Git and GitHub Beginner Tutorial 1 - Introduction

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Hello and welcome to this session on git and GitHub We are starting with a series on git and GitHub and we will learn the very basics of these terms and how do we practically Implement and start with Git and GitHub So let us begin this session and let us see we are going to learn today what GitHub actually means What is GitHub? Is there any relationship between git and GitHub? and how do we use git and GitHub? and we will see a very simple workflow for this So let us begin and let us start with git So git is a Version Control System So I'll write it down version control system And what does this mean is Let us see A very simple explanation of your version controlling system Let us say you have a file that you want to work on and you want to maintain all the changes and you want to check all the changes you make to this file So what you can do you can use some version control system which will track all the changes in your file and it will maintain all the version history so you can go back and you can see you can do any version and look at All the changes you made in a file So in the same way get is also a version control system when we are working on our source code on when we are working on any of our files and folders and we want that this file or folder should be controlled by versions or all the changes that we are doing on this particular project should be tracked then we use a version control system So in simple words we can say To changes in files or folders why I'm using the terminology files and folders is because even when you walk on the source code at the end of the day, everything is files and folders So we want to track the changes that we make to our source code or to our files or to our folders and for that we use a version control system and get is a kind of Version Control System the other Jason we want to use git will be to collaborate In teams Okay So let us again see this diagram here We are working on our local system and we have a single file that only you are working on in that case It makes very little sense to use a version control system because you are the only person who is walking on this particular file, but let's imagine when there are multiple people working on the same file in that case version And dual systems in becomes very important because a person A checks out the file and he make some changes and a person B again checks out the same file and makes his changes now in that case We want to track all the changes made by all the people on that particular file So in that case Version Control System becomes very important and that is why we use tools like git to track the changes in your code or in your files in folders So this is what git is and this is why it is used now Let us learn about Version Control System We have two types of Version Control Systems one is centralized Version Control System and then we have distributed Version Control System Okay Now, what does this mean is Let us again Look at the centralized Version Control System here We will have a repository which is placed on a server and then they are different people working on that repository So you can see this is workstation PC number one workstation to and workstation three and all of these guys are working on this repository Now, what they do is they work on this repository online make their changes committed and so they can collaborate Okay, but here is the major disadvantage is that this is a single repository which is placed on a server So if anything goes wrong here because we have a single copy placed on the server So if anything goes wrong here it Will be difficult for us to maintain the back up and bring the repository to the normal position. Also the people who are working on this repository have to be connected always and have to be online to work on their systems because this repository is placed on a server So these people have to be online to collaborate Okay So this is what is Central version control system is and then we have Distributed version control system now here There is a repository on the server as we have seen in the central Version Control System, but every person can pull and create his local repository so you can see workstation one has a local repository workstation to has his own copy workstation 3 has his own copy So one of the major advantage of distributed version control system is if anything goes wrong here on the server we can backup the repository from any local system because these are the complete copy of the repository That is one major advantage The second major advantage here is you did not do not need to be online every time you can pull the repository take your local copy and keep on working on it in an offline mode and you Need an internet connection only when you want to push the changes so only when you want to push or pull you need to be connected, otherwise, you can keep working offline and maintain all your work and once you are done you can push the changes So this is the advantage of a distributed version control system. And you might have guessed by now git is a distributed Version Control System Okay in that is why Okay in that is why git is very famous and popular and it is also free and open source. So I'll also right here It is Free and open-source system So a lot of people use it Okay now Let us see Let us also go to our browser and see about git So this is the website I am going to and here this says git is a free and open source distributed Version Control System designed to handle everything from small to very large projects. Okay, and in the coming session, we will see exactly how to download and get started with git for now Let us go to our second topic which is GitHub Okay Now GitHub is you can say a website to upload your repositories Online okay So if we go to again Google and say GitHub it will take you to this website of GitHub And you can see this GitHub Fosters a fast flexible collaborative development process and it lets you work on your own or with others Okay, and you can use GitHub for putting all your git repositories online or any any repositories in that sense Okay So in very simple words GitHub is a website which you can use to upload your repositories and what are the advantages of this? Why do you want to use it? Number one is it provides some backup for your repository So your deposit is are now backed up on a cloud Okay, so that is a very the major advantage of using GitHub Other thing is it provides visual interface we are repositories So when you go to menu add your repositories on GitHub, you you a very nice visual interface okay, the other thing will be it makes collaboration easier So what you can do is you can add your repositories to GitHub you can make it private or public or share with some people and it makes very easy to elaborate your repositories with other people on your team So that is what GitHub is it same website to upload your repositories online So now is get related to GitHub The answer is no git is not equal to GitHub git is a Version Control System where as GitHub is just a website where you can put your repositories so you can use GitHub with any Version Control System. It can be great or it can be some other version control system in the same way You can use get with any online repository management system It can be GitHub It can be bitbucket or anything else so you can use get with GitHub or you cannot you can use git with some other online management repository system Git is not related to GitHub Although most of the projects use git and GitHub together, but technically they are not related Okay So this is the there is no relation between git and GitHub They are two different things Okay Now let us look at a very simple workflow of get and Look at this diagram So when we actually start using get in our next session what we are going to do and what the actual workflow looks like is this is a remote repository and this is our local system Let us say our repository is put on a server It's placed on a server which is in this remote server We can do a clone or we can do a pull to take all the repositories present here into our local system So here we can get all the repositories Let us say we have all these four repositories or different branches of our repositories Now we can take or check out any branch we Will create a working copy for us and now we can do all our work on this working copy and we can be offline during these changes. So you can do all the changes updates here Once we are done with our changes we can do our add command and what we will add command to is it will put all our changes on a staging area It will still not commit it It will just put in staging area and then we have to execute commit command, which will make all our changes and committed to the local repository But at this point it is still not pushed it to the remote repository. So we have to again do a push command which will push our changes to the remote repositories Okay So this is the very simple workflow for git How do we pull and push the changes and we will actually see this way Can you know our next session so this is what git and GitHub is and we have learnt about version control system and what GitHub is and what's the relation between git and GitHub and a simple workflow in our next session We will download git We will start our practical's with Git and GitHub in a very basic way Hope you like it keep learning Thank you (For Watching.)
Channel: Automation Step by Step
Views: 144,883
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Keywords: git, github, git and github, what is git, what is github, git beginner, github beginner, learn git and github, learn git, learn github, difference between git and github, git introduction, github introduction, git and github introduction, git basics, git and github basics
Id: -U-eUHI6euM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2016
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