anyways because I don't have a second player who's doing the other shit while I do that we're gonna always go ahead and go come on die I please come on go go go go go go go oh my god give me a break booth move move knock it down knock it up all right I gotta yeah I gonna shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot come on come on come on good where's it it's here already it's here is it here it works go go go go go go go but that was only that was on the mini-map for like one second that's gotta be scripted right mass be scripted right dude please just get out of the fucking goddamn way you're driving me nuts traffic me nuts with this bullshit I can't just god damn it tell me you you have to die before I got a fucking opportunity oh good hit the wall excellent work Kendall your aim is impeccable actually mad no no I'm not what half-mad go down we're running - I don't know Gandalf doesn't have fucking plan I don't know just fucking run can't get him the bathtub I heard that's the best place to go and there's a tornado maybe it will work here are we gonna get out where am I Oh chest [Applause] end up what did you do you just killed everybody oh that sucked not as long as the last one though thankfully those latter levels of so other Wars I hate them I don't know what ladders the only ladders I want to climb are I said it wrong the only ladders I wanted the ones that I climb did a lot of experience did I buy everything for everybody let's see lightning bolt increased damage on the projectile I want that I use it a lot what's his link pretty guys spanning here what is this I like it ah let's get but what I what I want first which is I want the combo factor for rapidly dispatching shielded enemies yeah triangle X X triangle angle triangle square have you've done this move I have a lot of points to spend ooh all right I'm gonna I'm gonna up Greg and else check this magic shield causes increased damage and persist magic shield I have to do somebody special moved a lot of God wink now no not yet and I'm gonna do ya better of lightning bolt I already have this and fire yeah that's what I want yeah I never there's no opportunity for me to do with this shit yeah that's good enough alright we go you want a wink there I just did it it just happened I was I was in the middle of it when I turned off the camera but you got what you wanted all right no oh yeah now there's another wink 20 minutes another one it's at the top of the wall Ian McKellan I will draw you Saruman as poison is drawn from the headquarters in England of EI let's meet they were to crack the game people can now play it's a curiosity of Gandalf that there are many others this enemy but then when was making the film there was my double there was the stunt Gandalf the ones who did the fights in 12 then was the digitalized again - who sometimes seen in the crowd scenes in the film then there's the Gandalf of this this guy the Gandalf is 7,000 years old but he can do the most remarkable things and he's still got that's a long time staff and I only wish that Gandalf from the Philmont been quite as agile as the wisest of you being alive maybe the most said that long Gandalf everyone's favorite character your immortal character or something mortal if you can't be in the movie or play the game I'd have been alive and be able to see the dinosaurs become extinct it's too much info to have now let's go on the other let's let's go back to our to our Hobbit crew 7000 oh I know 7000 years is not 7 million I'm just saying that if you if you were immortal you just watch whole civil no I wouldn't want to do that but thousand years would be fun though like a beauty just eleven thousand years it's kind of interesting I wouldn't want to live forever golems treachery may yet be the ruin of our plans at home they guide Frodo to his do you really want Jeremy you look like Gollum you look like ohm he has actually how's your facial features you kind of look like him yeah I know it's funny okay mr. Frodo was counted on you to rescue him no matter what this is a maze level what Hey step on them and I burn them now what's it what's a new combo it's this triangle angle circle triangle X X what is it X trying X triangle X X is he doesn t have any level three god damn it right he's little three I already have that this is embarrassing guy Sam then this is embarrassing you're embarrassing me say the line say the line say the line um okay well it's not that I can't say it yeah it's not not accurate yet what's this couch name you Shelob damn all right where is he I just heard him say like Sam help me use fierce attack use fierce attack use fierce attack I use fierce attack or should I use someone else mmm works like charm actually no health away oh this is a grim seed [Music] shit I don't know that we can do that all right let's go marry me this move I'm coming Frodo burn it I'm gonna fuck him first if I don't hear that line in 10 seconds relax [Music] that didn't do anything what how did I not do anything that's shield off no pick it up Oh got it here we go nothing God is knock it over knock this over just who cares all right now throw this out got him all right now drink the soup in the middle can I drink this soup I'm car all right fraud I'm sorry strategy didn't kill spider why where are you ro ro ro ro and no no I want to throw throw throw throw throw [Music] oh shit forget it come on how are you I'm here on fire you're just dead just die we have to full health I don't fuck around just get it whoa I hit him but with the fire was he okay this guy's freaking me out you fucking freaking me out man but the health disappear no they don't take this if the health disappears does it you gotta be kidding me it disappears health is Chris I didn't know that I didn't know I disappeared I can think disappears come on you deserve that no I don't checkpoint look good it's a giant enemy come on hi there pick it up Sam pick up the fuck on you idiot I'm trying to pick up the thing and he won't pick it up whatever a check points right there full health I'm just gonna burger boys techniques the rest again he said it we can move on well you can do it everyone you can you can do whatever you want you're the ruler of your own destiny right now oh I've got itchy skin again r1 okay now excuse me r1 r1 r1 okay clear it again I need to do - I don't just walk around them I have to use the guitar oh I r1 don't r1 under star one stand your arm one I don't even know what that means but it's funny here we go this way that's a spongebob reference what a great show you guys like that show shit how can I throw them Hey right in here what the hell what I can't walk I can only stand still I can't carry the torch I can only stand still okay well I'm gonna go the other way is this even doing anything am I just stuck here enough wait you cut it I don't think I can now you can't just cut it get out of the way all right I'm going I'm good I'm good I'm good what happened here I gotta go up oh that's a pain in the ass I gotta go all the way around and throw it over there a little puzzle I can figure it out I'm where I need help keep looking to try to help me help nice okay go ahead back to it Fellowship of the Ring all right what's the best Lord of the Rings movie and that's a real debate for this chat here what's the best Lord of the Rings movie which one it's not what I wanted to do really hello shit that fellowship is pretty good it's probably two towers for me yeah it's two towers for me yeah turn of the king is really good but it's it's two towers I think at least for me just so many here the best trilogy ever made oh absolutely I don't think anything comes close what comes course what's a trilogy that comes literally oh well shit here we go I have to pick them up alright what's the strategy here walk walk walk and they go in with this a couple of swings yeah it looks like it's a block block swing maybe not I don't think that's what I have to do okay what what happens in the movie doesn't he do something in the movie giant enemy spider dance done okay good just keep running we should run forward six just walk walk walk and fight I wonder if it does it he's like a charge shun she right she long no I think it's to fight it I can't really run around sure throw he keeps backing up so fast I can't even okay I'm dead a lot of Health try to get her back to this yeah it's right it goes back to the wall no you go over this way back up here are you doing what are you doing stop it stop doing that you're freaking me out back into the ball you go no stop stop stop don't you doing it's gonna wait till she does that because let's pinch miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss been like that no all right I don't know if you I think you're in a good spot no you're not do you hit me this is two one two why'd you swing a third time I'm not doing this right yeah there's something else I have to be doing ah what fuck is it going on [Laughter] okay for a second for a second I thought this was the webcam facing this guy and that was his webcam I'm like this is it no it's I don't know what is going on in this fucking image you guys have freaking me out who made this hold on hold on hold on this is so stupid oh my god ah all right I'm gonna get let's go Oh too small to hit him my weapon is too short and I'm too small I have to run behind I have to run back I don't know what I'm supposed to fucking do with this I've got a throw it has to be throw there's no way there's no way this is not a throw no fucking way this is not probably throw this or something like hit this thing with them what the fuck I'm definitely not doing this right I got to do this correct I'm not doing this right I got to do this right does it get me something I'm gonna look at the environment as that you do in these games you check out the environment the environment that's fucked in fiction oh it's just stupid all right what do we got around here Sam's on frogs nothing wait it's something over here I don't know I don't think so do what I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I don't have to I just have to watch the movie to find out what they do you have to pick a Frodo no I can't pick photo up all right use the cloak but somehow made it worse I just have to in the base we didn't do anything stab the button I mean as Hardin did I don't think I can do that she's gone she's constantly moving around I can't like get around her no fuck good luck what welcome step I can unleash the cloak like every two minutes and she backs up she's like swearing back have you ever seen this movie yeah but this is not I don't know what happened to somebody I don't what happens in this movie what Oh okay so gotta take her down to 30% and then she jumps up and and spiders spawn and it just all right I'm going for it let's go it's gonna be very very careful they're stopped please let's just swing at you come on spin around do the thing that you spin around and you run around the circle and I can just sprint into you like that because Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya let's go all right kill the spiders quick its triangle are two triangle are two triangle are two not one of you dropped hell I dare you come on Oh what you aren't annoying you're an annoying you're annoying they say what's your size this is okay let's go again use the cloak but not gonna help me right now I need one of these guys to have health you're really pissing me off with the spiders shit I'm dead he's supposed to hit the abdomen is impossible I think that's actually possible you can't search me look come on bring on the spider is oh hell but difficulties is on normal this game I don't think is completable on heart unless you have two people playing at the same time and they've grinded a level a hundred times range to throw up why are you not grinding a hundred times Oh Mike well I'd already just readin not what are you up to nothing but just readin [Applause] fuck off give me some help finally he fuck faces [Laughter] dai have it be done please its it over yet what are you doing what the fuck is going on do swing run behind I don't know give me some help holy fuck okay alright I'm in trouble I got a move at some point here but it's gonna be he's gonna body slimming she's gonna body slam me she's gonna body slimming I can't move no way give me a break I'm serious I can't do anything I bet I could cloak but if I have to kill them eventually I'm not high enough level for this what level is Sam I don't even remember I didn't block Oh he's on five I mean this is the only I probably have to grind in the level with him that's probably what's happening you're right I should get it all right did you just got to kill him the second that they land up you have more than three people around you they just fuck all right watch over the body slam let's go fuck all right here go no okay bad angle bad camera alright now watch did she runs around the circle she's run right great excellent game thanks for the even tenth of a second to move this is it I gotta be good here elf yes all right let's go come on let's go oh shit let's got baited so hard stop movin stop stop it's nonsense please now don't go up not the top rope not the top row oh are you making me wanna fucking scream down so I can kill you please let me end this dude this please move I hate this mr. Frodo hey he hates it I hated that I hated that yeah you know you're right you can say that her there no there was you're here I'm I don't I'm that's gonna be really annoying from here on out the streamer that links every like three minutes on stream yeah I spread that's what can on this one in like six months all right level four I already got it both so he can do a parry now and he can do this combo finally it only took a million are you finished yes I am well not I mean stream still go you know all right well you're at the final three levels of the game I can't believe it's still more coming the final fourloves see hold on Elijah Wood let's see what a why chance to say enjoin in in any battles in the film so I was always the kind of the one that was really weak and burdened by the ring and in this I get to take Frodo on some adventures that he didn't actually get to go on playable characters that's cold the best style come that's kind of a little clunkier it's not it's not as finessed as Aragorn or certainly Legolas would be potatos kind of fighting very straightforward I thought that was him falling down the stairs for a second to sort of be able to take my character from the film and to be able to kind of implement that into the game is pretty awesome I shall take up this terrible task choosing Frodo you're also choosing the ring bearer so that's pretty cool I'm kind of biased nice all right here's Tirith Terrace tingle Blackgate did I do the worst mission in the whole game why should I wait I'm gonna do out of this one person will get will get Sam's storyline out of the way how long have I been streaming Wow mr. Boylan [Music] mr. Frodo's up in that Tower and to get my stuff up there I've got to find a way to feed all these orcs damn is going it's doing work better than Gandil what is this dude he's another combo I don't think I could even use the other combos yet can I he's one little core just kill me so I can dip the way to Meucci Games supposed to be played eighty yeah that's gonna be horrible shadow all right so I have a cloak goodbye is there a way I can I'm up or I guess um I've been spotted but probably is it is there even a way I can get over her home let me look at this first okay well let's just let more of them come down bull all right fighting each other they are fighting each other why are they fighting each other right now keep going anyhow that are they dead do I have to kill everybody or just do I personally have to kill 80 I don't get it really am I gonna run all the way by all these guys and not see can I [Music] instant perfect mode for doing that oh shit alright these guys this guys are a huge pain in the ass to fight did I hit myself in the head of my own weapon but you boys spoiling for fall right so can I activate the and I turn this on while I'm cloaked or no if I move so slow and club though karin-sama I'm Club okay that was all right that was alright Jesus Jesus however lively take care of these guys you drop the fire on him come here I'm right here I'm where the hell is this guy doing what are you doing what is he just haunting get the fuck over here oh my fucking god seriously what the hell are you doing thank you what the hell is that whatever I'll take it [Music] who's taunting to roll around on the ground man it can't look at the combos one look at the compost can I see that Joe upgrades it ago alright I can do final judgment Balrogs gambits the other one that's the one I'm thinking of X circle triangle swing thing somebody sway me I'm invincible right here right all right and then it ends up back in I cannot fight this guy when I'm on it's just it's instantly losing so I need to fuck am I looking at what is going on what's going on do it wait isn't this him okay let's turn throw it sorry the respawn triangle with his triangle found here oh he's coming he's coming all right what trying to the orc bamboo won't work honey help bad can I get a hit by a straight blade okay um dad I'm in trouble oh no German you're doing this again well it's a different game well yes yes for some reason I've decided that I was going to play this one - yep you're right all right get in there come on you be perfect so I get help try to save up a blue lightsaber [Music] just finally get get their heads aren't evil fuck this is gonna eat mr. Frodo's up in that Tower you really do have to beat all of them Samuel then we don't have to beat all of them you got the keys slow down I tried to [Music] why is that not working walk are to block are to walk are to doesn't do anything my lord yeah my fucking way no no here he comes alright run run run through that alright let's go now watch out for the fat guy don't let him get you I got perfect right now come on all right dump them dump the fire dump the fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire alright now let's sneak I don't think I needed to do that but okay we're gonna dump this we've got him making them all yes that's pretty good me help ok keep going keep going I'm gonna just keep moving holy shit this is so many people um I go outside okay but going outside fire oh no no wait wait was this an app I can drop something I'm stuck here forever until they kill each other somebody fairies okay and then keep carrying keep Eric eibar you know that's not gonna happen but that was it ah he's doing what's in here holy shit Wow oh it's cool did it do it again I need help wait it's gonna refill I'm gonna just drop it again it's gonna recharge right okay new plan don't move from this spot only fight from up here wait for people to don't fall down for will they be miss okay keep it good but this is still million people over here all right now just this guy here oh you just blending it with a goddamn girl help oh lucky me lucky me death Road good fuck this guy hi alright see you I see you on fire right cut this who knows what whoa whoa oh oh fuck okay that's what I wanted to do now we go nuts yeah I could even swing the sword almost there 10 more 15 more nice throw through this way have I gone down here yeah Oh company again okay somebody that's right that's me okay there's people over here I guess I've just go back out and kill a few people who who is he talking this is okay easy guys being blended in with this moment alright 70 need ten more let's just all right I just have to go like this okay this health here too Hey it's gonna get involved one more get over here walk 77 come on three more two more hey here comes 8080 now one fuck many down what how many is many that's a great question it's a really good question 2727 dollars is a lot of money how many as many that's a good question this room heartbroken samurai he misses his fans bits well I don't want to lose this man to start over again 26 is not it was usually 50 and I'm gonna be completely honest it's usually like fifty five five thousand that's usually what happens right let's be completely real that's what happens the two midstream stop it that's what we do usually I typically don't stop until you know in the middle of a stream to do it sir subs or anything and what's it's like something yeah that's just kind of way it is I was it was rated I mean I've already started so you know it reads 52 all the donations on straight well I actually don't read any unless there something significant like that it's just kind of the way this frame is wrong you guys know that we do it at the end of the stream you guys don't know this buddy yeah why are we acting like this is some new thing I mean it was like three years anyways heartbroken samurai give some money here hey German can you ask my girlfriend German can you ask my girlfriend I'd watching your stream she loves Lord of the Rings can you tell her Congrats on school and ask her if I'll [Music] hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on a second I'm a just like move this anyway oh shit i spelt it it's not codes it's not ask her if God is at heart hey congratulations on school by the way ask her congratulations about school this is uh congratulations on school is that ask for both school by the way ask her if I'll marry her I love you Christian fuck that off pretty bad I'm not gonna lie I like the I like knocked over a battery I knocked over a battery you got that's why you wanted me to do okay that's why you wanted me to hey and what was it what was it oh I'm so sad I'm so embarrassed and sad dude read those bits read I don't read those bitch we're talking about Scotty to us oh this is bad oh this is really bad oh my god um and that's why you guys are saying hey congratulations to you too let's go Christine and heartbroken samurai hopefully you guys are happy together if it worked out hopefully it did I hey this is a great fucking stream welcome for the party everybody oh shit and that knocked a bunch of shit over and I still I didn't I thought it was like fate for a second alright hey thank you so much I hope you guys really enjoy each other I hope you enjoy to this company hope you like each other oh yeah all right that whole sequence is Arabic I'm sorry for ruining your entire marriage no I just burned myself I just burnt myself don't lose oh my god I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose what I have to do what do I have to do I'm gonna lose that full help help the secret okay we're fine no but for real if that if that was actually for real good luck to you guys hopefully you guys got it worked out hopefully you guys are but birds it all that good stuff really I'm so like so embarrassed Oh what is this oh fuck do it again that was fun heartbroken samurai thank you for the thank you for the bits heartbroken samurai that was awful but she said yes yes yes it seemed said yes congratulations congratulations you two that makes me feel good imagine if I blew you a marriage proposal oh boy hi all right let me all right okay future reference all right I know all I have for future reference uh before I but if you are if you want to propose to somebody in Brighton brackets before like put it in parenthesis and say hey look don't read this but I gotta ask you something I don't read this Bock but like hey you got to let me in I got to be in on it you'd read that out loud no no I would read the firt I would read the hey don't read this out loud part and then I'd go oh and then I'd stop wait what am i doing oh maybe there's a guy up here that's huge no don't please what do i do oh my fuck why is it wise a huge fucking guy up here why did they do this why would they do this I'm stuck in the corner use it I want to do it [Applause] Oh oh my fucking geez you made that more memorable you'll yeah you'll never forget that you never forget it that's a good double leg drop okay I need to throw something at you or what am I doing here okay the shield is broken not another Shelob fight will you do this bullshit I throw another fucking I'm throwing another one at you fuck off he's dazed hey tased let's just wake him up what's going on does I not just do that oh I get it oh I thought these days where's it going to get a shield oh oh that's not funny that's not funny I tried but I just tried to jump so you know I'll stop by em right now shit come on don't fuck it up here really just gonna get you to chase me around a fucking circle I'm like what how am I gonna do this the dude is always gonna chase me around a circle now quick again I might it's so scary when he just disappears on the screen oh you throwing it so fast my fuck come on come on Sam Tim fuck you okay we're all right here we're doing fine we're good they're all bad I know the way out I'll act hurry let's get 5,000 bits just a short way more and you'll be free of that ring don't read hey chat i'm fucking huge go fuck yourself a file actually thanks to the 5000 v that's a lot of perfect you've ruined that guy's marriage all right cloak of celebration what are they what do I do oh it's just longer curse of the time boo everybody gets that move which is pretty big deal but attacking Erick yep get it what else does he not have it's this thing hmm yeah just get it it sucks so much this is the move in no one ever uses in this game you've so many points just by everything I mean I could all right we're at the final three missions of the video game okay but film production stills take a look stop pinging I knew that was I recognize that from somewhere that actually is at a moba pink [Music] that's cool all right here we are we're at the the I'm gonna have to I'm gonna breathe in for a little bit on this one pick up a few people have told me during the course of the stream so far this level sucks you're going to hate this thing I'm gonna hate this level you're gonna have no fun playing this so I'm just gonna get ready uh uh I'm gonna unprepared I'm just I'm gonna play whatever let's go it will require all of my skill to spring a trap lifetimes in the make in the end it will be decided here upon the fields of Pellinore Helen for the gates of Minas Tirith from the sass Eragon will summon forth an army from beyond the grave but perhaps too late oh well against our strong code the Dark Lord summons both man and beast to a thousand an army of powerful forces more terrible than we can imagine this happen in the movie like some of these scenes I don't remember seeing edge Rohan shall ride to war and the world they come here we go that song in the whole world hey they don't actually Oh Roger all up here again they seem to take it into the desert of Las Vegas no we're not doing that again it says there seems to be this used to be five thousand more people than before it looks like a big social media campaign must have happened for both sides here kill this guy come on all right hey thank you no to me so wake it up come on knocking these tomorrow X I can tell these guys were on my team or not watch it fuck it watch it these guys they look like they could be on my team come on block walk it walk walk it walk don't make me angry help me the fucking hook for dese bones there I'm gonna not scream ever again No that's been fun like that nuts here make it be nuts you're going nuts right now I'm gonna go fucking nuts look look I don't run he told me there's no help over here finally cut a video again does have extra HP huh all right so we're gonna oh I remember this part kind of my brain remembers this in my brain remembers hating this right or something I brain hated this that do anything what just happened why is there only one and he's due oh right okay I thought there was like five so I fucked it up I actually got okay then oh here we go it's to understand okay let's go Harry go run today we run across go run down the road cars so good press wait okay anyway we're same and we'll get into now 23 okay okay that's a good thing corrected currently now all right okay rundown no I just know that you all beat rumbled you have to go down why would they put me over here if I'm accident I'm just run all the way down no you gotta fuckin kidding me oh what a joke no that's not what I'm supposed to do actually I try I try to shoot the first one it didn't even hit you tell me he's gonna hit I didn't even do anything oh how does that miss I don't understand that doesn't make any sense I didn't even hit I didn't even hit that was lined up right in the fucking back of the guys back wrong side of them ever came to go down hundun what does memory epiphany have a hell for all right so I go I have to go all the way down and around or will these a hit the second one so go down but how the fuck do I even get down just go down to there is no go down I can't go down come on do it now go down here what a stupid fucking thing and what an actually absolutely ridiculous fucking place to put that well now I know where that it happens in the books yeah then Ginley and crew walked by and down the 2d plane which actually is a 3d plane that switches the camera a 180 fucking degrees the other direction do read the books it happens and then Lord of the Rings Return of the King broke the number one fucking rule of all cinema breaking the 180 degree line all right where the hell is this where's the way to get up can I go like up how do I go up they're gonna die again can I go up where can I go up thank God shooting memories just stay still I don't know how I got up here it knows it Oh does he quick throw a wrench at him this is working is he gone I don't fucking know this is do gone we're gonna go back down what do we not another one of these fucking things sit on the same side as me on the safe side or is anything outside thanks hide on the side same side on the side same side of the site what side is it on takes hide I think is on the same side it's on same side I fucking thought you guys are Eric on the good list oh good to know those fucking things work where is it down up here he comes again watch out watch out watch out watch out you guys bro I get throw shit at him there's over here stay away stay away fuckin get out of here all right all right he's gone he's gone it's gonna be the other way I'm assuming it's gonna be another one on the other side it's just right across same side is he going something oh he's on this side he's still on this side I'm getting lucky here I was a really really really lucky fucking super heel head one of you please do anything you useless motherfuckers they're just standing around I have to please get by myself this one person buying me stuff watching the movie you two fucking idiots you're in the movie watch out watch out I guess relax come on hurry but were they yours this somebody you don't know if this guy hit him okay another one they keep going oh right sigh thank God alright alright [Music] within this drawer what I feel fantastic pixel perfect shot didn't you fucking it loaded things okay in the ass you got kidding all right quick get over here so I can throw a couple axes at the witch-king oh my god he's is already here No Carolyn come on he's dead I'm staying right here I am I'm fucking horny that elephant of all the way over here far I fucking care that elephant can literally come all the way over here welcome there on the other side shit fucking away buh-buh-buh-buh will be the entrance over here there's a lot of people over here give me better gaga gaga gaga where's the entrance at the flat get it blocking the entrance how dare they oh god damn it why did you have why couldn't you pulled the camera back when I was walking up here in the first place all right I gotta get I gotta get over here cuz I gotta get ready for the witch-king all right this is it like do it [Applause] it's killing him now oh thank god their cameo oh my god I did it yes Oh feels good only for perfect come on almost a little late there we go all right that's better late so we've got what's killing zone Chris the amount of time during combat the even remaining yeah also and new everybody gets the combo lightning strike and that brings us to permanently increases your health which is good for everybody is there anything I didn't get for everybody this is a little 9 level tension permanently Chris is your health of him I've Gimli alright that's good creases damage and perfect Modi increased damage and reach perfect mode even faster let's take it wait no I don't have I already have it no what did I not even buy this back up like little to no alright that's fine I want to say the points for the last level teeth Oh from Diablo I said you know teeth from Diablo yeah I say you saying okay we've made it the final two levels in Return of the King oh we have we didn't do the courtyard is this ps2 our emulated this is playstation 2 actual ps2 louder mission right yes to swim 200 so just reversed Howard offensive why don't we want him to go in what's this new combo I got X triangle X X X triangle X X X triangle X X now he doesn't have because he's not this level in system here we go are they doing just put it running around in a circle just perfect we go are you doing me die please everybody in pretty in wait we good be perfect there we go let's do it fire just just grind perfect right now give me a break somebody up here are they firing into the key wait okay well that was I guess thank you I made it that killed those people too fast is that what's gone without the problem and here we go they did 200 got in anymore oh he's just running in okay whoops and Alf Kenny I'm gonna get perfect that's incredibly come on give me that perfect come on it's right there Oh big guy No okay any help how can you relax on the firebombs it's getting a look they've been over here the whole time just killing people they've just been feeding people over here and these guys were killing every single one what am i hitting her fucking statue all right I don't know Oh fucking trouble I'm working on it not as easy as it looks lady health somewhere fuck this sucks glad to see you gave this a stir piece another go well this is this is the last one I beat the last one this is maternally wherever I get surgery does nobody ever fucking they sling up [Applause] that was really not that good it just takes too long barely hits anybody on the ground either like I keep why is it hit him finish him on the ground like what the fuck perfect let's go cut and yet again is literally no one who attack they come in waves of six here we go everyone stuff in the bell order to do one movie to tell us off fact I'm looking around nobody over there nobody over here we do people free to come in right that way everybody safe okay but every single part model is it's bouncing off this fucking thing we know I I need help said you got the shield off you did a full four move combo catapult flame attack was I mean how to do that take us fuck out of here all right let's go let's go go go go go that's just stupid person what he was talking shit I got a couple barrels here they're gonna break that armor off of him you know don't you just love it looking for a telescope it's just like great and it Montana picked this up when he was dead I'm actually getting slightly annoyed by this slightly annoyed we all right everyone's fine right thermos full mooning right now no no no no no no no no I'm no I'm you are you up a full moon it's not a full moon what are you talking about I'm a-standing I kill today instantly what keeps high he instantly what he just died instantly that was ridiculous I think I just got like I think I just got uh I think I got a UH all right slow down honey we're gonna kill the mister oh all right kill Oh Oh hon wait yeah okay well I need a barrel I need a barrel any two barrel as long as fuckin ten people going I need a barrel barrel over here as long as 30 more people go across who cares just for 30 of you run in you're gonna be all right just get in one more barrel here nothing even in there 172 are here we go how did you get it right there Rojo the dark this is troll at the door block it every okay no just get in go you'll be alright okay all right Kendall its oh my god repel from me all right we're doing all right [Laughter] come on lady who can do it look at least 185 185 we need to 186 186 187 180 188 188 somebody got in one foot okay good only ten more if you need to get in dead more Oh believe one of you can squeeze through 189 all right fucking doing anything I'm not doing shit I'm gonna stay it in just block and 200 we're gonna get it lemmings you can do it you can do it 195 here comes a big batch right here all three are getting in 196 come on oh all right everybody relax thank gosh you fucking owe we have saved as many as we can but the gates breached it is only a matter of time before we hundred bucks came in from Cyclops Parker and thousand bits two or three minutes ago thanks to the huge amount of money they say hey German has wanted to do some big bits to distract you from the game a little bit glad I could catch the scream line thanks for the 10,000 bits man not in the marriage no that was ridiculous the distraction technique I'll distract your technique not gonna work right now not when I have to do 18 minute long time levels oh my god I haven't even used this I don't know if this looks like I'm used it once Gandalf have anything I don't have that was worth buying what's this no I'm not gonna use it really not I was my week off it was great thanks for asking he's very good how does he some friends I haven't seen in a long time where Scott I was awesome uh all right let's give home I gotta pee again anybody it's not to pee he before the final two levels we think oh well I got you all here let me just go over this so tomorrow was streaming tomorrow but I have physical therapy tomorrow so the stream tomorrow is gonna start a little later it's not gonna start around like to frame tomorrow is gonna be probably somewhere around ah let's see it's gonna be a light one tomorrow it's gonna start somewhere probably around and it's gonna start popping around 6 p.m. Pacific if I'm honest I'm gonna be honest that's really late yeah it is 6 p.m. Pacific tomorrow but uh this the black 8 let's uh let's take a break and go pee I'll be right back should this probably be the last P in the night I would assume no no to peace we'll find him you okay ever smells with a burger hey come on Mac what do to you Betty Betty's eating baby food right now ding ding ding what do we have for the winner sure would people think I'm a liar I'm not this is what I do all right the Black Gate oh here we go there's absolutely no I'm gonna do this the game limit and OH my plans have ended in a day of great sacrifice Gondor lies shattered in the greatest battle of our age but the enemy regroups our war has not yet won for the ring still survives the last living men have witnessed the return of their king he has gone unchallenged and together we now ride upon sarang's realm to create our final diversity for the ring to be thrown into you Frodo I ever token I was bidden to show thee a spy I shall give you a message for your monster I will give you a magic trick for your basta I will turn it again down [Music] just let it go wrong it's like germ arundel levels of combat you were the perfect oh I didn't get it I got an excellent only to the black gates there is no hope this is our Check Point hi all right wait a minute fight fight but get wit bike Emily gave me the boss now I really some healthcare have been nice use it what the fuck did that do yeah this doesn't fucking do anything out of mana what did you run out of you can't even do anything alright let's go could have brought potions alright let's go come on this is gonna be like a 20 minute long mission I know got it's too powerful I'm killing them too fast get in there all right watch it watch it big guy big guy incoming where's everybody wither people all my own team Oh um double-team him come on ergo forego to you see dead okay this is getting a little ridiculous don't you think guys let's go save Gimli wherever the hell he is where's get one the fuck is he guys kill Gimli none was even attacking me get home come here he's helped him make healing him where where's Legolas in this whole thing alright Gimli uh Larry is hooking up yeah good all right Gimli where are you can alright let's heal Gimli a little bit okay so far so good two out of six all right where's a Legolas worried the spot I just mentioned your name and what the hell are you I'm just a healer all right are going there there right oh you are good love playing two towers two towers was a lot there was a lot more in two towers comes out New Wave good what's the okay huh what's up let's have you move that I got angle X X triangle okay I think I'm Thomas yep triangle X X triangle yeah that start deliveries right I think or Q is just the best move that Gandalf has it's so fast I'm already in perfectly I got even seen a fucking chance all right back it up anybody any heels does that mean [Music] okay there go left or right let me go left I left did I did I go left what this stop what is going on what the hell is going on the guy fuck dude come on man what the fuck look out here where else over this way everybody healed up I'm good to go all right only two more oops sorry wait was he gone I need that guy we run its run around in circles get over here yeah over here there it is help yes okay who need everybody everyone what's going on here hopefully a healing ball legolas lucky let's back over here by about a six I don't think do anything oh fuck you're over here that's why good you like Alice there it is I got a check one right there didn't I I hope so dude can I I got a checkpoint right there it's okay why couldn't I hit him I was bouncing off of him fuck was that okay give me a break I don't even know what he's swinging his sword he's not even doing licks you know their weakness fire yes fire five courses fire use fire if I of course includes fire top down you bounce off sometimes you don't use fire go shoot these guys are worthless compared to me oh sorry guys I didn't realize that my build is perfect for this you invested everything into the fire trees long enough find out I'm sinkable to become real for hope to conquer all and please cut the stream I have not seen the movie it's like a hundred and ten year old spoilers at this point I'm sorry that's not on me at this point this is like saying the diet of t-rex was a fucking dinosaur at one point as this is ancient history a lot of perfect all right uh-huh we finally got triangle triangle triangle elms hammer pretty sick triangle triangle triangle one more level it's a lot to spends I'm gonna save the points I wonder is this a level-10 scenario or is the final level just mound ooh I don't remember this is the end of the movie crack of doom wait I have to play as level one Frodo I've been playing the Sam every time I had a chance you mean I have to do level one Frodo no there's a final level of the game which will come to one final test all life for the middle-earth will hinge upon everything that came before to about his level one seamless level one look at this any fight back give that to me I don't have any moves all right throw it in there throw it in there get in there it's broken how do they just jump in throw it in throw it in dude go throw it push them just Sam if we push them at the same time we'll push him off all right push him push which will come it's just Sam okay [Music] head of Sam he's distracted watch your put put your pushup Sam get up all right that's what you gotta do this falls back it's scripted it's Griffin it's scripted it I'd step on his head what what come on what that's trying to step on them horse you all right here we go why I just hit every possible but our one circle X Oh hold on let me pusherman what's your push me who's gonna put okay I didn't do it all right okay do that like five more times all right I know I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it together together together gonna get it together I got a note to do I know to do just block until he falls back which will come to and okay Sam get them come on oh I can't I tried to block that all right Sam let's do something good there we go back him up back him up same deal all right come over here alright let's get him into the corner back here again come on where's it going back up this way all right Sam get in Oh help all right spin em around there we go now all right this right this way go pick him back up back up back up back up push up daven head just give him a ring the whole world ends if I do that it's not worth it i-it's been around pushing question again pick up oh come on watch him good over the edge man you killing me alright go on why is he do one of these flips I can't make him do anything he just sits in the stage just laughs and then all right now fucking go I fall off the edge fall off the that's what in the name of God is going on right now and I don't I mean why would he what what what was what the what what what he's not standing on the edge he's just standing on the edge in he's just taunting and I can't before I can do in it finally well I have no I can't so I said to wait till he accidentally finds himself with a perfect spot to fall off the edge I can't push him I can't hurt him I can't do anything Oh so what happened with the other side Jeremy you can't beat the joke character he is not the joke character all right I mean okay you could say that Gollum is Jar Jar Binks of Lord links but he's like comedy and it he's he's got like he's he's like the comic relief in he back how is Gollum comedy relief I mean like say weird things and they get like in little fights and stuff while they're traveling together and he's like I don't like you and still like that he's like it's like a comedy character to get in like little funny arguments like the three of them Oh what I'm a my girlfriend her what you said and she literally got sad but that I said that Gollum was the comic relief character if I compared gaulan to Jar Jar Binks apologize to relationships ruined today but it's a Gaul of a golem not this time golem it's golem right all right Oh Oh what was wrong with that there's enough let's roll shit at them give me this but I hear loud sticking noises back up back up again back up back and unruly just get him to the edge see into the seam good thing come here Mac Mac man guide all right back up I need help this games lot sucks take that up with 5,000 people that now we're going to be very mad at you I'll get him over there walkabout block laughs we got to do like a formation here no no no no it's right here back don't let him all right here we go five over here okay turn run Sam Tim he was gonna do it damn alright one more that's it oh hey hey I'm good stuck crazy where is he where is he where is he alright get over ball down okay you can fall now pick up last one bye damn let it go that really wasn't that bad this is annoying the ring is destroyed and all that was done by that power is passing away they do it those who were banned to the fate of the one are now free Brook crowded now come the days of the king and may they be blessed while the thrones of the valley India tell you think they ever gonna do like the ring awakens do another trilogy after i'm sarang's was mine and i can do a secret fire Sarang than his greed found all power in the wine as Sauron mingled his own blood with the Rings gold so did I mingle myself with my magic Paul who live here I wove but a spell of trust and fellowship give you food yeah why is that in here just finish that that didn't even happen in his work of others there's about to begin we actually did just watch we watched all the Lord of the Rings on screen we actually got to do it oh that's why they did that it was a it was a shout out for the DVD three so I'm assuming you can build up how would you build up your perfect meter and then do the last hit on them is that how you supposed to do that that puppy a huge pain in the ass well let's say I would go on a spending spree now I need a little 10 what's the percentage here 80 percent what's gonna be like 85 86 who'd win in a fight 1v1 Gotham versus jaar jaar jaar jaar as they would absolutely be charger it would not be going I wouldn't be don't lose Andy Serkis interview will avoid interview a lot of interviews here secret codes start press the start button press and hold all those buttons then input the sequence huh there's no like big head mode I'm not interested at all what is this one on Tara mom this is a secret level oh we can beat Sam Frodo Pippin Mary or Faramir these are great secret characters i'm not gonna do this with fairman no Gollum what what does moves people do get out and then I want to see the Andy Serkis interview I shall free the minds of your servants and teach them fear perfect mode here we go I'm gonna have to kill 20 Helms hammer I've I only killed dude with one person oh it's the wit waves okay kind of slow but it does a lot damage you're never gonna beat this no I know I don't plan on it bring it together come on lots of purpose what are you still alive 2004 was a good year yeah it was it really was whoa that's a lot of missiles can I block them all the same time and get it perfect and check this out ready ready and there we go yeah that was gonna be way cooler than that but whatever stop what you is that really all it takes to do to get away from Gandalf float backwards of two steps at Troy prime was in the 2000s the early 2000s like from 2000 to 2010 I mean did you talk about they did I don't think they'll be at rivals somewhere in the mid 90s the heyday of the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis there was some unbeatable games and then 64k publisher they came on at n64 oh man if others who they came on in Super Nintendo in like 94 95 96 oh great great lakes let's go say season he actually thinks the n64 is good um I mean Super Mario 64 and thank you Zelda games and we've got it in 64 I'm angel kazooie yeah I think I think you guys are messing around yeah you have to be what's banjo-kazooie I don't need should I even respond to that like that somebody making a joke banjo kazooie no I'm good so um I'm gonna blues here because I'm not paying attention anymore ban that person but not knowing what banjo kazooie is that's petty I'll go ahead and do it come on one more get to 7:00 shoot the giant egg that is it for me not even close to as hard as two towers I've put in the same difficulty - there's normal although I did get really really really lucky at the very end of the at Elephant level easy I have 210 let's Julie's not even that bad it's actually kind of fun but I'm not gonna do it I live in levels the hardest one I got really lucky I did a one health pixel off from losing and doing the whole damn thing again run away and it's cheap all right well that that you that has been you've now seen all the Lord of the Rings trilogy on this stream thanks for watching but I unlocked it's going on I wanted to I wanna watch the Andy Serkis interview yeah this is important for me was like a major addict who just needed yeah I compared him to charge I think those not even going on yes Greg because we using motion capture a lot and the animators are watching my performance close to your screen and mapping their animated keyframe animators are matching every expression its whole facial structure in the way that his face moves is based on so it goes through three processes I shoot on set with the large in short and we act all scenes together scale right here is pioneer repeating every single scene auspicious the voice was was really born out of two things one was trying to find it a psychological reach into wine he speaks like that but actually in physical terms it came from I know it him free counseling I knew it was a catch what do they do great minds think alike and II agree although okay so it's actually quite nice to sort of visit where I'm gonna be going unusual we're doing what you do do voices also for the game let's go did this first he had to do this first before the end of the movie voice acting what's this one down here nothing here if we get it perfect on every level what about uh what about Billy what about Billy Boy thank you but not really you've just unlocked all these other character like me one of them being B so now you can take me and Mary and anyone else to places that they didn't actually go to like I was go yeah or paths of the Dead yeah take Pepin to pass through the dead I see would harm if you in there okay take Pippen to hipping passes dead must be cool I'm just doing what the actor wanted me to do what would happen if it was in this war it was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it it's a there's really no change here from behind there's no chanting there's not a big difference here is just another small guy I wonder what would happen if people were to be here the spirits of the Dead pretty good actually pretty good Pippin not bad actually Pickens pretty good then no voice line said this should be C given throw big things oh fuck he's pretty good that's not Pippin yes it is hello all right thanks more than like three hips die as level one nice are gonna play through this level right huh does he have any lines he's has to when Gimli talks he's gonna say something hey it's mostly I'm currently reading the Lord of the Rings books are you really nice Darva spoiling the whole series imagine coming to the stream and you're getting ready to read all the books and spend weeks little months reading all of them you just watch what just happening with dollar alright what I'm gonna talk mom's yeah months it could take a long time to read a book especially the water the Rings a lot the world brings a huge Jiri like a chapter a night two chapters a night for all the books that's gotta take you at least if we week everybody stops fighting when I'm not here oh man I've read the books I thought you just started Game of Thrones I love it should we tell him should we tell them that the next two books is literally just never going to come out should we tell him I've been waiting almost 10 years for that fifth book just want to make sure you understand that books probably never releasing I finished that I finished dance of dragons in like 2011 and it was like yeah here we go I'm gonna have no winter winter is coming out and like in a year it's been almost ten fucking years the books never come out just want to make sure you're aware that you're gonna get into like the games verone's books you're gonna be with the rest of us for real so and don't leave it to HBO like oh well whatever I'll just watch HBO no no I'll do that be careful there head so it's not TV it's HBO that's true if it's pretty good yeah it became so but there I don't know I don't really wanna talk about game that's wrong everything cuz I don't way opposite on one for people that haven't seen it before they're planning on getting into theater yeah I don't want to talk about like well let me tell you about this part and this part in it it's one day big I wasn't a big pin heaven you all right - you're alright if it's dead okay uh well we know what happens Pippen dies if he goes in there bull all right let's get this one there we go Mary what does Mary have to say very very well thank you excitement crazy crazy excitement you've now unlocked two of the carrots what I have you can take Mary or Pippin and you can go on any storyline you want right you could go and hang out with Sheila for my wife who could go with Faramir and you know see what his journeys like I could hang out with Gandalf because he's very protective from father you can do anything you want you can go anywhere you want with merry and pippin so this is now our tree to you as a gamer Charlotte you know Mary looks kind of sweet and approaches war outfit itself I think the people who would choose all right so our Marion people merry and pippin the jar jar binks of much more accurate right no that's daddy's I want a sandwich I want to have some no what are you talking about someone who you know comes to the table it's more accurate than gone to cool strength but his is wily and has about second breakfast yeah if they say yeah they like kind of comic relief there are two in c-3po I don't think that's accurate either well I think we saw everything wait nope with one more interview with Faramir was one of the few men who withstood the power of the Ring but Faramir environm here were brothers and it isn't beyond possibility the Faramir went to Rivendell instead and if that happened Fermi could have survived and returned to Gondor you decide now we're going to explore this fact by unlocking the character of Faramir see for yourself what else you might have done during the war at the ring good luck and it's it's I mean it's it's cool but it's just you can just take the carefully okay game players should unlock Faramir first because he's a character who is in possession of multi skills he's a great swordsman they actually get any different abilities or don't think very solid combat in the game extremely energetic it's relentless it's a high energy high high voltage action the game itself has totally captured the excitement in all aspects about Return of the King and I don't think he can ask more than that high voltage gameplay guys it's pretty good alright that's uh that's it the tree do anything though I didn't miss anything down here today we saw all the interviews all the production stills Elijah Wood an Aston game concept art film concept art hobbits on gaming this I'm glad we didn't miss this one well Elijah's a pretty good gamer the best player would be Elijah well this is where I get to to Pat myself on the back I'm definitely a better gamer than the two of them yes Elijah has this insane ability of being able to just grab hold of a console and go through a game I've actually made the the controller float and without touching anything I've managed to play the game it's only happened a few times but he's not even making my real gaming for probably three or four years and he's doing very well but I'm still a much more experienced gamer I'm getting there I can be I wouldn't be surprised if Elijah because you can do everything else you can fucking sing he can dance he can act he can make it up good big heavy popping weights and shit he's okay give us it beat him three times in a row Billy's getting better but he's not great Billy it's awful one of the worst game players of all time I think I do have a special gift for gaming you'll be playing a two-player game and you'll go Billy press X and he black hang on a minute hey we which wins X but I just haven't really opened that gift yet and giving it to myself wait no I got that one now we gotta move we gotta move all right guys I'm gonna call it here no Vico interview yeah what's going on there I guess they got him for the last one they got Viggo they got gone I got it again Orlando Bloom for the last one two they were in the last one ever the claw grip did you give Kim the ten gifted fries yet no we have we actually haven't gone to any restaurant that would even have them would just happen we just haven't been there at a wankster last star is hardcore mode well you have to perfect to beat the game on hard oh yeah that's a good place to stop it we are now done with the Lord of the Rings for now that was good shorter than the last one I thought we were gonna be playing this for a little bit longer but it's a good place to stop so again tomorrow tomorrow I got some shit I got to do a good physical therapy to do but I'll be here after it and what game am I gonna play tomorrow what are we gonna start tomorrow well wouldn't you love to know that's a secret only I know I think you're gonna like it Nancy Drew No no no more no Lord of the Rings we're putting a kid we did all three of the books well let's be honest I've read the first 10 chapters of the first one and then we've read the second and third book that's fine not all the books oh yeah there's the this is the similary n' right as if am I saying that right is that the Simms currency or is at the name of the book simmer simmer simmer iliyan the Welland the simmer ilion's the name of the book in the similary n' what's the sim currency what's your on what's the Sims currency called sip simoleons oh it's samolians not simoleons all right I'll see you guys tomorrow you'll see what we play we're gonna start again starting late tomorrow because of this started about 6 p.m. Pacific thanks for joining me had a lot of fun good to play these old games and not even a mouth down tonight I mean you might be disappointed fuck I thought it was gonna like bite his controller tonight no not tonight but we'll do the bits and everything and go from there if you take it up we'll see you tomorrow good to be back see you soon the only time I get to use this music and like an outro works pretty perfectly actually all right I said I gotta clean my room - this is kind of getting ridiculous you is it gone then music gone you hear that music and music gone all right we go ok let me just change over here so I can actually see you what you guys are saying alright let's go back to 6 & a half hours ago let's take a look we had 4 dollars from pugil Thank You people said Jeremy I recently watched a lodge of wood through the Google Google autocomplete interview with Wired I don't know if you it was the withdrawals from no streams or all the paint I've been eating but for some reason I randomly thought you and him would get along well anyway glad you back psi1 ever get in the fireman plushie the end of that question I have no idea but I think everybody thinks they're gonna get along with Elijah Wood he seems very nice he seems very approachable he seems very down-to-earth I like anybody could probably get along with Elijah Wood he's got that energy to him I agree I agree when is his game coming does he have a game coming on Elijah what is a game coming up what is it really what is it Elijah would game Elijah would video game transference the name of the game wait wait wait wait wait really is is Elijah Wood making an FMV game oh no it's VR it's like a VR FMV game well maybe not FMV that's interesting this is back in 2018 is when they were talking about this that's cool I'll be insane actually I'm into it whatever it's ready out take a look no that's cool I did not know that he was doing that I look forward to seeing it now what is FMV oh it's already but it's out now wave is already out it came out in 2018 what it'll steam budget an escape room set in a deranged mind experience a first-person exploration game in a chilling new dimension shift between three perspectives and family and unravel the mystery hiding in this mind-bending psychological thriller it's apparently okay it's got it's got mostly positive reviews it's got some negative reviews though apparently somebody's people are upset about Ubisoft doing them would say let's see yeah it's apparently got some issues got some issues one of these reviews says don't buy this game if you don't have a VR so what the non VR version is not very good we'll keep that at night is that Ubisoft alright let's get going Espada ask a lot of thanks of 250 hey Gemma Jeff gaming here we're glad you enjoyed our videos enough to take a week off to enjoy them what codes are on the way with Jeff what does Jeff gaming what the hell is that Blue Punta thanks to 300 bits I used to play this so much I love the nostalgia of me too me too potion dweller thanks for $3 hey German you've been gone for too long this week was painfully slow glad to have you back yeah February is gonna be a little messed up I got a this is one of the busiest months in a while I've got physical therapy going which I have to go to and I have to stick to I don't know how many times a week this will be going I'm gonna sue MIT's I will assume I have to probably do physical therapy maybe once or twice a week whenever I have to do it I'm gonna do it so I'm gonna have to bounce streams around and try to get them in and do this - why are you doing physical therapy because I have caustic Andrei's and no I don't want to gross anybody out here but I lean back and stretch my rib cage a little and sort of tilt and move my chest it goes and it kind of hurts its but then it feels okay I look for a little bit it's like just kind of popping weird it's pretty crunchy down there so costochondritis is information in your rib cage I just I was told it would make sense because I have colitis problems are autoimmune and I was told that you know it's not out of the ordinary that for somebody that has IBD which is autoimmune which is I've had it for years that's something like this could pop up to randomly because your body my body's just stupid and for some reason blood wants to attack itself because I'm my body's dumb and had my got a low IQ fucking DNA I don't understand I have it now this is like two potential autoimmune diseases which like what the fuck but going on physical therapy I've been told helps a lot and in some cases can make the problem almost completely go away we'll see I'm gonna give you a shot LM man thanks for the 10 bucks jerem Oh - Chu you deserve a chew that a space channel 5 reference sounds like it thanks for the thousand bits ibuprofen is good for information yeah okay I'm gonna give you some of my personal personal thoughts and personal beliefs here on this subject I don't want I don't like a Harriet Harriet here we go I can go get an injection tomorrow into my nerve of steroids and nerve blocker and I might be I might be fine but I don't really like the idea of doing that first and I don't like the idea of taking ibuprofen every day taking ibuprofen or Tylenol every day it's not it's really not great for you and I don't want to get into the habit of taking three or four ibuprofen a day and saying man I feel this I feel fucking great I'm just gonna take four ibuprofen every day and then yours I'm essentially masking a problem that could be fixed maybe potentially if I just did it and I don't really want to just use painkillers to just put a blanket over a potential the actual joint problem that I have that I could just fix it's the same reason why I don't really I really don't want to go on any like prescription pain medicine I know that that's been floated around before of oh you you have like costochondritis so you have like joint problems you have a joint disease but you're gonna take vicodin you know just a small dose every day no no I know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that and I'm not gonna be I'm not even think I'm not gonna take one I don't want to even do that and that's what I've told the doctor and doctor also said that's a good idea just we'll see what happens with physical therapy let's see whatever now in the event that physical therapy does not work you know let's say I do physical therapy for next four to six months and there is no progress and they forget worth it could get worse I don't know at that point it's like okay I've done physical therapy for six months let's do the injection and see what happens that's the plan now it could take a couple of years yeah but there's not a layer here and okay here's the leaves the other layer I you know I got stuff to do every day you know I it's not just the stream and I want to be like on this stream and not have to even think about it I want to be able to interact and have fun and do whatever I want to do and happen to the back of your mind that like oh my like whole fucking ribcage hurts it's I you know I don't want to have three four years from now like that and it would get really fucking annoying and it would just sit in the back of my head always so I mean I eventually here over the next six to twelve man I've got to have a real solution for this I don't want this to turn into an issue that's I'm just sitting here and my three guys I'm gonna go to the grocery store today Oh am I am I my fucking chest hurts but it's not an issue that's life-threatening or that would really really debilitate me it's just annoying my ribcage sucks that's pretty much it and I did but I just really I also have to live my life to I'm not gonna I'm not taking any pain medicine I'm not doing any treatments I'm just gonna be in pain here every day and I'm Jerry that's what eventually I'm gonna have to do something if something like physical therapy doesn't work but that road is very very very far in the future don't forget to do the stuff that physical therapist tells you to do at home I'm going to be well I'm gonna follow 100% of the instructions no matter what they are this physical therapist could tell me you have to eat lettuce every day for the next year I'm gonna turn fucking green I'm gonna turn fucking green you're a mean you don't do that already I mean I died lettuce I like lettuce I like romaine lettuce is rose romaine lettuce okay to eat no then they recall every single romaine lettuce ever is this so going on January 15 2020 I'll break of E coli infections romaine lettuce is still going on it's like three weeks ago I ain't romaine liked it just keeps happening all right well instead of romaine I'll just borrow no I'll eat a little spinach spinach is fucking better anyways adventure I'm f Dan thanks to the five community subs 15 from AM farik ten from combat man 142 thank you we should kale I'm actually I don't like kale I'm not a kale guy you put spinach and kale next to each other I'm gonna eat the spinach every time every single time I don't like the kid the consistency of kale don't it's like it's like stringy almost and takes long to eat it it's like tough for me no it's finished marv ash Magali thanks for the 250 it's so good seen you play one of my childhood games on stream I completed this game when I was 12 you better finish this we got this in the very beginning I stopped the stream for it oh you have no excuses okay here we go here's a prediction of your meltdowns let's see if these were accurate prediction of your meltdowns getting trampled by an entity and elf okay that was um that no that did happen a couple times trying to destroy eyes and guards damn no I that's one for two here I was just confused trying to kill the king of the Dead no I didn't have that much of a problem with the king of dead one for three trying to escape after killing the king of the dead okay yes that counts oh that wasn't I was not happy on that one ah the olifants level yep all the ministerial levels and the final levels of the gates of Mordor or at least these are the levels that got me mad four four four yeah don't buy the other one right the four four four the four dollar box whatever it is I haven't eaten Wendy's in a long time I'm being serious Eddy the Penguins thanks for the five community subs in actually ten-headed a penguin give it twice thanks Eddie Alec the but we had Eddie the penguin and Alec of the bunny right next to each other thanks for the $5 Alec gem I've been watching you stuff for a few years and you've always entertained and cheered me up during bad days happy to hear that you enjoy being here hope those bad help those bad days turn into good days I hope you have more good days and bad days it's the best you can do thank you for the five bills a plushy bat thanks for the $5 my name is Germa peed my pants they called me Germa peed my pants because I'm German and I've in fact peed my pants a bunch of pogchamp sick all right Thank You corn on the Rob for the $5 five front of its from corn the rub Dermott today that marks the fourth straight year I've sucked to you I've been watching since 2013 I was in high school when I started watching you and now I have a bachelor's degree hell yeah I might remember me as the kid had caught you off guard for a selfie outside PAX East 2014 UN Star assigned my Scout poster still had it framed just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for entertaining me for seven years yeah I'm happy you still think this is fun to be around this much time later [Music] did I just fart no I did not what you probably just heard was Otto Otto is back here and he's just simply hanging out being a good dog and having I'm fun he's lying around just hanging up uh-oh what's up you want to get out of here you still get me out of here he's like get me out of here I'll get you a second home I'll get you up you must have go give me one second I'm just gonna let the dog out Hey okay let's keep going I don't wanted to get out of the room he was like I'm out at our Alacran thanks for the 251 bits thanks to 250 Burma have used up your bottle of cologne in 20 years you do realize that you need to spray it on you for it to make you smell nice right um because I don't use very much because I don't want to be the person that walks into a room and everybody tries to find the smell is you spray yourself more you give yourself more than 1 or 2 spritzes of Cologne you turn into the person that then just drops smell in every room they going and then everyone has to everyone goes let's get somebody of Cologne on who's who is that who's all right it might be me yeah yeah that's you oh I like that but hello yeah that's you by the way I was in the kitchen and you were in the living room when I asked this question I like to just do a little you do a little bit you just like a tiny like a just a that's it right onto the neck I lift my chin up like I bite right in the neck down or if you have the one that's not a spray you just take one little on your finger and right under the under the jaw Mike Mike that's that you done you don't need very much how many sprays let's see how many sprays are in a bottle of cologne 735 sprays and a 50 milliliter water bottle so I don't wear Cologne every day if I spray that once even once a week or once every two weeks when I go out or something that's fucking 10 to 20 years worth of Cologne you don't need to use very much and sometimes in and if you've been by the way you know that is accurate that's very accurate because no you don't have one bottle of cologne I have like 10 different bottles of Cologne you use one for like a couple days week goes by he's the next one two weeks go by use the next one you you you've always recycle in kelan's you don't do the same scent you do a bunch you do like at least four or five of them to change it up who wears cologne I don't this is my point my point is I wear cologne maybe once every like three to four weeks and I spray one time so yes if I spray one spray a month that's 735 months what's the math there 735 divided by 12 let's see okay so I've 61 years worth of Cologne that's not right what that's 60 yeah it is right okay I have 60 fucking years worth of Cologne it's I don't know that's not hard to understand you gotta pass it down it's like whiskey you don't drink a bottle a nice whiskey you all in the same weekend I mean some of you guys might but fucking be careful for God's sakes anyways we're worried oh alright we were at German sucks for five community subs thanks a lot ancient Sasquatch tanks of 250 German thanks for the stream any chance we could have a few details about the charity rumble like it is any specialty you want to do for it or even an ETA ah there is no ETA on it but it's going to happen at some point before April because the marathon is in April so we would need to do it before then so it's going to happen before April isn't that a TTA yeah I guess it is estimated time yeah and before April that's not really hit time that's more of a estimated time to end it I mean that that that's like it could it could be tomorrow or it could be March 31st that's a huge timeframe yeah that's not like an ETA that's a big giant timeframe call it what you will for real dough thanks for the 250 I don't know if you're aware but the vermintide devs made a rats reference I actually did see this I did see the rats rats over the rest on the vermin tied to patch notes or something right whatever was new yeah yeah there is no it just the title of their dev update is just rats rats where the rats they don't go into and by the way oh my god you're so right it's just the one line actually from I was reading a few threads about this and apparently the rats at rats movie in the rat clip there's a clip going around that's that people know what it is but people might not know that it's from this channel from my understanding the rats have turned into their own thing that aren't even connected to me anymore that it's just thing and whatever it's you don't this the the student becomes the master as they say it's just going the rats don't need you know they don't need me anymore they're oh they're going off to college they're gonna be their own rats they've entered meme hood yeah that's fine whatever people can enjoy it that's why I've did it that's why I said it in the first place that's why I made the video so people could fucking think it was fun and you can use it didn't care about it I think it was funny that was it so it good makes me happy sue them cease and desist so you'd like me to cease and desist on the rats which is from a video game that I do not own the rights to characters that we created for 3d movie maker that I don't own the property rights for though I'm going to on behalf of me and and Microsoft I don't have to I don't have the authority to do anything about that Anthony Anthony is on the case um no it's fine doesn't bother me if people sing the rat song what am I gonna trade mark happy birthday you know what am i I heard I heard somebody said the rat song um excuse me I said that if it advising that person and one of my one wife those do and like it's not like it's not like the vermintide Deb's made money off of saying rats rats where the rats are not selling that in the store all right if the vermintide to devs made a like downloadable music track that they made in house of the rat song and they sold up alike five dollars there you go there's your opportunity at that point I would get on the phone and be like hey what I do about this none that's fair use that's just that's fair use they you yeah I'm saying if like they like uploaded by my voice if they just put up the rat song and had people buy it this is like a completely unbelievable fuckin not even real scenario yeah that I don't only fucking copyrights like this is I I wouldn't be able to do anything he's getting upset over hypothetical lawsuits copyright though I can't copyright the rats well I can't do that doesn't that's not gonna happen making money off of your like intellectual property you have intellectual ownership if they used your voice there would be a case it's not case the note cases there's no case the no case no there's no this is not as is not even real alright we're gonna move on like dude I think you should really like forget it again a lawyer at this point like doing a gif this is a case here no it's really cool though a huge like eight minute pretend hypothetical fucking lawsuit later that's really cool I'm glad that people think it's a cool meme and they think it's fun and I'm glad it's grown up and moved on to meme College Captain Nemo thanks for the five minutes German did you ever hear the story about a Christopher Lee was an assassin you know Christopher Lee corrects Peter Jackson okay what is this well I gotta plug this in we hear this you ought to see me with the 357 Magnum when Wormtongue rises up and comes up behind Simon to stab him of course it was my job as director to talk to Christopher Lee and to explain to him what I what I wanted so I started to go into this long explanation about what sort of sound he should make when he got stabbed I seem to recall that I did say to Peter have you any idea what kind of noise happens when some just stabbed in the back and I said because I do mr. fuck holy shit it's because the breaths driven out of your body he proceeded to sort of talk about some very clandestine part of World War two he used to be in the British Secret Service whatever they were really he seemed to have expert knowledge of exactly the sort of noise that they make and so I just sort of didn't push the subject any further I just said well you obviously know what to do Christopher so I'm sure you'll do it great and he did that's fuckin wild holy shit [Music] I didn't know that that's that's fuckin awesome oh fuck with Crisafulli hold on auto no I don't want to go back in he's like let me up let me it let me up let me get look at me hold on let me go get him hold on everybody say it he's like yeah that's what I wanted I love saying his name to get a great name Auto Show Auto all right before the stream turns off I'll show Auto I got like another 20 minutes a gnarly thanks to the 250 Jedi fallen order is pretty good as a souls aficionado myself I think it's good oh he he he wants to line the pillow in here he doesn't want it is when we pick him up he's doing the thing the dogs do and they just scratch over and over again the same spot of a pillow or a bed pick up the pillow no I'll imagine if you was lying in bed and somebody just opened the door and picked up your fucking bed and shoved you into a camera you'd be like what the not trust that would rule that would be epic oh yeah I don't think so anyways uh it's not as good as Sakura but since you actually like Star Wars you might get more enjoyment out of it than me maybe hopefully it I don't know it's been so long since we've played a new triple-a game our wilds is the last game that was a new game it's been so long since we played a new video game it's so slow though yeah I don't know III got a play it off stream though I love star boys I love lightsabers we'll see Steve here coming at ya thanks to the 265 thank you Steve Steve is the one that warned us about the five-dollar biggie bag from Wendy's said it wasn't worth it that was Steve coming out coming at you thanks thanks for the tip what am I gonna eat tonight Eddy the penguin thanks for the 500 bits the stream has been DMCA claimed just playing a video game in that's all I'm doing yes playing the game Marv ouch mccally thinks for the 250 okay turns out this game is not just that hard like I remembered it well if your old me was just bad at video games I died like a dozen times trying to destroy the dam now these games a no joke don't don't get yourself wrong there these games are tricky they're hard they're hard to control they're hard to see yes these are these are tricky games they're very difficult Bar broski thanks to the 300 bits and can you pause the movie I gotta pee hope you got back the movies over Owen jackal thanks for the five hundred bits germ Oh hope you had a good week mine was pretty rough alright here that a group of rowdy Bostonians this is just a made-up story a group of rowdy Bostonians came into the place I work and demanded dr. pepper even after being informed we don't serve it later the oldest member of the group jumped up his table and it's heptad to do the mario to impress his friends and ended up throwing up out his hip we called an ambulance and had to shut down the strip club for the rest of the night not a fun day at all sorry to hear that all right here that bone jackal oh thank you one Hogan thanks for the three hundred bits one who Gann sorry thanks for the free and bits hey Germa certified vaud boy and first-time donator been watching your content since middle school in alman college it's so weird to think about that it really is I mostly don't anything to tell you about a weird dream I had about you wasn't anything too freaky like you having sex on stream anyway I was helping a school throw out old text books and one of the textbooks was a German 985 textbook it had outdated channel memes and a whole chapter dedicated to explaining twitchchat also the textbook was tiny what an odd book that book would not be very big the German 985 textbook of wooden ok the German 95 textbook would be like a 30 page forward from me and then eight pages of actual content and 14 full page ads Thank You nOCA or the 300 bits nice to have you back germ I hope your break was good it was good it's good to be back good to be back full page yeah a full page cent ad Girma there's a whole wiki for you yeah and I know I've been shown it before with samples oh yeah that's right they do the samples with that hey Mark Meltzer thanks for the 250 you mentioned fallen order earlier while I haven't played it I do recommend looking into older Star Wars games public commando is an under played FPS classic the Jedi Knight series or Force Unleashed both have some good lightsaber stuff in there for you you can never go wrong with playing 2005 battlefront 2 personally older cult classics make for more fun streams compared to hot triple-a titles that are mostly cutscenes keep on standing up yeah I mean I don't really play the old games and necessarily try to do something different I just remember these being crazy and fun and ridiculous I remember playing a lot of these and when we get on a string of it oh yeah I wouldn't I grabbed 10 ps2 games I remember playing that what I thought were crazy I get to kind of relive it which is interesting too for me now that I'm trying to avoid big new triple-a titles it's just nothing's come out that's really want grab my attention and made me want to play it for more than a minute it's been some indie stuff you know those small not triple-a budget games that we've played on this channel over the last year the Phantom Menace game is really bad but I love it yeah I remember some of those I'm a bounty hunter was pretty fun out of wilds is amazing yeah but that's not a necessarily a triple-a experience I don't know if one comes along and I think it's worth playing I'll do it or worth streaming is a better way to put that yeah I agree at roblox Ashe works thanks to the 250 yellow L this guy thinks he's a Tolkien fan Cole keen fan I haven't seen the movies in a long time it's been a while awesome Alec thanks with an $8 is awesome Alec um I don't know what this message is it's it's free gay craig XX f x-- jus druid dudes just a dislikes XXX ASI and whatever it's just a minute much of like clown emotes it's pornography or something storm GC ten fifteen hundred bits big brain gameplay i got a pretty big brain porn codes thank you storm appreciate it apples shift thanks of 250 thanks to the 250 bits a man my households been pretty nightmarish recently it's been non-stop fighting and screaming basically it sucks to some degree but it's escalated a lot these past few months your streams and videos of my go-to when it comes to drowning it out the best I can thank you again for being such a comforting voice to turn to you always are especially now I have a good web man hope you had a nice break we missed you I'm sorry to hear that that does not sound like a good time at all I'm not sure how old you are but that does not sound like an environment that you would want to be in I don't know the story here a why or what's going on but stay safe hopefully you can get out of that scenario in that environment sooner rather than later thanks for hanging out here though we absolutely welcome anybody especially anyone that's trying this to get away from something but I will implore you this stream is a good place to hang out but I do want to make it really clear that if you're having some kind of issue or some kind of problem I hope you can find the necessary steps to solve it and start to go down the road to fix it or at least try to because this stream can only be here to be a stream and I know that does a lot for people but I really hope that you can also take the steps necessary to try to get better or try to fix your scenario as this stream can only do so much I wish you all the best stay safe hopefully you can take care of this scenario we also had a bunch of community subs right it's been a bunch of community subs 10 from scull / 10 from storm to have the 5 from gore 5 from great canadian FK club i stream loser laughed my ass up I'm gonna go get high eat dust nice making a storm Thank You storm GC for the 500 bits no message just 5 dollars thank you peaceful Haley thanks to the 250 yo Germa how was your time away hope all is well while you were away I streamed and surprisingly like over 20 German bites came we all had a good time be careful German I may steal all your viewers they're mine nobody can have them no but they're all mine no one can have one not even one thanks for the 250 they'll appreciate hey Thank You Haley glad to hear it 3d compact streamer doesn't like competition hey Royal dahui royal dolly thanks for the thousand bits 10 dolls irma whenever will you play an older obscure game that I really liked you seem to have a bad experience with it all the Lord of the Rings games mountain blade warband Halo Reach I would like to apologize as I feel life curse dude to have a bad time with any game that I'd like what about her was better Oh Kim's home now he wants to get out he's like that's Kim I'm gonna get out yeah okay yes all right okay I'll let Joe Kim just got him all right watch out huh okay there he goes he's running down to see mama oh let's keep going over when I was Roy don't we I would like to apologize I feel like cursed you to have a bad time at any game that I like I don't have a bad time with these games a mountain blade warband it was I think it was just overwhelming to me hey okay hold on let me I got a I got a rebuttal some of these points the Lord of the Rings games are just old and very very difficult just by their nature so I'm gonna get frustrated at some points I mean that doesn't mean I don't like the game Mountain blade warband overwhelmed me and I believe people in chat we're calling me like a stupid in the idiot and that I smelled and that my stream sucked so that was that one I mean I was overwhelming but Halo Reach was the worst room of the Year last year because me and Joel played it so I mean this is I did not hate these games [Laughter] but I mean it's not like I would never Mountain blade warband is just kind of not a game for me it's a lot it's a kind of lot going on you have to pay attention to a ton of stuff at the same time it's like kind of like moving pieces on a big game board Chad you know that's kind of just not my thing it's really really interesting and I do love that people love that series Joel ruined halo you know it really did I'm uh the honesty is the best policy let's use it here I mean they ruined all halo for me like all of halo not that stream but just that the idea of that gat was that ruined every Halo game I can't play Halo ever again there's nothing to do that's nothing to with Joe and nothing to do with Joe he didn't do anything out of the ordinary it's just like that stream I just like I'd never play Halo ever again it has nothing to do with Joe David joke PS you should play Warhammer 40k down a war one that's literally my favorite RTS ever made so you can have another ruined perception of one another one of my favorite games what Donna for one is my the tau was my favorite that that's one of the favorite games that's my favorite RTS ever that's probably the best RTS I've ever played how many who hold on call me out on this um fuck this is why it is I talk too much I talked too much too often and I say this all applaud what is he how many literally favorite RTS is do I have how many times I said it we've talked about RTS and I literally tell you my favorite RTS ever and apparently I've said it like three or four different games three happened like three times just got here who's Joe you know Johnny no no Joe oh all right got ya put that it was an elder me a while to say it but no I love I love to I can you might see that game eventually eventually not anytime soon thanks a lot for the thousand bits a pea flavor hit flavor hopefully I'm saying that right thanks to the $5 a germ hope you you can say my name right this time and hope you have had a good 40 days so far of 20/20 here's your a germ attacks if I got it right I got it right let's put the oh we have a second here let's do the subs credits move away from this one we'll go to that one Peter is now empty thanks for coming watch your step on the way out let's around the credits it's been about a week and a half since we ran the credits thank you all for your support even in my extended absence shitload of people still stay sub to this channel I'm even though I haven't even streamed so thanks for that all of you and this is what I'm talking about I'm back in hundreds of fucking people so and thousands of you have stayed so even though I haven't even screamed once in February until now essentially thanks guys anyways let's let's keep going we still have a little bit more bits to go maybe like another five or six of them odd da da da fuk da du fuck thanks for the thousand bits ten bucks appreciate it Irma long time watcher first time donator I've been wondering what do you eat to get your garlic honey intake I don't know - so I want to know so I can to never age I love you streams and though I cannot join in life and many of them I would donate more and sub to the channel but I'm only a mere poor college boy don't worry about that keep your money save it use it for something good for you take care of yourself first always but how do you have garlic and honey um it's water - Frank a bunch of water always be drinking water over the course of the day try to get you you know cut out replace like three or four drinks a day that you drink normally with water helps also to stay with some cheese stuck cutting cheese out of your life I know that's hard and it's a horrible to me to say yeah okay let me go over what just happened there I started to almost choke on the air that I was breathing and I had to make that noise otherwise I would have choked on air okay just don't stay with some cheese don't eat that much cheese drink more water try to eat at least one vegetable group day cheese is good but just don't do only too much cheese that's advice from the 1950s eat less cheese increase your garlic intake and drink water is that's just like hey you want to be a healthy motherfucker or not dr. house even says don't eat cheese dr. Greg house and that was a TV shows a really popular TV show and TV doesn't lie to you everything you see on TV is is true even TV shows every episode of every episode of That's So Raven you've ever seen happened in real life oh yeah just drink more water water helps boy and moisturize goddamnit moisturize moisturize and what if people don't moisturize when you get out of the shower get a nice facial moisturizer and just put a small lay around and rub it in moisturize let me you guys are dry gettin you gotta get some you got to moisturize man king of a skincare it says the sludge streamer know you got a moisturizer right and yeah I'm a sludge streamer because I'm under these heat lamps like eight hours of course I'm gonna be sludgy well what do you want me to do I have these like McDonald's heat lamps pointing down at me to keep me fucking warm and happy anyways Thank You ed Boni for the 300 bits they say woo appreciate it sir k9 thanks for the $5.00 very cool video I thought you might get a laugh out it and I love laughing but I don't click links unless I click them first yes good thing I did I don't click legs unless I click them first why because of links like the one you just gave me - dissipated that's I knew I knew what it was just proving it to you I don't click links until I clip them first pretty cool video a Chris Bach Chris bought to the 600 bits okay Jeremy thank God why does everything have to come down to the last second with you what what do you mean um I'm sorry if there's a timer or there's a period of time where I get may allowed to accomplish something it's still that I still accomplished it in that time that I needed to oh no the last second you did it no I I did it in the allocated time and I needed to what happened worst noise 2020 why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy shit holy shit that was it okay that was 30 seconds long holy fuck okay do you guys know in future Rafa what's his name Maurice um Maurice LaMarche does this voice in Futurama as it's an alien scream thing what is this home on way my way the the monster voice that that Maurice LaMarche does what does everybody make this video no do this world oh it's a Futurama thing hold on you guys know what I'm talking about it's this like I can't do it it's crazy he's incredibly talented what where is it it's robbing alien-like scream then I'll get it no not sorry Paquito that's Billy West all he can do this thing not bender no no no no uh-uh shit I need to find this all right area otherworldly sounds thank you [Music] [Applause] yes now you know the thing I'm talking about [Applause] okay so now that you know what I'm talking about here it is [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] what the fucking music back up oh that clip is on the internet forever and that's just the way it is this is the worst stream on earth [Music] wait this one or or or like this channel [Music] sorry you missed Lord love rings we've watched all three of the movies why does it have to be just earth can't be more than earth this on the on this website [Music] anyways Bulba swag thanks boba swag death suit for the 500 bits I'm officially back from my vacation in Japan but while I was there at night I listened to your old tf2 commentary videos to sleep - I'm an old fan I was wondering - give us another hey what's going on everybody in that tone you had I've been feeling nostalgic sure hey what's going on buddy teacher over here with the Team Fortress 2 gameplay commentary and tonight let me rewind the clock a little bit and talking about the and he'll never do that again ever thank you hey dub the bird thanks for a thousand bits 10 bucks hope this helps pay off the lawsuits for using the copyrighted content I'll be alright I'm not gonna get in trouble thanks though to have the burden another thousand bits ten bucks and of the brewery you're honestly a god gamer this is a game held this game has helped me clearly see that now yeah I knew that sometimes it comes up yeah pockets thanks to the $5 pockets hey Jeremiah had to put down my cat last Friday it's been a rough week sorry to hear that that sucks but I came home that night and watched you play Tony Hawk and it took my mind off everything just a little bit what days thanks for that and the streams and vids that have been a source of comfort since 2012 which I could give more hope your PT goes well and get good thoughts for you thank you i absolute it's all right hear about your cat remember the good times you had Thank You pockets and you've been around for a long time thanks for watching for that long push you to death almost at the end here we only have a few more we're going to transition to the actual actual end of the stream thanks for watching guys we'll see you tomorrow so uh now I'll show Otto don't worry I'll show Otto hod y'all go good boy thanks 4,000 bits a song of ice and fire being mentioned reminded me that even when we get winds of winter Roy dotrice won't be narrating it which is the most disappointing thing to me about the whole thing hopefully someone can fill his shoes yes that's true the audio books by Roy dotrice were the best way I think at some point to experience those books they had somebody do he did what he did like three of them right somebody else came in into the did these four girls like that he was awesome he did all the voices his narration was unbelievable yeah if we even ever even fucking get winds of winter I don't even it's gonna I think it's gonna happen I don't think it's gonna happen all right put me on the list of people that I don't think it's gonna happen I don't think we're gonna get wins the winner I don't think so but anyways yeah thanks a lot for the ten bucks the old roofie production Thank You gold movie thanks to the 250 during this month marks one whole year that I've been a part of the German community in February of last year was the very first stream that I tuned into it was the meme funerals ticket and only took me about 30 seconds to decide that I definitely didn't want to miss another stream again now it feels like I was always here that there was never a day that I didn't have you streams in my life thank you and chapter all the great laughs so far I love you jack comes up with just as many interesting things sometimes more so than I could you guys collectively come up with some of them a fucking funniest shit I've ever seen her I mean that I look over at my I look over and just laugh at some of the wild shit you guys write makes me laugh thank you thanks for checking the channel on when you did and hopefully you stick around crack chat no they weren't cracked chat tonight up home homie lizard thanks for the 300 bits turbo have you heard momentary bliss yet what are your thoughts I have not actually have not had a chance to do that let's do that tonight that's the new gorillaz song right is that that's what you're referring to yeah it is all right I'm the I don't wanna listen to it I have to literally put headphones on and just like close my eyes and leaned back in my chair and then listen to it like four more time but I have not heard it yet I'll give you my thoughts going to future gamer thanks to the 250 if you want to stream Dawn of War consider playing the ultimate apocalypse mod that's a bunch of new factions hundreds of new units map sized Titans and more I feel like I love to the originals so much that I might not want to do any mods maybe maybe maybe we'll give it a try Oh futz thanks for the 300 bits hello hope you're having a great night in that physical therapy works well I thought I was a new addition to the community but yesterday I found that I watched your tf2 videos back in middle school I'm now in college we're not getting a biological sciences degree oh yeah I've been having a hard time in school and at home recently and new streams in this community have been helping me stay positive thanks for the laughs hope you feel better soon biological sciences isn't there some smart use of smart cookies in here this is smart people in your biological sciences engineers pilots doctors such a fucking scientists hope you get through the hard times here if it has to do with school I know school can be especially College can be pretty daunting sometimes just take it slow do what you can and just do best that's all you can do storm GC thanks to the five community subs storm gave a shitload of subs tonight though Thank You storm and it finally we have goo berry juice for three hundred bits and J bong for 250 goo berry juice says oh hi yo go saw Mesut perma kill I'd I don't know what what am I saying I was wondering if you could show off your amazing pronunciation skills and just say these few words for me no I no no no no no no I don't I don't know I don't okay and he's bad he says he's not bad words right babushka woofster sheer seppuku and a moan and mocha ash look at it okay so you know if you mess any of these up even slightly in pronunciation I will be drafted into World War 3 I probably should have read that part that being said I know you do great thanks again well bands show Auto real quick davon thanks in 250 hey drew glad you're back I recently had to let my dog go due to complications with her health sorry to hear that she was my best friend for 10 years you have an unconditional love all the time it's hard to see the spots she used to occupy in the house and not tear up glad you're back man these dreams really help giving me a boost missing you all the time Bella oh oh my god well they're adorable you're on that this picture in particular is fucking fantastic hold on it's a wink it's so beautiful that's tough though I've talked about the losing animals and being separated from animals before and the way that I've dealt with that each time is you give yourself some time to grieve about it and sort of try to remember but move on and then take care of another one take care of another animal bring another animal into your life dog cat rabbit lizard don't matter keep the love going on somebody else that wants a home right somebody else that wants to be your friend Hey look at this look at that this amazing so cute sorry to hear about that thank you for sharing that and good luck thanks to the 250 and finally we had 500 bits from Allison J the runescape PI vomiting sound is the worst sound you'll ever hear look up vomiting quest on YouTube but it starts out about halfway in what there's a vomiting quest on runescape why [Music] oh my god this fuckin ridiculous it's a fuckin insane it's like somebody okay alright that's enough see yes tomorrow goodbye holy shit oh no I'm gonna turn off the audio for this and I can you hear it myself warning it says hold on there's a warning in the runescape text it says warning what's the warning I just miss the warning I don't care I I just turned up the Sun yeah I'm not loud I'm Kerri alright see you guys tomorrow remember 6 p.m. Pacific was nothing really late tomorrow because uh doing physical therapy PT it's easier to say that way I know I know I know Otto I know I know I know Otto I know I know Otto that's not out of that's not yeah that's blue hold on just wait you oh it's not even in the room anymore uh uh he went remember Kim came and he left he's not he's downstairs now I see tomorrow Otto Smith of room he went downstairs to go see Kip member I let him on ok we'll show him tomorrow I promise goodbye xeric winks why don't turn the camera and say bye all right bye say tomorrow it's up sleep you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 49,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, jerma lord of the rings, pc, jerma lord of the rings return of the king
Id: mEt2v_YjawA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 453min 45sec (27225 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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