Jenkins Tutorial Step by Step | Day1 | Why we need to Learn Jenkins as QA

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hey guys welcome to the testing academy my name is pramod and welcome to the jenkins mastery for software testers guys uh so this is very important uh series this is gonna be very important series where we will be covering jenkins as a from the point of view as a software test okay so this is specially for software tester who are basically want to learn jenkins okay and even if you are this is applicable for freshers this is applicable for software developer also but most of the time we will be executing the software testing related projects but most of the concepts about 99 of the concepts are similar for software development and other roles okay so uh first of all this is like a part one of the series and this is going to be a long series where we will be covering number of concepts in the jenkins and trust me this series uh is very important i'll tell you like two i just want to give you a few points if you are a fresher jenkins is important because eventually you will learn the cicd pipeline which is which is basically continuous integration continuous delivery and you have to know the jenkins which is right now uh almost most of the organization in even in product as well as in mncs are using it so you have to know it it will be great to add jenkins knowledge into your resume because uh people expect this cicd tool or automation server tool in your resume you should know it right this is like a second reason if you are experienced person you are doing manual testing or if you are a developer who don't know about jenkins and all this series should be this is for you guys because uh i'll explain you step by step how and different things works in jenkins and why we need it what are the meta advantages how to create different type of jobs and how to run your projects and you can help get get the reports out of it you can share the reports trending failures or your development related things on jenkins okay so let's discuss uh in this video why we need to learn jenkins as a software tester all right [Music] let me make myself a little smaller okay okay so why we need to learn jenkins as a software tester let's jump to the next right so this is agenda for this uh we will i'll explain i will explain you what is gen k's also and i'm going to show you what quick demo also by running a simple example okay what is jenkins oh so jenkins if you know uh this is the official website of the jenkins which basically says that built great things at any scale okay and it's a basically a leading open source automation server okay and if you say it's an open source automation server which enables the developers around the world to uh reliably build test and deploy their software uh so basically let me give you this example as a normal uh way for example i have created one application uh it's a basically a form application where i have to fail a form and i have to submit it now and this is actually getting deployed and so on production right so i don't want to every time i have a particular git coming for example i hope you already understand what is give karma if you don't suppose i have changed something in my code and i want to test it and i want to basically push that into the production i don't have to do it manually there are automation server there are application available which can do it for you so whenever there is a change in the in your code and when you are confident that this code is working you push that code to the using git right and that jenkins will automatically build and deploy to your auto production server and you can see the directory changes so it's an automation server which can help you to build test stay deployed to stage or any kind of a production environment okay so that's the simple simple example all right uh so this is the diagram which basically explain everything which is you got committing a change committing basically means you are adding that okay these are my final changes uh now i want to see this application running uh it will it will build for you it will test for you or you can test you can add test cases also you can go to stage or you can deploy okay awesome right so what is zen skins which let's explain uh let me explain you in a simple way okay suppose you suppose uh in a tester this is just a tester point of view similar available uh similarly available for the developer also suppose we have created a selenium automation scripts for regression and now in developer point of view you have created application that you want to do test okay so a a software tester has created a selenium automation script for regression now to run the scripts someone has to manually trigger right every time for example i want to run it on seven today i want to run it daily i want to run after one hour i have to do it manually right but this this is uh where jenkins comes in jenkin can can be set up on any machine any cloud or any machine you can set it on on this machine also we're going to set it up right and you can run your automation server based on triggers okay so tigger can be time or commit message or anything that it can be any trigger uh so gentle builds can be scheduled and run on daily basis and this is way then then then can basically automate the automation process okay so it will be helpful for you in this case now uh so uh let me give you a very simple example of selenium that i am basically giving you for example there are we are dev right now i said automation right we have push our code will then kings will see uh it will say okay it is a maven project i hope you understand even it's just a build tool and it basically contain a test framework which is test ng now it will trigger the selenium and it will run the test cases okay and so this is what we now let's jump to the original question right which is basically why we need jenkins now uh so you can run your automation test suite similarly as a developer point of view you can basically run your uh development your whatever the code that you are pushing you can run that uh you can run uh you you can use more web basically you can run your automation student web and mobile it supports you can add slaves uh you can add slaves slave basically means that a simple it's a basically parent parent are connected to the child now you can scale up your application so you can basically basically delegate which job where you will use for example i want to run selenium on this machine i want to run my development related task on either another machine i want to run my some other task mobile data task on third machine so i can scale that also i can use slave concepts on this case you can see trends detail failure everything on jenkins you can basically see reports you can send email notification after the build you can do api monitoring so there are a number of things that you can do with jenkins so it is very very important that's what i'm continuously saying if you are fresher if you have three four eight years experience even if you have seven ten years of experience if you don't know jenkins start learning it as a software tester even as a developer okay so this is right let's see the demo demo okay so let me open this so this is jenkins uh it's how it looks like okay so right now i have set up one project which is selenium java project okay this project basically uh opens a and basically fetches the title which is simple automation script that we have done okay so this is the dashboard of jenkids which looks like and we have lots of option right now i am logging as a admin if you see right so this is the uh this is me uh i'm logging as admin how to install the jenkins how to basically manage users how to uh do anything that we will discuss in the next video okay this is just a demo that i am showing you right now awesome uh so these are the couple of options which are available right uh you can build the project right now okay you can configure the project you contain the settings you can delete this project you can see the html report you can rename it you can change uh see the changes what are the changes with this project you can see the status and you can basically back to the dashboard also okay awesome cool so this is dashboard and if you see right now i have only one job which basically if you see it it's basically say the last success nine minutes ago i have run this job uh last failure 24 hour uh 21 hours uh this is 13 seconds what is the duration of this java okay so let's quickly run this and i'll show you like how this works so you can do a build now okay so this is the project which is building right now if you see 16 number is coming and if you see this browser right which is basically selenium test right now running and uh okay let me make it a little smaller okay so now it's if you go to this if you click on this green icon right you will see console logs all the logs okay so we are logging as admin right and these are the this is a maven project if you see right we are running a promo example uh clean test and a single file single xml file and this was a test and uh this was the test basically which was executed and these were the results okay and you can see the results here also you can see on the html report what was the result okay right so all the setup i'm going to explain you over step by step but i'm just showing you right now let let's rerun and let's see how this test looks like okay so last time it was running behind the scenes so that's why we are unable to unable to see that okay so it will open a url uh quickly and uh it will just execute some of the test cases and that's it right and you can send this report html report to the email notification to your stakeholders that's what that's why uh jenkins is uh helpful okay so i hope this is clear now why we need jenkins and uh what was what is just again actually this is very important for your interviews and uh in the next video we'll cover a couple of other concepts right so i have uh like day two where we will basically installing the application on mac windows both of them okay uh in the third day we will i'll explain you like how to run it on uh and run it on a docker right uh in the third point five basically there are a couple of issues which basically we'll counter will fix them and fourth will be how to assign roles and create user which is very important to learn in gen games and i will explain you one of the important job which is this job this is called as a free free style job right now okay i'll explain you uh what is it okay so i hope you have learned something in this video and uh thanks a lot for watching and uh please please let me know uh any other topic that you want to learn in jenkins in the comment section and if you are excited type excited guys because that will help the video or algorithm okay and uh if you think this video is helpful for you you can share with other people also and uh make sure you leave a like thumbs up and i'll i'll see you in the next video and we'll see you in the next day too basically okay thanks a lot this is your host pramod i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Testing Academy
Views: 1,325
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Keywords: jenkins tutorial step by step, jenkins tutorial for beginners, jenkins tutorial, jenkins tutorial for beginners linux, jenkins full tutorial, jenkins pipeline, jenkins pipeline tutorial, jenkins complete tutorial, jenkins crash course, what is jenkins, what is jenkins and how it works, jenkins in devops, jenkins installation in windows, learn jenkins, learn jenkins from scratch, learn jenkins pipeline, jenkins continuous integration tutorial, jenkins ci cd tutorial, jenkins
Id: qHkBX8jlBqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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