Jeremiah 30:7: Jacob's Trouble, By Elijah Choi

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now i grew up in a countryside of korea in uh amongst the rice paddies and i grew up um just a place where no one knows of in a small home with parents who prayed day and night my father had a had a schedule every day that he will pray seven hours in tongues every day and he will pray and i still remember the you know it was about thursday evening as i was getting my message done all of a sudden the lord just re just reminded me of the memories of how i was raised and how he led me here and how he established me for the last 10 years and i couldn't remember i couldn't help but to remember how it was you know i was probably eight nine years old and you wake up in the middle of the night and it's like two or three o'clock in the morning and i can hear my father singing in tongues to jesus and that was so norm for me like i grew up in that context where that's norm every father will pray at two o'clock in the morning right and and then as i you know i remember during that time it was when my my father said to me he said elijah your assignment is to be a voice in your generation he said me i remember very clear that i was nine years old he sat me down and said you're gonna be a voice in your generation and you're gonna have to learn how to speak english so he you know this is how korean culture works you don't get to contribute your opinion they tell you what to do and you just do it so i didn't really have a choice you know and so my brother went to china learned chinese and i you know went to canada for a bit and learned english and my dad wanted my sister to run russian he had a big dream you know um older for the sake of gospel but i remember it was during that time he said you know you have to know the bible you know you what everything in life has to be built upon this word so at the age of nine he made a he decided that i was gonna have a daily routine okay i didn't have a choice he just one day came up with a schedule and i would read ten chapters of the bible every single day at the age of nine and on summer breaks he will intensify that to 30 chapters a day you know as as as wonderful as it may sound it was tormenting you know it was not it didn't work out really well now it did and the lord worked everything for it together for good amen but i just so appreciate men and women who didn't give me an american dream like my father not once told me i need to get a better grade or i need to get a better job or like not once i i don't remember having that conversation with my dad he had a one thing that he wanted to make sure that i get it he said your job is to be wherever god tells you to be and simply do what he tells you to do then you will be successful son that was the one thing he made it super clear to me and then the second thing he always told me and this is nine years old korean having a conversation can you imagine this like you go to school and he said you know what did your dad tell you to do well he told me to be more like jesus christ like that was one thing he always told me he said elijah your goal is to be more like a character of christ and that has been the hardest assignment and a mandate like my dad always preached to me in 101 romans 8 29 it is for that you will be conformed into the image of his son so i'm asking the lord for grace as we as we share this message what seems to be a heavy subject jacob's trouble but like i shared that this is a message of intimacy it really is it doesn't get more intimate than this so what i want the point of my message is not to convince the certainty of this truth i think mike has done this in the past and many of our teachers have a lot of messages about this my goal is to explain the purpose of god now let me first explain to you what jacob's trouble is when we say jacob trouble it simply means the great tribulation this is what jesus referred to as the great tribulation the hebrew prophet jeremiah called the great tribulation as jacob's trouble it is the trouble like never before in the past nor will ever will be unprecedented unequal time of trouble but when you look at the bible the bible that doesn't only emphasize there's coming a future reality like this it says it gives us understanding of why it's happening and what the lord is accomplishing i remember the one of the first leadership lessons when i came here at ihop was that told me that know the why behind the what very important principle he said you know whether it's a bible study or in your leadership principle or in your parenting you have to understand why you do certain things you have to know the why behind and why those rules and things are there and i like to apply this very principle when i study the bible specifically the subject of the end times i like to ask the question lord let me see what you see and let me feel what you feel when you look at these things you know over the years i wrestle with some of these hard truths like like if at first it felt like i'm comfortable why would god like good god allow certain things like this yet when you begin to understand that bible is not silent about those questions you know the kindness of the lord is that he gives us answers he explains the why he says i'm not only executing i'm not only performing my judgment i am accomplishing like i have an intention in my heart like this is the comfort that gives here look at jeremiah 23 jeremiah 23 20 it says the anger of the lord will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intent of his heart in the latter days you will understand it perfectly here jeremiah says the lord is in charge devil is not in charge the lord is in charge devil is involved the wickedness of man is involved but beloved let it be crystal clear god is in charge he is going to complete what he has started so the prophet jeremiah first reminds us he's the one who's executing he's the one who is performing but he doesn't just stop there the goal of jacob's trouble is not just to perform punishment that's not it there's something he's accomplishing through the judgment activities judgment is a means to fulfilling a greater purpose this in this we take comfort because we know the goal is not just to prove our guilt and prove our wrong the lord says no i'm about to bring something forth bigger than that so the question that i ask is what is the purpose the lord promises and he prophesies that we will understand this perfectly he says i'm going to give you understanding you will under when he says you will understand this this is not just the the plan when he says this he says you will know what i'm accomplishing and you will communicate that to your generation now before we get to the meat of the conversation it's important that we have a proper perspective of jacob's trouble like writing interpretation you know when you hear phrases or statements like there will be the greatest unprecedented unequal time of trouble as humans we can't help but to ask how can the god of the cross who loves us so much to a point where he will bear our cross he will take on our transgression why would he allow such trouble and suffering in the land and i like i mentioned that scripture answers those questions scripture is not silent about those issues oftentimes we're not aware but the lord actually explains us in his kindness this is why this is what i'm doing so in jeremiah's chapter 30 this is within the same context of the lord prophesying jeremiah jake of trouble so the phrase jacob's trouble comes jeremiah 30 verse 7 and as he prophesies this he begins to explain why he's doing this this is verse 11 for i am with you to save you declares the lord i will not make a full end i will discipline you in just measure and i will by no means leave you unpunished now i want you to catch the phrase discipline in just measure the lord interprets the greatest trouble that humanity has ever seen as just measure meaning this is the least severe means in order to save look at like test this in verse 11. he says i am with you to save you i want you to catch that to save this is not to destroy but to say this is my salvation work the judgment of god is salvation this is why in isaiah 26 it says when your judgments are on the earth the wicked will learn righteousness see when the judgment of god comes upon the earth god begins to teach us what he's like what his ways are like he's about to save humanity and the story of israel like think of think of this way any doctor when you have to do extreme surgery any surgery or surgical procedure is extreme it's bloody it's painful but no one will walk out of surgery and say oh that doctor was so unmerciful like he did a open-heart surgery like he's so unmerciful like we wouldn't assess that surgery that way right if you do you know what that doctor is going to tell you you don't have any idea what condition you are in your condition required that i do open heart surgery it required to be bloody because you were that sick it was meant to cure you not to destroy you in the process yeah there's some things to be taken out but if you have four stage cancer it requires to do open heart surgery so when you look at jacob's trouble or a great tribulation if it feels too severe that only tells us how much we're disconnected to the real condition of our sin it only tells us how much we are unaware how far we are from where we need where we need to be healed so so when israel comes out of this story this great tribulation this is how she interprets when you look at psalm 118 she this is a song that she's singing as she receives jesus as her messiah but in this song she's not accusing of god's leadership like where were you in the midst of my suffering she doesn't do that like how can a good god and merciful god allow the time of darkness instead she comes out of jake of trouble with a heart of thanksgiving and a song of praise and she begins to prophesy you have done this because you're good and your staff has loving yours forever so these are her words psalm 118 verse 18 the lord has disciplined me severely but he has not given me over to death did you hear that you have disciplined me severely because you didn't want it to give up on me it's because you did not want to forsake me jesus did really say in sermon on the mount if your hand causes you to sin cut it off does that sound too violent to us now obviously jesus is being figurative here but the statement jesus is making is do not play with sin do not take sin lightly it is not toxic it is deadly it will lead you to eternal damnation so the lord is telling israel jacob's trouble is not too severe is unto desperate to save you israel i cannot give up on you i will not forsake you to a lake of fire i have to intervene so this is israel understands this leadership so she comes out and says for you are good i'll give thanks to the lord for he is good and his staff has loved endures forever now now that we have a proper perspective of jacob's trouble i want to get to the answer of like the question of what is the purpose now before i get there let me just remind you that all you know there is not one answer you know all the all the activities of god in the bible is always 10 dimensional right god does one thing and he's accomplishing 20 different things and i find that mine can always fully comprehend his infinite wisdom and so likewise in jacob trouble or the great tribulation the lord is doing all kinds of things and accomplishing salvation and judgment and redeeming and restoring like he's working in all different ways yet at the same time i believe the scripture is precise crystal clear what the ultimate purpose is while there are many details the scripture reminds us this is what god is after this is his aim this is what he's trying to accomplish and you will understand this intention of my heart perfectly this is where we come to jeremiah 30 and 31. now jeremiah 30 is the phrase jacob's trouble is first where he first appears but what's significant about jeremiah 30 is that in jeremiah 30 prophet jeremiah reiterates what he said in jeremiah 23 in the the anger of the lord will not turn back until he has accomplished the intentions of his heart in the latter days so jeremiah quotes this truth word for word but in jeremiah 30 he doesn't only point out the fact that god has a purpose in jacob's trouble he goes as far as to specify what that is he says this is what he's after so we go to jeremiah 30. jeremiah 30 verse 22. he says you shall be my people and i will be your god behold the anger the fierce anger of the lord will not turn back until he has performed and until he has accomplished the intentions of his heart in the latter days you will understand this at that time so look so jeremiah already started with i will be your god and you shall be my people and then he goes you will understand the intentions of my heart perfectly and just in case we miss the point just in case we miss the message which we're prone to right not because we're trying to be wrong but oftentimes the darkness of our heart we don't fully we're not real intentional when we read the lord's word so we tend to miss the lord's message so the lord goes you know what i'm not going to leave you to your understanding to catch what i'm after i'm gonna remind you once again so in verse the very next verse by the way chapter 30 and chapter 31 has no chapter breaks jeremiah didn't put the chapter breaks there this isn't a one flow he says at that time after jacob's trouble declares the lord i will be the god of israel and they shall be my people i will be your exceeding great reward and you will be my treasured possession the goal of the great tribulation is not just the punishment the lord wants to refine his people so that they will be his treasured possession now just in case we still overlook this the magnitude of this message just in case we go you know i guess it's there in case we do that the lord knows us so well and in his kindness he goes you know what i'm gonna say one more time so that you get this crystal clear what i'm doing here that you not only know that there is coming a time of trouble and these things will take place but then you would actually understand what i'm accomplishing through this so in chapter 31 as the lord promises and prophesies the new covenant this is the famous passage i want you to catch what the new covenant is all about the new covenant is so that he will circumcise our hearts to put a new heart that we will have the understanding we will have eyes to see what he's accomplishing so he says in jeremiah 31 33 this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days i will put my law within them and i will write it on their hearts and i will be their god and they shall be my people he said in case you missed that message let me say that one more time and the lord goes again in chapter 32 let me say that one more time israel that what the reason i'm allowing this this time of pruning time of discipline is so that i will finally be your sitting great reward and i will have you as my treasured possession israel i don't want to be just your messiah i don't want to be just your savior i will be your supreme treasure you will find the lord your god as your beloved and i will accomplish that through the great tribulation and in case we still overlook this message which we are prone to which i'm prone to are you with me well oftentimes we just read our bible like our journal and we don't fully grasp the intensity and the intention of the lord's heart the unrelenting vision that god has to go out of his way to communicate time and time and time again he says did you catch that did you hear me or in case we just missed that and we just go over to the next chapter and next verse the lord you know what i'm gonna i'm not gonna leave this vision to your understanding i'm gonna make this crystal clear that you don't miss this so he prophesies again in zechariah 13. zechariah 13 is one of the most terrifying passages in the bible because it tells us the outcome of jacob trouble which is verse 8. but at the same time zechariah 13 is one of the most wonderful passages in the whole bible because it does not end with verse eight it ends with verse nine the lord makes it clear that jake of trouble is a means to an end israel i will accomplish my vision and here it is zechariah 13 8-9 and each shove and it shall come to pass in all the land that two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die and one third shall be left in it now when you read this just ask the lord lord give me a divine groaning give me your pain and what you feel when you look at the jewish people like it doesn't get any clearer than this the outcome will be two-thirds what i don't even know what that means but the lord makes it crystal clear this is not this is going to be severe but least severe this is the mercy of god in his leadership and but here here it is the reason why this passage becomes wonderful and merciful and kind is because it does not end in verse 8 verse 9 i will bring the one-third through the fire and we'll refine them as silver is refined this will call they will call upon my name and i will answer them and i will say this is my people and each one every single jewish heart both young and old will say the lord is my god i will be your god and you shall be my people israel i will accomplish my vision this is the purpose of jacob's trouble now what does that mean what does it mean that i will be your god and you shall be my people what he means is found in song of solomon so you know a jewish rabbi is called song of solomon the holy of holies of the whole scripture because it encapsulates the essence of the bible theology in eight chapters in song of solomon the bride says i am my beloved and my beloved is mine now this phrase is the essence of the whole theology of song of solomon in chapter one through four in chapter two the bride says my beloved is mine first meaning if you will meet my need then i will be yours lord if you will bless me and if you allow certain things in my life then i will consider serving you but in chapter four the brain begins to unveil his heart his ravished heart in chapter five after she has tasted what the bridegroom is really like and how far he's willing to go she is lovesick for the bridegroom and in chapter six she comes out after chapter five she comes out and she declares i am my beloved no matter what no matter what he calls i will follow the land wherever he goes wherever he goes i will follow him and he alone will be my exceeding great reward it says in psalms whom am i in heaven by you there's nothing on earth that i desire besides you my strength and my flesh may fail lord you are the strength of my heart and you alone my chosen cup and my portion forever so the bride comes out of encountering the heart of the bridegroom and she says no matter what it costs i will go you i am yours only lord and you are my only inheritance this is where she says so this is about 4 000 years of israel history transformation is about from serving the lord based on our needs and based on our standard to after seeing his heart the bride begins to connect to the lord say lord how far would you let me go how abandoned would you let me be you have become my magnificent obsession you know this is what i say after 40 000 years god is not just trying to prove that he is israel's messiah they are not just going to reluctantly agree that jesus is the messiah isaiah 26 it says in that day you will sing with your mouth this song your name lord and the fame of jesus is the desire of my soul god wants to be their heart's desire not just their savior he will be found as their spring treasure and the lord says this is what i'm accomplishing and in case we overlook the magnitude of this message the lord virtually sealed the four thousand years of israel's history with this phrase now i'm about to give you in five minutes four thousand years of the theology of israel do you believe me i see doubt in your eyes you should live by faith not by sight but i'm going to ask you for the next five minutes don't look at your phone don't look at someone else just stay with me i'm going to prove to you because whether this is the lord's wanting reality or not you got to get it from the bible i'm going to prove that this is the lord's wanting reality not just in jacob's trouble but from the ch from choosing of israel from delivering israel through exodus giving them a tabernacle giving them the worship and giving and even through the trouble and through redeeming and restoring the lord communicates time and time again this is my vision so we start with leviticus 26. leviticus 26 is one of the most important passages in the bible it's what we refer to as the old covenant mosaic covenant leviticus 26 is like a key to unlock the whole old testament and it's also a key to unlock the end time storyline the reason why it happens the way it is when you go to daniel 9 angel gabriel basically explains to daniel hey daniel just so you know the timeline is because of leviticus 26 that's basically what he says so this is that significant now it's pretty simple the law the principle is if you obey you'll be blessed if you disobey the the lord will chastise you but what's important is that this is a principle that not only applies in israel's history is a principle that still applies to israel's present and it's a principle that will affect israel's coming future okay but what's important is that the point of leviticus 26 is not right or wrong the point is there's a bigger story he says this is the essence of blessing and this is the essence of chastisement i have one vision in mind and i want you to catch that here it is leviticus 26 i will make my dwelling among you and i will walk among you and will be your god and you shall be my people and then he explains the consequences of his judgments and at verse 45 he says but i will for the sake for their sake remember the covenant with their forefathers that i might be their god so that i might be your exceeding great reward this is not optional to me israel both in blessing and both in the times of discipline israel this is not optional to me i will accomplish my vision so he goes on in jeremiah 7 jeremiah 7 is critical passage this is the passage that jesus quotes as he cleanses the temple right he says you have turned my father's house into daniel roberts when he uses the phrase dana roberts he's quoting jeremiah 7 and in jeremiah 7 whenever jesus or the apostles quotes one phrase of the old testament passage they're quoting the whole message of the chapter okay so jesus was basically saying house of prayer this is what the house of prayer is about and he says go read jeremiah 7 what i said to you so jeremiah 7 it's critical passage the lord says for i did not speak to your fathers in the day that i brought them out of the land of egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices you know how shocking this might have sound to israel it's like this would have been heretical if any jew would have heard it's like jeremiah do you were you not do are you did you forget that god came down on a mountain and gave us those the worships you know worship system sacrifices and offerings it's like what do you think that we are enduring to read leviticus like it's because the lord commanded and the point of the lord is like no that's not that's not the essence it's the word it's not about that the activity when it misses what it's about the if you forget the reality after the activity then then the the activity itself can be in vain so those says this is not what i'm after this is what i'm after so verse 23 but this is what i commanded them saying obey my voice and i will be your god and you shall be my people it wasn't just about having a worship service in that city it says israel that that that that expression was on to produce a day and not reality that i am yours and you are mine never forget israel that this is how unrelenting i am but israel for centuries they don't catch this message just like us oftentimes we don't understand what he's after so we only are so committed to the activity itself so they get to a point where hosea won this is where the lord in his pain begins to write a certificate of divorce now the lord never actually divorces israel because why his compassion is stronger than their sin his mercy prevails so he actually says my heart recoils with within me israel how can i give up on you in jose 11 how can i forget you my mercy recoils burns within me i cannot give you up so the divorce never takes place but he writes the certificate of divorce to get their attention but i want you to catch the language what is the essence of separation between god and man here he says then god said call his name lo ami for you are not my people and i will not be your god this is the essence but like i mentioned the love of god is stronger than death it is stronger he's his jealousy and his compassion and his affection is more fierce than the grave amen this is not a poetic language this the when jesus enter into the grave when he died on the cross that was a public demonstration my affection for israel and the nations is stronger than death even death cannot stop my vision so the lord begins to prophesy ezekiel 37 which we often quote about revival passage this is this is this is a passage about israel's resurrection it's a passage about the restoration of israel the lord begins to say i'm going to open up your grave if it means me going out of my way to open up the grave what seems dead dry bone i will breathe upon you i will give you a resurrected heart i will give you a resurrected mind i will put new veins and new senses so that i will accomplish my vision and he this is what he says he says you know what that's all about do you know what i'm about to resurrect you for he says it in ezekiel 37 and you shall know that i am the lord when i open up your graves and i will raise you from your graves or my people and i will save them from all the backslidings oh how i love that prayer i believe this is the prayer of god for the church of america lay with you see in church i will save you from all your backslidings i will save you from all your compromises i have a resurrected power to do that but what does it accomplish what is resurrection for this is what it accomplishes and they shall be my people and i will be their god the lord is so unrelenting he says i want to make clear that how accomplishes the intentions of my heart so the story of israel does not end with divorce as we know it ends with a consummation of the marriage this is hosea 2 one of the most profound and dramatic passages the lord begins to reveal himself as a bridegroom god he said i am more than your master i am more than your creator i am a husband to you i will betray you i will betray you to myself forever but here i want you to catch what what is the mean to accept jesus as a husband what does that accomplishes in hosea 2 in that day you will call me my husband and no longer will you call me my baal and i will betrot you to me forever verse 23 and i will say to not my people you are my people and he shall say you are my god so the lord finally accomplishes the restoration of israel after 4 000 years all this said and done the law says israel i will do this to you ezekiel 37 i will be their god and they shall be my people then the nations will know that i am the lord who sanctifies israel do you love those phrases i this is my prayer for the church prayer for israel like i the way the lord said it here the nations will know that i am the lord who sanctifies my church amen there's a coming of time god is going to do such work that the nations will know every tribe tongue and language will acknowledge god sanctifies his church god is committed to his church god will sanctify this is his evangelicals even evangelism strategy this is how god accomplishes the great commission i am the lord and there is no other and the whole world will acknowledge i am the god of israel how i will be your god and you shall be my people when that mission is completed the whole world will know he alone is god and there is no other this is the vision of god for the nation if israel the story of israel this is the purpose of god for jacob's trouble but here's a question when israel fails the vision what does the lord do well after four thousand years what he will accomplish but in the story of israel when he when they fail to catch the vision how does the lord respond this is where our story comes in this is where the story of gentiles comes in the lord raises up his church glorified church in the spirit and the identity of a bride to provoke israel to the reality of i am my beloved and my beloved is mine and this is where we get to the story of ruth now first i want to point out two things in the story of ruth two things are important number one is a context the context of ruth is significant because it points out that the story of ruth is in context of jacob's trouble it says that when the judge is ruled famine came to the land it's not talking about some natural disaster it's talking about specifically israel broke the covenant so god's chastisement was upon israel so it's a context of jacob's trouble it's a preview but in that context it also points out the background history it says there was a woman named ruth and she's a moabite now this element moabite connects us back to the story of numbers 22 to 24 25. when you go to numbers 22-25 this is a story about a nation of moab that wants to curse israel a king of moab hears about what god did in egypt and he sees this mass number of people and he hires a false prophet named baal from all the way from iraq and he hires me and says hey i'm so afraid of these people can you just come and curse them so balaam goes up on the mountain overlooking israel and as he tries to curse israel the lord apprehends his mouth and out of his mouth comes blessing every time he shout occurs blessing comes out and he goes as far as to begin to prophesy i see a star a scepter coming out of jacob and he's going to crush the head of moab and the king of war goes what did you just say you want to die i can kill you right now malem you better watch your mouth but balaam's like i i'm not i'm not trying to say that like i don't know where that came from like this this is the sovereignty working in through this pro false prophet so they're in a dilemma they gotta curse israel but they can't every time they try to curse whoever god blesses no one can curse if god is for us no one can be against us so balaam goes i need a different strategy so he goes down to the mountain and this portion is made of story okay i think this is how it happened he goes down to the mountain and he sees moses he says that guy's a real prophet i'm a false prophet i heard what the lord did with that guy that guy that's face to face with yahweh and the reason why i'm imagining this is because numbers 22 to 24 is happening when moses is preaching deuteronomy 28. so deuteronomy 28 moses is talking about blessing and the curse israel if you obey the lord will bless you but if you disobey he will judge you so balaam goes into the midst of the crowd and here moses preaching the sermon a blessing and the curse and he goes wait did you just say that god will curse israel there is a way that i can trick this whole thing and set israel up against god he says so if israel sins then god will be against israel i don't have to do that so balaam and baylor brings out in chapter 25 what do they do they bring out thousands or more by women more by prostitutes into the camp of israel and as this more by women enters into the camp of israel the judgment of god breaks out and 24 000 jews get killed the judging of god just goes through the camp and the story of ruth the writer ruth says she's from that line she's a more about woman do you remember the story about more about prostitutes who caused israel's destruction the lord is bringing forth a new line the lord is bringing forth a gentile from that history and says i'm gonna bring forth the bride of christ i will give you a premier picture of who the bride is and i will introduce myself as a bridegroom king so she comes on the stage from that history and her out of her mouth comes a declaration what does she say your god will be my god and your people will be my people when israel fails the vision the lord is going to raise up a glorified church in the spirit and the identity of a bride and we will provoke israel to a real identity of a pride that's what the ultimate provoking israel to jealousy look like therefore the lord begins to quote this story in isaiah 54. what is isaiah 54 sing o'barren woman israel you who sin baron sing rejoice you will no longer be barren for the one who is the you will have more children than the one who is married and israel goes how i am just like naomi i am barren i am fruitless i have no hope my present reality is dark and the lord goes because your maker is your husband the holy one of israel is your redeemer and that word redeemer is used 19 times in the book of ruth that word redeemer it means kinsmen redeemer i am more than your savior i am your husband i am greater boaz israel do you remember the story of ruth how i brought a gentile to reveal myself and how i will restore you in your trouble so i have prepared a glorified church she will not love her life even unto death and stand with you and provoke you to jealousy so i want to end it with this my friends in song of solomon chapter five when we get to song of solomon chapter five here is a story of shulamite how she provokes the daughters of jerusalem how does she provoke the daughters of jerusalem psalm solomon 5 the shalom i says o daughters of jerusalem if you find my beloved tell him that i am lovesick and the daughters of jerusalem israel are so provoked by this question so provoked by this love sickness so provoked by this lifestyle what is your beloved better than another shilohmite church who is your jesus who is your messiah that is better than another that you church so far that you go with you that you will go this far that you will pay this price and the shiloh might answers she says my beloved is chief among ten thousand he's all together lovely and i am my beloved and my beloved is mine friends the way the lord wants to provoke israel in the time of jake of trouble is through you and i's love sickness the question that the lord is asking us in this moment this morning i believe for foreigner church for ihop i believe the lord's asking us i have kc or you still love sega i have kc am i still your number one is your heart still tender and moved by me so i want to invite you as worship didn't come up i want to end it with this i had a first opportunity to preach the message of i will be your god and you shall be my people about two years ago in singapore and after i preached this message i did it at the time in context of house of prayer a young man came up to me and said elijah i've never seen that vision of god being so clear and the young man said i have a question for you how do i do that if this is what that god is after how do i enter into this reality like how where do i start and the lord whispered to my heart and he says song of psalms chapter 7 verse 10. that's the key what is psalm psalm number chapter 7 verse 10 i am my beloved and his desire is for me friends the way we enter into the reality of i am my beloved my beloved is mine is by drinking from the river of his pleasure this is not about how much you can work we do have to do our part we do have to resolve in our lives to let go of certain things but the invitation this morning i feel like the lord is inviting us are you still drinking from the reality and the truth that my desire is for you is that still moving your heart so i want to invite you this morning as you're listening to this message the purpose of god for jacob's trouble and what god is after i want you to ask yourself this question am i still love sick am i truly love sick if this morning if someone would ask me what is your beloved better than another what will be my answer and if you want to ask the lord lord i ask for fresh grace i want to sign up for this reality again lord would you let your grace flow in my life would you cause the truth of your desire is for me to prevail over my emotions and over my weakness i want to invite you we want to pray together [Music]
Channel: Yustos Anthony
Views: 258
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: zP0We9VYcE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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