Jensen Huang: Career tips for the Age of AI

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we're family right you could just walk up it's okay Tony spent the whole whole night tell we're family we are family yes we are family yeah please uh thank you J my name is from design system as you can see here we have many young uh professionals today uh attending this event as volunteer so what's your advice for us young professionals um how can we best navigate our careers is such fast changing AI are thank you I appreciate that um first of all an rud is is an excellent CEO I just I I am very very impressed by him uh uh his deep technical knowledge of uh computational Sciences uh and U his his own background artificial intelligence is going to be very important for the future of kids um uh let's see my first job was AMD well actually my first job was Denny's and I was and I climbed a corporate ladder at Denny's I started as a as a dishwasher and then I was promoted to bus boy and then I was promoted to waiter and um if if I were still there I would be CEO of Denny's today but but they have they have an excellent CEO uh Kelly valade is is an excellent CEO I met her recently she bought me breakfast at den and and uh my second job was AMD and I loved AMD when I was there I worked there for two years I loved it uh and then I went to LS logic and I loved my job at alai logic if um if not for for uh my colleagues Chris and Curtis convincing me to leave alide logic I would be there today and and um I would be working at LS logic well I'd probably be working at broadcom now yeah I am from LS logic I would be working there to this day but what what I mean to say is is actually this I loved every job that I had including washing dishes including cleaning the bathrooms nobody cleaned bathroom better than I did and and nobody washes dishes more effectively than I do and and uh I love my job at at AMD LSI logic every single one of them very few people know this but I don't wear a watch and the reason why I don't wear a watch is now is the most important time just dedicate yourself to now the best career advice I got was from a g partner I was on a family trip we were in Kyoto and many of you probably went to uh the temple that had the largest Moss collection in the world the the yard the garden the moss garden is incredible all of the Moss is perfect every species of the world's Moss is there and it was a hot summer day and anybody who's been to Kyoto knows how incredibly hot it is during the summer there in a valley it's hot it's humid there's no wind no Breeze and it is insanely hot and um uh all of the tourist were walking by and my family walked by this uh this old man that was on his on his uh uh squatted down uh working on the Moss and I I walked by and I noticed he was using a bamboo tweezer and his bamboo basket was nearly empty there were only two or three small pieces of dead moss and I asked him what are you doing and he says he is taking care of his garden his English was perfect and and uh and I asked him how long he's been working there he said he's been working there for almost 30 years and and he said that this is his garden and I asked him uh but this Garden is so big and your tweezer and your basket is so small how can you take care of the whole garden and he said something that is perfect he said I have plenty of time and in fact that's the best career advice I can give you most of the time I wait for things that come to me I'm rarely chasing things I don't have a watch I'm focused on now I'm enjoying my job I'm the longest running Tech CEO in the world as you know I am largely unemployable now and thank goodness I enjoy my job and so dedicate your dedicate yourself to learning all the time doing the best possible work you [Music] can
Channel: CASPA
Views: 13,540
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Id: XzpQaPYmqrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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