Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins,Git & GitHub part-1

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so in the last decision till last session how we  have seen how we can implement our framework from   the scratch so as part of the implementation  right so we have seen different things like   starting from maven project updated formed an  XML and we have created the folder structure   and then we automated three test cases one is a  simple login then login data even test case and   then adding it new to new customer test case  so along with this these three test cases I   will also provide you another three test cases  which is already automated just you can import   those test cases in your Eclipse project and you  can try them and if you want to try yourself we   can also try them so I will provide you those  two test case implementation part ok now once   we have done the phase one so the next phase of  framework is execution part ok this is also very   very important so execution and then we have a  maintenance these are all three different phases   we discussed so execution and maintenance will  be part of continuous integration so from today   and tomorrow topics are very very important so  please focus on this and I am going to cover   most real-time top real-time concepts exactly  what will happen in the projects like how the   developer tester and DevOps team will communicate  each other so all these things will be covered   and today's in tomorrow session so execution and  maintenance so these are the two different phases   comes under continuous integration so here we need  to understand what is the continuous integration   so continuous integration is a process where the  QA or developer and DevOps so these three teams   collectively working together towards achieve a  one-goal okay there is a continuous integration   process so continuous integration is a basically a  process okay where everything will happen Valerie   so from once a developer will happen development  will happen the other side testing will happen and   the other side testing and development integration  will happen so all these things will continuously   happen and everything is dependent okay so  the entire process is called as a continuous   integration process so we are also going to  discuss today that one and so execution pattern as   part of execution so we need to know how many ways  we can execute our test case so once I started   thinking so I will talk about what is continuous  integration in detail so before that we need to do   a few more things here how many ways we can exceed  our test cases so far how we have executed our   test cases using destiny dot XML is a main side so  using destined in dot XML so we have added all our   test cases and then have executed test engine dot  XML so within the Eclipse within the Eclipse is   wanting the YouTuber test cases we use destiny dot  except fine but there is also another way we can   also execute over all test cases or test so using  formed at except men so so far we have used for   medics ml for only one purpose so that is we just  added all the dependencies and it is automatically   downloaded all the jars and attach them to your  project so that's the only one you say we have   seen so far right but now onwards we are going  to see few more uses of palm-reading symbol so   ii uses of bounded xml is we can also run all the  test cases everything whatever we specified in the   test and you don't XML but again bounded XML also  will internal legs you could test and you wrote   XML okay but if you have a testing it at XML file  why we need to again in school through power XML   file 5 it is required because destiny dot XML file  can be executed only within the Eclipse so outside   of the Eclipse if I close my Eclipse without  your having eclipse we cannot exhibit XML file   so Eclipse is mandatory required but when I run  my test cases using bomb detection well we don't   require any Eclipse even without eclipse also  we can run about automation test cases ok that   is another benefit from on with XML but before  executing format xml without eclipse first it   should able to execute within eclipse everything  should be successful within eclipse and if format   XML is able things go to successfully bdh and  then we can execute all the test cases without   eclipse okay so palm read examples the first four  approaches run the test cases with me Minh bombed   at XML within your eclipse the second approach  is run test cases through May 1 zln so here we   don't require a clip so run the test cases through  me one CLI command line interface we can run it   without having any eclipse the third approach is  we can run the test cases using Thunderbird file   we can just create one file and bad file and  if you just one with single click we can run   all your test cases and the last fourth one is  a run test cases using Gigi so this is again a   step by step process we cannot directly jump into  the fourth stage so it is a step by step so first   we should able to run our test cases for Matic  Sigma if it is successful then we can execute   our test cases through command prompt even the  first phase is not successful we cannot go for   the second phase these are all basically phases ok  one two three four phases but ultimate goal is we   should able to exhibit our test cases through  Jenkins so this will happen every time in the   real-time environment ok so first time first row  in the first phase we will execute our test cases   using quadratic sample maven format xml and the  second phase once it is successful then in the   second phase we execute through command prompt  and here we will close dumpling links if you   don't require eclipse and then the third phase we  will execute through London bad file and if you   want to run your test cases to run that bad file  first of all it should run through command prompt   and successful and finally front out bad fellows  successful and then we will go endings with the   same test cases in Jakob's so in the Jenkins  itself we will run for under bad fan ok these   are the different four phases we have or we can  execute our test cases now continuous integration   will start from the Jenkins here I will talk about  more on continuous integration so first let us   focus on first three items so first one is how to  run the test cases with maven or not XML so to do   this what we have to do is go to your Eclipse now  open politics mmm so in the in your palm read XML   you don't see this particular thing so this is  newly added so currently work on dot XML will be   like this this is your boundary example all right  so this is your format xml so in the palm - takes   ml what you guys can do is we along with these  dependencies we need to also add other type of   increase called plugins so we need to add two  types of plankings so to execute our test cases   through poundin expounded xml file so what are  those plugins the first approach I'm writing here   run the test case is using format XML within your  Eclipse so if you want to run this we have to add   these two plugins one is maven compiler plugin  may one show fire plugin so these are the two   plugin these are also just like a dependencies  it is also an increase so we can add these two   dependencies in the format XML file so where we  have to add how we have to add so very open your   Eclipse after completion of this properties time  and before starting the dependencies here we need   to add so before adding this before adding this  we need to first write a builder tag okay in the   build attack this is a manual entry we have to  buy in the builder time we have to add one more   tag called plugins plugins so inside this luggage  we need to add those two plugins the first plug-in   will be this one so this is the first plug-in  entry this is May one compiler plug-in so this   plug-in is responsible for compile your XML files  and test case everything so if you want to compile   something you need to use this particular project  this is one thing and the other plug-in is also   there that is called show file plug-in should  find cracking this is another plug-in so under   build attack under plugins time we need to add two  blank it is the first one and this is the test one   and the second second plug-in is responsible for  execution of your test in G dot X and the first   one is responsible for filing all the code if  there are any issues it will show you and the   second mechanism actually responsible for running  your ex and my fastest indeed not xml file okay   within your project so these are the two different  these are the additional interests which we need   to add in your partner XML in addition okay so  now we have added this plugins once you have   added this plug-in so what your dependencies  should be still there okay these are the only   additional plugins which we need to add so I will  just send you these two plugins you can just add   in two palm block your four hundred XML you can  do that so once we have saved this particular   file and once you save these entries after that  just update your project so as soon as we have   added this plugins to plugins just right click  on your project go to main one and here you can   see one option called update project ok so just  click on this update project now it will show you   the project name select and click on OK button  so it will try it in to update all the project   and if there are any dependencies everything  in any files are missing configuration files   are missing it will automatically download and  keep it everything ready so the first time now   soon as we have added these two plugins you need  to just right-click and just update your project   right-click may 1 and update project so this is  option you have to select ok so once I have done   this setting now we can run the format XML and  automatically internally that test cases will be   executed now the first important thing is when  you run your desk case is using format xml you   will get this in error first time in your eclipse  in your eclipse you will see this kind of error no   compiler is provided in this environment perhaps  you are running on JRE rather than JDK so this   is a error you will get at the first time when  you run your format xml file so the solution for   this is why you are getting this one is because  maven is required jdk not JRE but so for whatever   is configured everything is running on junior  so if you go and see your windows preferences   and here currently by default e in your eclipse  all your eclipses this option will be there you   don't see this JDK option okay you will see this  option so when I use this default option just I'm   just shifting this option now when I run this  bounded XML file it will throw some ever let me   just executed see what ever it will do run as  may one test so this is how we need to execute   your comrade XML so here you can just run as  a word test this is the one we can do or we   can also write Li here run as run as maven test  so this is an option you guys should be used ok   because we are running the pomade XML from maven  so when I run this my code will throw some error   so may 1 test now can observe yes clearly so now  we can see these are the different episode would   still not it started yeah I think it is executing  but because I already added that one so it is not   giving anything so it is started execution without  any issue but in your case you will definitely get   one issue first and so that is this one and test  cases are running successfully and in your case   you will get this error in the command window  so what you guys can do is just go to window   preferences and here the JRE is there right so I  have to remove this actually I haven't removed but   in your case what you guys can do is just go to  add here ok so give go to add and standard VM next   and here just browse your JDK path just browse  your JD Kiba that's more important ok let me just   read no and show you just to hold up ok my test  case is done so far now what I can do is I just   remove my option and show you what is the neighbor  so JDK is already there so I'm just removing this   my JDK but now so for your is this will be the  current situation okay so JR will be selected   and apply apply and close now again one more time  and running my palm read XML unmask maven test okay so it is again running but first time and  you see this particular angry so you guys should   update the JDK okay and later you can just remove  it still it is working because it is trying to   download something from the JDK so that is more  important so still it is running perfectly right   my test cases are running right now you can see  the first test case is done now in a second test   case but you will definitely get this error  first time okay so the solution for this is   you need to go to window references and here let  it be here and click on add standard VM next and   here go to directory and JDK is they write so  JDK wherever the Java is installed select the   JDK then select the folder so automatically it  will get the JRE name and everything then just   click on the finish now we will see these two  entries okay so now the select the first one   and then applying close so this is a solution you  have to apply if you are getting this particular   error okay done so my test case have been executed  through comrade XML file so let me and currently   all my test cases I have enable in the XML file  currently two test cases have been enabled data   driven dust I have just commented and rest of  the two disc cases I have a name now one more   time I am executing format xml run as a word test  so once we have run the Mima test it will start   execution of your test cases here and still you  can see the screen and UI so every time you do   some changes we have to update your maven project  until unless you update your project it will not   take the changes latest changes so largely  is done it is trying to add a new customer login is successful so now I think it is  trying to add in customer ok now it is   clicking on customer every time it the email it  is providing a dummy data so the customer knows okay so we're done so my desk case is completed  fine so through bounded XML we are able to take   successful xvideo test cases so this is how  we need to do the first thing is in the format   xml we need to add these two entries there  is the first thing you have to do and then   we have to use these references go to window of  preferences hearing stop gr you have to add jdk   path then apply in close after that execute your  contradicts okay so this is very very simple so   once you have successfully executed bounded  xml file in your eclipse then the next step   is we can go and execute your test cases through  command prompt without having any eclipse run the   test cases using command prompt without having  eclipse or without using eclipse so here how it   is possible is we have to install complete maven  software so normally the maven is available in   two different flavors maven is available in two  different flavors so in the same a one one is it   is available as eclipse plugin it is available  as eclipse plugin so just we have already have   the maven plug-in within eclipse so by using that  particular plugin still we are able to create the   Maven project for XML file updated so all these  things we have done because we have already have   the Eclipse plug-in within the Eclipse we are  able to do that but if you want to run my test   cases or if you want to run my bounded xml through  command prompt right so we need to install may 1   on operating system so maven is available as an  installer on specific operating system so we can   install complete maven software on Windows Linux  or UNIX or in your drafting system so may 1 is a   software which is available as two flavors one  is it is available as a Eclipse plugin and is   also available as a complete installer on specific  operating system so if you want to run this maven   or if you want to use this feature to come across  we have to completely install me one so you have   to download maven softer and you have to install  this right and this is very very simple I will do   I'll show you how we can do this so to download  this maven software on Windows we need to just   go to Google and just type download a once-off  it just type download need one for bring those so once you open this particular link you will  see download Apache maven this is also Apache   foundation from Apache foundation just click on  this first link now it will go to download fees   so downloading Apache maven this is a latest  version of me one so here there are files are   available so hundred links right so these are the  files we have to talk so currently we are working   on Windows so we have to download only the zipped  file to download only zip file so this is the one   we need to download and this is a source file  Isis is a source we should not know about this   they will give you the complete code everything  we don't require the coal we need only binary   binary means a jar file ok so this is the one  we need to just down so once you click on this   it will start downloading your a passive May one  and it is available as a just zip file format so   let me just give this link direct link so just  download that is the first step okay a one on   link this is the link direct link from there  you can this is star dot in G del G Jade right   so not this one we have to download the second one  binary jib archive second one we have to download   not this one so this is a bin dot zip file so  basically we will get a zip file once we are   downloading so what you guys can do is you have  to extract the zip file I'll show you already have   the download so let us go to C Drive and the  drivers I kept T here as Pio i patch in May 1 okay so once you get the zip file you have to  extract that zip file so once you extract air   you will see folder so you have to keep those  folders in the C Drive so you can see this is   the 4 so keep everything in the sea driver  suggests you can keep everywhere but that is   little difficult to remember all the paths so I  suggest to keep the folder here itself so once   you get the zip file right once we have downloaded  the zip file extract that file and then you will   see this Butler folder so just copy this folder as  it is in the C Drive so normally when you download   your jeep files it will be there in the download  section somewhere pike so like this so here itself   we can just extract like this ok extract it now  we'll get a new folder like this so copy this   folder ctrl C and go to C Drive and keep it here  ok this is the first step we need to do and the   next thing is we here we don't need to do any  kind of installation so installation innocent   just we need to do a simple configuration you have  to download the zip file extract the folder keep   it in the C Drive then we have to configure the  path that is very very important so go to where   maven so this is bin folder right inside the bin  only all the libraries and commands are available   so just copy this location till here and now this  PC go to properties so how we have configured Java   path in the same way we have to configure some  a1 path now click on advanced system settings   so now you will get this window go to environment  variables now here inside the system variables so   you have to do one thing here so that is go to  your path variable so let's go to path variable   8 it ok so once you edit here you have to just  copy that fun so the cop you need to just copy   just location so I already copied somewhere here  ok so yeah this is a file this is a location   Apache maven 3 dot Phi dot 4 /b ok so till beta  for Laurie how to copy everything this is very   very important and not only this you shot you  drop you should also copy or till this one so   this is one path this is one path you have to  create and along with this you need to also   create one more variable because in the changes it  will be very very useful so there are two things   m to underscore ago Navan underscore oh these  are the two additional variables how to create   along with the path past available by default  you will be there so very important you have to   carefully update this path if I do something went  wrong here some application is stopped working in   your system okay so please care if you do this so  first step go to path and edit and click on the   new and copy the path whatever you have done  till bin folder this is the first thing and   once we have done this then here itself under  system we will create a new variable click on   the new and here type of maven underscore all are  uppercase letters and one more time here copy the   same path but don't put the bin folder just say  for me till the path okay this is the one where   we have to create as soon as you click on this  okay it will show you a new variable like this   so you can see here maven underscore home and  another variable also you have to create M to   underscore m to underscore and here also you need  to keep the same but don't put any bin folder so   these are the two additional variables you have  to add but we thought these two variable also it   will work but in the Jenkins it is required so  that's the reason before itself I'm adding I'll   show you here itself so these are two additional  variables you have to create m2 underscore main   underscore home so once you created this again go  to path variable okay so if you notice percentile   and maven the same variable I have used here maven  underscore home percentile person that I put here   and M to underscore home so percentile in 204  percent is slash bin Abi idea so I can just add   these two entries in the path available one more  time so once you created these two variables and   add those two variables in the path field again  you have to click on the new add percentile like   this and then a one underscore oh this is a one  variable how to add and the other way other is   again percentile m to underscore a one and  percentage so person is representing this   current directory okay slash bin for now so back  - backward slash ding so these are the two paths   we have to add so this is very very important so  I will just remove from them so I already have   this and just remove them alright so don't forget  to add these two available very very important I   will just show you once again so this is the one  this is the one let me just take the screenshot   and I will just give it to you so don't forget  this this is the configuration of maven once you   copy it the zip file and then you have to do all  these things let me just take the screenshot right   so what you have to do here is you have to create  these two variables these are the two variables   how to create newly and the path variable you  have to update this one and what else we have yes this one okay these three things because these  things are blocked it okay click on the new button   here and then oh give order so actually these are  the two things are referring here okay so just   copy the screenshot I'll send it to you so this is  a one underscore screenshot all right here so this   is the configuration you have to do one time so  once we have done this then we can check whether   the Maven is properly installed or not so how we  can verify it is very simple just go to command   prompt CMD and open your command prompt like this  so once you have open your command prompt so here   just type a command so what is that command is MV  and - version mb n - version so when you run this   command okay so it will show you the ambient of  mavin version so now we can see here this is even   mavin version this is your maven mission and when  you run this command also here you will see an   error first time so what is an error is same ever  again so when you run your test case from a1c la   you have to install the me so first I'm gonna run  em V inversion command so whatever we already have   seen in Eclipse so see a mirror you will see in  the command prompt so no compile is provided in   this environment perhaps you are running a jihadi  rather for JD so and when you get this error you   can see here JRE path instead of JDK currently  have a JDK path so it is fine but in your case   it will be JRE path if you are getting an error  so if you want to fix this error just you need to   just configure the Java home so let's go to again  your this PC properties advanced system settings   and go to environment variables and here you can  see Java underscore home variable I created so   you have to give the path till Java JDK okay and  once you created this new way how to create this   click on the new and just type in Java underscore  home and give the location of your Java till JDK   folder and once we have given this and then go to  path variable okay go to path variable edit now   here I am referring this Java home so now I can  see this one person tell Java home and personal   Java home Lib directory so both they have to refer  so these are the two things we have to do if you   are getting that error okay and now I'm closing  this so currently have configure the JDK so fine   it is not giving an error so this is the first  verification point so once you have installed   this maven so how we can verify this we have to  just type MDM - version Emma ambien - version   tonight so this will give you the version number  of a one and everything is fine so now you are   able to you will able to execute our test cases  through command calm so before that you have to   do all these configuration make ma one everything  is ready so this is how we need to do just to make   one installation so have given each and every step  clearly so run the test cases through me one CLA   first you have to install me one on Windows  operating system you can download from the   sink ok and then you have to configure the path  right click on my PC advanced system environment   variables you have to create as a set or a one  passenger and then check the world service install   or not may one install or if you are getting  this error we need to configure the part Java   Java quark okay done so now let us see how we can  execute our test cases without having it so now   currently my project is here let's capture the  project path so the path is very much required   so this is your current path of your project so  location of project this is very very important   because we are referring this location multiple  places so once we get this location we don't   require this Eclipse so I minimizing this right  so if I open this particular folder in the Windows   Explorer this is your current project right so  here we have a pom products and I'll test ng   everything so here we need to open so we can also  open here also but we need to first go to your   project directory so how we can go to your project  directory command is C and give the path this is   the first command how to give now press enter now  you are entering to the current project directly   so in your windows wherever you are it doesn't  matter in which order directly or whichever folder   doesn't matter if you run CD and given complete  path of your budget it will directly navigate to   your project location okay so here we have to  run our comrade examine so through maven come   on so here we need to run we need to execute  upon command here in the command prompt so the   command is MV n clean install this is a command  so there are two commands actually first clean is   a command it will clean up all the previous stuff  and then freshly it will once you clean that all   the execution stuff the previously whatever we  have done and again it will start execution of   complete project using this install command now  let us try to execute this command mb n clean   install this is a command ok now I'm completely  minimized my eclipse right so now I am going   to execute to comment on this is only my command  observe this what will happen so a pressing enter   here so as soon as a press enter it is started so  let's see how it will excuse now it is started so   you can also see the UI so after exhibiting few  statements before and it will now we can start it   so now you can see the same laws whatever we have  seen in the Eclipse we have seen and it is also   launching my browser so it is large to my browser  my test case or exhibit and you can also t really   read all the log messages here whatever launch  we have created in your desk case is the logs   messages will be appeared in the console window  now you can see my test case is executing here so running your test to suit okay first a test  case is completed now it is started second test   soon it should give all the logs actually so  we will run one more time and see so now it is   executing second test case okay so once it is  successful now you can see will success message   here okay something went wrong actually now it  is giving the messages so actually we should   see these messages okay so building successful  means all my test cases are executed so again you   can see all the message have been logged here  but these message should log at the parallely   as soon as my desk is of executes if something  went wrong at so let me run one more time so   I'm just clearing this CLS and one more time  I am executing a one clean installed now press   enter okay now there are expect some statements  okay now it is started running test suit so only   local connections are allowed now you can see  so there are some statements are logging in   here right so parallely my browser is opening  all these things so now by religious messages   you can even understand what is going on on  the SK side providing the username providing   the password clicking on the login button the  login is successful so fastest case is committed   now it is started another risk case so we can  just carefully read that log messages if there   is something meant you can see the log messages  and clearly understand what is went wrong here   ok providing the customer details and the desk is  passed and now finally we get the build success   so this is all or if you something is went wrong  it will give you build failure ok now where we   can see all the reports and everything on the same  project directory itself so from where we have run   this test case so from this particular project  directly itself right so let me open this one   one second just a moment so where is our project  the current directory is this is our location of   your project so let's go to your project so here  under where test type and output these are the   reports are generated so this is a report just now  generated this is the latest report let me remove   all the reports ok so it will generate a fresh  report so once again I'm a running my test cases   let's clear everything seal this and then okay and  clean you so now we can see so my desk is a given   exhibition is completed we can see the new report  here on the same project folder under test I for   not for now I'm just realizing this now my test  case is started running I am in able to edit event   this case because it will take some time so the  thing is not just to disable that you guys can run [Music] [Music] okay so now everything is done right so let's  go and see the report now so now you can see   the new report is generated under test I have an  output your project derivatives now we can open   with Google Chrome or some browser you can use any  browser you can visit so now to discuss are being   executed and passed alright so this is how we need  to execute your test cases through command prompt   run your test cases using command Ron without  using eclipse so what we have to do for this   be here to install the me one software on Windows  then we have to configure the parts then execute   this command to come on Chrome so first we need to  go to this vector location wherever your project   is located and then you have the is good may 1 MB  a min sulayman so ambient feel installed so this   command we have to execute so what this command  will do internally is it will again in sequel   format xml file internally this command will exude  politics there's only now so in this approach i   am just writing this commands manually right so  i'm just CD and providing the location and then   I'm giving this command manually in the command  prompt so I don't want to even write the command   in command prompt I don't want to even open my  command prompt window so when I do one click on   the simple one file it should automatically open  the command prompt and it will start executing for   test cases that's how I need to do automate so  how we can do is let's close this window so in   the same project directory itself ok go to your  project location here I will create a new file   called as a bad file that's what bashfully is  nothing but exhibit of the ok in Windows we can   call it as a back dot bad is an extension and  in other operating systems became called as a   hostage if it is a Linux or UNIX we have a shell  script file we can call as dot sh is a extension   so here how to create the bad fact so there is a  third of so in the third approach we'll see how   to run a test cases using the run dad bad so you  can you can give any name to this Matt fine but   usually people will do a run dot bath because  this will run your test cases or test suits so   let me just create run our bad file and save the  project Derek so here new and first take the text   to document itself okay by default it will give  a dot txt okay so we need to rename this so this   will I name is a run dad but run dot button remove  the dot ext remove dot ext extension okay the icon   will be different so for underbar fat icon will be  different and people will do a lot of people will   do some mistake here so don't create the text file  it should be bad fine okay so run here right click   here and edit it will open up enough notepad just  like this but even though if it is open in the   notepad it is a bad file okay so whatever commands  we have typed in the command prompt the same   commands you have to give here so CD what's the  command we have given to navigate to the project   directory CD this is a location we have given CD  the location of your project and what's the next   command we have given MBN clean install this is  another so instead of writing these two commands   in the command prompt I'll keep those two commands  in the Rundle bad fan okay so once we have saved   this so now the rendered bad fell contains  into commands right so when I double click   on this butler file it will automatically open  the command prompt and it will execute the same   commands so instead of manually typing all the  commands the runner bad film keep those commands   and under bad will will execute those commands  Auto many okay now on the test - report - only   one repo to have so now how we can execute this  just double click on this just double click now   it is started a command prompt like this now you  can see the same command is accreditor CD this   one and then ambient clean install command all  right now it is started executing my test cases in the same way whatever we have tried it earlier  oh it is launching my webpage now we can also see   all the logs in my command prompt okay now first  a test case is done the starting second test case   ok automatically this funding will be closed once  it is successful closed window is automatically   closed we don't need to open and we don't need  to close ok there's a user so usage of run mad   paddle with the singles like everything will have  suppose you have 100 test cases under test case   we will go and execute one after another ok so  there's a meaning body and so from our back side   so now we are able to execute three different  ways one is in between eclipse we have executed   through form dot XML then through command prompt  we have executed using commands and the same   commands are kept in Condor barfed all right and  then we have experience so under under God filled   contains not bad file contains two entries so  what are the entries see and location of your   project and then MVM clean install so these are  the two commands which we need to add in there   are not back that's it ok now we have seen the  different approaches and next level is run the   automation to run dot bad file also we have seen  the next thing is coming to the changes so here   the continuous integration will start so here  the continuous integration will start so this is   very very important so we have already done this  and now you're in the Jing is part now you're in   the Jenkins path so I'm directly jumping into  continuous integration so here we'll discuss   they can be already discussed may 1 now I'm going  to discuss about the Jing is part ok now what is   come to before execution before running your test  cases through Jenkins right so while the Jenkins   is required wiving in to execute or test cases in  these many ways that we need to understand so to   understand this we need to first discuss about  continuous integration process please reason   this one this is actually happening coming up so  in the real-time environment basically there are   three important teams will work together so one  is developers ok development is one team and a QA   is another team ok so between these two teams  there will be another team called as a DevOps   called development operations so these people are  responsible for integration stuff like they will   assist some they will perform certain tasks from  the developer and they will perform sit and - from   the QA so they will bathe basically share the  tasks between QA and dev ok so let's see each   and everybody's role so every day means contains  set a number of people right so what the devil is   responsible for it is the dev is implement the  code so to develop the application they have   to write all the dead code right so the dev  team will implement the code by using set in   programming languages they will basically write  the code and at the end of the day so there is a   developer means there will be different developers  will be there not only single person right so all   these people at the end of the day they will keep  their code in common place this is called as a   repository this is called as a common repository  I'll tell you this one and tomorrow session in   detail for now just understand this is a common  repository the positive means is a place a common   place and everybody can share that so everybody  can share those files and they can put their   files in this particular repository this is called  common repository and everybody whatever whoever   is done the tasks and completed they'll keep  their code in this particular repository that   was called common shared repository so common  shared repository now from once the code is   checking this for checking process chicken is  nothing but whatever poor they have completed   they will keep that for of they will copy that  code in the repository that's called chicken   process so once the developer Chickering their  old what the dev ops team will do is they watch   team will pick up that particular code they will  do all the integration part then they will create   a be reader so because we don't get the program's  directly from the developer okay so DevOps team   will create a builder after integrating all these  programs and they will take all the code from the   repository and they will make a build build is  nothing but a final integrated product normally   it will be an exe file or sometimes it will be MS  FL or some other form it is just an installer file   we can just get it handed double click and start  installation so this is just the installation   file installer file we don't get any code from  the developer ok so who is we will create this   partner build dev ops team will create this cattle  feed so once the build is created so this is the   main task they will do from the developer point of  view but actually build should be created for the   developer by the developer right but the develop  C will take responsibility of this so dev ops   team will take that code from the repository and  they will create a build so once they created the   build okay this is from table 2 or dev ops now  come to the Q Bar so QA what the QA will team   is responsible for and QA also there are multiple  people who are working under multiple test cases   fight so as soon as they have completed their test  cases automation test case I'm talking about so   whatever the test case is they have completed and  here also we have a common repository here also   we have a common repository so everybody in the  team will check in their core automation code in   this particular repository at the end of the day  whatever we have completed the code or automation   test cases will be part of this particular common  repository now once the dev ops team is created   this build right and at the other other side the  dev ops team itself will take our core automation   code from this positi and execute our automation  code again as this build so this automation will   be executed against this field so here itself the  sanity and smoke testing will be completed so what   is sanity testing means the basic functionality  testing whether the build is properly installed   or not and basic functionality is working or  not we can verify here itself and here this is   the responsibility of the DevOps not the qat so  before Q is getting the build itself and it will   automatically verify the basic functionality  okay so what the DevOps team is doing here is   they are creating the build by taking the code  from the developers and also they are executing   our automation on the particular build after  taking our code from the common repository   so the DevOps is helping the QA as well as a  developer so what is the use of this one is our   process will become very faster ok in the agile  process especially things will go very faster   so developers team in polyworks and QA team is  also parallel he works there will be some team   is required here so they will coordinate between  the QA as well as Tim okay so what the DevOps team   responsibilities is mainly integration purpose  so they will integrate all the day or creation   of the build okay Automation of builders so we can  simply say build automation build automation will   is different a functional testing automation  is different so basically the DevOps team is   responsible for build automation means they have  to create the build based on the programs which   are created by the developers now they will take  our automation pool from our common depository and   they will execute our automation code on the build  and once the build is successful basic automation   is passed and everybody in that team DevOps qe8  there everybody in the team will get automatic   email so build is successful and then QA team  will download this build in their environment   and install in their environment and continue  the rest of the functionality or bugfixes build   is nothing but sometimes you can have bug fixes  sometimes if you have a new features implemented   by the developer so those things will be tested  in the queue again once they have passed they   have immediately automail doshas cases again they  have to check in their code latest code on the   common equality and ruin the second round again  the developers also created the new code again   they will put in the repository in these things  will happen in day to day basis okay suppose so   the developer started morning at 9:00 a.m. and  the shark 5:00 p.m. they have chicken in their   code in the repository okay now what the dev ops  team will do is here these are a people action so   those people don't even or manually so they will  do everything is automation so here to creation of   the bill they will use male 1 software and to  run our automation in the build they will use   change means so here the main thing is will come  into picture so actually me one and jenkees our   DevOps tools or we get say continuous integration  tools basically maven is purely build automation   tool May 1 is a purely build automation tool  but as a tester we are using just a few number   of feature from mavens just updating form that xml  running or disk cases of command so these features   are already there in the main one so we are just  using only 5 to 10% of the creature from the maven   we are not using hundred-percent features but  the divorced even use all the feature from the   mean one and by using this maven they will create  the build they will integrate all the programs and   finally they create the pill so how this will be  done by using maven software so divorce will use   this level very effective and Jenkins is a tool  they will use to run our automation code on the   bit and once the build is successful and our  automation is executed the final will be final   bill will be read in the Jenkins itself so we  have to download the Jenkins build and in your   queue environment and mean to test in the next  day morning suppose my name to 5:00 p.m. they   are working right so the 5:00 p.m. exactly the  how it's a queen they according the repository   and from shark of I to next to day morning so  between completely night the entire night the   DevOps automation will run so integration of will  happen automatically parallel or automation code   is also Xzibit automatically but the end of the  next day or beginning of the next today so next   to the morning at sharpen I name them we will  get an email from the DevOps so your build is   successful and you can just download and test it  and next today morning so before day 9:00 a.m. to   5:00 p.m. they are working on some features and  the next today morning we will get those features   from the DevOps the complete build which contains  the new features now we are casual apparently we   are going to test that one and when testing that  Butler bill as soon as anything is passed new   test is have be automated and then again check  into the common repository again parallely the   developers is work on another new features or bug  fixes as soon as they have done some fix or they   have implemented a new feature will be part of  this repository at the end of the day and these   are continuous activities every day every day will  happen if we read above steam will run this take   this bill run this build create the bill Jenkins  it will take the Jenkins will run our automation   code on the build so everything will happen day to  day pieces and sometimes for a day two times will   happen that depends on the infrastructure all  the planning okay so this is called continuous   integration process so from the dev divorce and  q8 so these two teams effectively working together   for one project and in agile process whenever the  agile came into the market continuous integration   processes become very very popular so nowadays all  the companies are following this process so now   the main intention I am saying this one is where  we have to use all these tools okay so maven is   Jenkins is a mainly used in DevOps team we are  not hundred percent responsible for Jing it's   an amoeba we use it in feature from Jenkins and  maven but actually running by the divorced okay   this is called continuous integration process  so now why we have to exhibit our test cases   using Jenkins the third approach because DevOps  team will exhibit our automation test cases only   through Jenkins but what is our role we have to  keep our coding the common repository we have to   do certain configuration of the changes we have  to take all that we need to take the ownership   of our configuration okay and then from onwards  Ottoman and even DevOps team also will not run   automation the automation plans automatically  happen based upon the schedules they will sit   sit in time okay based upon the time Jenkins will  exhibit out this case it's automatically but our   QA responsible thing is we need to just configure  these things you have to keep our record in the   common repository then you have to configure  this path and everything in the Jenkins okay   please we have to do some trial run and from then  onwards the develop team will take care of it okay   so this is one time qualification algorithm so  that's the reason we should make sure our test   cases should be able to run on the Jenkins and one  more important thing there is jinkies whenever you   exhibit about Jenkins in that environment you  don't see any UI so it is completely headless   execution headless means we don't see any UI part  everything will happen at the back end itself but   automation cases will run you can see all the  logs what is happening at the back and we can   see that but as a user I don't see any kind of UI  so that's the main beauty of Jenkins so because   it is not showing any UI the execution will be  very very faster everything will happen in the   back in itself okay that's the main feature of  the Jenkins so everything will execute using   seamlessly everything is exports seamlessly in  Jenkins okay so now we will see how they exhibit   our test cases using Jenkins doesn't next one  right and we have to install Jenkins software   so Jenkins is available as an open source tool and  but in the real environment you don't install any   Jenkins in your system very very important  so Jenkins will be owned by the DevOps team   ok so they will install in their environment and  they will just give the URL to you to access the   thing it's so once you get the URL from the Jing  because this is web-based application ok because   this is a web-based application so we'll just get  a URL from the DevOps team and by using this URL   you can access the jiggy's application just like  other web server we will access right using you   are in same way you can also access Jenkins who  you are and you can will be provided upon URL or   you will be provided with username and the login  so by using username and login just log into the   Jenkins and you can add your project and do the  configuration there's only one time job so until   unless your test cases are failing in the Jenkins  they don't approach you again so when the dev ops   team we will approach you sometimes your desk s  will fail in Jenkins sometimes then you have to   do certain kind of analysis so why it is failing  is that because of configuration issues in Jenkins   or is there any issues with the test cases or  sometimes application is changing something   okay so these are all things we have to analyze so  only in that particular scenario or that practice   situation the dev ops team will interact with you  or they will come in get with you okay so under   knowledge once we have done the configuration in  Jiang is there is no much role in the DevOps team   QA Road so just we need to automate the dis case  from day to day basis whatever is completed keep   make sure they are ready in the common repository  so Jiang is automatically pick up from there and   execute your test cases and tomorrow we'll  discuss more on these two what is commonly   positive I will do how we need to put the core  there and everything but today we will see how   to execute our test cases in Jenkins because this  will be part of maintenance ok so check in the   for check out the core so how we can put the code  in the common depository or if you want to modify   something how we can do this how the Jenkins will  take the pour from this one so we'll see that in   the next session that's called maintenance PAP  now we'll see how we can execute our automation   through Jenkins okay so first of all we need  to install the Jenkins part so to install the   Jane case we have to go to this party where I've  captured each and every screenshot because this   will take a lot of time okay almost Jenkins will  take 15 to 20 minutes of time to install complete   but in the real time you don't install anything in  your local system for practising purpose you can   do installation because this is just open source  tool we can install and you can work with this   okay but in the real diamonds dev a stream is  owned by this tool so you don't need to install   anything all right so now let us see how we  can download Jenkins and how we can install   it this is a link step by step installation just  go to this particular link now this is a working   insufficient website okay so from this putler  website we need to download thinking software   so from where we have to download so they have  given so many things like a weekly religious   they have and long-term support also we have so we  have to always download from this one so download   jenkins longtime support and most of the times  weekly religious having some issues every time   so I face a lot of issues in the weekly releases  so just go to the long-term support because these   are unstable builds stable ones okay so just go  to Windows currently we are working on Windows   so click on the windows it will start downloading  zip file now we go you got the g1 right so this is   a different one 18m it will take some time so  just cancel this because I already have it so   ok so this is a link we are too used to download  the jig this is a fourth approach to run tests is   this using engines so first of all we need to  download the Genki so this is URF application   so this is a sorry no this one this is about let  me copy this let it get it from here this is the   or URL or I can just get provide this link copy  this link ok so this is a link so once you have   opened this part in our link then you will start  installing you will get the jib fine so once you   get the zip file and just extract that zip file  now you will see is like this so let me just show   you so this is once you have extracted your zip  file you will see one folder like this jakey's   and some folder and open this folder then you can  see one MSI file so MSM is Microsoft install it is   almost equal to Exe file so you will get this exe  file they can message map just you need to double   click on this file okay then installation is start  so the instant ups feels will be like this so as   soon as you click on that file you will get this  but less thing so you need to go step by step so   click on the next then click on the install  then it will this is a default location where   the Jenkins will be installed now click on the  next and the next step then click on the finish   there are only four things you will have so now  you are installed Jenkins so this is very very   simple but the configuration will take a lot of  time so installation is rigged is very simple   what we need to do set in configuration so I'll  show you that configuration so here come back   okay so same thing is internists presentation so  how we can do this Jenkins configuration so asanas   we have installed over Jenkins because this is a  web-based application you should be able to access   using this particular URL ok so HDB localhost  but in real time they will give you this URL to   you okay using that word Allah can access this or  to when you install your Eclipse when you install   janeen's in your local system first time okay  when you open this URL the first time it will   show you unlock Jenkins so this is a screen you  will see unlock Jenkins so here we need to provide   administrator password so where we can find this  administrator password so to unlock the jakey's   we have to provide this administrator password  so this administrator password will be provided   inside this Jenkins installation location so once  you go to Jenkins installation location so here I   have a Jenkins there is a one folder called secret  folder so we can see secrets right so inside this   folder you will see currently I don't have that  one because I already use or that key so but in   your case it will show you initial admin password  so this is a one it will show you for you initial   admin password just open this in your notepad  somewhere and just copy the text whatever they   have given and put it over here okay and then  click on the continue and then you will be able   to unlock the Jenkins only once you have copied  this password here this file will be deleted   automatically so for me already user that is so  that's the reason it cannot see this one initial   admin password is a file name so where you can  find this this Butler location under C Drive   Program Files x86 Jenkins and secret folder  so once you provided this password here your   Jenkins will be unlocked so copy this here click  on the continue then it will start configuration   so it will show you two options install suggested  plugins or select the plugins to install so just   go for first option because we don't know exactly  what are plugins we require so we can just try to   install all suggested plugins by Jenkins so  select the first option click on this but   this is basically a button just click on this  now it will start installing required plugins   within Jenkins so here it will take some time  maybe one or two minutes it will take so each   and every plug-in will be added to your changes so  after that it will give you one more screen this   is one continuous screen ok one after another it  will be displayed so under Jenkins configuration   again it will show you create first admin user so  so far we don't have any user for Jenkins ok but   here we need to create the first admin user this  is we have to create carefully so as I suggest you   just admin admin admin admin easy username admin  is a password and give some email id and it will   be created admin user so with this admin user  later you can create any number of users user   in the sense he can able to log into the Jenkins  ok so we can create any number of users in Jenkins   but admin user must be there so administrator  only can create other users and he can admin   or he can manage everything in the changes but  rest of the gates don't have all the privileges   even in real time diversity will you provide you  login but still you cannot access everything in   only your project stuff in Jenkins there are  n number of projects keep on running even from   other teams so in the Jenkins whatever project  you are responsible for so you can see only that   but left quadrant other projects you cannot see in  the Jenkins because of restrictions access level   restrictions ok but admin user can see everything  and you can also lose it in configuration within   the eclipse within the Jenkins so once we have  selected once you have provided this username   password everything and click on save and continue  ok then it will take some time here finally we   will get instance configuration it will show you  Jenkins URL like here and then save and finish so   this is the URL they have to use every time to  launch your Jenkins application and login to a   [ __ ] in application with this admin user so  whenever you providing these details you have   to make note of this okay because sometimes if you  follow that then again you have to install Jenkins   if you forgot those menus remember now click on  save and finish now it will be installed so now   we need to do set in configuration inside the  Jenkins ok so you will get this Jenkins ready   so once you have log into Jenkins you will see  the dashboard this is called Jenkins a dashboard   so now I am going to show you my Jenkins go to  google chrome my I'm opening my Jenkins so how   to open localhost colon 8080 so Jenkins will run  on a 0-0 default so press Enter now it will be   open your Jenkins ok so it's not so it cannot  be reached okay if it is no we are getting some   connection issues like this just go and restart  your Eclipse restart imaging it there will be   service created in the windows go to services and  open there's a run as administrator so go to the   services and then restart the Jenkins a service  so as soon as we have installed Jenkins it will   create in new so now you can see my Jenkins is  currently not running so the reason I am NOT   getting the URL so since the Jenkins service  and click on the start so by default it will   be up and running but intentionally have stopped  engine so once it is started running now you can   see three buttons you can always stop and do you  start anything you can do so once we have started   it just wait for one or two seconds and then  try this URL one more time ok so still it is   running so that's the reason it is not it open  take some time few minutes time it will take so   this is all configuration part ok so now it is  pinging this URL let's wait for a few seconds so before getting the login so we have to do all  this configuration step mister please do carefully   if we miss anything else you do something went  wrong again you have to start from the beat okay   so please do carefully and slowly okay now we  have to login to the Jenkins yes now my Jenkins   is please wait while Jenkins is getting ready to  work so I have to wait for a few more seconds and   it is always a refreshment so once it once it is  refreshing I will get the login screen so once   you login so admin user we already created earlier  right so with the same admin user we should able   to login to Jenkins so once we log in to Jing  is we can create any number of users so wait   for few seconds again let me refresh it one more  time so once it is started it will automatically   gives the login screen okay now we got the login  screen so let me log into Jing is admin admin   username and password I have given at the time of  installation configuration then click on assignee   so once you click on the sign in then you will  see the a dashboard page so this is the dashboard   so currently I have n number of projects already  ran this area but in your case you don't see all   these things you will see only these options which  are there in the left left side okay these are the   only option you can see by Devon you don't see any  projects here this is actual default dashboard of   the Jenkins but here I have run all the multiple  projects earlier so that it is giving all the   projects like this okay so this is how we need to  install the Jenkins and unlock the Jenkins and do   certain configuration and just log into Jacobs but  again we have to do a lot of things inside this so   we need to also install maven plugins in Jenkins  because we are using Mae project right in Eclipse   so we are going to run Mable project within  Jenkins so we have to also install additional   plugins which are required for the main ones so  to install those things we have to go to within   the Jenkins we have to go to manage Jenkins so  all the plugins we can install from this man is   Jenkins and here this go to manage plugins okay  go to manage plugins so here so here you have to   select whatever entry is related to me--one so  I have given all the interest once you click on   the maven plugins under available you can  select or maven integration maven release   plug-in maven invoker maven repository schedule  cleanup repository connector a one-in-four so   whatever option is related to me--one you can see  just select all these options okay and once you   selected these options and just they will you will  see one button here let me show you another scheme   okay so managing means yes so here you can see a  button so here install without restart so this is   actually button installed without restart so once  you selected all the maven plugins just like on   install without restart so once you have done this  it will take some time to install all may one like   is within the Jenkins so once it is done again  it will ask you to restart your Jenkins again it   will ask you to login just for where the admin  admin and click on the sign now again you will   login into the Jenkins this is another step we  have within your changes between the Jenkins so   because I already have that so I'm not getting  any maven options here so but in your case you   will get a lot of my own options select all of  them I've given in the screenshot I so can just   go through see its feature and select or whatever  maven options I have selected and then click on   download so here you can see one option called  download now and install after restart you can   see one of this option here click on this it will  start installing then you can see this particular   screen so each and everything will take each  and every option will take some time and you   have to wait for one or two or three second  female you sometimes and everything will be   successful and then automatically restart jakey's  will be restarted and one more time you have to   log so once we have done all these things now  we are ready to run our project who thing can   say you can go to dashboard so there are multiple  options are there here just I'll show you what are   our options we have to use okay so now we will  see how to run our project using Jenkins how to   run our automation using genius I'll show you  now so very simple flow we have two former here   run over test cases using Jenkins okay so first  we have downloaded Jenkins we do configuration   all the stuff we have done so now let's login  into Jenkins so this is already logging so in   the Jenkins the there are two approaches we have  in the two different ways we can run our project   within the Jenkins so the first approach is just  go to new item so new item is we have to create   the new project within the Jenkins so here I  am giving some name to your project so here n   would be commerce and just there are two options  are available free state project maven project   within the Jenkins itself we have it two types of  projects one is free sale project may one project   if I take freestyle project we can run run a bad  friend which you have already created earlier and   if I take maven project we can directly run  our combat XML file so there are two options   but in the real time we always use maven project  okay but I'll show you both of them so freestyle   project I'm just taking pre and first of all I  need to give some name so what is the version   of your project B zero zero one so no commerce  be zero zero one freestyle project so I'm giving   some name and then take the Freestyle project and  then poke a better so this is a flow I have given   all the screenshot so please follow the same all  right so now are we given the location so here if   you want to write some description of the project  you can just write it already leave it so don't   do anything else here just directly come down to  build okay so here you have to select one option   called execute windows batch command executed  windows batch command select this now here you   have to provide the location of your under that  fact so location of you are not bad from so here   I have given everything very clearly so first you  new item toward the name of the project freestyle   project okay then go to build section so that take  is equal to windows batch command and specify path   of your ahmedabad files along with the random  artful meme so first entity will be CDU our   location of your project and then run that bad so  these do things we need to specify now let us go   here see me right so say D where is our project  location this is the location right so the same   commands this is the command this is the location  and in this location my granddad batch for this   present right so we have to just paste by the name  of the fact run backpack there's only two entries   now apply and say so again it will go to this is  your project - - for specific to project again if   you go to back to dashboard it will show you all  the projects so all the projects if you want to   go specific to your project to dashboard and you  can see one entry for your project so we see here   somewhere it should be there 0 0 v1 given right  so this is a one so still we haven't run this so   the reason is giving a greater so rent means it is  failed on grey means it is not yet executed blue   means it is passed okay so it is not at executed  but if I click on this link it will go to your   your specific project dashboard so we can run in  many places we can run from here or we can also   run from the main dashboard so from here also we  can just click on this triangle click on the build   now option or we can also click on here this is  an option we have ok multiple places we have so   normally we will run on project - - is just direct  to go to your branch put here just you need to   click on the build now option so this is option  now dreams now internet will eggs good run not bad   for so I'm just licking one bill now so here we  cannot see any UI because everything is a seamless   now click on bill now so once you click on the  bill now so here you can see started execution   so just click on this progress bar just click on  this progress bar then you will see some log files   so I have just click on this progress bar now  we can see the logs are creating here so now my   project is star the same commands have executed  see now so it started my execution first time   it will take some time but from the second round  or worse it will do very faster so now we cannot   see Ami's greens everything is a seamless but the  log message you can see now you can see tests have   started so by reading this log messages we can  understand what is happening at the packet so in   the DevOps environment our test cases will run in  the same manner okay so they don't want to see any   us just they want our test case a passed or failed  does it so now we can see the read messages based   on the log messages we can easily understand  so that's the reason we have to write the more   number of blocks in the test case at the time of  writing your test case itself in detail messages   the run time it will be very very easy to debug  the issues so loss will be very useful at the time   of debugging issues now you can see so adding new  customer is also execution is done execution is   happening here so it will go faster and we can't  see any UI here everything is seamless or headless   so now everything is done now build a structures  so now I am able to execute our test cases under   bad fell within the Jenkins using freestyle  project so in the Jenkins itself we have a   two approaches one is using free state project you  can execute our test cases here we have to use run   bad fight and the second sale is second with maven  project using me one project within the Jenkins we   can use but here we need a palm dot XML so I will  also show you the second approach so let's go and   see so once we have executed build a successful  then go back to you back to your project now again   go back to your dashboard now we can see this is  torn into blue color but is successful and you can   run the same project any number of times you don't  create these multiple projects every time okay   this is only a one time job so once you created  this entry that's it so automatically test cases   will execute every time but this configuration  should not change once we have done for it this   is a one way of executing run dot bat file but we  don't follow this up this is only for practicing   purpose so we'll see the second approach maven  project how to run your test cases using maven   project so to run you a test cases using maven  crosser and Jenkins maven project you have to do   certain settings within the Jenkins itself you  have to make sure that very very important step   if you miss this step you cannot exit so when I  create a new project new item this is the maven   project so first method we already seen so here we  have used run dot bat file so here maven project I   am taking so if you want to take this maven  project we can run the bounded XML directly   through Jenkins but only thing is we need to add  a special plugins to use this Butler maven project   so how do I add those brackets so not a plugins we  need to set proper paths because maven plugins we   already executed we have already installed earlier  right so the node is in the previous screen so you   may month like is for Jing is we already installed  so now we don't need to do anything else only   thing is we have to point to your second class  because Java home so when I told you these paths   should be confident before coming here so Java  home path should be specified so when we have   to specify here is just go to Jenkins and here  managing is all the configurations done will be   done in the main and Jenkins click on this man is  Jenkins now go to global tool configuration global   to configuration but our Jenkins should know  wherever even in Java is there that's the main   important okay so the global tools configuration  so you can see JDK folder so once you click on   this JDK installations so I already configured  my JDK is this one but in your case you don't see   anything here so just use some name here called  my JDK or something else and here provide your JDK   path means your Java path so once you are provided  here don't do any option in delivery key or adds   a detail you will see some options here don't do  anything just specify the JDK name give the Java   at home so when a providing this value here Java  underscore home oh okay so once we have provided   this then directly come down apply and say and  don't do anything else okay so this is very very   important so just add my JDK provide this location  and diet so apply and save so I already done this   so I have given the screenshot also here so go to  dashboard managing means global tool configuration   go to JDK section over some name provide about  JDK part click on save and nothing this is the   configuration so now we will able to use a next  option there isn't may one option so now come   back to your dashboard now I'm taking a new item  and this time I am going to use maven project okay   so now I am giving so previously what is the name  I have given no commerce 0 0 1 something right so   0 1 0 0 yes this is Annie may have given earlier  now this time the same version of the project but   this time I'm taking maven project this is a  neighbor project I'm just changing the name ok   same project I'm just using maven project approach  so select this maven project this time and ok now   it will go to build sections go to configuration  page yes this is your configuration page so now   what we have to do here is just directly come to  build section and this time it will show you palm   dot XML so we how to give the complete path of  your palm reading sermon so where is your pounded   XML is present in your project from very right  so this is a location you have to specify this   is the complete location here to you so in this  particular location your palm read example is   present so what is the command we have to execute  here the command is clean install clean install   whatever command we have executed in the command  grande the same clean install MV and we don't   require ambient by default will be taken care by  a mere member so just specify the location of your   palm under this route palm directory and goals and  options is a maven command a clean install that's   it so once we added this then apply and save so  again it will enter into the project dashboard   so from here you can draw any more concept now  I am going to run this one more time so click   on bail it now so once you click on the build now  it is started execution so again you pick lick on   this progress bar just click on this progress  bar you will see the log files so all the log   messages you can see here this is another approach  so these are the two approaches we have to swallow   to execute your project within the Jenkins so  it is started so first time it will take some   time because now it is starting so there are a  lot of things are there so case you have to go   step by step spend some time on this do very  slowly don't be naughty buddy so please do   step by step very slowly and understand the step  and boot and make use of this PDF ll say I will   share this presentation today so go through each  and every screen and do the exactly the same way   and if you miss anything if you do something  wrong you get it very very difficult to fix   it okay so please do carefully so now my test  case is running customer details is providing okay so once it is done you will get the bill  success here test is passed and finally you will   see build success so we are able to also integrate  our test cases using maven project within the   whirring within your watching it snow build is  success till the diversity will exude our test   cases in this Butler okay so this approach they  will pause so this configuration we have to do as   a QA first time okay and DevOps team automatically  excuse the same project multiple times I will go   to your project now my project is successful so  this is the maven project is successful okay so   just go through these patellas keys and do as  it is so now what we have seen so far it is   we have just executed our complete project using  freestyle project using Thunderbird file and also   variable takes good over complete project using  maven project that is for Maddux ok these are   very very important so for today just practice  all these things till here this is very very   important and tomorrow I will show you few more  things in Jenkins ok but here in this particular   approach is there is some problem so let me just  also give that butter problem so tomorrow show   it again so as I said here there is a QA team  and here the dev team is there ok so here the   dev ops team is there so where is our Jenkins  is running here our Jenkins is present here the   Jenkins is installed so they have given just URL  to you but the Jenkins is not there in your local   system right so Jenkins you will automatically ok  so Jenkins is located in diversion one not in your   environment but in today's session what we have  done we have Jenkins installing our Q environment   our local system so we are able to configure  paths even pom dat xml path also have a given   my local system path because all my project is  completely available in my local system so the   jig is also there in the same system project and  Jenkins both are present in the same location so   that I can easily configure all the paths within  the Jenkins I should able to execute it successful   there is no issue at all but in the real time you  don't do this approach because you don't keep any   files in your local why because Jenkins will be  installing develops a system they will guess just   share the URL with you but uh actual application  is airing develops a server right but your project   is still there in your local system but how  we will configure your local path in remote   Jenkins right this is an issue where how we can  configure your local path in your Jenkins because   Jenkins is a remote application which is there  in the DevOps machine or develops a server but   your project is located in your local system  so da here the biggest problem so there are   two solutions one solution is we can just move  the complete project in the dev server or DevOps   machine and there we can configure the local parts  that's the one approach but these occurs will will   not following the real term because there are so  many people are working on so many things so how   we can integrate all these projects and how we  can send them to devups it is a small company   were not open full of working that is fine but in  the real time it doesn't happen like this so this   is the conflict we have but how we can overcome  this so we have to use a common repository called   git and github repositories so tomorrow we are  going to discuss about this so we will put all   the code in get and we drop repository right so  this get done get repository code can be accessed   through URL so Jenkins will take the our code  from the git and github repository so this is a   common location where we have to keep all our code  a project coding to this one we have to check in   all our code into jatin jit repositories from  there Jenkins will take it every day and this   will automatically execute so in this particular  content we have to just configure github URL in   the Jenkins we don't provide any local paths  so by using this approach we can overcome that   particular conflict ok so tomorrow we'll discuss  more about this JIT what is JIT what is G table   how we can check in our code in the git and github  repositories how Jenkins will take that code all   these things we will discuss in to Mohnish okay  so I will stop here so you get understood right   so far so this is very very important and if  you put any two or three years of experience   then you can easily answer the questions if you  know this but you are propping and 90% of the   people don't teach these kind of topics so this  is very hundred percent real genuine topics so   please understand and follow the same thing  and if you get any questions any real-time   questions you will easily understand and it  can easily answer those questions ok guys so   I'll stop it here guys so rest of the things  so we'll have these skills in tomorrow session
Channel: SDET- QA Automation Techie
Views: 112,934
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Keywords: Python, Selenium with Python, Selenium webdriver, Automation, Testing tools, Selenium tutorials, Manual testing, SDET, Java, selenium with java, hadoop, web services, postman, soapui, rest assured, big data testing, hadoop testing, ETL testing, SQL, Programming, gcreddy, Software Testing material, selenium videos, python videos, automation vidios, jira, jmeter, performance testing, functional testing, QA, QC, Agile testing, SDLC, Maven, Jenkins, Git & GitHub
Id: F8Nfjwneeb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 3sec (5343 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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