Jenkins Beginner Tutorial 6 - Basic Configurations

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Hello and welcome to this session on Jenkins beginner tutorial This is the sixth session and today we are going to see some basic configurations on Jenkins Okay, so let us go to our Jenkins and you see this manage Jenkins menu I'll click here and then I will go to configure system Okay, so step one is you go to a Jenkins you go to manage Jenkins and then you go to configure system Okay, and then inside this menu you can see some options are there right? And today we are going to look all the common and basic options and configurations in Jenkins Okay, so step is get an Understanding of common and some basic configurations. So this is what we'll do today So let us begin and inside the many Jenkins and configure section. The very first thing that you see is the home directory is on this system and all your plugins and other logs and related information will get into this Particular home directory Okay So in case you want to change your home directory of Jenkins, you can watch one of my earlier tutorial the 3rd session on this series how to change home directory So this is this particular option gives you the information about your home directory, Okay If you click on Advanced you can see there is the root directory and you can change the path from here and then there is a built record directory Okay, so What is the root directory if you click on this help section? It will tell you the workspace where Jenkins will store all the build information Okay, so all the build information and the workspace for this particular Jenkins is present here Okay, and the root directory here the Jenkins will store all the bills records on the file system Okay, so you if you want you can change it However, it is not recommended And you can keep it as it is Okay, let us go to the system message So what is this is a system message Let me put some message here This is an example system message and let me go to preview and what will happen is let me also start a new window Okay, so I have put some message here and I will click on apply. Okay, and now you can see on my Jenkins home screen there is this message getting displayed Okay So if you want to display this message or notify your users with some particular message, you can put the system message here. The good thing is that you can provide HTML content here and you can use HTML tags For example, I want to make it as heading 1 I will use the HTML tags H1 and Close this tag and preview and this is how it will display now apply it and let me go here And yes, I am betting an HTML message now so you can use HTML tags You can put an image or a link anything Right So this is how you can use a system message in case you are not able to use the HTML tags You should go to your manage Jenkins and configure global Garrity and look at the mark of for matter if it is plain text changes it to save HTML save it and then you should be able to use the HTML tags inside system message Okay, let us go to number of executors Now What does this mean is? The number of executors is the number of parallel jobs that this particular Jenkins instance should be able to run So if we want that this Jenkins should run at Max five parallel jobs. We can give the number here and it will run at the max 5 jobs at one time Okay To understand labels and the other usage of labels We will need to go to node configuration and I will just tell you very basics of what does this mean is? Let me go to my Jenkins and go to manage Jenkins and if you go down you will see an option called managed nodes Okay Now what does this mean is in Jenkins? We have a system for distributed bills What does this that mean is I can make my Jenkins as a Master machine and then I can add notes to this particular Jenkins so I can add different machines to this Jenkins and I can say that the execution should take place on different nodes and not on the Master machine So for that I have to go to manage nodes and you can see I can add a new node here We're okay So adding a new node simply means that you are adding a new machine. I can say add a new note I can give any name Let us say this is Windows to I make it permanent agent and okay and I have to give some configurations here Okay now here again We have number of executors right and here if you go to the help section, it will tell you the maximum number of the concurrent build that the Jenkins May perform on this agent Okay? So here I can control the maximum number of builds or jobs on this particular agent by giving the value for a number of executors Okay? Then we have the label here So again, let us say if I gave it a name as Windows machine to okay, and now I can say in the usage section only build jobs with label expressing Expressions matching this node. Okay What does this means is I can now let me save this Okay, let me also go to another node Let us say Windows machine go to configurations and let me also add Windows machine one Okay, I'm adding a labels here in different notes and I will just tell you what exactly is the use of these labels and I'll click save okay Now see I have added few nodes machine and I have given some labels to those node machines Okay Now let me go to any of my existing jobs You can also create a new job by clicking on new item here I am going to my existing job and saying configure okay, and now Yes in the general section You see this set this option restrict where this project can be run Okay, and now it gives you a label expression Okay, and in this label expression, I can give any expression which can be a reg X so see as soon as I am giving i'm typing something all the labels that I had added are coming by default so Windows machine one Windows machine two and so on are coming so if I select Windows machine one here okay it is saying label service by one node that means this label is configured with only one node and this particular job will be serviced by only this particular node which has the label Windows machine one but I can also make it reg ex okay let me try it out okay, it is not taking the reg x but ok but yeah see again Windows to is serviced by this particular label which has this particular label the machine and similarly I can use any label Okay So this is what the use of labels is in Jenkins and we will look into it into very deeper details in the coming sessions But for now you should be able to know that what does label means and how can we use it? Okay So this is the use of labels, okay? What is quiet period So quiet period is the number of seconds that this particular Jenkins instance should wait before triggering a job and why this is important is because suppose you your job is auto-scheduled to run at some particular time or the job can be triggered as soon as they will take place. So in if you go to a job configuration You have built triggers, right? So you can trigger remotely you can trigger periodically or you can pull an SEM Okay, so SEM means as soon as somebody will commit their code in a source repository like get the job will get triggered Okay, but we want that They should be a time Gap or they should be asleep interval before between the job getting triggered and the build actually getting Into into the source code repository Okay Now the reason we are why we have this quiet period is because if we have it as zero, I would do not have any quiet period the job will get triggered as soon as there is the trigger coming to Jenkins For example, there is a built committed in to get the job will trigger but we have seen that sometimes the the commit is not successful or it takes some time in commuting all the files By experience will come to know that our particular project or job How much time Gap does it require and the same time Gap we can give here as quite period Okay Now the next option is SCM Check out retry count What does this mean is as we have seen here One of the bill trigger is poll SCM So what does this mean is? It will try to connect to a source code repository, Okay, and we'll try to get the latest build information Okay, in case it fails, what is the maximum retry count our Jenkins should do Okay So they're that number we can specify here Okay the next option is restricted project naming and By default, the default option is selected, but we can also select role-based strategy or pattern suppose I give a pattern and I say test, Okay, and now if I apply it, so see it's now I go to my Jenkins Home page and go to new item If I try to give any name for a new project It will not take it because ABC does not match the job name convention pattern So I have to I'm now forced to give a name which starts from test and then anything after that right and then it will take it Okay So this is the use of this restrict project naming So in case you want to restrict your Jenkins, Project naming so that people use some default naming conventions we can use this option as of now I am putting it back to default The next option is global properties Okay now global properties as the name suggests We can Define some Global Properties or the properties at a global level, which can be used by all the jobs in Jenkins So, for example, we can add some variable Let us say I add some key and some value now this let us say this is given its value is 1 okay now after I add this this Available for all the jobs in a Jenkins and I can refer this value by this key so I can refer this like this dollar key one Okay, or we can also say dollar key one Okay Now do not get intimidated with all the information I am giving it to you right now This is a just a basic understanding of different configuration options. I will cover all these in details and into deeper insights in my coming sessions Okay So as of now, let me delete it Okay, again, you can give some two locations which you want should be at a global level and can be accessed by any job Okay And now the next option is Jenkins location So normally we start our Jenkins if you are on the local machine, we say localhost 8080, but you can also instead of localhost you can get the IP of your machine So in case if you have noticed today instead of starting on localhost, I am giving the IP of my machine so you can get the IP of your machine by going to command prompt on Windows and typing ipconfig or if you are on a Mac you can go to command you can go to terminal and type ipconfig, or you can also go to your network preferences and get your IP from there in the same You can put it here So if I can put my IP here Okay, and so on you can put some of your admin email address here. Okay, the SSH server So in case you want your Jenkins to run a job remotely and connect to some server you can give the port numbers here and we will cover this in to details in the coming sections And the last option is shell So by default Jenkins has a bash shell on which it executes all the shell commands, but in case you want to Some dude directory or some other shelf example, you have configured cygwin on your system And you want that all the executable command should be executed on the cygwin You can give the location of the executable here For example, if you are on Windows and in Windows, it is cmd.exe where the commands get executed So by default it will take the location of your Cmd.exe in case you have changed the location you can provide it here so that Jenkins know that from where I have to execute the executable command commands Okay So this is all about the very basic configurations of Jenkins and please do not get intimidated by all the information I have provided you in this sessions We will cover all these configurations and settings into deeper details as we go through the jobs and others Settings in the coming series Okay So hope you like it Thank you.(for watching.)
Channel: Automation Step by Step
Views: 195,431
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Keywords: jenkins basic configurations, jenkins configurations, jenkins basics, jenkins, jenkins introduction, learn jenkins, jenkins how to, manage jenkins, configure system, jenkins configure system, system message, # of executors, labels, usage, quiet period, scm checkout retry count, restrict project naming, global properties, ssh server, shell, jenkins settings, jenkins beginner tutorial, jenkins beginner, restrict here this project can be run, label expression, manage nodes
Id: Cr8XSljgEPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2016
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