Jellyfish are the key to Immortality

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[Music] hi I'm Daniel Defoe and you're watching Animalia logic before we get into the amazing things jellyfish can do we first need to understand what they are for starters they're not fish nor jelly as they're invertebrates and the colloquial term jelly is more accurate or at least less misleading that being said scientists go back and forth as to what a jelly is the phylum Cnidaria has two types of body forms the polyp and the Medusa polyp is cylindrical usually fixed in place and represents the asexual stage Medusa on the other hand is umbrella-shaped usually free swimming and represents the sexual stage most of what people call jellyfish are Medusa then there are the comb jellies or Tina flora which are in their own phylum meaning that they're only distantly related to Medusa but are still considered to be jellies and then there's everyone's favorite the Portuguese Man O'War or phacelia fatalis which is a cnidarian but not jelly it's what's called a colonial organism it's made up of a bunch of different organisms that work together to survive there are a few big differences between the two major classifications of jellies Cnidaria and tina fora first of all there are way more discovered cnidarians than tina fours ten thousand versus 150 if you've ever seen a jelly chances are it was a cnidarian Tina for Zora comb jellies don't sting but instead some employ sticky tentacles or oral lobes to catch their prey they also get around very differently regular jellies or nidaria employed jet propulsion to move they catch water under their Bell and then they squeeze it out this leads to a stop-and-go movement pattern which you've probably seen if you've ever been to an aquarium or seen Finding Nemo comb jellies however use specialized comb plates to get around their bodies are lined with tightly packed cilia that beaten a wavy pattern that propels the jellies smoothly also unlike comb jellies cnidarian jellies have an incomplete digestive meaning they only have one opening which is both their mouth and their anus great they are also super old jellies are believed to be the oldest living multi-organ creature in the world having existed for more than 650 million years most Medusa are made up of depending on the species 95 to 98% water their bodies are symmetrical consisting of a large Bell on top with tentacles and feeding arms coming out from the bottom their mouths are in the underside of their Bell and they use their arms to pull in plankton and other small prey they don't have a brain but instead have a web of nerve receptors throughout their bodies they also don't have a respiratory system as their skin is thin enough to oxygenate their bodies through diffusion some jellies even have eyes but most employ light-sensitive organs called O soul I that they used to distinguish up from down they range from tiny to huge the smallest being around one millimetre long and the longest being 36.5 meters or 120 feet long in the tentacles of a Medusa they have what's called nematocysts which are basically microscopic hypodermic needles that inject their prey with venom depending on the species they can have around 800,000 Nomad assists per square centimeter and it only takes them ten milliseconds to sting many jellyfish can reproduce sexually and asexually and most jellyfish are hermaphrodites meaning they can either be male or female depending on need they live all over the world saltwater freshwater cold tropical shallow and deep and no matter where they are they're totally amazing the box jellyfish chironex fleckeri is considered to be one of the if not the most venomous creatures in the ocean their sting is deadly to humans if not treated immediately and if you do get treated you'll have to live with the scars for the rest of your life the immortal jellyfish or turritopsis dohrnii eye is my personal favorites calm the Benjamin Button of the deep this jelly can transform from adult to baby over and over again essentially making it immortal instead of dying over a period of three days it turns into a blob like cyst and then develops into a polyp colony the first stage of a jellies life the entire composition of the jelly is transformed in the process muscle cells can become nerve cells or sperms or eggs or anything they only activate the process when they're sick or injured and they can still die when they're squashed or even but still so cool Crispina Cousteau so RBI is a Chinese freshwater jelly that has now become an invasive species throughout the world they've even been found here in Canada throughout our rivers and lakes and in cottage country but that's not the coolest lake jelly that prize is held for the golden jelly which can be found in jellyfish lake in Palau a long time ago in a galaxy far far away these jellies were isolated in the lake and are an excellent example of evolution since there's no plankton or similar prey to eat they've developed a new way to eat photosynthesis that's right inside the jellies are thousands of single-celled algae like organisms called zooxanthellae that generate glucose via photosynthesis this feeds their hosts and the hosts jelly provides them with some of the generated energy in the symbiotic relationship there's also a myth that they've lost their sting due to living in a predator free lake but in reality their sting is just incredibly mild and virtually undetectable the lion's mane jellyfish is usually called the largest jellyfish it reportedly can but not often reach up to a hundred and twenty feet in length but that's mostly tentacle new Morrow's jellyfish or nemo Palama and omar i would be another good candidate as they can weigh in at up to 450 pounds or 204 kilos comb jellies have a feature I didn't talk about earlier they're virtually the disco parties of the sea their cone plates light up using bioluminescence and are simply mesmerizing some comb jellies use it for communication or self-defence they'll light up to startle a predator that's closing in then they'll shoot out bioluminescent particles that diffuse their shape in the dark abyss confusing their attacker and giving them a chance to flee the not jelly not fish Portuguese Man O'War or also known as the blue ball jelly is also pretty fascinating like I mentioned before they're a colonial organism made up of different polyps that all serve specific purposes they can't dive but rather cruise the ocean with a gas filled sail catching prey just below the surface using long tentacles equipped with a deadly venom the only thing standing in their way are the few awesome creatures that have adapted to be immune to their venom and are now using it to wreak havoc across the ocean and I could go on believe me but that's another video so what animal should I check out next please let me know in the comments and make sure to subscribe for new episodes of Animal Logic every week thank you for watching [Music] plop plop broke
Channel: Animalogic
Views: 894,454
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Keywords: f16, deadly, dory, interesting, animalogic, smart, sting, Everything about the Jellyfish is Amazing, jellies, bioluminescent, asexual, education, show, animal, learn, school, Cnidaria, finding, dylan, info, box, easy, comb, animals, exactly, crazy, learning, brain, water, ugly, jellyfish, dubeau, logic, about, tentacles, facts, beautiful, Ctenophora, gross, animalsfacts, mesmerizing, fun, notexactlynormal, immortal, nemo, weird, information, normal, palau, not, research, freshwater, fresh
Id: VaMhTqnmppE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2015
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