NJCon 2022 Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins FULL Main Panel Supernatural

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[Music] she loves everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] come today [Music] i was alone i never knew [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for coming [Music] let's do this [Applause] did you see that guessed that well let's make it official ladies and gentlemen the people of new jersey jensen apples it's different it's different it's different with one chair it's right you know okay all right all right um i forgot my phone backstage i i was going to shoot we'll just do it right now i wanted to record something to jared so i don't have anything in mind i just was gonna record you guys sending love his way so uh what's that face [Music] no [Applause] no is that that no hey pal um a few people here want to say hi [Applause] all right we love your message bye all right let's get this right away [Music] it is it is strange you know it reminds me i'll tell you a tale uh when i was shooting the um the heavens scene driving the impala the final episode and uh bring it down i got in that car and had this i was driving down the this highway up in north vancouver and i had a drone that was following me and filming me so that meant that i was literally behind the wheel by myself in the car no camera no no crew no nothing no jarrod and that was the last time that i drove the car uh on the show and it was very it was a little moment there i was like it's weird being by myself it was weird not having uh not having my uh co-pilot but he'll be back he'll be fine we're good and uh because i am uh highly co-dependent clearly um i uh i asked somebody to fill in for him so if you guys don't mind uh [Applause] [Applause] uh yeah i was actually gonna introduce brianna but yeah um this is this is this is awkward now um ladies and gentlemen collins that's cool mal it's going okay how's it going for you uh you know it's uh it's it's going we're going yeah we're making it happen um it is strange not having jared anchoring the show but i realize without him here how much we all depend on him so completely um he's like he's the only one who really shows up and it gives attention to the fans and he actually i've noticed like oh the thing that's missing like he cares about people obviously we lack that quality clearly yeah yeah you know he's really the uh oversized hairy glue that keeps the salt keeps us all together here it actually is funny when we were doing the trio photo ops like jared is literally the oversized hairy blue that holds those together i realized that we just stand there he envelops us from behind and that's how we do the photo and today we were doing them but it was just you me and alex or you me [Music] and mark and none of us knew what to do it was like each one was another awkward family photo that was it just waiting for somebody to come in and bring us together um you're not lying but it smelled better it did it did yeah and there were less uh less ass grabs during the photos mildly less jersey showed up this is something that i don't know i don't know how often we talk about this but very often during photo ops with jared jared will reach down and where no camera or other humans could see will grab your ass and squeeze or pinch but it's not a caress it's it's it's intended to inflict pain so it's it's like he's not like oh there's a tush it's like where's the phone and let me let me get right and so you do see a lot of photos where jensen and my expression is like this but then in that same photo you'll see jared's face is like this because it's he's searching he's like oh my god right there that's that's the entire hamstring that i'm [Laughter] we gird ourselves we wear padding for photo ops this is true um well thanks for coming out thanks for having me yeah this is a this is a treat yeah we don't really get to do this very often we don't do it in rome yeah and it's usually after a long weekend of binging and yeah um there's a lot of television shows like we binge uh yeah so this is uh yeah this next this is cool let's take some questions okay great they're probably not gonna be for you so just there [Music] or maybe you wanna go away okay let's go this way we're gonna go which way this does not work very well does it well it does one character [Applause] hi justin hi misha hey um so i know you've been working on the boys lately jensen which i'm super excited so i wanted to ask you what is your most memorable moment from being on set of the boys i don't know that i can tell you that without giving away some spoilers uh was it the first scene that you shot that was memorable how could that not be the way how is it possible that that's not the most memorable uh really yeah [Music] yeah i'm not going to spoil anything i'm just going to say i didn't think that they could do that on television and they don't they're doing it on a streaming service wow that's amazing um i can't wait to watch yeah literally like right off the bat i could tell you three things that i'm like you you wouldn't believe me if i told you uh so i can't wait to tell you my experience when you see what the experience was when you see what the final product it's a big one amazon is going to be pissed at you for spoiling that you're going to be in big trouble really walking the line um yeah let's just say that there there were some there were some memorable moments yeah and you know only a few episodes so yeah it's it's good stuff it's good stuff thank you hi hello so um if i'm not mistaken in the most recent episode of walker i saw a very distinct pair of bow legs [Applause] and if i'm ryan i think that was you jensen so i know you've got a million other projects going on but um i was wondering if that means you know it's gonna be more of you showing up on walker [Applause] [Music] uh you can't sit down can you you no i don't i don't normally sit here i like um so yes yes that that was me uh and i'll tell you why because that is a role that that is going to uh have it's going to come out in the storyline i don't think this season i think next season uh i could be wrong about that so what is it this season yeah it's the end of this season okay so they're gonna touch on on miles which is the character they hadn't cast that role yet they didn't know who that was going to be but they were like yeah we're going to have to to get just a body devil uh in there somebody that's you know yay tall and has a you know like medium build whatever it was and i was like okay so we have to cast this person you're like well yeah we're going to look at a whole bunch of like background performers and i was like i'll i'll do it and they were like you'll play miles i'm like hang on um now you've really painted them into a corner because the actor who plays miles has to be bow legged and that's a casting call that's difficult to make it is seeking legacy seeking uh six to six to roughly 200 pound bow legged actor um yes so that's that's why it was going to be somebody that wasn't going to end up being the the role the actor so we just got some we just got some hack to step in there and do it stop it i'm auditioning [Music] oh no no he's a barista down at the uh yeah yeah he's he's got many faces too actually two faces [Applause] anyway yes thank you sorry hi um so this was originally just for jensen but it'll be for both of you um and i'm kind of switch it a little bit because she's here too um so jensen if you could play anyone in the batman universe who would you play and misha if you could play anyone in the boys universe who would you play um well i mean batman let's be clear about that uh that's uh yeah i mean i've gotten to do the voice and why not why not get to play the bat [Applause] maybe somebody over gotham knights could put i don't know that it will though because they're pretty they're pretty particular about that um anyway yeah i would definitely have to go with bats did you see the latest batman movie no no it's kind of great i know i know i'm not ready are you i'm not ready to invite another batman into my world is it because you are also a batman yes it is okay all right i'm sorry it is it's a sensitive subject um you know us other bad men we're a little hesitant to invite new ones in i get it that makes sense you know especially used to be a vampire did you see it did you i did see it i thought it was great did you call up and and say hey uh you're doing a new no sorry hey i hear you're doing a new background [Applause] no i didn't uh it was after the fact i said hey what the hell what is this shit um yeah okay so uh the boys i don't know i mean it is is the boy's universe a universe that it eric is creating as he goes he's expanding it so it was like a comic book series that he's extrapolating from see i don't know i don't know the comic book series it's essentially it's it's really all of the the superhero types right you know so you've got your you've got your superman you've got your aquaman you've got your flash you've got it's it's all of those but archetypally speaking what is your what is yours modeled after um where is brianna since i let evans have captain america you're welcome chris um this was uh yeah this was a good a good sentence it must have been so much fun oh yeah especially those three moments that i'm talking about oh my gosh no i just know that first moment i'll um yeah so it's like pick any pick any superhero who who would who would you want to have the like totally messed up screwed up version of uh probably captain america that sounds pretty great can we do a recasting is it too late to do it no let's ship the sale um what you know it's amazing you really embodied that role like they're like you're playing a superhero and you're like cool got it and then the next time i saw you you were like well because so i was i was flying i have to fly out to la for these these fittings for the for the uh for the suit because they they hand built these things i mean they're like they're like works of art um lj uh who's the the super suit uh costume designer which is fantastic um and but i had to have to travel out to la like six six times six different times for the money you could build the suit no no and each time you know that more progress right now they're like okay we got to do this we gotta add this and at some point i was like where where are you gonna put the muscles like one of those what do those come into the process and she's not kidding because you look at like like look i love ant phenomenal actor but he takes his homeland her suit off and it's like what happened [Laughter] so so i was like where are the muscles gonna go and she lg just comes out she was like oh honey you're gonna bring me some in april [Applause] that'll light the fire under your pants that was it no producer called me and said we're going to need you to put on 20 pounds no nobody just lj said oh you're going to bring me a few yeah you can bring me some extra muscles here you show up and i was like hey daniel i need a freezer full of chicken breasts that's it that's it that's it all-state diet for the next four months um and uh that's yeah that that didn't that didn't happen and then the creepy said don't shave that was it he's like don't don't shave don't get a haircut don't shave i see so you have a lot of body hair so you look like a gorilla yeah yeah yeah basically so that's uh that's how that went down um yeah i don't know where where were we what are we talking about hi this is my first time here at one of these welcome how's it going how's your oh jared usually asks this is i forgot how many people here is this first time [Applause] [Music] um hi so i apologize that this has been asked before which it's a question for both of you um but over the last over all 15 seasons were there any story lines with involving your character's development or personality that the writers didn't explore further that you wish they would have for either one of your characters or any on the show [Music] i think that castiel could well have been human for longer because i don't think he got to explore as many different versions of what exploring uh humanity could have been like for example he ate toothpaste which was great but it would have been nice for him to really learn to brush his teeth yes it would yeah you didn't get to have a whole a lot of sex which was a little disappointing um you know there were some some things that i think god we breezed over what could have been a more interesting arc for the character um that's my my one complaint i would say over the years i was like yeah i feel like we got out of that too quickly what about you uh yeah a couple uh purgatory wish we could have stuck there a little longer [Applause] i don't know i really enjoyed that like i just thought that was it was kind of a different element it was filmed differently they used a different uh different film treatments on that particular give it a different look uh i just yeah i liked it um but what's that it could have been a whole episode oh yeah yeah i mean i think it could have been like a whole season multiple episodes i i just i thought that was really cool but they uh um you know they had to get they had to get deemed back to top side and that was that um also i think uh michael uh dean is michael um would have been would have been cool to last a little longer and really explore that character but i believe they had to they had to get rid of that or maybe that was demon dean they had to do something for the 300th episode yeah they had to wrap that one up quick because they had to get me back to normal for the 300th episode that was coming up so i remember people asked sometimes what was your what was the worst day of shooting and it was when we were crawling out of purgatory do you remember that oh they had those giant ritter fans and it was like being it was like being in that in the exhaust of a jet engine and they put it right on the on the gravelly dirt and we were just getting like rocks and sand just spit in our faces all day like could could i like were choking couldn't believe black snot was dripping out of our noses and they were like this is great guys it's looking great like all right cool but my retinas are both scratched right right yeah that was uh that was a it was hot it was hot so we were we were like sweating and so all the dust and gravel were like sticking to us too which was just made it that much better but it looked great yeah yeah um so yeah those those were a couple was there one that you wished would have gotten on gone on a little longer well i i agree yeah it all went on too long purgatory was one that i was thinking of for dean's character i am a writer so i'm writing a screenplay right now but um uh i thought the relationship between benny and dean could have been explored more but while in purgatory and i think that there were opportunities for the writers to create a couple short-lived characters in purgatory as well that i was disappointed in not seeing but i think purgatory felt like a different type of show yeah yeah i i agree which was why i wanted to kind of explore that for a little bit um and i agree benny uh benny was certainly one of my favorite characters as a fan of the show like yeah i just i thought ty did an awesome job and i'm you know a big fan of thai as well so but i thought that character and that relationship i thought was really really unique um but again like that's not what the show is the show is about the brothers so i had to get back to them angel probably i mean not really um so anyway thank you good luck with the screenplay yeah okay bye hi thank you for doing book bash misha really enjoyed that oh good a book related question for jensen but i'd love to hear your answers as well uh jensen in the past you've said the fountainhead is your favorite book is that still true do you have any new recommendations i think that was just the last one i had attempted to read i uh i'm not a i'm not a i'm not a real big book reader i don't i don't read a whole lot it's no surprise to many people um and uh i just i as many scripts and stuff that i pour over and read through i you know reading is not something that uh has ever has ever attracted me from for like a past time you know something to do to to relax or whatever so um yeah it's amazing to me how much the like constant distractions of cell phones and other like streaming services and everything encroaches on reading time too like i remember i don't know if this is true of you but like when i was in high school and college like when i was much younger i would read much i spent a lot more time reading because there was like the time for it but now that time gets co-opted by all these other little distractions and interferences and make sure like silent films were you know just coming around um if you wanted if you wanted entertainment that wasn't in a book form you had to go down to the picture house and listened to they were they were playing on the accordion and to accompany the black people and then and then talkies came and really kind of encroached again right on your tree you know it really does it really has i think it's changing how brains work though in general like i'm looking at my kids and comparing that to have my childhood when you would we didn't have anything else to do but to read and now my kids are like there are so many possible things for them to do at any given moment and reading is it's hard for it to you know take center stage sometimes um which is kind of tragic really because it's a great way to like fire up your imagination i think i i don't know i i i wish that i read more i wish that i but i i um uh i mean i don't know can i say this i'll say this i had i had a learning issue when i was young and um nothing i think it was i mean they diagnosed it as uh add back then because that's what they diagnosed everything with uh really yeah so so i would i would read a page in a book that i was that i had to read because it was going to be a book report in english or something like that and i would read the whole page i would read every word and then i'd get to the end of the page and be like i have no idea what i just read and i i struggle with that today um i it takes me a very very long time to read anything and when i read scripts it takes me an extremely long amount of time to do so because i'm reading it very slowly so that i comprehend everything that i'm reading if i try to read fast i'll have no idea what i've just read and so that always uh that that was always a struggle for me and then i and i just never um i was never really a big book reader because of it so yeah thank you um i'm a special ed teacher so i feel my heart really hurts for what you guys are saying up there but my question is um in the show sam and dean are four years apart i think their ages when they started 22 and 26 that's about the same age as you and jared i wonder whether the brothers ages were already set or whether they wrote the brothers ages to match you in jail [Applause] what a way to get attention for a question that's not about you [Applause] nobody wants to see that [Applause] stop stop stop when you play that music i have to stripe [Applause] getting back to your question uh i i believe it was uh it was written after the fact uh and to correlate more with our our actual age difference yeah to kind of match us up a little bit so um that was uh yeah that wasn't established in the pilot so that was established later and i think they did just kind of like how what's what's the age difference with jared jensen where's his do that yeah they did the same thing for castiel after i came on the show he's been around for thousands of years he watched sea animals evolve to walk on lounge [Laughter] [Applause] hi um first of all i want to thank you jensen for how you and jared portrayed the loss of a sibling on the show i lost my brother back in 2017 so if your show was really helpful for me especially at the end it gave me a lot of peace and things like that so thank you for that um sorry for your loss thank you um and of course uh supernatural was something i was really excited to just come back to and and watch so my question for both of you is what is something that's really exciting coming up for you either work or with your families that you're looking forward to [Music] um i am very i'm excited about the new show that i'm working on uh gotham knights i'm excited to play a totally different character um i'm actually finding that i'm kind of excited to spend some time in a different city and get to know a new city and um and and actually spend a little bit of time on my own which is not something that i've done a lot of um so i'm kind of excited about like the inner journey that that's going to bring with it you were in toronto quarantining for like you were stuck you were like completely isolated there for months right uh did you go crazy i was already crazy going into the situation that's right that's right nothing changed um yeah it's an interesting kind of thing like you're almost in uh you're almost in a cell right like with the well it was 14 days of quarantine in a an apartment that i had never been to before uh they were like you're gonna land you're gonna spend two days in a hotel at the airport until your test clears and then you have to continue to spend the rest of your 14 days wherever your you know what your accommodations are so yeah so i checked into this or went into this apartment that i found in the production it helped find and was like okay i'm not going to leave this threshold for two weeks and i didn't stay there for two weeks and just did a million push-ups that was the secret yeah i was quarantined it was 14. just sheer boredom that's it um i finished netflix and then i just did push-ups that's um i uh um i'm also looking forward to a show that i'm currently working on or not necessarily in front of the camera but behind the camera we're doing the winchesters which is uh exciting to expand the supernatural universe a bit and i hope that everything goes right i came here from that set i'll be flying back to that set tonight and it's uh it's going really well which i quickly realized is uh if everything is going right which pilot episodes if you know nothing goes wrong and everything goes right a producer has nothing to do like i because i'm producing it takes place in the beginning like you're putting everything together and finding the locations and getting the cast and doing all that stuff but then once you're actually on the set and it's been working you kind of are just there waiting to put out fires and if there's no fires it's like wow so being on camera i feel like you know i'm i feel like i'm out on the field playing when you're directing you feel like you're coaching like you're there as a producer i'm like the gm of the box who's like is the game over yet is uh so uh but it is it is wild and crazy to think of that uh you know an idea uh from two years ago is now being played out in front of me before my eyes and it's really cool and i hope you all i hope everything goes right it gets picked up and gets into a series just like dr knights and i hope you all enjoy it if you don't like it then that's fine feel free to hate watch every episode [Applause] they're tough shoes to fill because all these people love supernatural and if the if they don't love the prequel you're like they're going to come burn your house down mm-hmm yeah if they don't if they don't love the prequel then they really weren't fans in the first place i'd like your style that's right that's right shame on them that's right [Laughter] anyone who says anything negative about your prequel is hi hi jensen hi misha i'm allison i'm very new to supernatural i just finished season four oh my goodness well you already have a uniform i know i want a really good job a spoiler alert he dies [Applause] the vast majority of the audience didn't know that jensen another spoiler i died about 130 times [Applause] so since you said jared was the oversized hairy glue that holds everyone together if the winchesters or cats had a dog what would it be had a dog you mean a dog that was like riding around in the impala with them probably ideally something like a great dane something that just fills out the vehicle um and and keeps us warm i was going to say a shih tzu maybe we need two dogs um if you if you could choose a dog for the brothers and cats what kind of dog would it be i just rescued a dog from animal testing as a little beagle so i'm biased i think cass will do good with a beagle yeah his name's jesse he's great um i think the winchesters would do good with like a golden retriever or something especially sam what kind of dog would they do [Music] very hyper doesn't pay attention doesn't listen no no i feel like something intimidating but soft inside like a german shepherd i think i think you're right about that i think it's a german chopper a plug somebody escort that man out of the room maybe a [Applause] poodle that's my favorite question you only asked that question because you knew where it was going i did sure [Applause] i don't like that question oh man points no you may not explain yourself to be fair she is you know cosplaying you so you win the point here um thank you that was fun hi um everybody is really excited about both of your new roles uh i was just wondering who you think would win in a fight if it would be soldier boy or harvey dunn that's it what kind of powers well the problem is two-face is just crazy that's it that's his point he doesn't have which by the way goes a long ways yeah that's true but it sounds like you're also crazy true um and soldier boy is crazy right and you're possessed of some superpowers which complicates things for harvey dent who is also yeah he's just crazy yeah i'm gonna go with soldier boys sadly agree on that one yeah thanks a lot thank you no no more questions hello um before i forget i promised my mom if i had the chance judson she loved you in days of our lives thank you i love you both very much i'm very inspired by both of you um i graduated college last year congratulations thank you i'm trying to just find my way through the world and whatnot but my question is good luck with that project yeah thank you it doesn't get easier and like artistic dreams and all that but what is your advice for persevering through like rejection and negativity and all that self-doubt just give up [Applause] never keep fighting [Applause] there's so many times when i look back at my younger self and i and i think oh if i had just given up such a better place [Laughter] you look like you're ready to give up now you're so disa crushingly disappointed can't believe i looked up to those assholes [Applause] i should have given them up [Applause] i will uh i'll attempt to give you a little bit of advice uh in that life is is a game of numbers uh it's it's you gotta just keep keep trying and the more you the more you try some the more you do something the more you figure out um that's a it's something that i uh when i get asked you know how how can i be an actor i'm like just do everything as much as you can and keep rolling that dice and uh and eventually when it hits and you get something you'll have learned so much from all the rejections or all the the missed opportunity opportunities that didn't happen that you'll be ready so i i kind of treat life the same way it's like you just keep you keep doing things and you keep you keep grinding it out kind of thing it's uh it'll be a struggle at times but that makes the that makes the good times even that much more sweeter so i would say also if you're if you're too focused on the outcome i found this for myself anyway when i was like i need to get that job i need to get that part um i need you know i need this show to go whatever it is um that fixating on the outcome is actually really was really unhealthy for me whereas if i just focus on doing my best at every step of the way that's it do what you what is within the realm of your control there are lots of things that are not in the realm of your control there are going to be a lot of times when they're going to go with somebody who's a lot older or a lot younger or who is a different gender than you are and that's totally out of your control but you can show up and do the very best that you can do and know that that within the sphere of your control you're doing you're doing your best that that gives that for me anyway gave me a lot of comfort because i used to struggle with rejection like i was i didn't i did not like it and i got to a point where i was like i'm okay because i actually know i did my best and that feels good so there's my job and touching on touching on what you just said um reminds me of of uh when i was when i was a young actor and i was auditioning and i was getting rejected and i wasn't getting these parts it was like what's wrong with me and it is very much that like that's not it's out of my control so i i switched my way of thinking of every time i went into an audition that was my final performance and i walked out and i was like what's next and every now and again i'd get a call and be like guess what they want you to come back and do it again i'm like oh okay i've already moved on but happy to go back and do it again then that was my final performance and i'm like okay what's next until they were like they want to give you a job i'm like oh great i was already moving on to the next thing so that just helped me mentally of like you going for a job interview you're like boom later on the table okay let's find the next job interview yeah so here we go hi hello thank you for coming and misha thank you for joining because i've actually tried to ask you this question like three times already last night at dinner yes next question i swear it's not bad but is it strange for you back then when you first started or now even to see yourself on people's shirts as you're walking past and interacting with them no that feels perfectly natural would you say it feels super natural super natural [Applause] that never gets totally normal uh it's uh do you want to know what's weird though is the degree to which we acclimate to things like now i walk around and i see my face on a t-shirt and i'm like oh yeah right like as if that's not the strangest thing imaginable um it is kind of bizarre the way that we step into the various roles that were afforded in life and it become it you know whatever is happening becomes the norm and it's strange i walked in a hot topic a few years ago [Music] get me out of here what is this stuff it's bizarre it's um yeah but misha's right it is you know certainly in this setting it's like yeah i try to shield myself from it kind of like what you're talking about like you don't i don't you don't it's not like we go into hot topic and are like look there i am there i am there and this is awesome it's like uh this isn't right it's not this i shouldn't be looking at um same same thing uh when i walk in front of a mirror naked same reaction yeah it looks like this this is ah [Applause] [Applause] because when i'm in the room i just do this can you put some clothes on please the rest of us have collectively decided that clothing is best suited for you asia everyone in the thanks for noticing me [Applause] [Laughter] first i have to shout out my sister she loves you jensen she's over there hi sister um my question is what's your go-to movie that you could watch over and over again and like never get sick of i have watched the movies that i've watched the most uh groundhog day which i think is a fitting movie to watch over and over again uh the man who knew too little uh which is another bill murray movie it's fantastic underrated i don't know why everyone doesn't watch it all the time and probably the big lebowski [Applause] i i can't get enough of any of those that bread really ties the room um i'm trying to think of like different genres because there's several right right but like pick a genre like uh for for action uh i could watch any of the indiana jones [Applause] for uh comedy um there's many but i'll just pick tropic thunder watch that one for like drama uh do people can we still even get tropic thumb thunder isn't it like there's a black face character in that you can't even watch that anymore i don't know probably like it's probably removed from the streaming services at this point is my guess no it's still there yeah yes you just watched it shame on you she dressed up as that character for halloween just kidding um and then uh no country for old men yeah um like if that's just on i'm like well there goes the next two hours of my life so yeah what about you um i love any harry potter film did you see the new harry potter film oh any harry potter yeah they're eight right yeah boom knowledge i mean i read all the books [Music] not a one not a page uh thank you hi hello welcome to new jersey thank you i'd like to thank you we're all here because of the wonderful acne that happened between the creator the writers and such a talented cast and asking you as actors with both your characters from supernatural and the new roles that you're moving on to internally that's how you connected us to your characters what was the easiest characteristic of your character for you to portray and the most difficult to internalize and bring and make real for us great question um i'll start uh i would say the easiest was probably the grumpiness of doing winchester and not because i'm grumpy but because i i think i was able to be grumpy through him which enabled me to not be as grumpy in real life and then the difficult one was probably uh you were working out your anger issues on set yeah all the time yeah great not anger just grumpy that's true yeah just my mark shepard issues and then probably the most the most difficult one was uh and this is i've said this before was dealing with was being dean while sam was so the same because it was hard for me to play dean relating to his brother when his brother wasn't his brother and i felt like i was kind of like lost because i didn't have that relationship on screen that i had that i'd relied on with jared and which is a testament to him and how well he did it because i was struggling on camera because i didn't have that relationship available to me so i that was probably one of the biggest struggles i ever found and it was surprising to me i'm like get your crap together dude like come on um but it was just yeah it was like all of a sudden i you know was was playing blindfolded and i it was difficult for me thank you that's interesting i i i had a couple of things what is coming to mind is not terribly flattering to myself but i'm going to tell this anyway um when uh when castiel came on the show he was like the character was written as this like warrior of god right like he was a soldier and a fighter and very quickly the character was uh you know over the next few episodes was rewritten as this sort of like awkward socially awkward dorky fish out of water which i think was the writer's adaptation of what i was bringing to the table well it went from like yeah some fucking badass angel too nobody knows how to deal with this weird character and i think that that ended up really like manifesting quite physically at one point i've told this story before but um you were at the monitors in the other room and it was sam was was what's his name though he was uh possessed by gadriel and real whatever and and bob singer was directing and he liked those like grind house like direct like 1970 style shots and this his idea was like i was going to punch right at the lens and that was supposed to be me punching out gadreel right you were at the monitors we did the first take you're in the other room we're in the kitchen of this house and you and bob and everybody else back at the monitor starts laughing and you come out and you're like that was hilarious and i was like and you looked at me like oh wow joking and then i got the playback [Applause] oh [Applause] that was the last punch cast yellow like maybe he could just do this it's kind kinda true and bob singer was he was like he praised me in brooklyn it was like he was a fighter he was literally a golden glove boxer he's a southpaw too so like he he he knows how to how to throw a punch and uh [Laughter] he couldn't stop laughing and like to make bob laugh is is like yeah he doesn't laugh that's a high bar yeah it he was just it was the it was the silent bob laugh it was the it was the like he'll tear up he'll he'll like if someone gets him it's it's fantastic to watch and that got him really good i'm really happy to have brought him that joy i don't know why the face has to be this too [Music] was there a question somewhere can we strike that from the record i object you're saying the overall physicality of castiel was [Music] i'm throwing a punch throwing the punch was thank you we i feel like we already went over this i don't know how much more badly you want me to feel about myself thank you [Music] okay all right [Music] [Music] feel free to join me [Music] [Applause] oh i've heard this from backstage and had no idea what the hell was that no idea what was going on this is good to know it's it's really got the curtain and seeing the dirty things that go on the gross tired bits that we continue to do seeing [Applause] supernatural family uh say hi to jessica hi jessica jessica what is your question uh my question is out of there's so many heart-wrenching scenes in the show what is the one that got you guys the most oh well that's a good question that's good one bitch my declaration sir cass's declaration of love [Applause] that was very that that got me it also was it was the scene that i had to like put myself in a little bubble and really like protect my actor self for on supernatural we this this i'm revealing something that i probably shouldn't be revealing but i'm going to we um fucked around a lot on set wow it's where i really just had to like let myself be in that scene and and i was it was also my last scene on the show ever so it was like it was cass's goodbye it was my goodbye to the cast and crew and it was it was it was goodbye uh to a long run and a big chapter in life it was very very meaningful to me in a lot of ways rob hader who was our stunt coordinator i was just like i did something i never did on supernatural which is like i just went off into a dark corner of the stages and sat on a folding chair and just like stayed in the emotional place and rob hader saw me like off in the shadows and he was like just just took care of me from a distance he was just like making sure nobody came near me and i never asked him to do anything i never like never said a word he was just like pretty like creating this little bubble around me and then when you know when for our first av would like call us back to set he would say ready and then escorted me so that nobody would like bother me okay it was really exciting it was such a sweet thing to do um but that for me was definitely that was a pivotal moment on the just the whole sh the arc of the show was you know was misha's last scene he says goodbye castiel's goodbye to dean and um i had uh i don't know if i told you i had amazing uh assistant props um i gave her my phone and i said will you just record some of these takes from from offset and you can hear her whimpering literally crying while she's while she's recording and i've got some like oh really yeah because you know when you see it cut together and stuff it's but it was just it was just you and i standing there surrounded by lights and a camera and it was you know just two guys hugging it out and saying goodbye it was really it's spate was directing and would he would come back from the monitors and he was like yeah tears were coming down as everybody was kind of crying and it was just like it was one of those moments that was like the end for a lot of things for a lot of people and um it felt real i mean this is a this is cheesy and it's and it's difficult to articulate from if you're not really within it within the experience but we played these characters for so long that they became a part of us and if that sounds really cheesy and actory but it's actually true like when when cass was saying i love you and goodbye it was like heartbreaking for me yeah like i couldn't discern who was like like feeling the feelings at that point and i remember yeah i mean we've had conversations about this like you know that that dream you had about uh sam and dean and the end of the show yeah that and when you told me and jared that all three of us teared up right like we we just we became so emotionally enmeshed with these characters uh over time that that these things actually felt really meaningful at least to me but i think that i think i'm speaking for you as well no and in that scene and i remember uh i remember in that scene and on your coverage watching you give this beautiful performance but i was also watching my friend say goodbye and that was because there were some there were some expressions in there that weren't casting out and uh and i remember seeing that and that i think that broke me more than the scene itself was was witnessing witnessing misha's goodbye to castiel and goodbye to the show and that was yeah i mean get missed you right now just thinking about it uh in in the same vibe it would have been my goodbye scene um which was you know very similar it was uh um i didn't go away and i didn't sit anywhere because i didn't need to because the whole crew left and they they were there for like the first take i think and then i saw just boxes of kleenex and tissues being passed around and i remember like robbing or props and moira are on set costumes and they literally had to leave set because they were like just tears uh watching that scene and you also couldn't go away because you were impaled to a wall this is true this is true [Applause] [Music] and we're back [Music] because it was it was you know jensen saying goodbye to not just uh dean but also saying goodbye to sam you know and as a fan of the show and as a fan of this this these these brothers and these characters and these relationships uh you know that scene and the the impalement scene um were uh really difficult i remember i did tell bob who directed that uh finale i said listen man i got about three takes in me uh i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna have much left after that because this is uh this is gonna this is gonna take it out this is gonna take it out and he's like that's all i need so yeah i think i think i did three takes um and it was uh yeah i was that was that was rough what about you rob what's what's the scene you remember the most since you're here um i mean in terms of emotional you know for all of us that last season there were a lot of well this is the last time we'll do this this last time we'll do this and and it wasn't just the actors feeling it like you said the crew was right there also experience like people would break into tears just talking about these scenes coming up that you were gonna have to shoot and so for me it was very emotional even though it was like the last thing i shot was like me killing that dog i know i know i know it's one of your favorites i know everybody thank you big fan of my work but um no but that was it was emotional because like that was it then it was like it was a nothing little scene really all i had to do was just sort of stand out in the field and be like you know hi or whatever and be an asshole but and then that was it and you came out and you kind of announced everybody that's rob's last scene and like that it was just like you know i'm a recurring character so i i was not there for seasons in a row but then but you all are such a part of my life you know it was always supernatural was always there for me if i needed to go back home it was there you know what i mean and then to think oh wow okay it's really gone this is it so that for me was my personally my most emotional the uh the scene where we drive away from you yeah you're on the ground yeah and you're [Music] yelling don't leave don't leave me yeah that was hard yeah because that was really kind of your goodbye scene yeah you know but i remember you know we're we're like screw you and we get in the car and drive off uh but i remember like jared i got the car it was like we just we talked about that the weight of what we're doing like driving away and and it was it was a that was a heavy moment that was yeah literally and you had never done that yeah you had never gone you know there took that to that extreme of you know begging and bleeding and stuff and so to hear use like screaming out as we're driving away it was like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah because we're all such soldiers really on the same team really when it comes down to it it's hard to leave a man down kind of thing it was yeah it was difficult to do yeah um thank you for your [Music] you've got a questions write it down [Music] that was terrible it was uh thanks new jersey thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] here i go [Music] one more time [Applause] so oh pretty great huh
Channel: SPNConGirl
Views: 110,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NAIL4Pu_X8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 21sec (4401 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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